
Lactic acid products benefit and harm. Milk and dairy products: how they are useful

Fermented milk products include those dairy products that today are made by fermentation. whole milk. Raw material is taken from cow, mare, goat, sheep. Except ordinary milk it is permissible to use cream, whey. Also used for such purposes skimmed milk. Surely you would like to know more about dairy products. The benefits and harms of cottage cheese, sour cream and everyone's favorite yogurt are discussed in this article.

The benefits and harms of cottage cheese What is the use of cottage cheese for the body? natural curd considered one of the best sources high-quality protein, which is definitely good for women who want to stay beautiful and slim. Milk protein denaturation creates all the conditions for the successful breakdown of the product with the participation of proteolytic enzymes. It is for this reason that cottage cheese can rightly be called an easily digestible product. The experiments of scientists have confirmed that when cottage cheese enters the human gastrointestinal tract, both enzymes with hydrochloric acid and gastric juice are released in much smaller volumes than when processing whole or fermented milk. It is worth paying attention to the fact that there are few vitamins in the product, but it gives a significant diuretic effect. It has been noticed that cottage cheese fits optimally into the diet menu for weight loss. It is useful for obesity, hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, atherosclerosis because it alleviates unpleasant symptoms by improving fat metabolism. Curd contains an impressive amount of calcium, and the substance is in the best form for the body. Among other things, the composition includes vitamins from the B-group, ascorbic acid. With regular consumption of cottage cheese, the percentage of hemoglobin in our blood increases, regeneration processes improve in nervous system, cartilage tissue is strengthened, bone strength is maintained.

In what cases is cottage cheese harmful? Abuse fat cottage cheese often leads to a dangerous increase in cholesterol, which creates the risk of obesity and atherosclerosis. Also, eating a fermented milk product in large quantities threatens to oversaturate the body with protein, which adversely affects the functioning of the kidneys. If you eat Not quality product, in which Escherichia coli have managed to multiply, symptoms of poisoning will soon appear. When buying cottage cheese, it is necessary to choose exclusively fresh natural products, it has a short shelf life.

Sour-milk products: useful for the body in that they supply valuable vitamins and minerals, improve digestion, improve the condition of the skin and hair. Benefits and harms of sour cream Medicinal qualities natural sour cream The body favorably absorbs sour cream, in this matter it outperforms ordinary milk. nutritional product indicated for people with appetite disorders or sluggish digestion. It is useful to eat sour cream for anemia. The product has a probiotic potential, which means that it helps to neutralize the processes of decay inside the intestines and promotes the growth of beneficial microflora. Constipation is prevented, bowel function is improved in general. There are positive changes in the hormonal system. Sour cream goes well with natural honey, such a mixture improves mood and replenishes energy reserves. The product is used in the field of cosmetology - in masks for hair and facial skin, as well as to soften the skin after sunburn. Carrot salad with sour cream should be added to your menu more often, it's tasty and light dish gives the body strength to counteract infectious stimuli. As a prophylactic against neoplasms in the body, you can take tomato juice co sour cream dressing. Possible harm from the consumption of sour cream It is not useful to use sour cream rich in organic acids if a stomach ulcer or high acid gastritis is diagnosed. Product industrial production may contain preservatives added by manufacturers to increase shelf life. Considering high calorie content product, we can conclude that obese people should not get involved in it. The consumption of sour cream in large portions is undesirable if the gallbladder and liver do not work properly. Due to the danger of excess cholesterol entering the body, the product must be limited in case of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. It is dangerous to eat sour cream with fried potatoes, as well as bread and cereal products.

