
How to carve a whole chicken. Separation of the bone with cartilage from the breast

Good afternoon, beginner poultry farmers! Today we will explain to you how to hack and butcher. Videos and photos to help you. Growing is not an easy task, which only those who know ground rules, as well as tricks and secrets to make it an economically profitable and non-problematic area of ​​activity.

The final stage in the cultivation of meat chickens is slaughter and processing to obtain a carcass ready for consumption or sale. Experienced poultry farmers have already established this process, as they regularly have to deal with this not the most pleasant thing.

But, beginners often make mistakes due to a lack of knowledge and confidence. For those who do not know how to chop a chicken and what to do with it next - basic tips.

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There is a popular but unsubstantiated myth these days that raising chickens for meat at home is no longer profitable. This myth has led to the fact that many began to abandon the content of meat chickens.

But, products bought in stores do not always meet quality requirements, and their cost is much higher than if they are grown at home.

What you need to successfully raise chickens for meat - basic tips below.

  1. The first and foremost rule is choice. suitable breed. To date, there are no more profitable birds for meat than broilers. These are hybrids that after 2 months will be completely ready for slaughter, while not requiring huge investments in feed.
  2. For getting good results fattening, the poultry farmer is obliged to follow the rules for building a diet for representatives of meat breeds and hybrids. In growing broilers, a special, three-stage fattening technology is used, which allows you to get the maximum weight already at 45-60 days.
  3. Before slaughter, it is important to take care of the preparation of the bird in order to get meat carcasses good quality without flaws.

We will describe in detail below how the process of preparing for slaughter in the conditions of a small private farm and what is needed for this.

Preparing the herd for slaughter

After the herd has passed all the stages of fattening, you can proceed to the final stage - preparation for slaughter. Absolutely all the subtleties and nuances should be taken into account, since non-compliance simple rules can lead to a poor result - low quality of the meat product.

So, what is the preparation of livestock for slaughter - further step-by-step tips.

  1. First of all, the birds need to be caught, and this is not always easy. Special care is required in order not to harm the birds during capture. Most The best way! Catch one by one by the paws, and not by the wings. Since there is a risk of injury. Do not make sudden movements. Since abrasions and bruises will be visible on the carcass and significantly worsen its commercial qualities. It is desirable to catch chickens per day. In extreme cases, 10-12 hours before slaughter.
  2. The second and mandatory step. Resettlement to a clean, separate room where the birds will spend the last hours of their lives. In the event that further use of feathers is planned? It is recommended to buy chickens! To clean the feather cover before slaughter, although this can be done after.
  3. During the last day, the birds should not receive any food. Instead, they are drunk with a solution of Siberian salt. To quickly and effectively cleanse the intestines and digestive tract fully.
  4. After the digestive tract has cleared? You can proceed to transport to the slaughterhouse, if necessary. Or move on to the next preparatory stage.

If the birds were not isolated and pre-prepared? This will negatively affect the quality meat products. In addition, the remnants of food and litter in the body of a bird can cause rapid spoilage of the meat product.

What is needed to slaughter a bird

It is necessary to prepare in advance not only the feathered herd, but also the place where the slaughter will take place. For those who keep meat chickens on an ongoing basis? Still, it is better to equip a small corner in your household or a separate visit - a mini-slaughterhouse, where everything you need will be at hand.

So, what do you need to prepare before slaughter?

  1. The main thing in the process is a sharp tool that should be checked and prepared in advance. Depending on the chosen method of slaughter, the best option is selected.
  2. For convenience, poultry farmers use cones - special devices from of stainless steel or plastic, resembling a cone-shaped bucket with a hole in the bottom. The head of the chicken will be placed in this hole, and the device itself will fix it during the slaughter process.
  3. If manual plucking is planned, without perforating, then you need to put a large container of water in advance, 30 minutes before slaughter, so that it has time to boil. Scalding will simplify the process of peeling feathers.
  4. It is necessary to prepare a large container so that blood flows into it after slaughter.
  5. It is important to prepare cutting boards, containers for packaging and storage in advance.
  6. You also need to take care of the hygienic condition of the prepared slaughterhouse - if sanitary requirements are violated, the products can be dangerous due to the content of pathogens.

