
That means deep fried. The main thing for deep frying is to heat a sufficient amount of oil to the desired temperature.

There is no other cooking technique that would raise such a mountain of vain. And that happens from deep frying, and this. But it is present in any noticeable kitchen. This is a detail of the cultural landscape. A lyrical, if not folklore, hero - like Santa Claus. For some, even a national symbol


If we talk about European cuisine, it is believed that deep frying appeared in France(although, for example, French fries, known throughout the world as French fries, invented in Belgium; however, it is not far). However, if we consider the situation on a global scale, the French have nothing much to count on. Because at a time when barbarians were still roaming Europe, culinary technologists were already working in China. Today at Chinese cuisine There are two main ways to cook in deep fried: “pyn” (the product is first deep-fried, and then in a frying pan with a small amount of oil, spices and broth) and “zha” (the actual deep-frying), as well as two more types of stewing, including deep-frying as an integral part.

French And Chinese Schools have different approaches to the choice of oil. The French traditionally used animal fat for deep-frying. As for beef, it is a gastronomic and dietary nightmare, and today it is rarely fried. Another thing is pork fat, more precisely, melted lard, which does not have its own smell or taste and is therefore ideal for deep-frying. The only obstacle to its use is that it is not sold on this side of the state border. However, a compromise is possible: a mixture of vegetable oil and melted lard. The Chinese prefer vegetable oil for deep-frying. Which one exactly? Most often soy. But sesame seeds are not used for this purpose at all.

Deep frying is also common for Indian cuisine. Hindus fry puri cakes in hot oil every day. In this case, both vegetable and melted butter, “ghee,” are used.

Seven Commandments

Technically, deep frying is elementary: oil, fire and, roughly speaking, pot. This makes it easy to control quality - just remember a few important rules.
1 For deep frying, always choose quality products. What do we expect from, say, French fries? Firstly, so that it is covered with a golden crust. Secondly, to make the crust crispy. Thirdly, so that the inside of the pieces remains somewhat tender. It's usually not about taste - just texture, color and consistency. Because the lightning-fast effect of hot oil does not affect the taste of the product in any way. This means we buy the best, in the case of potatoes - waxy varieties that are well suited for frying.
2 Cut foods into equal pieces, otherwise they will cook differently.
3 Don't forget about the quality of the oil. If you take a bad one (for example, which smells unpleasant even without heating), if you use it twenty times, if you don’t consider it necessary to strain and overcooked crumbs float in it, the “aroma” of the dish will be, to put it mildly, specific.
4 Dry foods intended for frying thoroughly; there should be no drops of water or marinade on them: once in hot oil, the water begins to “jump” and “shoot.” There is, of course, also batter, that is batter, and breading, double and even triple. But batter and breading are not water; they do not tend to turn into steam. Although caution won't hurt here either. The advice is optional, but good: before pouring oil into a pan, pour it into the frying pan and heat it until white smoke appears (this is when the water contained in any oil evaporates), let it cool and then pour it into the frying pan.
5 Heat the oil until correct temperature. It is usually indicated in the recipe; for most dishes it is approximately 175-185 °C. To make sure that the oil is hot enough, you can do this: throw a cube of white bread with a side of 1 cm into the deep fryer - it should fry until golden crust in exactly 1 minute. If it's faster, just remove the pan from the heat and let it cool before starting over. Insufficiently heated oil will be absorbed into the frying product, like a sponge, and if it is overheated, it will fry too quickly on the outside, remaining raw on the inside.
6 Now let's take a break from deep frying for a minute. Imagine what happens if you try to boil a kilogram of pasta in a liter of water. You pour them into boiling water - the boiling stops, the pasta sticks together, and you realize that you poured too little water. The same applies to butter. Therefore, take at least (preferably more) a liter of oil for deep frying, and omit the food for frying in small portions(about as much as will fit in a standard slotted spoon) and stir gently to keep the oil at a relatively even temperature. (If you're using a deep fryer, you don't need to stir anything, and you won't be able to - the lid won't let you.) Take short breaks between batches, allowing the oil to gain heat again.
7 Do not mix two, let alone three, types or varieties of vegetable oil. As for the choice of oil, we can only give general recommendations. For Chinese, Thai And Vietnamese For dishes, use sunflower, soy or rapeseed. If the recipe is European, add a little rendered pork fat to the vegetable oil. Olive oil is, by all accounts, the best vegetable oil, but it is quite expensive (although you don’t have to buy “extra virgin” for deep frying) and, most importantly, it has a very pronounced taste, which is not good for every dish.

