
Dairy product a. List of fermented milk foods and their health benefits

Any nutritionist can talk about the benefits of fermented milk products for our body for hours. And the truth is beneficial features kefir, yogurt, sour cream, curdled milk can hardly be overestimated.

We owe the appearance of these products to Mother Nature herself. In those distant times, when a person had not yet invented a refrigerator, milk could not be stored for a long time - it turned sour. However, our ancestors "saw through" the beneficial properties of fermented milk products quickly. It turned out that for a long time they retain their taste qualities, perfectly quench thirst and also give health and longevity.

Medicinal fermented milk products have not lost their relevance today. The benefits of kefir, natural yogurt, sour cream, curdled milk, cottage cheese are obvious and cannot be disputed.

On this page, you can learn in detail about the benefits of fermented milk products, what is useful in yogurt, how kefir and its analogues are useful. You will also receive information on how to choose the right fermented milk products and how to cook them.

Useful and medicinal properties of fermented milk products

Everyone knows that milk is a rich source of calcium. But not everyone knows that the calcium contained in fermented milk products is absorbed by the intestinal mucosa much more efficiently than from regular milk. It is precisely because of their value that fermented milk products should be present in the daily diet of every person; they are especially recommended for children, adolescents, and middle-aged women. Drinking only one glass of kefir or yogurt every day, we significantly replenish calcium reserves in the body.

Another remarkable property of fermented milk products is widely known: they create everything the necessary conditions for complete and comfortable digestion. Firstly, the alcohols and acids that are part of these products stimulate the functions of the digestive glands. Secondly, thanks to the lacto- and bifidobacteria contained in them, intestinal motility improves and gas formation decreases. Thirdly, these same bacteria contribute to the rapid absorption nutrients, splitting complex ones. And finally, bifidus and lactobacilli help to digest - lactose: even with intolerance to whole milk, caused by the absence of the necessary lactase enzyme in the body, fermented milk products are usually digested quite successfully and without allergic consequences.

Vitamins in dairy products

In addition, dairy products can protect us from infections. The fact is that the lactic acid formed in them maintains the normal intestinal microflora, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. Dairy products contain, D, E, group B, phosphorus and magnesium, normalizing metabolism, as well as essential amino acids. A large amount of easily digestible calcium in combination with vitamin D (it is also present in fermented milk products) helps to form and strengthen our bone tissue, and prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Why you need to eat dairy products:

Normalization of digestion; strengthening bones and joints; strengthening immunity.

What is useful kefir and its beneficial properties

Kefir is a product of mixed fermentation; it is obtained by adding sourdough from lactic acid bacteria and fungi to milk. The recipe for this drink came to us from the Caucasus Mountains. Like all fermented milk products, kefir normalizes the work gastrointestinal tract, enhances immunity and has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Due to pretty high content lactic acid drink is not recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice.

What is useful in fermented milk yogurt

Shop counters today are literally littered with bottles, jars, cups and boxes labeled "yogurt", but not every product has the right to bear this name. According to federal law Russian Federation dated June 12, 2008, "yogurt is a fermented milk product with a high content of skimmed milk solids, produced using a mixture of starter microorganisms - thermophilic lactic streptococci and Bulgarian lactic acid bacillus." It is this product, without the addition of foreign ingredients, that is natural and healthy. Bulgaria is considered the birthplace of yogurt, in any case, it was there that the microflora of the product was first studied. The benefits of yogurt in Europe became known as early as the 15th century, when the Balkan drink saved french king Louis XI from a protracted stomach illness.

The beneficial properties of yogurt are so high that in the 1920s in the USSR this product was sold in pharmacies (at that time it was called "yaghurt"). First of all, yogurt, more than other fermented milk products, is recommended for people with stomach problems: the bacteria that make up the product ferment milk proteins, resulting in the formation of easily digestible amino acids and peptides. Yogurt not only strengthens the immune system and promotes normal bowel function, like other fermented milk products. Non-greasy natural yogurt - great product for all those who want to lose weight and reduce risk cardiovascular diseases. In addition, eating it, as well as using tampons moistened with yogurt, helps women cope with such an unpleasant disease as candidiasis, or thrush.

