
Drinking hard liquor by country. Cataclysms and social problems

There is a strong and well-established opinion that the Russians are one of the most abundant drinking nations. But there is one stubborn and indisputable thing - these are numbers and statistical indicators. Before arguing and carrying the idea to the masses, you need to arm yourself with statistics. "Dry" data does not carry an emotional connotation, they only offer to arm ourselves with the truth and compare the current state of affairs.

Judging by the latest data obtained by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, per capita alcohol consumption in Russia is heading towards a steady decline. In the analysis, experts compared the results adopted in 2010 and 2015. And how were things in 2016, do we have a reason to rejoice?

According to statistics, the amount of alcohol consumption in Russia is declining

According to accepted UN standards, consumption per capita of the general population from 8 liters ethyl alcohol represents an extremely worrying indicator. And not only for each person, but for the whole of a particular nation. By the way, in the classification where this level is exceeded, quite a large number of countries. In particular, according to the indicators for 2015, the rating of the most drinkers was as follows:

Place in the ranking A country Volume of alcohol consumed per capita (in liters)
1 Czech16,45
2 Hungary16,27
3 Ukraine15,60
4 Estonia15,57
5 Andorra15,48
6 Romania15,30
7 Slovenia15,19
8 Belarus15,13
9 Croatia15,11
10 Lithuania15,03
11 The Republic of Korea14,80
12 Portugal14,55
13 Ireland14,41
14 Russia13,50
15 Poland13,25
16 Great Britain13,37
17 Denmark13,37
18 Slovakia13,33
19 Austria13,24
20 Luxembourg13,01
21 Germany12,81
22 Finland12,52
23 Latvia12,50
24 Bulgaria12,44

The use of alcoholic beverages per capita in the Russian Federation fell from 13.6 liters (according to 2015 data) to 11.6 liters (according to statistics as of December 2016).

So, given what the statistics of alcoholism in Russia show, Russians cannot be frivolously ranked among the “most drinkers”? If you study the figures obtained, it becomes clear that some of the countries with a developed culture overindulge in alcohol. And if they do not reach the "record" of our country, then the difference is practically imperceptible.

Comparative characteristics of alcohol consumption in Russia and the USSR

Given the results of previous statistics, the WHO forecast for our country is quite favorable. In Russia, there is a downward trend in this unflattering figure. So, is there any reason to rejoice? Yes, but unfortunately very small.

We keep on abusing

No matter how you juggle the received numbers, don’t compare them to one degree or another, the Russians drink alcohol and quite hard. According to available indicators, on average, against the background of the abuse of alcohol-containing products in the Russian Federation, the death rate ranges from 75-85,000 for every 100,500 people. That is, one can say, counting how many alcoholics there are in Russia, that every year each of 1,400 Russian citizens dies from alcohol abuse.

This figure is not small, considering the size of our country and the number of people living in it. It is important to know that people who are addicted to alcohol and who suffer from alcoholism have no chance of living safely into old age, because according to the same statistics, of them:

  1. 60.70% will die from pancreatitis.
  2. 62.10% will take their own lives.
  3. 68.7% will die as a result of cirrhosis of the liver.
  4. 24.5% will die due to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Reasons that push people to alcohol

Studying the data provided by the statistics of alcohol consumption in Russia and comparing them with the indicators of other countries, we can conclude that the problem of drunkenness is relevant for almost all world developed countries. What global causes are to blame for this state of affairs?

Active urbanization

Experts argue that urbanization is becoming one of the main culprits for the rapid development of alcoholism. It gave a sharp increase in the population of cities, occurring due to the outflow of residents from villages and villages. Historical facts testify that, having exchanged a quiet and measured rural life for the dynamics of large cities, most people cannot cope with growing stresses and go into drunken calm.

Urbanization is one of the reasons for the growth of alcoholism

Cataclysms and social problems

In addition, and quite strongly, the growth of alcoholism in Russia was intensified by economic crises, cataclysms, and the growing threat of the use of weapons of mass destruction. By the way, in the realities of the Cold War against the backdrop of an impending nuclear catastrophe, a significant increase in the growth of alcoholism was noted. Others also contributed social problems. In particular, the rise in unemployment.

In the Russian Federation, the unemployment rate is 5.6%, while in the EU these figures are about 12%, which stimulates the growth of alcohol consumption. Here you can see the US figures taken in 2013. The country's authorities were able to reduce the unemployment rate from 9.5 to 5.4%. This also caused a pronounced downward trend in the total amount of alcohol consumption.

