
Beer alcoholism in men. Beer alcoholism in women

Regular consumption of any alcohol-containing drinks cannot last long without consequences. The so-called beer alcoholism develops much more slowly than dependence on strong alcohol, and this is its particular danger.

For the development of alcoholism, the type of alcohol does not matter. The disease is formed when drinking wine, vodka, moonshine, alcoholic cocktails and beer. The only thing that low-alcohol drinks affect is the rate of addiction formation. In this regard, beer is considered one of the most dangerous drinks. And that's why.

  1. Alcohol in it contains from 4 to 14%, which does not cause concern for the majority. Indeed, in such harmless drinks as kvass or kefir, there is also alcohol.
  2. The beer is delicious. Unlike vodka or moonshine, which must be “pushed” inside, the intoxicating liquid can be savored as much as you like and you often want to repeat the pleasure.
  3. In terms of popularity, beer ranks first in almost all segments of the population: men, women, and teenagers drink it. In intrusive advertising, it is presented as a normal soft drink.
  4. In addition to alcohol, most varieties contain a number of substances that negatively affect the endocrine, cardiovascular systems.

If we consider the above facts in more detail, it becomes clear that there is nothing safe in this drink. Frequent use beer is not condemned by society. On the contrary, there are arguments in favor of it. It is recommended to compensate for vitamin deficiencies or to improve digestion. For this reason, many do not have a psychological stop signal, which is, for example, at the beginning of the abuse of strong alcohol. Drinking vodka is considered shameful and unhealthy, and daily use beer is just a form of relaxation. Some do not consider it dangerous to give it even to children "to promote health."

Signs and characteristics of beer addiction

The usual arithmetic calculation allows you to determine what threatens a beer binge with regular libations. In 1 l weak beer 40 ml of pure ethanol, in strong varieties - 120–140 ml. In the latter case, the allowable daily dose of alcohol for men is doubled. And if you consider that 1 liter is drunk only “for overclocking”, and then the amount is not counted, it becomes clear that the consequences of drinking beer cannot be avoided.

From an ordinary hobby, addiction smoothly flows into psychological dependence, while the abuser is quite confident in his own well-being and does not put himself on the same level as alcoholics, but continues to drink beer every day. You can understand that the disease is developing when the following situations appear:

  • upcoming gatherings with beer cause impatience and joyful expectation, for the sake of them you can postpone less important things;
  • drunkenness comes on quickly and lasts a long time;
  • at least 1.5 liters are drunk per day, the maximum is not exactly known;
  • days on which the usual beer is impossible for some reason, are experienced with irritation, the mood deteriorates, only a few new cans or bottles can return it;
  • weak beer seems like water, you want to take the strongest;
  • those around and the mirror begin to notice changes in appearance: swelling of the face, swollen body, bags under the eyes, pale earthy skin;
  • more often than usual there is shortness of breath, chest pain, pulse quickens;
  • the next morning after beer, my head hurts, I want to drink a little more to “get better”.

The appearance of even one of the signs against the background of a daily “hobby” indicates a beer addiction, the symptoms of which will be felt more strongly in the future.

Narcologists do not recognize any specifics alcohol disease depending on the type of drinks they prefer, but they agree that beer addiction is very insidious. It is very difficult to identify it at the first stage, since there are no pronounced changes in the lifestyle and human health. For example, a wife in a situation where her husband drinks beer every day may not notice any signs of dependence from the outside at all.

Beer alcoholism in men is often disguised as somatic disorders. Often, heart problems, headaches and irritability are mistaken for accumulated fatigue.

Health effects of beer abuse

The consequences of beer alcoholism affect intellectual, moral and personal aspects to a lesser extent. Drink-addicted people are less likely to lose professional skills, maintain the adequacy of behavior and judgments, unlike those who drink daily strong alcohol. This is a feature of weak alcoholic beverages: the degradation of the personality develops, but very slowly.

Another danger that awaits beer lovers is the destruction of physical health. As a result of daily heavy drinking, severe chronic diseases develop:

  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • angina;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • gastritis;
  • jade;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • neurological disorders.

Foamy drink is very hard on the kidneys, binds and removes the necessary body minerals and vitamins: potassium, calcium, ascorbic acid, riboflavin. As a result, the work of all internal organs is disrupted. The constant presence of acetaldehyde in the blood causes swelling, combined with dehydration, and poisons the liver and brain.

It is important that beer contains a lot of so-called phytoestrogens. Taken uncontrollably, these substances contribute to hormonal imbalance in both men and women, leading to malfunctions of the reproductive system, increased risk of blood clots and increased cholesterol levels.

But the main thing that beer alcoholism is dangerous for is uncontrolled intoxication. The pleasure from the taste of the drink overshadows the effects of ethanol, the emerging feeling of euphoria disinhibits, retouches problems, prompting you to take a few more mugs or bottles. When drinking beer, it rarely occurs to someone that he went through too much. In addition, addicts often switch from weak alcohol to the abuse of vodka or other “fuel”.

