
The difference between turkey meat and chicken. Turkey meat is a great cure for depression

Increasingly, turkey meat can be found on the shelves of supermarkets. It is presented in the form of whole carcasses, packaged parts of meat, breasts, wings, thighs and, of course, chopped into minced meat. Buyers began to prefer turkey meat more often than chicken, although it is much more expensive. This is due to the fact that turkey meat has a large number of useful properties and it is very useful for the human body.

Protein can be found in all types of food, including fish, eggs, milk, and vegetables, but turkey meat is a particularly good source.

What is useful in turkey meat, how useful and harmful it is, now we will understand this in more detail.

Useful substances in turkey

Turkeys are a common species of poultry from the genus of chickens and the pheasant family, which is descended from wild turkeys. The bird has a varied diet, it feeds on grass, clover, alfalfa, berries, seeds of plants and trees, acorns, beetles and grasshoppers. Therefore, meat has a great nutritional value and, accordingly, is very useful for humans. Including it in our diet, we saturate the body with vital substances.

The benefits of turkey meat are undeniable, it contains a complete protein and a complete set of amino acids necessary for the human body. He has:

phosphorus, copper, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium,

as well as B vitamins (B, B2, B3, B4, B6, B7, B9, B12), H, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

11 health benefits of turkey meat

Which is healthier chicken or turkey?

Nutritionists unequivocally state that chicken meat and turkey meat are dietary meat and each of them is very useful. Chicken can be consumed daily and it does not pose any threat to human health and figure, it is an excellent source of protein and other useful elements. Chicken broths are considered medicinal, they restore the strength lost during the illness and strengthen the immune system. Chicken meat is higher in calories than turkey meat, but this does not make it less popular among chicken lovers.

People who eat turkey meat rarely have a bad mood, because the tryptophan contained in meat produces happy hormones - endorphins. And balanced fatty acids make turkey meat an ideal product for losing weight and sports people who lead a healthy lifestyle. Anti-allergic poultry meat is useful for children, it can be used by hypertensive patients and diabetics, as it has little fat and bad cholesterol, and even more protein, amino acids, calcium and phosphorus than chicken.

The table below provides macronutrient comparisons between different types of roasted chicken and turkey. The main difference is that chicken breast contains slightly more calories than turkey breast, while dark chicken meat provides more calories than dark turkey meat. The macronutrient count is similar between chicken and turkey. However, the calorie (and fat) content is higher in dark and white meats.

Micronutrient comparison table

The vitamin and mineral content of chicken and turkey meat is very similar. These foods are good sources of iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, niacin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12. There are no significant micronutrient differences between chicken breast and turkey breast, or between dark chicken and dark turkey meat. However, dark meat is the best source of zinc and white meat is richer in niacin.

So which is better?

Because chicken and turkey are so similar, the best choice for you really comes down to taste and price. Both meats are excellent choices as a source of nutritious, high quality protein.

How to choose and store turkey meat

When choosing meat products, it is best to pay attention to farm or homemade meat. It is still natural and when growing poultry, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and other substances that could be harmful to health were not used.

The meat should have a healthy and beautiful appearance, and when pressed with a finger, the dent should immediately return to its original position. Meat is sensitive to heat, so after buying it, it must be cooked immediately or sent for storage in a refrigerator or freezer. A cooked turkey will keep in the refrigerator for up to four days.

When choosing meat, focus on its elasticity.

Be careful when frying - it dries quickly.

Keep the turkey separate from any sauces and raw foods.

A chilled turkey will keep for about one or two days, a cooked one for about four days.

Contraindications to the use of turkey meat

There are very few harms and contraindications for eating turkey meat. It, like all other products, should not be abused, especially

people with kidney failure and people with gout.

People prone to hypertension, doctors recommend not salting meat, as it already contains sodium.

Studies show that high amounts of tryptophan can make you sleepy.

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Interesting Facts

A turkey does not look that big, but it contains about 150 bones, which is slightly less than the number of bones in a person (206).

It's funny but true - like people, turkeys can die from a heart attack. This was discovered when many turkeys died from the shock and noise of jets flying overhead.

