
Cocoa butter cosmetic properties. Types of cocoa butter

This product is made from the fruits of an evergreen tree and is of great importance for the food industry. And what about the uses and properties of cocoa butter for humans? You can learn more about this from the article.

Chemical composition of cocoa butter

There are two types of this product, one of them is natural, and the other has undergone additional processing and in the process, which has lost most of its healing properties. If we talk about the first, then it is considered quite useful, including in its composition the substances necessary for a person, for example, amino acids: oleic, stearic and linoleic.

It is completely free of harmful cholesterol and carbohydrates. Like butter, it's 100 grams of fat. Its calorie content is high - about 850 calories per 100 grams.

As for vitamins, there are few of them in it - B 4, E and K. There is also phenylethylamine in the oil, which is considered a love drug or "happiness hormone". Now it’s clear why after chocolate the mood rises.

In fact, these are fatty acids mixed with triglycerides.

Useful and medicinal properties

The product is an environmentally friendly, natural, healing remedy that does not have any side effects even with prolonged use.

Let's look at the properties of cocoa butter.

  • If this product replaces some of the other fats that should be present in a person's daily diet, then diseases such as stroke and atherosclerosis can be avoided.
  • Tannin, caffeine and xanthine will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin if included in the face mask.
  • The fatty acids included in the oil regenerate the skin and are suitable for both oily and dry skin, without causing allergies even in a small child. It well levels various defects, removes scars, eliminates pigmentation, relieves stretch marks and even treats eczema, dermatitis and other similar diseases.
  • Minerals help strengthen blood vessels, prevent the occurrence of varicose veins.
  • Regular consumption of cocoa butter will improve cerebral circulation, reduce the risk of developing ulcers, allergies and cancer.
  • This oil is also suitable for the treatment of cough, due to a substance called theobromine. It has a mild effect on the body, quickly relieving an unpleasant symptom without an adverse reaction.
  • Removes bad cholesterol from the body, preventing it from settling on the walls.

In addition to all this, various mixtures are prepared on the basis of cocoa butter to help with nasal congestion, pneumonia, tonsillitis, bronchitis, cholecystitis as a choleretic agent, and even for the treatment of cervical erosion.

Benefits of cocoa butter for women

In addition to the general beneficial effects of the product on the body of an adult, there are some others that women will especially like, for example, the properties of cocoa butter for the skin.

  • If you apply a cream based on cocoa butter on your face and body, you can protect the skin from the bad effects of ultraviolet and infrared radiation.
  • Another plus is skin regeneration, acceleration of hair growth.
  • It is no less useful for nails - it strengthens them.
  • There are some women's diseases that can be cured or significantly improved by using this product.

Benefits for the body of a man

As for the strong half of humanity, by including oil in your diet, you can significantly improve erectile function and cause blood supply to the genitals.

It is also noted that the quality of sperm is changing for the better.

Use in cosmetology

The use of cocoa butter in cosmetology has long been popular, because the product really has a wonderful effect on the skin and hair, eliminating many defects. And besides, it is not as expensive as many creams or salon procedures.

  • The oil has anti-cellulite and antioxidant properties.
  • Promotes skin regeneration, moisturizes it, smoothes wrinkles, improves appearance, makes it more elastic and elastic.
  • Relieves itching, redness, inflammation and even swelling.
  • Well heals wounds, helps with burns, protects from the sun while not having any detrimental effect on the skin, keeping it healthy and young.
  • If you want to remove cellulite, relieve stress and calm down, then do a massage with cocoa butter.
  • Masks and shampoos based on the product restore the hair structure, nourish it, make it more elastic, shiny, and healthy. It can simply be rubbed into the roots, warming up in a water bath.
  • Scrubs, masks for facial skin are suitable for absolutely any type, making it soft and smooth.
  • With the help of cocoa butter, you can also take care of the skin of the lips and eyelids, especially in the cold season. The best hygienic lipsticks are made on the basis of this product.
  • Constant use for eyelashes and eyebrows will make them thicker, healthier and stronger.

Cocoa butter for cough - how to apply

Cocoa butter helps with cough, it is enough to apply it correctly. This remedy is especially good in winter, when the protective functions of the body are weakened, and it becomes susceptible to colds. Moreover, there is no need to use pharmaceutical products that can cause allergies or other side effects.

Cocoa butter also helps with pneumonia and bronchitis. Its antiviral, expectorant and antibacterial properties make it possible to use the product as a prophylactic.

If you have a cough, then with the help of oil you can massage the chest and back. This will increase blood circulation, normalize circulation and lead to an improvement in the condition of the capillaries of the lungs and bronchi. This means that the respiratory system will begin to be cleansed and freed from infection.

You can also make a drink. To do this, you need half a teaspoon of cocoa butter and a glass of hot milk. Just melt the product in liquid, stir well and drink once a day. You can add a little honey to taste, it will only enhance the effect, unless, of course, there is an allergic reaction.

For children, a little melted chocolate is mixed with cocoa butter and milk, brought to a homogeneous state and given 50 milliliters twice a day.

Contraindications and precautions

In general, the product is considered natural and therefore completely safe. Suitable for both children and adults. And even an allergy to it is extremely rare, but it still happens, so it’s better to check the reaction in advance and exclude it.

One of the contraindications is individual intolerance. It is also not recommended to ingest for people with diabetes, but this does not prohibit making masks based on it.