The fight against beer alcoholism

How to deal with beer alcoholism depends on the degree of the disease and the situation as a whole. Given that such abuse is not always accompanied by a loss of volitional qualities and mental disorders, it makes sense for the addict to do all the work on his own. Coding from beer alcoholism as a separate specific pathology does not exist. Sewing under the skin of torpedoes with medicine or hypnosis may be ineffective.

As with other types of addiction, the patient needs to recognize the current situation and the need to change it. Some can do it themselves, others will need a sign from the outside. If there is no physical dependence on ethanol - the absence of beer does not lead to a deterioration in well-being, heart attacks - you can do without the help of a narcologist.

Approximate program of action.

  1. Medicine does not recognize "small dose" methods of treating alcoholism. It is pointless to recommend that people who have a painful addiction to beer drink 1 bottle a day. This is self-deception, after a while the problem will return. Only complete denial can help. You need to act according to the principle last time was yesterday. This is the most difficult step, but it is necessary.
  2. After the rejection, you should analyze what annoys you the most. Boredom, a large number of free time, uninteresting TV, stress at work, quarrel with a friend. Usually, problems that were smoothed out by drinking beer immediately climb out. They need to be identified and started to be addressed without delay: instead of watching TV, repair something, go for a walk, start communicating with a forgotten friend, devote more time to work, children, help around the house.
  3. Boredom and irritability can be relieved by finding something you like to do that you can do with pleasure. Hobbies, a new pet, playing sports, music, learning a foreign language, mastering a new profession. Anything that arouses genuine interest, requires effort, but does not leave a feeling of internal coercion will do. This is the most powerful way to deal with psychological addiction.
  4. With an irresistible desire to drink beer, you can give the body a replacement: prepare juice, green tea, lemonade. At first, a non-alcoholic version of beer is suitable. At the same time, after drinking 2-3 glasses of the drink, it is urgent to switch attention to some urgent matter. The brain will receive the necessary discharge, the psychological stress will go away. If we are not talking about alcoholism, but only about a bad habit, you can drastically reduce the amount of beer - drink no more than 0.5 liters 1-2 times a week, ideally even less.

Absence Have a good mood and interest in life and the presence of frequent dizziness, weakness in the self-treatment of beer alcoholism - a reason to visit a neurologist or endocrinologist, as there is a possibility of developing metabolic disorders or damage to the central nervous system. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a laboratory blood test, dopplerography, MRI of the brain. If signs of diseases are detected, it will be necessary to undergo a course of therapy with hormonal or nootropic drugs.

Prevention of beer alcoholism is to exclude the substitution of entertainment with a drink, fight boredom, relax and solve problems. Like other alcoholic drinks, beer is acceptable on the festive table, but you can’t make it a constant companion of life or quench your thirst with it.

is a term for a painful craving for beer. Although the concept is not an official diagnosis, this does not remove the severity of the problem. Abuse of beer is not considered as separate view alcoholism, however, is recognized as the fastest and shortest way to alcohol addiction. The peculiarity of beer alcoholism is that it develops rapidly and gradually, since beer is considered a harmless low-alcohol drink and is not taken seriously by many.

This attitude towards beer is explained by the following reasons:

    Society perceives a person with a bottle of beer calmly, the drinker is not fully aware of the danger;

    The drink really has some relaxing effect and quite pleasant taste.

Beer alcoholism is considered by many to be less harmful to health than other types of addiction. Meanwhile, the disease is spreading rapidly, the number of people suffering from this disease is huge, while people do not believe that they need treatment.

It is very difficult to determine the presence of such a diagnosis in the early stages, later there are more clear indicators of a painful craving for beer.

Signs and symptoms of beer alcoholism

Signs of alcoholic beer addiction are in many ways similar to "vodka" alcoholism, since the point is not in the drink itself, but in the alcohol that it contains. But patients with a painful addiction to beer usually have a more neglected appearance at the time of contact with a specialist than lovers of stronger drinks.

Characteristic signs of beer alcoholism:

    Loose body;


    Noisy, heavy breathing;

    bags under the eyes;

    bluish complexion;

    The presence of an unrecoverable specific odor pickled apples or acetone, which indicates a violation of the functions of the pancreas, as well as an increased level of sugar in the blood.

In addition, such patients complain of weakness, pain in the lumbar region and right hypochondrium. In men, there is a sharp decrease in potency or its absence, there are problems with fertilization.

Under the influence of beer, the male hormone - testosterone - ceases to be produced and is replaced by a female one, which leads to the growth of the mammary glands in men, the expansion of the pelvis and the formation of obesity.

Symptoms psychological dependence from beer are:

    The need for a constant increase in the dose of the drink to obtain the initial effect of its effects;

    Frequent drinking of beer large quantities;

    Lack of access to a drink causes irritation, aggressiveness;

    Intoxication is accompanied by loss of memory;

    Control over the situation disappears, a person begins to drink beer regardless of the place, time and company;

    Poor health and extensive swelling;

For beer alcoholism, periods of binge drinking are not typical, but the patient is applied to the bottle several times a day, so the state of sobriety does not have time to set in, therefore, such people are intoxicated for weeks, months, and sometimes even years.

