
How to make a handbag and shoes from mastic (photo lesson). Cake "Handbag" - a gift to a real woman

An interesting idea for a cake that will be presented to a little fashionista or an adult lady is a sweet gift in the form of a handbag. An elegant "Bag" cake can be made from mastic or decorated with cream - it all depends on your skills in working with this or that material, wishes and imagination.

Cake "Bag" from mastic

According to our master class, the product in the form of a handbag turns out to be quite small. But you can always increase the amount of ingredients.

In this simple master class, you will need the following products and accessories for decorating a cake:

  • round biscuit cake;
  • oil or butter cream for layering cakes and grouting the surface;
  • mastic;
  • food coloring in the following colors: pink, black, gray;
  • sugar beads white and pink;
  • cornstarch or powdered sugar;
  • rolling pin;
  • cutters and stacks;
  • scapula;
  • cake pad.

The process of creating a sweet gift in the form of a women's handbag will take quite a lot of time, but it will be 100% possible to surprise the birthday girl. Using our master class, start creating a unique culinary masterpiece:

  1. Bake a round cake with a diameter of about 24 centimeters. Layer it with cream and cover the surface and sides with it, level it well, put it in the refrigerator for at least a few hours.
  2. Then take the cake out of the fridge, cut off about a fifth to make a stable base. Now turn the cake over with a slice on the substrate - this will be our future handbag.
  3. Color most of the covering paste light pink with food coloring. Roll out the layer, cut off a rectangle from it, equal in length and width to the side of the cake, which is now on top of the bag. Apply the mastic and release the air.
  4. Now roll out a layer of pink fondant so large that it can completely cover the cake. Lay out a layer directly on top of the side part covered with mastic, carefully release the air with an iron, cut off the excess with a knife.

  1. You can make an even diamond-shaped line on the surface of our handbag using a special film. It is a rectangular transparent cut on which the relief of the line is created. It must first be applied to the side parts of the cake with bulges inward, ironed with an iron. Then the procedure must be repeated with the upper part of the bag. You can make the relief more visible with the help of a long ruler-triangle, pushing along the already outlined contours.
  2. Now you need to make a lightning. Using a sharp stack, make an incision exactly in the center of the upper part by about 70% of the length, do not bring the cut to the bottom. From a small piece of gray mastic, cut a rectangle about 1 cm thick and a length that matches the length of the incision. Give it a relief that will imitate a zipper. Carefully place this fastener inside the notch, trim off the excess mastic, fold the edges inside with a stack and create a stitch along the edges of the zipper.
  3. On the one hand, you need to make a zipper tongue. We will also make it from gray mastic, first you need to mold the blank into the shape of a droplet, glue a larger droplet with a hole in the middle onto it.

  1. Why with the help of black mastic we make the edging of the handbag. The edging elements must be arranged in the form of flagella with a diameter of not more than 3 millimeters. We attach this tourniquet at the base of the bag and along the side seams. Before gluing, it is necessary to lubricate its decor with a gel or other adhesive.
  2. Now, in all places where the line crosses, it is necessary to attach sugar pearl beads, they need to be slightly greased with decorgel and, as it were, squeezed into the surface of the cake.
  3. After that, roll out a rectangle from black mastic, which will emit a clasp. Lay this rectangle so that it goes on half of the side parts of the handbag. Lay a rectangle of black mastic on top of the same length, but smaller width.
  4. Roll up 2 fairly wide sausages from pink mastic, which will become our purse handles. Pinch the sausages along the entire length with your fingers, imitating a line. Now cut off the excess with a round knife, use a ruler to give relief. Bend the handles, refine the edges. You can glue the handles with the help of an adhesive, in our master class they are lowered down.

That's the whole master class, it remains only to decorate the clasp of the handbag with an elegant brooch. It is an ordinary circle of white or light pink mastic, on which multi-colored sugar balls are located in a circle.

Cake "Bag" of cream

A creamy "handbag" with elegant lush roses as decoration is a wonderful sweet gift for a real woman. Delicate biscuit inside, airy butter cream outside, original design with elegant decor - you can do all this yourself using our master class.

