
Yellow mango useful properties. Where does mango grow - country, features and interesting facts

An exotic fruit for us, mango is one of the most common in Southeast Asia. Its fruits are sold in local markets, in supermarkets, or simply along the road in cars. But all this exoticism can be seen only during its mass maturation. The name mango in translation means "great fruit", which is why you can often hear that the locals call it the "Fruit King".

Mango is an evergreen tree, sometimes reaching a height of 40 meters. But modern breeders have bred dwarf breeds, which is very convenient for those who grow given fruit on an industrial scale.

At a young age, the leaves of the tree are painted in a reddish tint, but over time, the older the plant, the stronger the rich green color will appear.

During flowering, the crown is covered with small yellow flowers. There are several varieties of mango, each of them differs in color and size of the fruit itself. And some are even prone to self-pollination. Fruits are not tied if the tree grows in inappropriate climatic conditions. Night air temperature should be above 13 degrees. Mango does not like high levels of humidity, for fruitful growth must be Fresh air And enough Sveta. That is why they try to plant the plant in open areas.

What does mango look like?

Mango fruits can be yellow, green, orange, red. In shape, they resemble a slightly elongated ovoid structure. Average weight varies between 200-250 grams. But quite often you can find fruits that weigh up to 400-500 grams, and the real champions are considered to weigh up to 1.5 kilograms.

The mango skin is quite thick and smooth. The pulp is fibrous with a sweet taste. Located inside large bone light yellow, slightly flattened on both sides.

When is mango season in Thailand?

Mango is one of delicious fruits Thailand. The climate of the country is perfect for the ripening of this tropical delicacy. I just want to draw your attention to the fact that the fruit season is very short and lasts only from April to May. It is at this time that all the markets of the country are overcrowded. yellow fruits, and the price for 1 kilogram is reduced to 15-20 baht.

Mango flavor

To taste real taste mango, you need to find a fruit that is ripe on a tree. Fruit purchased from our store will have slightly different taste qualities, as they are plucked while still green. Thai mango, on the other hand, has a special flavor, reminiscent of a combination ripe pineapple and peach. Its pulp just melts in your mouth. An eaten piece is able to quench thirst, fill the body with freshness and coolness and at the same time awaken the appetite. More subtle gourmets generally find it difficult to compare its taste with any fruit familiar to us.

Useful properties of mango

You can talk about the beneficial properties of mango for hours. There are really a lot of benefits from it, which is why we will try to highlight the most basic points:

  1. First of all, it is the main "supplier" ascorbic acid. Vitamin C in it is several times more than in lemons. Due to this feature, the fruit is recommended to eat with a cold.
  2. Mango is able to positively affect human bone tissue and at the same time accelerates the healing process of wounds.
  3. Mango fruits can lower blood cholesterol levels.
  4. During the experiment, American scientists found that the fruit accelerates the removal of sugar from the human body. Due to these features, the fruit should be eaten by those who have diabetes mellitus or have a tendency to be overweight.
  5. Fruits have no less effect on the cardiovascular system. The components that they contain are able to strengthen blood vessels, and also facilitate the course of inflammation and allergies.
  6. Due to the fact that mango contains large quantities vitamins A and C, the body is much easier to tolerate colds. If the body lacks vitamin A, then this can affect the quality of vision in the evening.
  7. Mango components are able to destroy free radicals that negatively affect brain cells. It can also serve as a preventative oncological diseases namely breast and prostate cancer.
  8. Due to the high content of potassium, the fruit is able to regulate blood pressure, as well as maintain electrolyte, water and acid-base balance.
  9. High fiber content improves performance digestive system, normalizes the intestinal microflora and removes all toxins from the body.
  10. Vitamin B6 is able to cope with stressful situations. Regular use fruit helps to calm down and improve the health of the nervous system.

Mango is also dietary product, it is able to improve metabolic processes and accelerate the excretion of fluid by the body.

Harm mango

Despite such a huge list useful qualities mango, there is still a group of people who should be careful when eating this fruit:

  1. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age. The thing is, mango is exotic fruit, which is practically not represented in our countries. It is not known how he will react. children's body for the introduction of a new product.
  2. After you have eaten a piece of fruit, try to exclude alcohol for at least 2-3 hours.
  3. Mango is contraindicated for owners of sensitive mucous membranes.
  4. Caution also needs to be for those who are prone to allergic reactions.

How to choose the right mango?