In order to do everything quickly and efficiently, it is necessary to plan the slaughter in advance and allocate for this enough time so as not to be distracted in the process. Delay at certain stages may degrade the quality of the resulting product.

How to slaughter a chicken at home

There is an opinion that killing chickens is easy. In fact, only those who have never done this think so. Those who regularly have to perform this difficult work know what pitfalls await them in this field.

Exist various ways how to chop a chicken and butcher, you should choose based on own experience and convenience. Each scheme is discussed in detail below.

Internal slaughter method

This technique is used in large poultry farms to bleed already stunned birds. The scheme is simple in theory, but in practice it can cause certain difficulties for beginner poultry farmers. Therefore, it is worth practicing only with one hundred percent self-confidence. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • birds are stunned;
  • in an unconscious state, in cones or without them, they hang upside down;
  • a thin knife or special scissors is inserted into the beak;
  • with a sharp movement, 2 main veins are cut through, located behind the sky;
  • after cutting blood vessels a sharp injection into the cerebellum is carried out, due to which the muscles relax, and bleeding takes 2 times less time.

The main thing is to act quickly and accurately hit the arteries, otherwise the bird will get severe torment, and the killer will have to take longer to deal with this matter. If there is no absolute certainty that everything will work out, it is better to choose another option.

External slaughter method

How to slaughter a chicken using this method easily and quickly? Moreover, no specific knowledge is required. This technique is excellent for slaughtering broilers and other species. poultry. How chickens are slaughtered externally - the diagram below.

  1. It is possible to pre-stun the bird, but this is not necessary for this method.
  2. Securely fix the torso by hanging it head down in a cone.
  3. Cut the jugular vein and carotid artery with a sharp knife - make a small incision on the right side of the neck just below the earlobe and on the left, symmetrically.
  4. Leave until completely drained.

Under the cones with hanging carcasses, a large container should be placed to collect blood. Immediately after the vein and artery are cut, the bird will not die in the same second, but will flutter in death convulsions for another 1-5 minutes. If you do not fix the chickens securely, they can fall out and get dirty.

Helpful advice

If it is not possible to purchase special cones industrial production, you can make them from improvised means. Often they use large plastic water bottles - they cut off the bottom and turn it upside down, securely fixing it with a clothesline or wire.

How to hack a chicken with an ax

popular but troublesome way slaughter - cutting off the head with an ax. Why is this method not the best? Firstly, without a developed skill it will be difficult to get exactly where you need to. Many beginners admit that the first time they made a poor animal suffer before they managed to decapitate it.

How to carry out a decapitation, i.e. how to hack a chicken with an ax - all successive steps are described below.

  1. Prepare a chopping block - a wooden deck, a strong box or a stool. A wooden deck (stump) is best suited for these purposes.
  2. Carefully sharpen the ax - a blunt tool in this matter will certainly lead to undesirable consequences and torment of the bird.
  3. Take a bag (polyethylene, durable paper or fabric, for example, from feed). Poke a small hole in the bottom for the head or chicken to go through.
  4. Thread the bird into a bag, tie it by the paws.
  5. Put your head on the prepared chopping block and fix it. Some farmers hammer 2 large nails with wide hats for this purpose, but not completely so that the bird's neck can be placed between them.
  6. With a precise and sharp blow, completely cut off the head, but at the same time hold the torso.
  7. Immediately, the carcass must be hung by the legs to bleed it.

After bleeding, you can proceed to standard activities - the primary processing and butchering of the chicken. It is very important to hold the body after cutting off the head, because motor functions are preserved for a while and the bird may even try to “escape”.

Primary processing

After complete bleeding of the carcass, it is necessary to start processing the carcass as soon as possible in order to obtain high-quality meat. At this stage, you should act quickly, as delay will affect the quality of the products. What to do next - a step-by-step plan.