An interesting fact is that turkeys cannot raise their heads during rainstorms, a turkey can even drown when it rains.

Turkeys and peacocks have similarities, turkeys also extend their colorful feathers and dance to attract the opposite sex.

The turkey will help you recharge your batteries - it is the source of the "hormone of happiness," advises Russia's chief narcologist Yevgeny Bryun. Turkey contains amino acids such as tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin. In addition, the meat of this bird is low in cholesterol. You need to take the medicine daily - 100 grams.

The average leg of a turkey weighs about 250-300 grams. If you follow the recommendations of the chief narcologist of Russia, it is enough to eat only 100 grams of this meat per day, and the number of depressions will be significantly less.

That's probably why I'm always balanced and I always have a good cheerful mood. ☺)

For many years, I have been consuming almost only turkey from meat. I recommend to all!

Meat products are a commodity that will always be in demand. Meat is not only a nutritious and tasty product, but also a source of animal protein - the main building element of the body, the restriction of which in the diet is fraught with poor health. Each time you approach the meat counter, you may be surprised how diverse the assortment of meat is - beef, pork, rabbit meat, turkey and chicken meat. Each of them is useful in its own way, for example, rabbit meat is considered a dietary product, pork and beef are considered fatter. What can be said about the differences between chicken and turkey meat?

Turkey meat - composition and properties

Turkey meat is a dietary, easily digestible meat, which is a source of many vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It contains high-quality animal protein, amino acids, vitamins K, B, E and PP.

Turkey meat is not a high-calorie and very fatty product, so it can be safely included in the diet. The benefit of the product is that it removes cholesterol, improves blood formation, stimulates the brain, improves metabolism, saturates the body with calcium, sodium and phosphorus.

One of the main benefits of eating turkey is that it helps fight cancer.

Chicken meat - composition and properties

For years, chicken was considered a healthier food than beef and pork, as it contained less fat and was an easily digestible meat product rich in proteins and amino acids. Eating chicken meat does not cause an increase in cholesterol and controls blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

The composition of the meat product, in addition to proteins and fats, includes vitamins B, A and E, minerals - potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Thanks to such a balanced composition, a person maintains good health and his body functions fully. Chicken meat is an ideal nutritional option for children, the elderly and patients in the postoperative or rehabilitation period.

Turkey and chicken are pheasant family poultry, because in many ways the properties of their meat are similar. Meat products have an excellent taste, contain a minimum of fat and have a small amount of calories. As a health food, both chicken and turkey are ideal, as they are considered an easily digestible product. In two types of meat, the amount of cholesterol is minimal.

Turkey and chicken meat should be consumed by those who are obese, diseases of the cardiovascular system, women during pregnancy and lactation.

Differences between turkey and chicken meat

Meat products have significant differences that relate to their calorie content, composition and taste.


Turkey meat contains 276 kcal while the cholesterol content is low. 210 mg per 100 g of the product. The most high-calorie part is the wings, since it is very problematic to remove the skin from them, but it contains 387 kcal and is fatty, and fat interferes with the absorption of calcium. The lowest calorie meat is breast, 130 kcal, in this part of the bird there is no fat or carbohydrates, only protein and water.

Chicken meat is less caloric than turkey, so the calorie content of the breast is 115 kcal, and the carcass contains about 195 kcal, broiler is fatter, therefore its calorie content is higher - 219 kcal. The cholesterol content is on average 89 mg per 100 g. Thus, chicken is considered to be lower in calories and contains less cholesterol than turkey.


Like chicken, turkey contains vitamins B, A and E, only the latter contains much more of them. Turkey meat contains 1.5 times more iron than chicken meat, and 1.5 times more phosphorus than fish. Turkey contains three times more calcium than chicken, the same goes for sodium, so when using salt and spices, you should be very careful, since turkey meat does not require salting like chicken meat.

By eating turkey meat, you can forget about sleep problems, since the tryptophan contained in the product helps fight sleep disturbance. In this regard, it should be noted that turkey meat is more preferable in the diet than chicken. This is also due to the fact that during the growth of chickens, antibiotics and hormones are added to their feed so that they get sick less often and quickly gain weight. From a chicken bought in a store, you should not boil the broth, since all the “chemistry” that the bird was fattening gets into it. The greatest amount of harmful substances is concentrated in the legs of the chicken and its skin.