Beer has a terrible effect on the body destructive impact. In terms of harmfulness, it can only be compared with moonshine, since only in them during alcoholic fermentation saved in in full poisonous compounds associated with alcohol: fusel oils, aldehydes, methanol, ethers. It is worth considering that beer can contain up to 14% alcohol, so it is not always reasonable to consider it a low-alcohol drink. Addiction develops three times faster than when using another alcohol, and psychologically a person does not feel danger and does not struggle with addiction.

The consequences of the systematic abuse of beer affect all organs and systems of the body:

    Heart - this organ greatly increases in size with beer alcoholism, there is even a special term "Bavarian heart", which means that the heart walls and cavities have expanded, become thicker, and necrosis has developed in the heart muscle. This effect is explained by the high concentration of cobalt, which exceeds the norm by 10 times. Large volume negatively affects the work of the heart taken alcohol and its saturation with carbon dioxide. Once in the body, the beer literally overflows circulatory system, causes expansion of blood vessels and borders of the heart. A “kapron stocking” syndrome appears, in which the heart muscle significantly increases in size, becomes flabby, sags and pumps blood worse;

    The brain - the cells of this organ die due to alcohol, enter the bloodstream, then the kidneys and are excreted in the urine. With beer alcoholism, the destructive effect is even greater than with the use of vodka, because in beer, among other things, harmful substances, there is a semblance of cadaveric poison - cadaverine. The systematic use of a foamy drink reduces a person's learning ability, intelligence indicators fall. Without proper treatment, beer alcoholism is fraught with dementia;

    Nervous system - beer is different in that it contains psychoactive substances that can produce a slight stupefying effect. Consequently, a person is exposed not only to the effects of alcohol, but also to sedatives. Over time, without beer, it is impossible to relax and calm down. Doses of the drink grow, alcoholic excesses occur, memory deteriorates. Narcologists equate beer with drugs and note its ability to provoke aggressiveness, which explains numerous examples of beer gatherings ending with murders, fights, robberies and rapes;

    Hormonal background– toxic substances and salts of heavy metals contained in beer change the endocrine system. The production of testosterone in men is suppressed, which leads to the feminization of the male population. Fat accumulates on the hips and sides, the mammary glands grow, the pelvis expands. Women who drink beer frequently are at risk of infertility or cancer. Their voices grow coarse and “beer mustaches” appear. If a nursing mother drinks beer, her child may begin epileptic;

    Childbearing functions- beer alcoholism provokes changes in the testicles and ovaries. The seminiferous tubules are reborn and the connective tissues of the parenchyma of the testicles grow. The toxic effect on the adrenal glands inhibits the production of androgens, which are responsible for sexual desire, as a result, its decrease or complete absence is observed;

    Gastrointestinal tract - his organs are in continuous tension, especially the liver. The systematic consumption of beer leads to a weakening of the infectious barrier, the occurrence of foci of inflammation and cirrhosis. "Palpable liver" is one of the most common comorbidities. beer alcoholism symptoms. Ethanol irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach, provokes inflammation and. The self-defense mechanisms of the stomach try to cope with the situation and produce more mucus until they atrophy. As a result, digestion is disturbed, food stagnates in the intestines, causing severe pain. It has been proven that excessive consumption of beer contributes to the development of colon cancer;

    Kidneys - beer has a pronounced diuretic effect and helps to flush out useful substances from the body: proteins, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins (for example, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C). This leads to numerous health problems. Violated under the influence of beer and acid-base balance, which causes the kidneys to work in emergency mode. This situation leads to the fact that the renal vessels become thinner and there is a threat of hemorrhage.

Breaking free from the craving for beer is difficult. This is explained by the fact that beer alcoholism can be considered a "semi-drug addiction" due to the content of narcotic substances in the drink. Therefore, the amount of care needed by the patient increases, and course treatment is required.

Beer alcoholism is usually formed at a young age, when the mechanisms of codependency are very strong, so the intervention of a specialist is required to correct them.

Inpatient treatment for beer addiction is aimed at eliminating the main consequences addiction, namely:

    Removal of excess fluid from the body;

    Stimulation of the work of damaged organs;

    Cleansing the blood with detox solutions.

Only the patient himself, with the support of a psychotherapist and a narcologist, can completely and forever get rid of beer alcoholism.

There are no drugs that would treat alcoholism, but there are drugs used in the fight against addiction. They are divided into those that cause alcohol intolerance, reduce the craving for it, or alleviate a hangover.

The main stage on the path to recovery is the awareness of the presence of a problem, that is, addiction. The person should then start looking for a way to stop drinking beer.

Sometimes a strong-willed decision, supported by an understanding of the magnitude of the threat, is enough. If this method does not justify itself, you can try to reduce the dosage of the drink. You just need to do it consistently and rigorously.

Drinking is often associated with a certain ritual, habit, lifestyle, so you need to change it. For example, those who are used to spending evenings at home watching TV with beer should try to borrow free time something else, such as walking around the city, sauna or exercising in a fitness club. A change of scenery can help take your mind off the need to drink alcohol.

An additional motivation can be a cash reward, when a person throws into the piggy bank the amount that is usually spent on beer every day. And six months later, he can buy some useful and desirable thing for these funds or go on vacation.