Useful substances in sour cream and cottage cheese

But with such a traditional Russian product as sour cream, you should be careful, because in addition to calcium, potassium, vitamins A, E and C, it is from 10 to 40%. But in small quantities, useful substances in sour cream will help to quickly restore strength and cheer up, and when used externally, they will give the skin elasticity and improve complexion.

Cottage cheese is a real natural concentrate of high-grade proteins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins A, E, P and group B. Cottage cheese is made according to different technologies, however, the process always involves curdling the milk and then separating the clot from the whey. With rich content useful substances in cottage cheese, this product is recommended for both adults and children. So, 9-10 tablespoons of cottage cheese completely satisfy daily requirement adult human in proteins and calcium.

What is useful fermented milk product yogurt

Softer tasting yogurt, obtained as a result of fermentation of lactic acid bacteria, can be eaten by children with early age Plus, it's very easy to digest. By stimulating intestinal peristalsis, curdled milk perfectly fights constipation.

How to choose and prepare fermented milk products

When choosing any fermented milk product, you need to be guided by one basic rule: the shorter its shelf life, the less processing it has undergone, which means the more benefit it will have. Products with long term They do not contain bacteria valuable for the body and are full of harmful additives.

When choosing kefir or yogurt, if possible (if the packaging allows it), pay attention to their consistency and color: the drink should be uniform, white or with a slight creamy tint. But sweet kefir, as well as sweet yogurt, it is better to leave on the shelf of the store. When buying "live" yogurt, give preference to a product with a fat content of 1-2%.

When buying cottage cheese, do not be afraid of a yellowish tint: this color is given to the product by the fats contained in it (if the cottage cheese has a fat content of more than 3%). And yet, try to choose cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%: excess fat can adversely affect your health.

Of all the varieties of sour cream, the most useful will also be a product with a low fat content, which does not include anything other than cream and lactic acid bacteria. And already at home you can check the quality of the goods. Put a spoonful of sour cream into a glass with hot water: the natural product will completely dissolve, turning the water into a uniform whitish color.

One more experiment can be done:

Add a drop of iodine to a spoonful of sour cream. If the product contains starch, sour cream will turn into Blue colour. Draw conclusions and in the future refuse to buy a product from an unscrupulous manufacturer.

It is even more beneficial for the body to cook fermented milk products on its own.

So, homemade kefir can be prepared in a simple and feasible way in every way: boil milk (not sterilized, with short term storage), cool it to 38-40 ° C, add the leaven (not a large number of kefir bought in a store), mix and leave warm (in a thermos, yogurt maker or jar wrapped in a towel) for 8-10 hours.

Prepare in the same way homemade yogurt, but at the same time the milk is cooled to 40-45 ° C, and then the product is infused for 6-8 hours. It will be especially tasty with the addition of honey, finely chopped fresh or dried fruits and berries.

beautiful homemade sour cream it will turn out if you add 2-3 tablespoons to a liter of cream heated to 65 ° C, and then cooled to 20-22 ° C shop sour cream and leave in cool place for a day, stirring several times during this time.

What are dairy products?

Questions about what fermented milk products are, the benefits and harms of fermented milk products for human health, as well as whether they have any medicinal properties, are of great interest to those who care about their health and are interested in folk methods treatment. And this interest is understandable.

Products obtained from milk as a result of lactic acid fermentation (sometimes with the participation of alcoholic fermentation) are called fermented milk products. Distinguish products obtained as a result of only lactic acid fermentation (1st group) - fermented baked milk, yogurt of various types, acidophilus milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and products obtained with mixed lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation(2nd group) - kefir, koumiss, etc. Products of the 1st group have a fairly dense, uniform clot and a sour-milk taste due to the accumulation of lactic acid. Products of the 2nd group have a sour-milk refreshing, slightly stinging taste due to the presence of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, and a gentle clot penetrated by the smallest bubbles of carbon dioxide. The clot of these products is easily broken when shaken, so that the products acquire a homogeneous liquid consistency which is why they are often referred to as drinks.

In production lactic acid products apply different kinds lactic acid bacteria and yeast: lactic acid streptococci, bulgarian bacillus, acidophilus bacillus, aroma-forming bacteria, lactic yeast.

