
Reasons for eating sweets Psychological techniques to help fight the desire to eat sweets

Many of us have noticed that even after a hearty meal, the hand still reaches for a chocolate bar or a cupcake. Or seeing in social networks a photo of delicious delicious cake I definitely want to go buy one for myself. Familiar? Let them tell us that sugar is bad, but many people cannot overcome cravings for sweets and sweets. They feel sick if they don't eat a piece of chocolate or put candy in their mouth. What to do, how to get rid of cravings for sweets and overcome the addiction to sweets?

Many nutritionists compare sugar addiction with alcohol addiction which is also difficult to get rid of. Everyone knows that too much sweet is bad for health and figure, but they cannot overcome it. This problem exists all over the world. For many who would like to acquire a slender figure, it is the addiction to sweets and flour that becomes an obstacle to this goal.

Manufacturers add sugar:

In drinks;

Semi-finished products;

Bakery products (and far from sweet);

Sauces and pastes.

Workers are trying to add more sugar to their meals Catering. Yes, the taste of such dishes becomes more intense and well remembered. This is what the calculation is made for, so that a person will return to them again and purchase their products.

So from a once rare delicacy, sugar has become our daily norm and one of the main ingredients of our diet.

According to the analysis of the WHO (World Health Organization), in the developed countries of the world, on average, there are from 30 to 50 kilograms of sugar per person and its share in the diet is about 15 percent, while doctors and nutritionists recommend no more than 5 percent.

Many people know exactly what to eat. more vegetables, fruit, stick to the right healthy eating. But they can't deny themselves sweets. Their mood drops, they become lethargic and indifferent, they cannot concentrate quickly. Why is this happening?

Our body needs carbohydrates. Therefore, getting them from sweet foods is natural for our body. Sugar is found in fruits and vegetables. But its content in them is much less compared to candy or chocolate.

Sugar can also become a problem when you just eat it out of habit. People feel like they need something sweet, especially after eating, and don't feel full until they have a sweet for dessert.

Even if you are at a normal weight, sugar can cause serious health problems. It can be more than just heart problems. You may experience headaches, bloating, and more. Excessive sugar consumption may be the cause or one of the reasons:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • Metabolic syndrome with high cholesterol and hypertension;
  • heart disease;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Infections with Candida and other yeast bacteria.

In the end, great amount sugar and white flour in our diet leads to obesity and related health problems. When sugar is consumed, the level of glucose in the blood jumps, insulin takes off, and stores of fat are deposited throughout the body.

To overcome such dependence and normalize the consumption of sweets, you need not only willpower, but also a change in your diet.

Craving for sweet reasons

Cravings for sweets are very common and should not be ignored. And the point here may not be at all in willpower. We are all programmed for sweets. But some like to eat candy or something sweet dessert at times, others become powerless to fight sugar cravings.

Studies in this area (though not yet as extensive) have shown that some of us are genetically predisposed to sweets and are more prone to sugar addiction.

Some people need more sweet brain stimulation. When sugar enters the body, it produces more of a hormone called dopamine. The reason for addiction to sugar-laden foods and snacks is individual and can be multifactorial for the individual. Two people with the same habits can have completely different reasons. Here are the main causes of sugar cravings that your body may crave for sweets.

Magnesium deficiency;

iron deficiency;

Imbalance of bacteria in the intestine;

Lack of good sleep;


Insufficient intake of carbohydrates;

Insufficient protein intake;

Eating too many artificial sweeteners

The use of foods low in fat or their complete absence;

Too many "natural" foods with added sugars.

Nutritional deficiencies can cause different problems with health. our body is an intelligent system designed to sustain life. Therefore, when the body lacks any nutrients, it begins to ask for foods containing these nutrients.

Too much big thrust to chocolate can cause a lack of magnesium in the body. Chocolate is a rich source of magnesium.

The next time you're craving a chocolate bar, instead make a sugar-free cocoa powder drink or eat a 100 percent sugar-free chocolate bar. Other good sources of magnesium are nuts, seeds, beans, and dark leafy greens.