Can't imagine England without kiosks on every corner fish&chips, where cod and potatoes are fried in the same oil and then served on yesterday's newspaper "Times". Historians of British fast food claim that the idea for this dish came from Britain from India, from the province Gujarat, only instead of the hard-to-find dried mango for acid, the British began to use vinegar, which they sprinkle on the potatoes before serving. We recently tried gujarati recipe, and you know, it really looks like it.

Italians They always perceive any achievements of someone else’s cooking as their own. And rice balls "arancini", rolled from yesterday's risotto, and stuffed with cheese panzotti, similar to tiny pasties, and dozens of other types of filled pasta, equipped with the epithet "frittie", that is, “fried” - all this is sold in Italy everywhere, and it doesn’t occur to anyone that they don’t belong to Italian cuisine. Although all this beauty came mainly from Sicily and Sardinia, where at one time it was borrowed from the Arabs.

Amazing Hungarian donuts "langos", reminiscent of a mutated whitefish. They are prepared from unsweetened yeast dough with a noticeable addition of boiled crushed potatoes, rubbed after frying fresh garlic and sprinkle ground paprika, and served with young cheese. In general, I would like to talk about donuts in more detail.

For dessert

If you throw a lump of raw dough into hot oil, the dough will instantly swell and then become crusty. People looked and looked at this and came up with donuts - or crumpets, or donuts, whatever you want to call them. This doesn't make the donuts any less brilliant.

Deservedly claims to be the pinnacle of donut art German Berliner. It is deep-fried so that there is always a lighter stripe in the middle, and after frying it is filled with jam and sprinkled powdered sugar. And if a Berliner is filled with custard and covered with chocolate glaze, it should be called "bismarck". However, there are also Bismarcks stuffed with jam - apparently, the filling in this case is not as important as the glaze.

IN Israel on Hanukkah must be fried "sufganiot", similar to the Berliner, like twins. Traditionally, they were first filled with jam and then fried, and the jam quite often ended up on the outside due to such roughness. But about ten years ago, a certain Jewish genius did the opposite - first he fried the donut, and then filled it with filling; This is what everyone has done since then, even the orthodox.

IN Poland on Maslenitsa prepare "punks"- again with jam. By the way, “correct” Russian donuts supposedly should also have filling, and if without filling, then they are no longer donuts, but crumpets. But who understands such subtleties?

Lookomades - Greek donuts with a lot of honey and a little cinnamon added to the dough; sometimes they are deep-fried first and then drizzled with honey afterwards. Very similar to them Turkish "lokma"(or vice versa - among the Turks and Greeks you can’t tell who looks like whom) and Lebanese "maakarun", reminiscent fir cones; Immediately after frying, both of them are poured with sugar or honey syrup - delicious, beyond words.

Bruno Marino, chef of Vesna, Biscuit and Novikov Catering restaurants

Everyone loves to crunch on a crispy crust. Traditionally, deep-fried dishes in Italy are prepared with zucchini flowers. One of the recipes is this: you need to carefully wash the flowers, shake off excess moisture, remove the pistils, and cut off the long stems. Then prepare a batter from eggs, flour and milk. Dip lightly salted flowers into it and fry them in a frying pan or deep-fry for literally 1 minute, no more, in olive oil until golden brown. Then the flowers should be placed on a paper towel, let the oil drain and serve immediately hot.

What is deep frying?

In short, deep frying is frying a product in a large amount of hot oil. There should be a lot of oil - enough to completely or at least more than half immerse the product in it, and its temperature should be such that the product sizzles cheerfully, becoming covered with a golden brown crust, and does not sadly float in not fully heated oil, absorbing it like a sponge.

Photo from www.nytimes.com

Previously, several centuries ago, rendered animal fat was used for deep-frying; now it is recommended to use vegetable fat without taste and smell. The best option is oil from grape seeds, it has a fairly high boiling point, and there is practically no taste or smell. The only problem is that in our country it costs a lot (from “simply expensive” to “obscenely expensive”), so it is more logical to use more affordable vegetable oil.

What is deep frying for? Many people ask this question, especially after the media began to actively disseminate the myth that “fatty” automatically means “harmful”, and deep-frying is generally a breeding ground for carcinogens. We'll talk about the health hazards a little later, but from a culinary point of view, deep frying is needed for several reasons.