A large amount of caffeine will be harmful for young children, and high calorie and fat content will not benefit people who are overweight and have metabolic problems.

Moderate consumption of cocoa butter, both for food and for cosmetic purposes, will not harm the body, but on the contrary, you can notice a significant improvement in your general condition.

Cacao butter is the fat that is squeezed out of cocoa beans or grated cocoa powder. This product is the main ingredient for the manufacture of confectionery products. Cocoa butter has a whitish-yellow hue and is firm but brittle in texture. The product has a characteristic aroma that cannot be confused with anything - the smell of chocolate.

After the discovery of America by Columbus, Europeans were able to learn about a plant unknown to that time. It was a tree with cocoa beans. The conquistadors who came to the lands of the Aztecs were greatly surprised by the wealth and grandeur of the palaces. But most of all, Europeans were struck by the fact that instead of money, the Aztecs used the fruits of the cocoa tree.

Since then times have changed. The demand for cocoa has skyrocketed. Confectioners and culinary specialists tried in various ways to bring liquid chocolate into a solid state, but they did not succeed.

Everything changed when, in 1825, Konrad van Heyten used a completely new technology as an experiment. He came up with the idea of ​​separating cocoa bean butter not only by heating, but also by pressure. His experience was successful, and therefore, after only three years, the inventor announced his know-how to the whole world and was able to patent the hydraulic press. Therefore, people are indebted to van Hoyten for another discovery - a fat-free powder for the production of beverages, the production of which was put on stream. Based on this product, another, more significant one was discovered - cocoa butter.

This invention made it possible to mass-produce the favorite delicacy of both children and adults - chocolate. It was no longer considered a confection reserved only for kings and nobles. Now a completely simple person could afford to buy chocolate.

There are two types of this product: natural and deodorized cocoa butter, which is further processed. The product is usually used as a fatty base for the manufacture of chocolate products, cakes and various pastries, in pharmaceuticals and perfumery. A variety of suppositories, medicinal oils and ointments are prepared on its basis. Cocoa butter has been widely used in cosmetology. It has a wound healing and tonic effect due to its special composition, which contains methylxanthine, tannin and caffeine. A cocoa-based product helps to effectively cope with a rash on the skin of the face, age spots, burns, coughs and SARS.

According to GOST, cocoa butter equivalents and substitutes must comply with the necessary standardized requirements and established standards. The organoleptic of the product must also comply with GOST.


  • the product must have a natural taste, without the presence of foreign taste or smell;
  • at a temperature of 18 ⁰С, the shade of cocoa butter should be from snow-white to cream;
  • the consistency of the product at the same temperature should be uniform, hard and prickly.

Based on this document, cocoa butter analogs and SOS-type product substitutes must be made from natural and fractionated butter. It can be modified or refined, with or without food additives and other components.

Upon reaching a temperature of 16 to 18 ° C, the product is able to maintain a solid structure. If it is heated, then cocoa butter will become like a fatty oily substance. The product is able to soften in human hands. Natural cocoa butter is a balanced delicacy that can not only provide gastronomic pleasure, but also have a therapeutic effect. Moreover, the cocoa product has a positive effect both on individual parts of the body and on the whole organism as a whole.

In terms of taste, the natural product is quite pleasant and has the aroma of chocolate. It can soften and “lubricate” a sore throat. Therefore, this product is useful to give in order to treat coughs for both children and adults.

About what other properties cocoa butter has, you can read in the next section of the article.

The composition and useful properties of cocoa butter

In the context of this article, we will dwell in more detail on the composition and beneficial properties of cocoa butter.

Cocoa butter and products based on it are very high-calorie products, so they must be eaten in limited quantities.

Nutritional value of 100 grams of product:

  • fats - 99.8 grams;
  • water - 0.01 grams.

Calorie content - 899 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Ingredients of cocoa butter:

Oleic and stearic acid. The third part of the fats in the product is stearic acid, which prevents the formation of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Another third was occupied by oleic acid, which reduces the content of this substance. The main feature of this product is that cocoa solids contain antioxidant substances that can activate the immune functions of the human body. Oleic acid, contained in large quantities in cocoa beans, helps to normalize the weakened functions of the vascular system, increase vascular flexibility, lower cholesterol levels and completely cleanse the blood. Due to its emollient effect, this substance can improve the condition of the skin.

palmitic acid. This substance is able to increase the entry of nutrients into the human body. Palmitic acid is also found in breast milk, and it is known to be very beneficial for babies.

Vitamins of groups A, B, C, E and F. Vitamins of group A are the most important fat-soluble substances that can affect the condition of the skin, mucous membranes and vision. Vitamin B is involved in the process of growth and repair of cells and tissues. Vitamin C has the property of moisturizing and boosting collagen production. If a person has a lack of vitamin C, then this can lead to lethargy and anemia. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is a very important vitamin with numerous functions in the human body. It may also act as an antioxidant, which helps protect the body from toxins and poisons such as lactic acid. Vitamin E is very useful in neurosis and anemia.

Polyphenols. These substances help to increase the production of immunoglobulin, eliminate various allergic reactions, rashes and dermatitis. Polyphenols have a positive effect on the process of fat metabolism. They consist of plant pigments that are present in the product. The main advantage of these substances is that they are able to degrease heavy food, in which there is too much fat.

