
Pan-Asian cuisine noodles. How different is Pan-Asian cuisine? Study and total immersion

Pan-Asian cuisine is a mix of traditional dishes from a number of Asian countries (China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, etc.). This cuisine is impossible without sauces that harmoniously complement each dish, whether it's a street snack or a full meal. Learn how to make your own pan-Asian sauces to wow your guests!

Features of pan-Asian sauces

The basic ingredient in sauce recipes in Pan-Asian cuisine is soy sauce. Foods such as ginger, garlic, rice vinegar, citrus fruits, coconut milk, chili peppers, etc. can also be used. Remember that the main "trick" of Pan-Asian cuisine is the possibility of experimentation. It is not necessary to strictly follow the recipes, you can add to the sauces those ingredients that your culinary instinct tells you.

If you ordered Chinese food delivery, you can complement the dishes with purchased or home-made sauces.

Pan-Asian sauces. Recipes

Here are a few Pan-Asian sauces that you can easily make at home:

  • spicy sweet. Mix the juice of one lime with a tablespoon of honey. Add finely chopped chili peppers or jalapeno peppers (your choice) to the mixture. Heat the workpiece until the honey dissolves, cool. Add a teaspoon of grated ginger root. This sauce is perfect for grilled seafood.
  • Universal. In a glass of apple juice, add finely chopped chili and a tablespoon of honey. Evaporate the sauce over low heat until slightly desolate. This sauce goes well with everything, but it is especially good with pork ribs.
  • Simplest. Mix honey, soy sauce and lime (or lemon) juice. Select proportions based on your taste preferences.
  • Spicy. Mix 100 ml of soy sauce, 3 tablespoons of any vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar, 2 garlic cloves, 50 g of sugar, 30 g of ginger root. Put all the ingredients in a blender and beat thoroughly to get a homogeneous liquid mass.
  • For sushi and rolls. Finely chop 1 shallot, grate half a daikon on a fine grater. Add to the vegetables half a cup of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon each of sugar, lime or lemon juice, sesame oil, and 0.5 tablespoons of rice vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly. Add toasted sesame seeds to taste.

If you do not eat vinegar, replace it with narsharab diluted with olive oil.

At the moment, the so-called Pan-Asian cuisine is classified as a popular trend called fusion. It, in turn, arose in the 70s of the 20th century. According to scientists, this marked the beginning of a completely new era in the entire world of culinary. Indeed, in the first half of the 20th century, various kinds of national conflicts, wars and revolutions excited literally the whole world. In this regard, the most ordinary people had no time to think about any culinary delights, to cook unprecedented dishes. Everyone had only one task - to feed their families.

A bit of history

Only in the early 70s did a kind of respite appear, thanks to which literally everyone turned their eyes to delicacies and culinary features. It was during that period that Europeans began to discover for themselves. Tourists visited Thailand, Japan, China, where they got acquainted not only with the peculiarities of the local culture, but also with the "sights" of cooking.

All this led to the fact that the recipes gradually migrated to America and European countries. This is how the now popular Pan-Asian cuisine was born. Below we will talk in more detail about its characteristic features.

Distinctive features

According to experts, Pan-Asian cuisine is primarily distinguished by its ingredients. We are talking about a wide variety of spices, seasonings and spices. In addition, Pan-Asian cuisine is also interesting because chefs prefer to use a wide variety of oils when cooking, including the so-called coconut fat. In order to somehow adapt the proposed recipes, culinary specialists gradually began to modify them, as a result of which signature dishes began to appear.

In addition to peculiar ingredients, Pan-Asian cuisine differs in the way it is cooked. So, cooks use a special one. It differs somewhat from the usual dishes in its size and shape. Outwardly, it looks more like a huge bowl of the original conical shape. When preparing a dish, a large amount of oil is poured into it and they continue to create a culinary masterpiece on an open fire. As a result, the dish is not only tasty, but also retains the exceptional characteristics of the original products.

