
Parts of the title beef. Beef cutting patterns

Each country has its own beef cutting schemes, as well as the names of various cuts. It is very important to learn to determine from which part of the carcass this or that piece is taken. The meat of various cuts differs in many parameters: taste, color, stiffness, fat content, the presence of veins, the amount of collagen and other very important indicators that affect the choice of dish, cooking method, and cooking time.

Israeli cutting scheme

1. ורד הצלע
"Vered ha-tsela", in Russian entrecote. Tender, delicacy meat interspersed with fat. A primal cut containing 4 or 5 ribs with relatively soft and fine-fibred meat. In the center is a characteristic piece of fat in the shape of a flower or an eye (hence another name - “ain steak”). Entrecote can be baked in the oven or over an open fire in one piece (in the form of roast beef), or fried in the form of steaks (in a pan or again over an open fire). You can pre-soak them in a particular marinade or sauce; however, only salt and pepper will suffice. Melted fat will make the entrecote juicy and especially tasty. To make excellent roast beef, the ribs are usually cut short and the meat tied; the bones can be removed completely, in which case the meat is rolled up before tying. The meat can also be used for stewing or roasting in large pieces.

2. צלעות עורף
“Tslaot oref” (or simply “tslaot”) - the part of the carcass located in front of the entrecote (in the direction from the neck); the Russian term is "thick edge". The meat from the first ribs at the neck is harsh, interspersed with fat, so it is usually diced and used for roasts and goulash (at least 2-3 hours of stewing). Also suitable for broths and minced meats. Thick edge. For roast, stew, minced meat, slow stewing.

3. חזה
"Hase" - brisket. The meat is quite tough and fibrous, besides with a lot of fat. After removing the breast bone and ribs, a long, flat piece of meat is left, which is usually rolled up and tied. Pieces of the required length are cut off from it and sold. The layered structure of the muscle tissues of the brisket is emphasized by fatty layers, the taste is good. Brisket must be cooked in a humid environment. Sometimes it is stewed, but more often it is boiled - either fresh or salted (the brisket is traditionally used for pickling).

4. כתף
"Katef" (or "Katef Merkazi"). The center portion of a beef shoulder, sometimes also referred to as a "thick shoulder". This cut includes part of the largest muscles of the shoulder; the ribs and adjacent muscles are located closer to the back of the carcass. The cutting of the shoulder part of the shoulder blade depends on local traditions, but most often large pieces of excellent-tasting flesh are simply cut from it for subsequent slow frying. The meat can also be cut into portions for stewing.

5. צלי כתף
"Tzli katef". The scapular-shoulder part, literally - “roast from the shoulder blade”. Along with number 4, it is perhaps the most common and popular part of beef carcass in Israel. In the center of this piece there is a characteristic layer, from which quite a lot of gelatin is released during heat treatment. As the name suggests, this part of the carcass is ideal for roasts. Easily cut into beautiful slices.

6. פילה מדומה
"File Medume". This is not a "bloody fillet", but simply a "false fillet" (or false fillet). The name in this case speaks for itself: in appearance, this part of the shoulder blade is a bit like a fillet, but in terms of class it does not reach it. This is a fairly fibrous meat, intended for long-term processing (stewing or boiling). The meat is very lean, so it is best to cook it in sauce or boil it.

7. מכסה הצלע
"Mikhse ha-tsela". On the diagrams, this part is usually not present for a completely prosaic reason - it is obscured by the entrecote. It is mainly used for minced meat (for example, for preparing bolognese sauce, kebabs, hamburgers, etc.). However, from this part you can also cook excellent steaks on fire.

8. שריר הזרוע
"Shrir ha-zroa" - knuckle, front leg (the back leg is usually called the shank - see number 18). The muscular front leg (knuckle) contains a marrow and several narrow, pronounced muscles with a thick layer of connective tissue and tendons. After removing the bone, the meat is usually cut into circles across the fibers or cubes - for stewing. When cooked in a humid environment, the gelatin of the connective tissues turns into a decoction, forming a very tasty and nutritious gravy. The knuckle is especially suitable for French-style beef stew.

9. אסאדו
"Asado" (it's also "kashtit", it's also "spondra"). Medium carcass ribs covered with meat; Russian name - "thin edge". The combination of several layers of tender meat and fat makes it juicy and tasty. Can be sold with or without bones. Suitable for baking in the oven or on the grill, for long-term stewing on low heat (roast, cholent, etc.), as it can cook all night. It is this part that is used for the famous Argentine asado - meat cooked on coals. Quite often, pokromka is used to prepare minced meat.

10. צוואר
"Tsavar" - neck. The meat of the neck contains a large percentage of connective tissue, and therefore, in order to acquire the required softness, it needs long-term heat treatment in a humid environment. However, it has good taste and is inexpensive. Neck meat is usually sold diced or minced.

11. סינטה

"Sinta", she is a tenderloin, she is also a "thick sirloin". The upper rear part of the carcass, located after the entrecote, at the back ribs. Along with the fillet and entrecote, it is considered the most valuable (and, accordingly, expensive) part. The top layer of fat makes it more juicy than fillets. The tenderloin is baked in the oven or over an open fire in the form of roast beef, cut into thick, juicy steaks and fried in a pan or on a grill.

12. פילה

Fillet. This is the softest and most tender part of the carcass, located on the inside of the back ribs, the most appreciated by gourmets. Fillet can be baked in the oven in one piece or fried (usually very briefly so as not to overdry) in the form of thick juicy steaks. It is enough to salt and pepper such steaks so as not to clog the natural taste of meat. However, the fillet perfectly absorbs any sauces, so this is a matter of taste. You can cook fillet and steak tartare (tatar steak).