Social problems

As for Russia, the increase in the number of drinkers can be explained by the fact that over the previous 25-30 years our country has experienced great amount shocks to:

  • social;
  • economic;
  • political level.

The ruthless collapse of a huge, superpowerful state, which was the USSR, provoked a global destruction of all the values ​​\u200b\u200bestablished over the years and the inner worldview of our citizens. The growth of alcoholism intensified also due to the fact that a different worldview and values ​​(for that period) were never established. The population, which has lost protection at the social level, has sharply increased the level of poverty.

According to statistical results, about 10% of Russian citizens face constant difficulties with good and nutritious food.

And the decrease in the rise in prices for alcohol-containing products, which was observed during the collapse of the Union, also stimulated a sharp increase in alcoholism. People, having lost their jobs, not seeing a way out in the current situation, went for consolation to alcohol.

The consequences of alcohol addiction in the realities of the country

According to the established standards of the UN, it is considered that the consumption of alcohol more than 8 liters annually per capita is an extremely serious indicator. Upon crossing this line, the gradual degradation of a single nation will begin. Alcoholism leads to a decrease in life expectancy.

In Russia, the average life expectancy is on the rise

If we compare the average life expectancy, then in Russia it is 10-15 years less than in the EU countries.

What can we expect

The consumption of alcohol-containing products among the inhabitants of our country tends to decrease. This is evidenced by the statistics of alcohol consumption in Russia over the years, in particular, armed with data from Rosstat and WHO, we can see confirmation of this. Compare how the volume of alcohol products sold to Russians has changed. The figures are taken for the period of the first half of the year (January-August):

  1. 2014: 72.3 million decalitres.
  2. 2015: 65.5 million decaliters (-7.4%).
  3. 2016: 64.7 million decaliters (-1.3%).

To complete the picture, you can arm yourself with statistics obtained by various public funds and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. So:

The ratio of non-drinkers to drinkers

Foundation "Public Opinion". The statistics were carried out at the end of 2015:

  • 42% drink alcohol several times a year;
  • 37% of Russians lead a completely sober lifestyle;
  • 19% drink 2-3 times a month;
  • 12% use alcohol 3-4 times a week.

Analytical Center "Levada Center". The survey was conducted in 2017:

  • 40% of our citizens do not drink alcohol at all;
  • 38% drink several times a month;
  • 22% relax with alcohol weekly.

Decline in consumption of alcoholic beverages

Ministry of Health of Russia. According to the data obtained, the following trend is observed:

  • in 2015, there was a drop in alcohol consumption (per capita) from 13.6 liters to 11.7 liters;
  • over the current decade (data for December 2016), this level has decreased from 18.2 liters to 10.4 liters.

Narcological Scientific and Practical Center (Moscow). The use of alcohol-containing products in the period from 2011 to 2016 decreased by almost 1/3. That is, from the initial 18 liters per capita fell to 12.8 liters per year.

Decrease in the growth of consumption of hard liquor

In the period 2012-2015. vodka production in our country has decreased by almost 2 times. In particular:

  1. The year 2013 was marked (for the first time in the history of the Russian Federation) by a sharp, almost 2-fold consumption of vodka. The share of use of this spirit has decreased by 50% compared to 1995.
  2. In 2014, the share of vodka consumption was within the level of 45%, wine - 11%, beer - 41%, the rest was accounted for by other alcoholic beverages.

Reducing the number of alcohol intoxications

In the period from 2003-2013. the number of deaths due to alcohol poisoning in Russia has decreased by almost 3 times. If in 2003 this number fit into 30 deaths per 100,000, but in 2013 this figure varied by 10 cases.

Reducing the amount of alcohol produced in the Russian Federation

The production of vodka, due to the fall in its demand, tends to steadily decline. For example, in 2012, about 100 million decaliters of strong alcohol were produced. Then, as in 2015, this volume decreased to 60 million decaliters. If we consider the production of beer, then the picture is quite rosy there: its production is also falling: from 11.5 billion liters (2007) to 7.3 billion liters (2015).

Alcohol today is very common throughout the world.

The world population is subject to negative dependence on alcohol, which leads not only to the development of various diseases, the mental and moral decline of the individual, but also to death.

Alcoholism statistics confirm this.

