
How many cups of coffee per day can you drink. Four cups a day

Beloved by many, coffee is a drink surrounded by a lot of controversy and rumors. Even the opinions of doctors about its benefits and safety differ greatly. Some claim that this is just a wonderful drink, provide evidence that, while others consider it harmful. In fact, regardless of the beneficial properties of coffee, it can be harmful if abused.

To help you understand how many cups of coffee you can drink, we will talk about the effects of a drink in a certain amount on the body.

Benefits of a cup of coffee

Doctors don’t say exactly how many cups of coffee you need to drink, but just a cup is enough to get a certain benefit. A drink in such a small amount strengthens the arterial walls due to the content of antioxidants that saturate our blood with oxygen.

Thus, a mug a day will definitely not harm, but will have a beneficial effect. In this amount, strong coffee can only disturb sleep.

What will give the body two mugs?

How much you can drink ground coffee per day, decide for yourself. By drinking two cups a day, proteins will not be able to affect the brain, that is, you will prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.

If you want to be in good shape or go in for sports, you need to drink two cups of coffee. With increased pressure, a drink in such an amount can aggravate the situation. More than two cups is strictly prohibited for pregnant women (doctors generally do not recommend expectant mothers to use a tonic drink).

What are three cups of coffee capable of?

Drinking up to three cups of coffee daily minimizes the chance of developing gallstones or ovarian cancer. But you need to be aware that three cups contain 250-300 mg of caffeine, and this amount of a substance can increase the risk of a heart attack. Therefore, you should calculate how many cups of coffee you can drink, taking into account disorders and diseases.

Drinking four cups

Some people are used to drinking up to 4-5 cups of coffee a day. Accordingly, they take about 400 mg of caffeine daily. These people have a reduced risk of developing the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • cancer of the larynx, oral cavity and prostate;
  • liver disease.

But if abused, strong ground coffee can cause cardiovascular disorders. If you are used to a tonic drink and drink four cups of it for more than a year, your body is probably used to it and does not suffer from it.

It is impossible to say exactly how many ml of coffee you can drink per day, so the main thing is caffeine. If you drink a weak drink, you can use it in large enough volumes, and if you prefer a strong real espresso, limit yourself to 4-5 cups, no more.

Many are also interested in how many cups of instant coffee can be drunk per day? In this case, it all depends on the quality of the drink. In good instant coffee, the amount of caffeine is the same as in ground coffee, and in cheap types of such a drink, caffeine is 2-3 times less.

Overdose symptoms

If you do not take into account how many cups of coffee you can drink a day and constantly abuse it, you will have trouble. The symptoms of an overdose are usually short-lived, so you can cut down on the amount of drink you drink in time to get things back to normal.

Caffeine primarily works inside the brain by stimulating neurotransmitters. When drinking large amounts of coffee for a short period of time, you may notice symptoms:

  • anxiety;
  • dizziness;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • stomach upset;
  • body trembling;
  • insomnia;
  • accelerated heart rate.

In emergency situations, you should flush the stomach with plain water, and if nausea or diarrhea occurs, take a laxative or activated charcoal. In case of a serious overdose, accompanied by convulsions and tachycardia, it is better to call an ambulance.

A cup of strong freshly brewed coffee - what could be better? Just one more cup in the morning at work! And one more thing - a colleague from a neighboring department dropped in to chat. And then another one - well, you can’t wake up in any way. And at lunch another cup - a lot of work, you need to mobilize all the resources ...

Coffee is a great natural stimulant. The natural alkaloid caffeine contained in it has an exciting effect on the human body, activates the production of serotonin and dopamine. These hormones are responsible for the feeling of pleasure and stress relief, so coffee really helps to cheer up and cheer up. According to some reports, coffee is able to inhibit pathogenic microflora, reduce allergic reactions, and even resist the appearance of neoplasms. But excess coffee can overexcite the nervous system, overload the heart, and adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.

So how many cups of coffee can you afford per day without harming your own body?

A cup of a cup of strife

First you need to decide on the volume of this very cup. Traditionally, it is from 70 to 100 ml. But, you see, there are practically no aesthetes using these miniature vessels now. Most of us drink coffee from ordinary tea cups, and even prefer glasses with a volume of 300-350 ml.

In most studies on coffee, a “cup” refers to just traditional coffee utensils, with a volume of about 100 ml.

An absolutely safe dose that promotes healing of the arteries and slightly lowers blood pressure (contrary to popular belief) - one cup a day.

