
Unusual shea tree - interesting facts, application, harm, benefit. Delicious and long lasting

Shea butter, or shea butter, is one of the most valuable and respected base oils. Its unique emollient and protective properties are confirmed by centuries of experience in the use of this oil by African peoples, whose representatives are distinguished by amazingly even, supple skin and an extremely low percentage of distribution. skin diseases. In particular, they use shea butter to massage newborns to protect their skin from the exhausting effects of hot climates. First Scientific research, which only confirmed the unique abilities of this base oil in protecting skin and hair, were carried out as early as 1940. Since then, shea butter has been considered perhaps the most valuable cosmetic additive.


Shea butter is extracted from the fruits of the tree of the same name. It is also easy to recognize externally: granular, hardened, with a creamy tint of white color, it is room temperature outwardly similar to melted butter, which makes it easy to distinguish original shea butter from fakes.

There are chemical and organic subspecies of this base oil:

  • chemical obtained with hexane, the solvent used for extraction; this oil is not recommended for use in aromatherapy;
  • organic oil is extracted traditional methods, it is an absolutely pure ecological component highly valued in the cosmetics industry.

In addition, shea butter can be refined (additionally refined) and unrefined, in which there are incomparably more useful substances. Be sure to check the origin and methods of obtaining the oil before buying.

The smell of shea butter is nutty, light and almost imperceptible, sometimes closer to walnut with a hint of coconut.

The composition of shea butter is also unique: it is the only base oil known to contain nearly 80% triglycerides, with the remainder being fats from the so-called unsaponifiable group. The oil is also an active source of vitamins E, F and A.

The oil can be used both undiluted and in the so-called fat-free compositions, where shea butter fully compensates for the lack of plasticity, softening properties of the remaining components.

When applied to the skin, despite the high percentage of unsaponifiable fats, this base oil spreads superbly, spreads evenly and equally finely, absorbs into the skin as well as liquid base oils, and does not leave noticeable greasy marks. Immediately after a minute after application, the skin becomes smooth and pleasantly silky.

Healing properties

Emphasis on cosmetic properties oils practically supplanted it medicinal characteristics, but properties that will be useful when various diseases Shea butter also has a lot.

This unique base oil proves to be an ideal anti-inflammatory base for ligament and muscle injuries or joint diseases, as well as the best base oil with decongestant properties.

In addition, shea butter has a healing effect on burns, scars, wounds, stretch marks, dermatitis, stimulates capillary blood circulation, and can protect both from excessive solar activity, and from chapping and frostbite.

This base oil promotes healing of cord tissues after cutting.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, emollient qualities are considered the primary properties of shea butter, but the wonderful characteristics of this rare African base oil are not limited to them.

Due to the high proportion of unsaponifiable fats, shea butter has unique regenerative properties: the base oil awakens deep regeneration processes, stimulates the synthesis of natural, natural collagen, restores skin color and at the same time serves as a reliable shield against UV rays.

Moisturizing, softening and anti-aging properties of the oil are great for preventing thinning of the skin, to combat fine wrinkles and age-related changes.

Shea base oil can be used for daily and special skin care of absolutely any type, including damaged, problematic, dry skin. Due to its unique emollient properties, it is also excellent for caring for the delicate skin of a child.

In addition to the basic form, today you can find water-soluble shea butter, which is specifically designed for personal care products, bath and shower cosmetics, and hair care products. The water-soluble form has low irritant properties and moderate pH.

Shea butter has a restorative effect on both the hair structure and the condition of the scalp.

Shea butter is stored in cool place. It should be protected from hot temperatures (no higher than room temperature) and light. Keep only in tightly closed containers. In its original packaging, this base oil can be stored for a maximum of 2 years.

if you love natural cosmetics, you are familiar with many herbal ingredients that are used to create a variety of creams, lotions, tonics and other products marked "Bio" or "Natural". One of the commonly used natural ingredients is shea butter. The use and properties of this herbal product have become the topic of this article.