Pan-Asian cuisine. Recipes

Today you can find a large number of seemingly unimaginable recipes inherent in the mentioned cuisine. However, we will not climb into the wilds, but turn to simple dishes, the recipe of which includes products that are available, if not to all, then to many housewives. So, the most popular is bulgoki (marinated meat cooked on fire). To prepare it, you will need a small amount of vegetables (carrots, green onions). In fact, this recipe is very simple. All ingredients must be cut (vegetables are better obliquely) and left for 20 minutes in the marinade. The latter consists of soy sauce, Mirin wine, sugar and pear juice. The proportions, however, are different for every cook. You can experiment - the taste of the dish will not suffer anyway. Then, in a hot wok, fry the meat until a brown crust appears. After that, the fire is reduced and the products are left to sweat for a while.


At the moment, as noted above, this culinary tradition is very popular, including in our country. Literally, restaurants are opening everywhere, even small cafes offer such a service as the delivery of Pan-Asian cuisine. The inhabitants of Russia have already managed to get to know the unsurpassed taste and aroma emanating from these dishes. We hope you appreciate it too.

What do we know about Asia? Surely offhand, not everyone will be able to list all the countries of this region. What can we say about the varieties of local dishes, which are not only diverse, but some of the ingredients can shock a cultured European layman.

Trend History

The concept of pan-Asian cuisine entered the life of Europeans at the end of the last century. In our country, the popularity of this trend is only gaining momentum. And if you love traditional Asian cuisine, represented by Chinese and Japanese dishes, then Pan-Asian cuisine may also be to your taste.

In fact, there are a lot of Asian countries, but until recently, very little was known about them. Few travelers ventured to travel to countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia. But the world began to change rapidly. Tourist vectors diverged in all directions, and an inexperienced wealthy European resident went for new experiences to the most remote corners of the planet.

Since no trip is complete without local cuisine, the aesthetic and intellectual impressions of the life of the small Asian peoples have been firmly fixed in the memory of taste buds. And talented chefs, having decided that they should not miss the moment of glory, began to adopt the art of preparing amazing dishes from their Asian colleagues.

However, many dishes of the countries of South and Southeast Asia, which form the basis of pan-Asian cuisine, in their original form turned out to be too much of a shock for Europeans. Not only because of unusual sources of protein and protein (such as rats and insects), but also because of the abundance of spicy spices that the pampered taste of the Westerner simply refused to accept. Then the concept of pan-Asian cuisine appeared (the prefix "pan" serves to unite), covering the dishes of the region adapted to the European taste, including Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore, Korea, Vietnam and, of course, China with Japan.

Kitchen features

We are already used to traditional dishes such as noodles, sushi and rolls. But it turned out that Asians have learned to combine the incongruous and do it so harmoniously that it turned out surprisingly tasty. One of the secrets is to find a harmonious combination of several tastes - sweet, salty, sour and bitter and flavor it all with a whole bunch of various spices. The main ingredients are rice and vegetables, ordinary meat, fish and all kinds of seafood with the possibility of their extraction. But the sauces under which they are served often have an unusual composition, and this is truly a feast for the taste buds, unless you overdo it with hot spices.

Another secret is the use of various techniques, including steaming, deep-frying, marinating, etc. A very large number of different and often exotic ingredients can be used. And finally, the last point: Pan-Asian dishes are served and consumed not in turn, but simultaneously. So you can start with anything - with sweets, soup or snacks - as you like.

Utensils for cooking

The most popular and practically the only pan-Asian cooking utensil is the wok, a high-rimmed pan with a flat bottom. It even cooks soups, not to mention fried and stewed dishes. This form allows you to achieve exceptional taste properties.

Despite the fact that the tool is one, there are a lot of cooking methods in it. In this case, the cooking process most often takes from 5 to 10 minutes. The main thing is to correctly observe the temperature regime. Since everything must be prepared very quickly, the ingredients are prepared for processing in advance.


The secret to fast and even browning is temperature balance. The highest temperature is at the bottom of the wok, and it is slightly lower on the sides. The pan must be well heated before oil is applied to the bottom and sides. Then the ingredients are sequentially added, which are continuously mixed, sometimes at the bottom, then on the high walls of the wok. Thus, it is possible to preserve the beneficial properties of the products and cook them quickly.