This also applies to iron deficiency, which makes you feel tired and lethargic. Best Source iron: spinach, egg yolk, red meat, pumpkin seeds, lentils.

Believe it or not, the trillions of bacteria living in our gut control our general well-being. Therefore, the balance of bacteria in the intestine is very important.

All bacteria living in the intestines, when you eat a lot of sweets, eventually feed on sugar. You will be surprised that once you include more natural products and give up great use sugar for seven days, your sugar addiction will decrease significantly.

To restore the normal balance of bacteria in the intestines, include more probiotics in the diet, lactic acid products, For example, .

Sleep deprivation affects food choices in several ways. First of all, if you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more "hunger hormone", forcing you to eat more frequently.

Research has also found that sleep deprivation has a direct impact on the rational part of our brain's decision making, making us more likely to choose "junk" foods.

Finally, when you don't get enough sleep, you feel pretty tired and your body just asks for sweets to cheer you up.

Aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep.

Many under stress begin to eat a lot of sweets to calm down. Sugar is a drug. It contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness and a person does not realize at this time that a lot of sweets are harmful. Stress also raises blood glucose levels, which leads to an increase in insulin produced by the pancreas to flush out this sugar. Excess glucose and insulin are problematic and can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Instead of sweets, try other foods that stimulate the production of serotonin: sauerkraut, bananas, walnuts, salmon and green tea. Exercise is another effective method Maintain serotonin levels at optimal healthy levels. If you suspect that you may be suffering from depression, see a qualified medical professional.

Many, trying to lose weight, sit on a low-carb diet. But the body needs carbohydrates. If you limit them or just don't eat enough, eventually your body will just scream and crave them. Therefore, many break down and begin to eat a lot of sweet and starchy foods.

Just as the body needs carbohydrates, it needs protein. Protein intake is important for maintaining stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. If he does not get protein in the morning or at lunch, then by about 3-4 pm the body will begin to demand sweets. Protein and fat slow down the release of sugar from food, keeping blood sugar levels stable and helping to prevent sugar cravings later. Start your day with protein-packed foods.

People often think they are doing the right thing by switching to artificial sweeteners. They do not contain calories. But such a replacement can lead to a drop in blood glucose levels, which causes weakness, hand tremors, and so on. Worse still, the constant use of artificial sweeteners can lead to intestinal tightness and indigestion, which contribute to an imbalance of bacteria.

When removing fat from many products, what do you think manufacturers replace it with? Sugar! Sugar is still present in in large numbers in many products positioned as healthy.

There are over 60 types of sugar that you may not even be aware of. But no matter what it comes from, even natural ones like honey, everything in the body is converted into glucose.

How to overcome sugar cravings

Below are five better ways overcome sugar cravings. There are actually four main steps. This:

More fiber;

More protein;

Healthier fats;

Eat acidic foods.

By following these rules, you can gradually get rid of cravings for sweets.

  1. More protein in your diet

Protein will actually help balance your blood sugar and thus really help reduce sugar cravings. Some of best products, With high content Proteins that can be used to relieve sugar cravings include:



Fish such as salmon, tuna, moquel and other varieties;

Chicken meat;

Black beans;

Raw milk;

Chicken eggs;

Soft cheese;


  1. Eat more healthy fats

Our body doesn't care where it gets energy from: sugar or fat. If you stop eating a lot of sugar, start eating more fat. Just make sure these are the healthy fats that are recommended for the Mediterranean diet. Such a replacement will help overcome cravings for sugar and sweet foods. Many nutritionists consider natural coconut oil to be the best fat.