The benefits of dairy products:

The positive effect of fermented milk products on the state of the human body has been known for a very long time. Due to the presence of lactic acid in them, these products are able to inhibit the development of putrefactive microorganisms in the intestines and normalize the digestion process. Their pleasant taste stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

Some of the lactic acid bacteria (acidophilus bacillus, for example), as well as lactic yeast, produce antimicrobial substances. Dairy products will be useful in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension.

The digestibility of fermented milk products is higher than the digestibility of milk, since they affect the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines, as a result of which the glands of the digestive tract secrete enzymes that accelerate the digestion of food more intensively. Dietary Properties dairy products are explained beneficial effect on the human body of microorganisms and substances formed during the fermentation of milk (lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide, antibiotics and vitamins).

Any fermented milk product, as well as milk, will provide the body with calcium and protein, which is important for the health of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system and bones. Moreover, calcium in such a product goes well with others. useful elements which aids in its absorption.

However, the main benefit of fermented milk products is bifidobacteria, which protect the body from the penetration of toxins and microbes into it, help digest carbohydrates, and participate in the synthesis of substances useful to the body.

If you eat fermented milk products every day, then after a couple of weeks you can provide the intestines with comfortable work, since all putrefactive processes will stop in it and even the activity of the kidneys and liver will normalize. Therefore, such products are indicated for dysbacteriosis, colitis, constipation, and even poisoning. The pleasant taste of fermented milk products stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Some of the lactic acid bacteria (acidophilus bacillus, for example), as well as lactic yeast, produce antimicrobial substances. Dairy products will be useful in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension.

All fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, varenets, yogurt, acidophilus milk, koumiss, tea, yogurt) improve appetite, have a laxative effect, and also remove radionuclides, salts of heavy metals, toxins and toxins.
Their types:

Curdled milk:

Depending on the characteristics of the technology and the composition of bacterial starter cultures, several types of yogurt are produced: Mechnikovskaya, acidophilic, ordinary, southern, Ukrainian, fermented baked milk, varenets, etc. Yogurt is obtained as a result of natural fermentation with lactic streptococci or in combination with lactic acid bacilli (Bulgarian, acidophilic) .

For the preparation of curdled milk, milk is pasteurized, homogenized, cooled to the fermentation temperature (37-45 ° C), bacterial ferment is introduced, and further production is carried out according to general scheme technological process thermostatically. In the production of curdled milk with fillers - various flavors and aromatic additives(sugar, vanillin, fruit and berry juices), it is advisable to add sugar to milk before pasteurization, and aromatic substances before fermentation.


Ryazhenka (Ukrainian curdled milk) is prepared from milk with a fat content of 4.2.5 and 1%, as well as 2.5- and 1% fat and with vitamin C. Ryazhenka is produced with long-term temperature treatment of milk (95 ° C with an exposure of 2 3 h) and fermented at 40-45 ° C with a starter consisting of cultures of thermophilic lactic streptococcus. Ryazhenka has a sour-milk taste with a pronounced aftertaste of pasteurization, a delicate, but moderately dense clot, without gas bubbles. The color of ryazhenka is creamy with a brownish tinge.


Yogurt is a special kind of curdled milk, one of the most common dietary fermented milk drinks in Europe and America. The birthplace of yogurt is the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. According to the microflora, organoleptic properties, yogurt made from whole milk differs little from Mechnikovskaya or southern curdled milk. As a rule, yogurt is a fermented milk drink made from whole milk pasteurized at 80-95 °C with an exposure of 5 to 30 minutes, at a fermentation temperature of 40-45 °C. As a starter for the production of yogurt, cultures of thermophilic lactic streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus, taken in a ratio (1: 1), are used.

Yogurt has a clean, sour-milk taste and smell, with the addition of sugar - a sweet taste, fruit and berry yogurt has a characteristic taste and aroma of the added syrup. The consistency of the drink is homogeneous, without sludge fat, slightly viscous.


Varenets is produced from sterilized or baked milk with a fat content of 2.5%. As a starter, cultures of thermophilic lactic streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus are used. Microbiological processes in the production of Varents are similar to their flow in the production of fermented baked milk. Varenets is close to ryazhenka in properties, but the acidity is felt somewhat sharper, since its fat content is lower than that of ryazhenka.