To stew, the hardest vegetables are first fried in a wok, then water is added. The process can take from 3 to 30 minutes. This is usually done with the lid open and stirring occasionally - this is how the water, evaporating, makes the meat and fish tender, and the sauces concentrated.

Ingredients and dishes

As ingredients in the tradition, local vegetables and fruits are used, which are exotic for Europeans. That is why the dishes of this cuisine are inexpensive in their homeland, but are often very expensive for Europeans. To prepare sauces that give that spectacular taste and aroma, you will need to establish a regular supply of the required products. After all, they are usually used exclusively fresh. For example, Thai cuisine is impossible without tamarind paste and lime, which are responsible for the sour taste of dishes, and coconut milk is the basis for many soups and salad dressings.

At its core Pan-Asian cuisine can be safely attributed to the direction "fusion". After all, these are not entirely original, but rather adapted dishes. However, a wide range of ingredients allows talented chefs to create their own author's cuisine on this basis, gaining popularity among European gourmets.

Are pan-Asian dishes dietary?

Many claim that pan-asian cuisine- dietary. Judge for yourself: can food fried in a pan, even with coconut oil, be dietary? Of course, there are some dishes that are steamed, but in general, it is better not to abuse the dishes of this cuisine for people with sick stomachs or those who are on a strict diet.

For everyone else who wants to fully enjoy the amazing range of colors, exotic aromas and amazing flavor combinations, Pan-Asian cuisine will give a real firework of taste sensations, the memory of which will make you not only re-visit the restaurant, but also acquire your own “wok” for culinary experiments at home. stove.

One of the most popular trends in modern culinary art is the fusion style. The harmonious combination of various culinary traditions of the countries of East and Southeast Asia contributed to the creation of a single style that attracted the attention of gourmets around the world. Pan-Asian cuisine is one of the brightest representatives of this trend.

Feature of Pan-Asian cuisine

Dishes of Pan-Asian cuisine have a pronounced, unusual combination of tastes, aromas and exotic spices. The culinary experts of Asian countries have reached perfection in the art of harmoniously combining, at first glance, the most incongruous products. In one dish, they manage to get the perfect combination of sweet and salty, sour and bitter taste.

The main components of Pan-Asian dishes are rice, vegetables and fruits, as well as seafood and meat. Thanks to all sorts of seasonings and sauces, chefs give these familiar products truly unique flavors that delight visitors to Pan-Asian cuisine restaurants. A significant role in the increased interest of gourmets in Asian dishes is also played by unusual ingredients that make up the composition - these can be various insects or marine life.

What utensils are used in Asian cuisine?

In addition to skill, Pan-Asian culinary specialists have another secret of their success - this is national dishes - wok (wok or Chinese cauldron). It is a deep frying pan with high walls and a narrow cone-shaped bottom. The thickness of the walls of the dishes increases towards the bottom - this allows the pan to retain heat for a long time.

Thanks to its unique shape, the wok has great functionality and has a lot of advantages:

  • cooking time is significantly reduced;
  • versatility - such cooking methods as roasting, stewing, steaming, smoking are available;
  • high cooking speed contributes to the preservation of nutrients in products;
  • high sides of dishes prevent splashing of fat.

In ancient times, copper was used to make the boiler, but as technology progressed, the material was replaced with cast iron. It is known that in China not only the second, but also the first dishes are prepared in this dish - broths, soups.

Popular Pan-Asian dishes

The cuisine of East Asian countries is primarily fish and seafood dishes, as well as all kinds of sauces that have an amazing taste. The most famous and popular dishes of Pan-Asian cuisine in the world include rolls, sushi and noodles with all kinds of seasonings, for example: funchose or udon with shrimp and vegetables in sweet and sour sauce.

Each of the countries has brought its own characteristics and traditions to the Pan-Asian cuisine. Thai culinary experts introduced the world to the original taste of tamarind paste, and Vietnam is famous for its rice paper Nam pancakes. Our company offers services for the supply of products for cooking Pan-Asian cuisine at attractive prices. We will help you experience the rich variety of exquisite exotic tastes and become her fan for life.
