
Coffee and sugar body scrub. What is the best coffee to take? Auxiliary components in coffee scrub

In addition to toning in the form of a drink, coffee is used to tighten, strengthen, saturate the skin as a scrub. For peeling, sleeping coffee grounds are suitable, which will saturate the epidermis with oils, improve color and help in the fight against cellulite. A scrub based on it is an affordable home remedy.

Benefits of coffee scrub

Coffee grounds are very useful. They provide:

  1. Removal of toxins from the body - in coffee there are active organic substances that contribute to this.
  2. Absolute harmlessness and safety - can be used even during pregnancy to keep the skin of the face and body in good shape.
  3. Reducing the risk of skin diseases - caffeine in the form of a wrap prevents the development of malignant tumors.
  4. Cleansing, rejuvenation, exfoliation, smoothing - ground coffee beans have antibacterial properties, fight some types of bacteria.
  5. The fight against body fat, cellulite - the funds relieve swelling, improve blood circulation.
  6. Instant effect - already after one application of peeling, the skin becomes toned, healthy, acquires a light shade of tan.
  7. Increasing the effectiveness of other products - if you apply anti-cellulite creams or lotions after a scrub, this will enhance their effect.

How to make coffee scrub at home

Good coffee is used to make a coffee scrub. Cooking conditions:

  1. Arabica or Robusta coffee is taken as the basis - ready ground or for self-grinding.
  2. An alternative to ground coffee is coffee grounds after brewing the drink.
  3. To enhance the main ingredient, you can add honey, sour cream, yogurt, sea salt, essential oils.
  4. Mix the ingredients for the scrub exactly once. If they need to be stored, then the dry components are poured into a plastic bag, tightly closed so that moisture does not get in. The scrub is stored in a dry place.


A homemade coffee grounds scrub with an anti-cellulite effect is easy to prepare. Action algorithm:

  1. Thoroughly mix 2 tbsp. l. coffee, 2 tbsp. fine sea salt (if the skin is sensitive - replace with sugar), 3-4 tbsp. kefir.
  2. Add 5 drops of orange essential oil and 1 tsp to the mixture. grape seed oils.
  3. Evenly apply the mass on problem areas (thighs, abdomen), rub in, do a light massage for 10 minutes (until redness). Try to use circular motions so as not to scratch the skin.
  4. Wash off with warm water, pat dry with a towel.
  5. To enhance the effect, apply anti-cellulite lotion.

From stretch marks

To get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs, take a coffee scrub with yogurt. How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix 3-4 tbsp. yogurt or heavy cream with 2-3 tbsp. coffee grounds.
  2. Apply scrub on the body, rub with light massage movements, paying attention to problem areas.
  3. Wash off the mass with warm water, do not dry with a towel, wait for natural drying.

With the effect of depilation

To get rid of uneven tan or to make the skin smoother, without excess hair, you need a coffee scrub with a depilatory effect. How to cook it:

  1. Combine 2 tbsp. thick, 2 tbsp. cosmetic blue clay, 1 tbsp. grape seed oil, 3-4 tbsp. apple juice (cucumber, strawberry, cherry, lemon, tomato, cranberry are also suitable).
  2. If the peel is too thick, you can add warm water.
  3. Apply the mass on the body, massage, leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse under the shower.

To cleanse the skin of the face

You can also make a coffee scrub at home for your face. Preparation of a cosmetic product:

  1. Combine 1 tsp. freshly brewed grounds, honey, sour cream, add a well-beaten raw egg.
  2. Apply to a cleansed steamed face, neck, décolleté, massage, leave for 20 minutes (it is better to lie down for this time).
  3. Wash off with plenty of water. Apply nourishing cream.

In order for the effect of the scrub based on coffee grounds to last for a long time, you need to follow the recommendations for its use. Useful rules:

  1. Scrub is applied with wet fingers to damp skin. This will help to avoid injury and hypersensitivity. Feelings during massage should bring pleasure - no need to rub yourself to the point of pain.
  2. After a light massage, the product can also act as a mask. To do this, leave it on the skin for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  3. To enhance the lifting effect, wash yourself under a contrast shower.
  4. Use funds 1-2 times a week. This speeds up the renewal of skin cells. With oily skin type, scrubs are done at least every day.
  5. You can use the scrub without restrictions. The only contraindication is intolerance to the components.


