
Foods rich in fats. Fats in food - good or bad

“Fats are bad for health and a slim figure” - this statement was not questioned until recently. In an effort to normalize our weight, we completely abandoned them, but we did not observe the desired effect. It turned out that the human body is much more complicated. It has been proven that there are healthy fats that can be used successfully for weight loss. Let's look into this issue.

Useful Features

There is nothing superfluous in physiology, each substance is irreplaceable. So fats perform many important tasks:

  • Structural element of cell membranes

This is the same cholesterol that scares us. It turns out that without it, cells stop dividing and functioning normally.

  • Production of sex hormones

Exclusion of fatty foods from the diet leads to sexual dysfunction.

  • Absorption of vitamins A, E, D

These are fat-soluble substances that cannot penetrate the intestinal mucosa without lipid molecules. Diet leads to their deficiency - nails, hair, skin elasticity suffer. Sleep is disturbed, the person becomes nervous and irritable.

  • Energy for the brain

The brain receives most of the energy for its work from the breakdown of fats. The membranes of neurons are 30% composed of omega-3, 6 fatty acids. Their deficiency leads to a violation of all cortical functions: memory, attention, volitional qualities.

  • Protection and thermal insulation

The internal fat surrounding the organs absorbs shocks, performing a protective function. Subcutaneous tissue is a “fur coat” that protects us from hypothermia or overheating.

Wrong diets with thoughtless restriction of fatty foods lead a person to a bouquet of chronic diseases. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to distinguish healthy fats from unhealthy ones.

"Friends and Enemies"

A person needs to eat 80 grams of fat per day (for women, the norm is slightly lower - 60-70 g). This amount depends on the mass (1 g per kg of weight). Food should be dominated by healthy fats that are not deposited as a "dead weight" in the subcutaneous tissue. They are divided into vegetable and animal. But the origin is not as important as the structure of organic matter. Four types are distinguished depending on the length of the molecular chain.

1. Monounsaturated

These are palmitic and oleic acids - the most necessary type, which not only does not accumulate in the body, but also contributes to the breakdown of excess lipids. Another useful property is a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol and inhibition of its oxidation (the mechanism for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques).

2. Polyunsaturated

The group includes:

  • – omega-6;
  • alpha-linoleic acid - omega-3;
  • eicosapentoenoic acid - EPA;
  • docosahexaenoic acid - DHA;
  • conjugated linoleic acid - CLA.

Their common property is structural, it is the "building material" of cells. It is not deposited in adipose tissue, so you can not be afraid of products with a high content of polyunsaturated acids:

  • fish (mainly marine), linseed oil, walnuts, hemp oil - omega-3;
  • soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn, peanut, cottonseed oil - omega-6.

3. Saturated

The most controversial group is palmitic, stearic, lauric acid. They are found in meat, dairy products, chocolate, coconut and palm oils. It used to be that most of these substances are deposited in the subcutaneous tissue and are the last to be broken down with a lack of energy. Today approaches have softened a little:

  • these substances are necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones, so they cannot be completely excluded from the diet;
  • it is important to control the amount of carbohydrates (if it does not exceed 4 g per kg of weight, saturated fats do not lead to weight gain);
  • lauric acid, contained in, increases the content of only "good" cholesterol, which is useful for obese people.

It is important to remember that the daily rate depends on the energy consumption of a person. People who lead an active lifestyle or engage in active workouts for weight loss can eat about 30 g more (due to saturated ones as well). All of these will be broken down into energy with limited carbohydrate intake.

4. Trans fats (margarines)

The only substances whose harmfulness is indisputable. They should be excluded from the diet not only for people who are losing weight, but for everyone who wants to stay healthy. The consequence of the passion for trans fats is obesity, starting from childhood, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases.

Prohibited products include industrial confectionery, semi-finished products, mayonnaise, ketchup, margarine, low-fat dairy products, fast food (fries, chips, and others). All of them contain vegetable oils enriched with hydrogen, which block the enzymatic system of the cell, ultimately leading to its death.

How to lose weight on fatty foods?

  1. Keeping the correct ratio. On the day you need to consume 2.5-3 parts of fat, 1 part of proteins and only 0.8 parts of carbohydrates. According to the nutritionist, it is this proportion that characterizes breast milk.
  2. There is no set meal time. You can eat as much as you want, the ban "after 18:00 - nothing but water" is canceled.
  3. It is important to observe the ritual of eating: in a calm atmosphere, silently, without TV and newspapers. Food should be chewed well and not rushed.
  4. We refuse fruits, vegetables, cereal fiber. This is the exact opposite of traditional dietitian recommendations. Fiber, according to Kvasnevsky, is not absorbed and does not bring benefits, vitamins and minerals can be obtained from meat and fish.
  5. Instead of vegetable food, we use animal food: meat, fish, milk, cream, cheeses, eggs (up to 8 pieces per day). The number of these products is practically unlimited (the main thing to remember is the ratio).

