
Interesting facts about chocolate. And when did chocolate appear in Russia? Melting a piece of chocolate in your mouth is more pleasurable than a kiss

Chocolate has always been loved. Both adults and children are always happy to fly away this delicacy. But what do we know about chocolate? About its properties, its origin?

For example, did you know that for many hundreds of years the Indians who belonged to the tribes of old America consumed chocolate in liquid form, i. like a drink. And the very name of the sweetness brings us back to the old word "xocolatl", which, translated from the Aztec language, sounds like "bitter water".

To fill in the gaps in knowledge about our favorite chocolate, here are the top 10 interesting facts about chocolate.

The inhabitants of this country absorb about ten kilograms of this delicacy per year! And this despite the fact that the average Russian, for example, consumes only about 4 kg of chocolate per year.

Also, the chocolate that the confectioners of those places produce is highly valued almost all over the world.

9. Chocolate is a powerful aphrodisiac

Dark chocolate (of course, of good quality) can have a stimulating effect on the body. And all due to the fact that it contains a large amount of substances such as phenylethylamine and phenamine. Both substances are produced by our body at the time of orgasm.

It is interesting that the Aztecs discovered this property of chocolate. They treated their couples to chocolate before their first night together.

8. Breaking stereotypes. Chocolate will not spoil your figure!

Again, the quality of the purchased chocolate will play a role here. If you want to save money and take cheap chocolate, it will most likely contain cocoa substitutes and similar fats that negatively affect the body.

But if the chocolate bar turns out to be of high quality, then you can safely allow yourself to eat it, without any extra pounds on your waist.

7. Chocolate is essential for pregnant women.

Statistics tells us that children whose mothers were lovers of chocolate sweets have stronger nerves and better health. Therefore, dear girls, do not mislead yourself and forbid yourself in your favorite sweets.

6. Chocolate has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels

The polyphenol, which cocoa beans contain in large quantities, has a strong effect on the cardiovascular system, while improving blood flow.

5. There is a World Chocolate Day

The beginning of such a festival was given by the French at the end of the twentieth century. Today, the holiday is also celebrated in Russia, arranging various exhibitions, festivities, which are accompanied by treats with this delicacy.

4. Composition of white chocolate

The main ingredient is cocoa butter. In addition to it, white chocolate contains sugar, vanillin and milk.

An interesting fact: most often, it is white chocolate that is made porous.

3. Chocolate is not a factor in tooth decay

Yes, yes, for our long-suffering teeth, chocolate is the least harmful delicacy. The fact is that the tannins contained in chocolate do not allow bacteria to multiply. Knowing this feature, many toothpaste manufacturers specifically add cocoa to their product.

2. Chocolate is a poison for a lot of animals

Theobromine, which is in chocolate, is broken down almost instantly in the human body. But for horses, cats and rodents, as well as some parrots, this substance is deadly.

1. Chocolate will cheer you up

Theobromine and phenylethylamine, which were mentioned above, as well as caffeine, being part of chocolate, give us strength, improve mood and promote the production of endorphins by the body, i.e. happy hormones.

Many scientists even consider chocolate to be an effective treatment for depression.

In this article, we told you something new and interesting about chocolate. We hope you have learned something useful for yourself.

As you can see, chocolate has a lot of positive qualities, so hurry to the store. Bon appetit!


1. "Madeleine" - the most expensive chocolate in the world, created by culinary Fritz Knipschildt from the US state of Connecticut.

2. The Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa once wrote: “Look, there is no other metaphysics in the world like chocolate.”

3. Hershey's produces more than 80 million Kisses daily.

4. The English chocolate factory Cadbury in 1842 produced the first chocolate bar in the world.

5. In the movie Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock used Bosco chocolate syrup to simulate blood in the famous shower scene.

6. Despite the fact that cocoa was first used in Central and South America over 4,000 years ago, almost 70% of the world's raw cocoa now grows in Africa. Côte d'Ivoire is one of the largest producers of cocoa, providing about 40% of the world's supply.

7. Chocolate has traditionally been credited with magical, medicinal and mystical properties. For example, in Latin, cocoa trees are referred to as "Theobroma Cacao", which means "food of the gods."

