
Corn oil: application, benefits and harms. For perfect lips

Long ago, at the end of the 19th century, in America, oil was obtained from corn, which forever became part of the life of the whole continent. At first, it firmly established itself in cooking, as it is easily digested, and then a large set of vitamins and other useful substances allowed him to take his rightful place in cosmetology. Corn oil contains vitamins E, A, B1, B2, PP, F, lecithin, various acids, potassium, magnesium, iron.

Most often, corn oil is used in cosmetology for hair and skin care. This is a fairly common ingredient in cosmetics. In addition, the oil is used independently, and not as part of cosmetics. It can be rubbed into the scalp before washing the hair (about an hour before).

To improve the effect of the procedure, you need to wrap your head with a warm, slightly damp towel. The towel needs to be warmed up from time to time. This operation must be repeated several times. Hair after that will become shiny, smooth, soft and healthy, dandruff will disappear. In parallel with this, oil should be added to food throughout the day.

If you add a little corn oil to the hair mask, you will get a remedy that perfectly restores the hair structure. To prepare it, you need to take shea butter, olive oil, ginger- Mint tea(all components in a tablespoon), add the same amount of corn oil and 3 drops mint oil. Olive oil, shea butter and ginger-mint tea should be steamed for 10 minutes in a water bath, and then strained. Add the remaining ingredients to the filtered mixture, mix and apply to the hair. We keep the mask on the hair for an hour and a half.

If you have dry and sensitive skin, then better than a helper to care for her than corn oil, you will not find. Thanks to it, cells are quickly regenerated, peeling stops, skin elasticity improves, in general, the skin is rejuvenated.

Corn oil is widely used in the production of cosmetics for children, because it heals wounds well, and it is not deprived of hypoallergenic properties.

With the help of corn oil, you can get rid of wrinkles, or make them less noticeable. To do this, you need to combine a teaspoon of corn oil, the same amount of honey and yolk. Apply the mixture evenly on the face and hold for 20 minutes, and then remove it with warm water or a cotton swab dipped in water.

It's no secret to anyone that sensitive skin It is quite difficult to find the right peeling. In this case, corn oil can come to the rescue. To do this, mix equal parts corn oil, semolina, breadcrumbs and hercules, crushed in a coffee grinder. The use of such peeling allows the skin to look much fresher and tightens it.

Age spots on the skin become less noticeable if they are regularly rubbed with corn oil, and then peach pulp or other fruits are applied to the skin.

Your hands and nails will be pleased if you pamper them with warmed corn oil with a few drops of iodine. Hands should be in this mixture for 15 minutes. This mixture can be applied to the hands before going to bed, but you will have to sleep in cotton gloves.

Full body massage sessions are carried out using corn oil in combination with various essential oils.

To keep your lips beautiful and young, give them a massage. We take a terry towel or a toothbrush and make frequent rotational movements on each lip for several minutes. After finishing this procedure, smear your lips with a thin layer of corn oil. It will moisturize and nourish your lips, and the rejuvenating effect of the massage will increase, and your lips will become young and attractive.

Irritated, dry, rough and aging skin will become fresh and supple, will acquire a healthy, well-groomed appearance if you make friends with corn oil.

Corn oil is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetics, because with its help you can successfully solve a great many cosmetic problems! How can it be useful?

Why is corn oil actively used in cosmetology?

Corn oil boasts a very rich composition, incredibly beneficial for the body as a whole. It is multifunctional and ideal for all skin types, and its hypoallergenicity allows you to apply this oil even for sensitive or baby skin care.

As part of this product are present:

  • Vitamins E and A. Vitamin E in corn oil is twice as much as in all other vegetable fats. It perfectly helps to increase the regenerative functions of the skin, successfully eliminates age spots and acne, relieves signs of fatigue and inflammation, and also helps prevent photoaging. And he is endowed with the ability to tighten and smooth the skin. As for vitamin A, it helps to slow down the aging process and takes an active part in the regeneration processes.
  • Lecithin. Effectively fights irritations, stimulates skin regeneration and is an excellent prevention of wrinkles.
  • Minerals (nickel, iron, potassium, phosphorus and copper).
  • Unsaturated fatty acid(mainly oleic (up to 49%) and linoleic (up to 56%)). They have a direct impact on the health of the skin and its attractiveness: they retain moisture, help regulate intracellular metabolism and lipid metabolism and also increase the protective functions of the epidermis. And linoleic acid (OMEGA-6) is also famous for its anti-inflammatory effect.