The advantage of such a diet is the complete absence of hunger, emotional and energy recovery (a person does not experience stress associated with constant control and restriction). Strengthen the effectiveness of the method of physical exercise 2 hours after eating.

sample menu

Breakfast: traditional omelette of 3-4 eggs. You can fry in butter or lard. We drink unsweetened tea.

Dinner: 150 g of meat in any form (it can be stewed, fried, baked). For garnish - fried potatoes (2 pcs.), Pickled cucumber.

Dinner: the nutritionist urges to refuse dinner, but if the body has not received enough energy during the day, you should not starve it. We eat cottage cheese with sour cream (but without sugar), you can repeat the meat.

It is desirable to introduce such a quantity of fatty foods into the diet immediately, without preparatory steps. Having chronic diseases, it is better to get the approval of the attending physician.


The diet has general restrictions associated with chronic diseases:

  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, other pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncology;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • kidney problems;
  • elderly age;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental illness.

The diet is absolutely contraindicated in children and adolescents due to the possibility of metabolic disorders. Many nutritionists do not accept this system due to the complete absence of fruits and vegetables and the risk of high cholesterol levels. Their patients note the monotony of the diet.

We have described the Kwasniewski diet as a controversial method, but one that has proven to be effective. You can not resort to such drastic measures, including in your diet some foods that facilitate the loss of kilograms.

  • Fish fat

Obtained from cod liver. Today it is used in capsules as a conventional drug. The weight loss effect is based on the ability to regulate insulin levels and create a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Take 30 mg (2 capsules) three times a day for three weeks. Then they take a break for three months, after which the course is repeated.

  • Meat

Nutritionists consider the meat of young animals (lamb, goat, calf) as a source of precisely monounsaturated fatty acids, which trigger the process of splitting lipid reserves.

  • Vegetable oils

Traditional source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The leader is olive oil - a tablespoon contains 9 g. It is no less useful, but it has a specific taste. Regular consumption of vegetable oils has a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism, which accelerates weight loss.

  • bitter chocolate
  • nuts

A very high-calorie product, but a recognized "champion" in terms of the content of valuable lipids.

Given these figures, you can fearlessly include a small amount of goodies in the diet of a losing weight person.

  • hard cheese

With a fat content of less than 40%, the product is considered dietary. There are those that help to quickly lose a few kilograms. Unlike margarine, they are made up of healthy fatty acids.

  • Avocado

This exotic fruit has long been known as an effective fat burner. But 10 g of its pulp contains 1 g of fat. It is important to eat fresh fruits that have not undergone heat treatment. This rule applies to all products, since at high temperatures fatty acids turn into toxic substances that are difficult to digest.

  • A diet rich in fatty foods reduces the incidence of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  • You can distinguish the structure of fats in appearance: unsaturated - liquid, saturated - solid.
  • A decrease in substances below the physiological norm leads to weight gain. The body turns on the stress response, and carbohydrates begin to be deposited in fat depots. For weight loss, it is important not to reduce the total amount in food, but to redistribute towards useful fractions.
  • Olive oil should not be used for frying. It completely loses its properties.
  • Vegetables are better absorbed with vegetable fats, so seasoned salads are much healthier.

Fats have ceased to be the enemies of the figure. They are included in many weight loss systems and, when used correctly, bring benefits and beauty to the body.

The presence of fats in the diet is necessary, the daily minimum of these nutrients ensures the normal functioning of the body. Not all types of fats are the same. What foods contain saturated and unsaturated fats? The answer to this question lies at the heart of a healthy diet.

Everyone knows that our health and physical fitness are most dependent on. To eat a balanced diet, foods must be selected so that the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in them is 1: 1.2: 4.6. Constant excess consumption of fats can lead not only to an increase in body weight, but also to pathologies of internal organs.

It is impossible to completely abandon the use of fats, since this is the main source of energy and some groups of vitamins. However, you need to remember which foods contain healthy fats and which do not. So, dietary fats are divided into 2 groups:

  • saturated;

What foods contain saturated fats

Saturated fats remain solid at room temperature. They contain a large number of:

  • margarine;
  • fatty meat, especially fried;
  • salo;
  • fast food;
  • dairy products;
  • chocolate;
  • coconut and palm oils;
  • egg (yolk).

