
Permissible alcohol limit. Necessary measures to eliminate problems with the traffic police

The fight against drunk drivers in our country has been going on for several years, consistently and uncompromisingly. Nevertheless, traffic accidents caused by drunk drivers are still leading in the official statistics of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the number of human casualties is growing like in war. Any citizen of the Russian Federation will agree that it is possible and necessary to fight ruthlessly against drunk driving. Not everything works out at once, the legislation, the judicial procedure and technical equipment have changed, but one thing can be stated quite definitely - the state and society are not going to put up with such a situation on the roads, which means that the repressive machine will work at full speed. In order not to unknowingly fall under the judicial press and lose your driving license, let's consider what is the permissible rate of alcohol while driving in ppm.

What is "promille"

The quantitative content of alcoholic alcohols in the human body can be accurately determined in two ways:

  • analysis of air vapor from the lungs with a breathalyzer;
  • blood test in a medical laboratory.

Promille is a quantitative parameter of the content of ethyl alcohol in a liquid medium (human blood), which quite accurately determines the stage of intoxication.

Simply put, ppm shows how many milligrams of alcohol are in 100 milliliters of blood. Indication in the breathalyzer - a device for measuring the degree of drunkenness, the numbers in 0.1 ppm means the quantitative content of 0.045 milligrams of ethyl alcohol in one liter of human blood.

This value is the base for modern methods for determining the amount of alcohol in the body - the larger the number in ppm, the stronger the intoxication of the tested driver. This is how modern police breathalyzers are calibrated, analyzing the concentration of alcoholic vapors at full exhalation.

What is the legal limit for alcohol while driving?

More than two and a half years ago, the article on the “zero” norm, when the alcohol content in a person’s breath could not exceed zero, was terminated in our country. The main reason for the cancellation was the discrepancy between the zero indicator of alcohol and the physiological state of a normal human body and the permissible error of the analyzers.

As it turned out, the minimum alcohol content in the body can be caused by taking medicinal alcohol-containing drugs (valocordin, corvalol or motherwort tincture), drinking drinks containing fermentation products (kvass or kefir), some diseases and many other factors, and not alcohol abuse before the trip. In addition, police breathalyzers used by the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to analyze the breath of drivers have an acceptable passport error of 0.05 ppm.

It should be remembered that each person is individual in physiological terms and there are no general rules for the time of splitting of ethyl alcohol, for example. Established in the course of medical research are very approximate, represent the most general conclusions and are extremely dependent on many factors, such as gender, weight, metabolic rate, the functioning of internal organs. What will be the permissible rate of alcohol driving in ppm in 2016?

Permissible alcohol limit while driving in ppm 2016

According to the data available today, the State Duma of the Russian Federation does not plan to make legislative changes to the Administrative Code in terms of increasing or decreasing the maximum limit for the content of alcoholic vapors during pulmonary exhalation.

As in previous years, in 2016 the legal limit for alcohol while driving will not exceed 0.16 ppm in the analysis of exhalation from the lungs and 0.35 ppm in laboratory blood tests.

In other words, the readings on the display of the alcohol tester with a full exhalation should not exceed 0.16 ppm. If this standard established by the law of the Russian Federation is exceeded, the driver will have to answer for drunk driving before the judiciary.

Penalties for exceeding the allowed limit

No changes in the judicial legislation on the punishment of drivers who exceeded the allowable alcohol limit while driving a car in 2016, apparently, are expected.

As before, the maximum period for which temporary confiscation of a driver's license is possible is no more than three years. The amount of fines imposed on violators for drunk driving has not been increased at the moment:

  • As before, at the first detention by the traffic police of a traffic offender while intoxicated, a fine of 30,000 rubles is issued and a court decision is issued to confiscate the driver’s personal certificate for a period of one and a half to two years.
  • Refusal to donate blood for analysis in a medical institution will cost the drunk violator 30,000 rubles in the form of a fine and temporary confiscation of the right to drive a car for a maximum period of up to 2 years.
  • The same punishment (30,000 rubles and up to 2 years of deprivation of a driving license) is imposed on the owner of a car of any type, who allowed a drunk person to drive his personal vehicle if the latter exceeds the permissible alcohol limit while driving.
  • In case of repeated detection of exceeding the limit of 0.16 ppm or refusal of a medical examination, administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine of 30,000 rubles and arrest for 10-15 days with deprivation of the driving license for up to 3 years or criminal liability in the form of a fine from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles , compulsory works or imprisonment up to 2 years and withdrawal of a driver's license for up to 3 years.