8. Champagne and sparkling wine are considered too acidic to drink with dark chocolate. Red wine pairs best.

9. According to forecasts from reports, global chocolate sales in 2010 amounted to 83.2 billion dollars, and by 2016 will increase by 15%.

10. The growth time of cocoa trees can reach 200 years, but the fruiting period is only 25 years.

11. Virtually all cocoa trees are within 20 degrees of the equator, with 75% growing within 8 degrees on either side. Places of cultivation of cocoa crops are located in 3 main regions: South and Central America, West Africa and Southeast Asia / Oceania.

12. Each cocoa tree produces about 2.5 thousand beans. It takes about four or five years for the first beans to appear.

13. American chocolate makers use about 3.5 million pounds of whole milk each day to make milk chocolate.

14. It takes about 400 cocoa beans to create one pound of chocolate.

15. Approximately 70% of the nearly $500 million earmarked for Easter candy purchases is spent on chocolate.

16. Approximately 71 million pounds of chocolates are sold before Easter week. Only 48 million pounds during the week of St. Valentine. And finally, 98 million pounds of chocolate candy falls on the last week of October, on the eve of Halloween.

17. Chocolate production has become such a gigantic industry that between 40 and 50 million people around the world are employed in the cultivation and production of cocoa.

18. More than 3.8 million tons of cocoa beans are produced every year.

19. The first people who had a chance to try cocoa were Mokaya and Omelki, who lived in southeastern Mexico around 1000 BC.

20. The word "chocolate" comes from the literature of the Mayan civilization - xocolatl, or "bitter water".

21. Stressed people consume 55% more chocolate than their non-depressed counterparts.

22. Chocolate was one of the first American exports when, in the 16th century, Columbus brought cocoa beans back to Spain with Cortes.

23. The FDA is discussing a proposal to allow candy makers to replace vegetable oil with traditional cocoa butter.

24. It turns out that dark chocolate is much more beneficial for human health than milk, white and other varieties. To be useful, cocoa and chocolate liqueur should be first on the ingredient list, not sugar.

25. Chocolate used to be reserved only for the elite segments of the population, but now it has become available to everyone, due to the technological advances of industrial evolution. However, once chocolate gained popularity in Europe and America, thousands of people were used as slave labor to produce cocoa.

26. Quakers like George Cadbury made a lot of money making drinking chocolate as an alternative to alcohol.

27. In 1875, the Swiss Daniel Peter discovered a method of mixing condensed milk, used by his friend Henry Nestlé, with chocolate to create the first milk chocolate.

28. In 1879, the Swiss Rudolf Lindt discovered conching, which is an important process in the processing of chocolate. He discovered it by accident when his assistant left the car on all night.

29. Researchers have found no connection between acne and chocolate.

30. In fact, German scientists suggest that the flavonoids found in chocolate absorb ultraviolet radiation, which helps protect the skin and increase blood flow, ultimately improving its appearance.

31. The largest chocolate cuckoo clock can be found in Germany.

32. Research shows that dark chocolate improves memory, attention span, reaction time, and problem solving skills by increasing blood flow to the brain. Studies have also found that dark chocolate helps improve eyesight in countries with poor weather conditions, and helps lower blood pressure, which is good for maintaining proper cholesterol levels, insulin sensitivity, and platelet function.

33. The Maya used chocolate in baptisms and marriages, sometimes instead of blood during ceremonies. When emperors were buried, jars of chocolate were often left next to them.

34. According to the Aztec legend, the god Quetzalcoatl brought cocoa to earth, but was expelled from heaven for helping people. When he ran away, he promised to return one day as "a fair-skinned, bearded man to save the Earth."

35. Ninety percent of modern cocoa is made of a type called forastero (foreign). However, until the 1800s, cocoa was made in the criollo style. Although forastero does not taste as tasty as criollo, it is less expensive to grow.

36. The Catholic Church once interpreted chocolate consumption as equally heretical behavior, including blasphemy, extortion, witchcraft, seduction, as well as racial hatred of Jews.

37. The spread of chocolate from Spain throughout Europe began in the sixteenth century with the expulsion of the Jews from the country, together with Portugal, during the Inquisition. Some Jews who left Spain adopted the Spanish secrets of chocolate processing.