Excessive consumption of foods that contain saturated fats can cause considerable harm in some cases, although they are necessary in small quantities. Saturated fatty acids, entering the bloodstream, settle on the walls of blood vessels in the form of cholesterol plaques and lead to the development of atherosclerosis, a dangerous disease of the cardiovascular system. In addition, their excess slows down the metabolism and contributes to obesity.

What foods contain healthy fats (mono- and polyunsaturated)

Unsaturated fats remain liquid at room temperature and are commonly referred to as oils. Foods high in monounsaturated fats can freeze in the cold, while foods high in polyunsaturated fats never freeze.
The richest in this group of fats are:

  • bird (except skin);
  • fatty fish;
  • nuts: cashews, peanuts (monounsaturated), walnuts, almonds (polyunsaturated);
  • vegetable oils (sunflower, linseed, rapeseed, corn (monounsaturated), olive, peanut (polyunsaturated)), as well as the products from which they are obtained (peanuts, olives, sunflower seeds, etc.).

Fats of this group contain the main fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, F, B12, K. However, they should not be abused either - fat intake in any case should not exceed the body's needs for nutrients and energy, otherwise excess weight gain and education are possible. stones in the gallbladder.

Knowing what foods contain fats, you can correctly compose your diet. 70-75% of fat consumed should be unsaturated, 30% - saturated. The share of vegetable fats in the daily diet should be about 40%, animals - about 60%. For older and overweight people, the ratio should be changed in favor of vegetable.

With the exception of vegetable oils, any product contains different types of fats, for example, in lardthe most useful arachidonic (polyunsaturated) fatty acid. Therefore, you should not completely refuse foods rich in saturated fats, it is enough to consume them little by little, and then you will not face health problems and weight gain.

Fatty foods have long been considered harmful, both for the body as a whole and for the figure. However, not all fats have a negative effect on our body. Fatty acids are divided into and unsaturated. The former have a simple structure and solid form. Once in the blood, they form special compounds that settle in the form of a fatty layer. Excessive consumption of foods high in animal fats leads to obesity and cardiovascular pathologies.

Not all fats are harmful and dangerous to the human body. Unsaturated (vegetable) fatty acids are the “right” fats. They have a positive effect on well-being, and, despite the complex molecular formula, they do not clog blood vessels, but move freely through the arteries, increasing their elasticity, removing cholesterol. A lot of healthy fats in seeds, nut kernels, seafood, vegetables.

Monounsaturated fatty acids and their importance

This type of substances is divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Each type has its own advantages and features. Both options remain in a liquid state at any temperature. When deciding to include monounsaturated fats in a diet for men or women, you should understand what foods contain these substances. This type of useful elements enters the body along with the active components of rapeseed and sunflower oil, they are also found in peanuts and olives.

A group of scientists have conducted repeated studies, thanks to which they were able to prove that foods containing unsaturated fatty acids, in the right proportions, are effective for losing weight and gaining muscle mass during training. In addition, MUFA:

  • helps fight low hemoglobin and breast cancer;
  • improves the condition of patients with joint diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis;
  • promotes the cleansing of blood vessels and arteries.

For a person leading an active lifestyle, the daily intake of unsaturated fatty acids is 20% of the total energy value of the menu. When purchasing products in supermarkets, be sure to carefully study the packaging. The labels always indicate the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

This type of useful substances is not synthesized by our bodies. They get to a person from the food that we consume. Foods rich in fats are necessary to improve the functioning of the brain, nervous system, the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and their uses

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are divided into two types - omega-3 and omega-6. It is important to understand what these substances are and what they contain, because you can only replenish their reserves in the body with the help of food.

Omega-3 prevents pathologies of the heart muscle and stroke, lowers blood pressure, improves heartbeat and normalizes blood composition. Also, scientists came to the conclusion that the use of this substance helps to prevent the development of acquired dementia. PUFAs are indispensable during pregnancy and lactation, because everything that enters the mother's body receives the developing fetus.

You can saturate the body with omega-3 by supplementing the menu with certain products. What is a food rich in PUFAs? Pay attention to this list:

  • fatty fish;
  • flax seeds;
  • soy and legumes;
  • walnut kernels;
  • shrimps.

Omega-6 is found in small amounts in avocados, eggs, whole grain bread, hemp and corn oil. This substance is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract, improving the function of hematopoiesis, it is also involved in the formation of cell membranes, the development of vision and nerve endings.

If you introduce foods low in solid (saturated) fats into the diet, and at the same time increase the consumption of vegetable analogues, this will improve the overall tone of the skin and muscles, allow you to lose weight and improve metabolic processes.