The benefits and harms of yogurt What benefits does yogurt bring to the body? We continue to consider dairy products. The benefits and harms of widely available yoghurts should be known to all consumers. It is known that in quality yogurt contains valuable vitamins and a whole range of minerals, such nourishment helps to strengthen and grow bones and effectively resist infections. It should be noted that a quality product is rich in lactobacilli, which suppress the pathogenic microflora in our body. Thanks to calcium, the skeleton remains strong into old age, and the risk of intestinal diseases is also reduced. Studies have shown that yogurt drinkers have a stronger immune system. For this, it is recommended to eat about 300 grams of the product daily. With the help of yogurt, you can get rid of loose stools and other digestive problems. Certain product grades protect gastrointestinal tract suffering from antibiotic treatment. As we know, there is cholesterol in bad and looking good. If you eat at least 100 grams of yogurt a day, you can significantly reduce the percentage bad cholesterol and increase the level of good cholesterol, which will lead to the improvement of the whole organism. Harmful properties yogurt Some types of yogurt, especially drinking products are delivered to the body great amount sugar, which may not be safe for overweight people. When such food is consumed in large quantities, diabetes can develop. Yoghurts made from unpasteurized raw materials may contain harmful bacteria. Frozen yogurt contains useful substances at a minimum. Some manufacturers add aspartame or E951, some studies say that the additive affects human body by release of carcinogens. If you eat expired or improperly stored yogurt, which can be recognized by the fermentation process and swelling of the packaging, then a person will inevitably get poisoned.

Other variants of fermented milk products are also known. In addition to the products discussed in this article, lactic acid fermentation drinks include yogurt, acidophilus, and delicious fermented baked milk. There are also products of mixed fermentation (a combination of alcoholic fermentation with lactic acid fermentation), these are shubat, kefir, acidophilus-yeast product, koumiss. Surely you will be interested in another healthy drink- kurunga. We advise you to pay attention to the medicinal subspecies of kefir called bifidok, it stands out for its composition - the product is enriched with a probiotic culture, namely bifidobacteria.

“Drink milk children - you will be healthy!” - in my childhood it was an indisputable truth. In very early childhood, my diet consisted of 50% of dairy products. A little later, I already knew that it was a source of calcium. Despite this, from the age of 15, the dental clinic became a “home”, problems began with “critical days”, acne, going to gynecologists and treatment with synthetic hormones.

A few years ago, I recognized the benefits of dairy products and tried to eat "3 dairy products a day", but studying nutrition materials has changed my attitude towards them. I learned the truth about dairy products - it turns out that they harmed not only me. Women who come to me for help with hormonal problems and overweight, usually actively consume dairy products. By doing a dairy sensitivity test, they begin to realize that this is one of the causes of their health problems.

To identify sensitivity to dairy products, remove them from the diet for 7-14 days and feel the difference

  • As a result of the use of dairy products, mucus is formed that envelops the walls of the intestine. This interferes with the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste toxins and hormones (estrogens).
  • Dairy products slow down metabolism, which leads to weight gain, as in 100 g milk contains up to 12 g of sugar!
  • Sugar acidifies the body, in order to restore the balance to its previous level, calcium and phosphorus are needed, which are washed out of bones and teeth. This causes osteoporosis in the elderly and osteopenia (lack of calcium in the bones) during pregnancy.
  • Dairy products provoke the development of inflammation in the body, an increase in arachidonic acid, which leads to pain during "critical days", worsens the course of women's diseases - PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
  • In the store, we usually buy skimmed or partially skimmed milk. Together with fat, vitamins A and D are removed from milk, so the benefits of low fat foods zero!
  • If you turn to Ayurveda, then it is not recommended to eat dairy products for dinner. Especially fermented foods - kefir, hard cheeses. They satisfy hunger, but load the gastrointestinal tract before bed, which leads to the accumulation of mucus and dosha imbalance. Kapha, and as a result - to sleep disorders.

Reactions to dairy products may include bloating, diarrhea, reflux esophagitis with increased acidity of the stomach. Skin reactions are also common - acne, eczema, rash. The respiratory system is also disturbed - coughing, manifestations of asthma, sinusitis appear.

Annemarie Colbin is a doctor, lecturer and founder of The Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts in New York, author of Food and Our Bones : The Natural Way to Prevent Osteoporosis . In his book, he says that dairy products leach calcium from the bones, and do not retain, as was previously thought. And this process leads to the development of osteoporosis. The doctor emphasizes that US women and Northern Europe Those who eat dairy products are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, heart disease, and breast cancer. Japanese gastroenterologist Hiromi Shinya in the book "Rejuvenation at the Cellular Level" also writes about the negative effects of dairy products on the body.