What is this oil?

This product is obtained from the fruit of a tree called shea. The substance has a solid consistency at temperatures below 35˚C. If you increase this thermal indicator, then shea butter, or shea butter, begins to melt with ease. The smell of this herbal product is gentle and pleasant, with nutty notes.

Depending on the characteristics of the raw material and the method of production of the oil, its color can vary from white to greenish-yellow. It is eaten, used for the production of chocolate, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Delicious and long lasting

At room temperature, this herbal product very similar to This similarity is probably the main thing that catches the eye of a European. Scottish traveler Mungo Park, who was one of the first immigrants from the Old World to witness the production of shea butter, appreciated nutritional qualities product. He noted that this vegetable raw material can be stored unsalted. whole year. Taste exotic product, according to Park, is in no way inferior to cow's butter familiar to Europeans premium. It is not surprising that the local population of Burkina Faso and other African states have this vegetable fat included in daily diet. After the notes of the Scot, who so enthusiastically described shea butter, the use and properties this product aroused great interest among Europeans.

How is it produced?

In the homeland of the growth of the shea tree, they are produced by hand, probably even today. The harvest of nuts falls during the rainy season. An interesting feature Shea butter production is the fact that it is completely feminized. The whole difficult process of extracting a fatty product is carried out by beautiful and hard-working African women.

After the nuts are harvested, they are placed in vats and kept in the ground for about two weeks. The flesh of the fruit rots, and the seeds are easier to extract. They are boiled to prevent sprouting and roasted for four days. Such a semi-finished product can be stored for a long time, up to nine months.

To extract oil from the seeds, they are freed from the peel and fried for a whole day. The prepared kernels are crushed, pounded in a mortar to a paste-like state and intensively kneaded. The resulting mixture is rinsed in in large numbers water several times, separating the foam. Then this substance is boiled for several hours, removing upper layer. This is the precious target product- Shea Butter. The use and properties of this fat in Africa are mainly associated with nutritional value raw materials.

Where can this product be used?

This shea butter is exotic for us, and Africans cook food with it, smear walls and windows in the rainy season and use it for simple medical and cosmetic needs. About 90% of the produced product is used for own needs by the population of the black continent.

After shea butter was tried in Europe and the USA, the use and properties of this vegetable raw material formed the basis of many scientific and technological developments. Today in Africa, for the most part, not a ready-made fatty substance is purchased, but the seeds of the plant itself. Mechanically processed shea butter, whose properties and application, the photo and description of which are now familiar to many inhabitants of the planet, is considered a cleaner and more stable product. It is used in food purposes and in the production of cosmetics. The quality of this oil is due to its composition. Let's take a closer look at what is in the cherished jar of plant substance.

What is this herbal product?

Currently, quite often, shea butter is included in the composition of cosmetic products.

The properties and uses of this fatty substance are directly based on its composition. Shea butter contains the following biologically active substances:

Triglycerides or fatty acids:

  • Oleic (up to 55%) - omega-9 acid, a good emulsifier, is widely used in chemical synthesis, in soap making, and in the production of cosmetics.
  • Stearic (up to 45%) - carboxylic acid, the most common in nature. For the human body, this substance is an energy depot. This acid is widely used in soap making and in the manufacture of cosmetic products.
  • Palmitic (up to 7%) - monobasic unsaturated acid, gives hydrophobic properties, is used in the manufacture of soap, detergent compositions and cosmetics.
  • Linoleic (up to 8%) - monobasic omega-6-acid, belongs to indispensable for human body. This acid contributes to the restoration and normal functioning of cell membranes.
  • Linolenic (1%) - refers to and is of considerable value to the human body.

