
How to replace rare varieties of cheese. Category Archives: Greek Salads

Chees Feta - pickled cheese white color from sheep milk with the addition of goat, a traditional Greek product with a characteristic expressive salty taste with a pleasant delicate lactic acidity, fat content from 30 to 60%. In appearance, this cheese, in some way, is similar to fresh, fine-grained pressed cottage cheese. The ripening period of cheese in brine is at least 3 months.

The technologies for the production of such cheeses were known in ancient times, most likely, they were practiced earlier.

The name "Feta" is protected by EU laws, cheese with this name is produced only in Greece, sold with an indication of the place of origin. Similar cheeses are produced using similar technologies, sometimes with changes in the recipe, and in other countries (Mediterranean, southeastern Europe, etc.). For the production of such cheeses, not only sheep and goat milk is sometimes used, but also cow and buffalo milk.

These products have other trade names.

Feta cheese is an ingredient in many dishes, often featured in various recipes, but not always and everywhere we can find this cheese on sale, and this product is not cheap.

What can you substitute for feta cheese?

Answers suggest themselves from simple logical reflections. Feta cheese should be replaced with pickled cheeses.

And what exactly?

In retail chains, you can find pickled cheeses with the names "Fetaki", "Fetaks". Some successfully replace feta cheese, for example, with Adyghe cheese, suluguni, mozzarella and other similar pickled cheeses.

And yet, what is the best substitute for feta cheese to make it tasty and profitable?

The answer may surprise some, but it is unlikely to surprise those living in Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, other Balkan countries, or Israel.

It is best to replace feta cheese with ordinary cheese - this pickled cheese is most similar to feta in terms of technology and composition. Cheese is produced both industrially and traditionally at home.

Brynza is similar to feta not only in terms of production methods and composition, but also as close as possible in taste and structure. Brynza (as, indeed, other pickled cheeses) is no less useful than feta in its own way. Here is just one "but".

Brynza, especially aged, is enough salted cheese tends to be saltier than feta cheese.

To reduce the salinity of cheese, you need to cut it into pieces (non-thin slices of medium size) and place it in milk or clean cold water (you can use carbonated water - it will go faster). Cheese is usually soaked for no more than 12 hours.

Hot water cannot be poured over the cheese.

Greek feta cheese at home. What can you substitute for feta cheese

Cheese is enough nutritional product which is made only from natural ingredients, which is why it turns out so satisfying and useful. In addition, it can be eaten every day.

Cheeses have been highly valued at all times due to their unsurpassed and noble taste.

Now there are a large number of different varieties of cheese. Of course, we are more accustomed to those that are sold on the shelves of our stores, and few people have an idea what they are like and how interesting their taste is. There is no exact classification of this product, but among all, French species are most valued.

Cheeses are fresh, boiled and unboiled, soft and hard, with mold and crust, as well as feta, which we will talk about.

Cheese Description

Traditionally Greek cheese Feta belongs to the semi-solid varieties and is made from two types of milk: sheep and goat.

If we turn to history, we can find out that in translation from Greek feta means chunk or piece. Why is the cheese called that?

Everything is simple here. Previously, it was always made in only one large piece with a weight of about one and a half kilograms.

In appearance, feta cheese resembles fresh and young cottage cheese, because it has the same white color. A special difference is its taste.

It is brighter, more expressive, salty with sourness.

For the first time, feta cheese began to be cooked back in the days of ancient Byzantium, and references can be seen in the text of Homer's Odyssey.

Now in the Middle East, in the Mediterranean countries and southern Europe they produce something similar to feta. But there, for the most part, cow's milk is used for cooking. That is why only a product prepared in Greece and nowhere else has the right to bear the name feta.

This name was firmly entrenched in him back in 1996. But under the name of fetax or fetaki, it is quite possible to find a similar product - it tastes almost the same, with a difference only in the country of origin.

How is feta prepared?

Since the time when the first mention of this cheese appeared, the technology of its preparation has not changed much. Previously, the Greeks, of course, did not know what pasteurization was, and therefore they heated goat's milk just on the street under the scorching sun. It stayed that way until it collapsed.

And only after that it was possible to start preparing the whey. And the resulting curd was placed in a bag of thin light fabric, squeezed and left to dry in a dark place.

After the allotted time, the cheese was placed in small wooden barrels and added saline solution. In order for the homemade feta cheese prepared according to this recipe to be eaten, it was necessary to wait at least a month, or even more.

Calorie content and composition

If you want to eat feta cheese during the diet, the calorie content of which is quite high (at least 250 calories per hundred grams of product), then this is not recommended, otherwise the day of the diet will be wasted and you will not get rid of excess weight. And the fat content of cheese is not far behind and reaches 22 grams.

If you really want to, then think about how you can replace feta cheese.

It is best used for cooking for the holidays or when you just want to treat yourself. Everyone probably knows that the most common dish using feta is, of course, Greek salad.

But, despite the high calorie content and fat content, this product is very useful due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Feta cheese includes a variety of vitamins that are simply necessary for the human body:

No less in its composition and minerals, including: selenium, manganese, iron, copper. As well as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and some other species.

Beneficial features

Based on the fact that the product contains such a number of substances, it must have useful and medicinal properties that have a beneficial effect on the person and his body. The way it is. American scientists, having done some research using feta cheese, found that, in addition to all of the above, it also contains microorganisms.

They are able to synthesize some antibiotics that help to cope with poisoning. That is, by periodically eating feta, you can protect yourself from undesirable consequences after taking low-quality products.

And one hundred grams of cheese enrich the body with the daily requirement for potassium and phosphorus and fill the need for zinc by a third. It is worth noting that feta does not contain nucleic acids, but it contains a lot of protein, about fourteen grams.

This is what makes it different from meat and is considered a more profitable product.

How to choose?

Like any other product, in order for feta cheese to be tasty, you need to choose it correctly. There are several rules, following which, you will certainly buy quality product that will delight you with its taste.

  • If you want to taste feta the way it should be, then buy only Greek-made products. You can buy it in Greece without any problems, it is in every store. But the fact is that there are other cheeses out there that have the name feta, but in fact are just a parody with a salty taste.
  • In order not to be mistaken, look at the composition from which the product is prepared. It should contain sheep's milk, and sometimes a little goat's, as well as salt and brine. Keep in mind that the amount of goat milk should be no more than thirty percent, otherwise the feta will be very hard. If you like this, just buy hard cheese locally produced, made from goat's milk.
  • The composition of the product should not contain cow's milk, otherwise it is no longer feta. If it is, then the taste will not be very pleasant, and the cheese itself will be very crumbly.
  • Please note that feta should only be stored in brine. It may look outwardly and not very appetizing, but it is correct, and as a result, the taste and other properties are preserved. If you've bought a lot of feta, it's best to make your own brine for storage. How to do this, you can read below.
  • If possible, try the product before making a purchase. Most often in the markets and in good supermarkets they give feta a try. The taste is sharp and rich. Don't buy if it's bitter, too sour, or generally tasteless.
  • Look at the color, it should be white, not yellow. Cheese acquires this color if it has been left in the air for a long time without brine.
  • The surface of a good and fresh product has a small number of holes. If you want to visualize what real feta cheese should look like, the photos found in cookbooks will help you.