38. During World War II, the Germans developed chocolate-coated explosives. After breaking the outer shell, within seven seconds, an explosion of a thin inner steel bomb occurred.

39. The Germans used chocolate to lure Jews into wagons where cattle used to be transported, for subsequent shipment to concentration camps.

40. The first chocolate chip cookie was invented in 1937 by Ruth Wakefield, CEO of Toll House Inn. The term "Toll House" is currently the official trademark for the chocolate chip cookie, which is the most popular in the world and is considered the official cookie of the state of Massachusetts.

41. Switzerland ranks first in terms of chocolate consumption, with 22 pounds of chocolate per person per year. Australia and Ireland remain at £20 and £19 per person, respectively. The United States is in 11th place with £12 per person.

42. Chocolate production is so important to Indonesian cocoa farmers that they built a statue in the form of a pair of hands holding a cocoa tree pod.

43. In the states of Oaxaca and Mexico, healers called curanderos use chocolate in the treatment of certain diseases, such as bronchitis. In some regions, children drink chocolate in the morning to avoid scorpion and bee stings.

44. In 2002, Marshall Field made the largest box of chocolates. It contained over 90,000 Frango mints and weighed 3,326 pounds.

45. A study at Indiana University showed that: cyclists who drank milk chocolate after exercise felt less tired and scored much higher in endurance tests than those who drank sports drinks.

46. ​​Hershey's is the largest and oldest chocolate company in the US. It produces over one billion pounds of chocolate products annually.

47. In fact, the production of white chocolate does not use solid cocoa, but cocoa butter is added.

48. Relying on the Madrid Codex Maya, which shows the gods pouring their blood on the cocoa crop, we dare to think of a close relationship between blood and cocoa in the Meso-American tradition.

49. In the ancient Mayan civilization, human sacrifices often took place to guarantee a good harvest on cocoa plantations. For starters, the victim would drink a cup of chocolate spiked with blood, which the Maya believed would turn the prisoner's heart into a cocoa bean.

50. Belgium produces 172 thousand tons of chocolate per year. There are more than 2 thousand shops specializing in chocolate products in the country, many of which are located in Brussels, the birthplace of Godiva chocolate.

51. Judging by the chemical components of cocoa butter, chocolate is an absolutely safe type of food, since it melts at a temperature of 34 degrees, which is below body temperature. This means that if you put a piece of chocolate on your tongue, it will start to melt.

52. Commercial chocolate usually contains cocoa substances in such small amounts that the sugar included in the composition is addictive for chocolate lovers.

53. Cocoa beans in nature are classified into 300 tastes and 400 aromas.

54. Cocoa has been around for several million years and is probably one of the oldest natural products.

55. Moctezuma Hokoyotzin (Montezuma II) - the 9th Aztec emperor, was one of the richest and most influential people in the world. He was also known as the king of chocolate. The pinnacle of his abilities was the collection and accumulation of almost a billion cocoa beans.

56. Ferdinand, the son of the famous Columbus, once wrote: “When a few cocoa beans fell in front of the Mayan crowd, they all stopped to pick up a handful from the ground, as if an eye fell on the ground.” Columbus, who was looking for a route to India, did not see the full potential of selling cocoa in the markets, and mistook the beans for shriveled almonds.

57. In the Mayan civilization, cocoa beans were the main trading currency, and crafts from them, painted with clay, became almost the most developing industry. All goods were assigned a value in units of cocoa: the cost of a slave was 100 beans, the cost of a prostitute was 10 beans, and the turkey was 20 beans. While the Spanish conquistadors plundered the gold, the Mesoamericans reclaimed the cocoa beans. In parts of Latin America, beans were used as a bargaining chip until the late 19th century.

58. The first mechanical chocolate making machine was made in Barcelona (Spain), in 1870.

59. When English pirates hijacked a Spanish ship loaded with cocoa beans, they set it on fire, thinking the beans were sheep dung.

60. Madame Dubarry, who has a reputation as a nymphomaniac, encouraged her lovers with chocolate treats.

61. Some scholars attribute the rapidly growing popularity of building chocolate houses in Europe, such as the chocolate house on St. James Street in London, to the dawn of the Enlightenment. This drink was already on the table at a time when the great thinkers of the 18th century were already beginning to question ancient truths: the supremacy of the Church, the rights of kings, and the potential for greater understanding between man and woman.