Taste qualities

In principle, we can say that the taste of chicken and turkey meat is mostly similar. The only difference is that the latter is slightly fatter. Much depends on the quality of the meat, unfortunately, due to the conveyor type of chicken production, its taste has deteriorated. The conditions for keeping chickens leave much to be desired, they live in cramped pavilions and their main food is compound feed with special additives.

Chickens are not allowed outside and they are not given green grass, wheat and other grains, which, of course, negatively affects the taste of the bird. Turkey has richer taste, because turkeys are kept on poultry farms, and not in cages, and their diet is much richer, because without a balanced and vitamin-rich diet, birds simply begin to die out.

“Turkey legs are the only thing I eat after the concert,” Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry recently admitted in an interview with Men's Health. And he's right. Not only is turkey lean meat, it's also full of selenium. And this microelement, for example, improves the processing of consumed fats and carbohydrates. And the rest of the vitamins and elements contained in turkey meat give Joe the strength to jump around the stage like a 20-year-old tomboy at the age of 65. Let's see how turkey is better than beef, pork and the rest " traditional meat.

1. Turkey is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Yes, yes, it is digested even better than chicken meat - what can we say about beef, and even more so pork! There is very little cholesterol in turkey meat, but there are a lot of vitamins A and B3, as well as trace elements: calcium, iron, potassium and, which distinguishes turkey from veal and beef, sodium. And sodium, as you must know, promotes an increase in blood plasma and ensures a normal metabolic process in the body. In addition, turkey contains the most tryptophan, an amino acid that improves sleep and helps produce the happiness hormone serotonin.

2. Turkey will give you mass, but not fat.

Turkey meat is a product that allows you to build muscle mass. But at the same time, leaning on a turkey, you do not risk getting nasty fat on your own sides, as can happen with meat. And all because in 100 g of turkey there is only 1.7 g of fat and up to 25-27 g of protein, while, say, in beef - 9.8 g of fat for only 20 g of protein.

3. Turkey does not aggravate the stomach.

Surely you are familiar with the state of sleepy irritability after a couple of skewered pork tenderloin skewers. Try to make the same barbecue from turkey thigh fillet - lightly marinate it in lemon juice, mustard and olive oil, and after 40 minutes throw it on the grill. Eat the resulting fragrant deliciousness with tomato salad and be surprised at your own cheerfulness and good mood. Firstly, as we have already said, turkey meat is perfectly digestible, and secondly, it contains vitamin E, the lack of which leads to mood swings and depression.

4. Turkey will lead you to love victories.

A large amount of zinc contained in turkey meat not only perfectly strengthens the immune system, but also your male power. Agree, a serious argument in favor of the turkey? Especially when you consider that there is practically no zinc in beef. And if you hit your beloved with a cooked turkey the day before, your chances of crushing love success will increase a hundredfold.

5. Turkey gives you variety in the same bird.

Turkey is the same red meat. However, so is white. Here's the secret: the muscles of animals and birds contain myoglobin, which gives the meat a rich red color. The more active the muscles during the life of the animal, the more myoglobin they contain and the redder the meat. For example, the muscles of a cow are in constant tension due to the large weight of the animal, so the beef sparkles with all shades of red. The turkey contains both red meat - stressed drumsticks and thighs, and white meat - wings and breast. So you will never get tired of this weighty bird, especially since there are more than a hundred types of chilled turkey meat products on sale that the Indylight company offers. Here you have a whole bird, and various fillets, and semi-finished products, and smoked meats, and sausages - what these guys are masters of! At the same time, you can not be afraid of poisoning with low-quality products: in Indylight, they are all produced on the most modern equipment, and every piece of meat undergoes the strictest quality control before it gets to your table. So feel free to change your diet, invent incredible delicious turkey dishes, be healthier and share your recipes with us!

    Meat is different for meat. If you want more protein and less cholesterol, then it is better not to lean on pork and beef.

    In general, meat is one of the healthiest foods.