Firstly, deep frying creates a crispy crust that seals the juices inside the product. This happens because when it comes into contact with hot oil, the water contained in the outer part of the product instantly evaporates (hence the bubbles), and the amino acids and sugars interact with each other under the influence of high temperature (hence the golden hue of the crust).

Secondly, deep frying is quick way heat treatment, and it allows you to preserve much of what is contained inside the product or achieve interesting textural special effects, as in the case of French fries, where a crispy crust is combined with crumbly interior.

Finally, the third point, which directly follows from the first two: deep-fried foods are almost always very tasty.

How to deep fry

Everything is clear with the theoretical part, it’s time to move on to the practical part - what to do if you come across the line “deep fry” in the recipe. Here's what you need to do.

First, make sure you have the following inventory:

  • Frying utensils
  • Skimmer
  • Colander or wire rack
  • 1 l. refined vegetable oil

If we talk about dishes for deep-frying, then any sufficiently deep container that can be placed on the stove will do, be it a saucepan, a stewpan or something else. It is most convenient, in my opinion, to use a medium-sized cauldron or wok, the walls of which will be flat enough to make it convenient to catch finished products. Instead of a slotted spoon, if for some reason this option is closer to you, you can use chopsticks or tongs, and a colander is necessary so that excess oil can drain from fried foods. The grates that come with some woks and are attached to the side of the frying pan also serve the same purpose.

Additionally, optional but useful:

  • Thermometer
  • Apron
  • Paper towels

Where to begin? First of all, make sure that you have everything ready - during frying there will be no time to finish anything. Then place a suitable container over medium heat, pour in the oil and heat it until desired temperature. The temperature depends on what effect you want to achieve: if you need to fry the product completely, it should be lower, but if you only need a crust, then the temperature should be higher. To determine the temperature, you can throw a piece of bread into the oil or drop a little batter and observe its behavior, but it is more convenient to use a thermometer: the temperature of the oil in deep frying usually varies from 140 to 190 degrees.

Add foods to the oil a little at a time, do not try to fry everything in one sitting. The ratio of the volumes of oil and products should always be in favor of the oil with a large advantage - otherwise the products will quickly cool the oil and it will begin to be absorbed. During frying, food can be moved around in the pan with a slotted spoon so that they are fried on all sides and do not stick together. When you see that the product is ready (at the right temperature, this happens simultaneously with the appearance of a golden crust), remove it and place it in a colander or on a wire rack to allow the oil remaining on the surface to drain.

Happened? Congratulations, you have mastered deep frying.

Precautionary measures

Nutritionists say that any oil is harmful to health, but even if they are right, hot oil is a hundred times more dangerous. To ensure that your acquaintance with deep frying goes like clockwork, follow these rules:

  • Before you start heating the oil, make sure that all the ingredients are prepared and all the tools are at hand. This is true for any cooking, but especially for deep-frying, when a cauldron on the stove spits boiling oil.
  • Before you start frying, make sure that there are no small children, pets or strangers hanging around in the kitchen, and if any are found, move them away.
  • Never deep-fry if you have been drinking. Even just a little bit.
  • Cook in an apron and comfortable shoes that will not slip if a few drops of oil accidentally fall on the floor.
  • To avoid getting burned by hot splashes, use a spoon or slotted spoon to lower the food into the oil.
  • Constantly monitor the temperature of the oil, making sure it doesn't get too hot or too cold. If the oil has cooled down, take a break and let it heat up again.
  • Before frying foods that have liquid inside, make sure that it does not spill into the oil, otherwise you will end up with a geyser of hot oil and steam.
  • Try not to use the same oil twice. When you're done cooking, pour it out.


Well, in conclusion - a few recipes from different countries world so you can put your newfound skills into practice.

Try cooking French fries, for example, in a regular frying pan. You may be able to do this, but it won’t be the same as at McDonald’s or other establishments that specialize in cooking fried potatoes. And we bet your dish will burn!

Cooking in the deep fryer

Before you start studying this topic in detail, you should first understand what deep frying is and what dishes can be prepared using this method.