A repeated violation will be considered if it is committed within ONE year from the date of the first detention. If more than one year has passed since the first offense, then only administrative punishment can be applied.

Recommendations for eliminating problems with the traffic police inspector

If for some reason the driver had to drink alcoholic beverages on the eve of the trip, the following rules must be followed:

  • the longer the period of time between drinking and the trip, the better;
  • try to refrain from taking medication before the road;
  • do not use kvass, kefir, yogurt, juices before the trip;
  • do not use chewing gum and mouthwash on the road;
  • no need to try to deceive the breathalyzer;
  • do not conflict with the traffic police inspector.

For the speedy removal of toxins and alcohol residues, a contrast shower, a hot bath and a sound sleep of normal duration are very helpful. A healthy hot meal and a long walk in the fresh air have a positive effect.

Obviously, the punishment for drunk driving will only get tougher. The number of road accidents in our country, unfortunately, is directly related to the increase in the alcohol content in the blood and does not need other evidence. It’s not worth risking your driver’s license and relying on the traditional Russian “maybe” - it’s much better to completely eliminate drunk driving. And it is good for health, and big problems will be avoided.

Video: Permissible alcohol limit while driving

In terms of clarifying the procedure for establishing the fact of the use of substances that cause alcohol intoxication. Information began to spread in the media that to determine the state of intoxication, a unit of measurement, ppm, is being returned. Let's take a closer look at the new law and what changes we actually expect.

Law changes

Changes are made in the note to article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The article defines the responsibility for the management of transport by drivers who are in a state of intoxication.

air, or if Note. The administrative responsibility provided for by this article and part 3 of article 12.27 of this Code occurs in the event of the established fact of the use of substances that cause alcoholic intoxication, which is determined by the presence of absolute ethyl alcohol in a concentration exceeding the possible total measurement error, namely 0.16 milligrams per liter of exhaled air, or the presence of absolute ethyl alcohol in a concentration of 0.3 or more grams per liter of blood, or in the case of the presence of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in the human body.

Video discussion of the law in the Duma

  • What is changing for drivers?

    The determination of the alcohol content in the blood is carried out in the laboratory

    Alcohol can be detected either by the alcohol content in the exhaled air or by the alcohol content in the blood. The content of alcohol in the blood can only be determined in laboratory conditions with blood sampling.
    With breathalyzers, it is possible to determine only the alcohol content in the exhaled air when blowing.

    My breathalyzer shows ppm, how come? It's simple - "ppm" is calculated by the formula 1 ppm \u003d 0.45 mg / l. This is a very simplified method and cannot be used in administrative matters.

    In fact, nothing changes for ordinary purges. The need to determine the content of alcohol in the blood arises when a person is physically unable to exhale (too much intoxication, is unconscious, or in case of death as a result of an accident). The permissible alcohol limit in 2018 remains almost the same, but now it can be determined in two ways. Moreover, in a regular situation, taking a blood test is hardly justified.

    Promille or not?

    To answer this question, you just need to know what ppm is.

    Promille (Latin per mille - per thousand) - one thousandth, 1⁄10 percent; denoted by (‰); used to indicate the number of thousandths of something in general.

    According to the law, the mass in the volume is determined - these are different values ​​\u200b\u200band if you take ppm from the volume, then the volume should turn out accordingly.

    Put in 200 ml of tea - 15 grams of sugar. What percentage of sugar is in tea? What is 1⁄10 percent (ppm)? In this example, it is clear that the ppm of sugar content in tea cannot be determined. But when we know approximately the volume of 1 gram of sugar, then with simple calculations you can already get the fraction of the volume of sugar in tea.

    Promille to determine the state of intoxication of drivers in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation has not been used in recent years and will not be used in the near future.

