
Alcohol consumption by country - statistics. The most drinking countries

Drinking alcohol in Rus' has been popular since the time of Prince Vladimir. Any fun and celebration was accompanied by drinking strong drinks.

The tradition of taking alcohol for a feast accompanied the era of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Peter I and has survived to the present. Periodic attempts to combat drunkenness have not brought much success, since the introduction of a ban on alcohol contributed to the production of low-quality illegal liquor, which led to severe intoxication.

It is not divided into types - wine, beer or vodka. All of these drinks contain ethyl alcohol, which is addictive.

Alcoholism in Russia has reached threatening figures, statistics show that by the beginning of 2017 there were 12.5 million alcohol-addicted citizens. More than a million children are left without parental supervision or live with drinking parents. Among drinking teenagers, 85% suffer from beer alcoholism.

In 2017, alcohol consumption in terms of pure ethyl alcohol was 15 liters per capita. The same statistics state that in 2008 this figure was 18 liters per year. Despite a slight decrease, the figure remains unacceptably high, despite the fact that since the beginning of 2011, a law came into force in the country, according to which a ban on the sale of alcohol from 23:00 to 08:00 was introduced. However, this did not apply to beer. Statistics show that alcoholism has become much younger in recent years. Introduction to alcoholic beverages falls on 14-15 years!

In 2017, the number of adolescent alcoholics per 100,000 was 20.8%. According to experts, in order to obtain a real figure, the statistical data must be multiplied by 5. The statistics in Russia among women are deteriorating. Women's alcoholism is more severe and less treatable. The statistics of alcoholism among children are appalling. It has been established that 65% of children received the first portion of alcohol in their life from the hands of the closest people - their parents. More than 20 percent of schoolchildren take alcohol every day. By the age of seventeen, about 90 percent of teenagers are familiar with alcoholic beverages. More than 40 percent of children of senior and middle school age drink alcohol every month.

Among children, the consumption of low-alcohol drinks has increased by almost two and a half times over the past two years.
In our country, 23.5 per cent of deaths occurred as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. If this level of mortality persists, in decades the population of the country will decrease by 13-14 million people.

Many scientists believe that alcoholism in Russia is a serious factor that hinders the economic and social development of the country. In order to understand whether this is so, it is necessary to have serious statistical data and conduct extensive research. Let's try to systematize the modern research of scientists and draw a conclusion: do people in Russia or our fellow citizens use it in the same way as the rest of the world?

First you need to determine who. By this concept, we mean people suffering from alcoholism. At first glance, this statement is self-evident, but there is a small snag.

  1. attraction.
  2. Changing tolerance.
  3. Physical addiction.
  4. Damage to internal organs.

In the first two stages, a person does not resemble a drunkard, a socially decaying personality. He is even able to hide from society (until some time) his addiction. Alcoholics in the early stages are people who think they drink to relax, unwind, and take their minds off their problems. Most do not realize that they are already alcoholics, and anyone who tries to point out the problem is met with resentment and excuses.

You can also often come across the term "domestic drunkenness". It exists in all countries of the world. Domestic drunkenness in Russia implies the use of alcohol for any reason (holiday, major event in life).

By the way, it is one of the reasons for the development of alcoholism - drinking on holidays is considered completely normal, but some people cannot stop.

It is pointless to give statistical data about citizens who sometimes drink. We all understand that this figure is close to 100%. This attitude towards alcohol has been formed for centuries. Today it is difficult for a modern person to imagine a cheerful holiday without alcohol, it is difficult to imagine sad events that are not usually celebrated with alcohol. Domestic drunkenness is one of the prerequisites for the development of alcoholism as such. Young people are especially susceptible to it. Wanting to appear more mature, teenagers start drinking. Many of them quickly become addicted to the harmful liquid. They cease to feel the measure, they begin to look for a reason to drink before they become adults.