Alcoholism in the world

Drinking alcohol is becoming a problem in many states. Addiction is widespread on all five continents. According to statistics, about 2.5 million people die from alcohol every year in the world.

Because of overuse alcoholic beverages, all sorts of problems are experienced not only by alcoholics, but also by their families. Since alcohol becomes the cause of many unpleasant and illegal actions. Thus, about 50% of all crimes are committed by people in a state of alcohol intoxication. Alcohol causes inappropriate behavior. Under influence strong drinks people commit suicides, murders, serious road accidents, violence, beatings and many other actions. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on children as well. Alcoholic women often give birth to children with various mental and physical developmental disabilities. In addition, due to addiction, families break up, parents abandon their children or do not give them appropriate upbringing, support, as a result, children become homeless.

Alcohol addiction can cause an economic crisis, disruptions in manufacturing process destruction of people's ability to work. Alcohol causes the development of various diseases internal organs and systems mental disorders, loss of normal appearance, rapid aging.

The situation with alcoholism in Europe and Russia

Europe is a part of the world where problems with alcohol addiction felt particularly acute. It has the largest proportion of alcohol consumed per capita. On average, each person has 1-1.5 liters of beer per day. During the year, Europe suffers losses from alcohol consumption from 125 to 300 billion euros. Such losses include costs associated with both the purchase of alcoholic beverages and the cost of treating addiction and disease. In addition, the state's profit is lost from the fact that alcoholics often do not go to work, which leads to various failures in the labor process.

The statistics of alcoholism in Russia are also disappointing. The level of the dependent population is approaching a critical point. At the same time, all segments of the population suffer, the problem affects directly or indirectly any person. According to statistics on alcoholism in Russia, every year the number of people with harmful addiction increases by 2 million, and the number of addicts with acute mental disorders - by 100 people.

Because of drunkenness in Russia, not only men, but also women suffer. very common in the country. As a result of excessive alcohol consumption, about 500 families break up a year, about 3% of the working-age population does not work. And the costs of treating alcoholism significantly exceed the costs of treating various diseases ( diabetes, bronchitis, asthma, etc.).

According to the latest data, alcoholism in Russia is getting younger every year. An increasing number of the working-age population begins to drink alcohol at a young age. According to surveys conducted among people suffering from alcoholism, the first experience of drinking strong drinks for the most part falls on the age of 10-20 years. It is worth noting that in adolescence, addiction to bad habits is carried out much faster than in more mature years. It is not uncommon for young people to be introduced to alcohol by the parents themselves, believing that it is time to start “adult” life. As a result teenage alcoholism is becoming more common and younger.

Today, 99% of men and 97% of women consume alcohol, including occasional drinking. This has to do with the availability of alcohol. Compared to 1925, the situation is now very critical. In those years, the proportion of drinkers among men was 52%, among boys 65% and among women 10%. In almost 100 years, the situation has changed a lot and not for the better.

Numbers and alcoholism

As mentioned above, because of alcoholism in the world there are various crimes, unpleasant situations, diseases develop.

If we talk about crime, then worldwide from 60 to 90% of all crimes are committed by persons who are intoxicated. If addiction treatment were carried out in a timely manner, then the number of illegal actions could decrease by about 50%.

Alcohol consumption by drivers also has a significant impact. In a state of intoxication, a large number of accidents are committed, many of which are distinguished by their severity, accompanied by death. A special number of accidents with drunk drivers is observed in Russia - about 85% of the total number of accidents. Most emergencies happen due to driving into the oncoming lane and exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km / h. This is due to the loss of fear in a drunk driver and the inability to soberly assess the situation on the road.

Another unpleasant statistic is suicide. According to the data, up to 80% of suicides are committed by people who are in drunk or in a state of alcoholic psychosis. About 60% of suicides are carried out by alcoholics, but only about 8% of them make ends meet while intoxicated.

Drunkenness also has a negative effect on children. Most children from families of alcoholics become drunkards themselves. About 60% of adolescents who regularly drink alcohol have an alcoholic father. In addition, such children are characterized by bad behavior, do not study or do poorly in school. All this affects their lives in the future. Alcoholism among teenagers is becoming more and more common.

Due to the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, life expectancy is drastically reduced. In connection with alcoholism, mortality in Europe has increased by 2.5 times. in Russia due to addiction almost 1 million people die every year.