    It contains the entire set of essential amino acids that literally “build” our body: muscles, bones, immune bodies, says nutritionist Anna Kudryavtseva. - On the other hand, many types of meat are also connective tissue, which is rather difficult to digest. And also - animal fat and, as a result, cholesterol.

    In general, not all meats are created equal.

    The most useful, according to the expert, is the rabbit.

    Rabbit meat is the champion in protein content: 21 percent. This is even more than in chicken, - Elena explained. - In addition, rabbit meat is digested by a person by 90 percent, and beef, for example, by only 60. Yes, there is more fat in a rabbit than in chicken, but there is very little cholesterol and a lot of useful omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

    There are more vitamins and minerals in rabbit meat than in other types of meat. There are vitamins B6, B12, PP, a lot of iron, phosphorus, cobalt, manganese, fluorine and potassium. And no one is allergic to rabbit meat. Even small children can eat it. The minus of rabbit meat is the high cost. Cheaper than 700 rubles per kilogram is hard to find decent meat.

    Second is the chicken.

    It is good for its high protein content and price.

    For 150 rubles a kilogram in Moscow you can buy a very decent chicken, - Anna Kudryavtseva explained. - Butcher, cook, be sure to remove the skin - here you have an excellent source of protein.

    Truly dietary meat - horse meat.

    This is organic meat. After all, horses are grown in the wild, and not in a stall, chipped with antibiotics, like cows and pigs, - says Anna Kudryavtseva. - The protein contained in horse meat is ideally balanced in terms of amino acid composition. This meat lowers blood cholesterol, regulates metabolism and even partially neutralizes the effects of radiation.

    The minus of horsemeat is the high cost. A kilogram in Moscow costs from 600 rubles.

    Much more affordable dietary meat is turkey. Its price is from 200 rubles per kilogram. And you can buy it in almost any hypermarket.

    The turkey is very easy to digest, contains about 20 percent protein, and its calorie content depends on the part of the carcass, Anna Kudryavtseva explained. - The most high-calorie wings. I would recommend eating legs and fillets. The skin must first be removed from the legs, this is the fattest part of the turkey. I do not advise frying, it is better to cook or bake.

    According to the expert, any meat, even the healthiest, is better not to eat at night. Ideal for lunch or brunch. The meat should have time to be digested before going to bed.


    To eat or not to eat? That is the question. And if so, how often. Muscovites told VM how much meat they used to cook.

    Valentina Andreichenko, pensioner:

    I will never understand vegetarians. It's only healthy, like bulls, people can afford not to eat meat. If I don’t eat meat dishes for a couple of days, I immediately feel fatigue, weakness. Vegetarians are screaming for different alternatives like beans, kidney beans and so on. But this is just an addition to the main dishes. I fed my family with meat every day, and I will continue to feed.

    I love meat very much, I love to cook it personally. Pork, veal, rabbit and even exotic kangaroo meat from Australia are on the table. I eat meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for a snack there is jamon and other delicacies.

    Recently, a friend told me that such a diet is harmful to the body, they say, there is a lot of cholesterol. Now I'm trying to limit meat consumption to three times a week and diversify the diet with fish and poultry. And still do unloading days. I want to be healthy.

    Marika Aroyan, interface designer:

    Before pregnancy, she could not live without meat. And now I'm expecting a baby, and literally even the sight of meat dishes can be unpleasant.

    But, of course, I force myself to eat meat. I am afraid that if I do not eat, it will not benefit my child. But I also try to eat fish and poultry. Rarely can I eat dumplings or pasties. But, for example, I can’t even look at cutlets now. I do not know why. At the same time, my hemoglobin is slightly elevated. True, doctors say that the mother's hemoglobin may be normal, and the child's - lowered. Therefore, I would not advise pregnant women to give up meat.

    I am 31 years old, I am not overweight, on the contrary, I would like to get a little better, I have been eating meat twice a day all my life. And recently I became interested in vegetarianism and stopped eating meat at all. I eat lentils, beans, mushrooms. And I don't want meat.

    Changes in well-being or, say, in appearance have not yet noticed. True, sometimes doubt gnaws: suddenly the body lacks something due to the lack of meat dishes in my diet.

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