  1. Include More Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber helps you feel full longer. They also promote detoxification and may reduce the symptoms of candidiasis. Candida is one of the causes of sugar cravings. The norm for an adult is the consumption of 35-40 grams of fiber per day. It contains a lot of nuts, seeds, vegetables. Here is a small list of foods high in dietary fiber:

Brussels sprouts


Eating foods rich in fiber can be a good preventive measure for many health problems, such as:

  • atherosclerosis
  • Colitis
  • Constipation
  • Crohn's disease
  • diabetes
  • diarrhea
  • Diverticulosis
  • hemorrhoids
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • kidney stones
  • Obesity
  • peptic ulcer

They will help reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and the symptoms of menopause.

  1. Eat more acidic or probiotic foods

Probiotic foods, such as fermented foods, dairy products, are acidic due to the presence of good bacteria in them. They suppress candidiasis and reduce sugar cravings. These products include:

  • Natto
  • Tea mushroom
  • Kefir
  • Soft cheese
  • Olives cooked in brine
  • Salted cucumbers

And many other products that have undergone fermentation.

  1. Replace sugar with stevia

Stevia is a non-caloric natural sweetener that can be a good alternative to sugar. It is only necessary to take into account that the sugar substitute based on it may vary.

There are three main types of stevia:

  1. Leaf stevia is the least processed of all types of stevia. Its leaves are dried and ground into a powder form. It is sweet, with a slightly bitter taste. This stevia is about 30-40 times sweeter than sugar and is the best option.
  2. Stevia extract. Some manufacturers today obtain a sweeter and less bitter version of stevia in the form of an extract. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar.
  3. Truvia or New Stevia. This is the type of stevia that you should stay away from. It's actually not stevia at all. This is a product obtained by processing stevia with the addition of other ingredients. Therefore, there is a huge difference between natural stevia and truvel.

If you follow these five tips, you can say goodbye to your sweet and sugar cravings and say goodbye to them.

Of course, it is important not only to limit your sugar intake, but also to understand the reason for your cravings for it. Only in this way can you completely overcome and overcome it, and you will no longer need to fight and exert all your willpower passing in the store past a box of chocolates or a bottle of soda.

15 ways to get rid of sugar cravings who helped me, a sugar addict, say no to sugar.

I envy my husband and sometimes I can’t even say that I am white envy. He is completely indifferent to sweets. And even if he eats it once sometimes, then it is very small piece Definitely some chocolate.

I, in the former sugar addict, must constantly keep myself under control. Having quit refined sugar since New Years, I don't even want to start because, frankly, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop.

In this struggle with sugar addiction, not only my willpower helped me, but also a certain lifestyle, good nutrition and special additives.

In this post, I have collected those effective ways that helped me say “no” to sugar and free my body (and brain!) From this harmful addiction, tested on my own bitter experience.

How to get rid of sugar cravings?

Avoid refined foods

And of course sugar! It is addictive as fast as cocaine. When you eat refined sugar, it artificially stimulates a special region in our brain that synthesizes Dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure. We begin to crave more sugar because everyone likes to experience this feeling of pleasure again and again, which leads to the most real addiction.

Pay attention to Serotonin

Or the hormone of happiness! Which can be lifted through proper nutrition (enough healthy fat aka coconuts, coconut, olive, butter, eggs, quality meat, unpasteurized dairy products), sports, .

Eat fermented foods

In my opinion, this is one of the most effective ways! They restore normal intestinal permeability and populate it with beneficial bacteria - the lack of which can lead to a craving for sweets. Ferment sauerkraut, apples, kvass, kefir at home, tea mushroom and use them every day!

take a walk

Firstly, even a short walk will distract you from the very desire to go and eat such a desired cookie. And secondly, while walking, you will begin to produce endorphins, special substances that cause feelings of joy and euphoria, which also reduces cravings for sweets.

Clear the body of Candida and Thrush

This yeast fungus, which when present in abundance in our intestines and body, is very fond of sweets! And he constantly asks for it, which makes you cram buns and cakes into yourself. You can read how I got rid of this unpleasant and pathological condition Once and for all.

Replace refined sugar with natural

Like fruit, honey, maple syrup, again in moderation. Or for example - natural, which does not contain calories. I don't eat a large number of fruits in the middle of the week, and on weekends with waffles and pancakes - honey and. Sometimes I allow myself a healthy dessert.

