
Striploin what part. What are steaks

How many people exist - there are so many understandings about what a steak is. For me personally, a steak is a piece of fried beef without any impurities. The meaning of steak for me personally is the pure taste of beef. And nothing else.

In order to fry a piece of meat without admixtures of other flavors, you must fry it without oil. Because any oil will change the taste of the meat. For this, marbled beef was invented - the bull is fattened in such a way that significant streaks of fat form in the meat. We can put a piece of meat with such veins of fat on a dry hot frying pan, and the meat will be fried in its own fat, which will be rendered out of these veins.

That is, the first significant point is the marbling of meat. It is determined both by the way of fattening (experts separate grass and grain fattening, I honestly don’t feel the difference in taste), and by the part of the carcass from which the piece is taken. Let's say tenderloin is the most tender meat, but there is absolutely no fat in it. And for the preparation of tenderloin medallions, you will definitely need to use oil. But the thick edge - that around the ridge from the back, above the ribs - is what you need. This part is called “ribeye” by our Western partners. It makes the best steaks.

But part of the carcass and its marbling does not guarantee you pleasure. If you buy "Lipetsk marbled beef”- you will not cook from it what you can cook from Australian or Argentine beef. The reason for this, paradoxical as it may seem, is the freshness of Lipetsk meat.

The fact is that animals also have rigor mortis. What is called “steam meat” is the meat of a freshly killed animal, from which literally “steam comes”. Yes, it is very soft and tasty. But after a couple of hours, this meat will become hard, like a sole. And it will remain so for quite some time.

If we want to eat such meat (and this is, in general, all the meat that is sold in our markets and in our stores), we need to rid it of this rigidity. This is usually achieved in three ways.

Method number one is to chop this meat into small pieces. Knife or meat grinder. And from small pieces to fashion yourself a new meat. Beefsteaks, meatballs or lula. Method number two is to beat the meat with a special hammer to destroy the tough fibers. It's called "chopping". And method number three is to marinate the meat. That is, dip it into any acid (vinegar, wine, crushed tomatoes, onion, lemon, water, carbonated carbon dioxide) to soften the fibers. These three methods are used if you want to eat the meat given to you in sensation with pleasure. But, as we understand, these methods change either the structure of the meat or its taste.

But there is a fourth way. The method is simple - the meat is aged for at least four weeks at a temperature of about 4 degrees Celsius. It begins natural processes fermentation. The meat becomes very soft. It can be eaten raw and will melt on the tongue.

And the meat for steaks, which is sold in stores at a price of 2,000 rubles per kilogram, is processed in this way. And that's why we buy it, fry it and get the same steak that they do in steakhouses. There is no wisdom - everything depends only on the meat.

Where can you buy this meat? In any supermarket where there are conditions for storing refrigerated products. If you see a piece of beef packed in thick polyethylene with the inscription Angus (this is a breed of bull) and imported from banned Australia or permitted Argentina - ask them to cut you a piece four centimeters thick. Such a steak will weigh four hundred grams. Heat up a frying pan (no cast iron needed, no ribs - just a good frying pan with a thick bottom, I do on Ikea), put this piece on it, three minutes on the side, turn it over, another three minutes on the other side, then turn off the gas, salt coarse salt and do as you like, with or without blood. That is, you can cover the pan with a lid for another three minutes, or you can eat right away. In fact, there is no blood there, and the aged meat is so tender that it seems you can spread it.

This is, of course, the ideal model. And it doesn't mean that you have to stick to it. You can buy meat at the market. See that it is not very lean. The piece must be cut necessarily against the direction of the fibers (that is, the fibers must be across the plane of the steak). If there is no marbling - well, ok, use a good olive oil. If there is no exposure - well, ok, marinate it in lemon or onion for literally up to an hour. If that changes the taste of your beef, it's no more than a $600 wine tastes like a $600 wine. Honestly.

And remember that now the post, of course.

Primitive people, roasting meat on fire, did not assume that they were at the origins of the steak culture, because in those days it was the only way to cook meat. Later priests ancient rome in the ritual of sacrifice, they offered to the gods thick pieces of meat, fried on both sides on a grill right in the temple. However, the first meat steak recipe, officially published in a cookbook, was born in Great Britain in the 15th century, and soon all of Europe was frying steaks in different options, depending on the culinary traditions different countries. After Columbus brought cattle with meat to America High Quality, steaks began to be cooked on the American continent, and for short time this dish is part of national cuisine New World. It was in America that steak cooking turned into a real art, and every American chef knows how to fry a steak deliciously. There are certain subtleties that relate to the choice of meat and various culinary techniques of frying, the knowledge of which will help in mastering this virtuoso art. So, let's try to cook meat at home!