With frequent use of a cocoa butter-based cosmetic product, it can have a positive effect on the condition of any type of skin without causing allergies. This product can even soften the skin of a baby. Cocoa butter for the body and face can even out and heal some skin defects (stretch marks, burns, age spots, scars, eczema and dermatitis).

Due to the rich composition of minerals such as Ca, Fe, Mg, Cr and I, cocoa butter can be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes in various diseases. It can be a heart attack, slow blood circulation in the brain, atherosclerosis, allergic reactions, varicose veins, stomach ulcers and cancer.

According to the results of research by scientists from Latin America, it was found that the frequent use of this product in food (from 5 to 10 years) will reduce the risk of malignant tumors by 15 times. The British found that cocoa butter is great for coughing, even more effective than some medications. A positive result is achieved due to the natural theobromine contained in it, which has a very delicate effect on the throat. This component is much faster than synthetic drugs, it is able to cope even with a strong cough without causing side effects.

For which diseases is it useful to use the product:

  1. Cough. It is very easy to prepare a cough remedy based on cocoa butter at home. To do this, a small spoonful of the product is diluted with a glass of warm milk, mixed thoroughly, and then drunk. If such a mixture is taken 2-3 times during the day, then in a short time there will be no trace of coughing.
  2. Colds. It is useful to use such a product for ARVI, bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma. To enhance the effect of treatment, patients with bronchial asthma can additionally undergo a course of chest massage using cocoa butter as a rubbing. This procedure will speed up the course of the disease. In the season of colds and outbreaks of various epidemics, as a preventive measure, you can protect yourself and your loved ones by lubricating your nose with cocoa butter from the inside. This procedure will help soften and protect the mucosa from the penetration of bacteria and viruses, since almost all infections are transmitted through the air.
  3. Tuberculosis, pneumonia or tonsillitis. In the presence of these diseases, it is necessary to take cocoa butter inside, after melting it in a water bath, to which a little crushed propolis is added. If you take the remedy 2-3 times a day, then the course of the disease will pass much faster and easier.
  4. Atherosclerosis. With a similar disease, it is advisable to take a cocoa product on an empty stomach, in the morning and in the evening 15 minutes before meals. Cocoa butter will help to remove accumulated "bad" cholesterol from the patient's body before it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

See the next section for other uses for cocoa butter products.

Application in cosmetology

In modern cosmetology, this product is used in many products. It can be:

  1. Lotions and body gels.
  2. Masks for hair and face.
  3. Balms for hair and lips.
  4. Scrubs.
  5. Creams for hands, skin around the eyes, stretch marks and wrinkles.

In fact, the list is quite extensive. We have only listed the most requested funds. The use of cosmetics is necessary depending on the type of skin.

Who can use these tools:

  • with combination and aging skin, a special mask based on cocoa butter with grape seed oil and aloe juice will help to normalize the condition of the skin;
  • for oily skin, as a daily care, a face cream with cocoa butter, almond and rapeseed oils is suitable;
  • for sensitive skin, you can use a cream with cocoa butter, to which a few drops of sunflower and essential oils are added, as well as rose tea tincture.

If you need to strengthen your hair, reduce hair loss or add shine to curls, then you can purchase a special mask with a cocoa product. If the hair falls out very much, then it is advisable to make a mask by adding a little burdock oil, kefir and raw yolk to it. The useful composition of the product will help strengthen and restore split ends, dry and brittle hair. A natural product will help nourish the hair roots with vitamins and minerals from the inside. After applying the mask, the curls will smell pleasantly of chocolate. In addition, long hair will become much easier to comb and will look beautiful, and will also acquire incredible shine literally from the first time.

This product is used to protect the skin of the face from exposure to cold. If there is frost or strong wind outside, then 15-20 minutes before leaving the room, it is necessary to apply a special cream to the skin of the face. There is also a tool that can protect the face from ultraviolet rays. The product is especially relevant to those people who are going on vacation to the seaside. They must be used in the same way as in the previous case. This procedure will ensure an even tan and prevent burns.

As a care for lips and eyelids, cocoa butter, which can be mixed with almond or sesame oil, will serve as an excellent tool. In addition, this tool can strengthen and accelerate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

In fact, there are a fairly large number of special body, face and hair care products that you can buy in the store, or you can make yourself at home.

In the winter season, cocoa-based products come in handy. This product can protect the skin of the face and lips from chapping. Cocoa butter is also able to heal wounds: it can be used to treat small wounded areas and lips that are chapped in the cold. To do this, before going to bed, it is necessary to lubricate the corners or cracks of the lips with the product, as well as the wounded area.

With the help of this product, you can enhance the process of blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminate itching, redness, burning and swelling. If you generously lubricate the skin with oil, then this procedure will help relieve irritation, make the skin on the hands and body even softer and give it a velvety feel.

You can use a special cream based on cocoa butter to tighten the skin around the eyes. When using the product, the skin in this area is nourished, moisturized and softened. After that, the process of smoothing fine wrinkles around the eyes takes place. Cocoa butter is an absolutely hypoallergenic product, unable to cause redness and swelling. For this reason, it can be used in its natural form without dilution. If you make mixtures with various oils yourself, such as almond, peach or sea buckthorn, then you will get a good face and body care product. The cocoa butter product must be heated in advance in a water bath, and then diluted with any of the oils in a ratio of 1: 2, respectively.