13. שייטל

"Scheitel". Corresponds to a part of what in Russian is called a rump. One of the best parts of mascara is non-greasy, soft and juicy. A primal cut containing the lower vertebrae of the spine and the pelvic bone. All bones are usually removed and the meat is cut across the grain in portions to produce tender, delicious steaks. Rump steaks can be fried both on an open fire and in a pan. Pieces weighing more than 1.5 kg make an excellent roast beef, which is usually cooked over high heat. Next to it is a small oblong piece of especially soft meat, which in Hebrew is called “spitz hashaitel”; it is advised to use it for quick frying and making so-called medallions.

14. אווזית
Avazit. The upper part of the rump, in Russian sometimes called a nut or a ball. A fairly large piece, consisting of several muscle groups and located in the back of the carcass. One of its parts really resembles a nut in shape and is highly recommended for roasts, since it is fried or stewed for quite a long time. From other parts, you can cook schnitzels, escalopes or beef stroganoff.

15. צ’אך

"Chah" (aka "chak"). It is usually translated into Russian either by the phrase “the pulp of the thigh”, or by the frighteningly sounding expression “the outer part of the hip cut”. A large piece of a characteristic triangular shape, in which two parts are distinguished. The one called “spitz ha-chah” can be cooked into excellent juicy steaks or baked in the oven in the form of roast beef; it is soft, so fry it quickly. The rest usually goes to roast or goulash, as it requires a thorough, leisurely boil or stew in its own juice.

19. וייסבראטן

"Weisbraten", aka "visbraten"; most likely, the Russian word "rump" corresponds to it. Apparently, the name adopted in Israel comes from the German "white meat for roast" - "Weiss Braten". This part of the carcass is located closest to the tail. The meat is mostly lean, almost dietary, and has a characteristic light pink tint (while the rest of the carcass should be bright red); the upper part is covered with a layer of fat, which, of course, can be removed, but is it necessary? (Of course, it all depends on whether you are on a diet.) Usually this piece is simmered for a long time over low heat; however, some chefs advise simply baking it quickly in the oven.

These three cuts together (14, 15, 19) make up the upper part of the hind leg. Probe - a cut of lean, thin-fibered meat from the inside of the thigh - good for slow frying and stewing. The cut meat is slightly rougher, but also has a good taste and is usually used for slow frying or stewing, as well as for pickling and simmering. The rump is an excellent cut of meat between the sacrum and the pelvic bone. Most often, this meat is used to prepare high-quality roast beef by slow frying. The thigh is good for slow frying and stewing in a large piece, but quite often it is cut into portions, which are stewed or fried in a pan.

"Kaf". The upper section of the rear part of the carcass, located closer to the tail, in Russian - butts, or, in the language of professionals, "the inner part of the hip cut." This cut contains a large amount of tender meat on the last three ribs. The sirloin can be fried whole with or without the bones, and can be cut into portions for frying steaks on an open fire or in a pan. The fillet steak is prepared without bones; to prepare a steak with a bone, the meat is cut off from the front part of the butt along with the rib: the steak from the posterior part of the butt contains a piece of tender tenderloin that lies under the spine. If the tenderloin is cooked separately, it can be fried whole, but it is most often cut into pieces across the grain to make steaks.

17. פלדה

"Plada", in Russian "flank". A rather large but thin piece of meat located around the stomach; as in asado, it has layers of fat. Consists of a variety of relatively small-sized internal muscles, the best culinary qualities, among them are the muscles of the inner part of the flank, the muscles adjacent to the inner part of the rump. Although diaphragm steaks are coarse-grained when cut, they are very low in fat and taste great when cooked over an open fire or in a pan without browning. In order for the meat to cook completely, it must be stewed for quite a long time. The third type of steak from the meaty part of the diaphragm is sometimes called "butcher's steak". Buying such meat is a rarity, as it is cut from the central internal muscle, the only one in the whole carcass. Try to buy it at every opportunity, because thanks to its delicate taste and wonderful aroma, it is the best suited for grilling.

18. שריר אחור י

"Shrir Ahori". Veal shank (leg - back). The fleshy part of the hind leg is rich in tendons: like the shank, it contains the brain bone and a large percentage of connective tissue. Another name is osso buco, because it is used to prepare a traditional Italian dish. Requires long stewing (or simmering) over low heat - for example, when preparing cholent; often used for all sorts of broths, soups, borscht, etc. Sometimes sold in the form of cut cubes for goulash or roasts. Delicate aroma and high content of gelatin give this meat excellent taste in stew.

Scheme for readers in Hebrew:

The description of the cuts is taken from the book "Beef and Veal" of the "Good Food" series, as well as from Israeli sites.

Cutting scheme according to Russian GOST

Half carcasses of beef are divided into separate cuts according to the following scheme:

Cuts are divided into varieties, 1, 2, 3rd.
Grade 1 includes:
hip 7; lumbar 2; dorsal 3; scapular (shoulder blade, shoulder edge) 4; shoulder (shoulder part and part of the forearm) 5; chest 6.
Grade 2 includes:
cervical 7; flank 8.
Grade 3 includes:
notch 9, fore shank 10, hind shank 11.