Dairy products are notthe only source of calcium

To maintain the level of calcium in the body, sardines (with bones), figs, kale, almonds, oranges, sesame seeds, spinach. In order not to think about whether I get the norm of calcium from products, I began to take a calcium complex in the form of dietary supplements. For 10 years now, the “correct” calcium complexes have been helping me to keep my teeth healthy - with magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins D3 and C. This complex has supported my health during all three pregnancies (!).

To remove the negative consequences of eating dairy products, you need to:

  1. Reduce or eliminate dairy products.
  2. Strengthen the work of the liver - add to the diet protein products(methionine for detoxification), vegetables and fruits - a source of vitamins B and C.
  3. Add omega-3 to remove the negative effects of casein on the body and restore the intestines.
  4. Use spices in the diet - cinnamon, turmeric, Cayenne pepper daily to remove mucus formed after dairy products.

Should I cut dairy products out of my diet completely?

Yogurt, cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, cheese, camembert, brie can be occasionally consumed, but do not focus on these products. If you feel the accumulation of mucus in the form of disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, a slowdown in metabolism, a runny nose, then exclude dairy products.

When I removed dairy products from my diet, I felt an improvement in bowel function. I stopped feeling bloating, gas formation, the weight stopped jumping, I stopped bothering with a runny nose - before I could not do without naphthyzinum in my purse. "Critical days" ceased to be critical and became painless and permanent (here, of course, there was work from all sides, but I think that the harm of dairy products was also significant). Finally, the skin cleared up, and new foci of inflammation ceased to appear. I really felt the difference "before and after".

If you want to improve digestion and reduce intensity pain during "critical days", use at least one recommendation from this article. You can read my opinion on dairy products in Shape magazine in the article “Drink Milk, Will You Be Healthy?” Write in the comments, do you consume dairy products? Have you noticed the body's sensitivity to dairy products?

To receive individual recommendations on nutrition and solve problems with excess weight, hormonal failure, send an application and a story about the problem or disease to info@epavlova .ru

One of the main principles healthy lifestyle life advocates proper nutrition. It provides for a specific proper diet. There are many foods, many of which are healthy, while others are more unhealthy. Usually people choose to eat both of them, while not thinking about the consequences for the body.

It is important to understand that what we eat directly affects the state of health. Therefore, in your diet you need to enter as much as possible. wholesome food. One of necessary components sour-milk foods are considered for the normal functioning of the body. This is a number of representatives who have natural origin, thanks to which they have a beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole organism as a whole.

Classification and varieties of fermented milk products

Fermented milk products are a whole range of products that are produced by fermenting whole milk. In most cases, sheep, goat or mare milk is also used, but sometimes processed.

Milk has been popular for centuries. Since ancient times, people have noticed it beneficial features and actively used it for food. Then they began to actively process fermented milk products, in which there are no less useful substances.

General beneficial properties of fermented milk foods:

  • Dietary properties;
  • Vitaminized composition (vitamins of group B, as well as A, E, D);
  • Easily digestible trace elements, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium;
  • Lactic acid is able to fight various harmful bacteria.

Today milk is usual form It is used less frequently than other originals made from it. In general, they are all divided into two groups:

  • Products that are produced exclusively by natural fermentation. These include: sour cream, acidophilus, curdled milk, cottage cheese, yogurt. In structure, they are all similar, slightly thick and uniform. They have a sour taste due to the presence of lactic acid in them.
  • The second group is represented by products that are produced by mixed sour-milk and alcoholic fermentation. This, for example, kefir, koumiss and others. The taste of these products is peculiar, due to the presence of carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. In appearance, they are more reminiscent of drinks, with light shaking they become completely liquid.

The benefits of dairy products

The benefits are hard to overestimate. Physicians believe that regular use such components in food reduces the chances of developing diseases by almost half. Most useful are these representatives healthy eating give on digestive organs. More precisely, without the necessary bacteria that are contained in such products, normal digestion cannot be ensured.