To create a cake in the form of a bag of biscuit cake and cream, you will need the following tools and ingredients:

  • oval shaped biscuit cake;
  • oil cream for layering cakes and grouting the surface;
  • butter cream for decoration;
  • mastic;
  • silver food coloring;
  • some cornstarch;
  • a pastry bag with a notched nozzle for creating roses;
  • wide shoulder blade;
  • rolling pin and mat for mastic;
  • tassel;

The master class shows how to make an oblong reticule bag. You can change the shape yourself, as well as increase or decrease the size of this cake. So, let's start creating a dessert in the form of a female accessory:

  1. First of all, you need to bake an oblong oval-shaped cake. After that, the biscuit is cut into 3-4 cakes, depending on the initial height, smeared inside (between the cakes) with cream. With the same cream, using a wide spatula, it is necessary to level the outer surface of the cake. Place the base in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  2. Now prepare the buttercream. If desired, you can add gelatin to it or make it custard. At this stage, the cream can be given any shade or left white (more precisely, slightly yellowish), as in our master class.

  1. And now the cake needs to be shaped. To do this, turn it vertically, placing it on the side surface. Cut off the excess on top, round off the corners.
  2. Transfer the cream to a piping bag and use a long-toothed tip that is commonly used to create cream roses.
  3. Decorate the entire surface of the base in the form of a bag with flowers, making rounded movements with the bag. As a result, you should get two rows on the side surfaces of the cake and one row of flowers on top.

  1. Now let's get to work with the mask. We need gray mastic. You can paint it at the kneading stage or apply gray paint to ready-made elements. From mastic we will make a handle for the bag. In this case, the handle is made in the form of a latch, as on a wallet.
  2. Roll out a long strip of mastic about 2.5 centimeters wide and about 1 centimeter thick. Cut the edges of the workpiece obliquely. Place the figure vertically and make a longitudinal notch on top.
  3. Roll up two balls. Cover all elements with decorgel or mother-of-pearl paint for shine.
  4. Connect the resulting elements - put the longitudinal blank on the surface of the bag along, attach two mastic balls from above with the help of an adhesive.

Such an elegant sweet "handbag" will decorate the festive table for any woman, girl and girl, regardless of age. Additionally, the bag can be decorated with sugar beads and other decorations.

Additional ideas

This cake can be baked for the birthday of your mother or beloved friend. Believe me, such a gift will be very original and will surely please all guests. Making such a mastic cake is quite simple, you just need a little desire and patience. This is one of the simple mastic cakes that you can practice on, and only then take on more brilliant masterpieces. If your girlfriend’s favorite accessory is a handbag, then by making a cake in the form of a women’s bag, you definitely won’t go wrong with the choice of the shape of the mastic cake. You can choose absolutely any basis for the cake.

The most important thing is that the cake and cream are quite dry and do not float under a layer of mastic. An ordinary biscuit is perfect as a base. I will cook my friend's favorite cake "Chocolate on Boiling Water", as the basis for the mastic cake.

What you need to make a mastic cake:


For test:

2 cups of sugar;

2 cups of flour;

100 grams of cocoa powder;

1.5 teaspoons of unslaked soda;

A glass of boiling water;

Half a glass of vegetable oil;

A glass of milk;

A bag of vanilla sugar (10 grams) or half a bag of vanillin (1.5 grams);

For cream:

250 grams of butter;

100 grams of white chocolate;

3 tablespoons of sugar;

2 tablespoons of premium flour;

A glass of milk;

For mastic:

1.5-2 cups of powdered sugar;

A package of chewy marshmallows or marshmallows.

How to make buttercream cake:


Since a lot of guests were invited, all the ingredients are given for a large portion of mastic cake. If you are planning a small dinner in a close family circle, just divide all the ingredients I have proposed by two. Let's start making buttercream cake. We take a large bowl and sift the flour into it, add cocoa, vanillin and sugar to the flour. Also, add soda. We mix the poured ingredients well, only very carefully, dry products will raise a lot of dust. Using a mixer, beat the eggs into a fluffy foam. Their volume will increase three times. In a thin, thin stream, add vegetable oil to the beaten eggs, without stopping whisking. All this must be done at high speeds. As soon as the eggs with butter turn into mayonnaise, add it to the dry ingredients and pour the milk into the same. We start kneading the dough.