I must say that it is quite possible to make such wonderful and healthy fermented milk products on your own. Just do not forget that you should not try to cook yogurt by "samokvas" - that is, letting the milk sour on its own. Buy pasteurized milk and ferment by adding a little factory product to it.


Kefir is not prepared with the help of lactic acid bacteria - for this purpose, special "kefir" fungi are used, capable of producing alcohol as a by-product. Kefir happens different degrees fat content: 3.2% - fatty, 2.5% - medium fat, 1% - fat-free kefir. It also differs in terms of maturity. One-day kefir is the weakest (the content of lactic acid and alcohol is low), two-day kefir is more “strong” and three-day is the strongest. In the latter, the content of lactic acid and alcohol is quite significant. However, you can not be afraid to get drunk on it - it's impossible. On the contrary, kefir helps to eliminate alcohol intoxication. Kefir is much more effective than yogurt in its antibacterial properties.


Kumis - rich in vitamins; unlike other fermented milk products, it has a fairly high alcohol content. For a very long time, this drink was considered almost the only remedy that could help patients with tuberculosis. The process of its manufacture is quite simple: to fresh skim milk add 20% whey and 3% sugar. The resulting mixture is first pasteurized, then it is fermented with yeast fungi and a culture of acidophilus bacilli at the same time. The strength of weak koumiss is 1% alcohol, medium - already 2%, strong is comparable in alcohol content to beer.


Shubat is a product obtained from camel milk. Thicker and fatter than koumiss, shubat can be stored for a long time without losing its medicinal properties. In its composition - milk sugar, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, proteins fats carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and natural antibiotics. The alcohol content is quite high, as in koumiss.

Matsoni, matsun:

Matsoni, matsun is an analogue of kefir, common not in the Caucasus. Produced from skimmed or diluted cow, goat, sheep or buffalo milk.
Matsoni serves as the basis for the drink "Tan". It is distinguished by a unique combination of microorganisms, biochemically very active; has a positive effect on the state of the digestive tract, on metabolic processes in the body, on health of cardio-vascular system. It helps to reduce excess weight, normalizes cholesterol levels, is one of the best home remedies for alcohol intoxication (hangover).

As you can see, the ways in which different fermented milk products are produced are very different. However, they are all very beneficial for people's health. Nutritionists believe that everyone should use them. So choose which one you like best!

Harm of dairy products:

Of course, dairy products also have contraindications. So, for example, they are not shown to people with high acidity of gastric juice; people suffering peptic ulcer and pancreatitis, they are completely contraindicated. It is not advised to use sour-milk products for diarrhea and bloating.

You should also not overdo it with the quantity - their excessive use threatens with violations of calcium metabolism, increased slagging of the body and reduced immunity. Cottage cheese and cheese are advised to use 2-3 times a week. Moreover, it would be best to combine them with vegetables - carrots, beets, tomatoes, herbs and so on. The optimal one-time amount is 100-150 g of cottage cheese or up to 100 g of cheese.

Monotonous food, addiction to spicy, fried and smoked dishes, snacks on the run - all this leads to digestive problems. On the background malnutrition gastritis develops - an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, which adversely affects digestion and inhibits the main functions of the organ.

The causes of gastritis can also be bad habits, emotional stress, taking certain medications and bacterial infections.

The main symptom of gastritis is pain in the epigastric region, which may be accompanied by heartburn, nausea, or vomiting. Acute gastritis is a condition that often requires hospitalization.

"Missed" acute gastritis threatens with a transition to a chronic form, which is dangerous for its complications.

In the treatment of gastritis, an important (if not the first) role is played, which excludes the use of products that irritate the gastric mucosa. What dairy products can be eaten with gastritis, and which ones should be discarded until complete recovery?

Dairy is foodstuffs made from animal milk(cows, sheep, goats, etc.) First of all, they include drinking milk of different fat content, as well as condensed milk, ice cream, various milk drinks with added sugar, vitamins and other ingredients.

Dairy products are food products produced from milk by souring or fermentation. These can be attributed butter, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka and many other products, including national ones (koumiss, ayran, tan, matsoni, kaimak).