Different dictionaries give their own definition of the concept of “deep frying,” but we will focus on the cookbook. It states that deep frying is hot fat or oil in which people are fried. culinary products or products. It is absolutely logical that the next question arises about where deep-fried foods can be processed. In a deep frying pan? Yes. In a heatproof saucepan? Yes. But the best device for deep frying in boiling oil is a special invention - a deep fryer. What can you cook in it? You know, literally everything! Starting with and ending with vegetables and fruits.

Using a deep fryer for cooking adds unique taste and texture of products. The stereotype that kitchen know-how prepares harmful and fatty foods, is becoming a thing of the past. Today it is quite easy to create full meal low in calories and fat. But more on that later.

The process of cooking in an air fryer is not complicated, but it does require some attention and concentration. Otherwise, you can easily overcook your food. Buying an air fryer will add many new dishes to your diet. And even if you are strictly concerned about your health, you can easily prepare healthy and delicious options treats according to your favorite recipes. A little practice and patience - and you will easily answer the question of what can be cooked in a deep fryer.

Deep fryers: do we cook with or without oil?

Having understood a little about the issue of frying, we move on to the next points. We have to find out how safe modern deep fryers are, or how to cook deep-fried dishes without injuring yourself and others? Let's start in order.

Today's market household appliances replete with all sorts of new products, and recent advances in technology make it possible to highlight a number of advantages in modern devices for frying in oil. Firstly, all elements of combine harvesters are now made from of stainless steel, which makes them more reliable and durable. Secondly, there are double fryers. Due to the presence of two compartments in them, they allow you to cook several dishes at once, and the smells do not mix. These deep fryers are suitable for all types of frying. And cooking deep-fried dishes becomes a real pleasure.

But still the best gift there will be an air fryer for the housewife. This is one of the latest new products. And its peculiarity is that it allows you to cook your favorite dishes with virtually no oil. This becomes possible due to the circulation of hot air, which envelops the food from all sides, baking it evenly until fully cooked.

Six easy steps to deep fry safely

Now let's touch on the issue of safety in the kitchen while cooking deep-fried dishes. First of all, you need to be careful. Drops of hot oil sometimes behave unpredictably and can get on the skin.

As mentioned above, frying is the preparation of food by its total immersion into hot oil. The process is not safe, so many people avoid it out of caution. But there are several simple recommendations, following which, you will not doubt whether it is worth deep-frying. A deep fryer is an excellent helper. We’ll tell you what you can cook in it later, but for now we’ll describe some rules.

1. The deep fryer must be in good condition and not wet. Important! As strange as it may sound, place a fire extinguisher next to your work desk in case of emergency.

2. The right choice would be quality oil for deep frying. Peanut or canola are best. They have a high melting point, so they will prevent your food from burning and the room from filling with smoke.

3. Make sure to pour the oil into a cold, completely dry container and fill it exactly halfway, to a maximum of 2/3. Remember that when you lower food into deep fryer, the oil level will rise further.

4. Food should be lowered into deep frying carefully, in small batches, to prevent splashing. In addition, overfilling the pan causes the oil temperature to drop, causing the food to become too oily.

5. You need to remove the cooked food with a slotted spoon or special tongs, and then immediately place it on a paper towel, which will absorb excess fat.

6. And finally, after frying, the oil should be allowed to cool, then carefully pour it into a container with a tight-fitting lid and discard (in exceptional cases, this fat can be used up to three times).

Which oil should you choose?

It is important to know not only what can be cooked in a deep fryer, but also what oil is best to do it with. When choosing it, you should pay attention not so much to the taste, but to the usefulness. There are different varieties of this product, we will look at the main ones that are found in our stores:

1. Olive. Let's say right away that it is not suitable. It is the worst oil for deep frying because it has relatively low temperature decay (191 ˚С). Despite his refined taste, it is only suitable for dressing salads, and for hot types of cooking - for stewing.

2. Peanut butter. It has a neutral taste, is affordable, and can be used to make great dishes deep-fried. The fries will be crispy and the turkey will be memorable. This type of fat is often used in Chinese restaurants, specifically for the purpose of cooking in a deep fryer. The high heat of the fire eliminates all of the peanut proteins, making it safe for those with peanut allergies. And in combination with balsamic vinegar it exudes a pleasant aroma.

3. Sesame oil. It has nutty taste, refined is better suited for deep frying. It is not worth using it often, as it contains high polyunsaturated fats(41%), turning into carcinogens. In addition, it is expensive enough to fry in such quantities.