What are steaks

There are many types of steaks. For example, a thick piece of boneless beef, with a fatty layer, cut from the ribs, is a ribeye, and a thin layer of boneless meat from the back is a striploin, which has an almost triangular shape. A New York steak is similar to a striploin, but it has no fat. "Portehouse" is the largest steak from the loin, and filet mignon is the most expensive, juicy, tender and delicious steak from the only round muscle in the bull's body. T-bone steak is a T-shaped meat on the bone and combines two types of meat - fillet and thin edge. Angleterre is made from the meat from the inside of the shoulder, and the Café de Paris steak is made from the softest piece of meat from the shoulder. The Quasimodo steak is cut from the lumbar region of the back, while the Montevideo is a rump steak. The roundpamb steak is made from the upper part of the hip area, the club steak is made from the back part of the thick edge, the sirloin is made from the thigh part of the carcass, and the rum steak is a very thin and well-beaten tenderloin. As they say, choose a steak for every taste!

Steak is made from beef only.

Most important rule cooking - right choice meat. Initially, steaks were cooked from beef, so when they say “steak”, they mean exactly a beef dish. For other meats, clarification is required, so in this case they write: pork steak, chicken, salmon, and so on. But true steak connoisseurs say that steaks made from any meat other than beef are not steaks.

Naturally, selective beef is needed - it is believed that for perfect steak you should take the meat of young bulls aged 1–1.5 years of the Hereford, Shorthorn, Angus and Longhorn breeds, fed with grass, wheat and corn. Gobies that grew up on grain crops, and not just nibbled grass on the lawn, acquire an unusually delicate fat layer, evenly distributed in a piece. This is how elite marbled beef is obtained, from which the best steaks in the world are prepared. It is interesting that for classic steaks they take mostly bull meat, and the same dish made from cow meat is called a steak.

How to choose meat for a steak

The method of cutting the carcass is also important, since it is better to take meat fibers cut across, 2.5–4 cm thick, for steaks. Such cutting allows the oil to penetrate into the pores of the meat pulp, so the steaks cook quickly and turn out more juicy. By and large, only up to 10% of the carcass is suitable for steaks, so the meat intended for this dish is considered elite and expensive. The dorsal muscles are most suitable for steaks - the fact is that pieces from parts of the body where the muscles are at rest are better fried and are softer. It doesn’t matter if there is meat on the bone or without it, the main thing is that the piece is finished and you don’t have to cut off unnecessary pieces of fat or veins from it. And the meat should be fresh, dry, rich dark shade, with a smooth and silky surface. They say that the most delicious steaks obtained from slightly cured meat. The most important thing is that the meat should not be steamy, otherwise the steak will turn out tough, and its taste, which is just provided by fermentation, will not be so rich and rich.

Cooking meat for frying

Take the meat out of the refrigerator about an hour before cooking to bring it to room temperature. This is necessary for even roasting of the steak. If you will cook frozen steaks, then in the evening they should be put out of freezer in the refrigerator so that they thaw gradually. But connoisseurs say that steaks from previously frozen meat lose a lot in taste.

Some housewives marinate in lemon juice with salt and spices for softness and juiciness, although the choice of marinade is a matter of taste. Before frying, pieces of meat should be greased with olive oil and pepper, but when to salt the meat is a moot point. Some argue that it is necessary to salt before frying, while others are sure that it is more correct to salt after the appearance of a golden crust, and even better - already on a plate. How best to do it is up to you, in accordance with personal taste preferences.

What dish is used to cook a steak

You can quickly and tasty cook a steak in the oven, the Josper charcoal grill, on the open grill and in the grill pan, in which the meat does not burn and acquires an appetizing pattern. Fat, flowing into the hollows of the pan, is not absorbed into the meat, and the dish turns out to be dietary. But after the oven, the meat is always juicier and softer, because it is cooked not only thanks to high temperature coming from a metal dish or grill, but also due to the enveloping heat. If you are using a regular frying pan, it should be with a thick bottom, although it is believed that the steak is not cooked in ordinary pans and in a slow cooker - only a grill is suitable for this purpose.

