
"Walnut oil - useful properties and applications in cosmetology." Recipes of traditional healers

Vegetable oils are valued for their content of fatty acids and vitamins necessary to maintain the excellent condition of all body systems. Each oil has its own unique complex of nutrients and taste, which makes traditional dishes gourmet.

walnut oil

The beneficial properties of this product are in the content of the optimal amount of vitamin E. It is necessary for the body to be healthy and the skin not to lose youth and beauty. There are other equally useful vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids in walnuts. If you use oil in the period after serious illnesses and operations, then its effect on metabolic processes will contribute to a speedy recovery.

The following fact about oil is interesting, its properties are valued more than the properties of the kernel itself. The fact is that the nut is covered with a film and contains coarse fiber. If you eat it in large quantities, it can adversely affect the functioning of organs such as the liver and pancreas.

Good results were noted in those who suffer from otitis media and chronic colitis. The liver, kidneys, thyroid gland will normalize their work if walnut oil is regularly present in the diet. It is not difficult to cook a dish with it, because it is an excellent dressing for salads, an additive to marinades and sauces. Its exquisite aroma will give baked goods a special taste. The product is especially necessary for people who fast and prefer vegetarian food.

Product use in skin care products

Walnut oil for the face is used to eliminate dryness and refresh it. It is also indicated for sensitive and irritated skin. The oil is used as a caring agent for coarsened areas (elbows, knees, heels). Withering and devoid of elasticity, the skin will gratefully accept walnut oil. The useful properties of the product are that after its regular application, the skin will return its tone, the appearance of the face will improve.

It can be used both on its own and in mixtures with other oils and other components of skin care products. For intensive nutrition, use as a night cream.

To remove redness and peeling, you can make a mask from a pure product or add peach, almond and peach to it. After half an hour of relaxation with such a mask on the face, the skin will acquire an even tone, the feeling of tightness will disappear. You can remove the product from your face by blotting it with a paper towel.

Good nutrition for the skin will also be the following composition: flaxseed, wheat germ and walnut oil. The beneficial properties of such a mixture are the maximum amount of antioxidants that prevent aging and fading of the skin, as well as a good consistency. Walnut oil perfectly dilutes thick vegetable oils, which makes them easy to use.

Walnut is an amazing plant. Almost all of its parts are used in one area or another. Wood with a patterned texture is highly valued in carpentry, and products from it are always popular. Leaves contain valuable substances in large quantities and are used for medicinal purposes.

But, first of all, we love the walnut for its fruits and availability. Nuts give dishes a peculiar flavor, without which it is difficult to imagine some salads, many desserts, pastries and sweets. The original jam is made from young green fruits. And the shells and internal partitions of ripe nuts are used in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

What is this oil?

What does this oil taste like?

The incomparable taste of the walnut is not its only advantage. Under the dense shell hides not just everyone's favorite delicacy, but a storehouse of valuable substances! The nut kernel contains vegetable protein, amino acids, vitamins, microelements, essential fatty acids and is a valuable, high-calorie food product.

Walnut kernels contain from 60% to 76% fat, which makes it a quality raw material for oil production. The most valuable product is obtained by cold pressing, which retains a maximum of useful substances in the oil. Before the nuts are sent for processing, they are kept for three to four months. During this time, the nuts ripen, and the fat content in their kernels increases significantly.

Walnut oil is an amber-colored fluid with a slightly bitter aroma. It is similar in texture to sunflower oil. The composition includes fatty acids, trace elements (both common and quite rare), phytoncides, tannins, many vitamins, including a record amount of antioxidant - vitamin E.

Useful properties of walnut oil

The oil obtained from walnut kernels is light in structure - this allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, and its beneficial properties turn into an excellent natural remedy for facial skin of any type.

It is well absorbed, does not clog pores, does not leave a greasy film and a feeling of stickiness. The presence of lysine, an essential amino acid that is part of proteins, allows you to stimulate lipid metabolism and restore skin elasticity.

Walnut oil is a very effective tanning agent. It protects the skin from sunburn and helps maintain a beautiful and even tone.

The beneficial properties of walnut oil are due to its rich composition. Thanks to antioxidants and other valuable substances, walnut oil has beneficial effects on the skin:

  • nourishes, tones and moisturizes;
  • slows down age-related changes;
  • softens and relieves inflammation;
  • tightens and restores;
  • increases elasticity;
  • improves complexion.