4. Sunflower or vegetable. It’s familiar to everyone; we fry with it most often. This oil has a neutral taste, can withstand high temperatures, but contains unhealthy fats for our body. It should not be abused.

5. Ghee. It has a unique aroma and can turn a dish into a culinary extravaganza, but do not forget that it promotes the formation of cholesterol and increases LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels. That is, problems with cardiovascular system provided for you.

6. K good options oil can be used for cooking in a deep fryer almond. It is considered one of the most beneficial for health. Does not contain trans fats, cholesterol. It has a high smoke point - 216 °C, and is a source of phytosterols, as well as vitamins E and K. Its mild nutty aroma enhances the taste of deep-fried foods.

Air Fryer Recipes

What foods can be prepared using an air fryer? To answer this question, let's turn to the recipes. I don’t want to dwell on banal and well-worn options, so let’s take familiar products for deep-frying, but we will try to prepare original and rarely found dishes from them.

Potatoes (roses)

It would seem that, everyday product, unremarkable, but! How much it can be transformed if you deep-fry it.

We will need:

Potatoes (not young).
- Skewers or toothpicks.
- Oil for frying.


We cut future rose petals as thinly as possible. We make them almost transparent. It is more convenient to shred potatoes using a special grater (1 mm). We also cut several pieces into cubes - this is for the central buds, around which the petals will curl. Next, soak all the ingredients, including toothpicks, for 2-3 hours in cold water, so that they are more “accommodating”. After which we begin to fold the buds, adhering to the rule: one petal clockwise, the next counterclockwise. We constantly unfold the petals, as if a rose had blossomed. We secure each twisted component with a toothpick. Then we place the “semi-finished roses” on a paper napkin, give time to absorb excess moisture and fry. We lower each rose with the bud down and make sure that it is baked evenly on all sides, to do this we turn it over periodically. We take it out ready product on a napkin, let it drain excess fat. Sprinkle with salt. Serve hot.

Deep fried chicken

Deep fryer dishes, recipes for which can be found in cookbooks, in magazines, they most often talk about options for cooking chicken. Among them the most famous are: chicken wings fries in sweet and sour sauce, buffalo leg breast, nuggets. You can also roast a whole chicken using this method.

Chicken Kiev is often deep-fried. This recipe is unique in that it is made with the addition of green oil (ingredients: butter, dill and parsley, hot red pepper). Sometimes after frying in a deep fryer, the cutlets are simmered in the oven for some time. But here everyone decides for themselves whether it is worth doing this, since chicken meat risks being overdried.

The basic poultry recipes are listed above, but if they are deep-fried, they can turn into non-standard ones, and most importantly, into delicious dishes everyday or holiday menu.

Seafood and deep frying

You can cook many foods in the deep fryer, and seafood is no exception. Fish turns out especially well in it. different varieties or shrimp. Let's turn to one of delicious recipes- Buffalo shrimp with


Flour - 1 tbsp.
- Light beer - 1 tbsp.
- French mustard- 2 tsp.
- Pickled cucumbers - 1 tbsp. l.
- Shallots - 1 tbsp. l.
- Parsley - 1 tbsp. l.
- Mayonnaise - 2/3 tbsp.
- or Buffalo sauce - 3 tbsp. l.
- King prawns- 700 g.
- Peanut or vegetable oil for deep frying.

First we prepare the sauce. For it we mix: mayonnaise, part hot sauce Buffalo, mustard, cucumbers, shallots and parsley. We put it in the refrigerator to brew.

While the seafood is soaking in the batter, heat the oil in the deep fryer. Then use a slotted spoon to lower a few things into it. Fry until golden brown for two to three minutes. Ready dish transfer to a paper towel and leave for a while. Serve warm with prepared tartar sauce.

How to deep fry bacon?

The deep fryer can create many dishes. What else can you cook? You probably wouldn't think it, but it's really good for frying bacon. This product is already a fat, which is often used for cooking different dishes. But, nevertheless, bacon is also deep-fried. It turns out very appetizing and unusual in this version. This is done as follows: heat the oil until room temperature and begin to add pieces of lard strictly one at a time, as it will fry instantly and intensively. We also take them out separately and immediately place them on a paper napkin to remove all unnecessary fat. This method works well if you need to fry a large number of bacon and, most importantly, do it quickly.