Before you start cooking the feta itself, and then various recipes using it, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications for this product.

It is clear that in the first place it is very contraindicated for people who are overweight, as it is very high-calorie and fatty. But besides this, it should not be eaten by those who have arterial hypertension, as well as problems with the kidneys.

What can replace feta cheese if you have one of the limiting conditions, but you really want it? Of course, the most common option is feta cheese. It is also made from sheep's milk.

It is also stored in brine, but, unlike feta, it is pressed and has more salty taste. But it is much less fat and high-calorie, and therefore it is quite possible to eat it in small quantities during the diet.

Feta cheese at home

In order to prepare this delicacy, we need very few ingredients and enough time and effort.

  • About ten liters of goat's milk.
  • A quarter of a small spoonful of dry sourdough or one hundred grams of liquid.
  • Half a spoonful of rennet, to be mixed with a little water.
  • A little salt, preferably fine.
  • Salt solution, where twenty percent of the salt is dissolved in water.

You should start by heating the milk to 30 degrees. Then add sourdough and lipase powder to the milk, mix everything well.

Cover and let stand for about an hour.

What happened, you need to cut into small pieces the size of a centimeter and wait about ten minutes. Now try mixing the cut cubes and check the temperature of the milk.

If it has cooled down, then it again needs to be heated to thirty degrees. Stir the cubes slowly at first, and then more vigorously if you notice that they have become harder and stick together.

Wait for it to drain, tie off the fabric and hang it up for four hours.

After this time, untie the bag, turn the cheese upside down and let it hang for another day. After that, cut it into medium-sized pieces, place in a salt solution and soak the feta in it.

Preparing the brine is quite simple: dilute a little salt in warm water and stir so that it dissolves in water. It shouldn't be very salty.

If you do not want a brine, there is something to replace it with. Feta cheese can also be stored in olive oil, but as a rule, this is wasteful and even more caloric due to the increase in fat content.

Therefore, brine is more suitable for storage, and cheaper.

What to cook with feta?

It is clear that, first of all, with the use of feta, very delicious salads, for example the same Greek, which is considered the most popular. But what to cook when you want something unusual?

Try making baked feta cheese.

Recipe for baked feta

All you need is feta, tomatoes, garlic and olive oil.

First, take the foil and divide into several pieces. Top each with thinly sliced ​​feta and top with tomato slices.

Now squeeze some garlic or rub it on fine grater and sprinkle a little olive oil. Wrap the foil carefully.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of one hundred and ninety degrees, put the workpiece on a baking sheet and bake for at least fifteen minutes. The finished dish is recommended to be served with white crispy bread, which can be prepared in a toaster.

Feta pies

Cook any yeast dough whatever you like, or buy ready-made. Boil rice, mix it with cheese and finely chopped parsley.

Roll out the circles from the dough, fill with stuffing and carefully fasten the edges. Fashioned pies can be baked in the oven or fried in a pan.

Bon appetit!

Where else to use cheese?

Feta is an almost universal product, and if you like this taste, then you can add it everywhere. She can sprinkle already ready meals: potatoes or pizza.

You can also make sandwiches with it. It is added to stuffed peppers.

And the Greeks generally combine it with melon or watermelon, and they say that it is very tasty. Try it too!

Cheese, along with tomatoes, goes well with spaghetti, beans or lentils. In addition, you can even make pies with it, which are very tender with excellent taste.

Feta goes well with any red fish, such as salmon or trout. You can also eat it as an independent dish, for example with white wine.

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What is the secret of Greek salad?

15. Anonymous | 31.03.2005, 18:53:47

This is of course a matter of taste and a deviation from the recipe, but I really like to dress this salad with red wine vinegar with exactly vegetable oil- fried, smelly. I make the dressing separately, mix vinegar, oil, salt, pepper - shake it all up to a creamy state and pour over the salad.

And mozzarella and feta are two cheeses that are opposite in their properties, feta is salty and crumbly, like dry cheese, and mozarella is fresh and rubbery - it definitely has no place in Greek.

16. nata | 31.03.2005, 20:54:25

Here is my recipe. Tomatoes, cucumbers (scrape the seeds from both), sweet red onions, feta cheese. I dress with a special sauce for Greek salad, already prepared from the store.

It turns out very tasty.

17. I | 31.03.2005, 21:13:21

tree sticks! What a REFILL. You are about to make a mix of several salads.

Haven't tried mayonnaise yet.
In a Greek salad, vegetables are cut into large cubes. Approximately 2x2 cm. Corn? In a Greek salad.

First time I hear this! And what a gas station.

Honey. Plus garlic.

Hmmm. Greek salad dressed ONLY with high-quality Extra Virin olive oil.

That's the whole secret.

18. Anonymous | 31.03.2005, 21:28:38

Yes. I remember my Greek husband, who ordered a Greek salad in a restaurant in Moscow. And then he asked: what is it?
In Greece, where I live, they do this: cucumbers, tomatoes, oregon, feta and ONLY olive oil. As an addition, you can olives, onions and rye crackers.

Bon appetite.

28. Athens | 19.04.2005, 18:30:31

Brynza will do if you can't find feta. To the main ingredients like tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers (rings), onions (rings), olives (whole), feta, oregano and olive oil), you can also add capers (very noble).

And yet - lemon is contraindicated (this is not lettuce for you.), Vinegar is only wine (red), cut feta into one piece of rectangular or square 0.5-1 cm thick and put on top of vegetables, sprinkle with oregano and then pour salad with oil.

29. Oksana | 28.07.2005, 12:38:06

And my salad is this: tomato, cucumber, one sweet pepper different color- yellow, green and red, olives, oregano and olive oil.

30. Helga | 30.09.2005, 15:21:36

we made this salad in this way: cut the feta (feta cheese) into even small cubes, put it neatly in a flat mixing bowl, add olive oil and squeeze the lemon, gently mix the cheese so that the cubes are separate. then spread on the already laid out and laid lettuce leaves, chopped tomatoes. Regarding the dressing - I didn’t really like the dressing bought in the store - very spicy and sour. I add good olive oil and a little lemon juice with spices to my taste. decorate with olives

31. PoPo | 12.03.2006, 21:07:10

Restaurants always serve: tomato, cucumbers (most), bell peppers, red onions, olives (little), everything is laid out on lettuce leaves, everything is sauced, olive oil is served, fetaki / cheese is on top. And how do you eat Greek salad without pepper? I am a fan of Greek salad!