Choice ripe mango can sometimes seem quite difficult. Thanks to the rich color scheme, precise characteristics appearance just doesn't exist. But still there are a few rules that you should pay attention to when buying mangoes:

  1. Peel off ripe fruit should be smooth, shiny and beautiful. The presence of small brown blotches will also indicate the maturity of the fetus.
  2. To the touch, the fruit is quite dense and heavy. By pressing lightly on it, a small dent should form, which almost immediately levels out. Too soft fruits will indicate that they are starting to deteriorate inside.
  3. If the mango is overripe, then its peel will be flabby with numerous deep wrinkles.
  4. The aroma of a ripe fruit is pleasant and delicate with a sweet tinge. Alcoholic notes and the presence of acid in the smell will indicate that the fruit is spoiling.
  5. If you buy fruits that are too green, you are unlikely to be able to bring them to a ripe state at home.

How to store mango?

Mangoes can be stored in the refrigerator room temperature. It all depends on the quality of the fruits you purchased. If the fruits are slightly greenish, then it is better to leave them in the room. If you have purchased ripe fruits, then for their safety it is advisable to use the refrigerator compartment. wishing to keep delicious pulp for several months, it is worth placing the fruit in the freezer.

There are several ways to peel a mango:

Easiest to take sharp knife and carefully remove the skin from the fruit. Then separate the pulp from the stone and cut it into small pieces. It should be borne in mind that the fruits are quite juicy and during such cleaning, their juice can stain hands or clothes.

The second way will be more aesthetic. With the help of a knife, halves of the fruit are cut along the bone. Then cross cuts are made on them. At the same time, the integrity of the skin must be preserved. Turn the halves inside out slightly and use a knife to cut off the resulting diamonds.

If the mango is slightly overripe, then it can be cut into two halves, and the pulp can be eaten with a spoon.

Mango is indeed recognized as one of the most delicious fruits, which is also rich in various vitamins and minerals. To feel the real taste and aroma of fruits is possible only when traveling to tropical countries. That is why try to choose the right rest time so that the trip is remembered not only by swimming in the sea, but also by getting to know new fruits.

In nature, there is a huge amount of all kinds of fruits, which, unfortunately, are not grown in our country, but they can be found on the shelves of supermarket chains or specialized stores. One of these tropical fruits is the well-known mango, the taste of which can be recognized by almost everyone, despite the fact that you can find it in fresh happens to be difficult. However, everyone has tried juices or yogurts with the taste of this amazing fruit. For this reason, this article details the mango as food product what it is useful for and what is included in the composition.

Storehouse of vitamins

The mango itself is tropical fruit, which grows in countries with a hot climate. India is considered the largest exporter of these fruits, as well as other countries with a tropical climate, such as Mexico, Guatemala, Spain. There is another name for the fruit, which was given to him by the Pakistanis - "Asian apple". This fruit has a specific, pleasant, sweet taste, in addition to which the fruit is considered extremely valuable in terms of nutrients and energy characteristics for the human body.

It is present in the composition of the mango fruit a lot vegetable fibers fiber, which is essential for proper digestion. We should not forget that the composition of the described product of natural origin contains a large amount of sugars. There are also many, especially in the unripe fruit, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

We should not forget that mango is a product containing many vitamins necessary for the human body. This fruit is one of the most saturated foods plant origin vitamin A. Mango has a huge amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), as well as vitamin E, B (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9 and B12). Among the component composition of this fruit there are many minerals, including phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, calcium and other micro and macro elements.


Mango is not high-calorie product, however, eating the fruit can feel nutritional saturation, since this fruit is very nutritious. There are about 70 kilocalories per 100 grams of fresh mango., due to which this product is quite often included in the composition of dietary nutrition systems. It should be noted that the fruit contains (per 100 grams) more than 11 grams of carbohydrates, 0.5 grams of protein and 0.27 fats.

Beneficial features

The described fruit has a number of properties that are beneficial for the human body, which are determined by its richest component composition. A large amount of vitamins and minerals allows the use of mango as a preventive and even remedy from many diseases, such as beriberi, neuropsychiatric disorders, reduced blood pressure etc.