Unsaponifiable substances:

  • Polyphenols have antimicrobial activity, have an adaptogenic and antioxidant effect.
  • Tocopherols, which together form vitamin E, have a rejuvenating, regenerating, antioxidant, and oncoprotective effect.
  • Triterpenes stimulate cell oxygen saturation, lower cholesterol levels, and serve as a sunscreen.
  • Steroids have a high biological activity and anti-aging effect.
  • Terpene alcohols are responsible for the smell of the oil. They have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties and deliver useful material deep into the skin.

Hydrocarbons (up to 3%) perform a moisturizing function.

The effect depends on the method of application.

Thus, we can conclude that shea butter, properties and applications, reviews and benefits for the body of which are the subject of our review, is considered very valuable product. If consumed orally, essential fatty acids contribute to effective reduction cholesterol levels. This oil rejuvenates the body, actively fights aging and cancer, saturates cells with oxygen.

As evidenced by the reviews, if you apply shea butter externally, then there is hydration, regeneration, skin rejuvenation, and peripheral blood circulation improves. Restoration of cell membranes, removal of inflammation, elimination of peeling is noted. Shea butter, whose properties and applications in cosmetology are now of great interest, can be used as a single product, but is most often included in a wide range face and body skin care products, as well as hair care products.

Shea butter for facial skin

This vegetable fat-like ingredient will be useful for dry, aging, irritated skin. You will find all the information of interest about shea butter, properties and use for the face, reviews and recommendations from experts and consumers below.

This ingredient has been actively included in the composition of cosmetics for two decades and has earned people's love and recognition. Shea butter soothes inflamed areas, softens hardened areas, protects against negative impact environment, restores barrier functions, has a rejuvenating and antioxidant action serves as a solar filter. The presence of phytosteroids makes this herbal ingredient unique and effective assistant in the fight against aging. Shea butter starts cell renewal at the level inherent in a young body. Women who apply creams and masks with shea note excellent results: the skin is ideally hydrated, wrinkles are reduced, elasticity returns.

Experts recommend using cosmetics with shea butter after thirty years, when beautiful ladies face the first signs. For young girls, this ingredient will help in the fight against acne. Consumers note a reduction in skin inflammation and rapid healing of scars after acne and blackheads. Shea butter, whose properties and use for the face are appreciated by consumers, prevents the formation of comedones and does not clog pores. This means that the mechanism of formation of blackheads and pimples is interrupted, and the skin becomes clean, even, smooth and fresh.

Shea for a beautiful body

Shea butter has proven itself well as an anti-cellulite component. It increases skin microcirculation and fights against the notorious orange peel. If coffee extract was added to the composition of the cellulite cream, then shea terpenes will deliver them to the deep layers of the dermis. Also, women note that not only the bumpy structure disappears, the skin becomes more elastic and soft.

Stretch marks that occur during pregnancy and for a number of other reasons can also be made less visible with shea butter. Providing a regenerating effect and restoring cellular structures, this plant component prevents the formation of stretch marks and helps to improve the healing of scars.

Cinnamic acid, which is part of shea butter, serves as a natural UV filter and is actively used in the production of special sunscreens.

Shea butter for hair

Of particular interest is the topic: "Shea butter: properties and applications for hair." Modern women expose their curls to daily hot styling, apply styling products, color and resort to the use of newfangled hairdressing services. All this, of course, makes us beautiful, but adversely affects the structure of the hair. They become dry, brittle and lose their natural shine.

Shea butter has shown excellent results in repairing damaged hair. If the scalp is dry, then you can apply shea products along the entire length and rub into the roots. Otherwise, experts recommend using shea butter on the hair, retreating from the roots a few centimeters. The mask should be kept for two to five minutes, depending on the dryness and degree of damage to the hair. Women note that after the first week of using shea products, the hair comes to life, becomes elastic, soft and shiny.

Other Ways to Use Shea Butter

In addition to the cosmetic industry, this herbal ingredient is widely used in food production. Quite a long time ago, shea butter, properties and applications in food industry which became in demand immediately after its appearance in Europe, began to take root in the manufacture of margarine. The composition of this substance is rich in triglycerides, which, by hydration, give a large yield of saturated fats and make production profitable.