The product also takes great care of the feet. Cocoa product is able to protect the human body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, from which the skin on the body becomes too dry. After using cocoa butter, the skin condition noticeably improves, and it looks younger and well-groomed.

If this product is used as a prophylactic, then it is possible to prevent the formation of stretch marks even at the stage of pregnancy. If measures were not taken in time and postpartum folds remained on the body, then the cocoa product will help get rid of small stretch marks and make them less noticeable. It can be used as a massage oil.

And cocoa butter will help solve the problem of nipple cracks in young mothers who are breastfeeding a baby. For this procedure, it is only necessary to treat the nipples with the product in between feedings. Cocoa butter absolutely does not harm the health of mom and her baby. Therefore, even if a small dose of the product enters the stomach during feeding, it will not harm him.

In gynecology, this component is also an indispensable thing. It is used to eliminate erosion on the cervix. Only this procedure must be agreed with the attending physician. If the doctor has given permission, then a tampon is dipped into this product and inserted into the vagina before going to bed. To achieve a positive result, the procedure must be repeated every night for ten days.

This is not the whole list of useful properties of the product. For more information on where else cocoa butter is used, see the next section.

Use in cooking

Many people know that cocoa butter is most often used in cooking for the production of chocolate products.

In order to get sweets or chocolate, the raw materials must be melted in a water bath, adding cocoa beans and sugar in equal proportions. Sometimes manufacturers use carob instead of cocoa, and honey instead of granulated sugar. It all depends on the recipe and the standards that the manufacturer adheres to. Each confectionery factory uses different ingredients: spices, nuts, dried fruits, coconut flakes, candied fruits, fruit fillings and berries. Cocoa butter is used as the basis for the preparation of icing, which is used to cover all kinds of confectionery: biscuits, cakes, muffins, cakes, rolls and other baked goods.

In addition, cocoa butter is a good ingredient for salads, cereals, seafood dishes, homemade cakes, chocolate, creams or icings for confectionery and desserts. This supplement is sold in a specialized store, or it can be ordered online.

Contraindications and harm

However, confectioners do not always add real cocoa butter to chocolate. Instead of a natural product, manufacturers can put its analogue in confectionery - hydrogenated palm, soy, rapeseed or cottonseed oil. Such substitutes are of great harm to human health, because all these products are composed of trans fats.

Cocoa butter is very high in calories. Therefore, people who are prone to overweight and overweight, as well as people who strictly monitor their diet and calories, need to eat this product in small doses.

If cocoa butter is natural, then in rare cases it can cause allergic reactions. It can be eaten by both children and adults. Although there are exceptions.

Contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • neurosis;
  • insomnia.

Another controversial issue is the use of cocoa butter during pregnancy. The opinions of doctors are divided: some argue that this product is incapable of harming both the expectant mother and the fetus, while others, on the contrary, believe that during childbearing it is worth limiting the consumption of this harmless, but still allergen. In any case, it is up to you to decide whether to include this product in the diet during pregnancy or not. It is worth consulting with your doctor and getting the appropriate recommendation in this regard.

Remember that it is undesirable to use cocoa butter before bedtime, as it can cause insomnia and increased excitability. After a person has eaten chocolate products in which cocoa butter is present, at least 3-4 hours must pass before he goes to bed.


The storage of cocoa butter also has its own secrets, which we will share with you.

What are they:

  • store the product in a dark place with good air circulation;
  • the packaging in which cocoa butter is located must be airtight;
  • the optimal storage temperature should not exceed 18 ⁰ C at a relative humidity of not more than 75%;
  • it is permissible to store the product on the refrigerator door;
  • under proper conditions, cocoa products can be stored for three to five years.

As you can see, the shelf life of the product is not so short, if the storage conditions are correctly observed. This is due to the presence of antioxidants in cocoa butter, which prevent the product from becoming rancid. And yet, before buying chocolates made using cocoa butter, or a cosmetic product based on this component, always pay attention to the production date.

Cocoa butter is one of the most popular superfoods today. It is used not only for manufacturing, but also in, and. We will talk about this cocoa product in this article - how this vegetable fat is obtained, how it can be used in everyday life, what personal care products based on it exist, how to choose and choose the right one at home.

What is cocoa butter made of and how is it obtained?

Cocoa butter is obtained from cocoa beans. This is the final stage of bean processing, after grated cocoa.
After extracting cocoa beans from the fruits of the tree, they are dried and fermented (kept in the open air under), after which they are roasted. Such beans become hard and dark.

Did you know? Cocoa beans served as a means of money circulation for the Indians of South America. Severe punishment awaited for their forgery.

After chemical treatment and crushing, the beans are crushed on roller machines into grated cocoa. Next, the resulting mass is sent under powerful presses, which squeeze out cocoa butter. The remaining cake goes to the preparation of cocoa powder. And the resulting fat is used to make chocolate, or cosmetics.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition is two- and three-acid triglycerides mixed with fatty acids.

Fatty acid:

  • oleic acid - up to 43%;
  • stearic acid - up to 34%;
  • lauric and palmitic acids - up to 25%;
  • linoleic acid - 2%;
  • arachidic acid - traces.

At a temperature of 16-18 °C, the oil is hard and brittle in structure. Melts at 32-35°C. At 40 °C it becomes transparent.

Color varies from light yellow to brown. It has a characteristic pleasant smell of cocoa.

Important! If the oil is white, it means that it has gone rancid and is not suitable for use.