  • It is recommended to eat fresh mango for people who are prone to depression, since this fruit is popularly considered one of the most powerful antidepressants. The fruit of the described plant allows to reduce pernicious influence stress on the body, as it has relaxing or calming properties. It is especially good to eat this fruit for children during the learning period, since the substances present in its composition improve the course of some mental processes.
  • Thanks to the individual components, the described product has choleretic action and also stimulates the production of digestive enzymes. For this reason, mango allows you to awaken your appetite, while acting as a prophylactic against constipation. In addition, a particular product improves the course of metabolic processes, promotes better absorption of nutrients and removal of harmful substances from the body.
  • Due to the fact that this tropical fruit contains many vitamins and important acids, it can be used to increase the barrier properties of the body and strengthen immunity. Thus, mango is a natural preventive product that protects the body from viral diseases which is especially true in the autumn-winter period.
  • There are a lot of natural antioxidants in the composition of the fruit, which can reduce the effect of free radicals on the body. These organic acids reduce the risk of developing cancer, while improving intracellular regeneration processes. Provitamin A and a group of B vitamins can improve visual acuity by acting effective method fight against ophthalmic diseases.

Women's Health Benefits

For the fairer sex, mango is also a valuable source of nutrients that have a wide range useful properties. So, for example, the fruit is recommended for use by women who are planning a pregnancy, since vitamin B9 is present in its composition ( folic acid), which improves the processes of cell division.

If you eat mango a couple of times a week, then this can serve as an excellent prevention of premenstrual syndrome, making a woman feel much better on difficult days. Also, one should not forget that the described tropical fruit has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails. Therefore, women who look after their own beauty should eat mango, as this fruit contains all the necessary substances to maintain healthy skin and hair.

Mango in the diet

The mango itself is low-calorie product, however, with its help, you can easily satisfy your hunger, which contributes to effective weight loss. This unique product, which has a number of beneficial properties for the body, allowing to normalize metabolic processes and is a valuable component of diet programs. Leading nutritionists developing effective dietary nutrition programs for people with obesity say that mangoes are not just very useful fruit, but also a product with fat burning potential.

The composition contains special components that, when interacting with lipids, break them down, converting them into pure energy. For this reason, the described herbal product recommended for use by all those who seek to normalize the metabolism in the body and get rid of excess body fat. Mango also allows you to balance fluids, promoting excretion from the body. excess water, which significantly affects the figure.

Dangerous properties and contraindications

Despite the fact that mango is a very healthy fruit, its systematic consumption in large quantities can lead to intestinal disorders. In some cases, the mango fruit can cause an allergic reaction in the form of dermatitis, as well as diarrhea. In order to prevent the negative effect on the body of a tropical fruit, you should eat mango in moderation and refuse it in the following cases:

  • food intolerance;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • allergy to latex;
  • frequent headaches, etc.

Methods of application for medicinal purposes

As already noted, mango can be used for medicinal purposes, since this tropical fruit has a number of beneficial properties for the human body. It should be noted that a particular fruit can be used in different forms, for example, eat fresh, gradually dissolving a small amount of pulp in the mouth to strengthen the heart muscle.

If you kill a fresh mango in a blender, then the resulting slurry can be applied to the skin as a nutritious and medicinal composition with dermatitis and rosacea. In some cases, decoctions and tinctures are made from mango leaves, which are subsequently used internally to combat malfunctions. gastrointestinal tract, and externally, which allows you to get rid of some ailments, such as varicose veins.

In order to eat a mango fruit, it must be peeled. There are several ways to peel a mango, the easiest way is to cut the fruit in half and remove the stone, then use a knife to cut the flesh with a net and turn the peel out with the pulp, after which the mango can be conveniently eaten.

It is also necessary to answer the question of whether it is possible to eat mango peel, as some practice this and claim that nothing terrible is happening. Indeed, some people eat fruit with a peel, but only when it is overripe and the skin is soft. In principle, it is recommended for hygiene purposes to cut off the upper protective layer of the fruit, since its transportation route is long and the mango peel may contain dangerous chemicals and poisons that are used to treat trees from pests.

Video: how to peel a mango

It is far from always possible to peel a fresh mango in such a way that a minimum of pulp remains on the peel, but there are some tricks that can be used to get an absolutely clean fruit. This video shows several ways to peel a fruit.

In order to enjoy the pleasant taste of mango, you need to know how to determine the ripeness of the fruit and not choose a bad fruit. When buying a mango in a store, you need to look at its peel, it can be different colors, depending on the type of fruit. However, the darker the fruit, the more ripe it is, and if dark spots, then this means that the mango is overripe and is no longer suitable for eating.