Dough products

An amazing thing - the know-how of our time - the deep fryer! What else can you cook in it, if not dough products? Who said that pies, donuts, brushwood and other delicacies can only be fried in the oven or in the proverbial frying pan? Who? Unknown. But this man was deeply mistaken! It is the dough products in the deep fryer that turn out especially tasty and surprisingly crispy.

Flour - 2 ½ tbsp.
- Milk - 3 cups.
- Yeast - 2 tbsp. l.
- Warm water- ¼ tbsp.
- Eggs - 3 pcs.
- Sugar - 1 tbsp.
- Cinnamon - 3 tbsp. l.
- Vanillin - 2 tsp.

Dissolve the yeast in water with sugar. Add eggs, vanilla and milk. Sift flour, cinnamon, knead smooth dough. It should be a little sticky. Next, let him “rest” for forty-five minutes.

To form donuts, use special devices or make them yourself. Fry the delicacy until slightly brown on both sides. Once cooked, place the donuts on a paper towel. Serve with powdered sugar or maple syrup.

Whatever fryer recipes you choose, remember that you need to follow a few basic rules: remember to be safe, use only fresh food and it is advisable not to use deep-frying oil more than once.


So what is a deep fryer? What can you cook and produce in this miracle technique? Contrary to what most people think, you can cook in boiling oil not only famous potatoes, but also other products: vegetables, poultry, meat, fish, dough dishes and even some fruits. In other words, this type kitchen utensils Suitable for anything that can be fried. And these are whites, pies, pasties, donuts, brushwood, cutlets, seafood and much, much more.

If you like to cook, do it with pleasure, a lot and often, if you like to receive guests and treat them unusual dishes, then the deep fryer is very useful thing for you! She will become a real lifesaver and faithful friend in your kitchen.

Enjoy but don't forget about your health. Bon appetit everyone!

Deep frying - animal or vegetable fat, or a mixture of various fats, heated to high temperature. Deep-frying food is one of the most common methods of food preparation, especially in the catering industry.


The method of preparation by frying in hot oil or fat has been known for several thousand years. Also in Ancient Rome Some dough dishes were fried in oil. In China, since ancient times, they have been preparing dishes from meat and vegetables, in a way very similar to modern deep-frying. The Japanese were taught to deep fry by their trading partners - the Portuguese, so in Japanese cuisine This cooking method is called tempura, a name borrowed from the Portuguese language.

In Russia, frying food in a large amount of oil is known as “spinning”, but classic spinning is not quite similar to deep frying - it involves frying in a layer of oil 1-2 cm thick, with the product resting on the bottom of the dish. Regular frying, uses much large quantity oil, it is borrowed from European cuisine and has been known in Russia since at least the 18th-19th centuries.


Deep frying can be made from many types of fat. More often, it is used for:

  • Vegetable oil (preferably olive, although others are used: peanut, corn, cottonseed, soybean, palm, sunflower).
  • Animal fat (pork, beef or lamb).
  • Fat poultry.
  • Ghee - is used very limitedly, since it cannot be heated too much, and weakly heated oil actively penetrates into the foods being fried.

Butter and oil are not suitable for deep frying. cream margarines, because at the temperature required for deep frying, they already begin to burn.

The composition of deep fat depends on culinary tradition and the nature of the products to be prepared. Almost any food can be fried in pure vegetable oil, vegetables and not sweet pastries fry in a mixture of vegetable oil with beef fat, sweet pastries - in a mixture of vegetable oil with pork fat. Lamb fat widely used in Asian cuisine. Poultry fat can be used for frying it. Some recipes recommend adding a little vodka or brandy to deep-frying so that the deep-fried product does not retain the smell and taste of fat. Deep frying can be flavored with roots, apples, and quince. After heating, such deep fat is filtered.


Deep frying is usually done in a deep vessel with thick walls, such as a cauldron, saucepan, deep cast iron frying pan. The amount of deep fat should be sufficient to completely immerse the pieces of fried food in it. Partial frying is possible with a slightly smaller amount of fat (the fried pieces must be immersed in deep fat by at least 2/3), but in this case the cooking process itself becomes somewhat more complicated - you need to turn the food over in time so that frying is uniform on all sides.

For easy frying of large quantities small pieces(for example, French fries), a metal mesh can be used, placed inside the deep-frying dish, it is filled with the products being fried and completely lowered into the deep-fryer. In addition to convenience, this provides a uniform residence time for all pieces of product in deep fat and, accordingly, uniform frying.