Statistical data on alcoholism in the Russian Federation

Statistical data in studies are given according to different indicators. The main two are the amount of conventional alcohol used (sold) per capita of the adult population (aged 15 years and over) and the number of people suffering from alcoholism. "Conventional alcohol" is a unit of measure used to summarize all alcoholic beverages. 1 liter is equal to 1 liter of ethyl alcohol or approximately 2.5 liters of vodka.

Here is the data from the Ministry of Health. They are derived from the 2013 official health report and a similar document from 2014.

Distribution of regions by the level of sales of vodka and alcoholic beverages for 2013.

Distribution of regions by the level of sales of vodka and alcoholic beverages for 2014.

According to statistics, in 2013 there were about 9.1 liters of pure alcohol per capita aged 15 and over. The exact data for 2014 is not known, but it can be assumed that they are approximately equal to the previous reporting period. Developed European countries have this indicator lower by an average of 30-40%.

Somewhat horrifying is the number of diseases that Russians suffer from due to consumption. For 2 years (from 2012 to 2014), the number of registered poisonings amounted to 156,201 cases, 26.9% of which ended in death. Note that this includes registered data, i.e. cases when a person got so drunk that they had to call an ambulance. At the same time, in 2014, poisonings were observed less than in 2012, by 13%, and deaths - by 4%. Nevertheless, in many regions, statistics show serious excesses of permissible standards:

Distribution of regions according to the level of acute poisoning with alcohol-containing products among the entire population.

Approximately 7.5 thousand young people (15-17 years old) in 2014 were first diagnosed with alcohol dependence. This means that in 2014, 7.5 thousand new young alcoholics appeared in the country. The indicator of previous years was higher and has almost halved since 2011. In 2014, 77 out of 100,000 people aged 18 and over had their first reported alcohol dependence – the country received 113,200 new adult alcoholics.

The fight against alcoholism

The reports of the Ministry of Health show a decrease in the level of alcoholism in various indicators. There are fewer poisonings, people buy less vodka. Whether this is so and how much the statistics disagree with reality is very difficult to judge. The fight against alcoholism in Russia has one complicating feature - Russians know how to make alcohol themselves. In many families, "brand" recipes have been preserved since the days of Prohibition. Therefore, with a price struggle, the percentage of people who purchase alcoholic beverages does indeed become lower, but the percentage of people involved in home brewing increases.

Today, a plan to combat the common ailment has been drawn up, scheduled until 2020, and has already been put into action.

Its main methods are to reduce the level of availability of alcohol for the population. To do this, they increase excises, increase fines for the sale of alcohol to minors, prohibit sales after 23.00, etc. What results this campaign will give is still unknown, but today the statistics of alcoholism in Russia are disappointing.

How does alcoholism affect the population and the general situation in the country?

Alcoholism in Russia affects various aspects of social life :

  • Breakup of families.
  • Increasing the number of disabled people. Alcohol-related injuries are very common. The vast majority of car accidents are due to drunk drivers. In addition, alcoholism increases the birth rate of unhealthy children.
  • Increasing crime rate. Alcoholism is a fertile ground for the development of the criminal sphere: household squabbles, murders while intoxicated, robberies, theft, hooliganism. All this could be less.
  • The development of drug addiction. An alcoholic can easily become an addict.
  • An increase in the number of deaths. There are statistics according to which, almost 70% of suicides occur while intoxicated. Of course, not all of them are caused precisely by alcoholism, but alcohol becomes a factor that abolishes the instinct of self-preservation.

It is probably impossible to calculate how many lives alcoholism actually claimed. Especially if we consider that the constant use of diluted ethyl alcohol affects the work of all body systems: the heart and blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Everyone must fight

No matter how hard the authorities try, there will be no effective fight against alcoholism if we do not change the very attitude of our fellow citizens towards drinking. Everyone must start with themselves. If children do not see drunken parents (even on holidays), then in a few generations we will achieve tremendous results. Adults can no longer be changed, but to instill in the younger generation a love for a healthy lifestyle, to show that a holiday can be fun, even if everyone is sober - it’s quite real.