The product is suitable for ingestion and is used in cooking, while it is completely absorbed by the body and even surpasses olive oil in its taste. You can take walnut oil for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes and as part of a diet, after agreeing on the dose and procedure for taking it with the doctor, since there are contraindications.

Contraindications and precautions

For some people, walnut oil may be contraindicated!

The main contraindications to the use of the product for cosmetic purposes are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood;
  • skin diseases;
  • allergic reactions.

Before using walnut oil for skin care, a tolerance test should be performed. To do this, a small drop of oil is applied to the skin of the elbow bend and the reaction is observed. If there is no redness, burning and itching - in this case, the oil can be used alone, or as part of cosmetics.

The use of walnut oil in cosmetology

Walnut extract can act as a main ingredient in the following cosmetic products:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • softening creams for elbows and feet;
  • wound healing balms;
  • milk and oil for sunburn;
  • sedatives after sunburn;
  • anti-cellulite products;
  • anti-aging creams for face and body.

Walnut oil for the body is used in its pure (undiluted) form, used as a base for massage oil mixtures and dissolving essential oils, and also introduced into cosmetic product recipes in the following dosage:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs - from 5% to 15%;
  • healing balms - up to 50%;
  • tanning products, as well as after tanning - up to 30%;
  • anti-aging creams - from 5% to 15%.

Face and body masks

Homemade mask recipes for different skin types

Masks and cosmetics have a beneficial effect on different types of facial skin, I offer recipes for several masks for home use:

  1. Mask for oily skin. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of walnut oil and dissolve three drops of lemon oil in it. A little green clay is added to the resulting mixture to the consistency of sour cream. The mass is applied to clean skin for 15 minutes, and then washed off with water. Essential lemon oil normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, cleanses and tightens pores. Green clay eliminates oily sheen and inflammation. Walnut tightens and tones the skin, refreshes the complexion.
  2. Oil blend for dry skin. In order to make this remedy, they take equal volumes of sea buckthorn, nut, cedar oils and mix them. Apply the mixture on the face with light movements for 15 minutes. Then the remaining oil is removed with a napkin. You don't need to wash off the mask. This remedy eliminates dryness of the skin, nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin.
  3. Rejuvenating oil mask. An excellent natural remedy for mature skin prone to dryness is a mask, which includes: walnut, almond and peach oil. The components are taken in equal volumes, mixed and a few drops are added. The mixture is applied with patting movements on the skin of the face for 15 minutes, and the excess is removed with a napkin. The tool smoothes fine wrinkles, tightens the skin and improves its tone.

Walnut oil has also been used as part of anti-cellulite products. The effectiveness is evidenced by the reviews of women who used it, adding the product to body creams or massage mixtures.

Using walnut oil in hair care

The oil strengthens the hair and makes combing easier.

In hair care products, walnut oil is used as a vitamin supplement and a source of additional nutrition. It is added to wraps, oil mixtures, purchased products and homemade nourishing masks.

The recipe for one of these masks is as follows: 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of walnut extract and 1 egg yolk. All components must be mixed, rubbed into the scalp and applied to the hair, then put on a plastic cap and cover with a terry towel.

Keep the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse your hair with water and shampoo. The nourishing composition helps to strengthen the hair and facilitates styling.

Walnut oil, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which should be known to everyone before use, is widely in demand among many people. Despite the relative high cost, almost all adherents of a healthy diet like to use it. This oil is also popular among vegetarian food lovers and those who simply want to improve their health. In addition to its medicinal qualities, it also has a great taste, and actively competes with products such as olive or corn oil. It is often used as a cosmetic product that allows you to achieve the desired result at minimal cost.

Walnut oil: properties and uses

Walnuts are quite high in calories. In addition, the kernels have a whole list of useful trace elements. In order to obtain the oil, a classic cold-pressing type is used. Thus, it is possible to preserve the characteristic taste and a sufficient amount of active substances.

The knowledge that walnut base oil has beneficial properties and contraindications appeared in antiquity. So, the world famous healer named Avicenna recommended that his patients use walnuts in order to increase vitality and improve the overall tone of the body. Today, this information has multiplied, which makes it possible to treat a wide range of diseases with the help of nut oil.