The grill pan or oven should be as hot as possible before frying, and oil can be used both butter and vegetable. However, if you are using butter, do not overheat the pan. In this regard, frying with vegetable oil has its advantages, since it has a higher combustion temperature. Some chefs mix two types of oil to achieve best result, however perfect option- cooking steaks in ghee, which does not burn and has a mild taste. By the way, ribeye steak, which is universal, is most suitable for frying in a pan. Fat layer melts quickly in the meat pulp, soaking the steak and making it very juicy, tender and tasty.

How to cook a delicious steak: fry quickly

The main rule for cooking a steak is to first fry it very quickly in a hot frying pan to a crust, and then bring it to readiness over a slower fire. The fact is that protein coagulates under the influence of high temperature and does not allow the juice to flow out of the meat. Some chefs dry the steak for an hour in the oven at a temperature of 60 ° C before frying, as the dried meat instantly gives a dense golden brown when hot. If you neglect this rule, the steak will turn out dry and tough. At the same time, do not forget to also fry the side edges of the steak, holding it with meat tongs for convenience. Steak closed on all sides dense crust, perfectly fried and remains juicy. This is one of the main tricks of cooking a steak. Don't overheat and let the pan get to the point where it starts to smoke, because if the steak burns, you won't be able to continue frying and it will come out raw.

How long to fry a steak, how to flip

A steak about 3 cm thick is fried on each side for 4-5 minutes, and if you have pieces of meat of a different size, then add or subtract one minute for each centimeter. How to cook a steak - turn it often or rarely? This is one of the most FAQ beginner cooks. There are two options here - either turn over every 30 seconds (of course, after the initial frying), or change the position of the steak no more than 4 times at a time. In the first case, you will get an evenly fried and not overdried steak, in the second case, the steak will turn out to be very beautiful, with a pattern from a grill pan or a grill.

It helps a lot in roasting and cutting pieces across the fibers. Heat flows through the meat, continuing to heat it even after the steak is removed from the heat. That is why there is no need to fry the steak for a long time - it will reach readiness in your plate. However, if you are afraid to serve raw meat on the table, cook the steak for about 15 minutes, but no more, so that the beef does not lose its tenderness and juiciness.

Determining the degree of steak cooking

There are six degrees of doneness, the choice of which depends solely on your personal tastes. When roasting blue, the steak is obtained with blood, rar is a very lightly fried steak, but already without blood. Medium rare steak - lightly fried meat: there is a crust on the outside, the meat is only heated inside. Steak medium - average degree roasting, when the middle of the meat is pink, but still damp. Medium well steak - perfectly done, with pinkish meat and well done - a very deep fried steak, perfectly cooked.

Experienced cooks can determine the degree of doneness visually, but this method requires a lot of experience and skill. You can do it easier - slightly cut the meat and look at its color inside, or press the piece with your finger - a raw steak is usually soft, and the finished piece becomes hard and dense. If you do not trust your feelings, you can cook by time - a steak with blood is fried for 2 minutes on each side, 2.5 minutes is enough for light frying, for medium rare- 3 minutes, and a perfectly cooked steak requires 4.5 minutes on each side.

If you have a food thermometer in the form of a needle, the task is made easier - it is enough to measure the temperature of the steak to understand at what stage of readiness the meat is. Blue steak is ready at 46-49 °C, rar - at 52-55 °C, medium rare - at 55-60 °C, medium - at 60-65 °C, medium well - at 65-69 °C, well done - at 71–100 °C. If the meat is heated above 100°C, the steak is overcooked.

"Relax" and steak tasting

An important secret to cooking a steak is to give it a "rest" and recover from intense frying. To do this, put on steak slice butter, cover it loosely with foil and leave for 10 minutes. The longer the steak “rests”, the tastier, more aromatic and tender it will turn out. Do not rush to taste, because when frying, the meat fibers tighten and slightly shrink, but gradually they relax, and the juice is evenly distributed inside the steak. In other words, “rested” meat after heat treatment is always softer than meat that has just been removed from the fire. The steak can be served whole or cut into slices, on a warm plate with any sauce, stir-fried vegetables cooked in the same pan, with fried potatoes, vegetable salad and greenery.

Steak marinated with tequila and lime

This Latin American steak will bring variety to your daily diet and lift your spirits. Make a marinade with 3 tbsp. l. tequila, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. lime juice, 2 drops of tabasco sauce, 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped and 1 small onion. Marinate the beef steaks for 2 hours, after placing the dishes with the marinade in the refrigerator, and after 1 hour the meat should be turned over.