Along with these methods, it is worth seeking professional help, this will help solve the problem in a complex and in a shorter time.

Beer alcoholism is a dangerous disease that cannot be diagnosed for a long time and is not realized by the patient himself, causes serious disorders in the body, and subsequently is difficult to treat and is fraught with serious complications.

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Alcoholism is a mental illness, the excessive consumption of alcohol. As a result of constant intoxication, a person's health deteriorates, his ability to work, well-being and moral values ​​fall. Alcoholism is also characterized by the fact that a person becomes addicted to alcohol.

Among all types of alcoholism in men, the most insidious can be safely called beer. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it develops, on the one hand, rapidly, on the other hand, it is hidden both for the drinker himself and for his inner circle.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that in society the foamy drink is considered harmless or even beneficial.

This attitude is caused by several reasons that have already become part of our life and consciousness:

  1. The influence of advertising. Commercials on TV, billboards on city streets and in supermarkets present beer exclusively from the positive side, positioning it as a "companion" of friendly meetings, outdoor recreation, an invariable attribute of watching football matches.
  2. Calm perception by others of a person walking down the street with a bottle of beer. If he carries vodka in his hands, he will definitely come across disapproving looks. This doesn't happen with beer.
  3. Beer is easy to drink pleasant taste. If vodka is consumed in one gulp, in small glasses, then beer in large glasses, slowly. Stretching the pleasure, a man can drink up to 2 liters of beer in an evening.

These reasons have led to the fact that the number of beer alcoholics today is huge. Of course, they do not believe that they need treatment. Relatives also do not immediately manage to identify the disease.

To establish whether you have beer alcoholism, it is not necessary to immediately contact a narcologist. To get started, swipe small test. Answer the following questions honestly for yourself:

  1. When you hear the smell of beer on the street or in a cafe, do you feel like drinking?
  2. Do you consider a glass of beer in the evening the best way relaxing after a day at work?
  3. Have you noticed that you drink more than one bottle of beer (0.5 liters) at a time?
  4. If you are offered a beer, can you refuse?
  5. Do you drink beer every time the opportunity arises?

If you answered yes to at least one question, then you are at risk. When a positive answer was given to three questions, you should contact a narcologist. Perhaps you have already developed beer alcoholism and it is necessary to carry out its qualified treatment.

Symptoms of Beer Addiction

Unfortunately, alcoholics rarely acknowledge the fact of addiction. Usually their loved ones sound the alarm. There are signs that give out a beer alcoholic.

The symptoms of beer alcoholism are in many ways similar to the symptoms of vodka alcoholism. They are provoked not by the drink itself, but by the alcohol that is part of it. However, beer alcoholism still has its characteristics in men. It is possible to distinguish external and psychological (behavioral) signs. The first ones include: overweight body, loose body, difficult or noisy breathing, puffiness of the face, bags under the eyes.

For male beer alcoholics, a specific smell is characteristic - acetone or pickled apples. No deodorants or colognes can kill it. Appears bad smell due to disorders of the pancreas. The patient may complain of pain in the right hypochondrium, stomach, lower back.

Beer negatively affects the production of the male hormone - testosterone in men is replaced by the female hormone. External Consequences- Excessive obesity, breast growth, cellulite, pelvic enlargement.

Signs of psychological addiction are as follows:

  • Frequent use of a foamy drink in large quantities.
  • The need to increase the dose for intoxication and relaxation.
  • Loss of memory when drunk.
  • Aggression and irritation in the absence of the opportunity to drink beer.
  • Loss of control over the situation: a man drinks beer regardless of the presence of the company, place or time.
  • At night, the beer alcoholic is tormented by insomnia, during the day he is overcome by drowsiness.
  • Without beer it is difficult to cheer up.
  • The next morning there is a hangover. Hangover syndrome is accompanied by a headache, poor health. It takes a long time. You can quickly improve the situation by drinking a glass of cold beer.

All these signs indicate that a person needs the advice of a drug specialist who will determine whether there is an addiction. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

What is the result of overindulgence in beer?

The consequences of the systematic use of beer are extremely negative, they affect all body systems. In terms of harmfulness, beer can only be compared with moonshine. It's about the way it's made. Due to fermentation, all toxic substances associated with alcohol are preserved in drinks: aldehydes, fusel oils, ethers, methanol. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that beer contains up to 14% alcohol. Calling such a drink low-alcohol is wrong: addiction to it occurs 3 times faster than from other alcoholic beverages.