The anatomical boundaries of the separation of cuts must pass:
Incision: between the second and third cervical vertebrae. The incision includes the first two cervical vertebrae.
Neck cut: the front border runs along the line of separation of the cut; back - between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae. The cut includes three cervical vertebrae (from 3 to 5).
Shoulder cut: front border - at the place of separation of the neck cut; back - between the fifth and sixth ribs; lower - along a line passing from the upper third of the first rib through the middle of the fifth to the lower third of the last rib.
The cut includes: scapular bone, two cervical (sixth and seventh vertebrae), four first thoracic vertebrae and partially the fifth with the corresponding parts of the ribs.
Shoulder cut: upper border - along the line of separation of the shoulder cut; lower - in the transverse direction through the middle of the radius and ulna. The shoulder cut is separated from the chest cut by cutting the muscle tissue.
The cut includes: the humerus and half of the radius and ulna.
Front Shank: is separated along a line passing in the transverse direction through the middle of the radius and ulna.
The anterior shank includes: the lower half of the radius and ulna and the bones of the wrist.
Breast cut: front border - along the line of separation of the shoulder cut; back - along the lower third of the thirteenth rib; upper - along the line running from the upper third of the first to the lower third of the last (thirteenth) rib; lower - along the costal arch to the sternum.
The cut includes: sternum with cartilage and corresponding parts of thirteen ribs.
Back cut: front border - along the line of separation of the shoulder cut; back - between the eleventh and twelfth ribs; lower - along the line of separation of the breast cut. The cut includes:
part of the fifth and six thoracic vertebrae, from the sixth to the eleventh, with their corresponding parts of the ribs.
Flank: the borders of the department run along a line running from the knee joint to the articulation of the true and false parts of the thirteenth rib and further along the costal arch to the sternum.
Lumbar cut: front border - along the line of separation of the dorsal cut; back - between the fifth and sixth lumbar vertebrae; lower - along the line of separation of the flank and brisket.
The lumbar cut includes the last two thoracic vertebrae with ribs (without the lower third) and five lumbar vertebrae.
Hip cut: front border - along the line of separation of the lumbar cut; back - across the tibia at the level of its lower third; lower - along the line of separation of the flank.
The hip cut includes: pelvic bones (iliac, pubic, ischium), sacrum, sixth lumbar and two tail vertebrae, femur, patella and upper 2/3 of the tibia.
Back shank: is separated across the tibia at the level of its lower third with a preliminary separation of the Achilles tendon at the point of its transition into muscle tissue.
The hindshank includes: the lower third of the tibia, the bones of the hock and the Achilles tendon.

According to the book "Meat dishes" by Burda publishing house. Beef.

Beef- this is the meat of bulls, heifers, cows, bulls and oxen. The quality of their meat depends on the age, type of feed, content and gender of the animal. Meat aging, that is, the process of maturation of meat, as well as the stress that animals experience before slaughter, also largely determines the quality of meat. Parts of the carcass with a lot of muscle fibers, that is, roast beef and fillet, intended for short frying and grilling, should be aged (hanging) in the most careful way.
During the aging of meat (its suspension), lactic acid is formed inside the muscles, which not only loosens the connective tissues, but also forms aromatic and flavoring substances. As a result, beef becomes looser, easier to digest and acquires a typical taste for it. The aging of the meat, of course, matters for other parts of the carcass as well.


Any beef should be a juicy red color, have a pleasant smell of fresh meat, and also have a delicately fibrous marbled texture. When pressed and cut, the meat should be sufficiently elastic and in the places of the cut - shiny, easily amenable to pressure with a finger, and the place of pressure should level itself after a while.

As a rule, the meat of young animals should go on sale - heifers and bulls no older than two years. The meat of older animals should be used to make sausages.

PARTS OF THE CARCASS The most delicious parts of beef carcass are roast beef and fillet. However, you should not refuse other parts, they just need to be able to cook properly. Meat with a small part of the connective tissue, as a rule, is not used for cooking and stewing.

1. Butt(thigh, small nut) This meat is tender, juicy and low in fiber, perfect for making rump steaks or roasts. 2. Ball(nut, mouse, nape) Lean, fiber-free meat is great for stews, rolls, and minced meat. Meat with a lot of fiber is not suitable for baking in the oven and quick frying. These pieces of meat are best boiled or stewed. 3. Burgermeister or pastoral piece This part of the carcass is above the ball, it is suitable for marinated stews, goulash and stews.
4. Tail This piece of meat consists of a rump, a frikando, a compact midsection and a tail. 4a. Tail Chops are cut from the tail of dairy calves, which are great for roast, marinated meat or grilled meat. 4b. Rump Chops can be cut from this tender meat. In addition, these pieces are used for cooking or stewing. Traditionally, broths are brewed from it.
5. Ankle This is a relatively soft meat, penetrated with delicate fatty veins, it makes excellent scraped minced meat, wind meat and rolls. 6. Back ankle(caviar, ox leg) Rump meat is excellent for soups, as well as for appropriate broths. 7. Oxtail This meat is juicy and jelly-forming. Thick pieces of oxtail are used for stews, thinner ones for soups.
8. Flat roast beef This part of the roast beef is perfect for rump steaks, chops - quickly cooked with a bone (4-6 cm thick, weighing 600-1000 g). 8a. Fillet Can be baked in the oven or fried whole or in batches. Chops are cut from the head, meat for Chateaubriand is cut from the middle part. 8b. Upper ribs Cutlets, ribs, double entrecote and roast on the grill are prepared from this part of the roast beef.
9. Upper ribs from under the shoulder blade The meat from the top of the ribs is great for boiling, grilling or roasting in the oven. 10. False edge(thick rib, tongue piece, shoulder rib) Juicy meat used for quick sautéing, goulash or stews. 11. Neck (back of the head) This piece of meat is taken for stewing - goulash, stew and for frying. The neck is perfect for thick soups or Eintopfs.
12. Thick shoulder blade Excellent meat that should be marinated and then stewed, and also used for rolls and cooking. 12a. shoulder blade Perfect for cooking roast, oven or boiled meat soaked in vinegar. Before this, the fat must be cut off from the piece. 12b. false fillet(shoulder rump) The shape resembles a fillet, but the meat has coarser fibers. Perfect for eintopfs, kebabs and stews.
13. Anterior ankle Excellent soup meat. As a rule, the anterior ankle is cut into pieces. Together with marrow bones, it is perfect for cooking. 14. Breast rump Together with the sternum, the breast rump is offered as a single piece. The meat is great for cooking. 15. Central brisket Beef brisket may be sold fresh or stuffed. Both brisket and brisket are excellent meat for cooking.
16. Medium brisket It has fewer bones and is leaner than other parts of the brisket. The medium brisket is used as soup meat. 17. Edge(transverse ribs, ladder) This is essentially the chest of the animal, on which is excellent soup meat. The ribs are easily separated from the boiled meat. 18. Side(thin edge) With or without bones, in the form of a roll, this meat is great for boiling or for goulash.