Two cups According to scientists, they help prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

three cups may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer and gallstones. But just with three cups a day, the risk zone begins - such an amount of caffeine is already quite capable of negatively affecting cardiac activity.

four cups- prevention of tumors of the oral cavity, larynx and such an unpleasant disease as diabetes. But in this case, the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory processes in the joints will increase.

five cups reduce the risk of liver disease, but increase the likelihood of developing osteoporosis.

six cups is the limit. The result of an overdose can be irritable bowel syndrome, heart attacks, hypertensive crisis and even mental disorders.

Don't forget the caffeine!

But truth be told, just counting the cups is not enough. For an accurate result, you also need to know the amount of caffeine in the drink. The average allowable dose for a healthy person is no more than 300 mg daily, so knowing how much it is in a particular type of coffee, you can easily calculate the daily intake. For example, in espresso, the caffeine content is 80-135 mg, in cappuccino - 70-80 mg, in natural home-brewed coffee - 115-175 mg, in instant coffee - 65-100 mg. The amount of caffeine in the drink can be reduced by adding milk or lemon - coffee does not lose its taste, and its effect becomes less aggressive.

How to drink coffee correctly

In order to enjoy the taste of your favorite drink without consequences, it is worth remembering a few simple rules.

  1. The optimal mode of use is three times a day in small cups of 100-120 ml. If you prefer latte or cappuccino, the volume of the cup can be increased.
  2. Do not drink coffee on an empty stomach - it is harmful! It is better to do this immediately after eating or after some time has passed. But do not forget that if you drink coffee after a meal, you should not accompany this event with sweets - this can overload the stomach.
  3. The body's sensitivity to caffeine decreases with regular coffee consumption, so for true coffee lovers, the number of cups that is at the upper limit of the norm is 5-6 daily.
  4. It is advisable to drink the last cup of coffee 4-5 hours before bedtime, otherwise the stimulating effect of caffeine can ruin the entire night's rest.
  5. Use only natural bean or ground coffee. In soluble there are no useful substances, and in cheap varieties, the composition, as a rule, is generally unknown. But instant coffee has a very harsh effect on the stomach, especially if you drink it on an empty stomach. It is believed that its regular intake can cause the development of gastritis. If you really want coffee, and only instant coffee is available, reduce the consumption rate to one cup a day.

How nice to start your day with an invigorating cup of coffee! Then drink a couple at work, take a girlfriend out for coffee at lunch, well, and then skip another one for inspiration ... Stop, stop, stop! How many cups of coffee should you drink during the day?

Who is at risk of caffeine poisoning?

Even Paracelsus said: "Everything is medicine and poison. And only the dose determines both." These words perfectly characterize the effect of coffee on human health, because those who consume this drink in moderation get a lot of benefits from it, but those who abuse it can provoke certain health problems. Excessive coffee consumption can lead to caffeine poisoning, which is characterized by increased nervousness, headaches, tachycardia, insomnia, and panic attacks. This drink is generally contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, since caffeine is a powerful stimulant that increases blood pressure, blood circulation, and increases stress on the heart. Those who have a very excitable nervous system should also avoid coffee, however, as well as patients with peptic ulcer, gastritis (with high acidity), diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis.

How much coffee can you drink without harm to health?

The safe dose of coffee does not depend on the number of cups drunk, but on the caffeine contained in the drink. After all, one person is used to drinking strong espresso, and the second prefers Americano diluted with water. Experts calculate a safe dose based on the fact that at one time a healthy adult should not receive more than 100-200 milligrams of pure caffeine (which is equal to 3 teaspoons of natural ground coffee or 2 teaspoons of instant coffee). It is recommended to drink no more than 2-3 such servings of coffee per day, then the drink will have a mild tonic effect without causing harm to health.

Which coffee is healthier?

The most useful natural coffee made from freshly ground beans. Instant coffee is inferior to ground coffee in terms of taste, aroma, and, of course, the degree of usefulness. The fact is that instant coffee is devoid of lipids, tannins, vitamins, mineral salts, tannins, carbohydrates and organic acids contained in the coffee bean. The only thing that remains in such a drink is naked caffeine, which acts on the body more aggressively. The situation is no better with decaffeinated coffee. The fact is that the removal of caffeine is impossible without organic solvents, which, in a caffeinated drink, form chemical compounds hazardous to health that contribute to the development of oncological processes in the human stomach and intestines. That is why doctors recommend either giving up coffee altogether (if there are health problems), or trying to reduce the caffeine content in the drink in another way.

How to reduce the concentration of caffeine in coffee?

Different types of coffee have different amounts of caffeine. For example, in "arabica" this invigorating substance is 30% less than in "robusta". In addition, when brewing a drink, you can resort to some tricks. So that caffeine does not have time to completely pass from the grains to the water, the brewing time should be reduced to a minimum. To do this, freshly ground grains are poured not with cold, as is customary to do, but with hot water (you can use boiling water). After that, the drink is put on fire and brought to a boil. Then it should be immediately strained and poured into cups.

How much caffeine is in a cup of espresso?

The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee can vary depending on how roasted the beans are and how the drink is prepared. According to the American National Association of Soft Drink Manufacturers, a cup of European coffee contains from 115-175 mg of caffeine, espresso - 80-100 mg of caffeine (double the concentration of this substance is higher), American coffee - 80-135 mg, cappuccino - 70-80 mg, in soluble - 65-100 mg, and in decaffeinated - 3-4 mg of caffeine. However, do not forget that the absorption of caffeine also depends on many factors, such as the absence or presence of milk, sugar and other additives in a cup of coffee. So, in espresso there can be as much caffeine as in American coffee, but the concentration of this substance in the first case will be higher due to the small amount of water, therefore, the absorption of espresso will be faster. But cappuccino or americano with milk will be absorbed more slowly, which means that the effect of caffeine from such drinks will be less aggressive.

Irina Chernaya

We thank Petr Karpenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Dietology and Clinical Research of Medical and Preventive Means, Chief Nutritionist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, for his help in preparing the material.

How nice it is to drink a cup of strong, invigorating coffee in the early morning. The aroma of this drink for many becomes a source of good mood for the whole day! But how many of these cups can you afford without harming your health? Today we are together looking for an answer to the question, how much coffee can you drink a day?

The debate on this issue is quite fierce. Some believe that you can safely drink up to 6 cups of coffee a day, while others insist that a stimulating drink can be taken in almost homeopathic doses, but certainly not more than one serving.

Correct coffee cup size

To begin with, it would be nice to define the terms. The words "cup of coffee" are interpreted by many consumers very loosely, depending on the volume of their favorite vessel. Not everyone uses neat cups with a volume of 70-100 ml for coffee. Many people prefer glasses of 300-350 ml. Meanwhile, in the description of studies, the results of experiments and other literature, the phrase “cup of coffee” means just standard, ordinary coffee utensils, with a volume of approximately 100 ml. When it comes to espresso, a cup means an even smaller volume of 70-80 ml.

It's time to move on to the main thing!

Coffee is a good natural stimulant. This effect of the drink is provided by the presence of the natural alkaloid caffeine. It has a stimulating effect on our body. Under its influence, the production of adrenaline increases, which makes the heart beat faster, quickens breathing, and speeds up metabolic processes.

Under the influence of caffeine, the production of other hormones - dopamine and serotonin, which are responsible for pleasant emotions and stress relief, is also activated. Therefore, a cup of drink helps to cheer up, but how many times a day can you drink coffee?

The chemical composition of the grain is very complex and not fully understood, but it is clear that the infusion has many additional properties. For example, it prevents the pathogenic development of the bacterial flora, reduces allergic manifestations, and even acts as a prevention of neoplasms. It would seem, drink coffee, but rejoice! However, it is worth remembering the principle of the ancient Aesculapius, who said: “There is medicine in a spoon, poison in a cup!”. Therefore, everything is good in moderation. Excess coffee excessively excites the nervous system, depresses digestion, overloads the heart.

What portion of coffee can be considered optimal for an ordinary person?

Doctors say that an absolutely safe dose is 1 cup of coffee a day. For a relatively healthy person, three to four cups of coffee a day will allow you to fully experience the beneficial effects of the positive properties of the drink.

The limit beyond which the effect of coffee becomes less favorable is six cups of coffee a day.

The optimal regimen for taking coffee is three times a day, one small cup each. If you drink cappuccino or latte, then the volume of the drink may be more than the standard 100 ml, because such cocktails contain a lot of milk or cream.

We drink coffee right!

The rules of healthy coffee drinking are easy to follow, and the result will be not only the enjoyment of taste, but also the benefits of your favorite drink.

  1. It is better to drink coffee after a meal or after one and a half to two hours, but not on an empty stomach.
  2. Coffee immediately after a meal should not be accompanied by sweets and sweets, this will overload the stomach. But if you have prepared yourself a cup of an invigorating drink in between meals, you can treat yourself to an additional dessert.
  3. In case of functional disorders of one of the body systems - cardiovascular, digestive, nervous - be sure to consult a specialist. Let him give you personalized coffee recommendations.
  4. Limit one intake of your favorite drink to 100-120 grams of pure coffee. Milk, cream and other additives are not included in this volume. By the way, keep in mind that milk, lemon, cream reduce the concentration of caffeine and partially neutralize its effects.
  5. Choose natural grains. Instant coffee does not have any beneficial properties, and when consumed on an empty stomach, it has an extremely harsh effect on the digestive system. There is supporting evidence that regular consumption of instant coffee on an empty stomach can provoke the development of gastritis.
  6. Regular coffee consumption reduces the body's sensitivity to caffeine effects, so for an inveterate coffee lover, the rate of coffee consumption can be at the upper limit of the allowable rate - 5-6 cups per day.
  7. The last coffee intake should be at least 4-5 hours before bedtime, after 5 pm it is better not to drink it at all. Otherwise, the body may not be ready for a quiet rest and you will have difficulty falling asleep.

Recently, more and more evidence has been found for the thesis that the effect of a drink depends not so much on the caffeine content, but on the genetic disposition of the person himself. What follows from this? Just the thesis that the optimal rate of coffee is a very individual indicator and can vary greatly in each case. If you are not inclined to experiment with your own body, then use our recommendations and drink your favorite drink no more than 3-4 times a day.

People who are very fond of coffee are jokingly called coffee lovers. And all because they cannot imagine their life without this invigorating drink and are able to drink it in liters. It is quite difficult to resist a cup of freshly brewed fragrant and tasty coffee even for those who do not burn with a hot passion for it. And nutritionists generally treat this product positively, noting its undoubted benefits for the body, because it contains not only caffeine, but also many other biologically active substances, including valuable and trace elements. But, as you know, even a medicine in large doses is a poison. The same goes for coffee. It should not be abused at all, it can, on the contrary, lead to big health problems. Therefore, you need to know how much coffee you can drink per day. After all, even if it seems to you that during this period you drank quite a bit of it, in fact, quite the opposite may turn out.

Is it possible to drink a lot of coffee without consequences for the body?

Many people are sure that coffee only benefits them, helping them wake up in the morning, giving energy, increasing efficiency. And in an effort to enhance the positive effect, they begin to use this drink in large quantities. But this is completely wrong. Overeating, even if the food is only healthy, leads to obesity, and the drunk sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcoffee can only cause health problems, and all its benefits are reduced to nothing.

Some believe that if you drink coffee without caffeine, you can avoid negative consequences. But in such a drink there are a lot of not the most useful additives, which can also be harmful.

Nutritionists on the issue of how much coffee you can drink, adhere to a very clear position - a little. Although the norm for each person may be different, there are still recommendations that all coffee lovers should follow. And it is worth remembering that the abuse of a drink can lead to headaches, migraines, adversely affect the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and will also cause the development of gastritis, exacerbation of peptic ulcer and pancreatitis.

How many cups of coffee can you drink a day?

It is most convenient to measure the amount of coffee drunk per day in cups. Because the actual indicator should be the amount of caffeine consumed per day, and knowing how much is contained in one cup, this can be easily calculated. And it all depends not only on the size of the dishes, but also on the type of drink. For example, a strong ristretto has more caffeine, a diluted Americano has a little less caffeine, and a cappuccino has almost half the caffeine content.

To understand how many cups of coffee you can drink per day, you need to keep in mind that adults should not consume more than 100-120 mg of caffeine at a time or no more than 300 mg per day. That is, an average of three cups a day, but it depends on the type of drink, because a cup of espresso can contain up to 135 mg, a cup of cappuccino - up to 80 mg, a cup of Turkish coffee - up to 175 mg, in instant - up to 100 mg. You can reduce the harm of coffee for the stomach by adding milk to it, but even such a drink should not be drunk too much.

How many times a day and at what time can I drink coffee?

According to experts, it is better to drink coffee in the first half of the day or at least a few hours before bedtime, so that later you do not suffer from insomnia, and in the morning you do not watch your swollen face in the mirror. For breakfast, you should drink only coffee with milk. And in general, on an empty stomach, drinking a strong drink is highly discouraged. As for the question of how much coffee you can drink per day, nutritionists answer it like this: no more than three medium cups or no more than four small ones. The drink should be warm or moderately hot, but in no case scalding or cold.