Dairy and dairy products - valuable products nutrition that contain animal protein, calcium and other trace elements, vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Milk, dairy and dairy products useful for physical exhaustion, anemia, after illnesses, as well as in cases where "heavy" animal protein (meat, poultry, fish) should be replaced with a "lighter" one.

Not all people can use natural milk due to lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy. Salvation for them can be fermented milk products, which are not inferior to milk in terms of nutritional value, but are absorbed by the body much better.

Besides, the beneficial bacteria they contain have a beneficial effect on digestion: they improve the digestibility of food, relieve constipation, and help strengthen local and general immunity.

What dairy and sour-milk products can be eaten with gastritis?

Milk and any dairy products excluded from the diet of the patient during the acute period. But as soon as the painful symptoms subside, dairy and sour-milk products must be included in the patient's menu: they contain the protein necessary to restore the damaged mucosa, and a whole range of essential substances.

For gastritis with increased or decreased acidity, different dairy products, since they directly affect the secretory function of the stomach.

For example, whole milk contraindicated in gastritis with zero or low acidity, A sour kefir should not be used for gastritis with high acidity.

But there are a number of rules that should be observed by all patients without exception with diagnoses of gastrointestinal diseases:

  1. Product selection in the store outward signs . Before putting a package of milk or kefir into a shopping cart, you should make sure that the product is not expired and that the integrity of the package is not broken. These precautions will protect you from possible poisoning.
  2. Restrictions. Choose as much as possible natural products: various additives chemical origin will injure the already damaged mucosa. Bright boxes with milkshakes, colorful ice cream and smoked cheeses bypass.
  3. Storage and consumption. All dairy products are stored in the refrigerator. Pay attention to expiration dates after opening the package. Food can be eaten room temperature or slightly warm.

All dairy and sour-milk products eaten with gastritis should have a reduced fat content. The exception is butter, which is added to ready meals in very small doses.

With increased acidity

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Dairy products for gastritis with high acidity can be used, but moderate amount and with great care.

This is especially true of fermented milk products, which cause increased secretion, which is unacceptable in this type of gastritis.

What foods can be included in the diet?

  • Milk. Choose lean. Prepare dishes based on it, and also add to drinks. IN pure form it should be consumed in small sips no more than 150 gr. in one go.
    Fresh unleavened cottage cheese in pureed form. You can cook casseroles from it without nuts and dried fruits. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey.
  • Cheese. A little regular cheese won't hurt, but pickled, spicy, and smoked varieties should be avoided.
    Homemade yogurt. Perfect option- yogurt, prepared with your own hands with the addition of "non-acidic" sourdough.
  • Sour cream. Eat any, the main thing is that it does not have "sourness" and is not too greasy.
  • Cream. Give preference to low-fat cream, which is gradually added to ready meals or drinks.
  • . Preferably sweet cream. Do not use more than 25 gr. oils per day.
  • Kefir(curdled milk, etc.) Sour-milk drinks with 2-3% fat content can only be consumed fresh (1-2 daily) in very limited quantities. Ideally, no more than 1 glass per day.

With reduced

With gastritis with low acidity, all food entering the stomach should stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. What can be consumed?

  • Milk. low fat milk it is allowed to add to drinks, use it in a diluted form for cooking porridge or milk soups. In its pure form, it is very undesirable to drink it.
  • Cottage cheese. Preferred lean varieties soft texture. Use cottage cheese in a pureed form. You can add allowed fruits or a drop of honey to it.
  • Cheese. Include solids in your diet soft cheeses, blue cheeses. Smoked, too salty and sharp cheeses prohibited.
  • Sour cream. Choose low-fat varieties "with sourness". Make sure the cream is fresh.
  • Cream. Cream with a fat content of more than 20% is prohibited. You can use low-fat 10% cream as an additive to drinks.
  • Butter. Give preference to sour-cream varieties. Use oil in limited quantities as an additive to meals.
  • Kefir(yogurt, fermented baked milk,). All of these products have a positive effect on the production of gastric secretions: they can be consumed daily, but try not to combine them with other animal protein products.

For ulcers and other aggravating diseases of the stomach

With peptic ulcer and other chronic diseases of the stomach, which have a severe course, the use of dairy products is possible only in the remission stage with the permission of the attending physician.