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The most important parts of beef carcass

1. Neck.

The neck (notch, back of the head) is relatively inexpensive, because it is a muscle tissue, a significant proportion of which is tendons. The neck is suitable for making goulash, but when preparing the meat, care should be taken to remove the tendons. In addition, neck pieces can be used to make a good stew or a strong broth for soup. This type of meat requires a long time of heat treatment at high temperature and in the presence of liquid, so the main methods of its preparation are boiling and stewing.

2. Back of the head.

This part is known by various names (neck part, roast meat). The meat of the back of the head has layers of fat and tendons, but with a sufficiently long cooking time, it can be obtained from a juicy roast. The upper part of the neck is used to cook marinated meat, for roasts or for minced meat.

3. Shoulder blade with shoulder edge.

This part of the back, bordering the lower back, is sometimes called the thick or table edge. It is sold with or without bones. The meat of the shoulder blade is fine-fibered with marble layers, which indicates a significant proportion of fat in it. The shoulder blade of a young animal is suitable for roasting and grilling. in addition, it is valued as a particularly tender boiled meat. To reduce the cooking time, the meat is cut into pieces the size of a chop.

4. Shoulder pulp.

This best part of the shoulder, also called the shoulder or shoulder part, is comparable to such parts as the thigh or rump. The meat has relatively tender fibers and is used mainly for cooking dishes such as beef stroganoff, fried and stewed rolls.

5a. Shoulder blade.

This part of the shoulder is also called the shoulder part. It has not as delicate fibers as the pulp of the shoulder blade. Often sold as "front quarter roast meat", it is more suitable, however, for stewing and preparing tender boiled meats.

5 B. The pointed part of the shoulder (scapula).

This part is also called "false fillet" and is used to make stuffed roasts, stews, soups and vegetable intropes.

6. the front part of the brisket (Belshko-falcon).

This part is almost boneless, rich in fat and suitable for preparing Eintropf and broth, in all cases the fat must be removed.

7. Brisket kernel.

This part refers to the valuable parts of the beef carcass. It is sold either in its natural form with bones or without bones. in the form of rolls or pickles. The core of the brisket includes the sternum, has a fatty layer and is covered with fat. if a piece with a bone is used, then the butcher should be warned and the bone should be sawn, and not chopped, so that fragments of the bones do not fall into the broth. Juicy dense boiled meat is obtained from the kernel.

8. The middle part of the brisket.

This is one of the best parts of beef brisket. It contains few bones, it is the leanest, but quite nutritious part of the brisket. It is used to make soup or stir-fry.

9. Brisket.

This is a piece from the front quarter of the carcass, forming the chest. Due to the favorable combination of meat, fat and bones, it is a good meat for soups, soups, strong broths, which should be defatted after cooking.

10. Flank (curl).

This part makes a good broth. One-third of this classic boiled meat consists of bones and cartilage. After the bones and tendons are removed, tender meat is obtained for cooking.

11a. Fillet.

This is the best and most expensive part of the beef carcass. It belongs to the dorsal part and is located under the ribs. This is roast meat. Chateaubriand is cut from the middle, tournedo is cut from the thinnest part, and filet mignon is cut from the sharp end of the filet.

11b. Tenderloin.

This most valuable part of the beef carcass is the outer part of the back of the animal. The famous roast beef is cut from the tenderloin, the structure of its fibers is loose and tender. From the tenderloin, you can cook a large piece of roast or roast beef, you can cut it into pieces and cook steaks and other dishes.

12a. The pulp of the back.

The meat is lean and at the same time drier and harder than the meat of the rump, so before frying it should be stuffed and overlaid with fat. In addition, this type of meat can be used to prepare instant dishes, such as beef stroganoff.

12b. Partly sirloin, partly rump.

It has thin layers of fat and a loose fiber structure. From this part, you can cut into pieces for quick frying, stewing and frying.

13a. Partly rump, partly rump.

Lean meat is exceptionally well suited for fondue and small rolls with gourmet fillings.

13b. "Meat for the burgomaster".

As the name suggests, burgomaster's meat, also called lady's slipper, is of good quality. It is fragrant, juicy and allows you to cook exceptionally good stews, marinated meat roasts, tender goulash.

14. Ox tail.

It is used to make a popular soup (oxtail soup) and an excellent stew. Before cooking, the tail is cut into pieces about 5 cm long.

This part is lean, somewhat coarse-fibred and dry, despite the fact that the inside is covered with a thin layer of fat. Small rolls are prepared from its middle part, the meat from the end part is stuffed and an excellent roast is obtained.

14a. The upper part of the thigh.

The German name "tafelspitz" also means "the main meat dish of the table" and at the same time the national Austrian dish from the upper part of the thigh, which has a well-known high quality. It works best if the meat is not boiled, but stewed.

14b. Part of the thigh.

This lean meat with coarse fibers is suitable for frying, grilling or stewing. It can be delicious cooked on skewers or skewers.

15. Thigh (rump).

Lean thigh meat is traditionally used to make tender rolls. They are cut from the soft tissues adjacent to the lower part of the femur. You can make the best fondue and raw tatar steak from them.

16a. Shanks.

The figure shows the back and front shanks. They are cut into pieces (commercially known as "shank pieces"). Shanks of a very young steer or calf are suitable for roasting and grilling, but require a fairly long roasting time.