    When does the law enter into force?

    When can the law be put into practice?

    For the application of the law, changes must be made to (alcohol, narcotic or other toxic). 90 days are allotted for amendments to by-laws.

    Rumors and truth

    Some excerpts from popular media. What is true and what is not.

    Statement Is it true
    ppm is defined as one thousandth part of a percent. ppm is defined as one tenth of a percent or one thousandth of a whole
    Indications 0.16 mg/liter in exhaled air, approximately equal to 0.33 g / l in the blood. Right
    The law tightens the responsibility of drivers who are in a state of intoxication. Liability is not regulated by this law.
    The state of intoxication of drivers will be determined by ppm The state of intoxication of drivers will continue to be determined by the content of alcohol in the exhaled air - 0.16 mg / l, alternative method according to the content of alcohol in the blood - 0.3g / l. ppm not used.
  • In the legislation of the Russian Federation there has long been an article for exceeding the legal limit for alcohol while driving i.e. drunk driving. This is logical, given the number of accidents that have occurred as a result of the fact that the driver was drunk.

    Starting from September 1, 2013, the law on the number of ppm in the driver's blood was changed. According to this law, "zero ppm" is abolished.

    What is the permissible level of alcohol in the driver's body?

    The question remains relevant, since alcohol is found not only in alcoholic beverages, but also in many other products: in overripe fruits, fermented jam or jam, in kvass or some carbonated drinks, as well as in fermented milk products.

    In addition, do not forget that by using certain medications (Corvalol, Valocordin, herbal tinctures), you also increase the level of alcohol in the blood, that is, you exceed allowed amount of alcohol. It turns out that the tester can fix a certain amount of ppm even in a person who does not drink alcohol at all. Accordingly, it cannot go unpunished.

    Amendment made to the law. Following this amendment to article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, as well as part three 12.27, the amount of alcohol in the blood should not exceed 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. Otherwise, there will be consequences in the form of taking action for drunk driving.

    Before the amendments excess of alcohol in the blood by 0.01 ppm resulted in an unfair punishment, such as a fine or other kind.

    To date, the allowable rate is 0.16 ppm. So you can drink kefir or kvass while you are driving, but at the same time you should stop drinking alcohol, as this will lead to negative consequences.

    There are two ways measuring the amount of alcohol in the blood.

    1. The use of a special device (tester), which records the amount of ppm in the air exhaled from the lungs. while it is 0.16 ppm.

    2. Donating blood, in which amount of alcohol should not exceed 0.35 ppm.

    Moreover, the second method is considered a more informative and objective research method.

    The breathalyzer has an error of 0.05 ppm. That is why the figure was changed allowed alcohol limit up to 0.16. Thanks to this, liability is excluded after drinking kvass or kefir, or eating bananas.

    What is ppm?

    The value that shows the amount of alcohol in the blood is called ppm. 0.1 ppm is just 0.045 mg of ethyl in the human body. Thanks to this value, it is possible to accurately measure the amount of alcohol in the blood. This must be taken into account especially when alcoholic drinks are taken before the upcoming trip.

    When and how much can you drink?

    After determining the allowable blood alcohol levels, drivers became interested in the question, what can you drink on the eve of the trip and in what quantities, so that the level of alcohol in the body is not exceeded in the morning.

    It all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body, so it is impossible to give a definite answer. But some factors are still worth considering:

    • Height, weight and gender;
    • The presence of diseases in humans;
    • The amount of alcohol consumed;
    • feature of metabolism.

    On average, one bottle of beer drunk by a man weighing 75 kilograms is excreted from the body for three hours. Moreover, the excess of the norm of the amount of alcohol in the blood will be twice the permissible norm of alcohol - 0.16 ppm.

    Thus, on the eve of the trip, limit the amount of alcohol you drink to one glass of vodka, a glass of wine or weak beer. In this case, in the morning you will not exceed the permissible blood alcohol level. You can see detailed information about the experiment on the amount of alcohol consumed in the evening before the upcoming morning trip in the table.

    Do you drink kefir and kvass?