32. Anonymous | 13.03.2006, 02:21:53

So it seems to me that pepper should be, like lettuce leaves. It tastes better with them.

33. Luluzi | 04.04.2006, 10:27:32

everyone is so damn smart.

34. Anonymous | 12.06.2007, 16:23:31

35. Olga | 12.06.2007, 22:37:12

Maybe this will not be a discovery for you, in fact, all this is far from the Greek salad. And the Greek salad is very simple: tomatoes and St. cucumbers are cut into large cubes, and red onions are cut into rings, coarsely chopped feta cheese is also added (real cheese is usually not inferior to feta cheese in terms of hardness, but we sell it at least for a bun). taste.
Bon appetit

36. Lenchik | 02.08.2007, 19:13:58

Tell good recipe cooking mullet I cooked it with onions, stewed in cream, but it doesn’t taste very good

37. Elvira | 11.08.2007, 15:57:06

necessarily feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, olive oil, you can add soy sauce. everything is cut into cubes, olives into rings (onions can be added). salad dressing: pour oil into a bottle, add a little sugar, salt, soy sauce (who likes ground black pepper), shake well and season the salad. that's all. so I cooked this salad at work in a cafe

38. macha | 11.08.2007, 21:52:58

Cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, feta or fetax from Hochland, dressing is prepared separately. lemon juice, salt, oregano, basil, sweet paprika (red pepper), olive oil

43. Nino | 13.12.2007, 09:37:56

Firstly, where did you get the idea that there should be corn in a Greek salad. Nonsense.

As for dressing: at home I just make it with olive oil. Tried in restaurants various variations: oil and mustard, oil and lemon, oil and vinegar.

By the way, when I was in Greece, I noticed that they almost always add vinegar to food, but as a rule it is wine or apple. I was also surprised that the Greeks put olives with pits and a large piece of salted cottage cheese in a Greek salad. And dressed only with olive oil.

Onions are marinated in vinegar.

44. Nino | 13.12.2007, 09:38:31

Oh, I forgot, garlic is definitely superfluous there, and honey is generally some kind of perversion.

45. vita | 13.12.2007, 10:58:16

In Greece, in Crete, they cook like this: tomatoes, coarsely chopped cucumbers, blue onion rings, only green (dried) olives, FETA cheese, oregano seasoning, olive oil + grape vinegar. The secret is that southern vegetables have sweet taste, local olive oil is very different in quality from what is sold here.

Although I made it at home upon arrival and the salad turned out no worse. Even sunflower oil used.

The main thing is that the tomatoes are ripe, fleshy, ground.

46. Anonymous | 13.12.2007, 19:05:04

cool topic, once a month someone says something smart :)) why does everyone use oregano? I put basil, it's not so coarse when dried.

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What can replace Feta

What can replace Feta

Feta cheese is a traditional Greek cheese made from sheep's milk. Today, Feta cheese is made in many countries, but not from sheep's milk, but from cow's.

Cow's milk cheese retains a crumbly structure and a pleasant salty taste.

What can replace Feta. so the most common cheese, Adyghe cheese, health cheese, amateur cheese, in a word, cheeses that are made in brine. Brynza is more salty than Feta and before being added to various salads should be soaked in milk or bottled water for 30-60 minutes.

Delicious salads (Greek salad), delicious snacks (canapes) are prepared from Feta cheese, as well as Feta cheese goes well with vegetables and herbs, with chicken meat and so on. In salads, cheese can be cut into cubes, or you can crumble it with your hands, since Feta cheese has a crumbly structure.

What can replace Feta we figured it out, but what you can replace savoiardi for making tiramisu dessert can be read by clicking on the link.

What can replace Savoyardi

What can you substitute for mozzarella?

What can replace rosemary

What can you substitute for ricotta

"Greek salad" calories

In 2002, after many years of litigation in the court of the European Union, the Greeks proved that only cheese produced in Greece can be considered real feta cheese. Moreover, it is made from sheep's milk or from a mixture of sheep and goat. In addition, the milk of goats and sheep must have a specific aroma and taste that can only be obtained on the pastures of certain regions of Greece - Macedonia, Thrace, Epirus, Thessaly, Peloponnese, where plants grow that are found only on these lands.

Feta is made all year round. But every time of the year it is different.

In summer it is fragrant because animals eat a lot of fresh greens, in autumn it is tart because greens in the diet of animals are replaced by seeds and grains, in winter feta is spicy because goats and sheep eat only dry grass.

Find in our stores the real Greek feta very difficult. What to do if it is necessary for cooking or just as an independent snack?

You can replace feta with a similar domestic cheese - feta cheese. Our cheese contains more salt, but this is fixable.

Put the cheese for an hour in a container of clean water and the cheese will lose some of the salt.

Another option is to make your own feta. The hardest of the ingredients are the rennet tablets. They are sold in a pharmacy: acidin-pepsin (8 pcs.) Or abomin (6 pcs.).

You will also need 2 liters of milk (if there is no sheep, you can take cow's milk), sour cream - 200 g and boiled water - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

1) Dilute sour cream in a glass of milk. Heat the rest of the milk to 35-38 degrees, remove from heat and pour the mixture of milk and sour cream into it, stirring thoroughly with a whisk.

2) Mash the rennet tablets, mix in warm water, pour into milk and mix again with a whisk. Leave the resulting mixture to ferment for 5-6 hours.

As a result, the milk will ferment and settle, and the viscous and thick whey will remain on top.

3) Carefully place the fermented mass with a spoon into a sieve covered with gauze. After a couple of hours, the main part of the serum will drain. After that, cover the mass with the edges of gauze, put a saucer on top of it, and oppression on the saucer (a 3-liter jar filled with water will do).

This is done in order to completely remove the remaining whey.

4) After 5-6 hours the cheese is ready.

It remains only to give it a salty taste. To do this, cut the cheese into 5x5 cm cubes, rub them with salt and put in salted whey or brine (200 ml of water - 1 tablespoon of salt).

After an hour, the cheese will be salty. But the longer it is stored in the refrigerator, the tastier it will be.

By the way, if you keep the cheese warm before eating, its taste will be brighter.

How to replace feta cheese, you already know. And here's how to replace Philadelphia cheese, which disappeared with the introduction of sanctions, read here.

Classic Greek salad recipe

Just posted a video about how to make greek salad. It's canon, so to speak. What am I leading to.

And here's what. very often from classic recipe Greek salad have to retreat.

That desired product no, something else. I'm here for example Chees Feta I don't like very much. I'm replacing him.

For regular cheese. True, I buy “rubber” and soak it.

So. What can be replaced in a Greek salad recipe. Feta for cheese.

Lemon juice for flavored vinegar, you can use wine. Instead of the Crimean bow, you can take the usual one. Olives with pits or without?