Half an hour before frying, turn on the grill, remove the steaks from the marinade, dry them well, rub with pepper and salt. Grill the steaks for 3-4 minutes on each side and let them rest for 10 minutes before cutting them across the grain into thin slices.

Spices from the branded online store "Eat at Home"

On the site "Eat at Home" published various recipes meat steaks with photos and step by step instructions. When you master the art of cooking meat steaks, you will learn how to choose beef in the market, and you will determine the degree of readiness of meat by eye. Of course, there is much to be learned up to this point, but the most simple recipes can be mastered now, delighting loved ones with tender and juicy steaks with which life seems more fun and tastier. Well, from the company store "Eat at Home" they will add a brightness of taste to your dishes!

Despite claims by some doctors that eating red meat is injurious to health, and a rise in the number of zealous vegetarians, there are still many more meat-eaters among city dwellers. But few people really understand what is on his plate: often people do not even suspect where the beef came from, from which the served steak was prepared, how it was butchered and stored, and what part of the carcass is made of, for example, ribeye or striploin. The Village I decided to investigate this issue from a to z. The meat specialist helped us with this Kirill Martynenko, Managing partner of the Moscow network of steakhouses Torro Grill.

Kirill Martynenko

managing partner of a chain of steakhouses
Torro Grill

IN catering business Kirill got in 1989 as a waiter at the restaurant "At Jozef", where he later became an assistant cook. Then he worked as a cook in the restaurants "Assol" and "Anna Mons", as a chef and manager of the bar-restaurant "At Petra", the manager of the Finnish restaurant-club Maxim's and as a chef in the entertainment complex "Alexander Blok". In 2002 Kirill became the chef of the Global Foods company, and in 2004 he became the concept chef of the Arpikom restaurant group (Goodman, Filimonova and Yankel, Kolbasoff). In 2007, together with partner Anton Lyalin, he opened his first steakhouse Torro Grill, which has now become a chain of six restaurants in Moscow.


Steak(English) steak, from Old Norse
steikja - « fry"") - a piece of meat cut from the carcass of an animal and cooked on fire.

It is difficult to say exactly when the steak appeared, but it is safe to say that our ancestors began to eat raw meat many millennia ago in order to survive in harsh conditions. They began to fry meat on fire when they realized that it was easier to eat it that way.

In the middle of the 15th century, the description of the steak first appeared in British cookbooks. Three centuries later, the technology of cooking meat on open fire began to spread across continental Europe.

IN New World English Herefords and Scottish Aberdeen Angus were brought in, on which, in fact, the American meat industry began to develop. In addition to the United States, steaks have become widespread in all former British colonies, as well as in Latin America, Germany, Italy and France.

Actually the culture of steak and steakhouses was born at the end of the 19th century, and it happened, as you might guess, in America - in Chicago.


The herd of cattle is divided into two unequal parts: meat, intended for quick slaughter, and dairy. The first is, as a rule, bulls, the second, of course, cows. But even from meat gobies, not everyone is suitable for steaks.


An extremely important parameter is breed. All the time that people were engaged in animal husbandry, they bred and fixed breeds that were best recruited. muscle mass, could lay a certain amount of fat and were unpretentious in content. It is also important for the steak industry that the animal be compact. The most steak breeds are the entire Angus family ( Aberdeen Angus- a breed bred in Scotland and brought to the USA in 1873), Herefords ( Hereford- a breed bred in the county of Herefordshire, in England), as well as their hybrids. It is from them that the vast majority of steaks in restaurants around the world are made.

The diet of the animal plays a special role in meat production. The natural food for a cow is grass and hay. But from the point of view of the meat industry, this is unprofitable and is possible only in countries where there are appropriate areas, and climatic conditions allow livestock to eat grass. all year round like, for example, in New Zealand.

cow stomach able to digest exceptionally poor feed: hay and grass, so the transition to more rich fodder, grain, must occur gradually, otherwise the animal gets sick.

Grain feeding appeared relatively recently, in the mid-60s in the United States. The producer, by giving the cattle a standard highly nutritious feed, can control the growth rate of the animals. Besides the consumer wanted to receive beef of a certain marbling (eng. marbling- small particles of fat deposited between muscle fibers), the degree of which cannot be controlled with herbal fattening. For this reason, it became necessary to develop a system of grain feeding and certification of meat.

Grain-fed is more expensive than grass-fed, and the diet itself is more complicated. The transition to a richer feed, grain, should occur gradually. It is important to develop a balanced diet and gradually transfer the animal to a new diet of compound feed, barley, alfalfa, corn and other ingredients.