What kind of skin is corn oil used for?

Most often, corn oil is used to care for:

  • Irritated skin.

Corn oil as part of cosmetics helps restore youthfulness and a pleasant color to the skin of the face, successfully copes with fine wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, heals wounds, and also relieves peeling and acne. At the same time, such products do not clog pores and do not interfere with the free breathing of skin cells at all.

If the bulk of modern cosmetics can only work with the epidermis, then cosmetics, which include corn oil, can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. And if corn oil acts in combination with other useful components(plant extracts, etc.), it can easily “drag” them along, allowing them to maximize their beneficial properties.

Evinal eye cream with placenta extract rejuvenates, nourishes and moisturizes delicate skin around eyes. In addition to the placenta extract, this cream contains corn oil, oil extracts of horsetail, chamomile and horse chestnut, oil grape seed, olive oil, vitamins A, E and F, allantoin, collagen hydrolyzate and D-panthenol.

Home cosmetics with corn oil

If you have a bottle of corn oil at home, you can make cosmetical tools and independently - they will act no worse than store ones!

  • Face mask against wrinkles. Mixing a teaspoon of honey and corn oil, combine the resulting mixture with egg yolk and apply it on the face, and after twenty minutes, the mask is carefully washed off with warm water.
  • Face mask for dry and dehydrated skin. Washing my face soft water, immediately apply corn oil on it and leave it for five to ten minutes. Then dipped in hot water a clean towel (if the skin is very rough, you can add a teaspoon of soda to each liter of water) and, laying it on your face, wait until it cools down. And at the end of this procedure, the remaining oil is washed off warm water. After the towel has cooled, you can put crushed on your face to fix the effect. watermelon pulp- it is enough to hold it on the skin for about ten minutes. After that, the skin is rinsed again with warm water. best results such a mask helps to achieve if you do it in courses (twice a week ten times).
  • Face mask against age spots. After lubricating the problem areas with corn oil, they wait a little, after which they apply a crushed cucumber mask to the skin of the face, which is washed off with warm water after ten to twenty minutes.
  • Corn oil for lip skin care. If lips are constantly flaky, you can apply to them before each use of lipstick. a small amount of corn oil. It is quite acceptable and just apply it on the skin of the lips as needed. In addition, it is periodically recommended to make a lip mask, for the preparation of which corn oil is combined with honey in equal parts. If desired, you can add a tiny pinch of cinnamon to the resulting mixture. The composition is applied to the lips with a generous layer for a quarter of an hour, after which the remnants are removed with a clean napkin, beauty portal MyCharm.ru

Corn oil was first obtained at the end of the 19th century. It was eaten and actively used in the field of pharmaceuticals, cosmetology and the textile industry. This product is easy to digest, has a neutral taste and contains great amount vitamins and other beneficial substances. It is included in the diet and baby food, used in the manufacture various snacks, sauces and make cosmetic preparations based on it, which help to preserve youth and beauty.

Corn oil is universal product, which has become a valuable component home cosmetics, folk recipes health and is actively used in the field of cooking

Beneficial features

Natural corn oil is made from corn germ. It has a light yellow color, a transparent structure, its taste is neutral, and the smell is practically absent. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and lecithin, which have invaluable benefit our body, skin and hair.

Health impact

The main benefit of corn oil for the body is the high percentage of vitamin E in its composition. Thanks to this substance, which is a powerful antioxidant, the following happens:

  • aging processes are slowed down;
  • the work of the gonads is normalized;
  • the endocrine system begins to function much better;
  • metabolic processes return to normal;
  • improves bowel activity;
  • the work of the gallbladder and liver is improving;
  • cholesterol level decreases.

The presence of vitamin K makes corn oil beneficial for the cardiovascular system. It improves the work of the heart muscle, restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and helps to cleanse and strengthen them.
Linoleic acid acts as a shield that protects the body from various kinds of diseases, and is also responsible for blood clotting.

This product improves brain activity and the excretory function is regulated, immunity is strengthened and the development of tumors is prevented. At regular use corn oil eliminates insomnia, improves mood and overall well-being.

On a note! On sale you can find refined and unrefined oil corn germ! The first will have a light shade and a neutral taste, the second will be somewhat darker and can interrupt the taste of other ingredients in ready dish. However, in terms of the content of useful substances, the unrefined product is significantly superior to that which was subjected to chemical processes during the preparation process!