Yes, essentially one. No green salad? It doesn't matter - in Odessa, Greek salad is often made without it.

No oregano? Well, okay ... In short, improvisation is a great thing!

Greek Salad Ingredients

  • 2-3 tomatoes
  • a couple of cucumbers
  • 1-2 sweet bell peppers
  • Crimean onion - 1 piece / such red / small
  • bunch of green lettuce
  • a couple of olives
  • lemon
  • 150-200 grams of feta cheese
  • oregano
  • olive oil

How to make a classic Greek salad

My vegetables. Cut cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes into large pieces.

Finely chop the onion.

We tear the salad with our hands. Large pieces.

We cut the sar feta fairly large.

We put everything in a salad bowl. We take a larger volume to make it easier to mix.

Leave a third of the cheese to decorate the salad on top.

Season with olive oil, sprinkle with oregano, salt. Add olives.

Stir the salad VERY CAREFULLY AND CAREFULLY. You may not mix at all. The mixing process will take place during the filling of the plates 😎

Spread feta cheese on top.

Served immediately on the table.

Category Archives: Greek Salads

Classic Greek salad is made with tomatoes, cucumbers, shallots, olives and, of course, traditional Greek feta cheese.

The classic feta cheese is a cheese made from sheep's milk, similar in texture to pressed cottage cheese, aged in brine. Sometimes feta is made from a mixture of sheep and goat milk.

When preparing a Greek salad, feta can be replaced with feta cheese or Adyghe cheese. Brynza is prepared in much the same way as feta, but from cow, goat or sheep milk, or from a mixture of different types.

Almost the same as brynza and feta, Adyghe cheese is also prepared. Its main difference is that Adyghe cheese is not aged in brine and often does not salt at all. This must be taken into account if Adyghe cheese is used for Greek salad.

You can salt it well on all sides or place it in brine and let it stand for several hours in the refrigerator. Or salt the Greek salad, taking into account that the Adyghe cheese is not at all salty.

In addition to brynza and Adyghe cheese, feta can be replaced with tofu soy cheese.

Classically, the composition of the Greek salad can be supplemented with paprika, onions or green onions, capers and anchovies. Other ingredients are also quite acceptable, such as, for example, beets - fresh, boiled or pickled.

In addition to the composition with the obligatory addition of cheese, similar in consistency to compressed cottage cheese, Greek salad has another distinguishing feature. All the ingredients for it are cut into fairly large pieces.

It is also advisable not to mix the salad before serving.

Greek cheese salad is very close in taste to the classic recipe that uses feta cheese. You need to cook it immediately before serving, so that the vegetables do not wind up and do not have time to let the juice out.

This does not create any difficulties, since the Greek salad with cheese is prepared very quickly.

From non-traditional products for the preparation of a classic Greek salad, you will definitely need feta cheese, shallots and oregano. However, shallots can be replaced with ordinary onions with mild taste. There are no other difficulties.

Classic Greek salad is prepared very simply and quickly.

Paprika - sweet or bell pepper - is an optional ingredient for Greek salad, but it is very often added even to a classic recipe. Paprika gives the Greek salad a special southern touch and successfully complements its taste.

The classic Greek salad uses feta cheese, but Adyghe cheese is prepared in much the same way as feta and has exactly the same consistency. The only thing, unlike feta, Adyghe cheese is traditionally slightly salted or not salty at all. You can use this feature as an advantage, reducing the amount of salt in the salad, or you can bring Adyghe cheese as close as possible to feta cheese, salting it on all sides and leaving it in the refrigerator overnight.

This recipe is designed for unsalted Adyghe cheese, and therefore, if you use salted cheese, then do not add salt to the salad.

Feta is one of those cheeses that many people confuse with brynza, and in fact the two are very similar, as both are made from sheep's or goat's milk. Feta cheese is very white in color, it is made under its own brand, and only cheese made in Greece and the islands can be called feta, so look for feta cheese on the shelves and look at the address of the manufacturer.

There is also another name for feta cheese - fetaki, both names are equally used to label this cheese.

Greek feta cheese

Feta cheese is similar to pressed cottage cheese, it has a very delicate structure and is great for making salads, everyone knows the famous Greek salad and it is feta cheese that is its highlight. The fat content of feta cheese is high, about 50%, but since it contains absolutely no carbohydrates, it can be safely consumed by anyone who is on the Dukan diet, for the alternation phase, be sure to treat yourself to a salad with feta cheese.

Feta has been produced for hundreds of years in this way - vats of milk are placed in a warm place to soak, the milk must turn sour and warm up to 35 degrees, after which the resulting thick, the basis for feta cheese, is packaged in linen bags and hung up to drain the remaining whey, so that after a few days already6 they can enjoy delicious feta cheese.

Feta can be sheep and cow, the first option is considered a reference, but only a lover of fragrant cheeses can withstand the smell of such cheese. Cow feta is softer in taste, it has a delicate texture and is great for salads and stuffing in pies.

Feta cheese calories

Feta cheese is quite high-calorie, it contains 300 kcal per 100 grams, of which 17 grams are pure protein, but there are no carbohydrates in cheese, so feel free to eat it at any time of the day, you won’t get better. So that the cheese does not dry out, it is stored in a salty brine, but so that the feta does not become too salty, it is better to use it immediately, since the saltier the cheese, the less useful it is for the figure, as it retains a lot of water.

Feta cheese is rich in calcium and contains riboflavin, which normalizes reproductive function, which is why feta cheese is so loved in mountainous areas where there are many centenarians, because it is a traditional cheese of the Balkans. Feta also contains vitamin B, an essential vitamin in our diet.

Greek salad with feta cheese

We decided to tell our readers the most correct salad recipe with feta cheese. Firstly, it is delicious, secondly, it is beautiful, and thirdly, it is useful even on a diet.

2 medium sized tomatoes

1 small red onion

150 grams of olives

100 grams of feta cheese

¼ teaspoon dry oregano

30 ml olive oil

ground black pepper

It should be noted that in different regions, boiled chicken breast, shrimp or mussels are also added to this salad, but this recipe is the basis of a Greek salad.

Cut the tomatoes and cucumber into large cubes, the size of an olive, leave the olives whole, cut the feta cheese into cubes, large, and cut the onion first into half rings, then again in half. Mix olive oil, oregano, salt and pepper, and dress salad with feta, let stand 5 minutes and serve.

Read also:

General description of feta

Feta-like cheeses are also produced in other countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Turkey, Egypt, Israel. Feta-like cheeses are made from sheep's milk or cow's milk.

Feta is also called cheeses prepared by modern accelerated ways but it's still not real feta. Feta can only be called Greek cheese, this is an indication of the geographical origin of this product, protected by European Union law.