The consequences of drinking beer regularly are as follows:

  1. For heart. There is a special term that characterizes the heart of a beer alcoholic - “bull heart”, “Bavarian heart”, “ beer heart". This means an increase in the cavities of the heart muscle, thickening of the walls, necrosis in muscle tissues, and a decrease in mitochondria. Cobalt compounds cause such violations, the concentration of which in beer exceeds the permissible norm by 10 times. Negatively, the state of the heart muscle is affected by the saturation of the drink with carbon dioxide. Once in the body, it begins to overflow vascular system. As a result, men who suffer from beer alcoholism develop varicose veins. There is a syndrome of "kapron stocking", in which the heart muscle becomes flabby, losing the ability to pump blood in the required volume.
  2. For the nervous system. By the nature of the impact on the nervous system of men, doctors compare beer with drugs. The drink contains psychoactive substances that have a stupefying and sedative effect. Time passes, without beer it becomes impossible to fully relax and calm down. With an increase in the dose of the drink consumed, memory gradually deteriorates. In a state of intoxication, a person becomes aggressive. This explains why friendly gatherings with an abundance of beer often end in fights, rapes and murders.
  3. For the hormonal system. The components that make up the foamy drink affect the endocrine system, in men the hormonal background changes.
  4. For the reproductive system. The consequences of beer alcoholism are changes in the testicles. The seminiferous tubules are reborn, the connective tissues of the parenchyma of the testicles grow. The production of androgens responsible for sexual desire is inhibited. As a result, in male beer alcoholics, the potency decreases, and then completely disappears.
  5. For the brain. Of all types of alcoholic beverages, the consequences of drinking beer are the most dangerous. The reason is a component of beer called "cadaverine", which is similar in structure to cadaveric poison. In men, as a result regular use beer worsens memory, the ability to learn decreases, dullness begins. If you do not organize proper treatment, the result of beer alcoholism will be dementia.
  6. For the liver. The liver of a beer alcoholic is in constant tension. There is even such a definition as “palpable liver”. Ethyl alcohol provokes inflammation of the organ, kills liver cells, which can result in cirrhosis.

Regular use of a foamy drink leaves an imprint on the work of the whole organism. Due to their diuretic effect, they are washed out useful material(calcium, magnesium, protein, vitamin C), acid-base balance is disturbed.

Contrary to popular belief that beer flushes the kidneys, therefore it is useful, it cannot be considered as such. It really makes the kidneys work hard, because of which the renal vessels become thinner, there is a threat of hemorrhage. The sooner treatment is prescribed, the less damage to the health of the alcoholic will be.

Features of the treatment of alcoholism caused by beer

The treatment of beer alcoholism in men is complicated by the nature of dependence - at two levels at once: physical and psychological. Requires a long, diverse course of treatment. The first stage of therapy is aimed at cleansing and restoring the depleted body of the patient. It's called detox. The treatment consists in the introduction of detoxification solutions, the removal of excess fluid from the body, in the medical support of the body's systems. A narcologist prescribes drugs designed to stimulate and stabilize the work of the internal organs of an alcoholic.

The second stage is the longest and most difficult. It is rehab. In order to overcome alcoholism forever, a person must recognize the existence of addiction and realize what harm it does to his body by regularly drinking beer. Treatment at this stage is carried out with the participation of a psychologist. Hypnosis, coding, the 12-step program can be used. The method that is best suited to the patient, the specialist determines individually. At the same time, drugs are prescribed that relieve attraction, which can cause aversion to foamy drink. They do not have a pronounced taste and smell, so relatives can secretly give them to an alcoholic, mixing them into food or drinks.

Combined drug treatment and psychotherapy will relieve the beer alcoholic from addiction. The main thing is to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible, then the therapy will be easier and take less time.

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How to deal with beer alcoholism? This question is important for those who understand that dependence on beer takes on a pathological form. Beer addiction begins insidiously and gradually, and the consequences of it are not as sharply manifested as dependence on stronger alcohol.

However, the end result of any alcoholism is deplorable, but when even the second stage of beer alcoholism comes, people do not notice it and continue to think that everything is in order with them.

Therefore, very often people think about beer alcoholism and its treatment is started not by the drinker himself, but by his relatives, who notice that something is wrong with the person.

Beer alcoholism: symptoms, signs

Characteristic symptoms beer alcoholism look like this:

    A single volume of beer consumed exceeds one liter per dose.

    The behavior of a person, until he has drunk beer, becomes sharp and aggressive, after drinking beer, the character noticeably softens, the person becomes good-natured.

    There are regular signs of insomnia.

    A beer belly appears and secondary female sexual characteristics in men (appears excess weight in the abdomen, thighs and chest, hysteria in character, excessive emotionality, reduced potency), secondary male sexual characteristics in women (coarsening of the voice, male-type hirsutism).

    Girdle type headaches begin.

    The drink is consumed in the morning, afternoon, evening and even at night in order to cheer up and just like that.

    A person cannot relax and enjoy in the usual way, only after drinking beer.

    Beer is consumed daily or at least several times a week.

Formally, dependence can be divided into several stages, but this is in theory. In practice, alcoholism develops almost at lightning speed, and this is its main danger. And this is not due to psychological reasons, but because at some point the body rebuilds biochemical processes, and the ethanol contained in alcohol ceases to be excreted from the body according to the previous scheme, and accumulates in the body in the form of acetaldehyde, which causes hangover pangs.

And if with a simple hangover it helps to cleanse the body of toxins and speed up metabolism, then with a beer hangover, relief comes after another mug of beer. A beer binge differs from a vodka binge in that in it a person does not behave like a complete alcoholic, and therefore drinking beer around the clock does not at first cause any particular suspicions among the drinker himself, and often among his relatives.