The anti-cellulite scrub itself is a mixture based on abrasive components that have a cleansing effect and lead to the desired result. Such abrasives, or, more simply, “small grains”, can be ground coffee or coffee grounds.
However, emollients must be included in the composition in order not to damage or irritate the skin.

The small components of the coffee body scrub guarantee excellent peeling of the skin, cleansing them of grease and dust. In addition to desquamation of the keratinized epithelium, plant components penetrate the skin, actively influencing the layers of the dermis.

Caffeine (C8H10N4O2), in contact with the surface of the body, stimulates blood flow. Cells begin to work actively, getting rid of excess sodium and fluid, which favorably affects the condition of the skin.

So, anti-cellulite scrub

  • improves blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer, regulating the lumen of blood vessels and reducing them - serves as a prevention of varicose veins;
  • active substances stimulate the process of fluid removal from skin cells, decay products, toxins are removed,
  • spurs metabolism in the cell - tones, strengthens skin turgor;
  • breaks down subcutaneous fat reserves - the fat layer is reduced and cellulite is completely or partially removed;
  • antioxidants contribute to the rejuvenation process - the skin becomes attractive, smart

How to make a coffee scrub for cellulite at home?

The first step is to select raw materials. The effectiveness of do-it-yourself cosmetics depends on its quality.

What ground grains should be put in a home scrub? Cellulite does not like green coffee, which is actively fighting it. Green grains that have avoided the roasting procedure retain the largest amount of caffeine, esters, fat-splitting acid (chlorogenic acid), antioxidants, and vitamins.
It can be bought in stores that specialize in the sale of natural products, or through the Internet.

If it is not possible to purchase green coffee, then black grains of medium or low roast are suitable for cellulite homemade coffee scrub.

Thickness (sleeping ground grains), left after a brewed drink without sugar and cream, is less effective. After all, most of the active substance disintegrated after heat treatment.
However, this raw material has its advantages. Coffee scrub from cellulite with coffee grounds does not injure sensitive, dry, irritated skin.

Homemade coffee scrub for cellulite intensively affects the epithelium. Rubbing with crushed grains is applied to the body with oily and normal skin twice a week, not more often.
Otherwise, the epidermis will become thinner, irritation with foci of inflammation will appear on it.
Treatment of each zone lasts at least four minutes.

Cellulite coffee grounds scrub gently affects the female body, so it is suitable for dry, irritated skin. Cosmetologists do not recommend performing the procedure more than once every seven days and leaving the composition in its pure form for more than two minutes on the skin.

Anti-cellulite coffee recipes

A cleansing anti-cellulite cellulite coffee grounds scrub can be easily prepared at home, and this procedure does not require complex preparatory work and deep skin cleansing.
In addition, the preparation of a coffee scrub at home will not only provide an opportunity to significantly save on salon services, but guarantees the use of a quality product that is beyond doubt.

An anti-cellulite coffee scrub at home must comply with several rules for the most effective result:

  • You need to use only ground coffee from cellulite:
  • The original product must be fresh with a valid expiration date;
  • Green coffee is considered the most effective in the fight against cellulite;
  • It is better not to use various surrogates - a coffee drink, for example;
  • The use of grounds is quite acceptable as an alternative to the ground product.

In the case of using coffee grounds, you need to know a few important recommendations:

  • Coffee should be brewed without any additives (milk, vanilla, cinnamon);
  • Use only natural product;
  • It is recommended to choose strong varieties;
  • Coffee should not just be poured with boiling water, but boiled for 2-3 minutes;
  • You can store the thick before use for no more than 3-4 days and only in an airtight container.

Among the simplest and most effective recipes for anti-cellulite coffee remedies, the following are distinguished:

✅ Coffee + sea salt + olive oil. Mix ground coffee (3 tablespoons) thoroughly with the same amount of coarse sea salt and add 10 drops of natural olive oil to the mixture. The resulting mass must be infused for about an hour, after which it can be applied to steamed skin with light massaging movements of the fingers.
Do not rush to wash off the anti-cellulite body scrub immediately, for greater effectiveness, it should be left on problem areas for 10 minutes.
Large salt crystals exfoliate the keratinized epithelium. Smaller particles of ground grains make the epidermis smoother. Salt mixture is contraindicated for users with sensitive thin skin.

✅ Coffee + avocado. Another effective cellulite coffee scrub recipe is coffee grounds combined with avocado (1/2 pulp of a ripe avocado). Both ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a bowl with olive oil and cane sugar.
Apply the scrub several times a week on pre-steamed skin in circular motions, paying particular attention to the most problematic areas.
For greater effectiveness, the mixture can be left for 15 minutes and then washed off with cold water - the temperature contrast also has a positive effect on blood microcirculation in the cells, helping to cope with cellulite.

✅ Coffee + shower gel. The easiest and most inexpensive way to get rid of cellulite crust: mix the thick with your favorite shower gel and rub the mass into the skin with massaging movements.
In this case, it is recommended to take a shower gel without special cosmetic additives and fragrances.

✅ Coffee + clay. The use of clay for cosmetic purposes is not just a well-known fact, it is a recipe familiar from ancient times. To prepare an anti-cellulite remedy, you need to mix blue clay diluted in water at room temperature with coffee grounds and apply to problematic steamed skin areas.
For an effective result, leave the mass on the skin for 2-3 hours (wraps), until dry and rinse with warm running water.

✅ Coffee + yogurt. Perhaps the most delicate homemade coffee-based scrub recipe. Yogurt has an emollient effect, which means it prevents the appearance of possible microdamages from harsh exfoliants such as ground coffee, salt and sugar.
Mix 1/2 cup ground coffee with 1/2 cup yogurt (from 9% fat). Apply the mixture on the perforated areas of the skin. After using this coffee cellulite scrub, the skin will look smooth and moisturized, and the volume will be significantly reduced.

Coffee + honey. A cellulite mask with coffee and honey is considered one of the most gentle and pleasant options. Honey, just like coffee, is famous for its ability to remove toxins from cells, as well as normalize the fluid balance in the body. By mixing these two ingredients, you get a double-action weapon - with such an ally, it will not be difficult to cope with cellulite.
The main thing is to carefully steam the skin before applying the scrub, it will also not be superfluous to walk through the problem areas with a special brush with stiff bristles. Apply the mixture with light massage movements and do not forget to leave it for 5-10 minutes before rinsing off.
To prepare it, you need to combine 3 tbsp. l. liquid honey and ground coffee (4 tablespoons).
It is allowed to use a coffee and honey scrub for cellulite no more than 3-4 times a week, 20 minutes per procedure.

✅ Coffee + oatmeal. For delicate skin, it is best to use a mild, lightweight option. To prepare it at home, you will need oatmeal (1 cup) and 0.2 liters of fat sour cream or milk, mix and add coffee grounds. Rub for 20 minutes on problem areas of the skin.

✅ Coffee mask with coarse sea salt- this is the most effective remedy, since the two active components are abrasives. You will need to mix 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of ground coffee and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, to nourish the skin with a vitamin complex, add the grated zest of one grapefruit.
It is recommended to use it no more than twice a week.

✅ Coffee + sea salt + coconut oil. The use of a sea salt, coffee and coconut oil scrub will help in the fight against cellulite. You will need to mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of ground coffee and 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil.
Rub the mixture into problem areas.

✅ Coffee + coconut oil. There is a way to prepare a coffee scrub for cellulite based on coconut oil "in reserve" - ​​mix 1 cup of ground coffee with 3 tbsp. l. coarse salt or brown sugar.
Before adding to the dry mixture 6 tbsp. coconut oil, it must first be melted in the microwave.
After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, transfer the resulting scrub to an empty jar or waterproof container.
Do not forget to warm up the skin thoroughly with a special massage brush first.
Intense circular movements will make the blood circulate faster, which means that the beneficial ingredients in the homemade coffee scrub will have the maximum impact on problem areas with cellulite.

✅ Coffee + cinnamon + paprika. The recipe for a spicy-coffee mixture is perfect for those who, along the way, want to improve blood circulation and blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissues. To do this, mix 3 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, add 2 tbsp. l. coffee grounds, plus 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon, 1 tbsp. l. red paprika and 3 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Use anti-cellulite mass, rubbing it into problem areas with a little pressure, effort.

✅ Coffee + hot pepper. The hot method of dealing with cellulite is considered one of the most popular in recent times. So, you need 150 gr. mix ground coffee with red pepper tincture and add 5 drops of natural olive oil to the resulting mass. Ready-to-use product should resemble sour cream in consistency and be easily applied to the skin.
Before applying the product to problem skin, it must be kept in a dark, cool place for 7 days. Experts advise to finish this procedure with a contrast shower.

✅ Coffee + hot pepper (infusion). A radical hot method of fighting cellulite is an anti-cellulite coffee scrub at home with the addition of hot pepper. It is necessary to mix fresh coffee with an infusion of red hot pepper and “season” this scrub with a few drops of olive oil, leave the mixture in a dark place for 7 days.
If there is a need, for example, the composition is very steep, you can dilute it with a large amount of oil. Applying a burning coffee scrub, you need to apply it to the problem areas of the skin and massage for 15 minutes.

✅ Coffee + oatmeal + aromatic oils. Aroma oils are good not only for taking a relaxing bath - they are no less effective in the fight against cellulite due to their antioxidant effect.
To get a tonic coffee body scrub for cellulite, mix the essential oils of orange, rosemary and cinnamon (2-3 drops each) with ground coffee (1 tablespoon), oatmeal (1/2 cup oatmeal soaked in boiling water) and coarse salt (2 teaspoons of sea salt).
The mixture must be applied in a circular motion to problem areas - take at least 10 minutes for a massage.
After washing off the scrub, carefully wipe the treated areas with a hard towel, and then be sure to moisturize the skin with a softening cream or milk.

✅ Coffee + aroma oils. Cellulite ground coffee scrub with esters and oils. you need to take ground grains (100 gr. fine grinding), almond oil - 1 tbsp / box; ether of bergamot, rosemary, cinnamon, juniper, grapefruit, two drops each.
Mix all ingredients.
Apply a homogeneous mass on the body, massage for at least five minutes. The composition can be done for a week (for three sessions).
The procedure is recommended for normal and oily skin no more than three times a week.

  • Grapefruit essential oil (removes toxins, has a tonic effect, promotes weight loss).
  • Essential oil of lavender (reduces scars from stretch marks, heals the skin).
  • Lemon essential oil (stimulates the circulatory system and strengthens vascular tissues).
  • Essential oil of orange (relieves puffiness, softens the epidermis and stimulates the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid).
  • Essential oil of cypress (improves blood circulation and strengthens blood capillaries).
  • Rosemary essential oil (purifies the liver and tones the skin).

The use of anti-cellulite products at home will bring the expected result only if you follow a few simple rules:

  1. The cleanser should be used at least 1 time per week, and no more than 4 times;
  2. Coffee grounds scrubs are considered the most suitable for dry and normal skin;
  3. For oily skin, strong ground coffee is best;
  4. Means must be used after a hot bath or bath and applied to steamed skin;
  5. To achieve the most effective results, you need to use a special massage brush or peeling washcloth as a stimulant;
  6. To improve skin condition and good mood for bath procedures, you can choose your favorite essential oil;
  7. Coffee is a natural product, but even in this case, an allergy to the product is not excluded, then the use of the coffee product must be urgently suspended.
  8. Before applying the prepared mass to the entire skin, it is recommended to test on a small area, for example, on the bend of the elbow.

Whichever of the above recipes is chosen as the starting product, it will help to achieve the desired result. The scrub will help get rid of cellulite, restore the beautiful appearance, color, firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrub, how to choose the right one?

Today, the cosmetic market offers all kinds of gels, lotions, masks and other caffeine-based orange peel products.
What to look for when buying a corrective care product in a pharmacy or store?

1. Manufacturer. Well-known brands whose products have positive online reviews are less likely to disappoint;

2. Give preference to natural composition, with the shortest shelf life and higher cost. If the budget is limited, pay attention to herbal cosmetics of a domestic manufacturer;

3.Consider skin type and application site. Anti-cellulite coffee body scrub with medium grind grains is suitable for oily or thick skin on the buttocks and thighs.
It will not only cleanse the integument, but also provide an intense massage.
Such formulations are recommended to be applied to a wet body no more than once every three days.

A gentle scrub of ground coffee against cellulite will not give a massage effect. But it will treat sensitive covers with care, without irritating them.
Cleansing compositions with fine abrasive are indicated for the inner thighs and hands.
In places above and below the knees, on the stomach.
Caring cosmetics of this type are suitable for frequent (daily) use.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrub at home, contraindications

Scrub for cellulite from coffee grounds.

1. pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
2. dermatological diseases, damage to tissue integrity: wounds, ulcers, scratches. In this case, an anti-cellulite coffee scrub at home will only aggravate the situation. Mechanical friction will increase irritation and inflammation;
3. allergy to the product;
4. neoplasms (malignant and benign) do not accept hot coffee scrub from cellulite. At home, scrubbing with a thermal effect can provoke tumor growth;
5. inflammation of the reproductive system, kidneys, urinary tract;
6. pregnancy.

After applying the coffee anti-cellulite agent, you immediately want to see the effect. But do not rush - the first application will not remove the orange peel, but it will allow the skin to tighten, acquire a healthy color and beautiful appearance.

The use of anti-cellulite scrubs is an additional measure; it is also necessary to add a set of measures to the fight against orange peel: a light, sparing diet and physical activity.

The use of exfoliating agents for 3 months will allow you to visually see the effect - the cellulite crust will disappear, subcutaneous fat deposits will become minimal, almost invisible.
based on materials

If you're looking for the perfect homemade skin care product, coffee scrub is the way to go. It will make your body soft and smooth in just 1-2 uses per week, and the effect will appear after the first application! The most important thing when preparing this type of peeling is to use ground unroasted coffee beans. Many girls, when preparing it, use just sleeping thick. But it's not right!!! It contains no nutrients at all.

Another important rule when preparing peeling with your own hands: in no case should you use coarse coffee, only fine, which will effectively and painlessly cleanse the pores of grease and dirt. The caffeine contained in this scrub fights puffiness and aging skin.

How to make a coffee body scrub at home

Peeling recipe at home very simple, but first you need to decide what type of skin you have and learn about the rules for using a scrub in order to avoid burning and irritation and provide maximum care.

  • The agent is applied only to clean steamed skin.
  • If she damaged, stop using it.
  • Work well elbows, feet and knees.
  • Don't use it more than two to three times a week.
  • Check carefully to see if you have allergies for coffee peeling. If redness appears when testing on the arm, then you should use another recipe.
  • As with any cosmetic procedure, apply cream oily layer on the treated areas.

Scrub from coffee grounds at home - a step by step recipe

There are a huge number of instructions, but the fastest and simplest of them: mix coffee grounds with water to a creamy state and rub in circular motions, paying particular attention to problem areas.
Also, coffee can be mixed with shower gel, having received two in one - both a scrub and a shower gel.

Coffee Facial Scrub - Recipe and Application

Homemade face scrub can be prepared in less than 10 minutes! The main thing is to grind the coffee well, because the thin and delicate skin on the face requires special attention.

If you have dry skin , then mix coffee and nourishing cream 1: 2, add a pinch of cinnamon and any essential oil.

Whitening : you need to take coffee and mix with lemon juice and cream.

For oily the same recipe as above will do, just replace the cream with kefir or natural yogurt.

Toning mask - peeling for the face is made from any clay that can be bought at a pharmacy, diluted in water and a small amount of thick. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Important!!! Do not apply the scrub to the area around the eyes and the root zone of the hair.

How to make a cellulite coffee scrub at home

Best anti-cellulite peeling for the body from coffee grounds at home, prepare as follows: two tablespoons ground coffee And coarse sea salt mix with vegetable and any essential oil. Treat areas prone to cellulite and wrap the treatment area with cling film to enhance the effect.

Weightloss remedy - hot coffee scrub. mix coffee beans, hot peppers And olive oil and leave to infuse for about 7 days. After the time has elapsed, apply to problem areas. Wash off with warm water.

Important!!! Pre-test the mass for an allergic reaction on the hand !!!

Coffee scrub for stretch marks

It's very easy to do: coffee is mixed with water to the consistency of sour cream and infused for twenty minutes. Massage over dry skin for best results. It's a wonderful way to fight stretch marks.

Do-it-yourself coffee soap scrub: photo

This safe And ecological clean product very easy to make, the main thing is to keep all the proportions and follow the recipe.


  • Two baby soaps
  • 1 teaspoon glycerin
  • 30 g ground coffee
  • Essential oil

Cut the soap into small cubes. To make it dissolve faster, heat it in a water bath.

When it becomes liquid - you can remove from heat and add all the other ingredients and mix.

Pour the liquid substance into the soap molds and wait for it to harden. If it is difficult to remove from the mold, you can help it a little - put it in the freezer or refrigerator for a few minutes. As you can see, this soap is very easy to make yourself. And most importantly, everything is natural and made at home.

From coffee and honey

Meda take twice as much as coffee grounds. Apply to the body and massage over the desired area. Duration of rubbing: about 10 minutes. This natural recipe will be to your liking and will benefit you.

How to make a bath scrub from ground coffee

You need to start applying such a scrub after the second entry into the steam room. It should be applied with massage movements, especially carefully on the hips, elbows, buttocks and stomach. Coffee grounds will gently exfoliate dead cells that have not yet had time to steam, giving a golden hue to your body.

The most popular and effective do-it-yourself coffee scrub recipe for a bath:

1.Mix coffee grounds co sour cream in relation to one to two. For a pleasant aroma, you can add a few drops. essential oil. Sour cream in here can be replaced with yogurt or cream.

2.B shower gel add thick and enjoy an excellent exfoliating action. Such a simple composition, but what an effect!

Coffee scrub: before and after photos

Photos after and before coffee peeling are noticeably different from each other. There is only one rule that must be observed: do such procedures constantly so that the effect is noticeable. After one or two times, you are unlikely to notice any improvement, so we recommend that you use it in combination.

Reviews on the use of coffee for face and body

There are plenty of body scrubs from companies like "Black Pearl", "Organic Shop" and others. But the tool received the best reviews. Riche coffee bean scrub . It contains ground beans of Robusta, which is a natural coffee. It also contains nourishing unrefined oils.

The price of such a scrub is about 1,500 rubles. You can also buy a massage brush, shampoo and body oil for it.

Dull skin color is not always associated with malnutrition and bad habits. Very often, women monitor their health, but cannot cope with the ugly condition of the skin. The skin can become gray and acne prone due to lack of oxygen. The pores become clogged with oil produced by the sebaceous glands. Because of this, the skin begins to age prematurely and loses its elasticity. To prevent this from happening, cosmetologists recommend peeling.

Peeling: what is it?

This procedure is aimed at removing the top layer of the skin, which is exfoliated. Beauticians use special equipment and therapeutic scrubs that remove dead skin cells. This leads to rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body. It looks velvety, skin folds and unpleasant purulent formations disappear.

Peeling creams contain particles of different sizes that irritate the skin and remove the top layer. Already after 2-3 procedures, positive results are noted. But it is not necessary to spend money on expensive procedures in beauty salons. You can make a scrub from improvised food. In this case, not only will the upper layer of the skin be cleansed, but also the cells will be enriched with essential vitamins. It is enough to do the procedure six times a month for the whole body.

Coffee scrub: benefits and precautions

It's no secret that coffee invigorates and energizes for the whole day. That is why this drink is very popular for breakfast. Coffee can be used not only as an aromatic drink, but also as an excellent cosmetic product. It is enriched with various nutritional components that have a positive effect on human skin:

  • caffeine improves tone and makes the skin more elastic;
  • chlorogenic acid protects against harmful sun rays;
  • antioxidants smooth out shallow wrinkles and make the skin supple;
  • carotenoids disinfect the skin and give it a natural color;
  • polyphenols correct the contour of the face, due to the lifting effect.
  • Coffee peeling is indicated for women with any skin type. But, if the skin is too thin and prone to various diseases, then you should not choose this cleaning method. It is better to use more gentle tonics and lotions.

Recipes for body and face scrubs from coffee at home

Before applying the scrub on the face, it must be steamed. So the pores will open, and dead skin will be better removed. The body also lends itself to peeling better after a soak in a hot bath.

Honey coffee - nourishing facial scrub

Two large spoons of honey must be poured into a bowl and microwaved for 30-60 seconds. The same amount of ground coffee beans is added to it. The procedure is best done in the evening, before going to bed. During the night, the redness will subside and in the morning the skin will look gorgeous.

Coffee body scrub

The female body needs special care. Only in this way will it look velvety and tender. Coffee scrub must be applied 6 times a month and the result will not be long in coming. To create it, you will have to purchase: coffee (ground grains), chicken egg protein, olive oil and honey. 3 large spoons of coffee and a tablespoon of honey (preferably grainy) are placed in the protein. After mixing these products, two dessert spoons of olive oil are added to the scrub. After conscientious mixing, the mixture is applied to the body with a bath mitt. The scrub is rubbed into the skin in a circular motion. The procedure should take about 15 minutes.

Green coffee face scrub

Green coffee beans not only perfectly tone the skin of the face, but also remove toxins. Two tablespoons of ground grains should be mixed with the same amount of cottage cheese (the product should be grainy). The fat content of cottage cheese depends on the type of skin. For dry skin, it is better to choose a 9% product, and for oily skin type, 1% cottage cheese is suitable. After thorough mixing, the scrub is applied to the face. The peeling lasts ten minutes. The granular mass is washed off with warm water.