There are numerous models of household deep fryers - electrical appliances for deep-frying food.

Cooking procedure

For cooking, use deep fat that is at least 4 times larger in weight than the product being prepared. The deep fat is heated until a barely noticeable white smoke appears and is calcined at this temperature for 10-20 minutes. Calcination is necessary in order to clean the fat from protein residues. Refined vegetable oil does not need to be calcined. The calcined fryer is transparent. Deep frying temperatures are typically between 130 and 190 °C. Medium-temperature deep-frying (up to 140-150 °C) is used for frying vegetables, raw or in batter; pre-boiled fish or meat are fried in hot deep-frying (150-170 °C); even higher temperatures are intended for frying dough products. The deep-frying temperature is very important to obtain the desired result: if the deep-frying is not heated enough, the fat deeply saturates the product, which is undesirable, and too hot deep-frying leads to rapid formation golden brown crust, under which the product remains raw or half-cooked, and with further frying the crust burns. In some cases, rapid formation of a crust without heating the product itself may be desirable (when ready-made or non-frying products are fried), which leads to a paradoxical, at first glance, principle - the less it is necessary to heat the product being fried, the hotter the fryer should be.

The temperature of the fryer can be determined visually by placing it in small piece dough: if there is no “boiling” around it, then the deep fat is still too cold, the appearance of rare bubbles indicates an average temperature, active boiling occurs when the deep fat is hot, at the maximum temperature the characteristic smell of burning dough begins to appear.

Before frying, the products are cut or shaped in such a way that the thickness of the piece does not exceed 1-2 cm (otherwise, while the outside of the piece is being fried, the inside will not have time to warm up sufficiently). The exception is semi-cooked (for example, pre-boiled) products that only require frying, or products that, after frying, are supposed to be further cooked, for example, in the oven. Fish, meat, and vegetables intended for frying are most often pre-immersed in batter. Dough products and potatoes are fried as is. In many recipes, it is added to the batter or dough. a small amount of brandy, vodka or just alcohol to eliminate the taste of fat.

Pieces of the product are placed in the deep fryer whole, loosely enough so that the fat boils evenly on all sides, and fried there a short time, depending on the recipe, from 1-2 to 10-12 minutes, until a uniform crust forms. After removing from deep-frying, the products are left for some time on a metal grill to drain off the fat, or placed on cloth or paper napkins to absorb excess fat remaining on the surface. After this, the products are served to the table.


Deep-fried foods are aesthetically pleasing and tasty, which is why they are quite popular. But modern medicine believes that their excessive consumption (like any fried food) can be harmful to health, mainly due to high content fat The main factor is compliance with cooking technology, deep-frying temperature and food processing time. If the frying temperature is incorrect, the fat from it is actively absorbed into the food, increasing its fat content.

In addition, when the same deep fat is used repeatedly, carcinogenic substances accumulate in it. The reason for this is the oxidation of the fats themselves, as well as the accumulation of small pieces of overcooked food that separate during the cooking process. Previously, cooking allowed the use of the same deep fat repeatedly, provided that each time after frying it was strained. Repeated use of deep fryer is not recommended at this time. The exception is deep frying from pure olive oil, for which multiple uses are possible, as well as deep-fried animal fat, which can be used twice.

It is considered safe to reuse deep fat in special deep fryers, deep fryers, and industrial baking units. The advantage of such units is that in them the deep fat is heated only to the frying temperature, as a result of which the oil does not boil and the oxidation process proceeds more slowly. Post-use deep-fry filtration may also be used. As a result of all of the above, deep fat can be used repeatedly. For each type of device, there are standards for the frequency of deep fat replacement determined by the manufacturer, and if they are observed, there is no need to worry about the nutritional suitability of the prepared products.

Although nutritionists do not recommend frequently including in the diet fried food, from time to time you can enjoy it. Deep-fried foods have a crispy, dark golden shell and a moist, soft center. How to properly deep-fry chicken, fish, and various vegetables?

The difference between deep frying and frying is that in the first case the product is completely immersed in hot oil. In addition, the pieces are usually dipped in batter or rolled in breadcrumbs before frying to create a barrier between the oil and the food and improve the taste and texture of the dish. Who doesn't love the crunchy texture of deep-fried shrimp, fish or meat?