Often, diet menus include walnut oil. Its pronounced beneficial properties and contraindications explain this fact. In addition, it does not contain any preservatives, flavoring or aromatic additives. The composition of the oil includes:

  1. Fats - their concentration is at least 75%. In terms of the content of fatty unsaturated fats in the kernels, walnuts are ahead of most existing oils of vegetable origin.
  2. Proteins and carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body and are suitable for dietary nutrition.
  3. The oil is rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron and cobalt, magnesium, zinc.
  4. Vitamins A, E, C, B.
  5. More than 10 amino acids essential for the normal functioning of the body.

Walnut oil benefits and harms

The base oil obtained from walnut kernels is one of the most useful vegetable oils used both for internal use and for cosmetic purposes. It promotes accelerated recovery of strength after a long illness, promotes physical as well as mental activity. This oil has an antitumor effect, helps with hypertension, atherosclerosis, increases resistance to radiation exposure, is useful for diabetes, hepatitis, removes radionuclides. With it, you can also normalize the condition of the thyroid gland, overweight, helminth infection.

Walnut oil for hair

It is often used to strengthen hair. For these purposes, they not only include in the diet, but also prepare various masks based on it. Cooked at home, they are a great alternative to ready-made products. To do this, you can add other nutritious foods to the oil, for example, honey or eggs. All ingredients are mixed with each other, and then applied to the scalp and gradually distributed along the entire length of the hair. After that, the head should be wrapped in a towel (preferably warm) and left for at least half an hour. Then wash with any shampoo. This mask helps to stimulate blood circulation, so that the hair is saturated with additional nutrition.

Walnut oil for face

The beneficial substances contained in walnut oil have a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the body or hair, but also on the skin of the face. Based on it, many ready-made products are produced: shampoos, creams, balms. However, the oil can also be used in its pure form on its own.

Today, many people know that walnut oil has become widespread in cosmetology, but not everyone knows exactly how to apply it at home in order to get the maximum benefit. It should be noted that the oil obtained from the kernels of the nuts is easy to spread on the skin. It is easily absorbed, leaving the skin soft and silky. Cosmetologists advise using the product most often for owners of skin prone to rashes. Due to its ability to soothe and nourish the skin, walnut oil is used for dry skin or cracked lips. It helps the skin regenerate faster, promotes rejuvenation and eliminates age-related manifestations. Regular application has a tightening effect on the skin.

How to take walnut oil

The oil obtained from walnut kernels has an original taste, so it is actively used in cooking. The product is used to prepare salad dressings. Heating the oil does not have the best effect on its taste, and therefore it is recommended to cook only cold sauces based on it. They can be used for various dishes, including meat, but this option is not suitable for everyone. More often, oil is used to prepare vegetable salads, since in combination with them it reveals its taste better.

Walnut oil for weight loss

Nutritionists also advise taking nut butter on an empty stomach in the morning, but no more than one spoonful. This will help to lose a couple of extra pounds in the shortest possible time. Some experts advise to go beyond the morning intake and take the oil three times a day, in particular thirty minutes before meals. In this case, there are no restrictions regarding the permissible norm. The duration of the course is chosen individually.

It should be noted that nut oil itself is a strong fat burner, as well as a dietary product. Of course, you should not expect miracles, because for a tangible result you will have to reconsider the entire diet. Only in combination with a balanced diet and physical activity, oil can help you lose weight.

About the benefits of walnut oil - video

There are natural products whose benefits have been known since ancient times. One of these is walnut oil.

The oil is rich in ascorbic acid. It contains fats (Omega 3, 6, 9), proteins, carbohydrates. The composition also includes glycerides of various acids.

In addition, nuts are rich in vitamins A, E, B and P, provitamin A and amino acids. They also contain iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, phosphorus.

Beneficial features

Seeing such a rich set of trace elements, vitamins, acids and mineral salts, one can guess the presence of useful properties of walnut pomace.

Due to its calorie content, it helps to restore strength after illness or physical exhaustion. Athletes include it in their diet. It is very useful for pregnant women to take it. Vitamin E contained in it is necessary for the development of the fetus.

Do not forget about this vegetable fat and those who care about the health of the digestive tract.

This product is successfully used as an anti-inflammatory, and is also used to stabilize pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, protecting against atherosclerosis. This is due to the presence of linoleic and oleic acids in it.