    0.19 ppm - the value that the breathalyzer can show after drinking two glasses of kvass. But this is for a short time. Therefore, it is worth waiting a little so as not to exceed allowed amount of alcohol. 0.00 ppm is the result after drinking 0.5 liters of kefir, so drink it to your health!

    A bottle of non-alcoholic beer will show only 0.04 ppm.

    Ten minutes after drinking these drinks, the device will show 0.00 ppm. So you can already get behind the wheel and go further.

    But do not forget the individual characteristics of the body of each person. Therefore, from alcohol in the evening, if in the morning you need to drive, it is better to refuse altogether. This way you can avoid unnecessary problems.

    Exceeding the legal limit for alcohol. Punishment.

    Part three of Article 32.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment in the form of deprivation of rights for a period of not more than three years. But you need to take into account the fact that in case of violation next time, the term is added as soon as the previous one ends.

    The second part of Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation says that if another person is driving while intoxicated, the rights are taken away for a maximum period of up to two years, and a fine of 30 thousand rubles is also charged.

    Permissible alcohol limit while driving in ppm 2017, law 0.16. How to avoid exceeding the norm, what it threatens and what affects the alcohol content.

    Alcohol affects the human brain. In order to reduce the number of deaths on the roads due to drunk drivers, a law on “zero ppm” was passed.

    But due to the errors of breathalyzers and the physiological characteristics of the body, in 2013 they increased the indicator from zero ppm to 0.16 in exhaled air and 0.35 in blood. These rules apply to drivers of all motor vehicles, including mopeds and scooters.

    What is ppm

    A ppm is one thousandth of something. The percentage is one hundredth. The phrase “blood alcohol content of 0.2 ppm” means that 0.02% of the blood taken for analysis is alcohol. This is 0.09 mg per 1 liter of blood.

    The same applies to the exhaled air. The breathalyzer measures the volume of gas and what part of it is alcohol vapor, and expresses the value in ppm.

    The higher this value, the more ethyl alcohol has entered the human body, the stronger the consequences. For driving, the effect of ethanol on the brain is important. Driving while drinking alcohol is dangerous.

    • Decreased critical thinking.
      A person has the illusion that he controls the situation even better than when sober. This is self-deception, because alcohol, if its amount is higher than the physiological norm, affects the brain.
    • The eyes see and distinguish objects worse.
    • Processes of an exchange between departments of a brain are slowed down.
      The feeling that you think clearly and clearly, but in reality the speed of thinking is reduced. The signal from receptors (eyes, ears, skin) to the cerebral cortex and back takes longer.
      And if in a sober state it takes a fraction of a second for the reflex to work, then alcohol increases this time. That is why a huge part of the accidents occur due to the fault of drunk drivers and the permissible norm of alcohol while driving is set in ppm.
      They simply do not have time to lay down the traffic situation in their heads. If a sober person would slow down a second earlier, then a drunk person cannot do it physically.
    • The ability to judge the distance to objects, especially moving ones, is deteriorating.
    • The nervous system reacts by inhibition of processes, or, conversely, by excessive excitement and increased aggression.
      Both options affect the way you drive.

    Permissible alcohol limit while driving in ppm 2017, law: 0.16

    Initially, the number 0 was in the adopted law. But ethanol is also produced by the human body itself, with some diseases, the proportion of alcohol in the exhaled air or in the blood may be higher.

    This feature does not affect the ability to think clearly and evaluate the traffic situation. Meters are also failing. Therefore, we decided to increase the value for the breathalyzer to 0.16.

    The permissible alcohol limit for driving in ppm in 2016 is identical to 2015 and 2017.

    If the breathalyzer recorded an amount of alcohol of 0.17 or more, then, according to the law, problems await you:

    • A fine of 30,000 rubles and deprivation of rights for 1.5 - 2 years (by court decision). This penalty applies if:
    1. Violation for the first time.
    2. You put behind the wheel of your vehicle a person who has alcohol in his blood or exhaled air.
    3. You refuse to undergo a medical examination.
    • A fine of 50,000 rubles and deprivation of rights up to 3 years, if you have already been fined for the same violation, but the term of the previous punishment has expired.
    • Administrative arrest for 10-15 days if you are disqualified due to non-alcohol related violations and refuse to undergo a medical examination.
    • A fine of 200 - 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of annual income - if you got drunk behind the wheel, when you were already deprived of your license for detecting alcohol. Also, the court may prohibit you from holding certain positions, issue forced labor, or even deprive you of liberty for up to 2-3 years.