Practice the Emotional Freedom Technique

This is necessary in order to take stress under control. Which often provokes not only dependence on good emotions and sugar, but also uncontrolled absorption of food. is based on the elementary tapping on specific acupuncture points on our body, simply by repeating specific phrases that release and calm the body and mind. It is good to use it immediately, as soon as you begin to have a desire for sweets.

Get Started with Glutamine

Or a special amino acid, the lack of which can lead to cravings for sweets. You can read more about my experience with this supplement.

Practice intermittent fasting

A special system that not only rejuvenates and heals from the inside, but also helps fight sugar addiction. rebuilds our body from burning sugar to fat instead of the main source of energy. When the body does not require sugar to maintain energy, our body does not really need it. If you have, then intermittent fasting is not for you.

Eat enough protein and fat

Especially the last one - healthy fat! People on fat-free diets tend to think about sugar all the time, and let's face it, the fat-free diet itself is often loaded with hidden sugars. Protein and fats make us feel full for much longer, reduce the level of the hormone Insulin, stabilizing blood sugar.

Start taking Chromium

Which stabilizes blood sugar levels and regulates insulin. My post is about Chrome.

Start Taking Magnesium

According to statistics, almost everyone is deficient in this essential mineral. And another symptom of a deficiency will be your craving not only for sweets, but also for chocolate, as it is rich in Magnesium. I am not suggesting that you eat tons of chocolate, but replenish your magnesium reserves with Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium ionic solution, homemade and baths with - please!

Chew gum

When you start thinking or craving sweets. Only not the one that is sold in stores, stuffed with sugars and toxic sweeteners, but natural version, for example on Xylitol, which still freshens breath and prevents the development of caries. Chewing gum is best chewed after meals and no longer than 15 minutes.

Season salad with vinegar

And not simple and, no, not golden, but. It improves digestion, which in turn helps stabilize sugar levels and avoid sudden spikes.

Do not buy or keep sweets at home

After all, then you will not be tempted to eat a candy that lies right under your nose! Just don't buy them so they don't annoy you. Out of sight, out of mind!

And finally, I would like to add that my craving for sweets passed after about 3 weeks of following all these methods together. So the approach to this problem should be complex. And of course, you must be serious about completely freeing your body from sugar addiction.

By the way, I'm writing one now interesting article how sugar leads to cancer! It was a good kick for me to start thinking about quitting sugar.

And also, based on own experience I can say the less sugar you eat, the less you want it!

Now you know how to get rid of sugar cravings! How do you deal with this problem? What are your methods and techniques?

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Each of us has our little weaknesses, but sometimes there comes a moment when they grow into a big problem. There is nothing criminal in eating 1-2 sweets or drinking tea with a spoonful of honey, but when you really have a regular bust with sweets, and you start to feel addicted to sweets and cakes, you need to take action. Sweets are not something that our body cannot do without, so you can say goodbye to bad habit using these 10 practical tips.

Never skip breakfast

It has been observed that those of us who start our day with a balanced meal have less sugar cravings throughout the day. This is explained by the fact that skipping breakfast reduces the level of glucose in the blood, which we try to put in order by snacking on sweets. Include eggs, vegetables, nuts, lean meats, whole grains, legumes, and other foods that keep insulin levels in your morning list.

Find the chrome

This mineral actually helps stabilize blood sugar levels, helping to curb uncontrollable sugar cravings. Therefore, if you constantly want to snack on cookies, chocolate or some other sweet snack, you may have a lack of chromium in the body. To fix this, add more broccoli, mushrooms, whole grains and cereals to your diet, naturally. grape juice, asparagus and other foods rich in chromium.