Since peptic ulcer disease often develops against the background of increased acidity, the choice of dairy products should be guided by the list recommended for patients with hyperacid gastritis (occurring against the background of increased secretion of gastric juice).

For other severe chronic diseases of the stomach, one should also follow the recommendations for a particular type of gastritis, given the acidity of the gastric secretion.

Dairy and sour-milk products are one of the main foods for people with stomach diseases, so they must be present in the diet every day.

Strictly prohibited!

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Despite obvious benefit dairy and dairy products for patients with gastritis, there are a number of foods that should not be eaten due to their irritant properties on the inflamed gastric mucosa.

They can injure the stomach due to various additives, included in their composition: a large amount of sugar, salt, cocoa, spices, artificial flavors etc.

So, what dairy and sour-milk products should not be consumed for stomach problems under any circumstances?

  • Spicy, smoked and pickled cheeses.
  • Boiled condensed milk.
  • (see how you feel).
  • Milkshakes with dubious additives.
  • Glazed curds.
  • Sweet store-bought yoghurts and curds.

Proper nutrition for gastritis - this is one of the main conditions for the successful treatment of the disease.

But do not forget about other "enemies" of the stomach: tobacco smoke, "aggressive" medications, stress, physical and psycho-emotional overload. Only an integrated approach to the treatment of gastritis will guarantee success and save you from possible relapses.

The milk of a cow or other domesticated animal is an excellent food component, from which many various productsfermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, cheeses, butter and much more. Milk is delicious and beneficial to the body by providing easily digestible protein, calcium and phosphorus, and milk fat useful for cell walls and blood vessels.

Milk has many beneficial properties: it reduces arterial pressure , due to special amino acids, calms the nerves and gives healthy sleep, milk can help with heartburn and improve skin condition. However, this wonderful product is not useful for everyone, many people cannot drink milk or do not eat almost all dairy products.

Contraindications and restrictions

Milk is a complex food product, it contains protein, fats and carbohydrates, in addition, milk contains a lot of salts and vitamins . Like any product, milk can cause intolerance in its in kind or in the form of processed products.

Usually, milk intolerance is expressed in two forms - in the form of lactase deficiency (deficiency of an enzyme for the absorption of milk) and in the form of an allergy to cow (or goat, sheep and other types) milk protein. These forms of milk intolerance are commonly found in childhood although many adults also have this problem.

In addition, sometimes a restriction is required in the consumption of whole milk or dairy products due to digestive diseases, metabolic disorders, diseases of the kidneys or urinary system with the formation of a special kind of stones and sand.

In addition, many of the dairy products are quite fatty - these are cottage cheese, butter, many varieties cheese and ryazhenka. These dairy products are limited for obesity and weight loss, for diseases of the liver or gallbladder.

Also, milk should be limited to people over 50 years old, a special substance has been found in milk that contributes to the accumulation of harmful lipids in the body that provoke the development or progression of atherosclerosis.

How does lactase deficiency manifest itself?

This condition is quite unpleasant, although not dangerous for the body. The sugar contained in milk (lactose), when ingested, undergoes enzymatic cleavage by a special enzyme lactase.

If this lactase is not enough, sugar enters the large intestine, where intestinal microbes “regale” it. The result is carbon dioxide, water and lactic acid. They inflate the loops of the intestine, cause irritation and pain, and water causes liquefaction of feces and diarrhea.

Enzyme deficiency can be congenital (occurs in no more than 1% of the population), and congenital lactase deficiency has become most widespread among the Negroid population.

In most people in Europe and Russia, lactase deficiency occurs with age, as a result of a progressive decrease in milk consumption and atrophy of intestinal cells that secrete this enzyme. This can occur after intestinal infections, malnutrition and chronic diseases.

In addition, complete and partial lactase deficiency is isolated, with complete enzyme lactase there is no at all, and dairy products with lactose are completely prohibited. With partial activity of the enzyme, its amount is small, but small portions lactose intestines will completely master.

Such people do not tolerate whole milk and those products in which lactose has not been cleaved or has undergone incomplete fermentation - cheeses, butter, cream, yogurt, daily kefir or biolact.