Benefits of cocoa butter

This vegetable fat combines quite a lot of useful things for humans:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces the level
  • beneficial effect on the blood - increases the production of hemoglobin, improves blood circulation;
  • heals wounds very well and increases tissue repair;
  • helps well with problems;
  • helps with;
  • has an expectorant effect.

Did you know? Because of its tonic properties and as an antidepressant, cocoa is included in the rations of many armies in the world.

These properties justify the use of this fat in various industries and life.

Application in various fields

If we look at the properties of cocoa, we will see that there are three areas of its application.

In cooking

The earliest known use, and the most famous, is in cooking. After all, it is a derivative of cocoa - basis for making any chocolate.

Without such fat, it is impossible to imagine the confectionery industry. It is part of all chocolates, icing, fondants, many cakes, sweets.

It is he who gives the chocolate satiety, lightness and that very chocolate smell.

In cosmetology

It nourishes very well, fills with moisture, and all this without unpleasant sensations and undesirable. Cocoa butter is suitable, because of its beneficial properties, and for the production of products aimed at.

The easiest is to lubricate the affected area.

You can prepare an enema solution. To do this, you need a tablespoon of crushed chamomile flowers, half a liter of hot and a teaspoon of cocoa butter. First, prepare an infusion of flowers. Then the fat is thrown in. Everything, the tool is ready for use.

For gynecological diseases

Cocoa butter has also found its use in gynecology, as a means of combating erosions of the cervix.

To do this, use tampons lubricated with melted fat (melt 1 teaspoon in a water bath to a liquid state) and oil (10 drops). The tampon is put on, the procedure is repeated for two weeks.

For hair

Such vegetable fat has a good effect on, strengthens the bulbs, eliminates brittleness and dryness, and adds shine.

Cocoa butter is included in masks for and finds its use there to eliminate all kinds of problems.

Cocoa butter will help your eyebrows and eyelashes too. Rub it into the eyebrows from the middle of the face to the temples. And apply to the eyelashes with a mascara brush. After that, cover your eyes with napkins and lie down for a quarter of an hour.

How to choose when buying

Choosing the right product is not easy, especially for an inexperienced person.

  1. Price. Such a product is not very cheap. The price of cocoa beans is rising every year, respectively, and the oil from them cannot be too cheap.
  2. Smell. The butter should smell like cocoa. If there is none, either it is refined oil (which should be indicated on the label), or a fake.
  3. Color. A real good oil is yellowish-white, creamy. If the oil is white, gray - either it is old and rancid, or they are trying to sell you counterfeit.
  4. Consistency. The original product is solid at normal temperature. If it is plastic to the touch and does not crumble, they are clearly trying to deceive you.

Try to shop in reliable stores and check before buying what they are trying to sell you.

How to store at home

A few words about how to properly store cocoa butter at home. Its shelf life is two years from the date of production. After the expiration of this period, the product is unusable and must be disposed of.

At home, it should be stored in an opaque container at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees and at a humidity of less than 70%, but preferably not in.

Contraindications and precautions

The described tool is considered quite safe. Possible troubles are associated with. Although they are not frequent, nevertheless, before the first application do an allergy test. To do this, apply a little ointment to the inside of the elbow bend. After a while, look at the place of application. If there are no negative reactions (redness, itching) - you do not have.
Be careful when using such products at night. Cocoa contains an alkaloid, similar in action to caffeine. That is, the use of cocoa butter before bedtime can also cause excessive excitability.

As you can see, cocoa is not only suitable for eating. This oil can be used to prepare many beneficial face and body treatments, coughs and wounds. The tool has almost no contraindications and can be used even for small ones. But be careful when choosing such a product, so as not to fall victim to deceivers.

In addition to cocoa powder, there is also cocoa butter. Here we will talk about its properties and application in cosmetology today.

Cocoa butter is obtained by pressing the beans of the cocoa tree. This is a fairly hard and brittle substance, which becomes watery and oily after heating, and it is enough to heat up to 35 degrees. Cocoa butter is known in the culinary and cosmetic industries. It has a pleasant aroma and numerous beneficial properties.

Useful properties of cocoa butter:

1. natural natural antioxidant
2. Healing and tonic effect
3. Strengthening capillaries
4. Prevention of oxidative processes
5. Reducing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease
6. Protecting the heart muscle from weakening
7. Reducing the likelihood of developing cancer
8. Improving collagen synthesis and skin hydration
9. Normalization of cholesterol in the blood
10. Improving blood circulation in the brain
11. Skin protection from UV rays

Cocoa butter is used as a fatty base in cosmetic and culinary recipes. It is based on, which improve the condition of the body, create a rejuvenating effect. Cocoa butter is also added to medicines - against peeling lips, burns and other skin damage.

Everyone is familiar with a depressive state, for many it occurs in autumn and winter, and for some in the spring there are such ailments. Cocoa butter will help protect yourself from this disease. With the help of oil, the work of the whole organism improves.

Is there any harm in eating cocoa butter? Yes, there is, but from excessive consumption, as, indeed, from all other foods, vegetables and fruits, which we sometimes get carried away with excessively.

If you love sweets, chocolate and other products that contain cocoa, you should also be aware of the results of abuse. And here are the main ones - metabolic disorders can occur; the appearance of excess weight and as a result, the appearance of acne is possible.