Take probiotics daily

One of the reasons for uncontrolled cravings for sweets can be dysbacteriosis. Colonies of pathogenic microflora of bacteria and yeast fungi literally "eat" sugar. Eating probiotic foods that are rich in beneficial bacteria can help balance your gut microflora, so include it in your diet. daily diet natural yogurt and kefir.

get over yourself

If you're ready to take drastic measures, try this trick: give up sugar completely for a week or two and watch what happens. Usually, the first 2-3 days are the most difficult, and the body will insistently demand its portion of the sweet "drug". However, if you overpower these urges, after a while you will find that cravings become more manageable - which is what you wanted to achieve.

Cut down on caffeine

Caffeine can do a disservice by causing sharp drop blood sugar levels. So after morning coffee with a donut, most likely, within an hour you will have the desire to eat a whole box of these donuts. Replace coffee herbal tea, fruit juice or smoothies - fructose does not cause sharp rises and falls in blood sugar, but useful fiber will help to prolong the feeling of satiety, filling the stomach.

Switch to natural sugars

If the desire to eat something sweet does not leave, try to have a snack not with candy or ice cream, but with a portion of dried fruit or juicy fruit like an apple or an orange. The natural sweetness of these foods will satisfy the psychological urge, while the fiber will help stabilize blood sugar levels. This is the main difference from refined carbohydrates, which cause blood sugar spikes.

Drink more water

A simple healthy habit to start your morning with a glass of water will not only help you achieve the required level of moisture in the body, but also gently prepare the digestive organs for work. As a result, even after the most hearty breakfast, the stomach will quickly cope with its task, and cravings for sweets will be under control. Do not forget that the required minimum is 8 glasses of water. Herbal tea would also be a good choice.

If your diet contains a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then very soon you will forget about the uncontrollable urge to eat sweets. The right decision is to include more beans, lentils, yogurt, lean meat, celery, cabbage, whole grains, hummus, leafy greens, grapes and nuts.

Add fat

Feel free to add to the main dish a small portion oils rich in saturated fatty acids- cocoa butter, cream and pumpkin seed oil become a healthy choice. Contrary to popular belief, these ingredients contain substances that nourish the entire body and help naturally suppress cravings for sweets.

move more

Exercise helps release the happy hormone, endorphin. Remember how you feel after finishing a good workout: you are full of energy and emotionally uplifted. A short walk after dinner will give a similar effect. It has also been observed that exercising encourages you to eat more healthy food so there are more benefits to exercise than you might think.

Many people like sweets and end up with overweight and all the ensuing consequences. Often the love for flour and desserts turns into addiction. To prevent this from becoming a problem, you need to know how to overcome cravings for sweets and starchy foods in different ways.

Craving for sweets: causes

Today, the following sources of this problem are known:

  • Constant stress. Everyone knows that when sugar enters the body, the hormone serotonin is produced, which calms, improves mood and relieves anxiety. Therefore, with frequent increased emotional state sweet - a natural antidepressant;
  • Micronutrient deficiencies. The reason that you constantly want sugar or are drawn to flour is a lack of chromium in the body. It is this element that regulates carbohydrate metabolism and normalizes blood glucose levels. With an increase in the level of chromium, there is a desire to eat dessert;
  • Nutritional imbalance. An excess of sweets in the diet also contributes to constant cravings for similar foods. Blood sugar promotes the production of insulin, at which time there is a surge of energy, which quickly passes. As a result, the body requires a new dose. An additional need for sweets appears when the time interval between meals is very large;
  • Hormonal imbalance. This problem can be solved only with the help of medicine. Most often, everything is associated with a malfunction of the thyroid gland. After all, it is she who produces hormones responsible for the regulation of metabolism.

How to get rid of sugar cravings?

Knowing the cause of this problem, you can get acquainted with the following methods of getting rid of it:

  • When sugar cravings are caused by stress. You can get rid of this by increasing the amount of serotonin by eating foods that contain a lot of tryptophan and the amino acid. For example, legumes, cereals, cottage cheese, beef, turkey and mushrooms;
  • To normalize the amount of chromium in the blood, you need to adjust the diet. A lot of the chromium we need is found in fish, seafood, chicken eggs and broccoli;
  • It is necessary to maintain a balance of carbohydrate intake with food. It is impossible to completely refuse desserts, as irritability and a decrease in efficiency may appear. You can get rid of sugar cravings by developing a balanced meal plan.