    What affects blood alcohol content

    If you took alcohol the day before, residues that exceed the norm may be found in the blood and exhaled air the next morning.

    Excretion of alcohol from the body depends on age, gender, weight, general health, amount of alcohol consumed, liver and kidney condition. To find out if you can drive, buy a household breathalyzer.

    True, if it is not of high quality or its batteries are dead or its service life has expired, then the results will differ from the professional ones used by inspectors.

    There is a list of foods that briefly increase the amount of alcohol in the blood. If you breathe into the breathalyzer immediately after or within 5-10 minutes after their use, it will record the excess of the permissible norm:

    1. Drinks: non-alcoholic beer, kvass, koumiss, juice that was not in the refrigerator, stale warm berry compote.
      Contrary to the legend widespread among drivers, a glass of fresh kefir does not show an excess of alcohol.
    2. Fruits: overripe berries, fermented jam, bananas, oranges.
    3. Products: black bread with sausage, chocolates with and without alcohol.
    4. Medicines: alcohol tinctures such as corvalol, motherwort, valocardine, etc.
    5. Other: Mouth freshener spray, Halls type sucking mints.

    The permissible rate of alcohol while driving in ppm 2017 is law 0.16. If you ate or drank something from the list above, then most likely you will meet the norm. In any case, after 20-30 minutes the breathalyzer will show 0.

    Therefore, if you are sure that you are right, insist on a re-examination after a while. Also, a medical examination can confirm that you did not drink alcohol.

    How is the medical examination

    If you are sure that you did not drink alcohol-containing drinks, and the breathalyzer shows an excess of the norm, require a medical examination.

    Inspectors can also insist on this if they see external signs of intoxication, while the instruments show the norm. In this case, your refusal will mean an admission of guilt and will entail punishment.

    Listen carefully to what the inspector says and read what you sign. You can refuse to be examined by the traffic police, but you cannot refuse a medical one.

    Some inspectors deliberately confuse drivers who are under stress from an unpleasant situation, and “bring” them to a fine and.

    If you hear or see the word "medical", in no case refuse. Ask for clarification and clarification of what is meant.

    Important points to keep in mind:

    1. Suspension from driving is carried out in the presence of two attesting witnesses or with video recording.
    2. You must indicate in the protocol that you do not agree with the readings of the device.
      This is very important for further proceedings in court, if such suddenly arise.
    3. To be sent for a medical examination, two witnesses are called who will sign the protocol.
    4. The inspectors must take you to a medical facility, and if intoxication is not detected, then bring you back to the car.
    5. Refusal of any of the stages of the procedure (checking with a breathalyzer already in a medical institution, giving urine or blood) is equated to a refusal to undergo an examination.

    The permissible rate of alcohol while driving in ppm 2017, the law is 0.16. If, upon arrival at the medical center, the breathalyzer shows a value less, then these readings will be entered into the protocol, the inspector will take you back.

    In any case, you will be required to take a urine test. This takes place in the toilet, which is always standing next to the mobile honey station. examinations.

    Doctors must check urine temperature and ph. If it is established that this is someone else's analysis or it is diluted with water, this will be equated with a refusal.

    If a sufficient amount is not collected for analysis within 30 minutes, then a blood test is taken.

    An important point: when treating the skin, doctors are required to use an alcohol-free solution! The test tubes are sent to the laboratory, after 10-13 days the answer will come. Until this moment, it is forbidden to drive a vehicle.

    The adoption of the law on "zero ppm" has reduced the number of accidents with drunk drivers. Statistics for 2016 says that a total of 13,100 people died due to the fault of car drivers.

    Of this number, 3789 died due to the fault of drivers who were in a state of intoxication. This is 17% more than in 2015, although the total number of "alcoholic" accidents decreased by 1%. The problem is very acute and does not seem to be solved by severe fines and punishments.