Fermented milk products can affect various organs, their benefits lie in the following factors:

  • All beneficial bacteria that are included in the composition are very quickly and easily absorbed in the body;
  • Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli contribute to the rapid breakdown of proteins in the body;
  • Lactic acid contributes to the normalization of the work of the internal microflora of the intestine, thanks to the active components, harmful bacteria die, and the number of useful ones increases;
  • Fermented milk products are filled with organic fatty acids, which improve the motility of the digestive tract;
  • These products actively fight flatulence, reducing the amount of gases in the intestines;
  • Dairy products are much healthier than fresh milk, they contain ten times more amino acids than fresh product, and these components activate metabolic processes;
  • Calcium strengthens bone tissue, regular consumption of fermented milk products is a necessary prevention of osteoporosis;
  • These products are used to prevent and treat hypertension and atherosclerosis;
  • Bifidobacteria actively fight toxins that are released when taken harmful products or under the influence of other factors, they do not just utilize them, but remove them from the body along with heavy metals, slags, radionuclides and salts;
  • Dairy products increase appetite, strengthen immune system person.

Such wide range useful properties determines the importance of this product. It is especially important to introduce it into the diet of children. Exactly at childhood the body is formed and it needs vitamins and minerals that are contained in fermented milk products.

Harm of dairy products

Despite many useful properties, fermented milk products can also adversely affect the human body. This rarely happens, but you need to know about such moments so as not to harm.

  • Ulcers and suffering from pancreatitis;
  • People who have an increased level of acidity in the stomach;
  • With diarrhea and frequent bloating;
  • With a disorder in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  • People who have personal intolerance.

Excessive consumption of such food can cause the following negative aspects:

  • Increased cholesterol levels when consumed a large number cottage cheese;
  • Violation of calcium metabolism;
  • Industrial products contain chemical preservatives that increase the shelf life, so such components in large quantities can be harmful;
  • usually contains a large amount of sugar, so it can lead to problems with overweight, in addition, it may contain various preservatives, for children it is better to choose special ones with age determination;

When choosing fermented milk products, it is very important to pay attention to the date of manufacture. Usually they spoil quickly, and in this form they should not be consumed, it can be harmful to health. Store them in the refrigerator at a low temperature.

It is necessary to introduce such food into the diet rationally. For example, you can use 2-3 times a week, sour cream - twice, kefir - five times a week. Moreover, portions are important for both adults and children.

Milk and milk products are an important source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and other minerals, as well as many vitamins and protein.

What you need to know about milk and dairy products in order to get from them the most useful, says the dietitian of the highest category of the clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Elena Chedia.

How much milk do you need

The minimum daily human need for calcium - about 500 mg - can be obtained from half a liter of milk. Since the fat content of milk does not affect the content of minerals, you can drink to get calcium. both whole and low calorie skimmed milk.

The body also receives calcium from fermented milk products. In kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt, it is about the same as in milk.

It should also be remembered that in milk not enough iron and vitamin C to meet their daily needs.

In addition, an excess of calcium from milk can lead to a violation of mineral metabolism in the body.

Conclusion: even among supporters of vegetarianism, sources of protein should not be limited to dairy products. Valuable amino acids are found in mushrooms and foods plant origin: beans, lentils, soy. In addition, if vegetarianism is not strict, eggs and fish will become protein suppliers.

Summing up. Milk and dairy products should be eaten at least several times a week. To really benefit from their use, pay attention to the expiration date of dairy products, drink milk with grains and do not forget about fermented milk products.

Only the lazy one does not know about the benefits of milk and kefir. For example, a glass of hot milk with honey is recommended for better sleep, kefir - again at night, especially if meat is present in the diet in large quantities. Despite the fact that both products belong to the dairy group, useful components they are different, and the human body perceives them in its own way. Statistics generally show that about 40% of people do not drink milk, because after drinking it they feel heaviness in the stomach. This is due to the low activity of the splitting milk sugar enzyme. People who are inherent in this should include fermented milk products in their diet - milk sugar is already split in them.