  1. The first step is to pluck the chicken. In order to facilitate this process, you should take the carcass by the paws and lower it for 10 seconds into a container of boiling water prepared in advance. It is necessary to start plucking from the back and wings, gradually moving towards the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen and back.
  2. After plucking, remove the remaining feathers by light treatment with fire - hold the carcass over a gas burner.
  3. Now to cut the carcass. It is necessary to gut it, if necessary, separate the breast, thighs, wings and pack for freezing.
  4. If the subsequent sale of poultry is planned, experienced farmers recommend lowering it into a container with ice water or ice for 1-2 minutes - this will give it a fresh, appetizing presentation.

In progress primary processing the hardest part is peeling the feathers. For poultry farmers, whose meat production is on stream, manufacturers produce special feather-cleaning machines. They are a rotating container - a drum with protrusions inside, into which several carcasses can be lowered at once. The drum rotates, cleaning up to 95% of the feather cover.

Many of us are accustomed to not paying enough attention to cutting chicken. Therefore, as a result, it turns out that the process is lengthy, moreover, inconvenient. However, if you follow a number of rules, you can spend much less of your time, and the carcass pieces will turn out to be more accurate. At the same time, the forces for cutting take many times less, and the breast remains whole piece which is very valuable.

There are two splitting methods. Both methods are good, but it is for your dish. In other words, the size of the chicken pieces depends on the cutting. The first method is small pieces, its feature is economical cutting, among the people this method is also called "waste-free". Another method involves cutting into equal particles.

How to save up to 15% on buying chicken at the supermarket

We all go grocery shopping, and most often the nearest store. And every day on the shelves of supermarkets we see chicken in different options. So, let's take a closer look at what they offer us. On the shelf with chicken meat we can find:

  • Hips
  • wings
  • Brisket
  • Soup sets
  • Whole chickens.

And for sure everyone noticed that whole chicken is significantly cheaper (by 15-20%). How so? But the fact is that supermarkets earn extra money on our lack of desire and skills to cut chicken. Although our mothers and grandmothers did it as quickly as we make tea. But all is not lost yet. Today we will learn how to properly butcher a chicken. So, remember that for cutting we need:

  • Chicken;
  • Board;
  • Bowls for finished products.

Step 1 - wash the chicken

There are many recommendations on the net that it is not necessary to wash chickens. Main Argument- with splashes, everything that is on the chicken will spread throughout the kitchen. It's up to you whether you believe it or not. If you bake chicken in the oven, then for sure everything bad will be fried on it. But what if you cook or stew it? In general, the decision is yours.

Step 2 - legs

Lay the chicken on your back. Take the foot aside and cut the skin with a knife. You will immediately see the place of attachment of the leg to the carcass. Feel free to cut between the leg and the chicken - there is a joint. It cuts well with a sharp knife. It is also easy to cut off the second foot. Conclusion: here they are chicken legs. You can cut the legs in half - you get the usual shins and thighs.

Step 3 - wings

Wings cook quickly due to the fact that there is little meat on them, and it is thin. But there is a trick here. It depends on you how much tender meat will remain on the wings. Undercut the skin as you did with the legs. There is also a joint there. Now carefully cut the meat, but do not cut off completely. Try turning it by hand. As a result, you will get a wing, With a good piece shoulder meat.

Step 4 - breast and back

Now we have a breast, a back and sometimes a neck. Lay the chicken on its side and cut diagonally to separate the breast from the ribs. You will have a whole brisket (if desired, you can cut into two servings), and soup set from the ridge, back and neck.

I want to draw your attention to the skin. Many do not like it and therefore simply throw it away. Take your time. You don't have to eat it to get the benefits. Add it to any dish from chicken and rich broth you are guaranteed.

This completes the cutting of the chicken. As a result, we get from eight to ten pieces of chicken. Plus, as a nice bonus, we get a set for soup. Namely, the back of the chicken and the bones. To keep them safe, put them in the freezer.

How to cut a chicken into portions?

Let's also take a look at the notion portioned pieces" . Step-by-step instruction cutting the carcass into portions will help you learn how to properly perform this procedure. This experience will be needed primarily for those who bypassed chilled chicken, but always chose sets of carcass parts.

For correct cutting a sharp knife and kitchen scissors will come in handy, the sharpness of which should also be taken care of in advance. What is most interesting, but, at first glance, difficult - cutting will seem long to you, however, when you know and take into account all the features, then this procedure will not take you more than 5 minutes. At home chicken is best cut into eight equal parts. In addition, there will be a back.

Are you thinking the same thing as us? You can spend money once, and not every time go for a set of semi-finished products. As a result, with one or even three chickens you will get six drumsticks, six thighs, and the same number of wings. In addition, when compared with store portions, you will get a whole chicken fillet package, three backs for rich broth. We freeze all semi-finished products and store them in the refrigerator until the moment of cooking. Experts assure that it is much more economical, practical and safer.

Compliance temperature regime, duration of processing, order of operations - a guarantee of obtaining a carcass completely ready for storage.


After slaughter, the bird is immediately hung upside down. This operation allows you to completely bleed the chicken carcass.

The time allotted for this operation is from 1 to 2 minutes. The length of time the hens stay in limbo depends on:

  • type of bird;
  • type of bird;
  • slaughter method.

pen department

There are two ways to separate the feather: dry and wet. The second method is used more often. Hot water makes it easier to separate the feather.

Water temperature for processing young birds - from +51С to + 53С. Dip in water for 1-2 minutes. It is permissible to immerse an adult bird in hot water with a temperature of +55C to +60C for 30s.

First, the largest, toughest feathers are removed from the tail and wings. Next, pluck the abdomen, legs, shoulder area and neck. Small feathers are removed after heat treatment much easier than with the dry method.

Down and feather processing

Feathers are sorted, sorted by size: in one container - large, in another - downy and small feathers.

Feathers and down are valuable raw materials. It is used for filling mattresses, pillows (small feather), for sewing collars, hats (down feather).

Feathers are cleaned in the following way:

  • washed in warm water with a solution of detergents;
  • rinse well to remove soap or powder residue;
  • wring out;
  • dried for 48 hours. Recommended drying temperature: + 70С…+80С. Final moisture percentage: 12%.

You can dry the pen well at home with the help of large gauze bags. Fill bags with feathers, hang from the ceiling in dry, well-ventilated areas.

Shake the bag several times during the drying process to avoid caking of the contents. To store the pen, you need to choose a room with good ventilation and low humidity.

gutting poultry

Before evisceration, the oral cavity is cleaned of blood residues. The throat of the bird is squeezed and, moving the fingers, the clot is pressed through. After the discharge of the blood plug, the site of the incision is thoroughly cleaned of drops of blood.

The beak is wiped dry. A paper swab is made and inserted into the oral cavity. The beak and legs are well washed, wiped and begin to gut the chicken.

Delete internal organs. Most of them are used in the future. Offal - the heart, liver, stomach without a shell are tasty and healthy. They are used for food. The lungs, esophagus, spleen, trachea, ovaries and testicles are boiled, crushed and used to feed the bird.

After extracting the entrails, the head is cut off along the second cervical vertebra, the legs are cut off to the heel joint, and the wings are cut off to the elbow joint. Processing completed.

Wash the bird thoroughly cold water, leave at room temperature for 2 - 8 hours. During this time, the chicken carcass is completely cooled and the meat ripens. It acquires nice smell becomes juicy and tender.

Post-mortem rigor mortis occurs fairly quickly in birds. Gutted young birds are enough to withstand from 2 to 4 hours, old chickens - up to 8 hours. The chicken can then be eaten or stored.

Storage of chicken meat

There are different ways to store chicken. Distinguish between short-term and long-term storage.


3–5 days. Chicken carcasses are stored in the refrigerator. Temperature: from 0C to -4C. If you don't have a refrigerator, remember to the old fashioned way how to save a chicken. Soak a clean cloth in vinegar and wrap the meat around. The fabric must remain damp.

Long term

2-3 months or more. For long-term storage need a bird in a special way prepare. There are several ways to prepare poultry for long-term storage.

Preparation methods


Within 12-18 hours, the carcasses are gradually cooled to a temperature of -2C ... -4C. After freezing is carried out at a temperature of -12C to -18C.

Ice Shell

Villagers in winter period Gutted chickens are stored in an ice crust. Nothing complicated:

  • chickens are taken out into the cold, dipped in water;
  • freeze in the air;
  • dip again;
  • freeze again;
  • the process is repeated up to 4 times until the chicken is completely covered with a crust;
  • wrap the carcass in parchment. Store at temperatures from -5 to -8C.

A layer of ice protects the carcass from the penetration of microbes. The bird can be stored in an ice shell for up to 2-3 months. Pour the carcasses with straw or sawdust.

Be sure to take out the box with the "ice chickens" in the cold. Defrost poultry before cooking should be gradual. This will preserve the quality of the meat.


Gutted carcass can be salted in a strong brine. For 1 kg. birds will need 150 ml. solution.

Step by step:

  1. 300g table salt dissolve well in a liter of water;
  2. using a syringe, pour a saline solution through the bird's mouth;
  3. well bandage the neck;
  4. hang the carcass by the legs;
  5. for 20 hours leave at temperatures + 22C ... + 23C;
  6. at the end of the period, the brine is drained;
  7. kept cold.

Tip: the strength of the solution is easy to check. If boiled egg does not sink, so you put enough salt.

Dry salting

With this method of salting, meat can be stored for more than six months. The prepared chicken is rubbed with salt and put into a barrel. Sprinkle each carcass well with salt.

Stored in a cellar. After 2-3 weeks, the bird is taken out, spices are added to the salt: black pepper, clove buds. Place at will Bay leaf. Repeat the process of laying the chicken. The barrel is again removed to the cellar.


Popular storage method chicken carcasses. Procedure:

  • chickens are salted in a dry way, after cutting along the line of the chest;
  • salt (1 kg) is mixed with sugar (20 g) and ground black pepper (5-10 g). This amount of salt is for 10 medium chickens. After 2 days, a load is placed on each carcass. Weight: 2-3 kg for every 10 kg of chicken;
  • small birds salt out up to 4 days, large birds - up to 6 days. Salt is washed off the carcass cold water and dried at room temperature;
  • if you want to eat meat after a short time, use hot smoke with a temperature of up to + 80C. Maintain this temperature for the first hour. In the next 2-3 hours, reduce the heat and bring the temperature to + 35C ... + 40C;
  • for long-term storage of chicken carcasses, smoking with cold smoke with a temperature of + 20C is more suitable. The process is long - up to 3 days;
  • finished carcasses should be wiped well from soot and soot. Smoked products are stored at a temperature not higher than + 5C. The room must be dry.


Simple, fast, delicious. Cooking process:
  1. cut off all the fat, melt over low heat for 45 minutes - 1 hour;
  2. chicken is boiled until cooked, put in processed, steamed, clean jars;
  3. prepared meat is poured chicken fat. It covers the meat with an airtight film. If there is not enough fat, goose or duck lard is added;
  4. white paper is moistened in alcohol or vodka, covered with jars and tightly tied with twine. Keep homemade canned chicken in the cellar.

If you are raising chickens for nutritional and tasty meat, tune in from the very beginning that you will have to slaughter the bird, process it and engage in further processing of carcasses. The right mental attitude is very important.

After slaughter, gut the bird, butcher it and consider how to store it. It would be wise to prepare part of the meat for use in the near future, and prepare the rest for long-term storage. Then you will be provided with valuable dietary meat for a long time.

Taste chicken meat depends on how it was processed and gutted. Depending on the size of the pieces needed for cooking, there are two ways to cut the carcass. The first option allows you to get eight equal parts. According to the second, "wasteless" method, you can cut the carcass more economically into small pieces.

For cutting the carcass, there are special scissors in the form of secateurs or a large sharp knife.


Before cutting the carcass, it is necessary to prepare it for gutting. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. 1. Cut off the head of the chicken.
  2. 2. Cut off the beak.
  3. 3. Remove the eyeball.
  4. 4. Remove the throat tube from the neck and discard.
  5. 5. Cut off the paws with a knife along the folds.

The skin from the paws is easily detached after firing.

You should prepare a bowl for waste and internal organs in advance. Then you can proceed directly to gutting:

  1. 1. In the back of the chicken carcass, cut off the protrusion and make a small skin incision on the abdomen, pull out the insides through it.
  2. 2. Separate the intestines, cut off the spleen from the liver without damaging it, then cut out the stomach. You need to act very carefully so as not to hurt the intestines and gallbladder, otherwise the taste of offal will be spoiled by the bitterness of bile. Select edible parts: heart, liver, stomach, discard the rest.
  3. 3. Remove the heart from the carcass.
  4. 4. Pull out the goiter from the bird.
  5. 5. Cleanse the stomach. Cut it lengthwise, discard the contents, pry the inner shell along the edge with the tip of a knife and detach.
  6. 6. After gutting, thoroughly rinse the carcass in cold water.

At proper preparation chicken for slaughter, the goiter will be empty and it will be easy to remove. Otherwise, before gutting, you should cut the skin on the neck and clean the goiter.

If the chicken is not subject to follow-up cooking, then all the internal organs should be folded back into the carcass of the bird and placed in the cold.

The skin of the bird is cleaned with a soft brush.


The chicken is cut step by step into 8 parts:

  • 2 shins;
  • 2 hips;
  • 2 wings;
  • 2 breast halves.

The work must be performed strictly following a certain sequence:

  1. 1. Place the carcass on the back breast up.
  2. 2. Using scissors, make an incision from the bottom in the middle of the breast to the top.
  3. 3. Unfold the chicken so that it is convenient to cut out the spinal column.
  4. 4. Enter kitchen knife into the carcass and slowly, parallel to the spinal column, divide the carcass in half towards you.

Separation of wings and legs

Then you need to cut the chicken into pieces. First you need to separate the legs:

  1. 1. Pulling the limb to the side, cut the skin between it and the body.
  2. 2. Take the chicken thigh with one hand and hold the carcass with the other
  3. 3. Turn the hip joint outward and upward with force - the ligaments will tear and the thigh can be easily detached from the body.
  4. 4. Separate the lower leg from the thigh.
  5. 5. Leave the leg on the table with the skin down, sharply lower the knife along the fold, dividing it into two halves.
  1. 1. Find the connection of the wing with the carcass.
  2. 2. Determine the place where the wing bone enters the connecting joint.
  3. 3. Cut sharp knife along the tendons of the joint

Separation of the bone with cartilage from the breast

The next step requires:

  1. 1. Separate the breast from the back along the line of adipose tissue. It creates a white stripe, determines the direction of the incision along which the cartilage tissue connects the sternum to the ribs.
  2. 2. Draw out the cartilage. They are located on both sides of the bone, which runs along the center of the breast along its entire length. Cut the upper part of the breast at the location of the two bones exactly between them to the bone that has a darker color.
  3. 3. Remove the cartilage, they need to pry with the thumbs of both hands, as if breaking the breast in half. Apply force and try to push up the bone that holds the long cartilage. Without reaching for the ribs, squeeze the bone and cartilage out of the breast. When the latter are released from the meat, take the bone and pull until it slips out of the soft tissues.
  4. 4. Divide the breast in half and pull out the ribs from the inside, removing them with a sharp knife. It turned out a separate chicken fillet. If necessary, it must be cut into pieces or left in one piece.

All pieces should be rinsed under running water and dry with a paper towel. Meat can be used to make a roll, and the bones, back and cartilage can be used for soup.

Almost every housewife can cut a chicken correctly, but this requires some skill. If you need to cut a chicken into pieces at a time in such a way that you get the same portioned pieces, you need to show a little care and accuracy, and you can easily learn this. Below will be shown how to properly butcher a chicken yourself. In order to obtain the desired result, it is recommended to perform all operations accurately. Such chicken cutting It will save time, and this will allow you to pay attention to the creation of other dishes. The above scheme for cutting a chicken carcass allows you to get the desired result with step-by-step efforts even for a person who is faced with butchering this bird for the first time in his life.

Almost every housewife can cut a chicken correctly, but this requires some skill.

The buyer can purchase a fully plucked fresh bird from the store, or buy a live chicken and then slaughter it. In the second case, feathers must be removed before gutting the bird. This can be done like this:

  1. Dip the product into a saucepan with hot water. There the bird should be 5-10 minutes.
  2. After that, they take it out, wait until it drains excess water, and then place the carcass in a basin for cooling.
  3. Plucking a whole chicken begins with the wings and tail, as there are the thickest feathers.

Usually this process is carried out by hand, but if things are tight, then you can tear out the feathers with pliers.

The buyer can purchase a fully plucked fresh bird carcass.

If you kill a bird and then wait a few hours, you can pluck it without using hot water, that is, just by hand. But after removing the feathers, the carcass will need to be cleaned of small hairs. This is done with tweezers. Before that, you need to singe the bird on the flame of the stove. The most radical way to eliminate feathers is to cut off the skin along with them, but then you have to throw away the wings.

Quick and easy (video)

Self gutting

Before carving a chicken, you need to clean it. To do this, the carcass must be thoroughly washed under the tap (water can be warm or cold), and then wipe it with paper napkins or a towel. Gutting the chicken begins with the removal of the lower parts of the legs. They are simply cut off and thrown away if they are heavily soiled. In order to gut a chicken, you must carefully insert a knife into its rear hole. After that, 2 incisions are made in the direction of the sternum. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the rectum of the bird and its intestines.

Then you need to separate the legs. After that, continue to make incisions with a knife to the neck of the chicken. The insides (gall bladder, etc.) are taken out of the resulting hole. It remains the intestine, which we simply cut and take out.

Product cutting

Chicken cutting is done in such a way that there is as little waste as possible. Many housewives want to be able to quickly butcher a chicken. But they do not take into account the fact that accelerated process there will inevitably be a lot of waste. Therefore, butchering the chicken should take place in stages. Before cutting the chicken into pieces, it must again be washed well in running water.

The bird is placed on the cutting surface with the breast up. To separate the ham, it is necessary to cut the body between the body and thigh. Each ham is separated by the joint by which it is attached to the backbone. We'll have to break a few bones, and then cut the joints with a knife.

After that, they move on to the wing section. To do this, the wing is pulled sideways from the body and bent into reverse side. Again, several bones are broken that hold the wings on the body of the bird. The tip of each wing can be used to boil stock.

Chicken cutting is done in such a way that there is as little waste as possible.

After that, they move on to the next part of the chicken - the breast. To do this, it must be separated from the back. Place the product breast side up. After that, the side of the bird is cut with a sharp knife or kitchen scissors on both sides. Part of the bones will separate along with the breast from the ribs. With this operation, the carcass can be cut quite easily, only it will crunch a little.

Then the breast is cut into 2 halves. You need to cut them along the resulting piece. To cut bones and meat, it is recommended to press hard on the handle of the knife. After that, you need to cut the fillet pieces. For this, a knife is advanced along the spinal bones. The resulting fillet can be cut into pieces. The skeletons of the breast and ribs are used for soup. Rib bones are easily cut with a sharp knife.

Chicken cutting (video)

Dividing poultry into portions

When cutting a chicken for a roll, you need to get the same pieces of meat. To cut the chicken into portions, it is recommended to use the technology described below.

First, the legs are cut off from the body. To do this, cut the skin at the junction of the brisket and legs. After that, the leg is simply broken off from the body. Each ham obtained in this way is divided into a drumstick and a thigh. The incision is made along the dividing line of the femoral muscle and the lower leg of the bird. As a result of the operation, 4 pieces are obtained.

Then proceed to the processing of the wings. They find the junction of the wing to the body, cut it to the cartilage, and then simply break off the wings. Each wing is divided into 2 parts - 4 more pieces are received.

The breast must be processed as described above. To get rid of everyone small bones, it is recommended to remove cartilage from the brisket, which has the shape of a dagger. To do this, turn the chest part of the bird with the inside up, and make an incision in its center. The cartilage passing there is broken by hand. The large bone is disconnected from the meat part with fingers, and then the specified cartilage, which has the shape of a dagger, is removed.

The resulting fillet is cut into right amount identical pieces. Most often, 2 servings are made from the sirloin, but more can be used. small pieces. The fillet cut in this way can be completed with a roll. If desired, the back of the bird can also be cut into portions, but it must be taken into account that there will be little meat on it. Therefore, this part is usually used to make soup.

The methods of gutting and cutting chicken described above can be mastered on your own if you follow all the recommendations exactly.