There is a strong and well-established opinion that the Russians are one of the most abundant drinking nations. But there is one stubborn and indisputable thing - these are numbers and statistical indicators. Before arguing and carrying the idea to the masses, you need to arm yourself with statistics. "Dry" data does not carry an emotional connotation, they only offer to arm ourselves with the truth and compare the current state of affairs.

Judging by the latest data obtained by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, per capita alcohol consumption in Russia is heading towards a steady decline. In the analysis, experts compared the results adopted in 2010 and 2015. And how were things in 2016, do we have a reason to rejoice?

According to statistics, the amount of alcohol consumption in Russia is declining

According to accepted UN standards, per capita consumption of 8 liters of ethyl alcohol is an extremely alarming figure. And not only for each person, but for the whole of a particular nation. By the way, a fairly large number of countries fall into the classification where this level is exceeded. In particular, according to the indicators for 2015, the rating of the most drinkers was as follows:

Place in the ranking A country Volume of alcohol consumed per capita (in liters)
1 Czech16,45
2 Hungary16,27
3 Ukraine15,60
4 Estonia15,57
5 Andorra15,48
6 Romania15,30
7 Slovenia15,19
8 Belarus15,13
9 Croatia15,11
10 Lithuania15,03
11 The Republic of Korea14,80
12 Portugal14,55
13 Ireland14,41
14 Russia13,50
15 Poland13,25
16 Great Britain13,37
17 Denmark13,37
18 Slovakia13,33
19 Austria13,24
20 Luxembourg13,01
21 Germany12,81
22 Finland12,52
23 Latvia12,50
24 Bulgaria12,44

The use of alcoholic beverages per capita in the Russian Federation fell from 13.6 liters (according to 2015 data) to 11.6 liters (according to statistics as of December 2016).

So, given what the statistics of alcoholism in Russia show, Russians cannot be frivolously ranked among the “most drinkers”? If you study the figures obtained, it becomes clear that some of the countries with a developed culture overindulge in alcohol. And if they do not reach the "record" of our country, then the difference is practically imperceptible.

Comparative characteristics of alcohol consumption in Russia and the USSR

Given the results of previous statistics, the WHO forecast for our country is quite favorable. In Russia, there is a downward trend in this unflattering figure. So, is there any reason to rejoice? Yes, but unfortunately very small.

We keep on abusing

No matter how you juggle the received numbers, don’t compare them to one degree or another, the Russians drink alcohol and quite hard. According to available indicators, on average, against the background of the abuse of alcohol-containing products in the Russian Federation, the death rate ranges from 75-85,000 for every 100,500 people. That is, one can say, counting how many alcoholics there are in Russia, that every year each of 1,400 Russian citizens dies from alcohol abuse.

This figure is not small, considering the size of our country and the number of people living in it. It is important to know that people who are addicted to alcohol and who suffer from alcoholism have no chance of living safely into old age, because according to the same statistics, of them:

  1. 60.70% will die from pancreatitis.
  2. 62.10% will take their own lives.
  3. 68.7% will die as a result of cirrhosis of the liver.
  4. 24.5% will die due to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Reasons that push people to alcohol

Studying the data provided by the statistics of alcohol consumption in Russia and comparing them with the indicators of other countries, we can conclude that the problem of drunkenness is relevant for almost all world developed countries. What global causes are to blame for this state of affairs?

Active urbanization

Experts argue that urbanization is becoming one of the main culprits for the rapid development of alcoholism. It gave a sharp increase in the population of cities, occurring due to the outflow of residents from villages and villages. Historical facts show that, having exchanged a quiet and measured rural life for the dynamics of large cities, most people cannot cope with growing stresses and go into drunken calm.

Urbanization is one of the reasons for the growth of alcoholism

Cataclysms and social problems

In addition, and quite strongly, the growth of alcoholism in Russia was intensified by economic crises, cataclysms, and the growing threat of the use of weapons of mass destruction. By the way, in the realities of the Cold War against the backdrop of an impending nuclear catastrophe, a significant increase in the growth of alcoholism was noted. Other social problems also contributed. In particular, the rise in unemployment.