And hence the contraindications of cocoa butter: those who have diabetes; obese or with impaired metabolism, as well as young children (up to a year), since the oil contains a small amount of caffeine.

Maybe someone will ask - what about allergies? Experts - doctors and nutritionists say that cocoa beans themselves will not cause allergies, but we should not forget that when we use our favorite sweets and other chocolate products, before putting this tidbit in our mouth, it goes through various stages of processing, where they are used and other chemical products.

Composition of cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a vegetable fat. The composition of cocoa products includes the same substances, but in different amounts and ratios. In cocoa butter, the highest fat content is approximately 95%, the remaining 5% is water, biologically active substances of a lipid nature (oleic, stearic, lauric, palmitic, linolenic fatty acids) and other substances.

The lowest fat content in cocoa powder, however, it contains more carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Cocoa powder is rich in vitamins and microelements, as well as biologically active compounds of the protein structure, which includes dopamine and serotonin.

Cocoa beans contain the largest amount of biologically active substances. So, back to cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is very fatty, hard, pale yellow in color. It has a high calorie content. The most useful and fragrant is natural, unprocessed oil. As a result of processing, the product loses some of its properties, and even the aroma partially disappears. In terms of antioxidant properties, cocoa butter is superior to other natural remedies.

The quality of an oil is determined by its purity from chemicals. It is easy to confuse it with substitutes, which is sometimes used by dishonest sellers. The oil is in a solid state at 20°C, starts to melt above 35 degrees. If it melts at 20 degrees, then this indicates its poor quality.

When buying cocoa butter, you may encounter a rather poor-quality product. The very best butter obtained from cocoa beans grown without chemicals. Its cost is high. The first thing to pay attention to is the color of the oil. As already mentioned, cocoa butter has a light yellow color, but not white. With white color there can be a substitute. The oil has an aromatic smell of cocoa. If the oil does not smell, this is also a substitute.

Palm oil with a low cocoa content may be a substitute. Hence the conclusion - do not choose the cheapest oil.

Cocoa butter can be stored in a cool place, and not necessarily in the refrigerator, as long as it is not in direct sunlight. If the room is too hot, you can put it in the refrigerator. Shelf life up to 2 years.

Properties and application in cosmetology

Due to the content of biologically active components in the oil, it is used in cosmetology, for the manufacture of creams, shampoos, soaps and other products, in salon cosmetology - for body, face and hair care. Cocoa butter is used to soften, mainly in the care of dry skin. It is also used for skin rejuvenation.

What are the results of using cocoa butter?
The oil has regenerating, moisturizing properties. It nourishes the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, restores the cellular structure and strengthens the capillary walls. Cocoa butter can eliminate peeling, redness, flabbiness of the skin, promotes the healing of small wounds.

This is one that boosts immunity. Cocoa butter can also be used as a night cream if the skin is dry. During winter, when going outside in windy and frosty weather, you can lubricate your lips and face with oil. Covering the surface of the skin with a thin film, it protects the skin. Moisturizers that have a high water content are not suitable for this purpose.

Cocoa butter can also be used for hands, it nourishes, softens and protects the skin. The oil is suitable for use in home cosmetics. It can be used both in its pure form and as part of masks. It is suitable for any type of skin.

If you want to use it in its pure form, take a piece of oil in your hands and massage it over the skin. The piece will melt and remain on the skin as a greasy layer. But all this will pass quickly, as it is well absorbed. Cocoa butter can also be used for the eye area. There are also other options for using oil at home. Slightly melt the oil and add it in the amount of a few drops to any face cream.

In the summer, this miracle remedy can be used not only as protection from the sun's rays, it will also help to achieve a beautiful tan. The latter property is best used by those who need a tan.

Recipes with cocoa butter at home

Of course you like the flavor of chocolate. And if you also remember the benefits of oil, then try preparing the following masks.

Mask for nourishing and rejuvenating facial skin

Mix 1 teaspoon of melted cocoa butter, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and any fruit juice, add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After this mask, the cream can not be applied.

Melted butter can be mixed with an essential oil of your choice and applied in a thin layer to your face. This procedure will help with extreme dryness and flaking of the skin.

You can make a face cream based on cocoa butter. To do this, melt a teaspoon of our product in a water bath, add the same amount of jojoba, peach, olive oil. Mix everything, remove from heat and add a few drops of essential oil. Place the container in which the mass was prepared in cold water to cool. The cream is ready.

The pleasant aroma of cocoa butter, its emollient properties and velvety texture have made it one of the most popular ingredients in cosmetic products. It can be found in lotions, soaps, creams, and other types of cosmetics.

The oil can be used to treat chapped skin, to prevent dryness and itching, and to care for lips.

For example, lip balm.

15 ml of beeswax, 20 ml of cocoa butter, heat until completely dissolved. Add 15 ml of shea butter, which should also dissolve in this mass, 3 drops of honey and 5 ml of sweet almond oil. Balm is ready. It can be used daily.

Body Oil

Melt 1 gram of cocoa butter, add 30 ml of shea butter to it, mix. Then add 12 drops, 15 ml of jojoba oil and 5 drops of vitamin E oil to the resulting mass. Mix everything and transfer the resulting mixture to a dry container, closing until it cools completely. This oil can be used as a body moisturizer.

If you use natural oil in your home cosmetics, then in a short time you will see amazing results. In almost all homemade masks, just one teaspoon of melted butter is enough.