IN USA meat is divided into eight categories, three of which are - prime, choice And select- suitable for cooking steaks.

IN australia categories are denoted by a serial number from 200 before 1 100 (most marbled) in increments of 100 units.

In Russia today there is no beef certification system similar to Western ones. Modern GOSTs and TUs do not describe what kind of meat is suitable for steaks. While other countries have their own criteria for certification and categorization of meat. The most stringent standards are set in countries with a developed meat industry: in the USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

Russia must develop its own standards and definitions of VKG (high-quality beef) within a year and a half after joining the World Trade Organization, that is, approximately by 2014. In Russia, beef that meets VKG standards has not been produced and is not being produced.

Main exporters and meat prices

The country of production also plays a role in pricing. It is easy to guess that the labor force in the US and Australia is more expensive than in Argentina, and therefore the price of meat is higher. Climatic conditions and seasonal fluctuations are also important. In the USA, for example, meat always rises in price around Christmas, and gets cheaper in summer. Financiers often play on meat - futures contracts for beef are concluded no less often than for grain.

Japanese beef Wagyu marbling surpasses the American prime. The price, of course, is higher than one and a half to two times.

Beef is brought to Russia mainly from the USA and Australia. The most popular breeds are Angus. Sometimes on the Russian market appears supermarble beef, made according to Japanese technology, - Wagyu. Due to the lack of manufacturing capacity in Japan, this meat is also produced in the US and Australia. Less is coming from Latin America and New Zealand, since the fattening there is grassy - marbling cannot be guaranteed, and the consumer is already used to a certain level.

The price of beef depends on the complexity of transportation and seasonality. However, Angus from the USA and Australia are comparable in price. Japanese varieties are significantly - up to one and a half to two times - more expensive. Grass-fed beef tends to be cheaper, as grass-fed beef is cheaper than grain-fed beef if there is adequate grazing land.

Russian meat

On sale in Lately there is more and more Russian meat claiming to be a steak. However, the price-quality ratio is still shocking. Considering that in Russia there are places to raise cattle, it is sad that meat production is still in its early stages.

An underdeveloped industry and infrastructure does not allow farmers to sell their goods efficiently and profitably. Since the restaurant business is able to absorb no more than 10% of the carcass, the rest of the meat remains ballast in the hands of the manufacturer. In countries with a developed meat industry, everything is recycled.

carcass cutting

There are documents that regulate the process of carcass cutting and describe in detail how to properly cut fat and how each piece should look. In the United States, standards for cutting are written in a handbook called Meat Buyer's Guide. Australians have a similar Australian Beef Product Guide, In Canada - Meat Cuts Manual.

The tradition of cutting carcasses in our country does not at all imply such a product as a steak. Therefore, those wishing to experiment with domestic meat should be prepared for the fact that the restaurant will have to additionally mess with the carcass - to make steaks from an unformed piece.

Storage and transportation

Meat enters the market in two forms - frozen and chilled.


The meat is subjected shock freezing: its temperature drops from plus 2-4 degrees to about minus 30 in a matter of minutes. Thus, the cell walls do not have time to be destroyed by ice crystals. Subsequently, when defrosting, the loss of juiciness is minimal. Such meat, as a rule, comes to Russia by sea: this is the cheapest way. Properly frozen and thawed beef is no doubt inferior in taste to aged examples, but it is perfectly serviceable. Defrosting should take place in the refrigerator at a temperature of plus 4-5 degrees.

Vacuum storage

dry aging

Generally, dry aging takes place where the meat will be cooked. In this case, it is delivered to a restaurant, where it enters a special chamber and ripens and winds there. Such exposure leads to a loss of up to 25% of moisture, which means that a piece of beef is much more expensive than frozen or aged in a vacuum, but it also has a brighter taste.

In Moscow restaurants, dry-aged meat is extremely rare. But it is normal to keep the meat in a special refrigerator in a separate area with the subsequent delivery of the vacuum-packed cut to the restaurant kitchen. On the Russian market there are offers of foreign dry-aged meat.


Up to 10% of the total weight of the animal's skeleton is suitable for cooking a steak (the weight of the skeleton does not include the weight of the head, entrails and skin) - hence the high price of the steak. The whole back is suitable for steaks: tenderloin (inside loin), ribeye (breast) and striploin (loin), shoulder and front of the back are the main cuts used in the restaurant industry. The shoulder and front of the hind cut are characterized by a low price and a more pronounced taste. There is also a diaphragm - these are two cuts - skirt And hanger(thick aperture). The diaphragm is the softest muscle of the animal, since its purpose is to support the insides, it is not involved in movement. Diaphragm is also called "butcher's steak" because traditionally butchers kept these cuts for themselves as the most tender.