In the Russian Federation, the unemployment rate is 5.6%, while in the EU these figures are about 12%, which stimulates the growth of alcohol consumption. Here you can see the US figures taken in 2013. The country's authorities were able to reduce the unemployment rate from 9.5 to 5.4%. This also caused a pronounced downward trend in the total amount of alcohol consumption.

Social problems

As for Russia, the increase in the number of drinkers can be explained by the facts that over the previous 25-30 years our country has experienced a huge number of upheavals in:

  • social;
  • economic;
  • political level.

The ruthless collapse of a huge, superpowerful state, which was the USSR, provoked a global destruction of all the values ​​\u200b\u200bestablished over the years and the inner worldview of our citizens. The growth of alcoholism intensified also due to the fact that a different worldview and values ​​(for that period) were never established. The population, which has lost protection at the social level, has sharply increased the level of poverty.

According to statistical results, about 10% of Russian citizens face constant difficulties with good and nutritious food.

And the decrease in the rise in prices for alcohol-containing products, which was observed during the collapse of the Union, also stimulated a sharp increase in alcoholism. People, having lost their jobs, not seeing a way out in the current situation, went for consolation to alcohol.

The consequences of alcohol addiction in the realities of the country

According to the established standards of the UN, it is considered that the consumption of alcohol more than 8 liters annually per capita is an extremely serious indicator. Upon crossing this line, the gradual degradation of a single nation will begin. Alcoholism leads to a decrease in life expectancy.

In Russia, the average life expectancy is on the rise

If we compare the average life expectancy, then in Russia it is 10-15 years less than in the EU countries.

What can we expect

The consumption of alcohol-containing products among the inhabitants of our country tends to decrease. This is evidenced by the statistics of alcohol consumption in Russia over the years, in particular, armed with data from Rosstat and WHO, we can see confirmation of this. Compare how the volume of alcohol products sold to Russians has changed. The figures are taken for the period of the first half of the year (January-August):

  1. 2014: 72.3 million decalitres.
  2. 2015: 65.5 million decaliters (-7.4%).
  3. 2016: 64.7 million decaliters (-1.3%).

To complete the picture, you can arm yourself with statistics obtained by various public funds and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. So:

The ratio of non-drinkers to drinkers

Foundation "Public Opinion". The statistics were carried out at the end of 2015:

  • 42% drink alcohol several times a year;
  • 37% of Russians lead a completely sober lifestyle;
  • 19% drink 2-3 times a month;
  • 12% use alcohol 3-4 times a week.

Analytical Center "Levada Center". The survey was conducted in 2017:

  • 40% of our citizens do not drink alcohol at all;
  • 38% drink several times a month;
  • 22% relax with alcohol weekly.

Decline in consumption of alcoholic beverages

Ministry of Health of Russia. According to the data obtained, the following trend is observed:

  • in 2015, there was a drop in alcohol consumption (per capita) from 13.6 liters to 11.7 liters;
  • over the current decade (data for December 2016), this level has decreased from 18.2 liters to 10.4 liters.

Narcological Scientific and Practical Center (Moscow). The use of alcohol-containing products in the period from 2011 to 2016 decreased by almost 1/3. That is, from the initial 18 liters per capita fell to 12.8 liters per year.

Decrease in the growth of consumption of hard liquor

In the period 2012-2015. vodka production in our country has decreased by almost 2 times. In particular:

  1. The year 2013 was marked (for the first time in the history of the Russian Federation) by a sharp, almost 2-fold consumption of vodka. The share of use of this spirit has decreased by 50% compared to 1995.
  2. In 2014, the share of vodka consumption was within the level of 45%, wine - 11%, beer - 41%, the rest was accounted for by other alcoholic beverages.

Reducing the number of alcohol intoxications

In the period from 2003-2013. the number of deaths due to alcohol poisoning in Russia has decreased by almost 3 times. If in 2003 this number fit into 30 deaths per 100,000, but in 2013 this figure varied by 10 cases.