Coffee scrub for dry skin

It is necessary to take fatty sour cream at room temperature (50 grams). Ground coffee beans (a tablespoon), cinnamon (half a dessert spoon) and granulated sugar (a small spoon) are poured into it. The initial products are mixed and applied to the skin of the face for eight minutes.

Fruit scrub for the whole body

It is necessary to squeeze the juice with pulp from cherries, strawberries and lemons (a tablespoon each). 3 dessert spoons of ground coffee, 2 large spoons of blue clay and a teaspoon of grape seed oil are added to the juice assortment. All initial components are well mixed, if the scrub is too thick, then it is allowed to add warm boiled water. Scrub is applied to the whole body, then you have to wait 15-18 minutes. The scrub is washed off with a hot shower.

Moisturizing Facial Scrub

In 2 large spoons of almond oil, pour 4 teaspoons of coffee beans. The mixture is conscientiously mixed and applied to the prepared skin of the face. Scrub is applied to the face with gentle movements, washed off after 12 minutes.

Scrub for cellulite coffee and salt

You need to mix two tablespoons of ground coffee and sea salt. A few drops of citrus oil and two tablespoons of kefir are added to the dry mixture. After mixing the ingredients, the scrub is applied to problem areas. Peeling lasts ten minutes.

Coffee body scrub at home is an inexpensive, but very effective way to make the skin velvety, soft and supple. And if you carry out such a spa procedure regularly and with the addition of secret ingredients (which will be discussed later), you can help your body get rid of stretch marks, cellulite and model an elegant silhouette. Interested? Then read on!

Benefits of coffee body scrub

A coffee grounds scrub at home has become a godsend for me. Now, not a single trip to the shower is complete without such a salon procedure as scrubbing. Small particles of ground coffee gently massage the body, leaving a pleasant invigorating aroma in the bathroom. You can argue for a long time about the benefits and harms of coffee taken orally, but the fact that my skin becomes soft and supple after a wonderful home remedy is a fact.

Among the manufacturers of scrubs, Mulsan cosmetic can be distinguished. This is a Krasnodar company that produces exclusively natural cosmetics without sulfates, silicones and parabens. Their coffee body scrub Coffee - Break Scrab contains coffee beans, grape seed oil, cosmetic clay and rosemary extract. It is suitable for any skin, removes toxins, tightens pores, deeply cleanses, eliminates peeling and redness.

The price in terms of the dollar equivalent is about $ 9 for a 250 ml jar (by the way, many natural analogues cost $ 17-20). You will have to spend the same amount if you buy all good quality ingredients and make a scrub at home. You can order a scrub only in the official online store. A nice bonus - free shipping in Russia.

What are the benefits of a coffee body scrub at home?

1. First, thanks to fatty acids and vitamin E, coffee is a natural antioxidant that protects the skin from negative environmental influences and prevents photoaging.

An interesting study was conducted in Japan. 400 women have used coffee bean oil cream for a long time. As a result, they not only improved their skin condition, but even reduced wrinkles.

2. Secondly, the oil, which is contained in Arabica coffee beans, more than one and a half times increases the production of elastin and almost two - collagen in human skin.

3. Thirdly, stearins help coffee oil-based products retain moisture inside the skin and provide elasticity, while caffeine helps repair various damage.

4. Fourthly, rubbing the steamed skin after taking a bath or shower, you thereby increase blood circulation and start the processes of splitting the hated cellulite. And any moisturizing, anti-cellulite or nourishing cream will work much more effectively.

5. Fifth, using a coffee body scrub at home, you will notice a surge of strength and an improvement in mood every time. The aroma of coffee itself makes you wake up and cheer up. And the massage movements that accompany the application of the scrub will give an additional anti-cellulite effect.

How to make your own coffee scrub

Coffee grounds scrub at home is very easy to prepare. The better quality coffee you take, the better the effect will be.

Some, of course, use ground coffee, which is left over from a morning cup of an invigorating drink. But I prefer freshly ground Arabica beans.

The undoubted advantages of a coffee grounds scrub at home are ease of use and low price. Without visiting expensive salon procedures, you will instantly help your skin to renew itself, become velvety and smooth.