Now turn on the mixer and start beating the dough at high speeds. Pour boiling water into a glass and pour it in a thin stream. You should get a voluminous and bubbly dough. Turn off the mixer and start preparing the baking dish. We cover a suitable form with parchment and pour the dough on it. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send our cake into it. It takes 25-30 minutes for it to bake. Just in case, pierce the middle with a toothpick, if it is dry, then you can get it out, but if there is batter on it, bake until done. When the mastic cake cake is ready, take the mold out of the oven and leave it at room temperature, and after 10 minutes, take it out. Place immediately on a plate and let cool.

Let's start with the white chocolate cream. Very tasty, let me tell you. We put milk on a slow fire, add sugar to it and, stirring constantly, add a little flour. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil, and then immediately remove from heat. Add white chocolate to the mixture while hot, leave for a couple of minutes and then mix well. It turns out quite a thick mass.

To finish the preparation of the cream, you need to beat the butter. Don't spoil your friend's mood by using vegetable spread. It will give the cake not only a disgusting aftertaste, but also a terrible smell. Buy high-quality butter!

Leave the butter at room temperature to soften. We beat it with a mixer at high speeds so that the mass becomes airy and doubles in volume. Now, without stopping whisking, we introduce the cream that we prepared into the oil by a tablespoon.

Cut the cooled cake into two parts so that you get two cakes. Lubricate the bottom cake with cream, put the second one on top.

Now we begin to cut the cake as shown in the photo and make a handbag. We make crumbs from the remaining scraps and add them to the cream. We get plaster for the cake from mastic. Completely plaster the cake and refrigerate for three hours to set. We take it out and plaster it again to remove all the flaws, but now put it in the refrigerator for the night to soak.

The next day, we take out our cake. We heat the knife and run it over the surface with a hot knife so that it becomes smooth and even.

Now let's start making marshmallow mastic. I bought marshmallows of two colors in one pack - white and pink. Before I start melting them, I separate the pinks and whites by color into separate bowls. First, send one bowl of marshmallows to the microwave. One minute is enough for it to melt. We take out and through a sieve we begin to pour powdered sugar. Constantly stir the mastic. When you get a plastic mass, pour a little powder on top and close the bowl with cellophane. Set aside for 25 minutes. We do the same with the second part of the mastic.

Now we take a lump of pink mastic and roll it thinly. Using a pancake wooden skewer, draw puffs. We try on a piece of mastic to the purse and cut off the excess. Do the same for the other side of the bag.

Cut out the sidewalls from white mastic, glue them to pink mastic with a brush dipped in water. To hide the joints, lay pigtails on top of them. On the top of the mastic cake we make a fastener, as it should be, we also make a handle. That's all, our mastic cake is ready, you can safely go with such a wonderful gift to visit.

If you wish, you can decorate the cake at the junction of the handles and fasteners with mastic flowers, which is very easy to do if you cut the mastic into thin strips and roll them into a tube, then straighten the edges and get a flower.

That's all, it's not all that complicated, right?

Ilnitskaya Alla prepared a cake from mastic.


It's no secret that a women's handbag is an essential attribute of the style and image of any modern fashionista. Therefore, when the question arises of which cake should be prepared for a birthday or other celebration for an adult lady, a young girl or a little girl, many experienced confectioners recommend making a cake in the form of a handbag. This sweet and elegant gift can be decorated with cream or mastic - it all depends on the work skills, imagination and preferences of the author. The handbag cake looks very original and appetizing. The photos below show this clearly. In our article, we will share some recipes.

How to make a dessert in the form of a mastic handbag: a master class

According to this recipe, the handbag cake is made of mastic in a relatively small size. But if desired, the number of ingredients can always be increased. In the process of making a sweet gift, a special set of ingredients and special devices are used.

What you need to create a dessert

You need to purchase such devices and ingredients (some of them you can cook yourself):

  • Round biscuit cake.
  • Cream (butter or oil) for layering cakes and covering the surface.
  • Mastic.
  • Dyes (food) - black, pink, gray.
  • Beads (sugar) - pink and white.
  • Corn starch (can be replaced with powdered sugar).
  • Rolling pin.
  • Stacks.
  • Shoulder blade.
  • Cake pad.

The process of making a handbag cake will take a lot of time. This should be taken into account by those who decided in this way to pleasantly surprise the birthday girl.

Process description

Cake "Handbag" from mastic is not so easy to make. It will take a lot of patience, as well as the use of remarkable imagination and skills of the hostess.