Reducing the amount of alcohol produced in the Russian Federation

The production of vodka, due to the fall in its demand, tends to steadily decline. For example, in 2012, about 100 million decaliters of strong alcohol were produced. Then, as in 2015, this volume decreased to 60 million decaliters. If we consider the production of beer, then the picture is quite rosy there: its production is also falling: from 11.5 billion liters (2007) to 7.3 billion liters (2015).

The population of the world is mired in dependence on alcohol, due to which many diseases appear, but it also destroys the mental and moral state of a person as a person, death from alcohol is possible.

Alcoholism in all countries of the world

Alcohol use is a very widespread problem in the world. Drunkenness can be found in all corners of the globe. Statistics show that in today's world about 2.5 million people die from the harmful effects of alcohol.

Alcohol abuse causes many problems that affect not only the alcoholics themselves, but also their loved ones. Alcohol is the cause of many tragedies and crimes in the world.

In about 50% of violations, the source of the problem is alcohol. Due to alcohol, drug addiction, people behave inappropriately, promiscuity appears. Under the influence of alcohol, people commit suicide, they can kill a person, accidents occur, promiscuity, illness, violence and more appear.

Also, alcohol is dangerous for children, or rather for their body. And women with alcoholism can have children with disabilities. Families are often destroyed because of alcohol, the personality of a person and his body are degraded. From this comes alcoholism as a social problem.

In 2017, many countries faced an economic crisis due to alcohol, after which, the impact of alcohol negatively affects a person's ability to work. Alcohol and alcoholism are the source of many diseases and nervous disorders.

Alcoholism in Europe and Russia

Europe - this is a part of the land where alcohol problems are very difficult. In this part of the earth, they drink the largest dose of alcohol per person. On average, there are 1 - 1.5 liters of intoxicating drink (beer) per person per day. In one year, the countries of Europe lose approximately 150-300 billion euros from the fact that the population consumes alcohol. The source of this money is the cost of buying alcohol, as well as to cure the disease and in order to come up with a new one in the treatment of alcoholism.

For Russians, or rather in Russia, the essence is the same. Dependent people among the population begins to reach a critical threshold. But not only alcoholics suffer from this, but also all other miles of the population. According to statistics, every year two million Russians become more addicted to alcohol.

Drunkenness in Russia is not only the hands of men, but also of women. Alcoholism and alcoholics are now gaining momentum among women. Approximately according to statistics, about 450 families are destroyed by alcohol, and about 3-4% of the working population does not work. And if both spouses drink in the family, then the chance that there will be a domestic violation increases greatly.

Also, the funds that are spent on the treatment of alcoholism or on the disease that alcohol caused, are much higher than the costs of treating other diseases in the country.

And if you follow the latest statistics, alcoholism in Russia is getting younger. People start drinking alcohol from a younger generation. According to surveys conducted among the population, alcoholics began to drink at the age of 10-20 years.

Do not forget that at a young age, addiction to alcohol is much faster than at an older age. And for our country, it is not uncommon when parents themselves impose alcohol on children, drinking it at every holiday, and children adopt it. As a result, alcohol among young people is gaining momentum.

According to statistics, the data show that 99% of men and 97% of women drink alcohol, this is what is meant, not frequent drinking. One of these reasons is the easy availability of alcohol for all miles of the population.

If we equate it to 1926, then drunkenness among the population has reached a critical point. In those years, only 53% of men drank alcohol, 66% of youth and only 10% of women. In almost 100 years, the situation has changed a lot and, as we can see, it has only gotten worse.

Numbers and alcoholism

As already mentioned, the impact of alcohol and drug addiction in the world in 2017, and even earlier, is the promiscuity of the population, domestic violations, and the disease develops.

And if we take crime separately, then alcohol is dangerous for the population, because in the world from 55 to 90% of all violations are committed by people after alcohol or drug addiction.

If the prevention of alcoholism were at the right level, then domestic violations, drunkenness, illegal actions would decrease by 45-50%, and the effect of alcohol on the population would not be so strong.

Also, the influence of alcohol and drug addiction affects people who drive a car more. In 2017 alone, there were many accidents due to intoxication or drug addiction. In Russia, 85% of all accidents were caused by drunk drivers.