These same acids normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, provided that this gift of nature is used correctly.

In what cases different properties help:

Application in medicine

A thousand years ago, the famous scientist and philosopher Avicenna lived. He served as a doctor at the court of emirs and sultans in Bukhara. The great sage knew the benefits of walnut oil and wrote about its ability to strengthen the heart, liver, and brain vessels. He sang about the fruits of the walnut, dedicating his works to it.

Modern medicine has learned to use this component of the nut wisely for medicinal purposes.

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • nephritis and other kidney diseases;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammation of the middle ear.


The rich composition does not mean at all that it is necessary to absorb this product in large quantities. It is important to know how to take it correctly .

Taking just 1-2 teaspoons at bedtime will help cleanse the body, normalize the functioning of the liver, pancreas, and promote healing of the gastric mucosa.

Another way to take is one teaspoon 3 times a day.

Oil intake should not be mixed with food or drink. A greater effect is achieved if you drink it on an empty stomach. Before eating should take at least half an hour.


Even such a useful product as walnut oil can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

It is contraindicated in case of poisoning, exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pregnant and lactating women should take it with caution. Individual intolerance to this product is also possible.

Application in traditional medicine


Take 30 ml daily two hours after dinner. Regular intake improves metabolism and normalizes bowel function.

The presence of worms

Varicose veins

Rub daily into problem areas. The method helps to eliminate capillary nets and prevents varicose veins.


For 10 days at night, insert a swab moistened with oil into the anus. The procedure removes the process of inflammation, eliminates pain.


For 10 days, instill 5 drops of the heated product in each ear. The remedy relieves inflammation at various stages of the development of the disease.


Rub on damaged areas. This should be done at night when the body is at rest. It is very good to use it as a massage tool.


During nausea, drink a mixture of 15 drops of oil and lemon juice.

Swelling of hands and feet

Massage daily with oil. It is necessary to rub in the evenings, trying to do it with sparing movements.


It is believed that it is enough to use it in salads in order to prevent the development of tumors.

Application in cosmetology

Nut fat can be used instead of a nourishing cream. It is easily absorbed, making the skin velvety. Small wrinkles disappear, the skin is smoothed. With this tool, you can get rid of peeling hands and prevent chapping in cold weather.

Do not forget about hair and nails and include this gift of nature in the composition of masks for their nutrition. Hair takes on a well-groomed shiny appearance. Nails become strong and even.

Face mask for skin problem

Against "spider veins" on the skin, mix 20 drops of the product with 20 g of boiled mashed potatoes and vitamin C in powder form. Mix well, apply on the skin for 20 minutes.

Acne and acne mask

Pour 15 g of red cosmetic clay with weakly brewed tea, add 4 g of zinc ointment, 20 drops of walnut oil and a pinch of ginger powder. Apply the composition to the steamed skin of the face for 10 minutes. This face mask will get rid of acne.

Rejuvenating mask

Dissolve 15 g of gelatin in cold water. Heat in a water bath and add 30 drops of oil. Apply a thin layer on the steamed face skin. After 30-40 minutes, carefully remove the frozen mask.

Hair Mask

When caring for hair, it is also very good to use walnut oil. It can be added to any hair mask, for example, in combination with egg yolk and honey.

Nail care

Mix a small amount of oil with lemon juice, rub daily into the nail and cuticle.

Application in cooking

In terms of calories, this oil is 2 times higher than bread made from wheat flour, in addition, it contains fats. Therefore, Michurin described it as "the bread of the future."

You can add a few drops to almost any dish, and this will add sophistication and original taste to meat, vegetables, fish. This wonderful liquid is in the assortment of any French or Mediterranean chef.

In order to improve the taste of baking, a small amount can be added to the dough. And dishes such as baklava or halva cannot be cooked at all without this product.

If you replace sunflower or olive oil with walnut oil in a regular fresh vegetable salad, you can immediately notice the difference. The snack will have a spicy taste and aroma.

Variants of salads with the addition of walnut fat:

  1. Grated carrots, garlic, melted cheese.
  2. Tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, basil leaves.
  3. Turkey meat, green salad, egg.
  4. Arugula lettuce leaves, grated parmesan.
  5. Beijing cabbage, celery stalk, tomatoes.
  6. Boiled beets, cheese, finely chopped garlic.