166. Pieces of drumsticks.

Pieces 4-5 cm thick are offered for sale. Together with the marrow bone and tendons, which solidify in jelly during cooking, they are suitable for making jellied meat, as well as for cooking soups and eintopfs with various dressings. Shank meat is extremely tasty, lean and, thanks to its delicate texture, after removing the bones, it can be successfully used to prepare a tender stew.

As a rule, professionals are engaged in butchering a cow carcass, but if you are faced with this task for the first time, detailed diagrams of cow parts and a step-by-step description of its correct cutting will help you. In addition, certain meat parts are divided into grades by quality, so when coming to the market, it is important for the buyer to know what is best to buy for a particular dish. This article will be useful to novice farmers and anyone who wants to know the name of each part of a cow carcass and use them in dishes.


Cow slaughter and initial cutting

The slaughter of a cow is carried out only by specialists who do it as painlessly and quickly as possible. For us, it is important to know whether all the subtleties are taken into account, for example, cattle are stopped feeding 24 hours before slaughter, so that bacteria from the stomach do not get into the meat. An empty stomach and a scar before slaughter are a guarantee that the quality of the meat will not suffer.

When the animal is slaughtered and all the blood has properly drained from it, it is imperative to remove the entrails within the first 45 minutes. After cutting the sternum, quickly bandage the esophagus and carefully remove the gallbladder.

The internal organs are sorted, for example, the liver, heart and kidneys are suitable for consumption, they are called by-products, and the stomach, intestines are thrown away. The skinned animal is sprinkled with salt, and the carcass is allowed to hang on the crossbar for some time before cutting. Cutting and deboning must be done at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees, so that the product does not start to deteriorate.

Cutting a cow carcass in stages

The carcass is carved for both commercial and domestic use. Depending on the region, the beef cutting scheme may differ slightly, but the process is divided into several phases:

  1. carcass cutting 2 parts across spine.
  2. division of halves along the ridge on a quarter.
  3. Dividing into separate parts and separating the meat from the bone ( deboning).

Deboning is the final separation of the animal's meat from the bone, in the case of beef, the meat is completely separated, although there are some exceptions. The separated meat from the bone is cleaned of coarse films, tendons and cartilage - this process is called trimming and stripping. To give the meat an attractive, marketable appearance, even the thin edges of the pulp are removed.

Cutting the front of the carcass

  • As already mentioned, the cow is divided in half behind the 13th vertebra and all the ribs remain in the anterior section. In order not to count these vertebrae, it is enough to determine where the ribs end and chop.
  • Then, each half of the cattle is cut into two more parts, but already along the ridge - quartering.
  • As for the front part, the neck, the thick edge of the dorsal region and the shoulder blade with the subscapular region are considered the most delicious and valuable. First, the scapular region is cut off, after which, taking from the last vertebra of the neck, the cervical part is cut out, leaving the dorsal-thoracic region intact.
  • The cervical, as well as the scapular part, is completely cut off from the bones, dividing them into the shoulder and shoulder.
  • The thoracic region is cleaned from the sternum, leaving some of the ribs and cartilages on it. Then a layer of meat is removed with a sharp knife. A thick edge is located near the ridge, the subscapular pulp is cut from it. The remains of meat on the ribs are called hem.

Cutting the back of the carcass

  • The back is subdivided into the lumbar and posterior pelvic or hip. In the posterior pelvic region there is the most valuable and tasty piece - tenderloin. In the lumbar region, the thin edge is more significant, then the hem comes, and the flank is less valuable.
  • After the tenderloin is separated, you need to deal with the hind limbs. It is necessary to remove the pelvic bone, cut the meat along the femur and finally cut off the inner piece along the easily lagging layer. Then the femur and tibia bones are cut out with a knife, and the flesh is cut with deft movements into films into parts - upper, outer, and also lateral.

Description of the parts of the beef carcass and their use in the preparation of various dishes

Beef is considered a dietary meat, compared to pork and lamb. In order for the cooked food to be truly tasty and appetizing, you need to know exactly which piece is suitable for a particular dish. Which part to use for a steak, and which one for jelly, from which part to cook a rich broth. Check out the guidelines below:

Neck, cut (grade 3)- includes tendons, but with long-term cooking, mouth-watering dishes come out of this part - goulash, minced meat for cutlets, as well as fragrant jelly.

Dorsal part (grade 1.2)- consists of a delicate thin, thick edge and entrecote, can even be offered in a store with bones. Both edges are distinguished by fine-fibered meat, may have 4-5 ribs. Entrecote is an excellent, intercostal part, which is located along the vertebrae. They use such meat to bake, stew, cook rich soups, roasts, fry steaks, bake meat on ribs.

Thick fillet, sirloin (1 grade)- rather tender meat with the thinnest fatty layers. Used for quick frying, cue balls, beef stroganoff, meatballs, for minced meat preparation.

Tenderloin, fillet (1 grade)- meat without streaks and fat, is considered the most significant. The tenderloin can be baked whole, make barbecue, chops, basics, steak.

Rump (1 grade) - a very refined part, used for baking in the oven, stewing, boiling, in principle, for any dishes.

Rump (middle thigh), probe (inner thigh), ssec (lower thigh) (1 grade)- such meat is lean and valuable. Used for cooking soups, broths, stews, baked.

Peritoneum, flank (curl) (grade 2)- a rough section, has cartilage, films, fat, as well as bones. From these fractions they twist minced meat for meatballs and cutlets, cook broths for rich soup and borscht.

Edge trim (1 grade)– meat with some areas of fat, tender. This segment is stewed, boiled, prepared minced meat, goulash, etc.