Greece has long fought for its famous cheese, which has been produced here for several millennia. The centers for the production of real Greek feta are Epirus, Dodona, Peloponnese. Real feta is made from the milk of sheep and goats grazing in mountain meadows.

And no cow's milk fake will have a delicate and delicate taste inherent only in real feta.

Feta flavor

Feta has a salty taste with soft milky sourness.

Combination of feta with other products

Feta cheese goes well with fresh vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs.

The use of feta in cooking

Feta is traditionally known as main ingredient for Greek salad. Feta is also used as a filling for pies (with herbs), or as an independent dish.

Features of cooking feta

To remove excess salt, you can soak feta in mineral water or milk before eating.

When choosing feta, you should pay attention to the following:

  • feta must be sold in brine;
  • cheese should be white with many holes;
  • feta should not be dry;
  • real feta is sold in the form of bars.

Feta storage

Feta cheese is best stored in brine, and the shelf life is quite long, up to two months.

Permissible Substitutions

Feta cheese can be substituted for feta-like cheeses in recipes. In some cases, feta cheese can be substituted.

The history of the origin of feta

Feta cheese has been known for a very long time, and the method of producing feta cheese was described by Homer in the Odyssey. The method of making feta cheese is quite simple: containers in sheep's milk were left in the sun, and after the milk curdled, the whey was drained, and everything else was placed in linen bags and hung in baskets in the shade for several days.

The resulting lump of cottage cheese was cut into several pieces and sprinkled with salt. After enduring the day, laid out salted cottage cheese in barrels and poured with whey-based brine.

The cheese ripened in brine. In this form, feta cheese could be stored for quite a long time.

Thousands of years later, the way feta cheese is made has hardly changed.

Influence on the human body, beneficial substances

Feta cheese contains a large amount of protein, which dissolves and is almost completely absorbed by the body. 200 grams of feta cheese contains the daily protein requirement for our body.

Feta is a source of calcium, which is as much in 100 grams of this cheese as in one and a half liters of milk. The presence of vitamin D in feta promotes better absorption of calcium.

Feta as a cure for dysbacteriosis

It has been proven that feta contains probiotics that can fight pathogenic intestinal flora.

ancient greek feta

In ancient times, in areas of Greece where salt was expensive, feta was stored not in brine, but in olive oil.

Appetizers and salads with feta cheese

In Greek cuisine feta fresh soft cheese from sheep's or goat's milk has a stable, centuries-old tradition consecrated combination with olives and black olives. Therefore, in most salads and light snacks, they are present together.

Feta cheese is great for salads. it complements the insipid taste of greens with its salty taste, goes well with various herbs and spices. rosemary. oregano, mint; with fresh vegetables. tomatoes. sweet pepper. bow; with meat. fish and seafood.

Most famous salad with feta Greek(in Greece it is called rustic. or horiatiki. Greek χωριάτικη σαλάτα). According to the classic recipe, it is prepared from cucumbers. tomatoes. feta. red onion and olives. and seasoned with olive oil, so beloved by the Greeks, with salt and black pepper. oregano and basil.

Olive oil, by the way, is the perfect dressing for almost any salad with feta.

Feta is great for sandwiches and sandwiches (for example, paired with ham or bacon). And if a salad of feta with herbs and vegetables is wrapped in pita bread or tortilla. the original roll will turn out nutritious and much more useful than any sandwich or sandwich.

And the last. In most recipes, Greek feta can be successfully replaced by its soft Balkan counterpart. cheese .

Culinary encyclopedia. Cheese

Greek Salad from the Greek

Arguments broke out in earnest at the kitchen table. But everything started peacefully.

Ninka gathered her friends for a bachelorette party, on this occasion they bought expensive white wine, red fish and prepared a Greek salad.

- Girls, as a future hostess, I decided to pamper you: I cooked a classic, according to all recipes Greek salad. Light, low-calorie and surprisingly tasty - so you don't have to worry about your figure!

The friends drank white wine, talked about life... And everything would have been great until Katya tried the Greek salad. She slowly brought the fork to her mouth, chewed even more slowly, twisted her face, fell silent, and, unable to stand it, attacked Ninka:

- And where did you get this recipe? Why couldn't you ask me how it is properly prepared. For two whole months I had an affair with Dimitris (well, remember, that temperamental Greek who came to us on an exchange.), - then Katya rolled her eyes dreamily.

And then, having come to her senses, she again attacked Ninka: “Didn’t you even remember that they don’t cut olives in a Greek salad, but put them whole?” And who cuts cucumbers like that? Thin straw.

Are you out of your mind? Only large cutting, squares!

Where did Beijing cabbage come from? Well, Nina, you have completely disappointed me.

And she also praised: according to all recipes, according to all recipes!

Katya clasped her hands theatrically and turned up her nose. Then I decided to look at Nina. She, embarrassed, began to justify herself:

“But I thought I was cooking right… That’s how my aunt always cooked…”

Katya looked at her, smiled and took pity.

- Okay, friend, I'll teach you how to RIGHT prepare a Greek salad, the way the Greeks themselves prepare it. Once Dimitris visited one of our restaurants and tried what we served under the guise of a Greek salad: with green olives, Russian cheese and black pepper seasoning…. After that, we didn’t go to any restaurants with him, but he cooked himself and simply fed me national Greek dishes.

And I fell more and more in love ... with Greek cuisine!

Greek cuisine dishes are easy to prepare, colorful and fragrant. The basis of the dishes are ripe vegetables. great amount seafood. and olives. Chees Feta. - all this is generously seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice, other spices and warmed by the rays of the hot sun.

All products in Greece highest quality, primarily because food is produced primarily for the Greeks themselves, and there is no production lines production.

Greece eats more vegetables than any other country European country. But, of course, no lunch is complete without a Greek salad - extremely healthy and tasty, and at the same time light and low-calorie.

The salad really comes from Greece, but at home it is better known as Horiatiki (translated as village salad).

The recipe for its preparation is extremely simple.

Its main ingredients. 4-5 tomatoes,
2-3 cucumbers (depending on their size, the chopped mass should be about the same as the tomato)
2-3 sweet peppers
2 medium onions,
a dozen black olives
200 g feta cheese,
oregano (oregano), basil and other herbs,
olive oil.

A key feature of salad preparation is its coarse cut (larger than the average salad cut). "Olivie"). The Greeks always peel cucumbers, slicing them and tomatoes into cubes, and sweet peppers and onions into half rings.

No one counts olives in Greece, so it’s hard to say how many of them are the most optimal for a salad, they are put so much that the taste is felt, but does not interrupt the taste of vegetables. The Greeks add fresh olives with pits. Since it is unrealistic to get fresh olives in Belarus, those sold in the store will also do.

The only condition is not to cut them in any case.

Greek salad is usually not tossed. A whole plate of feta goat cheese is placed on top of the vegetable slices.