Benefits for skin and hair

Corn oil is quite actively used in cosmetology. Vitamin E, which is twice as much in this product as in olive and sunflower oils, helps fight premature aging by eliminating fine lines and smoothing the skin. With this tool, you can remove age spots, peeling and significantly improve complexion.

Corn germ oil will provide invaluable benefits to your hair. It will get rid of dandruff, strengthen the roots and restore the natural shine to the strands, making them obedient and silky.

This product is often added to massage mixtures, used for healing wraps and revitalizing baths. After a complex of such procedures, the skin of the body becomes smooth, tender and at the same time toned and elastic.


Corn oil can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in such cases:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • burns;
  • small wounds;
  • hair loss;
  • dandruff;
  • peeling on the skin;
  • disruption of the intestines;
  • hay fever;
  • migraine;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • liver disease;
  • muscle dysfunction;
  • blood clotting disorder.


Such valuable product, like corn oil, is quite heavily used traditional healers. It's useful, affordable, and very easy to use. It is used as an internal and external agent, used both individually and as an additional ingredient.

  • To eliminate headaches, it is recommended to consume 10 ml of oil three times a day before meals.
  • Skin diseases, such as dermatitis and eczema, will heal faster if, in parallel with local therapy, 2 times a day, eat one tablespoon of this product.
  • To cure burns, corn oil is used externally as compresses - it is heated in a water bath, a piece of gauze is moistened in it and applied to the affected areas. An hour later, the compress is updated.
  • To improve the functions of the gallbladder, this product is consumed orally - a tablespoon 40 minutes before a meal will be enough.

Important! Daily dose consumption of corn oil inside should not exceed 75 ml!


Corn oil is perfect product to help you take care of your skin and hair.

  • If cracks appear on the lips or the skin is very weathered, then a mask made from pure corn germ oil works well. They lubricate the lips twice a day.
  • If the skin on the heels, knees and elbows has become too dry, then to renew it, it is necessary to wipe these areas with corn oil, massaging them for 5 minutes.
  • To improve the condition of the skin, soften it and make it tender, it is enough to add this product to the water with each bath. It is mixed with regular sea ​​salt and diluted in warm water.
  • If your skin needs additional food, then corn oil can be combined with essential oils of orange and lemon, 2-3 drops each, and massage once a week.
  • For dry skin, apply it to problem areas and rub with massaging movements until completely absorbed. Excess can be removed with a paper towel, then rinse the skin with warm water.
  • To strengthen the hair, corn oil is rubbed into the roots, then a towel soaked in hot water is wrapped around the head and left for 10-15 minutes. The compress is changed 2-3 times, after which the hair is washed with a neutral shampoo.
  • To eliminate age spots, the skin is wiped with pure corn germ oil and a peach pulp mask is applied. Thanks to this procedure, the skin tone is gradually leveled.
  • When small wrinkles appear, you can cook next composition: connect equal amount corn oil with liquid honey, stir and add raw yolk. The mask is kept on the skin for a quarter of an hour, after which it is removed with a cotton swab.
  • Hand and nail skin care consists in preparing a warm bath based on natural oil and 3 drops of iodine. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Advice! If the skin is very dry, then before going to bed, in addition to the baths, it is advisable to lubricate your hands with clean oil and put on cotton gloves, leaving this mask until the morning!


Corn oil brings invaluable benefits to our body, but in some situations it can also cause harm. From its use and external use should be abandoned in such cases:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • if bitterness is felt in the taste;
  • when the oil becomes cloudy or a precipitate appears.

In addition, the shelf life of corn oil is significantly reduced if the storage conditions have been violated and the product has been exposed to overheating or prolonged exposure to direct sun rays. In such cases, the amount of free radicals in its composition will be increased, which will have a very detrimental effect on health.

Corn - a source of valuable vitamins, minerals and amino acids - can be useful and nutritious not only as a dish on our table. In fact, many of the ingredients derived from this ubiquitous and sought-after plant can be used in cosmetics and personal care products. Parts of corn are broken down into tiny derivatives, which, in the composition of cosmetics, exhibit a wide variety of effects. The most common of these substances are corn oil and starch. In the beauty industry, the second is most in demand: it is a very powerful absorbent.

Unique absorbent properties make it ideal component for use in powder cosmetic formulas, and its fine texture helps to make the skin smooth and silky.