62. One of the mistresses of Louis XV - Madame de Pompadour, was a famous lover of chocolate and used it to treat her sexual dysfunction. The Marquis de Sade, perhaps the world's first sexologist, was also obsessed with chocolate.

63. According to Italian researchers: women who regularly consume chocolate have a better sex life than those who do not. They had a high level of desire, arousal and satisfaction from sex.

64. One piece of chocolate bar gives a person enough energy to move 150 feet.

65. Americans consume 2,800 million pounds of sweets each year. Nearly half of them are chocolate.

66. Approximately 40% of the almonds produced in the world go to additives for chocolate products.

67. More than 50% of American adults prefer the smell of chocolate to other flavors.

68. Hersey chocolate was found 60 years later in Admiral Richard Byrd's hiding place at the South Pole. Since it lay in the permafrost for many years, it still remained edible.

69. Chocolate was included in the diet of World War II soldiers. According to the confectionery specification, it was to be designed to taste "a little better than a boiled potato" so that the soldiers would not eat it too quickly.

70. In one year, up to 3 million tons of cocoa are produced in the world, which is slightly less than half of the coffee crop.

71. Melting chocolate in a person's mouth can lead to a longer "euphoria" effect than kissing.

72. Hershey's Kisses chocolate was first made in 1907 and had the shape of a square. Then, with the advent of a new machine in production in 1921, the structure of the form also changed.

Enjoying the taste of chocolate, few people ask themselves the question: where and how did chocolate appear? Meanwhile, it will be useful for chocoholics to get acquainted with information about the historical homeland of the delicacy, and interesting facts about its appearance.

The history of the origin of cocoa and the creation of chocolate

The history of the appearance of chocolate has more than 3 millennia. So who invented chocolate? The history of the appearance of chocolate dates back to the 17th century. The fruits of cocoa beans were known to the tribes of the American Indians. Then they were used exclusively for the preparation of hot drinks.

A drink based on cocoa beans was prepared with the addition of various herbs and spices. This is how the European H. Columbus recognized him. Then the traveler brought the fruits of cocoa beans to the Spanish monarch. But they did not gain popularity. And all due to the bitter and unusual taste.

The drink and the taste of cocoa beans were tasted by F. Cortes, the viceroy of the king in New Spain. He was so impressed by the unsurpassed taste of the invigorating drink that he decided to plant chocolate trees on his plantations.

Thanks to the work of Cortes, an invigorating drink based on cocoa beans became known throughout Europe. The chocolate drink was so relished that it was drunk in all noble houses. However, mere mortals could not afford such a luxury, due to the fact that the fruits were quite expensive.

Until now, we could only enjoy a fragrant and invigorating drink made from cocoa beans, if it were not for the engineer Konrad van Houten, who patented and invented the so-called hydraulic press in the early 19th century, with which oil was extracted from the fruits of the chocolate tree.

At the end of the 19th century, the first milk chocolate was produced. You can roughly imagine how much the confectionery tile cost. However, with the development of civilization, the process of producing delicacies became more accessible, which made it possible for everyone to enjoy chocolate sweets.

Today in the world there are several confectionery factories that produce high-quality and elite delicacy. Unfortunately, the composition of modern sweets, which are presented on the shelves of domestic supermarkets, cannot be called either useful or natural. Increasingly, cocoa bean oil is being replaced with cheap counterparts, such as palm or coconut oil. The best chocolate is produced in Mexico, Switzerland, Belgium and Spain.

The history of hot chocolate

It has already been noted above that the first was prepared in Mexico. True, its taste and recipe are not much like the modern version of preparing a hot drink, which includes: milk, sugar and cocoa.

In ancient times, the Indians drank the drink exclusively cold. Interestingly, the Indians considered this drink to be healing, since its use had a positive effect on male potency. It is worth noting that the liquid was consumed exclusively by men of noble families.

In 1519, General Cortes of Spain, landed on the coast of Mexico. So, his first acquaintance with bitter drinking chocolate began. The Aztecs treated the general to an invigorating drink, with the addition of vanilla, cinnamon and other spices. After some time, returning to their historical homeland, Cortes told the local chefs about the miracle drink. So, the world learned about the existence of hot chocolate, which became one of any drinks for children and adults.