There is a myth that all Japanese and other Asians are lactose intolerant and don't drink milk. Yes, in fact, lactase deficiency is inherited in the genes, along with belonging to some Asian peoples. They have a fairly large number of the population does not tolerate the milk of animals.

Can milk be substituted for soy milk? For such situations and for the development of lactase deficiency after intestinal infections, soy milk can be replaced. It does not contain lactose, and the proteins are almost equivalent in nutritional value. However, many do not like the taste soy milk, Although negative consequences his admission was not noted.

Allergy to milk

Along with lactase deficiency, allergy - the second "most popular" problem with milk consumption. This problem has become especially urgent in recent years among children due to the spread of artificial feeding, especially animal milk and little adapted mixtures. Although in adults, allergies are quite relevant.

In an organism initially sensitive to various allergens, a foreign protein, especially milk protein, can cause a state of sensitization (hypersensitivity of the body). Milk albumins are very small proteins that, when they enter the intestines, can enter the bloodstream without splitting, and the body always considers foreign proteins as potential danger especially in allergy sufferers.

Who can't have dairy products?

As a result, in response to the ingestion of milk protein, a chain of allergy reactions is triggered - asthma attacks, skin itching, a blistering rash, sneezing, cough or runny nose . At the same time, an allergy is also possible to those products in which the protein is not fermented (not split) - cheese, cream, condensed milk, baked milk.

Who is contraindicated for kefir?

In kefir (especially two-day and older), the proteins are partially fermented and there is practically no lactose, so it practically does not cause allergies and lactase deficiency. However, there are a number of restrictions on the consumption of kefir.

Even a healthy person should not drink more than 400 ml of kefir per day. Its larger volume sharply increases the acidity in the intestinal lumen and enhances the permeability of the walls of blood vessels for red blood cells. This causes microscopic bleeding.

With the systematic consumption of large volumes of kefir, this threatens to turn into anemia. In addition, a large amount of kefir acidifies the blood and heavily burdens the kidneys - think about this before you sit down on kefir diet. It is prohibited in phosphate kidney stones.

In addition, kefir has a high acidity - it irritates digestive tract and prohibited in acute gastritis and enteritis. It is also worth remembering the properties of kefir to influence the stool - only daily kefir weakens, therefore fresh kefir not for diarrhea. But two-, three-day kefir and kefir long-term storage fixes the stool and is contraindicated constipation .

And kefir is very relaxing, you should not drink it before important events - you may feel drowsy and lethargic, it is useful at night after a hard day.

Why are other dairy products harmful?

There are restrictions on the intake of other dairy products related to health and nutrition.

So, fermented baked milk, sour cream and cream, due to their high fat content, should not be used by people with overweight and when losing weight. Cheeses should not be consumed by people with ulcers and gastritis, especially if they are spicy and salty, cheeses with mold are prohibited for allergy sufferers, cheese fondue is completely harmful even for a healthy person.

There are restrictions on the use of cottage cheese - unleavened cottage cheese should be consumed with care by allergy sufferers, and any kind of cottage cheese should be severely limited in case of kidney diseases.

Virtually no contraindications yogurt , with care it should be consumed only by people with severe lactase deficiency, although they are well absorbed in a small amount. Just remember - the most healthy yogurt is natural, without additives, since various additives can themselves be allergenic or harmful.

Do you like milk and dairy products?


If we consider daily diet nutrition of modern man, it should be noted that fermented milk products occupy a leading position, are almost must-have product nutrition, along with bread, vegetables, meat products. There are no people on Earth who would not know, did not meet, did not eat such products that modern society offers. food industry Worldwide.

This feature is not some new trend or fashion, it has always been so, the entire history of the existence of man and mankind, as evidenced by numerous historical documents, some of which date back thousands of years before the birth of Christ.

To understand why this happened, it is necessary to consider in detail what kind of products they are, what they are made of, what is their usefulness for people.

What are dairy products

The simplest answer to this question is given by the etymology of the word sour milk, one of the roots of which is the word lactic, from the word milk. This is a product associated somehow with milk, which is oxidized, as evidenced by the second word.

Indeed, all products of this group are made from milk. For this, any milk of cattle is taken - cow, sheep, horse milk and even buffalo and camel milk. Specific, acidic, qualities of such products are obtained due to the introduction into milk to change its initial properties of lactic acid bacteria or yeast (made from fungi useful for digestion). This process is called fermentation, and the bacteria used (regardless of their type) is called sourdough.