Synonyms: Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Opical Starch; Zea Mays Starch, ea Mays (Corn) Kernel Meal, Zea Mays (Corn) Seed Flour, Zea Mays (Corn) Silk Extract, Hydrolyzed Corn Starch, Hydrolyzed Corn Protein, Corn Acid, Corn Glycerides, Potassium Cornate. Patented formulas: AGENAJEL® 21.387, Talcpoly® WL 10 LVS, Armal™ CS 3757, MAISITA NATURAL, Keratrix™, Hydrasoft® Cushion, QUEMINA® 21.257, P.F.A. eleven.

The effect of corn in cosmetics

Corn derivatives are used in cosmetics as abrasives, absorbents, and astringents, and each of these components fulfills its own aesthetic "mission". For example, expressed nutritional properties in the composition of cosmetics exhibits gluten - a protein in the composition of the nuclei corn kernels. It is also used as a hair conditioning agent and skin conditioning agent (along with unsaponifiable lipids and hydrolysed corn protein). At the same time, corn germ oil provides nourishing and occlusive properties, and hydrolyzed corn starch, corn glycerides are excellent moisturizers. In combination, they exhibit a protective effect, preventing irritation and damage to the skin.

Special mention deserves cornstarch. Manufacturers call it a "universal sensory modifier": sensory screening has shown that cornstarch is an excellent matting agent. It gives a unique powdery effect - a feeling of dry, smooth skin after application. Corn starch in cosmetics also helps to control shine and oiliness of the skin, and reduces the perception of stickiness or stickiness that is characteristic of problematic oily skin. Cornstarch can replace talc in personal care products - it provides improved absorbency, quickly eliminating excess sebum, compared to this mineral. In addition, starch gently polishes the skin, hiding its imperfections - after applying such cosmetics, it becomes much smoother and more pleasant to the touch.

As auxiliary component starch is introduced as a bulking agent and emulsifier, a preservative that helps preserve the integrity of decorative cosmetics. Cornstarch will give mineral cosmetics silkiness, transparency and provide such products with sufficient absorption. Corn starch can also be used as a thickener. In general, all these components are very popular in the beauty industry - and primarily due to the fact that cornstarch provides increased sensory benefits and at the same time costs less than modified starches. It can also advantageously replace talc, mica and colloidal silicon dioxide in powdered cosmetic formulas. At the same time, corn starch is compatible with a wide range other cosmetic ingredients, including surfactants.

Who is shown corn

Considering the most various properties this ingredient can be called universal, although corn derivatives are primarily suitable for skin with excessive sebum production, since they provide a lightning-fast astringent and sebum-regulating effect. So first of all, the key "options" of corn are useful for people with oily skin. In addition, cornstarch has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, soothe itchy skin, help soothe irritation, and heal burns.

Decorative cosmetics (including mineral) containing such ingredients help the skin to become velvety smooth, hide imperfections and at the same time allow it to breathe freely.

Who is contraindicated in corn

Strict contraindication - allergy to this plant. Some people may as side effect from using cornstarch suffer from itching. Since it is a non-toxic plant, there is no safe limit for the concentration of corn derivatives in cosmetic and hygiene products.

Cosmetics containing corn

Numerous corn-derived ingredients are widely used in the production of skin care cosmetics, hair care and hair dyes, hygiene products, color cosmetics (eye makeup, foundations and foundations, lipsticks, blushes, etc.). As for care products, corn gluten and starch can be found literally everywhere - they are contained in creams, lotions, masks, peels, bath products.

Depending on the tasks, the level of cornstarch in cosmetics can vary from 1-99%. As part of lotions - always less than 3% (0.5-3%): this allows you to optimally balance the viscosity and fat content of the product. In creamy and powdered products, its content can reach up to 30%, while body powders can contain up to 99% of this component.

Due to its plant nature, naturalness, this ingredient is safe for topical use in the composition of children's powder products - it is used in the production of powders with unique absorbent qualities. In children's cosmetics, corn starch is often combined with other micro-powder substances that provide prevention of diaper rash, dry skin and comfort throughout the day.

Sources of cornstarch

The starch obtained from corn, as well as its other derivatives, is completely natural and available ingredients. The base raw material, powder, is obtained from the dried and crushed seeds or cobs of a plant native to Central America. Today, corn is grown on all inhabited continents, while five are cultivated only for the needs of the beauty industry. individual varieties this amazing plant. Cobs are harvested unripe only for culinary applications, but they must always be fully matured and dry to be used as a cosmetic raw material.