Today there are a huge number of recipes for making an invigorating drink. Hot chocolate can be based on cream, milk, dark and milk chocolate, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. This is a truly delicious dessert that will impress any chocoholic. Now you know where and how hot chocolate appeared.

And when did chocolate appear in Russia?

Chocolate stories are literally permeated with the aromatic smell of cocoa butter. There are still disputes between historians and confectionery lovers: when did chocolate appear on the territory of Russia?

One version says that for the first time the delicacy was brought by Peter I. According to another version, cocoa beans and a recipe for making an invigorating drink were brought by Ambassador Francisco de Miranda, who arrived in Kherson in 1786. Immediately upon arrival, the ambassador was handed over to the favorite of Catherine II, Potemkin.

If you believe the facts, then in the same 1786, the Russian Empress first got acquainted with a fragrant liquid, which is based on the fruits of the chocolate tree. The members of the imperial court were so amazed by the taste of the drink that the empress soon placed an order for the delivery of cocoa. So, the Russian Empire began its first acquaintance with delicacy.

Until the 19th century, the inhabitants of Russia could only enjoy the taste of hot liquid based on the fruits of the chocolate tree. The 19th century can be called the century of chocolate in Russia without exaggeration. You can find the first mention of delicacy in the lines of such great writers as Lermontov, Pushkin and Goncharov. A little more, and the first factories and shops for the production of confectionery will appear on the territory of Russia. The peak of the creation of chocolate factories in Russia came in the 19th century.

The first chocolates and chocolates were not packaged. Confectionery products were sold exclusively in iron or wooden boxes. The first sweets had a limited shelf life and spoiled quickly. A delicacy that only noble people could afford. The history of the appearance of chocolate in Russia is a controversial issue. But do you need facts to enjoy the taste of a treat?

The history of the appearance of solid bitter, milk and white chocolate

The chocolate that has come down to us has passed a lot of tests. But thanks to such a difficult road, we can enjoy the unsurpassed taste of a confectionery.

The history of the appearance of different types of chocolate:

  1. Bitter. A bitter delicacy, is the ancestor of all types of confectionery, which are based on the fruits of the chocolate tree. For a long time, the delicacy existed simply, like a drink. And only in the 19th century did the world see the first bar of solid chocolate. The composition of sweets included three ingredients: cocoa butter and cocoa powder. Conrad van Houten is to be thanked for the appearance of sweetness.
  2. . Experiments with the confectionery continued. The addition of sugar in the 16th century did not bring a positive result, so confectioners tried to further improve the chocolate recipe. In 1870 the first hard milk chocolate bar was made. There was no bitterness in it, and instead there was a delicate milky taste. For the appearance of milk chocolate, you should thank Henry Nestle, who added condensed milk to the composition.
  3. White The youngest chocolate is white. And indeed, the sweet tooth learned about it only in 1930, thanks to the Nestle company. In the Soviet Union, the delicacy was unknown, so for us it is practically a novelty. The composition of the classic white chocolate includes: grated cocoa, cocoa butter and sugar.

White, milky, bitter - you can buy a delicacy for every day, beating its tastes. And on the shelves of stores, sweet tooth can buy chocolates with dried fruits, nuts and various fillings.

History of development and production of Russian chocolate

The first chocolate tycoon was the Russian entrepreneur Alexei Ivanovich Abrikosov. It was at the Abrikosov chocolate factory that dried fruits in chocolate icing were first produced. Members of the imperial court liked chocolates so much that in 1900 the factory received a high rank.

It is interesting to know that the confectionery products produced at the factory were packed in original boxes, inside of which there were cards and labels with interesting stories about artists, scientists and musicians.

In the same 1900, the chocolate production process becomes automated. In turn, this has a positive effect on the quantity and quality of products.

The start of the mass history of the production of modern chocolate was the Moscow confectionery factory "Red October". Historically, Russian sweet teeth have mostly bought milk chocolate. In turn, "Red October" followed the preferences of customers, releasing products based on this type of delicacy.