Deep-fried dishes: cod, avocado, cauliflower, samsa

How to deep fry - general rules

The process of deep frying is simple and safe, as long as you follow the basic rules.

  • For deep frying, you can use any utensil, but cast iron is best, since cast iron retains heat well. Aluminum - heats up quickly, with enamel cookware The enamel may chip.
  • If possible, use a deep frying basket. It makes it very easy to both immerse food in hot oil and remove it.
  • Fry foods only at their recommended temperatures.
  • You don't want to put too many pieces in the hot oil pan. Foods fry better when they are coated with oil on all sides.
  • Remember that any oil is very flammable; if it comes into contact with fire, it can burst into flames!
  • It's easy to burn yourself with hot oil, so be careful. It is recommended to wear fire-resistant gloves when deep-frying.
  • Before you start cooking, study the recipe and have all the ingredients ready, because once the oil is at the right temperature, you won't have time for anything else.
  • Never leave hot oil unattended!
  • Prepare in advance and a baking tray covered paper towels, on which you will place the fried foods so that the oil drains from them.
  • If the dish needs to be sprinkled with any dry seasonings, it is most convenient to do this after the pieces have already been laid out on the baking sheet after frying. The remaining oil will help the seasonings stick to the food.

You can deep-fry banana and watermelon (pictures 2, 3)

Deep frying technology

It is advisable to use a food thermometer to determine the temperature of the oil before and after frying. To make the dish crispy on the outside but juicy on the inside, the fat temperature should be in the range of 160-190 °C. Place the tip of a wooden spoon into the hot oil. If the oil around the spoon begins to boil, it means the temperature is right for frying.

Remember: if the oil is not hot enough, the food will be too oily and will take a long time to cook. And if the oil is too hot, the outer layer of batter or breadcrumbs will burn, while the core will remain raw.

Once the oil is hot enough, carefully begin to lower the pieces of food into the pan. This will immediately lower the oil temperature. How more pieces you put it longer oil will heat up again to the desired temperature. If you're frying fish or chicken, add just a couple of pieces, wait a few seconds for the oil to heat up again, and then add a few more.

The larger the oil container or frying basket, the more pieces you can fry at once. And if you cook in a frying pan, the food should lie in one layer.

Some foods need to be turned once they are browned on the bottom. Long-handled tongs are great for this task.

Deep frying oil

Always choose very high quality oil for deep frying. The most accessible for us are sunflower and rapeseed. But if possible, it is better to use safflower or canola oil: they have a fairly high smoke point and a mild taste.

Peanut oil is usually used when you need to fry a large number of products, because when high temperature smoking it is relatively inexpensive.

The smoke point is the point at which the oil begins to emit smoke and darken and also taste unpleasant.

For refined canola and peanut butter this is 230 °C. For comparison, extra virgin olive oil has a smoke point of only 190°C. Always choose for frying refined oil. Unrefined has tiny solid particles that burn first.

As soon as the oil begins to smoke, turn off the heat immediately. Wait until the oil has cooled to the desired temperature before heating it again. Do not put food in too hot oil, otherwise it will quickly turn brown on the outside and remain raw on the inside.

How to deep fry chicken

The legs, thighs and wings of the bird are ready when their internal temperature reaches 80°C. The internal temperature can be measured with a food thermometer. The meat should be dense, opaque, and easily removed from the bones.

Poultry breasts are cooked to an internal temperature of 75°C. The meat is dense, opaque, beautiful white in color.

How to deep fry fish and other seafood

The fish is ready when its internal temperature is 63°C. Then it is juicy and easily divided into plates.

The shrimp turn slightly pink when cooked, and the meat turns an opaque pearly white.

The clams take on a milky white color and a firm, juicy texture.

How to deep fry vegetables

When the breadcrumbs are golden brown and the vegetables inside are firm but soft, the dish is ready.

Deep fried French fries

When preparing French fries best result gives double frying. To do this, potatoes are first fried at 160°C until they are pale yellow and soft. This takes 2-3 minutes, depending on the thickness of the slices. Place undercooked potatoes on a paper towel and cool to room temperature.

French fries are easy to cook in the deep fryer

Next, heat the oil to 190 °C. Place the potatoes in the hot oil again and fry until dark golden crisp. Depending on the thickness of the pieces, it will take 2-4 minutes. Remove potatoes from oil and place on a baking sheet lined with paper towels. Immediately sprinkle with salt, pepper and other seasonings.