Spatula (grade 2)- hard and coarse fibers and veins, without fatty layers, but this piece is also stewed, minced meat is twisted for cabbage rolls and cutlets.

Brisket (1 grade)- due to the layers of adipose tissue, the meat is tender and valuable, they cook mostly roast, stew, bake, cook first courses.

Thigh (grade 3)- somewhat harsh meat, but with prolonged cooking, delicious goulash and soups are obtained.

Shank (grade 3)- rich in veins and connective tissues, has a marrow bone. Suitable for broths, jellied meats, and minced meat or goulash can be prepared from pure pulp.

Knuckle (grade 3)- has tendons, therefore it requires slow stewing, as for a shank.

The science of cutting beef may seem complicated and unattainable at first glance, but thanks to culinary secrets and familiarization with the scheme for dividing it into parts, you can easily cope with this task!

Cutting a beef carcass

Beef, lamb, goat, veal, pork are delivered to catering establishments cooled, chilled and frozen. Beef comes in half carcasses and quarters; lamb, goat meat, veal - whole carcasses; pork - half carcasses and carcasses. In addition, enterprises are supplied with large-sized, portioned and other semi-finished products.
Frozen meat is first thawed. The meat is thawed in large parts (not less than a quarter of the carcass), trying to restore the original quality of the meat as much as possible. The meat is defrosted in a suspended state so that the carcasses, half carcasses and quarters do not come into contact with each other and with the enclosures of the chambers. Defrosting can be slow or fast. If there are refrigerating chambers at the catering establishment that can accommodate a 3-5-day supply of meat, the process of its slow defrosting occurs simultaneously with storage, since the meat arrives at a temperature of about 18 ° C, and the temperature in the refrigerating chambers ranges from 0 to +6. ..8 °С. The relative humidity of the air should be maintained within the range of 90 - 95%. Defrosting is considered completed when the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 0...+1 °C.
In cases where there are no conditions for slow defrosting at enterprises, rapid defrosting of meat is allowed.
Rapid defrosting is carried out in the workshop at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C and a relative humidity of 85 - 95% during the day. Defrosting is considered complete when the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches -1.5 ... -0.5 ° C. To reduce the loss of juice during cutting, quick-frozen meat is kept in refrigerating chambers in a suspended state at a temperature of 0 ... +2 ° C and a relative humidity of 80 - 85% for 24 hours. The total cycle for quick defrosting is 48 hours. water is unacceptable according to sanitary rules, as well as due to large losses of soluble substances.
Before cutting, contaminated areas, blood clots, veterinary marks are cut off from the carcasses, the meat is hung on hooks and washed with a shower brush or a water jet from a hose. You can wash the meat in baths with running water, in this case, use herbal brushes. For washing use water with a temperature of +20 to 38 ° C. At the end of washing, the carcasses are cooled with water at a temperature of 12 - 15 ° C, and then dried with the help of circulating air at a temperature.
carcass cutting
Cutting carcasses consists of the following operations: division into cuts, deboning of cuts, separation of large pieces of meat, their trimming and trimming.
Cut - meat and bone part, separated from the carcass in accordance with the accepted cutting scheme (Fig. 1, 2, 3). The scheme for cutting a beef carcass is presented below. Parts of beef carcass diagram (Cutting beef carcass diagram with photo)