Moscow restaurants prepare these steaks:


Of course, all these cuts require varying degrees heat treatment, as the fat content in them is different. Experts are still arguing about the number of degrees of roasting a steak, but most are of the opinion that there are still six of them:

There is a simple rule: the fatter the piece, the higher the degree of roasting suits it. Ribeye steak is recommended to be brought to medium or medium-well, but it is better to serve tenderloin medium-rare or even rare. low degree the French and Spaniards are especially fond of it, while the Americans prefer well-done meat.

Photos: Olya Eichenbaum
Illustrations: Alexander Pokhvalin

I won’t be mistaken if I say that every man, in addition to scrambled eggs and fried potatoes, should be able to cook. At least there is such a legend. I didn't know how until recently. However, even now, if you show my steak to a knowledgeable person, he will most likely take a picture of it and post it on his Instagram with the hashtags #lol, #what is this, #he thinks this is a steak.

Despite the fact that my experience in cooking steaks is still small, I try to study everything new diligently, and therefore I started with the theory - how to choose the right meat for a steak.

Types of steaks

None of the types of steaks has a Russian translation. In addition, if you order a pork or chicken steak in the presence of a knowledgeable person, you are likely to be looked down upon. It is believed that the steak is made only from beef.

Depending on which one is used for tenderloin, there are several (up to ten) types of steaks:

  1. ribeye- subscapular part of the carcass. Contains a lot of fat, so the meat is juicy.
  2. club steak- the dorsal part of the carcass is used as a tenderloin. The steak has a small bone.
  3. filet mignon- considered the most tender meat, not cooked with blood.
  4. Chateaubriand- the same filet mignon, but laid out on a plate in length.
  5. Tornedos- small pieces clippings from which medallions are made.
  6. Skirt steak- meat from beef flank. It is considered quite hard, but tasty.
  7. Porterhouse steak-divided by t-shaped bone a large number of fat, which makes the meat juicy.
  8. Roundrumb steak- a round piece of tenderloin from the hip part.
  9. Striploin steak- a tenderloin that looks more like a sirloin strip than a steak.

How to choose

Despite the variety, each steak is suitable for different situations. Ribeye, for example, is considered the most unpretentious in cooking and at the same time very tasty. The tenderloin has a large amount of fat. Striploin steak is softer meat than ribeye and is the steak most commonly served in steakhouses. Filet mignon is the most tender, almost "buttery" meat, but it does not have such rich taste due to low fat content.

Randy Irion, marketing director for the National Beef Cattle Association, has some tips for choosing and cooking the right steak:

  1. Buy thick pieces at least 2 centimeters thick.
  2. Don't avoid fatty cuts: Fat gives the steak its flavor, makes it juicy and keeps its shape while frying.
  3. If you want to cook perfect steak you have to buy a thermometer. Desired temperature for a steak with blood - 51 ° C.
  4. Ignore the labels "organic", "non-GMO", "natural product".
  5. Ideally, you need to buy meat in butcher shop and not in the supermarket.
  6. If the meat emits a slight smell of ammonia, it is stale.
  7. When you get home, feel the steak. If the fingers stick to the meat, it means that it is close to the abyss.
  8. Ribeye is the most optimal choice if you don't want to choose for a long time. According to Irion, almost any butcher or chef will tell you that ribeye is their favorite type of steak. It is not the most tender, but it has the most intense taste.

Steak is expensive dish. After all, not all types of meat are suitable for its preparation. In addition, for such a dish, you can take only 5-7% of the entire animal carcass. Meat for steaks is a product of exclusively elite animal husbandry. To cook juicy and tasty dish, requires products obtained from a young bull. The age of the animal should be from 1 to 1.5 years. In this case, the bull must have a specific breed, such as Angus or Hereford.

Types of steaks

Steak is not Veal, which matures for 20 days, is used to prepare this dish. During this period, fermentation of muscle tissue occurs. As a result, the meat becomes more tender and friable.