Shea butter is also often used in chocolate making as a substitute for cocoa butter. This significantly reduces the cost of its production and does not negatively affect the quality of the delicacy itself. However, experts say that such a product cannot be called chocolate and give it the definition of "confectionery bar".

For beauty from within

We can say that shea butter is clearly underestimated as a nutritional product. It can be used as a complete butter substitute and is much better than its animal counterpart. It not only does not contain cholesterol, but also contributes to the fight against atherosclerosis, protects against aging, and prevents the development of cancer. The presence of phytohormones in it makes shea butter very useful for women during menopause. This will serve as a good alternative to anti-climactic drugs of pharmaceutical origin.


What is a shea tree?

What is shea butter, the properties and uses of this oil, as well as what it has medicinal properties And what exactly is this oil good for human health? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and are interested in folk methods treatment, in particular to treatment with essential oils. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Shea, Shea, or Vitellaria amazing (Vitellaria paradoxa, or Butyrospermum parkii) is a tree of the Sapot family, with a spreading crown and leathery leaves, growing in Mali, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan , Burkina Faso and Uganda. It reaches 10-20 m in height and is able to live for several centuries. It begins to bloom with fragrant brown flowers at the age of twenty and actively bears fruit at the age of fifty, maintaining a high yield for more than a hundred years.

Unripe fruits Green colour, turn brown when ripe. They are round, about 4 cm in diameter. From the inside, the fruit consists of a thin layer of nutritious creamy pulp surrounding a relatively large, fat rich the seed from which the so-called "shea butter" or shea butter is extracted.


In nature, amazing vitellaria, or as it is also called shea, the shea tree or African tallow tree grows in western Africa and is the only representative of the Sapotacea family that grows in the African savannah. Outwardly resembling small avocados, the fruits of this tree have a tender and fragrant pulp, as well as a bone that contains the very famous oil (50% of the contents of the bone). The tree itself must be 30 years old, only then it will be possible to harvest its fruits. An adult plant brings no more than 20 kg of fruit per season. The shea tree is sacred; its wood is used to make the funeral bed of the deceased king. Only women can harvest the tallow tree.

What is shea butter?

In Africa, shea butter (natural, unrefined) is still produced in the same way as a thousand years ago. The seeds of the fruits of the tallow tree are dried, then crushed and ground with a pestle in a wooden mortar to a state of flour. After that, the flour is mixed with water and boiled until a green mass of consistency is obtained. liquid oil, which is easy to assemble, as it is located on the very surface of the water. Next, the mass is removed from the water, washed several times and cooled, and the mass thickens. Later, this oil is stored in the form of bars, as loose butter, in the same form it is sold. The oil can be stored for at least 2 years in a dark, cool place.

This herbal remedy It has a pleasant light nutty aroma.

Shea butter classification:

The classification system for this oil divides it into five classes:

Class A - raw or unrefined oil extracted with water.

Class B - refined.

Class C - highly refined oil. Extract with a solvent such as hexane.

Class D - oil with a low level of impurities.

Class E - oil with impurities.

Commercial grades are Kassa A, B, C. Grade A oil is light yellow to grey-yellow in color and has a nutty flavor not found in other grades. Class C oil is pure white.


The composition of this herbal remedy is unique. It is the only base oil, almost 80% consisting of triglycerides and 20% of the so-called unsaponifiable fats.

According to the fat composition, shea butter can be divided into: unsaponifiable fats (about 17%) and triglycerides (about 80%). The unsaponifiable part is represented by caristerols and carbohydrates. The fatty acid composition is represented by: oleic acid (range from 40 to 55%), stearic acid (range from 35 to 45%), linoleic acid (from 3 to 8%), palmitic acid (up to 3%), as well as: myristic acid, arachidic acid (less than 1%) and linolenic acid (less than 1%).

Shea is a well-known source of natural vitamins A, F, E, C, perfectly moisturizing the skin.