The following facts also testify in favor of kefir, fermented baked milk, and other fermented milk products:
great saturation;
alcohol accumulating over several days (if the proportion is not more than 0.6 g / 100 ml) stimulates digestive processes;
the assimilation of proteins contained in fermented milk products occurs faster and better;
the presence of natural absolutely harmless antibiotics beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora;
the diuretic process is more pronounced due to the enrichment of fermented milk products with potassium, which makes kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt indispensable in case of weight loss and getting rid of edema.

What are dairy products and how is the process of their production
The base is whole cow, goat, mare's milk, sheep milk (the most common animals are listed). Derivatives can also be used as the main ingredient - cream, skimmed milk, whey.

A feature of the manufacture of fermented milk products is that fermentation is achieved by adding yeast or lactic acid bacteria. To destroy and prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in milk, it is often pasteurized or boiled before fermentation. As a result of all these processes, a consistency is obtained that already has the smell and taste inherent in finished products.

According to the nature of fermentation, fermented milk products can be divided into two categories:
- obtained as a result of lactic acid fermentation - yogurt, sour cream, curdled milk, cottage cheese, acidophilus and acidophilus milk;
- obtained as a result of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation: kefir, kurunga, koumiss and others.

What is the benefit of dairy products in general?

They are digested three times faster than milk. They contain more lactase than lactose, so they are easily tolerated by the body, help the intestines bounce back after various kinds of infections, and therefore relieve diarrhea.

Dairy products are the main suppliers of protein and calcium, which are simply indispensable for growth. They also contain phosphorus and other trace elements in the optimal ratio, which contribute to the absorption of calcium, which is so necessary, especially for children. The absence of the latter leads to serious violations of the development of the organism. This is not only growth retardation, the formation of bones, teeth, but also increased nervous excitability, arterial pressure and bleeding of blood vessels, the appearance of caries, malfunctions of the heart.

Whatever preventive properties are cited as arguments for the usefulness of fermented milk products, the main among them is the suppression of the growth and development of harmful microorganisms - breeding grounds for diseases. Microbes poison the human body with fermentation and decay products, as a result of which the intestines cease to be a barrier to toxins and foreign microbes. Thus, the body is gradually poisoned, the work of the liver and kidneys is disrupted, and age-related diseases are activated.

Fermented milk products in just a couple of weeks contribute to the return of the intestinal microflora to a normal state, the disappearance of phenol and indole from the urine, as a result of which physiological functions and biochemical processes are restored.

Saturation with useful and nutrients, bioactive products - this is another function that fermented milk products perform. Vitamins, peptides, amino acids and other necessary trace elements enter the body precisely thanks to kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and other products of this group. While taking antibiotics, sour milk neutralizes their detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora. The use of fermented milk products increases immunity, the body's ability to resist infections, and has an anti-allergic effect.

Types of fermented milk products in the countries of the world and their healing properties

Milk is easy useful product nutrition, while fermented milk products have healing properties and prolong life. Thanks to this, they have gained incredible popularity, which is increasing every year.
They are distributed throughout the world. IN different countries are called in their own way. So, koumiss is popular in Kazakhstan, leben is an Egyptian fermented milk product, cellar milk is available in Norway, consonant in name - matsoni and matsun - in Georgia and Armenia, respectively. A more familiar name is ryazhenka, the country of origin of which is Ukraine. Chal, ayran, katyk are all varieties of fermented milk products. Enriched by adding bifidobacteria to them, they receive the prefix "bio" or "bifi" and become several times more useful for the body.

The most popular, and therefore eaten, are kefir, fermented baked milk, less often - acidophilus. Few people think about products such as buttermilk or whey. Meanwhile, these products are simply irreplaceable in order to recover faster after various kinds of injuries; for supporting muscle mass; people suffering from atherosclerosis; and over the age of 50. Common in all of the above cases is the leaching of calcium from the body, causing the bones to become brittle. Whey and buttermilk contain a high amount of vitamins and calcium, as well as proteins and lecithin, which protect our blood vessels from cholesterol, and at the same time are low in fat. Both products are the result of the processing of other dairy products: whey - after making cottage cheese, buttermilk - after churning butter.