This cheese is one of the key elements of Greek cuisine, one might say, even a national symbol. The taste of goat's milk is quite specific, salty, and the texture is light, fatty and therefore a little sticky.

So that when you start to mix the salad, the feta cheese will break up into small pieces and will wrap around the rest of the vegetables, creating a unique persistent cheese flavor.

In Belarusian realities, it is permissible to replace Feta cheese. only then the cheese is not put in a whole plate, but cut into cubes.

The salad is sprinkled on top with national herbs and is usually not salted, as Feta is a salty cheese. Then the salad is lightly poured with olive oil, without which almost no Greek dish can do.

A feature of the Greek salad - in addition to taste - is its spectacular appearance, which really pleases the eye and raises the appetite.

In English-speaking countries, the vegetable mixture is often spread on lettuce leaves, sometimes replacing them with onions or bell peppers. Some countries are starting to add rice, fish and even beets!

But in Greece itself, they remain true to the classic recipe, tested over the years.

“And I once saw that they add croutons and lettuce,” Ninka intervened. - It turns out that this is a violation of the recipe?

- When crackers and leaf lettuce are added to the vegetable mixture, then this is a completely different dish - no less popular in Greek taverns and no less delicious. Chef salad .

As with all Greek cuisine, the recipe is also very simple.

To prepare the Chef's salad (by the way, it is somewhat similar to the well-known Caesar salad) you will need:

3-4 tomatoes
2-3 cucumbers
leaf salad,
2-3 large eggs
150 g of white cheese (in Belarus you can use suluguni),
loaf or white bread,
olive oil,
herbal mix (oregano, basil, etc.)

First baked crackers. To do this, cut off the crust from white bread, cut the middle into small cubes about 2 cm.

Drizzle with olive oil, spread evenly on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until golden brown.

At the same time, hard boil 2-3 eggs. Greek eggs are significantly different from those sold in our store. Firstly, they are large, and secondly, their yolk is very bright, almost orange, and not pale, like ours.

When the eggs are ready, cut them into thin slices.

Slicing tomato and cucumber is as large as in a Greek salad. Don't forget to peel the cucumbers.

Next, you need to wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and tear them into small pieces. Professional chefs say that the salad must be torn apart by hand, which is how it retains the maximum amount of useful substances.

Cut into thin pieces white cheese(you can take suluguni).

Then add a dozen olives, sprinkle with herbs, seasonings, and pour the salad with olive oil.

And then we pour it into a glass of white wine, take a sip and enjoy the salad, which turns out to be very satisfying and tasty ...

- We broke up with Dimitris. But thanks to him, I really fell in love with Greece, its culture, traditions and, of course, cuisine!

So, girls, I invite you to visit for a real, according to all the rules, Greek dinner!

The material was prepared by Natalia Zalesskaya.

Rated: 62 Rated: 4.18

KtoNaVkusnenkoe.ru The result will exceed all your expectations

One of the main ingredients of the Greek salad, as you know, is feta cheese and of course red tomatoes. And everything else you add to your taste and pocket.

You can add olives, raisins, cucumbers, bell peppers, etc. It all depends on taste preferences, but the main components are this. soft feta cheese, but it can also be replaced with cheese, as it is much cheaper and does not spoil the taste of the salad.

Today I want to offer my own version of the Greek salad recipe, I hope you like it. Such a salad can also be served on the festive table, but given the fact that the salad contains onions, I will not advise serving it for a children's holiday, since children do not really like onions. And speaking of children festive table, then the menu should be selected taking into account the taste preferences of your children.

But it is interesting to hold and arrange a children's holiday or a children's birthday in Odessa. real professionals will help you. On the site http://7nebo.od.ua/ you can find out all the details on the proposal for holding children's holidays.

Greek Salad with Chickpeas and Feta Cheese

  1. 300g chickpeas, washed, boiled and dried
  2. 3-4 grape tomatoes, cut in half
  3. 1 small red onion, thinly sliced ​​into rings
  4. 1 tea cup fresh green peas
  5. 1 handful of fresh basil leaves
  6. Salt, pepper to taste
  7. 60g mozzarella or feta cheese, cut into cubes
  1. Juice of one lemon
  2. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  3. ½ teaspoon dried oregano

Cooking method:

Firstly, at the beginning we will prepare the dressing so that it brews a little and all the flavors are combined. So, take a large bowl and put in it all the ingredients for dressing, lemon juice, olive oil, dried oregano, you can season with a little salt and pepper.

Then beat it all well with a fork or whisk. Then cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap and set aside for now.

Next, we proceed to cutting vegetables, put pre-boiled chickpeas in a large bowl, or you can use purchased canned chickpeas, draining the liquid and drying it. Then we add chopped cherry tomatoes or grapes to it, we also spread the cheese cut into small cubes, tear the basil leaves with our hands. Next add young green pea, or canned, also goes well in this salad.

Pour all this with the prepared dressing, mix, taste and, if necessary, season with additional salt and pepper. We cover the finished salad with a film and send a bowl of salad in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Toss the salad again before serving.

Bon appetit!

Greek salad

Greek salad on your own historical homeland It is called "village", because it mainly includes seasonal vegetables - gifts of nature for the villagers. Its classic ingredients are sweet red onions, bell peppers, olives, tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as lettuce leaves. It is complemented with fragrant oil and various herbs, and served with small cubes of tender and airy Feta cheese.

Such a recipe is basic, it is the standard, both for the Greeks themselves, and for everyone who adopted this appetizer from the "parents".

But some prefer to replace lettuce leaves with Chinese cabbage. And no wonder - with it, the salad looks more lush, rich, and at the same time light, has juicy taste and a spicy twist.

Feta can also be replaced with cheese, but here it is better not to deviate from the classic recipe.

If you can’t find and purchase red onions, use onions, but be sure to scald them boiling water.

Cooking Greek salad according to the rules of Greece

All the ingredients of the Greek salad are cut coarsely. Peel is necessarily removed from cucumbers.

Olives remain intact, but if you don't like too coarse cut, you can split them in two.

It is advisable not to fill the appetizer with ordinary olive oil. Precook fragrant herbs to mix the liquid part with them.

Dried Provencal or Italian spices are perfect for this purpose.

Fragrant oil is made as follows: extra virgin olive oil (variety Extra Virgin), 1.5-2 tsp are also sent there. selected dried herbs. If the soul asks, you can add garlic crushed through a press, a little freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture, balsamic vinegar. and even soy sauce.

If you like, flavor the dressing with sesame seeds. It is in this dressing that the pieces of Feta cheese are soaked before being sent to the salad.

Do not forget to scald the onion with boiling water. You may have to do this several times in a row if the bitterness is not eliminated.

Greek salad implies a complete absence of bitterness. For the same reason, the peel is removed from cucumbers.

You can season the salad with anything, but it is better to use exquisite spices, rather than banal universal seasonings. In no case do not fill such a salad with sour cream or mayonnaise - spoil the whole taste!