For cooking only the best part from all carcasses. Steak is a dish that is difficult to cook at home. There are several varieties of the product. It all depends on what was used to prepare the dish:

  1. Club steak. For the preparation of this dish, meat of the dorsal part is usually used. Take the product on the site of the thick edge of the longest muscle. It may have a small rib bone.
  2. Rib steak is a piece of meat that is cut from the shoulder blade. It has many fatty streaks.
  3. Roundrumb steak - the meat is taken from the upper hip part.
  4. Striploin - usually cut from the lumbar dorsal part in the head area.
  5. Porterhouse steak - meat in this case is taken from the lumbar dorsal part in the region of the thick edge of the tenderloin.
  6. Teebone is a T-bone steak. It is cut out from the area located on the border between the lumbar and dorsal parts in the region of the thin edge of the longissimus dorsi muscle, as well as the thin edge of the tenderloin.
  7. Chateaubriand is the thick edge of the central part of the tenderloin. Such meat is fried either whole or for several people.
  8. Filet Mignon - a thin cross section of the central loin. This is the leanest and most tender meat. Such a dish is never with blood.
  9. The skirt steak is not the most tender meat, but quite tasty (from the flank).
  10. Tornedox - small piece, which is cut from the central part, or rather from its thin edge. Usually used to make medallions.

Is it possible to cook by yourself

Probably, many have wondered how to cook a steak in a pan. It should be noted right away that this process is quite complicated and has many nuances. After all, a steak is not just a fried piece of meat. Of course, at first glance it seems that this is a fairly simple dish. However, not everyone can cook it correctly. In this case, there are many subtleties that should be considered. Everything is very important in this business: starting with the selection and preparation of products and ending with the method and technology of their roasting. That is why not everyone can cook this dish in their kitchen the way it is prepared by masters of their craft in restaurants. After all, not everyone has special equipment, experience and knowledge.

Frying technology

So how do you cook beef steak on the grill or in the oven? First of all, you should know not only how to choose meat, but also how it should be fried and at what temperature. It is for this purpose that special technologies have been developed that allow preserving the natural texture of the product. According to them, the meat should first be laid out on a frying surface, preheated to 250 ° C. The steak should quickly "grab". It happens literally in 15 seconds. A crust forms on the meat. It is she who does not allow in the process further preparation juice out. After such processing steak spread on a surface whose temperature is at least 150 ° C. Here the dish is brought to the required degree of readiness.

After cooking, the steak should lie down a bit. This will allow the juice to be more evenly distributed throughout the piece of meat.

Degree of doneness

Since cooking a steak in a pan is not very simple, you need to know not only the rules for frying it, but also its degree. There are currently seven of them:

Salt in advance

Many claim that meat products do not salt before cooking. However, it is not. You need to salt, even if you cook a steak in a pan. Recipe with photo from professional chefs it proves. Salt the steaks and leave for half an hour. Meat should be kept room temperature. As a result of this, the salt will dissolve in the juice that will be released from the steak. But it has a lot of protein and sugar. This mixture will create appetizing crust. In addition, such steaks will have a more pronounced taste.

Meat temperature affects cooking speed

Many professional chefs argue that room temperature meat cooks much faster than chilled meat. A properly cooked steak should be juicy and tender on the inside, and brown and crispy on the outside. If the meat is cold, then it will take more time for it to reach the desired degree of readiness. And that has a bad effect on appearance steaks. During cooking, the top layer of meat can dry out a lot and start to burn in places. Therefore, many recommend keeping steaks for half an hour at room temperature. This allows you to prepare juicy dish.

More heat - more flavor

There are many steak recipes. However, they are all prepared in the mode intense heat. Due to the high temperature, the aroma and taste of meat are revealed. Therefore, it is necessary to cook the steaks in such a way that they are covered with a dark brown crust. Do not believe the statement that intense heat closes all the pores on the surface of the meat. This is absolutely not true.

Grilled Beef Steak: American Recipe

This the recipe will do for those who like meat and also flavor variety. At the moment, there are many ways to cook steaks on the grill. To prepare this dish, you will need:

  1. Beef - 700 grams.
  2. Soy sauce - ½ cup.
  3. Oregano - 1 gram.
  4. Ketchup - 2 teaspoons.
  5. Garlic - 1 teaspoon.
  6. Olive oil - 2 teaspoons.
  7. Black pepper, preferably ground - 1 teaspoon.
  8. Lemon juice - 30 milliliters.

Food preparation

To fry a steak on the grill, you need to prepare the meat in advance. It is better to do this 8-12 hours before cooking. The steak must be marinated. To do this, in a deep bowl, you need to mix the spices, lemon juice, soy sauce, olive oil, ketchup and salt. In the resulting composition, you should lower the pieces of meat and press them. The steaks should be completely submerged in the marinade. You can also add onion rings to the meat.