The most commonly used masks, body wraps and massage. As for the hair, the use of oil gives them an extraordinary shine, softens well, perfectly strengthens the roots, preventing brittleness and loss. Hair, well-groomed with this tool, lends itself well to styling.

Cocoa butter masks can be purchased at pharmacies and cosmetic stores. However, many who have used this oil contained in products purchased from these sources say that there can be no better oil than at home. Here we mean, of course, that natural remedy, and not a substitute or a fake, in which the presence of chemical impurities or other components that our skin does not need is possible.

Hair masks

Rosemary mask

Heat the oil, add the same amount of rosemary tincture to it. To prepare the tincture, take 2 tablespoons of dry rosemary, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Use after cooling, after straining. This mask is best applied to damp hair 1-2 hours before washing. Then wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Rum mask

Well warms up and stimulates hair growth mask of cocoa butter with the addition of rum. To do this, mix oil and rum in equal proportions, apply to hair, and rinse with warm water after an hour.

Mask with kefir

Mix cocoa butter, burdock oil and kefir (each component one tablespoon), add one yolk. Rub the whole mass well and apply on the head - on the skin and hair roots. It is enough to hold for 1 - 2 hours, then rinse with shampoo. In general, a mask with fatty oils can be kept much longer.

You can add oil solutions of vitamins A and E to the masks, 3-5 drops each. You can use various herbal infusions, to which add 2 teaspoons of cocoa butter. Cocoa butter for skin and hair care is most often recommended for those who have dry skin and hair. And owners of oily hair can replace oil with powder.

In addition to the nutritional benefits, the powder also colors the hair, but more on that another time. This method of staining deserves more detailed study.

Before the advent of scientific medicine, at all times and on all continents, people collected bit by bit knowledge about the beneficial properties of plants, used them as the only possible means of healing, and then this knowledge was passed on orally from generation to generation - at least before the advent of writing.

Exotic for temperate latitudes, cocoa beans, according to archaeological research on the territory of modern Mexico, were used by the distant ancestors of the Aztecs, in the 18th-15th centuries. BC. Having destroyed the civilization of the Aztecs, the conquistadors brought cocoa to Europe, having managed to adopt from the keepers of ancient knowledge only a recipe for a drink made from ground cocoa beans; after some time, Europeans learned how to make chocolate from it.

Therefore, the properties of cocoa were first studied from a culinary point of view, and the use for medicinal purposes began later, from the middle of the 16th century, and was already based more on scientific knowledge about the composition of cocoa butter. But traditional medicine did not stand aside, and several simple ways to use cocoa butter are used quite successfully, along with drugs that include cocoa butter and its individual components.

Cocoa butter: properties and biochemical composition

The main principle of traditional and alternative medicine, known since the time of Hippocrates, says: "Do no harm!" Therefore, using any methods of treatment, you need to carefully consider the composition of the medicine or folk remedy. Modern possibilities of medicine allow us to study the composition of any folk remedy at the molecular level.

Indeed, cocoa butter has useful elements that are successfully used in pharmacology. Unlike cocoa powder, natural fruit oil contains only two vitamins:

tocopherol (vitamin E)- a powerful immunomodulator and antioxidant. As part of cocoa butter, it is ideally absorbed by the body, therefore it is necessary, first of all, for people suffering from a lack of tocopherol: with acanthocytosis, congenital muscular dystrophy, dyserythropoietic anemia of the second type.

100 g of cocoa butter contains 12% tocopherol.

vitamin K- a fat-soluble vitamin involved in blood clotting processes. When applied externally, it has a wound-healing effect. Vitamin K takes part in protein synthesis, metabolic processes of bone and connective tissue, normal kidney function, promotes the absorption of calcium and vitamin D. Due to the fact that this vitamin is synthesized in the intestine, its deficiency is rarely observed. In the absence of pathologies associated with a deficiency of this vitamin (low blood clotting), excessive consumption of cocoa butter can cause an allergic reaction. Increased doses of vitamin intake inside provoke a thickening of the walls of blood vessels, the formation of plaques.

100 grams of cocoa butter contains 21% vitamin K.

It should also be taken into account that it enters the body with products containing it in sufficient quantities:


cow's milk and dairy products,


olive oil.

Vitamin B4 (choline) is present in a small amount in cocoa butter - 0.04%. The greatest value in cocoa butter is the rich composition of fats.

Saturated fatty acids:

Stearic 33.2%

Palmitic 25.4%

Myristic 0.01%

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

Oleic 32.6%

Palmitoleic 0.2%

Polyunsaturated fats:

Linoleic 2.8%

Linolenic 0.1%

Monounsaturated fats stimulate the production of enzymes during digestion. Oleic acid of vegetable origin is a "light" fat, unlike animal fats and does not require additional energy costs for its absorption, it is one of the components of subcutaneous fat. Triglycerides are essential for the protective and reproductive functions of the body. They are involved in blood clotting regulation of blood pressure.

The physical properties of cocoa butter are largely determined by the composition of fatty acids, which have a relatively low melting point: at temperatures above 32-35 ° C, the oil passes from a solid into a liquid and viscous mass, after which it is completely absorbed into the skin and mucous membranes.

As you know, fats are ideal conductors of fat-soluble vitamins. For this reason, cocoa butter is an ideal product for use in pharmacology and the production of cosmetics.