Why is it worth replacing the salad with "Peking"?

Lettuce leaves “wither” quite quickly, and the dish loses its splendor and basic taste. Among other things, Chinese cabbage extremely beneficial to the human body.

It contains the amino acid lysine, which neutralizes foreign acids, normalizes blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.

In addition, Beijing cabbage is enriched with valuable vegetable proteins, mineral salts and a lot of vitamins, including A, C, PP, B, and U.

At the same time, cabbage retains all its beneficial properties throughout the winter, unlike lettuce.

That is why with its help you can make up for the deficiency of vitamins during epidemiological periods, when your health is especially urgent in need of "reinforcement".

Greek salad with the use of "Beijing" will perfectly fit into the diet of those who are losing weight and those who monitor their health.

The Golden Recipe for Real Greek Salad

  • Beijing cabbage - 5 leaves;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 2 pieces;
  • Feta cheese (or cheese) - 200 g;
  • Pitted olives - 1/2 can;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Balsamic or apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Italian or Provencal herbs- 2 tsp;
  • Rosemary - to taste;
  • Extra virgin olive oil - 1/2 cup;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

Greek salad is able to conquer even the most sophisticated gourmets. Its taste is reminiscent of fresh spring coolness and warm, fertile summer.

This appetizer will be a great addition to everyday or gala dinner. Bon appetit!

Today, it is not so easy to surprise with different overseas recipes. Everyone knows the taste of real tiramisu or Greek salad. But few people can cook them in their kitchen.

And it's not that the dishes have a complex recipe. Everything is much more prosaic.

The original taste is obtained only with original products, and on the shelves of domestic stores they are either not there, or the price is too high.

Do you have to give up your favorite recipes? No, it's just enough to know what can replace the product.

Let's find out what can be economically replaced rare varieties cheese and at the same time, do not spoil the taste of your favorite dishes.


The Italian region of Lombardy is proud of its product - mascarpone. Although for our Russian taste it can hardly be called cheese, rather a cream.

But how delicious it is! Especially in your favorite tiramisu.

Resourceful housewives found several ways replace mascarpone with a cheap analogue and of course share with us. One of the most common and easy recipes is cottage cheese, whipped until smooth with heavy cream. Curd should not be sour.

This option is far from true taste, but it has a right to exist.

But there are ways to bring the taste closer to the original.

DIY mascarpone

Any cream cheese- 250 gr;

- cream with a fat content of at least 30% - 50 ml;

- sour cream 3 tablespoons.

Whip the cream until stiff and carefully fold in the rest of the ingredients until smooth. This "mascarpone" is perfect for desserts, and as a base for various sauces.

Mascarpone is an easy option

A sachet of pudding powder (vanilla);

The ingredients are mixed, and the finished mass is sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Such an analogue can be used in the preparation of the famous tiramisu, but without the addition of sugar.

Mascarpone - similar to the real one

Fatty cottage cheese (the fatter the better);

- cream not less than 30%;

- sugar, vanillin, lemon juice.

Whip cottage cheese with cream. Add sugar, not a ring of drops of lemon juice and vanillin to taste. It is allowed to add dissolved gelatin with cream.

It has a very similar taste.

Another homemade mascarpone recipe

Fatty cream 1 l;

a quarter teaspoon of citric acid.

Pour cream into a saucepan and heat to 75 degrees. citric acid should be diluted with a little water and added to the cream.

Stir, heat over low heat for another 10 minutes. Do not bring to a boil!

A liter of cream produces half a kilogram of mascarpone.

Agree good savings .


Philadelphia is nothing more than an overhyped brand of soft cheese. Say what you like, but the Americans in terms of marketing are real aces.

They made the whole world go crazy for Philadelphia cheese.

It has a delicate taste and creamy texture. It cannot be said that it is very rare in our country, but the price of "Philadelphia" is significantly higher than analogues. And there are analogues in the domestic market, and quite a few.

The technology for making soft cheese is almost the same everywhere.

So, what can replace the taste of this cheese? Pay attention to soft almette cheeses from holland, Rama kreme bonjour, viola, president, Buko. All of these cheeses have a very close taste with the original "Philadelphia", while quite are economy class products.

What can I say, sometimes in inexpensive restaurants they use these analogues. Especially in the recipe for the famous Philadelphia rolls.


What's a margherita pizza or caprese salad without mozzarella? This Italian cheese is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy due to the presence of a large amount of caseins.

Mozzarella is a pickled cheese made from the milk of cows or buffaloes (they are loved in Italy).

Price in Russia on him, to put it mildly, Not at all adequate. Import - what to do.

But “ours” have long learned how to make their own mozzarella, and even the name on the package will be the same.

From quite budget options can be successfully used cheese, suluguni, Adyghe cheese. These cheeses are quite cheap..

All of them are also pickled cheeses, but have a saltier taste. Therefore, it is recommended to buy slightly salted cheeses and soak in milk.

Then both the taste and the consistency will be very close to the original mozzarella.


Parmesan is another Italian hard cheese. It is loved by so many and is added to almost every Italian recipe. Due to its brittle and granular structure, it does not stretch with threads when melted.

His original taste always recognizable. The preparation of one head of cheese requires up to 600 liters of milk, and such cheese ripens for several years.

No wonder the price is very high. And not only here, but also in Italy itself.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to replace Parmesan in dishes where the very taste of cheese is important. The only analogue of parmesan is the Italian cheese "grano filed", but it also has a far from cheap price.

In recipes where parmesan is required in a molten form, you can use domestic hard cheeses such as "Swiss", Lithuanian "dzhyugas", "rokiskis" .


Cheese "ricotta" is not only expensive, but also quite rare we have. In Italy, ricotta is not considered a cheese, but rather just a dairy product.

It is made from the remaining whey after making other cheeses.

Most often, ricotta is used in desserts. But also this product is suitable as a filling for ravioli.

For our middle lane Ricotta is best known as a light dessert. Enough to add berry syrup and a mint leaf.

Making your own ricotta is pretty easy. therefore, housewives often prepare this cheese at home.

For cooking you will need:

- Pasteurized milk - 1 l;

- Cream 22% - 300 ml;

- Half a teaspoon of lemon juice;

Mix milk, cream and salt and put on low heat, stir. Bring to a boil very slowly.

As soon as the mixture begins to boil, you need to add lemon juice and mix well. Soon the milk will begin to curdle.

When the folding process is over, remove the contents from the stove and wrap with a towel. Now get ready to wait for our ricotta to cool down.

After cooling, strain the contents of the pan. The mass can be transferred to a colander with gauze and wait for the remaining whey to drain. The main thing is not to overdo it!

The ricotta should not be too dry. 40 - 60 minutes is enough to express the serum.