10 ways to beat your sweet tooth

In most cases, the dream slim figure ends after the appearance of favorite sweets and cookies in the house.

Consider a few simple tips How to overcome sugar cravings:

  • We cultivate willpower. To make it easier to give up sweets, there must be motivation. It can be a desire to fit into your favorite jeans, lose a few pounds before the next event, etc. An additional incentive may be a motivational picture hung in a conspicuous place, such a reminder - great way cultivate willpower;
  • We take everything out of sight. In most cases, the craving for sweets is a habit that is very difficult to control, so it is best to completely eliminate them from the house. Get rid of this habit for about 28 days;
  • We prepare food for a snack in advance. In order not to eat anything extra, you need to eat on time and the interval between meals should be the same. For snacks, it is better to choose dried fruits, nuts or drinking yogurts;
  • Try to replace all sweets with fruits. These products contain fiber and useful glucose and fructose. Main allies: grapefruits, pineapples, apples and plums. Add berries and smoothies to your diet and the need for desserts will disappear;
  • Engage in honey therapy. This product not only fights bad habits, but is also a good remedy for weight loss. At regular use a drink based on honey can also cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • Nutritionists are sure that protein in any form - nutrient which can replace sugar. Protein cocktail on the basis of this element, it perfectly extinguishes the raging appetite and does not allow you to eat an extra portion of sweets;
  • Increase the amount of foods that have tryptophan. These include chicken, veal, seafood, and dairy products. They contain much more tryptophan than most sweets;
  • Starch and fiber - a ratio that can be a substitute for sweets. The source of these substances: potatoes, pasta and wholemeal bread. Proper preparation dishes from these products and the rejection of fatty sauce will contribute to weight loss. To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to back everything up with fresh fruit;
  • To avoid overeating, drink more water. Thirst is often confused with a feeling of slight hunger and drowned out in vain by sweets. It is important to remember that it is better to give preference to healthy drinks;
  • The presence of cravings for sweets is often caused by psychological problems. Find a hobby that takes your mind off food. It is better if the new activity is associated with physical activity.

How to overcome sugar cravings: drugs

It has been proven that chromium and sugar are inversely related. Drinking a second washes out useful element, and chromium, in turn, suppresses the craving for sweets. To obtain this substance from products, it is enough to consume beef liver, seafood, river and sea ​​fish and pearl barley.

Consider also a few popular drugs:

  • L-glutamine (glutamine) - drug natural way pacifies all tension in the body and thus removes hunger;
  • Tryptophan helps to effectively control the centers of food pleasure and quickly satisfy hunger. Compliance with a diet with this drug is easier.

Foods to help fight sugar cravings

In order not to completely refuse delicacies, but at the same time not to harm the figure, you can please yourself with the following useful products:

  • Honey. Useful and delicious treat, which contains in its composition mineral salts, fruit acids and other substances that give it healing power. It has been proven that honey strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of all systems and treats diseases;
  • Bitter dark chocolate. Consists of grated cocoa beans, normalizes blood pressure and even cures colds. It has been proven that such a product reduces the likelihood of the onset of many diseases;
  • Dried fruits. Dried fruits are good for the heart, cleanse blood vessels and intestines. Each individual dried fruit preserves everything beneficial features fresh product. Thanks to the wide variety, everyone can choose the right fruit for themselves;
  • Zephyr. Fruit and berry puree mixed with sugar and egg white, favorite treat many people. Marshmallow contains phosphorus, proteins, iron and other useful dietary fibers;
  • marmalade, natural ingredients which contain pectin, a natural sorbent, and other substances that remove toxins and positively affect the functioning of organs;
  • Cane sugar. overseas product very useful, as it contains a complex of minerals, vitamins and plant fibers;
  • Fruits and berries. The fruits given by nature are rich in enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants and organic acids. Due essential oils, protein and fiber fruits are nutritious and at the same time low in calories.

From all of the above, it can be seen that it is possible to overcome the addiction to sweets. The main thing is to understand that it will take willpower and time. However, as practice shows, everything will work out.

Practical psychologists in their work often have to deal with the problem food addiction at the client. People who have become hostages of receiving positive emotions from eating delicious foods do not know how to give up sweets and starchy foods.

Sweets and muffins are at the same time beautiful, tasty, associated with warmth, comfort and coziness, and besides, they also bring a lot of joy and goodies. Well, how can you resist and not eat a piece of a beautiful and pleasantly smelling cake or pie?!

The problem of dependence on sweets and starchy foods is widespread and insoluble for many.

What causes the need for sweets and starchy foods? The fact is that these products contain carbohydrates is the main source of energy in human body. When burning 1 gram of carbohydrates, 4 kcal of energy is released. It is impossible to completely exclude sweet and starchy foods, without these products you simply cannot survive.

Health problems begin when a person eats too many carbohydrates. Especially dangerous simple carbohydrates. They, unlike complex carbohydrates, are digested quickly and easily, which is why they are also called fast. But if you eat too much of them, then after some of them are used up for energy, some are stored as glycogen for muscle work, the rest are deposited in fat.

  • obesity
  • diabetes,
  • dental caries,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • skin diseases,
  • decrease in immunity
  • cardiovascular diseases.

The problem is that it is very easy to eat more carbohydrates than you should! Having eaten one piece of chocolate, it is difficult to eat, the whole bar has already been eaten, and the hunger is still not satisfied, on the contrary, the appetite is even more played out.

The rate of carbohydrate intake varies depending on physical activity and lifestyle of a person 300 to 500 grams per day (1,200 - 2,000 kcal). in tiles milk chocolate approximately 25.4 g of carbohydrates, that is, 547 kcal, and this is about a third of the daily requirement!

Only the need to work hard can justify the consumption of simple carbohydrates. For example, if you eat a piece of cake, and then go and “work out” it in the gym, fat is unlikely to be deposited, since all the energy will be used up.

simple carbohydrates contained in sugar and, accordingly, in all sugar-containing products, in honey, jam, cakes, cookies and in all other confectionery products, in carbonated sweet drinks, white bread, white rice, sweet fruits and vegetables.

More often addiction cause precisely products containing fast carbohydrates- sweet and flour treats. They become a real "drug", because the sugar contained in them stimulates the production of happy hormones - endorphins.

The body begins to demand a delicious "dose" and suffer if it is not there. A person who is used to getting a boost of energy and Have a good mood, eating a chocolate bar, will be angry, nervous and lash out at loved ones, if suddenly there is no favorite sweet at hand. This is how a habit turns into an addiction.

It is better to replenish the energy reserves of the body not with simple, but complex carbohydrates. To create a feeling of satiety until the moment when the amount eaten exceeds the allowable rate, only complex carbohydrates can. They break down slowly and are practically not deposited in body fat, unless, of course, they are overeaten. But even if you overeat such foods, there will be much less harm to health and figure than from simple carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates are found in beans, vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, and so on), oatmeal, buckwheat, potatoes, bread coarse grinding and other products.

Causes of food addiction

Overcoming cravings for sweets and starchy foods is more difficult for some people, easier for others. Some people eat as many sweets and sandwiches as they like and remain thin, and lush, even observing strict diet can't lose weight. It all depends on the reasons that caused the addiction and the characteristics of the human body.

There is an opinion that the key to the success of any diet is willpower, and the main problem of people with overweight- intemperance in eating. This is true, but only partly.