How to cook

The steak from the recipe of which was described above is prepared in the same way as on the grill. The meat should marinate well. Then you can start frying it. It’s worth considering right away that beef steaks are cooked not on coals, like kebabs, but on very high heat. This is the only way to get a tasty and juicy dish. If the fire is very weak, then all the juice will flow out during the frying process. As a result, the meat will be dry. It takes about 20 minutes to cook, but no more.

Striploin steak with espresso sauce

The dish is cooked for 8 minutes on a strong open fire. The temperature should be between 230 and 290°C. To prepare 4 servings, you will need:

  1. 4 pieces of loin. Each steak should weigh between 300 and 350 grams and be 2.5 centimeters thick.
  2. Olive oil - two tablespoons.
  3. Coarse sea salt - ¾ teaspoon.
  4. Black pepper, preferably freshly ground - ¾ teaspoon.

Meat preparation

A steak from a recipe with a photo of which will clearly present the cooking process must be prepared before frying. To begin with, you should grease the pieces of meat with olive oil. This will keep the steaks from sticking to the grates. After that, the pieces need to be salted and sprinkled with spices. The olive oil will keep them from falling apart. In this form, the steaks should be left for half an hour at room temperature.

How to cook striploin steak

Where and how to cook a steak? In the oven or on the grill? In this case, the meat should be cooked on a strong open fire. The first thing to do is prepare the grill. High direct heat should be selected. Before use, the grate should be cleaned with a special brush. Now you can put pieces of meat on it. The steaks should be placed at a 45° angle, diagonally. Meat should be cooked covered.

After two minutes, carefully turn the steaks over. You need to do this not with a fork, but with tongs. The meat must be turned and placed at a right angle. Then close the grill lid and cook the steaks for another two minutes on high heat.

After that, the pieces juicy meat need to be turned over. On the surface of the steaks, you should get a neat mesh. You can do exactly the same on the other side. But this is optional. You need to fry the meat to the required degree of readiness.

What do you need for espresso sauce

Striploin steaks are best served with espresso sauce. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Butter from cream - a tablespoon.
  2. Shallot chopped - two teaspoons.
  3. Garlic, passed through a press - 1 clove.
  4. Ketchup - 120 milliliters.
  5. Strong natural coffee - 4 tablespoons, you can use espresso.
  6. Balsamic vinegar - a tablespoon.
  7. Brown sugar - a tablespoon.
  8. Chili ground - two small spoons.

How to make sauce

The pork steak pictured above is also served with espresso sauce. To prepare this dressing, melt the butter from the cream in a small saucepan. After that, you need to pour the shallots into the container and sauté it for 3 minutes, stirring regularly. When the product becomes transparent, garlic should be added to the sauce. Everything needs to be sifted for another minute. Now you can pour all the other ingredients into the dressing and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer the sauce on the fire for another 10 minutes until it thickens.

After cooking

Ready steaks need to be removed from the grill, but they should not be served immediately. It's better to let them sit for a while. Within five minutes, the temperature inside the meat will still rise, by about two degrees. In addition, the juice in the steaks should be distributed evenly. Serve this dish with espresso sauce and wine.

at the stake

This dish is just perfect for a quiet family dinner Outdoors. These steaks are prepared very quickly and easily. This will require:

Marinating pork

To get delicious meat cooked on a fire, you need to marinate it. First you need to prepare the steaks. It is better to remove fat from them. What is left inside will make the meat juicy. The neck is best cut across the fibers. The thickness of the pieces should be no more than 2 centimeters.

Onions should be peeled and cut into rings. Parsley and dill should be finely chopped. In the dishes where the meat will be marinated, lay out a layer onion and greens.

Steaks should be thoroughly lubricated vegetable oil, pepper and salt. On each side, peas of spices should be pressed into them. The pieces prepared in this way should be put in a saucepan, and then sprinkled with a mixture of onions and herbs. Alternating layers, put all the steaks in a container. Then the meat must be removed in the cold. Such steaks should be marinated for 2 to 12 hours.

Cooking at the stake

It is better to cook pork not on an open flame, but on coals. When will they be in the brazier enough, it is necessary to grease the grate with vegetable oil and put the steaks on it. You need to fry the meat until cooked. To get different degrees of roasting, it will take from 7 to 12 minutes - always on each side. Pork is very different from beef. Therefore, it is better to overcook it than to eat it raw.