Technologically, there are two types of fermentation in the preparation of all fermented milk products:

  1. fermented milk (one or more types of lactic acid bacteria are used to ferment milk)
  2. mixed (yeast, sugar are used, sometimes beneficial non-lactic acid bacteria, enzymes).

Milk is a natural habitat for such bacteria. First of all, because of the polysaccharide contained in it - lactose, which bacteria feed on. After the breakdown of milk sugars by bacteria, they secrete by-products- lactic acid, which gives a specific sour taste, carbon dioxide, water. Modern manufacturers add other additives that become a breeding ground for the vital activity of bacteria.

A variety of fermented milk products and their main types

Types of lactic acid and other bacteria additional ingredients, types of this or that milk used in production determine their huge variety. Technologists dairy production regularly improve production and offer new types to. - a pier. products.

The main types of c.-mol. products:

The list of types of fermented milk products is not limited to this, there are only thousands of types of cheeses and it is prepared from different types milk. On the diversity and ubiquity of types of c.-mol. drinks are evidenced by many local, common in a certain geographical area, with local specifics of production. So, among the peoples of the Caucasus, koumiss became widespread, in Central Asia- ayran, in Tatarstan, a local c.-mol. drink suzma and court, in Bashkiria - orot and kaymak. The inhabitants of Armenia prefer tan and machun, the inhabitants of Georgia produce matsoni, the Ukrainians prepare varenets. National c.-mol. the drink of the Egyptians is leben, and the inhabitants of Iceland use skyr.

What are the benefits of dairy products?

Their benefits are directly dependent on the usefulness of the main raw material for their production - milk. Despite the processes of fermentation, fermentation, most of the useful substances of milk do not undergo any changes, and, one might say, is inherited to. products.

Almost all proteins and amino acids, animal fat, vitamins A, B, D, PP, E, micro and macro elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorides, selenium, iron, copper) of milk are "inherited". Carbohydrates, mainly lactose (milk sugar), are broken down by bacteria into glucose and galactose. The vital substances of lactic bacteria are also useful for human nutrition.

The main usefulness is that they can be eaten by people who have problems with intolerance to proteins and carbohydrates in pure milk. So, people with hypolactasia (intolerance milk sugar- lactose) can use almost all k.-mol. products, as they contain almost no lactose, even in fresh they contain it in a minimum amount.

Patients with allergic reactions to pure milk proteins (for example, caseinogen) can use their fermented species in cheeses, cottage cheese, in which the protein structure changes to casein.

The amount of so-called "bad cholesterol" contained in pure milk is significantly reduced by the action of bacteria. The structure of polyunsaturated animal fats is changing, which makes milk fat less harmful.

Fermented milk proteins are easier and faster to digest and absorb by the body. Carbohydrates do not require additional body forces to break them down, as they are already broken down by bacteria to monosaccharides, which are the main building blocks for body tissues and cells.

Bacteria and their metabolic products are very useful for the normal functioning of the intestines, normalize metabolic processes, eliminate inflammation of the mucous membranes, destroy most putrefactive bacteria. Particularly useful in this sense are probiotics and lactobacilli, which are found in yogurts. They are also almost the only remedy that restores the intestinal microflora in the initial forms of dysbacteriosis of a different nature. This property of yoghurts gives an unambiguously positive answer to the frequently discussed question: do yoghurts belong to k.-mol. or not?

High-fat products (sour cream, fermented baked milk, varenets) and containing a large amount of protein (cottage cheese, cheeses) are recommended by doctors during the rehabilitation period after severe surgical interventions, underweight, dystrophy, lack of muscle mass.

Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, due to their low calorie content, are an indispensable part of some diets and weight loss programs.

Why are dairy products harmful?

The harm of fermented milk products is also due to the peculiarities of the harm from drinking milk.

Because of high content organic lactic acid is not recommended to use k.-mol. drinks suffering from gastric ulcer, gastritis with high acidity.

Patients with a milk protein allergy are advised to refrain from taking any dairy products until the allergen is identified.

People with high cholesterol offer to use only low-fat to. - a pier. products.