The first stage of beer alcoholism often does not seem to be a stage of the disease at all. A person simply drinks a lot of alcohol in the evenings and in companies, the dose of beer consumed gradually increases. Beer drinking is regular, but not in critical volumes. It is impossible to call this stage obvious, it is often called zero, but any regular amount of alcohol intake is already alcoholism, so we will call it the first.

Effectively treat beer alcoholism

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Treating beer alcoholism: when to start looking for help

At this stage, signs noticeable to a specialist, but almost incomprehensible to the drinker and his relatives, are observed. But if you know them, then you can track them.

    A person gets used to drinking alcohol and may not get drunk for a long time. This ability almost always pleases the drinker, as he gets the opportunity to stretch the pleasure and process of drinking.

    Beer becomes associated with relaxation; without it, recreation becomes less attractive. There is a desire to drink in the company, and then without it, enjoying the very process of intoxication.

    A person has no sense of proportion and drinks as long as there is alcohol on the table or as long as they pour him.

    Unconscious degradation of the personality begins. A person chooses those places of rest where there will be an opportunity to drink.

    But most importantly, he completely denies that he has problems with alcoholism. A person does not even understand that beer is also alcohol.

At the second stage, the amount of beer and the frequency of drinking the drink reach critical volumes, without which a person is no longer able to do, and it becomes very difficult to move away from alcohol on your own. At this stage, the addiction to beer is understandable and obvious. First it's a liter, then one and a half, then two. Over time, a person ceases to feel the usual intoxication from the current dose and needs to drink more alcohol. The craving becomes obsessive: beer is already becoming a necessary, not a desired drink. A psychological addiction to the drink is formed, which develops into chronic alcoholism.

    Mood swings become noticeable and frequent.

    There is a decrease in concentration and mental abilities.

    During sobriety, a person is rude to others.

    The doses that the drinker allows himself are many times higher than the norm.

    Are starting to show mental disorders characteristic of alcoholism (hallucinations, attacks of alcoholic epilepsy, paranoia).

At the third stage, tolerance to the consumed beer sharply increases. In some cases, a person finds that he can drink up to 15 liters of alcohol. Moreover, after drinking even 1 glass of beer, a person loses a sense of control and can drink unlimitedly, in some cases up to 15 liters of beer at a time! In the third stage, the signs of beer alcoholism include hangover syndrome, which is accompanied by a desire to “treat” with a glass of beer in the morning to end the torment. There is a physiological attachment to beer.

    The patient may go into multi-day beer binges.

    The intellect and memory of a drinking person are sharply reduced.

    Drunkards have little interest in entertainment during which they will not be able to drink a single gram of beer.

    Moral qualities are sharply overestimated. Beer drunkard starts borrowing money for booze, drinking drinks of dubious quality just to feel the familiar feeling of intoxication. Even if his relatives think about how to cure beer alcoholism, the drinker himself does not think that the problem exists. For him, this behavior becomes the norm.

    Appearance changes: swelling appears under the eyes, the skin acquires a reddish tint, facial features appear swollen.

    Developing kidney failure, cardiac pathologies, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis of the liver and other unpleasant pathologies.

    The quality of intimate life drops sharply, impotence develops, fertility decreases.

    The character changes: anger develops, irritability, which are abruptly replaced by anxiety, apathy.

To the horror of the drinker, even at the third stage, he may not understand that he has become addicted for a long time, and the treatment of beer alcoholism must begin immediately! The beer alcoholic himself may agree to the procedure of drinking from alcohol or to a quick sobering up, but he is not ready to give up beer drinking.

Beer alcoholism in men

In view of the fact that men have a special process of biochemical regulation of the body when drinking beer, it is necessary to describe the characteristic signs of beer alcoholism. How to get rid of an early appearance of the abdomen? How to prevent female type obesity? You need to stop drinking beer immediately!

A characteristic feature of beer alcoholism in men is that they overwhelmingly do not understand and do not admit that they have a problem with alcohol. They think that everything is fine with them, even if others repeatedly hint at them that there is a problem.

Therefore, the treatment of beer alcoholism in a man should always begin with communication with a specialist who will be able to demonstrate to the patient all the symptoms of the disease. In some cases, the so-called intervention, the intervention of doctors gradually, may be necessary.

Beer alcoholism in men leads to many problems:

    Diseases of the internal organs and the whole body develop (pancreatitis, diabetes, gout, muscle atrophy, kidney failure).

    The presence of phytoestrogens in beer disrupts the reproductive system, reconfigures hormonal balance in the body, as a result of which the man gradually becomes swollen, his body becomes effeminate, the sexual function gradually fades away. The production of the male sex hormone methyltestosterone is inhibited, the production of one's own sex hormones is slowed down.

    The constant use of alcohol leads to dementia, encephalopathy, epilepsy, neurasthenia.

    The more a person drinks, the more the protective mechanism of the digestive tract organs, which work for wear and tear, is activated. Resources are depleted, a precancerous condition occurs, gastritis and ulcers develop.

    Fatty hepatosis develops, the liver increases in size, and a person may not even be aware of the changes taking place. To detect a problem, you need to undergo an examination, but an alcoholic decides on this only at the direction of a doctor.