Cocoa butter: use in traditional medicine

Based on the foregoing, some readers will have to be disappointed: numerous folk recipes based on cocoa butter, used for coughs, against stress, are an unfounded fiction of “experts” in traditional medicine, whose recipes are “full of the world wide web”. In addition to the warming effect, cocoa butter does not bring any noticeable benefit for colds. With the same success, for warming, covering the skin with a greasy film, you can use any vegetable oil that contains plenty of vitamin E. Cocoa butter gives a more noticeable effect in the use of homemade cosmetic masks - vitamin E, which improves skin regeneration, contributes to this.

But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the folk methods of treating cough, stress, burns, lesions of the mucous membranes with cocoa butter. The properties of the fats included in its composition are very useful in these cases, along with traces of essential oils, which, despite processing and pressing, remain in the product. The pleasant smell of chocolate will especially appeal to children. Cocoa butter is a kind of vehicle for other, more active and effective components containing the necessary vitamins and other additives.

Before moving on to cocoa butter based recipes, good news. Cocoa beans do have many useful properties and the most valuable vitamin and mineral composition, but cocoa butter must be combined with natural cocoa powder, that is, almost returned to its original state, in order to get the benefit, which, most likely, was known to the Aztecs, who believed cocoa sacred fruit.

Important detail: the powder should have a reddish tint, so pay attention to the quality and terms of sale when buying, and choose cocoa butter in a pharmacy to have maximum confidence in its quality. Since we are talking about the use of cocoa butter in traditional medicine, use one more tip: do not try to replace cocoa butter and powder with chocolate, because not all varieties are made on the basis of natural cocoa bean butter. Most often, cheaper substitutes are used to increase the volume of the popularly loved delicacy and ensure its low cost.

Cocoa butter: use in the treatment of cough, sore throat

Honey (liquid) 1 tsp

Warm milk 200 ml

Cocoa butter 1 tsp

Cocoa powder 20 g (optional)

Boil the milk, after adding cocoa powder to it. Cool to 32-35o, put a spoonful of honey and cocoa butter. Drink warm at night.

Such a drink has a warming and enveloping effect, relieves irritation of the mucous membrane during a hysterical cough.

Contraindication: allergy to milk, cocoa powder (essential compounds), honey.

Cocoa butter (for external use) for coughs, bronchitis can be used as a base by adding menthol oil, balm to it. For warming and soothing effect during acute attacks of coughing, combine the "star" or mint extract (oily) in equal proportions, and rub the prepared ointment on the chest (except for the heart area), along the respiratory channels, the back area, between the shoulder blades. Wrap the patient in a soft and warm cloth. It is desirable to carry out rubbing simultaneously with the adoption of the drink (recipe above). Cover with a blanket.

Cocoa butter: use in the treatment of burns, cracks, abrasions, skin diaper rash

Minor damage to the skin can be cured on its own by preparing an ointment from turmeric and cocoa butter. Turmeric powder (Indian saffron) is an excellent natural antiseptic. Add it to cocoa butter (50/50), mix and lubricate the wound. Turmeric has a drying effect, draws out pus, and healing oil helps to avoid cracking. Dressings with prepared ointment must be changed in the morning and evening. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Before use, put a small amount on a sterile napkin and let it warm up at room temperature, then apply to the wound.

In the pharmaceutical industry, anti-hemorrhoidal suppositories are made on the basis of cocoa butter, for the treatment of erosion and some gynecological diseases. Cocoa butter at the same time serves as the basis for administered drugs.

A folk remedy for the treatment of undeveloped forms of hemorrhoids is built on this principle: sea buckthorn oil is mixed in equal amounts with cocoa butter. Frozen until solid, then rolled out in the form of candles and put in the anus.

Cocoa butter: use for stress

The very process of preparing a cure for stress based on cocoa butter should be entrusted to the patient. The main danger of this medicine is its overdose or allergic reactions to chocolate components.

True, caffeine and theobromine, which have a calming effect, are contained in cocoa butter in very small quantities, but in this case, the essential oils contained in chocolate give a positive effect.

It is a cup of hot chocolate that helps to relieve stress in the best possible way. Just be sure to use cocoa butter for its preparation.

The properties of butter, which is often used in the preparation of desserts, will not have the proper healing effect. By the way, theobromine, obtained from cocoa beans, is also used in the pharmaceutical industry as a cough suppressant.

Cocoa butter: properties and contraindications

Having decided to use alternative methods of treatment, do not forget to first consult with your doctor. In our time, in addition to traditional medicine recipes and a huge amount of scientific and almost scientific information, it is important to remember that there is official medicine, which, with a reasonable approach, can successfully coexist with traditional healing.

For persuasiveness, we will give one example at the conclusion of the article: it is known that in the presence of a gallstone, it is extremely dangerous to start the probing procedure on your own.

Indeed, cocoa butter has a choleretic effect, but using such a folk remedy without consulting a gastroenterologist and without having previously done an ultrasound scan is tantamount to suicide. What if someone wrote on the net that such a folk remedy helped him? If you are not sure, do not experiment on yourself.

Even such a seemingly harmless product as cocoa butter, if used improperly, can lead to extremely unpleasant and unforeseen consequences.

Be careful and take care of your health! Believe that the doctor also closely follows the "discoveries" in traditional medicine, but he, moreover, has scientific knowledge and can carefully study the anamnesis before advising something.