The fact is that cause exorbitant addiction to sweet and starchy foods can become:

  • metabolic disease;
  • lack of chromium, magnesium, calcium and others important trace elements maintaining blood glucose levels;
  • hormonal disorders (eg, insulin resistance);
  • hereditary predisposition to addiction to sweets;
  • consequences of a concussion, hypotension, osteochondrosis (due to insufficient blood supply to the brain, there is not enough glucose).

A signal that the addiction to sweets is based on health problems may be the fact that a candy or a bun becomes "pill" from a physical ailment, such as a headache.

A person begins to feel better after eating sweet product due to the fact that the simple carbohydrates contained in it are very quickly broken down to glucose and deliver it as an emergency energy aid to the body.

It becomes clear that willpower alone will not be enough to eliminate the physiological causes of love for sweets, the help of a doctor will be required.

To the number psychological reasons Sweet addictions include:

  • the habit formed in childhood to receive sweets as a reward and reward for work;
  • the habit of "jamming" negative emotions: sadness, anxiety, fear, self-doubt;
  • the habit of "jamming" stress, failures, troubles at work and at home, conflicts and just a bad mood;
  • Effect " forbidden fruit”- what is forbidden is what you want most of all.

Dependency Mechanism from sweet and flour is based on the habit of treating delicious food as a source of joy, happiness and pleasure, and not as food. Yes, indeed, sweetness can cheer up, give optimism and self-confidence, due to the fact that it stimulates the production of happiness hormones, but this is a temporary and short-term measure.

A cake or a bun will not solve the problem, the food will be eaten (and most likely beyond allowable rate), A psychological problem so it will remain unresolved.

Nutritionists allow simple carbohydrates to be eaten, but in very small quantities, approximately 5% of the total carbohydrate intake. It is not forbidden to pamper yourself with a spoonful of honey or a slice of dark dark chocolate once a day, the main thing is to know when to stop.

How to get rid of cravings for sweets and starchy foods

If the problem of food addiction lies only in psychological reasons, you can overcome it yourself. Of course, you will have to be patient and willpower. The most difficult thing is to start, the further you go, the easier it is to give up sweets and starchy foods, up to complete indifference to such products.

The following will help to cope with the harmful addiction to sweet and starchy foods: recommendations:

  1. Change your relationship with food. People need food to maintain the viability of the body and nothing more. The fact that it helps to cope with stress, cheer up, give self-confidence is only a temporary illusion.

While eating, you need to think about food, not about problems. Many people are talking at the table or watching TV. These habits also provoke overeating.

You can apply more radical methods: start treating junk food like poison or something unpleasant. If you ask about the features of production confectionery and their composition, it will not be so difficult to change your attitude to such products.

  • communicating with positive people
  • play, including with children and animals,
  • doing what you love, hobbies, creativity,
  • reading an exciting book
  • sports, any other physical activity,
  • hugging, kissing, making love, etc.

The main thing is that the new "drug" does not become as excessive and harmful as the previous one. You can become addicted to anything that gives you pleasure. In this regard, a workaholic who loves his job is no different from a lover of sweets. The difference is that from the first dependence more benefit than problems, and from the second - only problems.

  1. Healthy sleep. Another important condition for successful addiction recovery. Lack of sleep encourages you to eat more sweets and starchy foods so that you have enough energy for the whole working day.

If you can’t get rid of food addiction on your own, a psychologist will help. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is one of the most popular approaches in psychology to help solve the problem of overeating.

Read more about overcoming food addiction:

  1. Jacob Teitelbaum, Krystle Fiedler Sugar Free. Science-based and proven program to get rid of sugar in your diet”
  2. Oleg Freidman “Your freedom! How to get rid of addiction and find the way to yourself”
  3. Tatyana Trofimenko “How to overcome any addiction? Healing with information”
  4. Frank B. Minireth "A Drug Called Food"
  5. Giorgio Nardone Captured by food. Vomiting, anorexia, bulimia. Short-Term Therapy for Eating Disorders”
  6. Irina Lopatukhina “ProSlave of food. Psychology of harmony” and “Slaves of food? Slave uprising!”
  7. Marion Woodman