    The liver tissue is reborn, which causes an excessive accumulation of fluid in the body (ascites), and fat and water accumulate most often in the abdomen.

The appearance of a man drinking beer leaves much to be desired. The situation with beer alcoholism in women is not the best.

Beer alcoholism in women. Symptoms

Home treatment of beer alcoholism in women should be started strictly at the first stage. The more running female alcoholism the more difficult it is to cure. First of all, the problem lies in the fact that female drunkenness progresses much faster due to the peculiarities of female physiology. In addition, it is socially conditioned that it is less decent for a woman to drink and get drunk than a man. Therefore, women often drink alone, which makes it impossible to somehow control themselves. As a result, they fall asleep much faster.

In addition to all that is listed above, the symptoms of beer alcoholism in women can be supplemented with the following list:

    Suppression of childbearing function. Hormonal failure, diseases of the female genital area up to infertility. The epithelium thickens, problems with conception, the risk of breast cancer increases.

    A striking symptom of female beer alcoholism is disproportionately thin legs and arms, accumulation of fat around the waist.

    Grayish skin, the appearance of red streaks on the face.

    Male hirsutism (mustache, belly hair, hoarse voice).

    Crumble and darken teeth.

    Hair turns gray and tangled, salty. They look untidy.

    The presence of fermentation products in beer affects the mental state: a woman is either depressed, lethargic, inhibited, or overexcited, hyperactive.

    Cough, expectoration, lacrimation, nasal discharge, stuffy nose and throat, sore throat.

    Dementia develops, intelligence decreases.

How to get rid of beer alcoholism: cure beer alcoholism

A woman, like a man, does not think about how to get rid of beer alcoholism, while it is necessary to do this until alcohol, together with other toxic products, has destroyed health in the bud. The doctors of our center offer methods to cure beer alcoholism:

    Coding (there are contraindications, consult your doctor!). The preferred methods are reduced to coding according to the Dovzhenko method, sewing in the Esperal-Gel tablet, the Torpedo method (administration of disulfiram, which causes an active reaction that is uncomfortable for the body when drinking beer).

    Good results achieved by hypnosis coding. But this method also has drawbacks. A woman, along with a negative attitude towards alcohol, may develop phobias. She begins to be afraid of any contact with alcohol-containing liquids, fermentation products.

    Psychological help. Effective at an early stage of beer alcoholism. Symptoms and their treatment will help narcologists evaluate and prepare an effective treatment program.

    Medical treatment in the clinic is selected individually.

How to deal with beer alcoholism: effective and anonymous help from specialists

If beer alcoholism is detected, only a doctor can recommend how to get rid of it. It is he who will be able to identify the symptoms of beer alcoholism in women or men, think over tactics that will allow starting psychotherapeutic work. Only then is coding possible, which will be successful only in conjunction with other methods, but above all - with comprehensive rehabilitation, preferably in isolation from the usual family and social environment.

Our specialists are available around the clock to receive you and discuss your problem with you. Contact us! The sooner you start treating beer alcoholism, the less harm this "harmless" drink will bring you.

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Despite the fact that the alcohol content in beer has been increasing in recent years (in some varieties, the dose reaches 14%), many lovers of this intoxicating drink believe that this drink is more harmless than vodka or wine. This is what their consumers and beer producers assure their consumers. Despite this, the number of beer alcoholics is steadily growing and most of them know that this is precisely the disease.

What are the consequences of beer alcoholism? Unfortunately, most beer drinkers have only heard of them and have a rather vague idea of ​​them.

A bit of history

  • In the 19th century, the British attempted to combat alcoholism by replacing hard liquor with beer as much as possible, but contrary to expectations, this innovation caused a greater spread of drunkenness.
  • Widely known is the statement of German Chancellor Bismarck that beer makes people stupid, lazy and powerless (meaning impotence).

Today, beer cannot be compared at all with that which was brewed in ancient Egypt, drunk in the pubs of England or brewed in German breweries - in modern drink the alcohol content is 5, 8-9 and even 14%. And, that is why, beer becomes the reason for the faster development of alcohol addiction.

The effect of beer on the organs

  1. The harm of beer for the heart is largely due to the presence of cobalt in this drink, which is used by modern brewers to make the drink foam. As a result of the study of heart tissues in persons suffering from beer alcoholism, it was found that the presence of this destructive toxin is 10 times higher than normal. In such a heart, a number of pathological changes are revealed:
    • expanded cavities;
    • thickened walls;
    • areas of necrosis;
    • decrease in mitochondria.

    In addition, cobalt has a destructive effect on other organs: the esophagus, stomach and other organs and systems.
    The high load on the heart when drinking beer is associated not only with the toxic effects of cobalt, but also the need for the body to process a large amount of fluid with high content carbon dioxide. Such a load leads to varicose veins and the borders of the heart - this condition can be called "beer heart" or "kapron stocking". In this condition, the heart becomes flabby and cannot pump blood efficiently.