Shea butter is used in various fields, it is eaten and for the people of Africa it serves as a source of essential fats. Africans use it for frying, add to various dishes, oil lamps work on it, they even rub shacks with it and use it to neutralize the soil.

The unsaponifiable fatty compounds found in this herbal remedy help protect the skin from harmful effects direct sun rays. V this case natural ingredients shea butter acts as a powerful UV filter. Shea butter activates the protective and regenerating capabilities of the skin. Regular use of this oil in cosmetic purposes promotes skin renewal, and also really slows down natural processes aging.

Beneficial features:

Summarizing the above, we can distinguish the following beneficial features shea butter:

  • improvement of cell metabolism processes in the skin;
  • moisturizing and nourishing the skin;
  • healing properties;
  • elimination of skin inflammation;
  • ideal for dry and sensitive skin;
  • influence on the synthesis of collagen fibers;
  • oil makes the skin supple and elastic, thanks to its regenerating properties;
  • helps to avoid stretch marks on the skin.

Thanks to all the above qualities, shea butter is used exclusively in high-ranking cosmetics.

As an active ingredient in cosmetic preparations, this herbal remedy helps to protect the skin from adverse climatic conditions, helping to prevent the formation of wrinkles. It glides on beautifully on the skin and is easily absorbed leaving pleasant sensations softness and smoothness.

If you are purchasing a ready-made cosmetic product with shea butter, be sure to pay attention to what number it is in the list of ingredients, if not in the forefront, then you will not get the expected effect due to the low content of active substances in the cream.

Medicinal properties:

IN medicinal purposes they use shea butter, due to its decongestant and analgesic properties, they rub painful muscles and joints, it is used for rheumatism, it also has a beneficial effect on open wounds (for example, to heal a cut umbilical cord) or if the skin is sensitive, especially in cases where the skin of the hands and the legs are cracking. Shea butter is also effective for burns, acne and eczema.

Tallow tree oil saves Africans from the sun, cold, heat and dry hot wind, they lubricate the scalp, exposed areas of the body, face, lips and even the nasal mucosa with it. Even babies in the harsh climatic conditions of Africa, in order to protect them from the effects of heat, delicate skin massaged with shea butter.

Western countries are actively using this herbal remedy in the cosmetic industry and the medical industry.

How to choose shea butter?

Regardless of how you use shea butter, in cosmetics or natural, it is important to know that only the oil that is produced according to ancient technologies African tribes, that is, by hand, hence the corresponding price of the product.

It is also useful to know that if shea butter does not have its characteristic light nutty smell, that is, if it has no smell at all, then such an oil is old or processed with substances during accelerated processing, which also will not give the expected result from its use, in this case it has an unnatural White color, there is no characteristic of the natural off-white color of shea butter. This is very important because natural shea butter cannot be counterfeited. It will be very appropriate in your cosmetic bag and in your first-aid kit.

Application in cosmetology:

Being environmentally friendly pure product, this oil is highly valued by cosmetologists. Especially attractive are its softening and protective properties. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, it was found that peoples who actively use shea butter have practically no skin problems, they are not characterized by skin diseases, which are spectacularly distinguished by their smoothness and elasticity. Therefore, shea butter even serves as the basis for the production of soap.

But not only due to its protective and softening properties, shea butter is so popular in the cosmetics industry. The fats that make up its composition are capable of regeneration and affect the synthesis of collagen fibers, and also have a sunscreen effect. Therefore, the oil can not only moisturize, soften and protect the skin, but also slow down the aging process in it.

For face:

Compared to others cosmetics shea butter can be used undiluted. It does not have a strong effect and is not capable of causing a negative reaction. Thanks to the convenient consistency of the oil at home, you can easily and quickly prepare the desired composition.

Almost all additional components masks based on shea butter can be obtained at a store or pharmacy. If the oil is mixed with other identical compounds, it is advisable to heat it in a water bath. The most popular are moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating face masks.