And here is another statistic - domestic murder and suicide. 80% of all human suicides occur in people who have been under the influence of alcohol or drug addiction. 60% of suicides are committed by alcoholics, and about 8% say goodbye to life in alcohol intoxication or drug addiction.

But drunkenness has a very bad effect on the body of children. A large number of children become alcoholics when their parents were. Approximately 55-60% of children who drink alcohol regularly have a father who suffers from alcoholism. Moreover, such teenagers have impaired behavior, they do not want to study.

The impact of alcohol and drug addiction has on their life and body in the future. In 2017, alcoholism among young people is more popular, and alcoholism is emerging as a social problem in the population.

From the fact that drunkenness for people is already a common thing, the life of a drinking person is greatly reduced. And in Europe, death due to alcoholism and alcohol increased in 2017 by 2.5 times. And in Russia, 1 million people die from the same problem in 2017 and every year.

These data were taken from official sources, but in reality the mortality statistics are even sadder. Illness, drunkenness, a destroyed human body, domestic violence, promiscuity is already alcoholism as a social problem of the state.

drinking countries rating

There is a group in the world that conducts research and then shows which countries drink the most. It is calculated in liters of alcohol per person in the country.

After that, many countries create organizations such as alcoholism and society, where they help get rid of addiction and save the body so that no illness bothers you.

Alcohol - gives the same effect as drug addiction, causes a feeling of euphoria, promiscuity, you forget about problems in your personal life or other circumstances, but aren't these the social causes of alcoholism?

People drink alcohol without realizing that they are killing their body, after which the disease appears, and this is all to hide from problems or relax.

As of 2017, alcohol ranks third in the most significant health problems, after smoking and blood pressure. Although half of the world's population drink alcohol, it damages the body in third place.

The rating of alcoholic states is done once for several years, after which it is published in a specific publication. They calculate how much alcohol was consumed per person, people over 15 years old are taken into account, that is, everyone who is 15 and above is included in the calculations. There were no calculations for 2017, the last one was in 2014, there were 188 countries there.

  1. Moldova.
  2. Czech Republic.
  3. Hungary.
  4. Russia.
  5. Ukraine.

After that, we can conclude that if the situation in the country is not improved, the situation may escalate. Namely, it is in demand for our country. Almost everyone in Russia suffers from alcoholism and drug addiction, some directly, and some indirectly.

Do not forget that drunkenness will not lead to anything good, that you can have fun in other ways, because the body is not eternal, which after all the feasts will take such blows, illness and much more can still appear.

This is especially true for young people who, after drinking alcohol, develop promiscuity, euphoria, and alcohol affects the body of a young person much more strongly and the disease develops faster.

The world is engulfed in an alcohol boom, which is confirmed by alcoholism statistics for 2016. The number of people consuming alcohol is really frightening. According to WHO, at least 1/3 of the population of the entire planet takes alcohol. The number of people suffering from this addiction is growing every year. More and more young people and children fall under the influence of the destructive mechanisms of advertising and adult example. At the same time, the statistics of alcoholism in the world shows how much alcohol is consumed annually in individual countries.

What is the harmful habit of drinking

What alcoholism leads to: statistics contain data on the negative impact on all aspects of human life. The result of an alcoholic disease is mental disorders, separation from society, and even dependent people. There is a high infant mortality and who remain crippled for life.

According to statistics, 3 million people die every year from excessive alcohol consumption in the world, which is comparable to the population of Armenia, Jamaica or Lithuania. That is, an entire country dies every year.

All parts of the world are covered by the alcoholic disease. The problems associated with this disease are of a severe nature. This includes and, half of which is committed under the influence of alcohol (accident, violence,).

It is alcoholism in the world (statistics of 2016) that scientists call one of the leading factors that negatively affect the global economy and the economy of individual states, knocking out young able-bodied people. On the popular YouTube channel, a large number of videos are devoted to this burning issue.