  1. Salts of heavy metals contained in beer are toxic and have negative impact and on the endocrine system. In the body of men who systematically drink this intoxicating drink, testosterone levels decrease and fat begins to be deposited on the hips, sides and chest. The figure gradually becomes effeminate, and an increased level of estrogen provokes the growth of the mammary glands. Over time, such men gradually lose interest in the opposite sex, and after 15-20 years of beer alcoholism, they become impotent.
    Beer alcoholism in women also leads to a change hormonal background: the voice becomes rougher, problems with the skin, hair appear, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, there are problems with the bearing of the fetus and complications of childbirth.
  2. The consequences of beer alcoholism are also manifested in the excessive production of such a hormone as adrenaline. Under its influence, the brain is constantly in a state of tension, the alcoholic has bouts of aggression, which are replaced by periods of depressed mood. Violations in the psyche can lead to dementia and rapid degradation of the personality.
    In the brain of a beer alcoholic, dead cells are found, lesions of the auditory and visual analyzer are detected. Beer lovers are more likely to have neuropathies and disorders in the spinal cord.
  3. Beer has a powerful negative effect on the digestive tract. toxins, fermentation products and carbon dioxide constantly irritate the walls of the stomach, other digestive organs and lead to gastritis hyperacidity, peptic ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis and cancer.
  4. Beer alcoholism often leads to infertility or adversely affects pregnancy and the health of a newborn baby. According to statistics, in such children, pathologies in physical and mental development are more often detected and the infant mortality rate is 15.6%.

Beer and teenagers

Especially negative beer alcoholism and drunkenness affects adolescents, among whom in Lately there is a clear acceleration. The physical growth of adolescents, which is rapidly advancing mental development, leads to the fact that their nervous system lability increases, which, moreover, occurs against the background of active puberty. This combination of factors makes this age group even more vulnerable to the toxic effects of alcohol.

Active consumption of beer and other low alcohol drinks, leads to alcoholism catastrophically fast deadlines- after a few months, a teenager becomes addicted to beer, and after 2-3 years he becomes a beer alcoholic.

How does beer alcoholism manifest itself - signs, symptoms and stages?

In the International Classification of Diseases, there is no such diagnosis as "beer alcoholism" and dependence on beer will be classified by narcologists as "alcoholism", but the essence and course of the disease does not change from this and addiction to beer goes through, in fact, the same stages as passion any other alcoholic beverages.

A characteristic feature of dependence on beer is the transience of addiction and the formation of mental and physical dependence.

Signs of beer alcoholism:

  • more than 1 liter of beer is drunk per day;
  • without the presence of beer in the diet, aggressiveness and irritability appear;
  • there is nocturnal insomnia and a constant feeling of tension without beer;
  • men have a "beer belly";
  • there are violations of potency or a decrease in libido;
  • headaches appear more often;
  • in the morning there is a desire to hangover beer.

The symptoms of beer alcoholism are no different from the manifestations of wine or vodka. The need for beer, starting with 1-2 bottles, is growing rapidly. If at the beginning a person drinks a glass of beer 1 time in a few days, then soon he will have a desire to drink this intoxicating soft drink more often, and he finds various “plausible” reasons for this. Gradually, to achieve the effect of euphoria, he needs everything large doses beer - in severe cases, the amount drunk can reach about 15 liters per day.

Gradually, the mental dependence on beer develops into a physical one and, as a rule, it has a drunken character. e. Beer alcoholics do not always reach the full state of intoxication and continue to drink again without completely sobering up. This rhythm can go on for months and years, and beer withdrawals become more and more rare and rarely reach three days.

Unlike a hangover that comes from drinking vodka or wine, beer hangover flows more difficult due to the fact that it is much more difficult to remove it. hallmark such a condition is diarrhea, which often accompanies a headache.

The stages of beer alcoholism are the same as with any other

Narcologists distinguish four stages:

  1. Zero (or stage of domestic drunkenness)- a person drinks up to 1 liter of beer periodically, motivating the desire to drink by the fact that he needs to relieve stress or relax; This state lasts for about half a year.
  2. First- a person already has strong traction to beer, which is expressed by an obsessive desire to drink, the consumption of 0.5-1 l already occurs almost every day; addiction and psychological dependence is formed.
  3. Second- a craving for beer is formed (drinking 0.5-1 l occurs more and more often), control over the amount drunk after the first glass is lost, it becomes more difficult to stop drinking and stop, endurance increases; psychological and physical addiction, a hangover appears, mood swings appear (aggression, irritability, depression and gloomy thoughts).
  4. Third- beer drinking becomes drunken or daily, often vodka is added to beer, there are violations of the internal organs, which are already irreversible, the alcoholic develops apathy towards others and, often, only compulsory treatment can save him.

Features of the treatment of beer alcoholism

"How to get rid of beer alcoholism?"- a narcologist will help to answer it unambiguously, but all beer alcoholics are characterized by the fact that the sooner a person thinks about the perniciousness of this habit and the sooner he turns to a specialist for help, the more likely he is to get rid of this disease and stop the destructive effect of this intoxicating drink. For each patient, an individual treatment tactic is selected, the choice of which depends on the stage of the disease and the psychological characteristics of the beer alcoholic.