The need for PUFAs increases with intense physical exertion, during a period of active growth, pregnancy, in the event of diabetes, heart disease. To reduce the consumption of fats should be with allergic manifestations, pain in the stomach, lack of physical activity, people in old age.

What to include on the menu

Unsaturated fats belong to the group of easily digestible substances. But you can not abuse food rich in these substances unique in their composition.

To speed up the absorption process, eat foods that have not been heat-treated. The melting point affects the breakdown of these substances and the rate of absorption into the blood. The higher it is, the worse the element is absorbed.

Unsaturated fatty acids are involved in the formation of the human immune system, brain and heart function. They improve memory, attention and help in the fight against depression. Without fat, the body does not absorb vitamins A, D, K, E. Eat healthy fats daily, the list of products presented in the table below will allow you to develop a complete and balanced menu for every day.

Vegetable oils (vegetable fats)- these are fats extracted from various parts of plants and consisting mainly (95-97%) of triglycerides of higher fatty acids.

The main source of vegetable oils are various oilseeds. The most common vegetable oils are sunflower, olive, cocoa butter, rapeseed, linseed, etc. Palm oil has recently become popular, the harm and benefits of which are discussed on this page below, under the appropriate heading.

Like animals, plants store fat in order to store some energy for future purposes. The difference is that the animal usually does this for itself (anticipating a period of malnutrition), while the plant does it for future generations. Those. in order for the future generation to survive, the parent plant accumulates and transfers energy to the embryo, including in the form of fat. Based on this, it is not difficult to assume that the main amount of fat in plant material will be found mainly in seeds or fruits.

Oils are obtained from plant material by pressing(under pressure, the liquid part of the plant material flows out, after which it is collected) or by extraction with organic solvents or liquefied carbon dioxide (after extraction, the extractant is distilled off, and the remaining vegetable oil is collected). After that, the vegetable oil is subjected to purification, or, in other words, refining.

An important aspect of the production of vegetable oils for the consumer is such a stage as deodorization (literally means odor removal: des - "removal", odor - "smell"). During this stage, vegetable oils are purified from substances that give it flavor.

Thus, if you see the inscription “refined, deodorized, cold pressed” on the label of vegetable oil, this means that the oil was extracted at a low temperature (done to separate it from the vegetable fat fraction with a high melting point), after which it subjected to cleaning, as a result of which it became transparent (without suspended solids) and practically odorless.

Fatty acid composition of vegetable fats differs depending on the type of plant.

The main difference between vegetable fat and animal fat is the higher content of unsaturated fatty acids (primarily oleic and linoleic). So, in sunflower oil, the content is more than 70%. Among the unsaturated fatty acids, the most important ones are separately distinguished, such as linoleic (omega-6) and linolenic (omega-3) acids (now omega-9 acids, for example, oleic acid, are also isolated).

These fatty acids, unlike, cannot be formed in the human body as a result of certain chemical reactions of metabolism, but are essential for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as for the regulation of inflammation processes in the body. Thus, these acids must be ingested with food. All vegetable oils are rich in them to one degree or another. However, the most valuable sources of these acids are vegetable fats such as wheat germ oil, linseed, camelina, mustard and soybean oils, and walnut oil.

Another positive aspect of vegetable oils is the almost complete absence (this is true for any vegetable oil, not just the one that says “0% cholesterol!” on the label). So the replacement of animal fats with vegetable oils to some extent helps to reduce cholesterol in human blood, thereby providing an additional preventive effect for the cardiovascular system.

Harm of palm oil

It should be noted that non-traditional fats, such as palm oil, which are often used in the food industry, have recently become the subject of sharp criticism due to its “danger” to human health. This is wrong. The harm of palm oil is often exaggerated. The whole problem with palm oil is that it contains more saturated fatty acids than other vegetable oils and is therefore not an important source of unsaturated fatty acids. That is, palm oil is not harmful in the truest sense of the word, it is only biologically less valuable than, for example, olive oil. But it also has positive qualities - for example, the oil becomes rancid as a result of the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids by atmospheric oxygen. If there are no or few of them in fat, then there is practically nothing to be oxidized. This property is often used in the confectionery industry to increase shelf life. Relatively speaking, palm oil is a natural analogue of margarine. As you know, it is a hydrogenated vegetable fat (from unsaturated made saturated), and palm oil is naturally saturated. It resembles margarine and outwardly.

On the other hand, there are problems with the quality of the palm oil itself. Thus, there is often a situation when non-edible (technical) palm oil is imported into the country. This allows you to save on customs payments, in addition, it is cheaper in itself. It is assumed that this oil will be further processed and brought to the level of food. But some unscrupulous manufacturers don't bother with it and use it as is. What harm will be from such palm oil, one can only guess. On the label of food products with such oil, most often they write simply “vegetable fat” or “confectionery fat”, without an exact indication of the source plant.