Anti-leader rating

The problem of consumption of alcohol-containing products is dealt withWorld Health Organization (WHO). Its specialists monitor the dynamics of changes in indicators of alcohol consumption in liters per person. Later, statistics on alcoholism in the world by country is published in the journal World Health Organization Global Reports on Alcohol and Health.

In European countries, the concept of "alcoholism" does not exist. Therefore, there are no grounds for maintaining drug records. A person suffering from alcohol dependence is characterized as "having a problem with alcohol". The percentage of such people among the European population is huge.

Alcoholism statistics in the world by country (2016) and related economic indicators reveal another problem. Every year Europe loses up to 300 billion euros. This includes the cost of buying alcoholic beverages, the cost of treatment from and , as well as economic losses from employee absenteeism. In South and North America, Asia and Australia, the issues of alcohol and drug addiction are no less acute.

According to the statistics of alcoholism in the world according to the countries provided by the organization for economic cooperation and development (), in 2013 the following countries were in the lead in the consumption of alcoholic products:

  1. Lithuania.
  2. Russia.
  3. Estonia.
  4. Belgium.
  5. Czech Republic.
  6. France.
  7. Luxembourg.
  8. Poland.
  9. Ireland.

The list also includes other states, of which the first 15 positions of the table were occupied by European countries. It is worth noting that the Republic of Belarus is not included in the top ten of the given classification, but it headed a similar version of the Bloomberg rating table in 2013.

Below is a table that contains information from WHO research in 2015. The top ten countries in terms of consumption of alcohol-containing products per year look like this:

A country Number of liters of alcoholic beverages per inhabitant
The Republic of Moldova 17,4
Belarus 17,1
Lithuania 16,2
RF 14,5
Czech Republic 14,1
Romania 12,9
Australia 12,6
Portugal 12,5
Hungary 12,4
Great Britain 12

These are the figures for the year, although WHO experts call the critical norm 8 liters. in a year. The table includes, among other data, statistics of youth alcoholism in the world. It indicates the widespread use of alcohol-containing products among people under 35 years of age.

Here are general data, meanwhile, in countries, preference is given to various types of alcohol-containing products. The French, Spaniards and Portuguese in most cases choose wine. Germans, Bulgarians, Czechs and Belgians prefer wine or beer. Russians most often buy wine. Over the past ten years, the statistics of alcoholism in Ukraine shows a steady increase in the use of strong drinks.

According to WHO, criteria and scoring systems influence indicators. One has only to change them and the championship goes to completely different countries (alcoholism statistics 2016): India, Iran, Kazakhstan, African states. But despite such depressing statistics, according to scientists, about 48% of the world's inhabitants have never even tried alcoholic products.

Alcoholism statistics in Russia

According to Rospotrebnadzor, in 2016 there was a decrease in the consumption of alcoholic beverages per capita from 15 to 10 liters. At the same time, mortality has decreased.

However, CIFRRA representatives consider this information to be biased. In their opinion, the level of alcoholism in Russia, according to statistics for 2016, has not decreased. For the last 15 years, alcohol consumption has been at the level of 13 liters per year per inhabitant. Experts attribute the decline in the volume of alcohol consumed to demographic problems.

Other experts believe that Russians have begun to consume more illegal alcohol due to a significant rise in the price of licensed products. In Ukraine and Belarus, the problem of drunkenness is no less acute. You should also not lose sight of children's alcoholism, the statistics of which give very disappointing data.

And if we talk about the problem of alcoholization of the population of our state, issues of its protection and support, we cannot fail to mention a new project - the organization "Sober Russia", which arose quite recently, at the beginning of the second decade. XXI century. The organization has an official website, on the first page of which it is stated that its activities are aimed at "protecting Russian citizens from the threat of alcohol and drugs and their resocialization in modern society."

The members of the organization prepared a rating of the sobriety of the regions, as well as statistics on alcoholism in Russia for 2016, which are intended not only to familiarize the citizens of the country, but also to provide authorities and local governments. According to this rating, 9 most sober regions were singled out, including Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Stavropol, Rostov and Belgorod regions. Magadan region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug are named among the most drinking regions.