Facial Moisturizing Mask:

To moisturize the skin and give it a healthy glow, you need to prepare a mask from the following components:

  • shea butter - 1 tsp;
  • olive and almond oil- 1 tsp each;
  • creamy yogurt - 1 tsp;
  • vitamin E capsules - 1 pc.

When applying the mask to the face, it is necessary to take a horizontal position, since the resulting mixture is too liquid. You can make it thicker by adding a teaspoon of clay or oatmeal ground into powder.

This mass should be kept for at least 20 minutes, and then washed off. As a result, the skin will noticeably change, become silky and healthy. Moisturizing mask should be used 2 times a week.

For hair:

Thanks to great content oleic (40-50%), stearic (35-45%) and fatty acids shea butter makes hair supple, smooth, silky. Despite rave reviews, a trial allergy test should be done before using the product. Shea butter contains natural latex, the use of which, if a person is particularly sensitive, can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Solid unrefined oil should be softened at a temperature of approximately 37 degrees before use. Apply the product to dry hair, starting from the ends. Finish with a light scalp massage. The head is wrapped with a warm towel for 2-3 hours, you can leave it overnight. Then the hair is thoroughly washed with shampoo. Shea extract mask refreshes curls, enhances the metabolism of skin cells, stimulates hair growth. The oil quickly revitalizes weakened, chemically damaged or permed hair. The product can be mixed with essential and vegetable oils for the best effect.

Cosmetics and products based on shea essential oil

For example, BT NATURAL cream with natural oils shea and cocoa (a very common combination), according to the manufacturer, not only nourishes and rejuvenates the skin of the body, but also increases its turgor and elasticity, and also effectively fights stretch marks. It is also recommended for pregnant women for the care of the skin of the abdomen and is designed to model the contour of the body, tightening the skin.

Cream-gel for the skin around the eyes with shea butter from the company "Bark" will help not only get rid of puffiness, but also cope with bruises under the eyes, as well as fine wrinkles and make the skin more elastic.

Cream with shea butter for skin care made by STYX also has softening, moisturizing and protective properties, as well as a very pleasant texture.

The brand Karites (karite is also the name of shea butter) offers a whole series of different products based on shea butter. It includes a variety of hair care products, such as restorative balms, conditioners and creams, as well as face, body, hand creams, purified oil, cosmetic milk, and so on.


    predicate dec. Hissing, rustling, rustling, etc. like an action.

    int. unfold Use like a low-voiced call for silence.

    int. unfold Use when designating the sounds of hissing, rustling, rustling, etc.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Chinese verse form with the same amount hieroglyphic syllables in each line (usually 5 or 7). In the era of "Shijing" (11-6 centuries BC) it meant poetry in general, later - written poetry, in contrast to song. In the Middle Ages, the concept of shi acquired the features of a poetic genre.


form of Chinese verse. Originally the word "Sh." meant poetry in general, then only written poetry. The concept acquired the signs of a poetic genre in the Middle Ages. Classical sh. are five-word and seven-word, with a strictly regulated alternation of musical tones of different pitches and a complex melodic pattern. Lines rhyme, as a rule, through one, the rhyme is through. The lines rhyme mainly under a "smooth" (more melodious) tone. A variety of classical verses ≈ “broken lines” ≈ quatrains with one non-rhyming (penultimate) line. The appearance of power stress and polysyllabic words in Chinese made classical Sh. archaic. Chinese vers libre, which appeared in the 20th century, is also called sh. The influence of song poetry is noticeable on modern sh.

Lit .: Golygina K.I., Theory of belles-lettres in China, M., 1971; Wang Li, Shi chi gelu, Beijing, 1962.


Shea (wood)

Shi, shea butter, or Vitellaria amazing- a tree of the Sapoto family, with a spreading crown and leathery leaves, growing in Mali, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Burkina Faso and Uganda. It reaches 10-20 m in height and is able to live for several centuries. It begins to bloom with fragrant brown flowers at the age of twenty and actively bears fruit at the age of fifty, maintaining a high yield for more than a hundred years.