It cannot be said that this is typical not only for palm oil - the culture of food production in our country is still quite low, and such phenomena are typical for many.

We have been told so much and so often about the dangers of fatty foods that someone has seriously decided to give up fat completely. "Challenger" advises in any case not to do this.

A person must receive fats every day, otherwise the body will not be able to work properly. Accordingly, he needs foods rich in fats. Depending on what kind of fat you eat, it can be your best friend or worst enemy.

Our best friends are the "good fats". They are created by nature, we get them in their original form, unrefined, such fats are found in whole, unprocessed foods.

Our worst enemies are "bad fats", or refined ones. This concept combines all processed vegetable oils, including those from corn and sunflower, with the inscription "0% cholesterol".

Interesting facts about fats

Saturated fats have been subjected to undeserved accusations for a very long time. In 2010, large-scale studies were carried out, in which about 30,000 volunteers took part. Scientists have not found strong evidence that eating saturated fat is associated with the occurrence of ischemia and other cardiovascular disorders. On the contrary, our brain health and cognitive abilities depend to a large extent on important molecules supplied by fatty acids.

The main thing is that the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 corresponds to the ratio of 1:2. But in practice, you often have to deal with ratios of 1:15, and in “severe” cases it even reaches 1:50. The average person consumes a disastrously high amount of omega-6s and an unforgivably low amount of omega-3s. This is largely facilitated by fast food and eating ready-made store-bought sauces, sausages, dumplings, canned food, spreads and other foods that can contain a huge amount of trans fats.

How to Get the Right Fatty Acid Ratio

Many will be surprised, but eating oily fish at least twice a week can significantly reduce our intake of fats from processed vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn, and soy. If you don't eat fish rich in healthy fats, supplement your diet with shrimp and other seafood, which are also good sources of omega-3s.


Remember the scene from the movie "Rocky" with Sylvester Stallone, where he breaks six raw eggs at once and drinks them in one gulp? He knew that whole eggs are very healthy, despite the fact that for many decades nutritionists and doctors have criticized egg yolks and recommended that they be abandoned.

  1. Eggs are tasty and very nutritious.
  2. One chicken egg contains about 6 grams of high quality protein.
  3. They contain all eight essential amino acids needed for healthy muscle tissue and are involved in the absorption of calcium, zinc and iron.
  4. Eggs are rich in carotenoids, tocopherol, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin K and other beneficial substances.
  5. The most useful ways to cook eggs are steam omelette, baking, boiling. Do not fry scrambled eggs, depriving a wonderful product of its valuable health properties.

2. Avocado


In addition to carbohydrates, like other fruits, avocados contain many healthy fats.

  1. About 80% of its composition is occupied by monounsaturated fatty acids, that is, healthy fats. They have many benefits for human health, including knowing how to fight inflammation.
  2. Avocado is rich in ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamins K and group B.
  3. It contains a lot of useful fiber.
  4. It is useful to add avocados to salads, smoothies, replace them with harmful spreads and butter.

3. Walnuts


Research shows that by eating walnuts, we can keep our brain healthy.

  1. By adding walnuts to your diet, you can reduce the effects of free radicals and reduce cardio risk.
  2. This wonderful product contains tocopherol, folic acid and other antioxidants.
  3. You can use it as an independent snack in the office or on a walk. Add to yogurt, porridge, cereals, salads. Try sprinkling walnuts on pasta with seafood or poultry, white sauce. This will give it a new taste and even more benefits from healthy fats.

4. Almond


If you make a good habit of carrying a bag of almonds in your pocket or bag with you everywhere, you can easily refuse unhealthy snacks, fast food, high-calorie chocolate bars and the like.

  1. A handful of almonds will be able to subdue your appetite for several hours, and you will easily pass by junk food, which means you will not add extra grams (more likely, you will even lose).
  2. Almond skins are high in antioxidants that are especially beneficial to health, so choose unpeeled nuts.

5. Oily fish

Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and other oily sea fish are high in omega-3s. This substance reduces inflammation and helps reduce the risk of developing many chronic pathologies, including cardio disorders, cancer, and arthritis.

  1. Not all fish, even sea fish, are healthy. You should not use the one that is grown on fish farms. Compared to those grown in the wild, "farm" contains a huge amount of toxic substances, including methylmercury.
  2. When in doubt, it is better to choose fish that is not farmed, but caught in the sea. These are sardines, mackerel, horse mackerel, herring, etc.

6. Ghee