Although today mango and is one of the most common mangosteen fruits, it was not born in the country of Siam. The birthplace of this exotic fruit is India. The importance of mango in the life of the peoples of Southeast Asia is expressed in the name itself. fruit. « Mango" in Sanskrit means " great fruit». Mango is the fruit of the mango tree scientific name which is a mangifera. There is an Asian legend according to which Shiva grew a mangifera for his beloved. He gave the woman delicious fruits as a token of love. Today in Pakistan, Mangifera indica is considered sacred tree and is the national symbol of India. In Southeast Asia, mango is called the Asian apple.

In nature, there are about 300 varieties of mangifera, but only 35 are cultivated. Mangoes are successfully cultivated in countries located along the subtropical belt of the planet. These are Mexico, China, some states of Africa, the USA, Cuba, Spain, the Canary Islands and Mangosteenland. The world leader in mango exports is India. More than 20 million tons of mangoes are exported annually from the South Asian region.

Botanical description of mango

Mango is the fruit of a tall (up to 40 meters) evergreen tree - mangofera. The crown of the tree is made up of large leaves- their width is about 10 centimeters, and the length reaches half a meter. The color of young leaves is reddish, mature - dark green. Mangofera blooms with small yellowish flowers collected in long panicles. Each panicle can contain up to several thousand flowers.

The fruit of the mangofera - mango - is a drupe covered with a smooth waxy peel. Skin color depends on the plant variety. The flavor range also varies from very sour to sweet fruits.

Useful properties of mango

ripe fruit mango rich useful substances and vitamins (groups A, B, C, D and E). The content of vitamin C in some varieties of Asian apple reaches 175 milligrams per 100 grams of fruit pulp. Mango contains many natural sugars - xylose, sucrose, glucose, fructose, sedoheptulose, mannoheptulose and maltose. The fruit is rich in so-called "essential amino acids" - acids that the human body does not produce on its own. The orange and bright yellow flesh of the mango is evidence of the high content of carotenoids in it (there are five times more of them in this exotic fruit than in tangerines).

Mango contains: minerals like phosphorus, calcium and iron. The skin of the fruit contains tannins, and the leaves are used in Thai medicine as a strong tranquilizer.

But not only mangofera leaves are used by doctors of mangosteenland in the practice of treating diseases. Extracts and decoctions from different parts plants are used to prevent certain cancers (in particular, the genitourinary and reproductive systems). Vitamins in combination with carotene strengthen immune system, heal cells and slow down the process of their aging. Mangosteen people believe that mango quickly relieves nervous tension, improves mood, helps fight stress and improves the sexual abilities of partners.

Unripe mango pulp, eaten with salt and honey, saves from chronic dyspepsia, diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids and constipation. And if you eat it with honey and pepper, you can get rid of stagnation of bile. Ripe fruit helps in the prevention of eye diseases.

In Europe, mango is used to strengthen the heart muscle. According to one method, for this you need to keep small pieces of mango in your mouth longer. For the treatment of diabetes, solving problems with the pancreas and cardiovascular system European homeopaths recommend drinking mango decoctions.

In China, mangoes are used to treat plague and cholera. Healers of the Celestial Empire prescribe mango decoctions as a laxative and diuretic, as well as for asthma, acute dermatitis, and internal bleeding.

Harmful properties of mango

Mango skin can cause an aggravation in people suffering from allergies (while the pulp of the fruit can be eaten). Overeating unripe mango leads to irritation of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, stomach and colic.

Mango in cooking

Mango is very popular in Thai cuisine. The fruits are eaten raw, dried and pickled. asian apple- an ingredient in many vegetable, meat and fruit salads, sauces, desserts. Mangoes are fried, boiled and stewed along with meat, fish and rice. In any Mangosteenland cafe you can find pies and pies with mango, gravy for fish or meat, and just sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruit that serves as an addition to cold snacks.

mango storage

Mangoes should not be stored in the refrigerator - the lower temperature quickly destroys the pulp of the fruit. But even at room temperature, the fruit will retain its taste properties only for five days. If the mango was purchased unripe, it should be wrapped in paper and left indoors for a few days. Fruit ripened in this way will be more fragrant. Bon appetit!

Let us tell you more about the benefits of this fruit.
Only high-quality fruits bring benefits. How to choose the right mango? Color is not an indicator, ripe fruits do not necessarily have the same color. It all depends on the variety; the peel can be yellow, and orange, and reddish, and green, and almost black.

Focus on a pleasant fruity aroma, which may contain a hint of pine needles or turpentine. Do not buy fruits with the smell of alcohol or something sour, they have already begun to deteriorate. By pressing your finger on the peel, you should feel the elasticity.

REFERENCE. If you still purchased an unripe mango, keep it at room temperature in a dark place wrapped in thick paper for a week, and the fruit will ripen.

Composition of the fetus

Before talking about the dangers and benefits of any product, you need to know its composition. Mango contains many components necessary for the body. With a calorie content of 70 kcal per 100 g, the pulp consists of:

  • proteins - 0.5 g,
  • carbohydrates - 12 g,
  • fat - 0.3 g.

The mango fruit contains many vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E and PP. They are also rich in minerals and trace elements. Eating a piece of mango, you will enrich the body:

  • potassium
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • zinc
  • iron
  • selenium
  • manganese
  • copper.

What is the benefit of mango?

Due to the high concentration of vitamins mango is useful for beriberi and weakening of the body after illness.

Not only the quantity is successful, but also the combination of carotene and vitamins B and C, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system and has antioxidant properties.

Carbohydrates and minerals are also necessary for normal human life. juicy fruit and here will provide you with everything you need. In order for the intestine to properly perform its function, it is necessary coarse fiber, which is abundant in mango pulp.

Cell proteins are made up of amino acids. Some of them the body synthesizes on its own, but there are irreplaceable species that can only be obtained with food. Mango pulp contains a high concentration of these components.

An exotic fruit is also useful for the eyes: retinol is needed to strengthen the optic nerve and cornea, and carotene prevents night blindness.

Women will appreciate the effect of the pulp on the face. Mango masks will make the skin younger and fresher, help smooth wrinkles and remove blackheads.

What are the health benefits?

Let's take a closer look at whether mangoes are good for health.
In the homeland of mango medicinal purposes They use not only the pulp, but also the peel, the inside of the kernel and the leaves. Unripe fruits are used to treat diarrhea.

IMPORTANT. Hindus pass on this knowledge from grandmothers to grandchildren, their body has adapted to such treatment. Residents northern latitudes It's best not to experiment on yourself. Eat only the pulp of ripe fruits.

The experience of the peoples of hot countries can also help the inhabitants of the northern latitudes. Proved that fruits have a diuretic and laxative effect, improve blood clotting. Take small piece pulp and chew it as long as possible. Repeat this procedure daily and you will strengthen your heart.

The fruits have a healing effect on nervous system, improves mood. With stress, depression and intense mental work, you can support the body with the help of a juicy tropical fruit.

The beneficial properties of mango have a beneficial effect on the pancreas, normalize cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Patients with diabetes can replace sweets with a slice of juicy fruit.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the pulp will help with diseases of the oral cavity and colds. The use of fruits is also useful in diseases of the genitourinary system.

Wanting to reset excess weight try the mango-milk diet. Fruits supply the body with sugars, and milk supplements them with proteins. Those who like to eat ham with a thick layer of mango fat will help to partially neutralize the fatty attack on the liver and prevent heartburn.

Useful video

You can learn more about the beneficial properties of mango in the video below:

Harmful properties

Is it possible to be allergic to mango? When in contact with mango, some people develop allergies. That's no reason to give up delicious fruit. Most often, such a reaction occurs not on the pulp, but on the skin.

Have a family member peel the fruit and enjoy the taste. You can cut the peel yourself if you wear protective gloves.

Harm to health

When using mango, you need to observe the measure. exotic fruits very tasty, but do not eat them in huge quantities not to get fever, hives or constipation. Such effects cannot be attributed to harmful properties fruit, any product in large quantities is dangerous to health. Mango can cause harm if eaten unripe fruits, which can irritate the stomach and respiratory tract.

ATTENTION. Limit mango consumption during pregnancy. An excess amount of vitamin A is harmful for both a woman and an unborn baby.

Do not believe the claims that you should use only those gifts of nature that grow in your area. This misconception comes from a time when other vegetables and fruits were not available to most of us. Do not be afraid of unfamiliar fruits, enjoy delicious mango and your body will get a lot of useful substances.

An evergreen tropical plant, which recently appeared on the shelves of our stores, has already managed to win the love of customers. First, thanks to the rich and good taste, and, secondly, the useful properties inherent in it. A fruit growing in India helped to cope with terrible diseases that claimed the lives of thousands of people - plague and cholera.

In Sanskrit, the name mango is defined as "great fruit". Indeed, for many thousands of years, the presence of a mango tree growing in the garden was considered the privilege of kings.


The benefits of mango are determined by its chemical composition. The fruit is one of the richest sources of fiber, as well as carotenoids, which give its pulp a yellow or Orange color. According to the content of ascorbic acid or vitamin C, mango wins even lemon. Healing properties give the fruit the micro and macro elements present in in large numbers. A essential amino acids As part of the fruit, they play an important role in the course of metabolic processes in the body. Mango enough sweet fruit due to the content of a large number of various sugars.

100 g mango contains:

10 health benefits of mango

Like all fruits, mangoes are a source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. And these components, as you know, help strengthen the immune system and protect our body from various infections and diseases. But scientists have noted the benefits of mango for the treatment of certain diseases.

  1. Improving digestion

    Fiber, which is abundant in the pulp and skin of mangoes, helps to get rid of constipation and intestinal problems. The healing enzymes of the fruit are able to neutralize the acidic environment of the stomach, as well as break down proteins, thus they are better absorbed in the body.
  2. Good for diabetics

    The sugar contained in the mango is not harmful, and the fruit itself has a low glycemic index. This suggests that it can be included in the diet of people with diabetes. Yes, and some of the complications that this disease provokes will come to naught with the periodic use of mangoes.
  3. Eye health

    Many years ago, mangoes were used to combat night blindness. Indeed, vitamin A and other substances indispensable for vision can have a beneficial effect on this sense organ and help with itching and burning of the mucous membrane of the eye, with dry eye syndrome.
  4. Cancer prevention

    The antioxidants that make up the mango block the development of malignant tumors of the mammary glands, lungs, colon and prostate. And also this exotic fruit slows down aging. human body. Potassium normalizes blood pressure. Vitamin E has positive influence to the heart muscle.
  5. Healthy heart

    The macro and microelements that make up the mango have a hematopoietic ability, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which means they normalize the work of the heart. High levels of vitamin C, pectin and dietary fiber help lower blood cholesterol levels. Fresh mangoes are a rich source of potassium, which is also exceptionally good for the heart.
  6. Stress prevention

    Strong, prolonged and sometimes negative emotions are relieved by vitamin B6, which is found in abundance in mangoes.
  7. healthy pregnancy

    Iron and vitamin C, which are part of it, perfectly complement each other and contribute to the improvement of the body of both the mother and the unborn baby.
  8. Asthma Prevention

    Eating foods rich in beta-carotene dramatically reduces the risk of asthma. Most high content beta-carotene in mangoes, papaya, apricots, broccoli, melon, pumpkin and carrots.
  9. healthy bones

    Vitamin K, found in large quantities in mangoes, contributes to better assimilation calcium, thereby reducing the risk of fractures.
  10. Improving brain function

    Mango contains a sufficient amount of glutamine amino acid, which helps to improve attention, learning and memory.

For those who decide to lose weight, this fruit is also worth trying. low calorie and a small amount of carbohydrates will only contribute to weight loss. Promotes mango and the removal of excess fluid from the body.

  • bacterial infections;
  • vaginitis;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Dysentery;
  • Eye diseases;
  • blockage of pores;
  • constipation;
  • Fever;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Baldness;
  • Obesity;
  • prickly heat;
  • kidney problems, including nephritis;
  • Liver disorders;
  • asthma symptoms;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Toxicosis;
  • Scurvy;


Individual intolerance and emerging allergies will become an obstacle to the use of mangoes. In addition, the fruit is contraindicated:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • prone to stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Don't eat mango together with alcohol. Also refrain from eating unripe fruits, this can lead to intestinal and stomach cramps.

Persons taking warfarin.

When burned, mangoes release harmful gases that can cause blindness and even death. The leaves of the plant are also dangerous, they are considered poisonous and unsafe for pets.

In India, which is considered the main world supplier of mangoes, several centuries ago, they figured out how to bring out the yellow tint of the fruit. For this, the urine of sick cows was used. But soon this way came to naught, as the use of a sacred animal was punished with death.
The mango tree in India is personified with something sacred and wish-fulfilling. In order for happiness and the blessing of the gods to come into the house, it is necessary to hang a mango on the front door on New Year's Eve.

What else is useful?