All these data are indicated only in the official aspect. However, in reality, everything is much worse, since not all deaths, diseases and crimes are deciphered in light of the influence of alcohol.

Rating of the most "drinking" countries

Studies are being conducted in the world, according to which the ranking of countries in the world in terms of the level of alcohol consumption by the population is subsequently displayed. It is expressed in liters of pure ethyl alcohol per capita. The value is calculated according to the method of the World Health Organization, whose main task is to solve the problems associated with protecting the health of the world population.

Alcohol is a kind of narcotic substance that can cause a state of euphoria in a person, distract from problems and various situations. Alcohol has been known since ancient times, but its consumption increased significantly in the Middle Ages, when the processes of distillation of alcohol were discovered.

Studies of changes in society in the medical, psychological and sociological fields associated with the use of alcohol began to be carried out as early as the middle of the 19th century. Alcohol statistics began to be derived from those years.

Alcohol is one of the three most significant public health problems today. And, although about half of the world's population consumes excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages, alcoholism is the third risk factor that causes various diseases and premature death (after smoking and high blood pressure).

The ranking of countries in the world in terms of alcohol consumption is compiled once every few years. Published in a special edition. It is calculated how much ethyl alcohol per inhabitant. The calculation takes into account persons from 15 years of age and older. Last time the calculation was carried out in 2014, which included 188 countries.

    • 1st place - Moldova;
    • 2nd place - Czech Republic;
    • 3rd place - Hungary;
    • 4th place - Russia;
    • 5th place - Ukraine.

If there is no further improvement in alcohol consumption, the situation may become critical. This is especially true for our country. Alcoholism in Russia affects almost every resident directly or indirectly.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    What only folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

    Ekaterina a week ago

Despite the high development of civilization among the most drinking countries of the world in 2018, were not lagging behind states with a low standard of living. From this we can conclude that financial well-being does not play a decisive role in this matter. Every year, the number of people with a painful addiction to alcoholic beverages around the world is only growing.

The TOP-10 countries of spirits lovers include developed European countries, but Russia, contrary to the stereotype, noticeably moved away from the "prize" places. It is sad that the age of people who first tried alcohol is barely 15 years old, and after 16, the average rate of drinking alcohol by a young person per year is 6.2 liters. After analyzing the research of the World Health Organization, we have compiled a list of the most drinking countries in the world in 2018.

10. Ukraine

On Ukraine 12.8 liters of alcohol per person per year. The alcohol market is very poorly regulated in the country, so the number of young people dependent on alcohol is increasing. national drink- gorilka whose story begins
from the 12th century. Gorilka (vodka) and beer are the most popular alcohol, wine is in third place. Ukrainians prefer to drink domestically produced wines, mainly because of the affordable price compared to European brands. The world brand of Ukrainian alcoholic products is Nemirov and Khortytsya.

9. Belgium

The country is famous for its beer. Some varieties date back more than IV centuries. It is not surprising that the country was included in the ranking of the most drinking countries. The share of income that citizens spend on alcohol is 2.9%. For example, the EU average is 1.6%. Alcohol consumption per person in Belgium is 13.2 liters.

8. Bulgaria

The eighth step of the rating was taken by a country that is very popular with tourists. In Bulgaria, beaches occupy a significant area of ​​the country. The country has one of the lowest prices for alcohol and one of the lowest excises. Perhaps if the country accounted for all the alcohol produced by citizens, the country would rank higher. Alcohol consumption in Bulgaria is 13.6 liters per person.


Back in 2016, the country occupied 4 places in the ranking, with a value of 12.8 liters. In 2018, the figure increased by more than 5% and amounted to 13.6 liters. Liquor can be attributed to the national drinks of the country. Wine is very popular in the country, the share of consumption of this drink is 44.8%.

List of countries with the highest proportion of alcohol spending on average wages.

6. Czech Republic

The national drink is Becherovka. Inhabitant Czech Republic on average, he drinks 13.7 liters per year. hot drink. Beer accounts for almost 160 liters. per person Beer in this country is part of the culture, it has been brewed here for many centuries. The world-famous Czech brands Velkopopovicky Kozel, Radegast and Pilsner are classic beers. There are many pubs here that sell draft beer, and in Prague there is a restaurant that is more than five centuries old! Here you will try Czech cuisine, various varieties beer (dark, light, coffee, banana) and feel the atmosphere of the old Czech Republic. The state is actively investing in the wine industry. Czech wines are called Moravian because most vineyards grow in Moravia.


Famous for its beer and wine. The country has such factories as Murfatlar, Cotnari, Dragasani. The country is one of the largest wine exporters. The total alcohol consumption in the country is 13.7 liters. The share of beer in the country accounts for 50% of consumption, wine 28.9%.

4. Russia

At the end of 2018, alcohol consumption by the population decreased slightly, but the country still entered the top five drinkers in the world. The average Russian drinks 13.9 liters per year. alcohol. Women consume half as much - 6.8 liters. The national drink is vodka. IN Russia more preference is given to vodka and beer, a purely Russian habit of choosing “white” has spread to other post-Soviet states, such as Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. It is in these countries that a person is more inclined, drinking alcohol, to reach a state of extreme intoxication, as as quickly as possible. Russia's entry into the ranking of the most drinking countries is largely due to the relatively low cost of alcohol, in comparison with Europe - $ 4 per half liter and a low standard of living. IN Lately The number of Russians who prefer wine to other alcoholic beverages has increased.

3. Moldova

The country is dominated by the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages, their share is 64.5%, which is one of the highest rates in the world. For example, in Russia, strong alcohol accounts for 51%. 15.9 liters is the average alcohol consumption in Moldova.

2. Belarus

Belarus- the most drinking country in the world in 2016-2017. In 2018, she lost the “leadership” to Lithuania. Here, each resident drinks an average of 16.4 liters. alcohol per year. The indicator decreased by 1 liter, relative to the data of 2016-2017. Moreover, strong drinks are preferred by 47% of people, beer, only 17%, other alcohol -32%, and wine is very little - 4%. Women also like to drink, on average, 7 liters. in year. These figures are official, but the real ones are supposedly much higher, since data on moonshine production in conservative Belarus could not be obtained.

1. Lithuania

Lithuania was named the most drinking country in 2018. At the end of 2018, alcohol consumption in Lithuania amounted to 18.2 liters per person. The share of expenses for alcohol is 4.2%. According to this parameter, the country is in the top three

The country predominantly consumes beer and strong alcohol, 46.5% and 34.1% respectively. Against the background of a significant increase in alcohol consumption, the country's authorities are taking measures aimed at reducing the sale of alcoholic beverages. Excises on alcohol were sharply increased, and temporary restrictions on sales were taken.

The table shows data on alcohol consumption per capita in the 10 countries with the highest levels.

18.12.2017 Svetlana Afanasievna 8

Rating of the most drinking countries in the world

The World Health Organization has published a ranking of drinking countries in the world 2018-19. According to WHO, alcoholic beverages are directly or indirectly considered one of the three main causes of increased mortality. At the same time, the proportion of alcohol consumed per adult is growing every year.

WHO specialists collect such data annually, it helps to find out the overall degree of dependence and the percentage of alcohol consumed.

For more than a decade, the states of Eastern Europe and those formed from the former republics of the USSR have topped the list. Russia is almost always in the middle of the top ten.

The world is drinking more. WHO has been keeping such statistics since 1961, based on these data, special programs to combat the spread of alcohol. However, almost every nation adopts its own rules to drink or not to drink.

The summary is compiled not only by the amount of pure ethanol drunk. All alcohol produced, imported or purchased, is taken into account. At the same time, as a rule, in the leading territories themselves, the population does not consider drunkenness to be a national problem.

Statistics from the world's top drinking countries in 2018-19 show that, due to containment policies, the proportion of alcohol consumed has risen sharply in countries with an open economic border. In the explanatory note to the study, WHO gave the rationale for this situation. The organization noted that a lot of the alcohol that is considered consumed in the countries of the top three is not bought for the sake of drinking. Most often, such a sale occurs for the purpose of further distribution.

The permanent states included in the world rating are countries where the culture of consumption of the so-called light alcohol - wine, beer, local fruit mash. Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Italy and others are leading in another statistical list - consumption low alcohol drinks per capita. This year they were joined by the countries of Africa and South Korea.
Beer consumption per capita for 2018-19

Top 18 most drinking countries in the world

The global level of alcohol consumption has risen on the planet. In 2018-19, there are 6.6 liters for every person over the age of 15 pure alcohol in year. Since 2014, this figure has been growing by 0.2 percent.

Considering countries with strong economies, experts have found that one in five of their residents is a chronic alcoholic. Europe has been holding the leading position in suicides under the influence of systematic drunkenness for five years. Every 4th suicide attempt here is associated with drinking.

This year's rating is represented almost entirely by the countries of Europe and the post-Soviet space. Australia closes the top 18 of the world list. She first hit 20 countries with an increased interest in alcohol.

And the most drinking country in the world in 2019 is Belarus, and the share of consumption of all categories of drinks has increased here.


18 line rating. Three years ago, this state was among the top thirty drinkers. But, due to the ubiquity of local varieties of wine and beer, the kangaroo country faced the problem of alcoholism among the natives. The health of many of them was so shaken that in some territories it was necessary to introduce compulsory treatment for drunkenness for local Indians.

Slovenia and Denmark

17th and 16th place. Traditionally, countries have the same rate of alcoholization of the population. In these states, beer is not considered an alcoholic beverage, its sale is allowed to persons over 15 years of age. They often start drinking alcohol much earlier. It is noteworthy that local health care does not consider these national traditions threat. Many drugs are made on the basis of beer and derivatives.


15th place. Two-thirds of the territory of this state is occupied by vineyards. Wine is produced here even more than in Italy. This alcoholic drink is considered national treasure and drink all over the place. Hungary is the only country in Europe where you can get behind the wheel when drunk. Criminal prosecution begins only for the systematic use of alcohol, which led to death from an accident.


14th place. This country closes the list of territories where lovers of low-alcohol drinks live. Despite the fact that we often remember the national port wine, the Portuguese themselves prefer local wine and beer. The latter is considered tastier than Slovenian and Czech, as it is made with the addition of grape sugar.


13th place. Spanish wines frequent export item. Over the past two years, the percentage of strong alcohol consumption has increased here. grape vodka and moonshine occupied the main places on the table of the Spaniards. Over the past year, sobriety societies have become popular in the country. Many believe that in this way wine producers are trying to fight those who make hard alcohol.


12th place. Classical Irish whiskey annually produce up to 30 liters for every living in the world (!) Irish. In the country for 4 years there was an alcohol riot. And today, local producers have reached a high world level in the production of various alcoholic beverages based on malt and distillates.


11th place. It is still the only country in the European Union where drinking alcohol is allowed everywhere. Local and imported drinks are so popular that they are taught in high school classes. The authorities believe that such awareness will help young people to make right choice and stop drinking alcohol.

France and UK

10 and 9 line rating. These countries have a constant high alcohol rating. Local traditions of production and consumption of alcoholic beverages originate from the very beginnings of statehood. More than half recipes of these states is based on wine, beer, whiskey, etc. Until recently, some denominations considered the norm regular use guilt by children from the first year of life.

South Korea

8th place. Asian countries do not often fall into alcohol statistics. The South Caucasus owes such attention to the production and consumption of quite European drinks - vodka, moonshine, tinctures, liqueurs. 10 years ago, drinking was completely prohibited in the country, the lifting of restrictions led to so many alcoholics that the authorities started talking about the return of the taboo.


7th place. The country of wine and sun is always among the ten most drinking nations. Here alcoholic drinks are used as refreshments. Surprisingly, in Italy with quite high rating you almost never see drunk people. Nevertheless, here the percentage of regular drinkers of strong alcohol has reached high levels. According to statistics, every third Italian adult is a chronic alcoholic.


6th place. Our country 5 years ago was among the top five drinking countries in the world. In general, the Russians began to drink less. Experts attribute this to the general impoverishment of the population. a small role in the fight against bad habits plays a development program healthy lifestyle life.


Closes the top five. The inhabitants of this small state quickly responded to rather poor indicators, the local parliament approved a program to combat alcohol addiction just a few days later. So next year You can drink any alcoholic beverages only after reaching the age of 20. Alcohol advertising will be completely banned in the country. Introduced the concept of time without alcohol - 2-3 weekdays and all festive, it will be impossible to buy booze anywhere.


It occupies a stable fourth place. The state of the country has not changed for five years now. Neither restrictions nor propaganda help to stop alcoholism. Most of all they drink beer here, but strong alcohol is on a par with it.


This country was in the top three for the first time, usually it took a place in the second ten. It is related to the removal age restrictions on the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Any Estonian over the age of 16 can now drink. It is noteworthy that this measure also applies to foreigners. An alcoholic tour of this Baltic country has become a frequent tourism.


Second place. The depressing result was obtained as a result of an almost unregulated market for alcoholic products. In a country with a strong tradition of moonshine and winemaking, today every 4 people under the age of 25 are considered chronic alcoholics.


First place ranking. The highest relative rate of consumption of pure ethanol. Almost half of the respondents (47%) confirmed that they regularly drink strong alcoholic beverages 2-3 times a week. Over the past three years, the system of combating drunkenness has been almost completely destroyed. And most likely the data on consumption is greatly underestimated.

Summary statistics of drinking countries of the world

Based on the statistics, a summary table was created showing the dynamics of alcohol consumption over several years.

Place in the ranking A country Alcohol consumption per capita 2018 (l) Alcohol consumption per capita 2017 (l) Alcohol consumption per capita 2016 (l) Relative percentage/ratio
1 Belarus 17,5 16,6 14 Increased by 25%
2 Ukraine 17,4 15,3 12 Increased by 45%
3 Estonia 17,2 17 16,5 Increased by 4%
4 Czech 16,4 16 16,2 Increased by 1%
5 Lithuania 16,3 14 15,8 Increased by 3%
6 Russia 16,2 15,8 16,2 Hasn't changed
7 Italy 16,1 16 16,1 Hasn't changed
8 South Korea 16 14 12 Increased by 33%
9 France 15,8 15,6 15,8 Hasn't changed
10 Great Britain 15,8 15,7 15 Increased by 1%
11 Germany 11,7 12,3 11,5 Increased by 1%
12 Ireland 11,6 11 8 Increased by 45%
13 Spain 11,4 11,3 11,6 Decreased by 2%
14 Portugal 11,4 11 11,2 Increased by 2%
15 Hungary 10,8 10 6 Increased by 18%
16 Slovenia 10,7 10,5 10,8 Decreased by 1%
17 Denmark 10,7 9 6,3 Increased by 69%
18 Australia 10,2 10 7 Increased by 45%

Alcohol-Free Territories of the World

In 41 countries of the world there is an absolute dry law. The governments of Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden's principles of sobriety are enshrined in law.

  • In the countries of Scandinavia there is a social program sober city, according to it, in each locality weeks of freedom from addiction are held annually.
  • Uzbekistan became the first country under dry law in the post-Soviet space. The sale, advertising, production of alcohol is prohibited here. And the court speaks to the users.
  • In many Muslim countries, drinking and selling alcohol is a criminal offence. And in Iran, Jordan and the UAE, the drinker will be publicly humiliated or even killed.
  • China became the first active fighter for sobriety. Almost everywhere there are laboratories where you can get a free examination for diseases caused by alcohol.
  • There are more than 400 religious denominations in the world, their adherents are not just against the use of alcohol. In many cults, drugs and alcohol are strictly taboo.

As the WHO notes in its report, the proportion of drinkers is replenished mainly at the expense of countries with developed economies. This is facilitated by the availability of alcoholic beverages and the relatively low employment of the population.

Alcohol has a long history and is distributed throughout the world. Drinking alcohol reflects the cultural characteristics of the population of different countries. Hot drinks used in religious sacraments and just for fun at a feast.

However, alcohol is not at all harmless and can be addictive, the consequences of which are extremely sad and sometimes fatal. That is why the World Health Organization (WHO) has been working for many years to control and reduce alcohol consumption.

Alcoholism is widespread throughout the world, but in some countries this problem is particularly acute. Members have been in leadership positions for many years. former USSR, and over the past decade, the states of Western Europe have broken into the top five. Those who are distinguished by enviable constancy are Muslim peoples who do not welcome the use of alcohol.

Ranking of countries according to statistics for 2016-2017

Alcohol consumption statistics are maintained by WHO and a number of other authorities. For example, the OECD is an international economic organization of developed countries. The report is submitted every few years.

The latest data was published on the Delphi portal in mid-May 2017. Gauden Galea, Director of the Department of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion, WHO authorized representative shared the official conclusions with the online publication and named the top five drinking leaders.

It should be noted that WHO statistics take into account the consumption of both legal and self-made alcohol. For example, the population of Moldova prefers homemade wines.

In addition, WHO cooperates with the UN, evaluates tourist flows, smuggled drinks and adjusts the statistics accordingly. The level of alcohol consumption is calculated in liters of pure ethyl alcohol drunk per capita over the age of 15 years. At the same time, 60% of people in the world do not drink at all and 16% suffer from chronic alcoholism.

Lithuania ahead of the rest

It was this country that took first place. According to WHO estimates, in a small Baltic state, one resident consumes on average 16.2 liters of pure ethanol per year. Giving an interview, Gauden Galea stated verbatim: "This, according to the latest estimates, makes Lithuania one of the most drinking countries in the world." The indicated amount of ethanol is 400 liters of beer. Exactly foamy drink preferred by Lithuanians (46%). Strong alcohol is consumed by 34% of the population, and wine by 8%.

In addition, statistics show that alcohol in Lithuania is drunk in 90% of cases at home. For comparison, in other European countries (Greece, Spain and the UK), more than 60% of consumption falls on entertainment establishments - restaurants, pubs, bars.


From 2008 to 2015, Belarusians took the honorable first place in terms of alcohol consumption in the world. In 2016, the ranking of countries has changed somewhat. Belarus managed to reduce the amount of pure alcohol consumed per year to 15 liters. This happened due to the increase in alcohol prices, which were minimal, the fight against manufacturers of low-quality drinks, as well as tougher penalties for driving in drunk. What do they prefer to drink in Belarus? According to statistics, the population predominantly consumes strong alcohol (47%). Beer (17%) and wine (5%) are less respected.


Closes the top three is another Baltic country. Here, according to statistics, the local population drinks on average about 12.8 liters pure alcohol in a year. And the tendency to leadership was outlined in Latvia quite recently. Some 5-10 years ago, less than 10 liters of alcohol were consumed in the country per year.

Of the drinks, Latvians prefer beer. According to one study, they spend almost 100 euros a year on alcohol, and half that is spent on attending cultural events. In order to reduce the popularity of alcohol, back in 2014, the authorities banned its advertising, but this did not lead to positive changes.

Fourth place was shared by Russia and Poland

According to the results for 2016, both countries consume close to 12.2 liters per capita. For Russia, fourth place is a kind of achievement. Over the past 10 years, the level of alcohol consumed has decreased by about 5 liters. But Poland, on the contrary, began to drink more. Her traditional drinks are vodka, various honeys, beer. In Russia, the population prefers strong alcohol.


Closes the top five most drinking countries. The level of 11 liters of alcohol per capita in Estonia is the lowest in the last ten years. The authorities managed to achieve a similar result by raising the excise tax. However, this did not stop some citizens, they simply began to buy alcoholic products in Latvia, where prices for it are 3 times lower. As for the preferences of Estonians, they drink strong alcohol and beer at about the same level - 37 and 41%, respectively.

Europe vs Russia

Many people ask where do they drink alcohol more, in Russia or in Europe? The statistics speak for themselves. Over the past decade, the situation with alcoholism in Russia has improved markedly, but in Europe, on the contrary. However, the amount of pure ethanol drunk is not the only criterion that is important to consider when speaking about the health of the nation. The culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, their quality and the therapeutic measures taken are of great importance. Thus, according to WHO data, it is in Russia and a number of other countries that were part of the USSR that the highest level of mortality from alcohol-related injuries is noted. They also lead in the frequency of deaths from cardiovascular disease that have developed from alcohol abuse.

But if Europe drinks more, why is Russia suffering? The point is the culture of consumption, cheap alcohol, its availability, according to WHO. In Europe, the population does not know what withdrawal symptoms are, they do not usually celebrate until they pass out. They drink regularly, but in moderation.

Moreover, many countries, such as Norway, sell alcohol exclusively in specialized stores. And in some cities they work only for tourists.

In Sweden, alcohol is so expensive that it's cheaper to go by ferry to the Germans. As for Germany and Italy, although they are major suppliers of beer and wine, they do not abuse themselves, thanks to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and education of the younger generation about the dangers of alcohol.

You can visually see the statistics of total alcohol consumption in the world on WHO maps. The last such graphic is available for 2015. The results of 2017 will be summed up in 2018, presumably also in the spring.

The problem of alcoholism in the world has been acute for many years. More than 3 million people die each year from the consequences of alcohol abuse, more than the number of deaths from AIDS.

Alcoholic beverages contribute to addiction and increase the risk of more than 200 diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver and some types of cancer. In addition, excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages leads to violence and injury. The global average consumption of ethanol is 6.2 liters. At the same time, every second inhabitant on the planet does not drink at all.