About the benefits of yogurt say a lot, but not all of them are equally useful. The most valuable for the body are low-fat, without heat treatment. When choosing yogurt in the store, you should definitely pay attention to storage conditions and check the expiration date. The presence of bifidobacteria (they are also probiotics) in the product contributes to the suppression of pathogens in the intestines, the synthesis of vitamins, the absorption of proteins, and also destroys toxins that arise during metabolism. Proven by scientific research that probiotics are an excellent prevention of intestinal infections and oncological diseases. There are many varieties of yogurt, so the recommendations for use are different: natural ones are suitable not only as a second breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner, but also perfectly replace sour cream for salad dressing, and sweet ones will be a wonderful dessert - tasty and healthy. Drinkable bio yogurt It is recommended to drink in small sips, slowly.

A lot of protein contains another product - cheese. But there are disadvantages in it - high-calorie content and the presence of a large amount of fat. It is better to refuse its use for people who are overweight. It serves as an alternative low-fat cottage cheese. But writing off cheese from the diet is not at all worth it, especially for people suffering from diseases of the liver, intestines, gallbladder, stomach, insufficiency in the production of pancreatic enzymes, and pancreatitis. milk fat Cheese breaks down on its own, without the participation of bile and pancreatic enzyme - lipase.

Also, the benefits of cheese include the presence in the product of a complete set of fat-soluble vitamins. Calcium and phosphorus are concentrated in it to a greater extent than in cottage cheese - the amount of vitamin B increases sharply, 150 times, when the cheese ripens. For better absorption, it is recommended to use cheese in grated form, and not sliced. But in any case, calcium will be fully absorbed.

In the vastness of Central and North Asia, the most common product is kurunga from cow's milk. Its healing properties are as follows:
strengthening the secretory-motor function of the digestive glands;
improvement of redox processes;
improvement of blood composition;
increase in immunobiological properties, reactivity of the body;
enrichment with vitamins and proteins;
kills putrefactive processes that develop in the intestines.

Plant milk: what is it and what is it eaten with?
The nutritional value of plant milk and regular milk are equal. The advantage of the first is the absence of cholesterol, a harmful part of health, as well as the prevalence of healthy monounsaturated fats over saturated ones, which harm the body.
There is soy, nut, grain milk.
Soy milk is made from different varieties soy, so it will taste different. The best option would be a product made from organic soybeans, since when growing soybeans in the usual way it accumulates a lot of pesticides. Soy milk due to the presence in it of plant estrogens - isoflavones - reduces the risk of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is the fattest of all. plant species milk.

Peanut butter made from almonds has been known since the Middle Ages. Almonds are mixed with water, a sweetener is added. The resulting mixture is low in calories. Often calcium and vitamins are added to it.

Based on grain milk rice, oats, a mixture of cereals are taken - rye, wheat, barley, tertiary, amaranth, spelled. The sweetest of all is rice, as rice syrup is added to it. Oatmeal is distinguished by the amount of fiber - a glass of such milk contains 10% of it. daily allowance. The composition includes, in addition to oats, pea flour and powder of several kinds of cereals and seeds.
Vegetable milk can be regular, chocolate, vanilla.
Despite all the benefits, there are side effects. For example, the presence of isoflavones in soy milk increases the risk of oncological disease - breast cancer. But Negative consequences more than outweighed by usefulness.
When buying plant-based milk, pay attention to the presence in them of the same substances that are characteristic of cow's milk: calcium, riboflavin, B12. Avoid plant-based drinks with added sugar or sweeteners as little as possible. Remember that they can not replace the usual when feeding newborns.
More often vegetable milk used only as an additive. For example, in breakfast cereals, muesli, coffee. But don't limit your use to just that. Very tasty cocktails are obtained, they can be easily replaced regular milk in other dishes. Experiment, try, and find your taste.

Milk and dairy products have been eaten for thousands of years. Their benefits have been proven more than once, so no doubts. Bon appetit and good health.

Kristina Firsova

Video about the benefits of dairy products:
