
What continent does the chocolate cocoa tree live on? The sacred gift of the gods, or the chocolate tree

Territories suitable for growing cocoa are located between 10 ° parallels north and south of the equator. Cacao trees prefer high temperatures with averages of +32°C and +18°C at maximum and minimum levels respectively. Yields from year to year depend more on rainfall than on other weather factors. Rainfall should be abundant and dispersed throughout the year, levels of 1500 to 2000 mm per year and daytime air humidity up to 100% are considered preferable, while periods of drought should not exceed three months a year.

The cocoa tree is adapted to exist in any degree of light and traditionally grows in the shade of other high-growing tropical crops. The natural habitat is the Amazonian forest with densely shaded areas. Young cocoa trees vitally need places hidden from the sun.

Cocoa grows in a wide variety of soil types. The tree needs a soil containing coarse particles and a moderate amount of nutrients spread to a depth of 1.5 meters, which will ensure the development of a good root system. Cocoa can withstand waterlogging for short periods of time, but excess moisture should not linger for weeks. Insufficient soil moisture and drought are detrimental to these plants.

According to rough estimates, cocoa is now grown on 70,000 km 2 around the world. Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana and Indonesia have been in the top three in terms of production of cocoa beans for many years. Other major exporters of cocoa products are Nigeria, Cameroon, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico and other countries in South America, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and some tropical island states.

Over the past 30 years, cocoa production has almost tripled to 3.6 million tons of beans due to the expansion of plantation area. Agricultural producers have not achieved much success in increasing yields, since the plant is quite original and additional fertilization and selection do not give tangible results.

Cocoa is grown by both large agro-industrial companies and small producers, which are millions of simple farmers who have small cocoa plantations on their own land, along with other crops. Bean harvesting companies buy all the available crops from such farmers and thus form a large part of the world's chocolate production.

Cocoa trees are often susceptible to viral and fungal diseases, due to which the entire crop or the plants themselves are lost. Which makes the process of growing cocoa beans a rather risky business, sometimes leading to bankruptcy of already poor farmers. The areas where cocoa grows are initially significantly limited by climatic conditions, and as a result of global changes, unprecedented droughts and floods, these areas are shrinking. In a few decades, a shortage of cocoa is predicted for reasons beyond human control. Probably, in the near future, real chocolate will become an expensive product, a real sign of luxury.

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Nov 21, 2016

Ancient times cocoa was considered the drink of the gods. Today, cocoa is available to mere mortals, but how often do you see it on your table? Usually it is prepared in families with children, and adults refuse: “Cocoa? Too sweet for me."

At the same time, few people know that cocoa really helps those who care about their figure and scrupulously count all the carbohydrates consumed.

Scientists have conducted studies according to which only one the rich aroma of cocoa is able to satisfy our body's need for sweets– it just as accurately activates certain areas of the brain, as if you had just eaten a chocolate bar.

And your hand is no longer reaching for either cake or sweets. This is the "secret weapon" of cocoa. And it's not the only one...

History of origin: where is the birthplace of cocoa

The trees on which cocoa beans ripen prefer the climate of the tropics, grow in Africa, America and Oceania. Christopher Columbus brought cocoa to Europe - he tasted it from the Aztecs.

On the territory of modern Mexico (this is the birthplace of cocoa), the culture has been known since ancient times, the fruits were used for food, but the drink, which gave strength and vigor, was especially appreciated.

Today, cocoa trees are almost never found in the wild, their place has been taken by cultivated plantations.

Legends are rarely stirred up, however, the Museum of the History of Chocolate and Cocoa, which is located in Moscow, helps to “plunge” into the past, learn about the origin of cocoa, its use already in our country.

By the way, there are products of such well-known Russian brands as Krasny Oktyabr and Rot Front, which produce unique works of confectionery art using cocoa.

You can learn about where and how coffee is grown from ours.

Where and how cocoa beans grow

In the humid tropical zone of the planet, the cocoa tree (it is also called the chocolate tree) reaches a height of 15 meters.

However, he tries not to stretch so high to the sun, he prefers the shade of palm trees or mangoes, where he limits his parameters to five to six meters. For harvesters, this is quite an acceptable height.

Flowering begins at 5 years of age. Interestingly, most of the buds appear on the trunk and very few on the branches.

They smell rather unpleasant, but the smell is pleasant to the flies that participate in the pollination process, but, apparently, they are not very zealous: the ovaries are formed in place of only ten percent of the flowers.

The harvest of one tree is about two hundred fruits, fruiting lasts thirty years. Most cocoa beans yield ten-year plantings.

He or It: What kind of noun is "cacao"

Not quite traditional for the Russian language the word "cocoa" comes from the Aztec "kakahuatl".

Curious people are sometimes interested in: the masculine or neuter gender of the name of a delicious drink, how to say more correctly: “hot cocoa” or “hot”?

Linguists unequivocally attribute this indeclinable noun, ending in the letter “o”, to the middle gender, which means that we will drink “hot” cocoa. The only way.

Learn how to write correctly: glaze or glaze, cappuccino or cappuccino - in ours.

Production technology: what is the drink made of

In the technology of obtaining cocoa powder, little has changed over the centuries. True, some stages of the technological chain were mechanized, special equipment was designed.

However the collection of raw materials is still done manually: with a sharp knife, a worker cuts off a ripe fruit (up to fifty beans in it) so as not to damage neighboring unripe fruits and buds that have not yet given an ovary (cocoa beans reach ripeness extremely unevenly).

Seeds are taken from fruits and send them to the so-called fermentation: in boxes lined with banana leaves, the seeds stay for a week. During this time, they have a sharp (up to 50 degrees) jump in temperature, as a result of which the embryos die.

What does it give? The tart taste disappears from the product, but its chocolate aroma is fully revealed.

A followed by sunbathing, drying, polishing(it is traditionally carried out with the feet and is called the "cocoa dance"), then - sorting, very thorough, since sometimes any impurities get into the product, and some seeds may turn out to be of poor quality.

The last thing they do with the beans is grind them, separating the powder from the oil: each component has its own purpose.

Sometimes the technology of the last stages is slightly changed. On sale you can find cocoa called "Krupka", and so for its preparation they do not "dismember" the raw materials into oil and powder, but use crushed bean kernels, from which only the shell (cocoa-well) is removed.

The nutritional value of this product is higher than that of the traditional one - oil remains in it. We can say that this cocoa is more natural than other types.

Does it have caffeine

Sometimes this issue is taken without due seriousness. What it is - two tenths of a percent of caffeine? Nonsense!

Nevertheless, cocoa contains caffeine, and even a tiny amount of a substance to which a person may be allergic can be harmful. Although, of course, compared to coffee, the caffeine content in cocoa is much lower.

How does it affect pressure

Increases or decreases the pressure of a mug of cocoa? This question was the reason for a number of medical experiments that gave an encouraging answer for hypertensive patients: cocoa can reduce blood pressure.

The product contains a bioactive organic substance that has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system - it expands the lumen in the vessels, which has a beneficial effect on pressure.

Experts studied this issue on the example of representatives of the Kuna Indian tribe.: those people who lived on their native islands, away from the mainland and drank a lot of cocoa, very rarely suffered from hypertension.

The Indians, who moved to live in Panama and practically abandoned cocoa, had problems with pressure.

Read about how coffee affects pressure, and how chicory affects -.

Cocoa: health benefits of the body and chemical composition

The beneficial properties of cocoa are due to its chemical composition, which contains:

  • vegetable proteins;
  • vitamins;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • trace elements;
  • tannins.

But in what cases a delicious drink can have a healing effect.

The antioxidants present in the drink prevent the destruction of body cells and help a person maintain their youth and performance for longer.

The potassium present in cocoa is beneficial for patients with heart failure.

Cocoa can lower blood cholesterol, useful for gastritis and reduces the risk of stomach ulcers, is recommended in diets for weight loss.

Diabetics, as a rule, are interested in the so-called glycemic index of a product (an indicator of how much and at what rate the blood glucose content increases).

Cocoa powder has a low index - only 20. With the addition of sugar to the drink, the indicator increases to 60 units.

This means that the drink for diabetics is quite acceptable, but the sugar should be replaced with any sweetener recommended by the doctor.

Cocoa is valued by cosmetologists for the beneficial effects it has on skin and hair. If you are going on vacation to hot countries, make it a rule to drink a cup of cocoa every day - this is the best sunscreen you can think of.

And on the basis of cocoa, anti-cellulite products, healing ointments, rejuvenating, nourishing and whitening masks, preparations for strengthening nails are prepared.

Cocoa has found application in bodybuilding: the drink, according to the research of experts, is useful for men - it quickly restores the muscles of athletes after serious and prolonged exertion.

What is useful for a child, at what age can it be given

Most people think of cocoa as a child's treat. Pediatricians recommend preparing this drink for children, starting from the age of three (as an exception, healthy babies - from two years old).

You can give cocoa twice a week for half the "adult" portion. Preferably - for breakfast and in no case at night (after all, the drink contains caffeine, although in a meager amount, but nevertheless, it acts excitingly on the nervous system).

You can switch to an "adult" portion of cocoa when the child is six years old.

Cocoa is good for children, as it contains a lot of essential trace elements and vitamins. This drink is good because it stimulates the production of gastric juice, and if the child is a "little one", cocoa can well stimulate his appetite.

All recipes for making cocoa powder in milk and water are presented.

The program “Live healthy!” will also tell about the beneficial properties of cocoa:

Species and varieties

Manufacturers offer alkalized cocoa and natural. If everything is clear with natural, then the term “alkalized” needs clarification: it is a powder that is used to prepare an instant product that does not require cooking.

Such a powder is subjected to a special treatment with alkalis, which, by the way, even improve its taste.

Popular varieties: "Golden Label", "Funtik", "White Bear", "Royal", "Pripravych", "Russian", "Aristocrat", "Gifts of Nature".


The technological map of cocoa with milk suggests the following energy value: 109 kcal per 100 g of product.

If we talk about the calorie content of the powder, then There are 9 calories in one teaspoon of cocoa..

How many calories are in 100 grams of powder? Almost three hundred.

What is the price

The cost may be higher or lower depending on the type of product, the country of origin (for example, Belgian cocoa is usually bought at a lower price than Vietnamese cocoa powder). Here are some examples.

Beloved by many since the times of the USSR, the "Golden Label" will cost 90 rubles. for a 100 gram pack. Instant "Nesquik" ("Nesquik"), 500 g costs 250 rubles.

Ground cocoa from Vietnam (high-quality, without any additives) - 500 rubles. for 100 g.

Benefits of cocoa. Program "About the most important":

Fragrant cocoa and chocolate are favorite treats for both adults and children. Where do cocoa beans grow, which the Aztecs considered a gift from the gods and used as a currency? We tell you how and where the chocolate tree grows, as well as how its fruits are currently harvested.

Tree with cocoa beans

The evergreen plant that grows cocoa beans is called the chocolate tree (lat. Theobrōma cacāo). Biologically, it belongs to the Malvaceae family and can reach 12 meters in height.

Several types of chocolate tree are cultivated for the production of cocoa powder: Theobrōma bicolor, Theobrōma subincanum and Theobrōma grandiflorum.

The scientific name Theobrōma was given to the tree by Carl Linnaeus and in Greek means "food of the gods"

An interesting feature of the chocolate tree is that the fruits containing cocoa beans do not grow on the branches, but on the trunk of the plant. Biologists call this caulifloria. In Russia, there is a plant with the same feature - sea buckthorn.

Varieties of chocolate tree

The varietal variety of the chocolate tree is not too great. The most common variety is Forastero, it accounts for 85% of the total world crop. This variety is concentrated in Africa, the plant requires a very hot climate.

National cocoa beans grow in South America. These chocolate trees require careful care and are prone to pest attacks.

The fruits of the chocolate tree of the Criollo variety have the most delicate aroma. However, the plant is one of the very capricious in care, so the harvest does not exceed 1/10 of the world's share.

Another variety was obtained by crossing Criollo and Forastero. It is called Trinitario and grows in South Asia. Chocolate from such cocoa beans has a unique bright aroma and delicate taste.

Home of the chocolate tree

The historical homeland of the tree that gives cocoa beans is South America. It was here, in the Amazon jungle, where damp heat reigns almost all year round, that man first began to use the fruits of the chocolate tree.

In the modern world, the export of cocoa beans is extremely important for developing countries. The cultivation of the chocolate tree is concentrated in Central America and Africa. Thanks to the suitable climate, 30% of the annual harvest is collected in these areas worldwide. Indonesia also contributes to world exports, accounting for about 20%.

However, the Ivory Coast (Ivory Coast) is considered the largest producer of cocoa. To date, there are the largest plantations of chocolate trees in terms of area.

In Russia, a chocolate tree can only be grown in greenhouse conditions, since the plant needs a certain humidity and temperature. The costs of this will exceed the level of income, so the cultivation of chocolate trees is not a priority agricultural task.

History of human use of cocoa beans

Initially, the pulp of the fruits of the chocolate tree was eaten, and not cocoa beans at all. Sweet mash was produced from the pulp, which was used as a weak analgesic and tonic drink.

Then, in the 13th century, the Maya Indians began to include the use of a drink from cocoa beans in their sacred rituals. The Aztecs generally believed that chocolate beans were a gift from the god Quetzalcoatl and added hot spices to them.

Mayan Indians considered a drink made from cocoa beans sacred.

For a long time, the fruits of the chocolate tree were available only to privileged nobility, but since the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors have spread cocoa beans throughout the New World. Since the 18th century, cocoa drink, much like we know it now, has been consumed with milk and sugar everywhere.

Cocoa beans and modernity

Nowadays, the cultivation and harvesting of chocolate trees is done in much the same way as it was a hundred or two hundred years ago. Most manipulations are done manually, with rare exceptions.

The chocolate tree produces two crops, but requires constant cultivation of the soil and abundant watering. This is hard and exhausting work. Usually the whole family works on the plantations, from young to old.

The first and most important stage of harvesting is the cutting of ripe fruits from the tree trunk. This is done with a very sharp knife and they try not to damage the ovary so that the tree has the opportunity to grow new flowers in this place.

Ripe fruits acquire a dark chocolate color with a rusty tint.

The second stage in the preparation of the fruits of the chocolate tree for processing is fermentation. The fruits are opened with a sharp knife and the pulp is removed from them - white pulp with cocoa beans. It is put into boxes or barrels, where it should ferment. It is this stage that gives the finished chocolate an unforgettable heady aroma.

Fermentation of cocoa beans lasts 10 days, during which time they are saturated with their typical aromatic and flavor properties and acquire a characteristic color.

The third stage is the drying of cocoa beans. For the most part, plantations try not to use kilns, as this gives the cocoa powder a burnt flavor.

After drying, the beans are significantly reduced in size.

And now, cocoa butter and cocoa powder are produced from these dried beans. It should be remembered that the product familiar to us was created with the participation of many people and thanks to their manual labor.

Whether it's a hot cocoa drink or delicate, melt-in-your-mouth pralines, a chocolate gift is always appropriate for all occasions: birthday, Christmas or Easter. For many centuries, this sweet temptation has been a special gift that brings joy to both parties: the one who gives it and the one who receives it. The preparation of chocolate from cocoa beans is based on the recipes of South American natives.

History of cocoa

The first to taste the unusual fruit of the chocolate tree (Theobroma cacao) were the Olmecs, the first civilized people of Central America, who lived on the southern coast of the Gulf of Mexico from 1500 BC to 400 AD. Later, several centuries later, the ancient Mayans and Aztecs from South America were also partial to cocoa. Just like the Olmecs, they prepared a kind of sweet drink “chocoatl” from the fruits of the cocoa tree, which means “bitter water”, diluting crushed cocoa beans in hot water and adding vanilla with cayenne pepper. The Indians drank the bitter drink cold, being convinced that it was a source of strength and wisdom.

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans

Cocoa beans were a symbol of wealth and power. Only the elite could afford a drink made from cocoa beans. They valued cocoa beans so highly that they used them as money. So, for example, a slave could be bought for 100 beans.

From South America to Europe

The cocoa tree grows in the equatorial regions of America and West Africa. Constant heat and high air and soil humidity are the main prerequisites for the good growth of the chocolate tree. In total, there are more than 20 species of trees from the genus Theobroma (Theobroma), belonging to the Sterculia family. But only one species is used to make chocolate - Theobroma cacao. The name "Theobroma" was given to it by the famous Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, which translates as "food of the gods". From "Theobroma" comes the name of the alkaloid theobromine, very similar to caffeine. Theobromine is found in cocoa beans and has a stimulating effect, it awakens feelings of joy, improves mood and sharpens the senses.

The young fruits of the chocolate tree are green, then, as they ripen, they turn red-orange.

The first European to taste the divine chocolate drink was Christopher Columbus. During the next expedition across the ocean, the Indians, having warmly welcomed the guests, treated them to a foamy drink. Columbus liked the taste very much. As it turned out later, the drink was made from the fruits of the chocolate tree, which was found everywhere here. Returning to Spain, Columbus brought a few cocoa beans to the king's court, but then no one paid any attention to them.

The famous contemporary of Columbus, the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes, also tasted the divine drink Xocolatl. When he first entered the land of the Aztecs in 1519, he was mistaken for a god. The Aztecs treated the guest to their bitter drink, from which the stranger was delighted. Returning from Mexico to Spain, Cortes brought with him several bags of cocoa beans. Heading to the Spanish king, he took with him a box of selected beans and a recipe for making a drink. Soon chocolate became the obligatory drink of the Spanish aristocrats and very quickly gained favor throughout Europe.


To date, the chocolate tree is cultivated in Central and South America, on the territory of the Ivory Coast and in other countries of West Africa, as well as in South Asia, for example, in Indonesia, where the air temperature never drops below +180C and fluctuates within +300C. The annual rainfall in these countries exceeds 2000 milliliters, and the air humidity is over 70%. These are favorable conditions for the normal growth of the plant. The same conditions are necessary for growing a chocolate tree indoors.

The chocolate tree can be grown indoors or in a conservatory

cocoa tree as a houseplant

In room conditions or in greenhouses, the cocoa tree is relatively easy to cultivate. The plant propagates by seeds and cuttings. If you are lucky enough to bring cocoa tree seeds from your vacation, you need to plant them in the ground as soon as possible. Since the seeds have the ability to germinate quickly, they can be planted at any time of the year. Before the seeds are deepened into the ground by 1 cm, they need to lie down for one day in tepid water. The plant needs loose, permeable soil. To avoid stagnant moisture in the pot, pour sand under a layer of humus with peat. Place the pot with the planted seed in a bright place without direct sunlight. At high humidity and a constant temperature in the room within + 250C, the seeds germinate in 2 weeks. Growing up, the cocoa tree reaches a height of 1.5 to 3 m, but often remains much smaller, as it grows very slowly. He needs partial shade, because in natural conditions it grows under the crowns of large trees. The young leaves of the chocolate tree are red-orange in color, gradually they become dark green in color and become shiny. The white and reddish small flowers of the plant are interesting and remarkable. On small pedicels, one by one or in bunches, they sit directly on the trunk of a tree. At home, the not very pleasant smell of flowers attracts pollinating insects. And in room conditions, artificial pollination is necessary to obtain fruits.

The flowers and fruits of the cocoa tree grow directly on the trunk.

After some time, yellow, orange or purple fruits the size of an apple are formed on the trunk and branches of the tree. It must be remembered that the chocolate tree does not like drafts and dry air from central heating batteries, so it is better to put a humidifier near the plant. And do not overdo it with moistening the leaves. Mold can form on leaves that are too wet. The plant should be watered with slightly warm water (min. 200C) that does not contain lime. Roots should be constantly slightly moistened. But do not be too zealous, as stagnant moisture harms the roots. In winter, watering should be reduced. In winter, the tree also needs additional artificial lighting. And from March to September, once a month, you should feed the chocolate tree with organic fertilizers.

Usually, under natural conditions, the fruits of the chocolate tree reach the size of rugby balls and grow up to 15-30 cm in length. In room conditions, if artificial pollination has occurred, the fruits, of course, will not be able to reach such sizes. From the beginning of flowering to the ripening of cocoa fruits, it takes exactly 5 to 6 months, depending on the location of the plant. At home, the chocolate tree blooms and bears fruit continuously.

Processing of cocoa beans

Cocoa beans - professionally called cocoa seeds - are inside the fruit and are covered with white juicy pulp, the so-called pulp.

Sliced ​​fruit with pulp-covered seeds

Before the beans are made into cocoa powder or chocolate, they must go through a process of fermentation and drying in the sun so that the pulp can be separated from the beans, prevent them from sprouting, and enhance their flavor. Then the cocoa beans are roasted over a fire, the shell is removed from them and crushed.

chocolate production

The production of chocolate is slightly different from the production of cocoa powder. Turning crushed cocoa beans into chocolate is a secret field in chocolate production. Various components are added to liquid cocoa mass: sugar, milk powder, flavors and cocoa butter. All this is mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the chocolate mass is subjected to conching - intensive kneading at high temperatures, as a result of which excess moisture evaporates and excessive bitterness is forced out. Next, the chocolate mass goes through the tempering stage - the chocolate is heated and cooled several times until the cocoa butter turns into the most stable form. After tempering, the chocolate is poured into various molds.

Fruits, beans, cocoa powder and leaves of the chocolate tree

The ideal temperature for storing chocolate is from +13 0 C to +18 0 C. At higher temperatures, fat comes to the surface and the chocolate turns white. White coating on chocolate is not dangerous for health, but it looks unattractive and tasteless. The shelf life of chocolate without additives is 6 months.

Translation: Lesya Vasko
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garden center "Your garden"

Many people love chocolate, which is made from cocoa beans that grow on a chocolate tree. These grains attract with a rich aroma, slight bitterness. They are often used not only fresh, but also after processing. They are used not only for culinary purposes, but also in the treatment of various diseases, in cosmetology, pharmacology and other fields.

Where do they grow?

Cocoa beans grow on the chocolate tree, which belongs to the Malvaceae family. It can grow for more than a hundred years, giving an excellent and rich harvest. The tree can reach a height of about 15 meters. The spreading crown is decorated with lush foliage of large size. On the bark of the trunk itself, as well as on the strongest branches of the tree, there are small inflorescences. A distinctive feature is the specific aroma of flowers, which attracts butterflies and dung flies to the tree, which is very important, because it is these insects that are responsible for pollinating the plant and with their help fruit formation is carried out.

The fruits of the chocolate tree look like a lemon, but they are much larger. They often have a yellow or orange color, sometimes even red fruits are found. On their surface there are peculiar furrows, which are quite deep. Inside the fruit contains pulp, as well as several compartments containing seeds, which are commonly called cocoa beans. There are 12 seeds in one compartment.

Cocoa beans grow in countries where the air temperature is always above +20 degrees, and the climate is characterized by high humidity. This amazing tree is native to South America. They grow along the Orinoco, Magdalena, Amazon rivers, as well as on the islands of the Gulf of Mexico. Most of the bean producers are concentrated in Colombia, Indonesia and Brazil. Quite a few of these plants are grown in Ghana and Nigeria. Entire plantations of this magnificent tree are located in Bali, these plants are also found in the Dominican Republic and Ecuador.

It was thanks to the inhabitants of Spain that cocoa beans became known throughout the world, because it was they who first fell in love with the fruits of the chocolate tree. An interesting fact is that under the slave system, even the exchange of slaves for the seeds of this amazing tree was carried out. Initially, hot chocolate was made from the fruits of this tree, and only later they began to produce cocoa from it. And real chocolate appeared only in the 19th century.

The subtleties of growing

This plant can be propagated in two ways - using seeds or using cuttings. The use of seeds is characterized by some nuances. It is very important to plant within ten days after ripening, if this period passes, then the planting will not sprout. Prepare your mail in advance. It must be fertilized, mixed with turf, sand and withered leaves. First, the beans need to be planted in small pots, while the planting depth should be about two centimeters. You should adhere to the temperature regime from +23 to +25 degrees. Plants need to be regularly watered and irrigated sprouts.

You can also grow a chocolate tree at home. You should purchase a pot, while it should be quite deep, and stock up on loose soil and fertilizers. First, the grains must be soaked for 24 hours in warm water, after which they will swell a little due to the fermentation process. Seeds should be planted in holes two to three centimeters deep. The pot should be stored in a bright and warm place, and also do not forget about regular watering. After the emergence of seedlings, the container should be moved to a place where the sun's rays do not fall. Sprouts begin to appear about 15 or 20 days after planting.

With abundant watering, signs of mold may appear on the leaves of the tree. The plant needs regular feeding with organic fertilizers.


Today there are a huge number of varieties of chocolate tree. But in general, cocoa beans can be divided into two large groups - Forastero and Criollo.

All consumer varieties are 'Forastero'. Their distinguishing feature is their high productivity. These varieties produce grains of medium quality. But not without exceptions. For example, chocolate tree varieties grown in Ecuador are characterized by a high quality crop. Forastero grains are dark brown in color, have a strong smell, bitter taste and contain a large amount of fat. This type of chocolate tree tolerates drought well, and is also able to withstand significant temperature changes.

"Criollo" includes varietal raw materials, which are commonly called noble. Such trees produce little fruit, which is probably why they are of high quality. Criolo seeds have a pleasant aroma. Such trees are unique in their chemical composition.

In addition to the two main types, you should not forget about hybrids. Given this fact, then two more species should be attributed to the two groups described above - "Trinitario" and "Nacional".

Based on the origin of cocoa beans, they can all be divided into Asian, African and American. The name shows where this or that variety grows. If we consider dried beans, they are also divided into several groups - tart and tender, sour and bitter. Each gourmet will be able to choose the option that will satisfy all his wishes.


Cocoa beans attracted attention with their amazing aroma and great taste. Later, the chemical properties of the chocolate tree grains were studied in more detail. In general, more than 300 vitamins, macro- and microelements have been noted, so cocoa beans have many positive properties.

An interesting fact is that beans are vegetables, so we can say that chocolate is made from vegetables.

Cocoa beans are made up of the following elements:

  • provitamin A;
  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • vitamin PP;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • caffeine;
  • theobromine;
  • tannins;
  • oils;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • dyes;
  • acids of organic origin;
  • aromatic substances;
  • antioxidants.

The calorie content of chocolate tree beans is quite high, since they are 50% fat. 100 grams of raw grains contain 565 kcal, while this product has the following indicators:

  • 53.2 g fat;
  • 6.5 g of water;
  • 12.9 g proteins;
  • 9.4 g carbohydrates;
  • 2.2 g organic acids;
  • 2.7 g of ash.

If we consider the macroelement composition of cocoa beans, then 100 grams of these grains contain 750 mg of potassium, 83 mg of sulfur, 500 mg of phosphorus, 25 mg of calcium, 50 mg of chlorine, 80 mg of magnesium, 5 mg of sodium. The grains of this tree also contain a large number of trace elements - 2270 micrograms of copper, 27 micrograms of cobalt, 40 micrograms of molybdenum, 4 micrograms of iron, 4.5 micrograms of zinc.

Although cocoa beans are characterized by high calorie content, nutritionists recommend their use to people who are overweight. It is worth noting that the grains contain substances that help to easily unhook fats, speed up metabolism and improve the digestive process.


Cocoa beans have a unique composition that provides many beneficial properties for the body.

Grains are considered natural antidepressants of strong action. They have a positive effect on the nervous system, relieve pain, and also help to improve mood. Due to the presence of serotonin, efficiency increases, and mental activity improves.

Raw grains have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, since their use improves blood circulation, helps to eliminate vascular spasms. Regular intake of raw beans is very useful for hypertensive patients, as it allows you to normalize blood pressure. This product as a whole is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Cocoa grains provide a normal hormonal balance. They help cleanse the body of toxins and free-type radicals, have a rejuvenating effect, and also improve vision. Cocoa beans should also be consumed in the postoperative period, they will quickly restore strength.

The unique composition of this product has a positive effect on human health. Some components increase immunity, so the body fights against various infections and viruses better. Regular consumption of grains helps speed up the healing process of severe burns and deep wounds.

And, of course, this product is invaluable for women who want to lose weight. It promotes a faster metabolism, normalizes fat balance, and also contributes to the active work of the endocrine system, which is very important when losing weight.

The chocolate tree bean contains epicatechin. This substance allows you to fight various diseases (stroke, heart attack, diabetes and others). The presence of cocoheal improves the growth of skin cells, so not only wounds heal quite quickly, but wrinkles are also smoothed out. The use of products containing cocochil significantly reduces the possibility of stomach ulcers. Raw grains contain a large amount of magnesium, which positively affects the functioning of the heart. Magnesium reduces blood pressure, strengthens bones and promotes better blood circulation.

This product includes arginine, which is a known aphrodisiac. Tryptophan, which is also found in beans, is a powerful antidepressant. Sulfur has a positive effect on the structure of hair, nails and skin.


Although the grains of the chocolate tree are characterized by naturalness, they should not be consumed very much. It is worth remembering that cocoa butter must be used in moderation, while starting from the body's reaction to its use, since it can negatively affect the body. Excessive consumption of cocoa beans can lead to the following symptoms:

  • allergy;
  • sleep problems;
  • emotional instability;
  • skin rashes (oily or sensitive).

It should be quite careful to eat this product for the following diseases and conditions:

  • diabetes– this product may increase blood sugar levels;
  • bowel problems- these grains accelerate the course of metabolic processes, having a laxative effect;
  • in the preoperative period- since blood circulation improves, there is a possibility of heavy bleeding;
  • frequent migraines- these grains can provoke vasospasm;
  • intolerance this product or allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy- some substances increase muscle tone, which can lead to miscarriage.

You should buy cocoa beans only from trusted sellers who offer a quality product of natural origin and can provide relevant documents.

How to use?

Cocoa beans have a wide range of uses, but, of course, they are most often used in the food industry. They are indispensable in the manufacture of chocolate, various drinks and desserts. In general, chocolate tree seeds can be consumed in such ways as:

  • raw beans should be dipped in jam or honey before eating, because without such an additive they leave a bitter aftertaste;
  • seeds can be consumed after removing the peel from them, as well as mixing with honey or jam and crushed nuts;
  • often, the dried beans are made into a powder that needs to be poured with boiling water to create a delicious drink.

To answer the question of how much and in what form to use cocoa beans, you should try this product in a small amount and monitor your well-being. If negative reactions do not appear, then you can use this product, but only in moderation. The daily dose of chocolate tree beans should not exceed 50 grams.

Interestingly, not only grains are suitable for use, but also their peel. It must be thoroughly crushed, after which it can be used as a natural scrub for both the body and the face.

Today, cocoa beans are indispensable in cooking, because they are used in many recipes, and in some dishes they are the basis. These grains give dishes a pronounced aroma and taste.

An interesting fact is that cocoa became famous in the 19th century. Its discoverer is the Dutch chemist Johann Houten, because it was he who first extracted cocoa butter from beans, and later made a powder out of it. Today, this drink is enjoyed by both children and adults.

Homemade chocolate

You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 150 g cocoa beans;
  • 100 g cocoa butter;
  • 250 g sugar.

You need to take the beans and grind them thoroughly. Then add butter and sugar. All ingredients should be mixed well, put on fire and wait for boiling. Next, you need to hold the mixture a little on low heat, while the mass must be constantly stirred to prevent burning. You should wait for the mass to cool, then pour it into prepared forms and send it to the refrigerator for about 60 minutes.

Chocolate cocktail

To prepare a fragrant and tasty cocktail from chocolate tree grains, you will need ingredients such as:

  • milk - 200 ml;
  • crushed cocoa beans - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • banana - 1 piece.

Blender is a must. It is necessary to load all the ingredients into it and in a few seconds a healthy and very tasty cocktail will be ready. It is recommended to use it cold.


Homemade chocolates will not only be very tasty, but also healthy. Children love this delicacy. To prepare this dessert, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 150 g cocoa beans;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 100 g cocoa butter;
  • crushed nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • honey (to taste);
  • cinnamon and vanilla.

It is necessary to take molds and fill them with dried fruits and pre-chopped nuts. Cocoa beans must be crushed, then mixed with sugar and cocoa butter. The resulting mass must be put on fire, wait for the boil and immediately reduce the heat. For some time, hot chocolate should be kept on fire, constantly stirring it. Add cinnamon, honey and vanilla to the resulting mixture, then pour it into molds. Let cool slightly and refrigerate for about an hour.


To create a fragrant and unusual seasoning, only raw grains of cocoa beans are required. They must be fried for 15 minutes in the oven, while the temperature should be +180 degrees. After that, they need to be judged and dried thoroughly. To grind grains, you can use a meat grinder or coffee grinder.

Such an exquisite seasoning will perfectly complement mousse, jelly or pastry cream. It attracts attention with a spicy taste with a slight bitterness.


Such a dessert will definitely appeal to children, although adults are not averse to enjoying delicious chocolate cookies. To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • crushed cocoa seeds - 8 tablespoons;
  • bananas - 4 pieces;
  • chopped flax - 2 tablespoons;
  • coconut flakes - 2 tablespoons.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  • it is necessary to make mashed bananas with a blender;
  • add crushed seeds to the puree and knead the mass thoroughly;
  • from the prepared mass, cakes of small diameter should be made, for this you can use a spoon;
  • cakes should be sprinkled with coconut flakes;
  • it is necessary to let the liver dry a little before use, for this it should be turned over from time to time.

Grated cocoa beans can be added to various desserts, muesli, yogurt and ice cream. They are used as a flavoring agent, as well as a decorative element.

Use in medicine

Chocolate tree grains are very often used in medicine, because they are:

  • help the rapid healing of not only wounds, but also burns;
  • ensure the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels;
  • enhance the effect in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases;
  • help relieve coughing fits;
  • actively used in the treatment of bronchitis;
  • quite often used in the treatment of tuberculosis, but in combination with drugs.

It is worth paying attention to the healing properties of cocoa butter, since it gives elasticity to the walls of blood vessels and tissues, helps to strengthen them. This has a positive effect in diseases such as atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers, varicose veins, cancer. The use of cocoa butter significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack.

According to studies, if you eat chocolate tree seeds for 5-10 years, then the risk of cancer cells is significantly reduced.

Cocoa butter is quite widely used in pharmacology. So, suppositories are produced on its basis for both rectal and vaginal administration. It is indispensable in the creation of creams and ointments that are applied to the mucous membranes or skin. It is cocoa bean oil that gives drugs resistance, creating a consistency of increased density, which is held at room temperature, and also melts easily when ingested. Chocolate bean oil is very important in complex therapy in the treatment of various diseases, for example:

  • Constipation. To prepare the solution, add a teaspoon of oil to a glass of warm milk and stir well. This drink should be taken daily before going to bed. The course of treatment is three weeks.
  • Haemorrhoids. Before a bowel movement, take a small piece of oil and insert it into the rectum. The emptying process itself should be delayed for a few minutes, and then go to the toilet. To alleviate the symptoms of this disease, experts recommend performing this procedure in the morning and evening. You can use the oil until the disease has passed.
  • Cough. To prepare a cough remedy, you need to mix 200 ml of warm milk and one teaspoon of cocoa butter. One glass of this drink should be taken three times a day. It has no contraindications, so you can drink it until the cough is completely gone.

  • Angina. To get rid of this disease, it is worth using half a tablespoon of oil three times a day, while slowly dissolving it in your mouth. Cocoa butter can be consumed for a long time until the sore throat disappears.
  • Bronchitis. In the treatment of this disease, a piece of oil should be moved along the chest, while producing a light massage. This will improve blood flow to the respiratory tract, thereby speeding up the healing process.
  • Cervical erosion. To prepare the solution, take 1 teaspoon of oil and melt it in a water bath, after which it must be thoroughly mixed with sea buckthorn oil (10 drops). Next, you should take a cotton swab, it should be saturated with the prepared product, after which it must be carefully inserted into the vagina. This procedure should be performed once a day before bedtime. Such treatment can be performed from two to three weeks.
  • Wounds and cracks on the lips or feet. To get rid of such unpleasant symptoms, you should carefully lubricate problem areas with a piece of oil. Treatment is carried out until the problem completely disappears.

  • Varicose veins. In those places where there are dilated veins, you should apply oil, previously melted in a water bath, and then cover it with gauze. In this form, the so-called compress is left for half an hour. Such applications can be done once or twice a day. The course of treatment is up to two weeks.
  • Influenza and acute respiratory infections. To prevent these diseases, you can use cocoa butter as an oxolinic ointment. They should lubricate the nasal mucosa before leaving the house, as well as in crowded places.

For how to make chocolate from cocoa beans at home, see the following video.