First, a cake (round) with a diameter of about 24 cm is baked. It is layered with cream, which also covers the side parts and the entire surface, smoothes it well and puts it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

After 2 hours, the product is taken out of the refrigerator, cut off about 1/5 of the part from which the base will be made. The remaining piece is set with a cut on the substrate.

We cover the "handbag" with mastic

Most of the mastic, which will be covered with a “handbag”, is dyed light pink (food coloring is used). They roll out the layer, cut off a piece of a rectangular shape from it, the length of which is equal to the width of the side of the cake (now it is at the top of the "handbag"). Apply mastic to it, level it, releasing air.

Next, roll out a layer of pink mastic. Its size should allow it to completely cover the cake. This layer is laid out on top of the side part, which is already covered with mastic, the air is carefully released (you can use a special iron), the excess is cut off with a knife.

Further, using a special film on the surface of the “Handbag” cake, they make an even line of a diamond shape. It is applied first to the sides of the cake (with bulges inside), ironed with an iron. Then the procedure is repeated with the top of the product. Using a special long ruler-triangle, you can make the relief more visible by pushing it along the outlined contours.

Making "lightning"

An incision is made with a sharp stack in the center of the upper part (70% of the length), without bringing it to the very bottom. From a piece of gray mastic (small), cut a ribbon 1 cm wide. The length of the ribbon and the incision should match. The cut out part is also given a relief imitating a zipper. The "fastener" is carefully placed inside the incision, the excess mastic is cut off, the edges are folded inward with the help of a stack, and a line is created along the edges of the zipper.

On the one hand, they make a zipper tongue. To do this, a droplet-shaped blank is molded from gray mastic, a larger droplet with a hole in the center is glued onto it.

Decorate the surface of the cake

Further, the edging of the "handbag" is made from black mastic. Elements are made in the form of flagella (d=3 mm). The tourniquet is attached along the side seams and at the base of the "bag" (gel or any other food adhesive is used).

Then, in all places where the line intersects, mother-of-pearl beads made of sugar are attached (they are lightly smeared with decorative gel and pressed into the surface of the product).

Next, a rectangle imitating a fastener is rolled out of black mastic. It should be laid so that it freely enters half of the barrels of the "handbag". A rectangle of black mastic of the same length, but narrower, is laid on top.

We create handles for the "Handbag" cake

After finishing the work on decorating the product, two rather wide sausages are rolled from pink mastic, which are pinched along the entire length with fingers, creating an imitation of a line. The excess is cut off with a round knife, using a ruler, they give relief. The handles are bent, glued with a special adhesive (food).

The clasp of the "handbag" is decorated with an elegant brooch, which is made from an ordinary mug of mastic (light pink or white), on which multi-colored sugar beads are placed in a circle.

Cream cake "Handbag" master class

A wonderful sweet present can be made from cream. Such a cake "Handbag" for a girl, a young girl or a lady can be made with your own hands, creating it from a delicate biscuit, smearing it on the outside with airy buttercream, decorating it in an original way with elegant lush flowers or other elegant decoration elements.

What you need to work

To make a cream cake, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Oval cake (biscuit).
  • Cream (oil), which is used to layer cakes and wipe the surface of the cake.
  • Cream (creamy) for decoration.
  • Mastic.
  • Silver food coloring.
  • Corn starch.
  • Pastry bag with a toothed nozzle (used for making decorative items).
  • Wide blade.
  • Mat for mastic.
  • Rolling pin.
  • Tassel.

Technology Description

In the process of preparing a cake, the author can fantasize and make his own additions to the design of the product. First, an oval biscuit cake is baked and cut into 3-4 layers, which are smeared with butter cream. Using a wide spatula, the outer and inner surfaces of the cake are leveled, after which the base is placed in the refrigerator for three to four hours.

Cooking cream and decorating the cake with roses

The cake is turned over, placing it vertically on one of the side surfaces. Trim off the excess and round off the corners.

The cream is transferred to a pastry bag, put on a nozzle with long teeth. Further, the entire surface of the base is decorated with flowers. In this case, you should make rounded movements with the bag. The result should be 2 rows of cream "roses" on the side surfaces of the product and one row on top.