Any nuts are considered healthy and tasty. However, walnuts occupy a special place. And the fruit oil is of the greatest value, since it is in it that all the most valuable vitamins, trace elements and healthy fats are concentrated. And the range of application of this vegetable fat is huge.

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The essence of a person is such that he strives all his life to preserve his beauty, youth and health. Often we spend a lot of time on this and carry out expensive procedures. But for some reason, many people forget that youth, beauty and health depend on the simplest things - proper nutrition, an active lifestyle and natural longevity elixirs. One such beneficial elixir is walnut oil. Today we will talk about this amazing oil, its composition, beneficial properties for various organs of the human body, and also tell you how dangerous it can be.

walnut oil

Walnuts are one of the richest foods in vitamins. If you eat several kernels every day, you can forget about beriberi, the body will receive a daily dose of many acids and trace elements. Nuts contain more nutrients than meat, dairy products and eggs. Moreover, the walnut is considered the real king among other types of nuts, since it has the most lysine, a special amino acid that is not produced in the body.

In his writings, Avicenna claimed that walnut oil can make a person smart and strong if used every day. The most useful and valuable oil is obtained by cold pressing. There is a lot of oil in walnuts, so extracting raw materials is not a problem, you can even get it yourself. The oil contains almost the entire palette of vitamins, microelements, polyunsaturated acids, phospholipids and carotenoids. The oil is quite viscous, has a golden color and a pronounced nutty taste and aroma.

Useful properties and uses of walnut oil

The oil has an excellent effect on various organs and systems of the body. Let's try to understand the beneficial properties of this product in more detail.

In addition, the composition perfectly warms, so pure walnut oil can be used in the fight against diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Put a couple of drops in your ear, cover with a cotton swab, and you can relieve inflammation in otitis media and get rid of painful backaches in the ears. And if you hold the oil in a water bath, then the pure composition can be used in the fight against conjunctivitis.

The oil has an incredibly soft and non-greasy texture. If you apply oil on the skin or hair, it does not remain on the surface with a dense greasy layer, but is absorbed almost completely. That is why the oil is actively used for cosmetic purposes.

  1. Skin and lips. The oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes dry skin. Based on it, they prepare health masks for the face. If your lips are flaky, use walnut oil to make the delicate skin of the lips again sensitive and soft.
  2. Hair. The oil regenerates damaged, limp and weakened hair, restoring their natural structure, vitality and radiance.
  3. Nails. Walnut oil perfectly strengthens the nail plate. Apply it every day on your nails, and they will stop exfoliating and breaking in a couple of weeks.
  4. Eyebrows and eyelashes. If you apply a thin layer of oil daily on eyelashes and eyebrows, they will become much more lush, voluminous and thick.
  5. Against rosacea and age spots. Walnut oil is often used to even out skin tone. The oil perfectly brightens the epidermis, getting rid of age spots and freckles, dissolves the stars of rosacea.
  6. For a beautiful tan. There is a wonderful nut butter recipe that will help you achieve an even bronzed tan. To do this, mix walnut oil with carrot juice and bergamot oil. Apply the mixture in an even layer over the skin and go sunbathing. After sunbathing, you just need to take a shower without soap and gel. You will get seductive dark skin.

Cosmetologists of all countries have walnut oil in their arsenal as one of the most versatile means for the beauty of skin, hair and nails.

Harm of walnut oil

Walnut oil is often eaten, especially by raw foodists and vegetarians. After all, this amazing product contains a huge amount of vegetable protein. The oil has practically no contraindications, but it should be used with caution, especially if you are doing it for the first time. The fact is that a person may have an individual intolerance to one or another component of the oil. Oil during pregnancy is useful, but you should not use it more than measure, otherwise the child may develop an allergic reaction in the future. If you take oil while breastfeeding, keep a close eye on the baby's reaction. If he has stool disorders or the child began to cry from pain in the tummy, it is better to stimulate lactation in other ways. Also, people with low acidity of the stomach should refuse to use oil.

The benefits of walnut oil are simply invaluable. Oil is used for food, cosmetic masks are prepared from it, and most importantly, they are treated with it. If you have health problems, do not rush to poison yourself with chemicals. All the most useful grows on earth - take advantage of this. And then you will be able to find harmony with nature, and it will certainly cure you with such delicious, valuable and fragrant nut oil!

Video: about the benefits of walnut oil