A scheme for cutting beef carcasses is presented
Parts of cutting a beef carcass are shown below.
Deboning - separating the meat from the bones. After deboning, no pulp should remain on the bones, and pieces of meat should not have cuts deeper than 10 mm.
Trimming and stripping - the release of meat from tendons, rough surface film, cartilage and excess fat. Thin surface films and intermuscular connective tissue are left. To give the pieces of meat a more regular shape, thin rims are cut off.
As a result of deboning, separating, trimming and stripping large pieces of meat in accordance with the accepted cutting scheme, large-sized semi-finished products are obtained. Parts of beef carcass cutting
Cutting beef half carcasses and quarters.
In case of receipt of beef half-carcasses with a tenderloin, before starting cutting, the tenderloin is separated by cutting it near the spine along the entire length: the thick end (head) is cut off from the lumbar tubercle of the ilium and the muscles of the hip part, then, pulling the tenderloin by the head, cut it from the spinous processes of the spine.
Division into cuts (Beef carcass cutting photo). Half carcasses of beef are divided into the following cuts: shoulder, neck, brisket, dorsal-rib part (fore quarter), as well as hip and lumbar parts (hind quarter).
First, the beef half-carcass is divided into two quarters - front and back. The dividing line runs along the last rib and between the 13th and 14th vertebrae, while all the ribs remain in the anterior part (Fig. 1). To do this, the flank is cut against the 13th (last) rib, then the flesh is cut along the back line of this rib to the spine, cutting it along the articulation of the 13th and 14th vertebrae.
separated along their lines. To do this, the muscles connecting the scapular part with the brisket are cut, the muscles located along the line running from the elbow tuber to the upper corner of the posterior edge of the scapular part, and the muscles lying along the upper and front edges of the scapular part are incised, then the scapular part is pulled away from the body and cut muscles under the shoulder and shoulder bones. beef meat cutting carcasses
Neck part (beef carcass cutting photo) separated along the line passing between the last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae. To do this, the pulp is cut to the spine along the line of the spinous process of the first dorsal vertebra to the protrusion of the sternum, then the joints of the last cervical vertebra with the first dorsal vertebra are cut.
Brisket (Beef carcass cutting photo) cut along a line running from the end of the first rib to the end of the last (at the junction of the cartilage with the ribs). beef meat cutting carcasses
Dorsal-costal part (Beef carcass cutting photo) remains after separation of the scapular, cervical parts, brisket and includes the dorsal part of the longest muscle of the back (thick edge), subscapular part and hem. The lines of separation of the dorsal-costal part pass: anterior - in a straight line at the last cervical vertebra; back - along the last rib and between the last dorsal and first lumbar vertebrae; lower - along the line running from the end of the first rib to the end of the last (at the junction of the cartilage with the ribs).
Hip part (Beef carcass cutting photo) separated along a line passing directly in front of the maklak (iliac tubercle) between the last lumbar and first sacral vertebrae and running towards the knee joint of the hind leg. At the same time, the flank and other adjacent muscles are cut along the contour of the leg in the direction of the ilium to the spine, then the joints of the last lumbar vertebra with the first sacral vertebra are cut.
Lumbar (beef carcass cutting photo) - part of the longissimus dorsi muscle (thin edge) with the flank remains after separation from the hindquarter of the carcass of the hip part. The resulting cuts are subjected to deboning, division into parts, trimming and cleaning. beef meat cutting carcasses
Carcass Forequarter
Shoulder part (Beef carcass cutting photo) put on the table with the outer side down, cut off the meat and tendons from the radius and ulna. After that, the joints of these bones are cut from the humerus and separated, then the meat is cut off from the edges of the humerus, the joints with the humerus are cut and broken, separating the scapula. To do this, they rest with their left hand on the humerus, and with their right hand they tear off the shoulder bone from the meat. After separation of the scapular bone, the humerus is cut out of the meat. From the resulting pulp, the sinewy part is cut off, taken from the radius and ulna. The rest of the meat is cut into two large pieces - the shoulder part, separated from the humerus and the rear edge of the shoulder bone, and the shoulder part, removed from the shoulder bone.
Large pieces of the scapular part are trimmed and trimmed, highlighting: the shoulder part (wedge-shaped muscle); shoulder part (two oblong-shaped muscles interconnected by a film).
cervical part processed as follows: the meat is cut off in a whole layer, trying to completely separate it from the vertebrae; cut meat is trimmed - tendons and remnants of the periosteum are removed.
The brisket is separated , cutting off the pulp in one layer from the sternum and costal cartilages.
The remaining dorsal-costal part is rolled , cutting through the pulp along the spine along the spinous processes to the base of the ribs. Then gradually cut off the pulp from the ribs with a whole layer. The removed pulp is divided into a subscapular part, a thick edge, a hem.
At the thick edge, all adjacent muscles and tendons are separated, including the superficial shiny tendon. When cleaned, the thick edge is a layer of meat of an irregular rectangular shape, the hem is a thin muscle layer of a rectangular shape, the subscapular part is a square shape.
Hindquarter carcass
Lumbar longissimus dorsi muscle is cut from the lumbar vertebrae. To do this, meat is cut along the spinous processes to the spine, then it is cut off from the bones in a whole layer along with the flank. The removed layer of pulp is cut along a line passing 1 cm below the transverse processes, dividing it into a thin edge and flank. Selected large-sized semi-finished products live. At the thin edge, all adjacent muscles and tendons are separated, including the superficial shiny tendon. When stripped, the thin edge is a rectangular layer of meat. Parts of beef carcass cutting
Flank (Beef carcass cutting photo) - the muscle layer located in the lower abdominal part of the carcass.
Hip part (Beef carcass cutting photo) . At the tibia, starting from its outer end, the meat and tendons are cut, the joints of this bone with the femur are cut, after which the tibia is separated, the meat and tendons are cut off from it, then the ilium is separated and, cutting the meat from the bone, separate it. Next, the meat is cut along the femur and the muscle located on the back of the bone (the inside of the leg) is separated, after which the femur is cut out. The rest of the pulp is cut into three parts: lateral, outer, upper. The lateral part is located on the front side of the femur, the outer part is on the outside of the same bone, the upper part is on top, on the ilium of the pelvis.
Pieces of meat after separation of the bones are cleaned from tendons, excess fat and rims. At the outer part, sinewy meat is cut off and coarse tendons are removed from the inside. At the upper part, coarse tendons and the inner tendon layer are cut off, and a thin surface film is left. At the inner part, the intermuscular connective tissue is left.
As a result of cutting, boning and trimming of beef half carcasses, the following large-sized semi-finished products are distinguished: scapular (shoulder and shoulder), brisket pulp, dorsal part of the longest back muscle (thick edge), subscapular part, hem, flank, tenderloin (iliac muscle), lumbar part of the longest back muscles (thin edge), upper, inner, outer and lateral pieces of the hip part.
For cutlet meat, the flesh of the neck, flank and trimmings are used, obtained by deboning the carcass and cleaning large-sized semi-finished products, as well as the trimming from carcasses of category II.
All pieces of pulp must be stripped of tendons and coarse connective tissue.
In cutlet meat from beef, the content of adipose and connective tissue should not exceed 10 and 10%, respectively.
Cutting carcasses of small livestock (pork, lamb, goat, veal)
Butchering small livestock carcasses consists of operations similar to butchering beef carcasses.
When cutting carcasses of pork, lamb, goat meat and veal, the following cuts are distinguished: shoulder part (front leg), neck part, loin, brisket, hip part (hind leg). In veal and pork, the tenderloin is preliminarily separated (Fig. 2, 3).
Division of carcasses into cuts. Pork, lamb, goat and veal carcasses or a half-carcass of pork are divided across into two parts: front and back. The dividing line runs along the contour of the hind leg, along the pelvic bone, between the sacral and lumbar vertebrae.
The front half of the carcass. It is divided into the following cuts: shoulder part, neck part, brisket, loin.
scapular part separated in the same way as in beef carcasses. In lamb and veal, after separating the shoulder blades, the neck part is cut off.
cervical part
separated between the last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae along the line of the protrusion of the sternum, going towards the anterior spinous process of the spine.
Loin and brisket isolated from the remaining dorsal-costal part, which is previously cut in half. To do this, along the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae, on both sides of the transverse processes, the flesh is cut to the base of the ribs, after which the spine is isolated, cutting its transverse processes and ribs at their bases, first on one side of the spine, and then on the other. After that, the front part of the carcass is cut along the breastbone into two halves. They cut off the breast bones and separate the loin from the brisket. The incision line runs across the ribs, parallel to the spine. The length of the ribs of the loin should not exceed 80 mm.
The neck part of the separated pork loin is cut along the line between the fourth and fifth ribs.
The back half of the carcass of calves into two hip parts, for which the bones of the pelvis and sacral vertebrae are sawn or cut in the longitudinal direction. Culinary cutting of beef carcass
Deboning of cuts, separation of large pieces, trimming
The resulting cuts are deboned and trimmed. In pork, before deboning, bacon is cut off from all parts of the carcass, leaving it on the meat with a layer of no more than 10 mm.
The boning and trimming of the scapular and hip parts (front and hind legs) of pork, lamb, goat meat and veal are produced in the same way as beef. Culinary cutting of beef carcass
The processed pulp of the scapular and hip parts weighing no more than 5 kg from lamb, goat and veal carcasses is left whole, and cut into pieces from larger carcasses (see deboning of the front and hind legs of beef half carcasses).
Loin does not undergo complete collapse. The transverse processes of the spine are cut off from the lumbar part of the loin, the remaining ribs are not cut out, the rims are cut off; tendons are removed from the outside of the loin. A part from the 1st to the 4th rib is cut off from the lamb loin, as it is a thin layer of muscles unsuitable for cutting portioned pieces.
Thus, the loin as a large-sized semi-finished product is the dorsal and lumbar parts with costal bones no more than 80 mm long and with meat and fat adjacent to them, without dorsal and lumbar vertebrae and transverse processes.
Brisket complete deboning is not subjected; the ribs are preserved, the sternum, if it was not cut down when dividing the carcass into parts, is cut off. Stringy meat (a small part of the flank) is cut off from the rear end of the brisket. Large-sized semi-finished brisket is a part of the carcass with rib bones, left after the separation of the loin, without the sternum; for lamb, goat meat and veal - without the sinewy part of the flank; for pork - without teat and inguinal parts.
cervical part lamb, goat meat and veal are rolled in the same way as the neck part of beef. From the cervical part of the pork, which, in addition to the cervical vertebrae, includes four dorsal vertebrae with costal bones, the flesh is also cut off in a whole layer, trying to completely separate it from the bones.
For cutlet meat in mutton, goat meat, veal, the pulp of the neck and trimmings are used; pork has trimmings. All pieces of pulp must be stripped of tendons and coarse connective tissue. In cutlet meat from pork, the content of adipose tissue is allowed no more than 30% and connective tissue - no more than 5%. Culinary cutting of beef carcass (Cutting of beef carcass diagram with photo)