Today in Russia there are a huge number of confectionery factories for the production of chocolate and other sweets. Fully automated production allows you to significantly expand the range of products. Some of the most popular Russian chocolate factories are:

  • "Rot Front";
  • concern "Babaevsky";
  • confectionery factory named after Krupskaya;
  • "Striker".

The history of chocolate in Russia is a fascinating and “appetizing” chocolate journey, which must necessarily end with a bar of your favorite treat.

Looking into any confectionery department, you can easily get confused. The choice of chocolates is very large. And the point is not only in the country of origin, but also in the composition of the confectionery. If you still think that sweetness based on cocoa beans is junk food, then it's time to get acquainted with interesting facts about chocolates.

  1. Most of the raw materials that are needed to make a confectionery product are grown in Africa.
  2. Eating a slice of dark chocolate a day, you charge the body with such necessary glucose, without which the "brain" will not fully work.
  3. People who are in nervous tension consume 60% more chocolate than those who do not suffer from mood swings.
  4. The presented confectionery product is widely used in cosmetology, cooking and during aromatherapy.
  5. Black chocolate is much healthier than other types of treats, which is primarily due to the high content of cocoa beans.
  6. Worried about the condition of your skin, and therefore refuse to eat treats? In vain. Scientists do not see a connection between the appearance of a rash and a confection.
  7. The composition of chocolate contains aphrodisiacs, which have a positive effect on sexual desire and activity.

So, the history of chocolate dates back more to the 17th century. Initially, our ancestors could enjoy the taste of a chocolate drink. Modern chocoholics are much more fortunate, because before us opens the sweet world of sweets, bars, chocolates and other confectionery. But no chocolate story can end without eating your favorite treat!

Today, July 11, sweet lovers celebrate World Chocolate Day. This holiday was invented in France in 1995 and still remains one of the favorites of all the sweet tooth in the world. Did you know that chocolate has a very rich history? We share with you the most interesting facts about this tasty and healthy delicacy.

    Cocoa has been around for several million years and is probably one of the oldest foods on Earth.

    The Maya Indians were the first to discover trees with strange fruits. They considered cocoa to be a divine gift, this drink of the Gods could only be drunk by the chosen priests of the temples. Its preparation was quite simple: fried and manually pounded cocoa beans were poured with cold water and whipped until foam was formed, and then chili pepper was added to it. This drink was called "xocolatl", which translates as "bitter water".

    Also in the Maya civilization, cocoa beans were the main trading currency: all goods were assigned a value in units of cocoa. For example, the cost of a turkey was twenty beans.

    About 70% of the world's cocoa raw materials from which chocolate is made, grows in Africa.

    Cocoa trees can live up to 200 years, but they only bear fruit for 25 years.

    Cocoa beans in nature are classified into 300 tastes and 400 aromas.

    It takes 400 cocoa beans to produce 450 grams of chocolate.

    The first chocolate bar was produced in 1842.

    One piece of chocolate bar gives a person enough energy to move 45 meters.

    Each inhabitant of Belgium or Switzerland eats about 10-11 kg of chocolate per year, and in Russia this figure is much lower, it is only 1-2 kg.

    The definition of "white chocolate" is fundamentally wrong. It consists of sugar, cocoa butter and milk powder, but there is no cocoa powder in it.

    Aerated chocolate is produced in special equipment where the chocolate mass is foamed. The mixture is intensively saturated with carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Subsequently, the gas is released, leaving voids behind. Aerated chocolate is not used in cooking because it cannot be melted.

    Chocolate improves your mood by increasing the content of the so-called happy hormone in the brain.

    Scientists have proven that even after a small serving of chocolate, people are better at math problems.

    In Japan, students eat "Kit Kat" chocolates before exams, as their name is consonant with the words "kitto katsu", which means "definitely win."

    Famous chocolatiers from different countries experiment with chocolate flavors, creating not only exquisite, but also very bold flavor combinations. For example, when traveling the world, you can try chocolate with camel milk, flower petals, salt, bacon, gold, seaweed, pepper, onion, and even wasabi.

There are so many interesting things around us! Do you want to learn something new every day so that you are always ready to keep up a conversation with friends and develop your horizons? Stay with "Oh!", let's discover the world together!