The final stage - the pen

It is made from gray mastic. The product can be dyed while kneading or a gray dye can be applied to finished parts. The handle in this "handbag" is made in the form of a latch. Roll out a strip of mastic 2.5 cm wide. The thickness of the cut should be about 1 cm. The edges of the workpiece are cut obliquely. Next, the part is installed vertically and a longitudinal recess is made from above. Then you should roll 2 balls. All details are covered with mother-of-pearl paint or decorgel (for shine). Next, the resulting elements are connected - a longitudinal shape blank is placed on the surface of the bag, balls of mastic are attached on top (an adhesive is used).

Dessert in the form of a handbag with a shoe

To make the dough for this masterpiece of culinary art, you will need:

  • Soda - 1 tbsp. l. (extinguish with vinegar).
  • Two eggs.
  • Flour - two glasses.
  • Brown sugar - one glass.
  • Sour cream - one glass.
  • Condensed milk - half a can.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • Cognac - one table. spoon.
  • Three yolks.
  • 300 grams of butter (soft).
  • A quarter glass of water.
  • 50 grams of chocolate.
  • Half a can of condensed milk.

The cake is decorated with mastic (500 g).


The dough is prepared very simply: all the ingredients are mixed and beaten until smooth. Then they act like this:

  1. The resulting mass is poured onto a baking sheet, which must be covered with baking paper. Bake in for 15 min. in the oven, heated to a temperature of 170 degrees, cool.
  2. Beat condensed milk with water and yolks, put on a small fire and stand until thickened, then add chocolate (chopped) and cool. The butter is whipped, gradually added to the cream, constantly whipping with a mixer. At the end add cognac.
  3. The cake is assembled: a circle is cut out of the biscuit (d = 16 cm), cut in half, soaked in syrup (any). Coat with cream on all sides, send to the refrigerator for one hour.
  4. The mastic is rolled out, strips 2 cm thick and 16 cm long are cut out of it. Flowers are made from them, ruffles are formed, and folded. The cake is set in a vertical position, covered with mastic, flowers are attached. Add a handle made of mastic, decorate with edible beads, set the cake on a stand. For showiness, the “handbag” is decorated with a mastic “shoe”.

Sweet elegant "handbag" will bring joy and pleasantly decorate the holiday for any woman, girl or girl, regardless of age.

I am convinced that every mother can make such a cake for her daughter and my recipe aims to show how simple and interesting it is! And it is especially interesting if you do the details with the children. Remember modeling classes in kindergarten and you will succeed. Our kitchen is a magical place where you can realize any of your wildest dreams. For example, such a cake for a fashionista, you just need to bake two biscuits with a diameter of 23 cm. Biscuits can be baked to your taste, and I will make chocolate and white. So let's get started!

For the cake, we need biscuits. I baked a chocolate biscuit according to the recipe indicated, this biscuit is good in all cakes. I baked a white biscuit according to and I can say that this biscuit is really very easy to prepare, thanks for it Lenochka!

We cut the biscuits lengthwise into two cakes and cut them as shown in the photo. The cut off rounded parts will be the top of the handbag.

Let's prepare the impregnation, for this we heat the sugar with juice in a saucepan until dissolved and add cognac to the cooled syrup. Let's soak all the cakes.

For creamy white cream, beat condensed milk with cream until stable peaks.

For chocolate cream, dissolve coffee in boiling water and add cocoa and a little powdered sugar. Cool the mixture. Then add this mixture while whipping cream. Get a gentle cream.

We collect the cake. We coat the lower rectangular cakes with chocolate cream. And white cream cakes that form the rounded top of the bag. We put our cake blank in the cold.

Beat the warm and soft butter at room temperature into a fluffy mass and add condensed milk in a spoonful. When all the milk is beaten in, we get a dense and tasty cream. With this cream we will level the cake.

When our workpiece has cooled down and seized, we remove excess cream from the sides and walls with a knife and fill all the bumps with butter cream. Align the sides, corners and top of our cake. When everything is done, put the cake in the cold for another hour. Although, some immediately apply mastic, but I'm still just learning and therefore I let the cream set.

In advance, 2 days in advance, preferably I make shoes and various small decor. It takes time for everything to dry out. I made shoes according to a pattern that I made myself.

She cut the mastic according to the patterns and connected the parts with water. Just a little - a little applied water with a brush. In order for the shoes to keep their shape, I inserted balls of cling film inside.

I made a set of cosmetics at my discretion.

For all this, I used ready-made mastic bought in a store. I dyed it myself with food coloring, I have Wilton.

When the decor is ready and our cake has cooled down and the cream has set, you can decorate the handbag.

We roll out the white mastic on the eye. We just measure the sides of the handbag and roll an approximate rectangle, then cut off all the excess. For the relief of the bag, we roll the mastic with a figured rolling pin.

We apply mastic to the cake, make folds like on a purse, and cut off all the excess.

In the same way we apply lilac mastic. Moisten the places where the colors are connected with a brush and press to fix.

Our handbag is almost ready, but the sun has already set and I'm tired and I don't have the strength to carry a big cake to the window. I will shoot further on the desktop, forgive me. Roll out the details for the top of the handbag. I do it by eye and don't forget about the relief.

Finishing up the bag. We make a neck.

All that's left is nothing! Handles are just two flagella twisted together .. Once and done!

We fasten the handles and put cosmetics. Shadows and powder are suitable for a heart for a birthday girl.

We put the shoes, glue the Chanel badge on the water. We glue shoes, lipstick and bows to the substrate using sugar syrup.

It seems that everything is not forgotten?

Yes, perhaps everything! I hope the young charmer will be pleased! Happiness to her and health!

And nothing complicated! Every mom can do it! I know for sure!

It's no secret that a women's handbag is an essential attribute of the style and image of any modern fashionista. Therefore, when the question arises of which cake should be prepared for a birthday or other celebration for an adult lady, a young girl or a little girl, many experienced confectioners recommend making a cake in the form of a handbag. This sweet and elegant gift can be decorated with cream or mastic - it all depends on the skills, imagination and preferences of the author. The handbag cake looks very original and appetizing. The photos below show this clearly. In our article, we will share some recipes.

How to make a dessert in the form of a mastic handbag: a master class

According to this recipe, the handbag cake is made of mastic in a relatively small size. But if desired, the number of ingredients can always be increased. In the process of making a sweet gift, a special set of ingredients and special devices are used.

What you need to create a dessert

You need to purchase such devices and ingredients (some of them you can cook yourself):

  • Round biscuit cake.
  • Cream (butter or oil) for layering cakes and covering the surface.
  • Mastic.
  • Dyes (food) - black, pink, gray.
  • Beads (sugar) - pink and white.
  • Corn starch (can be replaced with powdered sugar).
  • Rolling pin.
  • Stacks.
  • Shoulder blade.
  • Cake pad.

The process of making a handbag cake will take a lot of time. This should be taken into account by those who decided in this way to pleasantly surprise the birthday girl.

Process description

Cake "Handbag" from mastic is not so easy to make. It will take a lot of patience, as well as the use of remarkable imagination and skills of the hostess.

First, a cake (round) with a diameter of about 24 cm is baked. It is layered with cream, which also covers the side parts and the entire surface, smoothes it well and puts it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

After 2 hours, the product is taken out of the refrigerator, cut off about 1/5 of the part from which the base will be made. The remaining piece is set with a cut on the substrate.

We cover the "handbag" with mastic

Most of the mastic, which will be covered with a “handbag”, is dyed light pink (food coloring is used). They roll out the layer, cut off a piece of a rectangular shape from it, the length of which is equal to the width of the side of the cake (now it is at the top of the "handbag"). Apply mastic to it, level it, releasing air.

Next, roll out a layer of pink mastic. Its size should allow it to completely cover the cake. This layer is laid out on top of the side part, which is already covered with mastic, the air is carefully released (you can use a special iron), the excess is cut off with a knife.

Further, using a special film on the surface of the “Handbag” cake, they make an even line of a diamond shape. It is applied first to the sides of the cake (with bulges inside), ironed with an iron. Then the procedure is repeated with the top of the product. Using a special long ruler-triangle, you can make the relief more visible by pushing it along the outlined contours.

Making "lightning"

An incision is made with a sharp stack in the center of the upper part (70% of the length), without bringing it to the very bottom. From a piece of gray mastic (small), cut a ribbon 1 cm wide. The length of the ribbon and the incision should match. The cut out part is also given a relief imitating a zipper. The “fastener” is carefully placed inside the incision, the excess mastic is cut off, the edges are folded inward with the help of a stack, and a line is created along the edges of the zipper.