Below is a cutting diagram and the name of cuts of marbled beef (Beef carcass cutting diagram with names)

Source of information on marbled beef: Agrocomplex.

So if you don't want to chew, buy steak meat" machete"(aka "skirt") - this is the same diaphragm. A slightly richer beef taste has tender parts called ribeye(thick edge of beef from ribs 3 to 12) and a lumbar cut, girdled with a thick layer of fat, aka " striploin". Of them, too, are obtained.

Parts of beef carcass for different purposes

The simplest table that has tips on which cut of beef to buy depending on what you want to cook.

Method of preparation or name of the dish

Suitable part of beef carcass


thick edge


Shoulder, brisket



Varka (soup)

shoulder blade




Notch, thick and thin edge

beef stroganoff

Butt with rump

Burger (mince)

shoulder blade, neck

A Visual Guide to Beef Types


The cut has a decent amount of fat, which makes the meat tender. A very worthy option for minced meat, barbecue. If you are going to stew, boil or bake, then lay more time for cooking than for fillets.



Rich broth, soup and jelly - these are the "profile" shank dishes. However, gourmets offer to cook ossobucco - chopped shank with marrow bone, stewed in wine for a couple of hours.


How to choose good meat - 3 rules

1 Fat color. In quality beef, it is white or pale yellow. If you rub it between your fingers, it does not melt, but crumbles. Dark yellow fat indicates the venerable age of the animal. Such meat will have to be stewed for a long time to make it soft.

2 meat color. Bright red indicates that the slaughter was wrong - you do not need to take such a product. Red indicates that the bull was killed recently, and the meat did not have time to "ripen". Burgundy-red - the best option for "ripe" meat. Bruising, bruising, bluish or greenish color are signs of spoiled product.

3 Sound. You can check the quality of a frozen piece like this: hit it on the table. If the sound is loud, it's fine. If it is deaf, then the meat was probably frozen twice, and there is no need to talk about quality.

How to make beef tender?

Here's a proven way to make a tough piece edible. Cut the meat into cubes with a side of 3-4 centimeters. Fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Transfer to a heavy bottomed saucepan 1 liter of boiling water and add 2 tablespoons table vinegar. The fire must be reduced to a minimum and simmer for 1-1.5 hours depending on the degree of firmness of the meat. Then add diced onion, bay leaf, add boiling water, if necessary, and leave to simmer for another 20 minutes. And then salt, season with your favorite spices and optionally add tomato paste. Simmer another 5-7 minutes. The secret of juicy and soft beef according to this recipe, firstly, is in pre-frying (the juice remains “sealed” inside the meat cubes), secondly, in the use of boiling water (there is no sudden change in temperature), thirdly, in vinegar (acid softens fibers).

In general, there two main keys to success: slow cooking and low temperature. Enthusiastic cooks even practice cooking for 10 or more hours at a temperature of 55-60 degrees. Of course, this requires special equipment like a slow cooker or sous vide, but the result exceeds expectations. The meat is really good.