Shi (surname)

Shi is a Chinese surname.

  • 石 - "stone". (cf.: Petrov).
  • 史 - chronicler. .
  • 施 - charity

Shi (commune)

Shi Akershus, Norway.

The administrative center of the municipality is the city of Shi.

Shi (zhuyin)

Shi- a letter of the Zhuyin alphabet, graphically is a homoglyph of the 44th Shibu hieroglyphic key. In a syllable, it can only be an initial, as an initial forms 20 syllables:

ㄕㄢ - shan

ㄕㄣ - shen

ㄕㄨㄚ - shua

ㄕㄨㄞ - shuai

ㄕㄨㄢ - shuan

ㄕㄨㄤ - shuang

ㄕㄨㄟ - Shui

ㄕㄨㄣ - shun

ㄕㄨㄥ - shun

ㄕㄨㄛ - sho

Shi (poetry)

Shi a form of classical Chinese poetry that originated from folk songs II - IV centuries during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Shi usually consists of lines of four, five, seven, less often six hieroglyphs (syllables). The genre originates from the time of the formation of the canon "Shi-jing" (XI - VI centuries BC).

Shi is characterized by a strict meter and a strict order of alternation of tones.

An example of the structure of a five-word quatrain:

仄仄夲夲仄 夲夲仄仄 夲夲夲仄仄 仄仄仄夲

夲 - "even tone", 仄 - "oblique tones", rhyming endings are in bold.

Examples of the use of the word shi in the literature.

And the blood from the living and the dead stretched across the snow, and this road led from the battlefield, where the house of the boyar Romanov would be with a courtyard on which, in the year of his death in 1655, the stone church of St. along Ermolaevsky, along Malaya Bronnaya and even farther, along the future twice Tverskaya, there, beyond the future city of Moscow, to the future Kazakov Petrovsky red brick palace, on the site of which stood the Gordov House, where Prince Boris, and Dan, and Emelya were to be overnight , and Jan Shi, and Persian, and Gord, and Malyuta, and Tarkh, and Karp, and Kozhemyaki, Medvedko's friends and fellow-death comrades, after the baptism of Emelya with blood, which took place on March 23, the day before the day of the Awakening Bear.

Thus, in a body similar to the body of the Apostle Levi Matthew, who took the twelfth place vacated from Judas Iscariot in 63 on the ninth day of August after he was stoned in Jerusalem, - in the body of Jan Shi, lying near the golbtsa of the Russian stove, right on the floor, under the furnaces, in which Gordov and Borisov's reindeer embroidered mittens stuck out, the new, quenched spirit of Dzhan will return Shi, the future devoted friend of Emelya, who, by the will and strength of Medvedko, visited his native places.

The clients of this establishment were served by a young girl named Xin Shi, or, in English, the Star Spoon.

Seven years later, with the help of a sky elevator, the mass evacuation of the population of Lung began. Shi.

After the incident on Lung Shi, any appearance of xenos near the sky elevator would cause a lot of talk.

Seeing the sun over the miserable swamp fir trees, he suddenly jumped up on his high bridge, showed his purest white linen of undertails, underwings and shouted: - Chuf, shea!

Seeing the sun over the miserable swamp fir trees, he suddenly jumped up on his high bridge, showed his white, purest linen of undertails, underwings and shouted: - Chuf, shea!

Qu Yuan, Cao Zhi, Tao Yuanming, Wang Wei, Li Bo, Du Fu, Bo Juyi, Su Shi, Li Qingzhao, Lu Yu, Xin Qiji.

Ding Feng fought with short swords, and how Sun Jun during the feast carried out his secret plan Shi.

At that moment, Yuan Shao entered to arrest Jian the eunuch. Shi, but he managed to jump out into the palace garden and hide in the flowers.