Ricotta is ready! Wrap with cheesecloth and put in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of this homemade cheese only two days.


This cheese is known to us, first of all, from the Greek salad recipe. Feta is made from sheep's milk and is considered a pickled cheese.

Unlike its Italian counterpart, mozzarella, feta is saltier and more brittle. It crumbles very easily when cut.

By the way, in original recipe famous salad, feta cheese is crumbled by hand.

The closest analogue of Feta cheese is our lightly salted cheese.

Olga Komolih, especially for "Live economically"

Baked feta cheese

Today we will not invent anything new: baked feta cheese is a well-known and respectable snack. It is another matter to move away from the classic recipe in order to slightly improve the taste of the dish.

After all, everyone knows that in combination with honey and nuts, any cheese changes radically, and for the better, so why not check this axiom with baked feta? If you are used to considering this cheese primarily as the foundation of a Greek salad, then you will find a considerable surprise that feta is able to perform solo, and does it no worse than others. Baked feta cheese with honey and nuts

200 g feta cheese
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp walnuts
1/4 tsp dried oregano
black pepper

First of all, let's define the concepts: not everything that is now considered to be feta, in fact, is it. Feta cheese, which is made from milk without the addition of vegetable proteins, the rest is called cheese product, and if you manage to buy such a Frankenstein, use it in some other way.

It makes sense to bake only real feta, well, or cheese, which should be lightly rinsed under running water to get rid of excess salt.

Cut the cheese into equal portions according to the number of servings and place each in the middle of a sheet of baking paper. chop finely walnuts, mix with honey, half the oil, dried oregano and pepper, and stir with a fork until smooth.

Lubricate the cheese with the resulting mixture, fold the paper into an envelope, fasten it with a stapler for fidelity and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 10 minutes until the cheese begins to melt slightly. Tear the paper and serve the baked feta directly in it or place it carefully on a plate.

Accompany with a green salad, olives, fresh or canned vegetables, and don't forget to drizzle with the remaining oil.

I wonder if they know in Greece that we call a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, olives and feta cheese Greek? And why, if you remove the olives and feta cheese, then it is not called Russian (or Ukrainian, or ...), because we definitely cook this in the summer.

In fact, the chef of the drinking establishment in each region of Greece will prepare his own Greek salad, the recipe of which may also contain ingredients such as: different lettuce leaves, cabbage, capers, carrots, as well as various seasonings. Vegetables are usually cut in small pieces, and feta is larger, in cubes.

The constant ingredient is olive oil, which is poured generously so that the vegetables are buried in it.

I offer a recipe for Greek salad with head lettuce. Products:

  • head iceberg - 1
  • feta cheese - 300 grams
  • tomatoes - 4, about 400 grams
  • cucumber - 1
  • red onion - 1 small
  • pitted olives - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • sweet pepper 1


  • seasoning, such as Knorr for Greek salad
  • olive oil - 9 tbsp. spoons

Preparing the Greek Salad:

Break the iceberg into leaves, which need to be washed and dried, cut out the rough parts, and tear the rest into pieces.

Wash the cucumber well, cut lengthwise and cut into pieces.

Peel the onion and cut into rings.

Tomatoes, washed and dry, cut into pieces.

Peel the peppers from seeds and partitions, wash and cut into cubes or strips.

Olives can be cut in half. Feta cheese - large cubes.

For dressing, if using Knorr seasoning, dilute one sachet with water and olive oil as directed. If there is no such seasoning, then use fresh or dry seasonings: oregano, dill, basil, rosemary, turmeric, coriander, paprika.

Place all Greek salad ingredients except the cheese and olives in a bowl, pour dressing over and toss well. Add feta and olives.

Another recipe for Greek salad can be varied by adding a can of canned tuna or pieces boiled chicken, and also replacing Feta with cheese, all this will be variations on the theme of Greek salad.

Potato baked with rosemary.

Feta cheese is the national treasure of Greece

Cheese for a European - nice addition to food. In France, it is served for dessert, in Italy - for a snack. Even the traditional italian pizza, prepared in Naples or Sicily, does without cheese.

The inhabitants of Greece have a completely different attitude towards cheese. It is eaten here at any time of the day as a main course and together with other food.

A typical Greek breakfast is hard or semi-hard cheese with a fresh loaf. Hungry during the day, a Greek schoolboy, clerk or olive picker will certainly have a snack traditional pie with a cheese called tyropita.

The first dish at the Greek dinner table is feta cheese with olive oil and oregano. And in the evening as light dinner Greeks prefer cheese and fresh fruit.

Did the Greeks invent real feta?

It is estimated that every inhabitant of Greece eats 23 kg of cheese per year. This is the highest figure among all EU countries.

40% of consumption in Greece is feta cheese, a product with 8,000 years of history. According to the legend told by Homer in the Odyssey, Cyclops Polyphemus was the first to make cheese from sheep's milk.

In fact, the first producers of feta were ordinary Mediterranean nomadic shepherds who came up with a simple and affordable way to store and process sheep and goat milk.

The first mention of this type of cheese is in a 14th-century cookbook published in Venice. True, the name "feta" this product received only in the 17th century. the Greeks borrowed it from the Italians, denoting the word "fetta" slice, slice, fragment.

This traditional Greek cheese is actually marinated in brine or olive oil in small slices.

However, Greece acquired exclusive rights to the name of feta cheese quite recently - on October 14, 2002, after many years of litigation with other EU countries that produce soft white cheeses, usually from cow's milk. The Greeks managed to prove that real feta cheese is only one that is made from sheep's milk or from a mixture of sheep (70%) and goat (30%).

But this is not enough: in order for feta cheese to be recognized as real, the milk of goats and sheep must have a specific aroma and taste that can only be obtained in the pastures of certain regions - Macedonia, Thrace, Epirus, Thessaly, central Greece, the Peloponnese and the Lesbos prefecture , where 5.5 thousand plant species grow, more than 700 of which are found only on these lands.

Feta in Greece is made all year round, so each season will definitely leave its mark on its taste: in spring and summer, feta is the most fragrant due to the abundance and variety of fresh herbs eaten by goats and sheep; in autumn, seeds and grains that appear in the diet of animals will give the cheese a rich tart taste; in winter, feta is spicy and spicy, because at this time the animals eat dry grass. It is believed that the longer the feta is aged in brine, the tastier it is.

The maximum holding time is up to 3 months. real cheese feta has a maximum moisture content of no more than 56%, fat content from 40 to 60% and acidity in the range of 4.4-4.6.

How healthy is feta cheese?

This soft white cheese with small holes will complement traditional dishes Mediterranean cuisine, perfectly combined with olives, anchovies, basil, vegetables, fruits, tomatoes, seafood and chicken. From drinks, natural juices are suitable for it - tomato, citrus, from wines, Greek resinous wine such as retsina is preferable.

100 g of feta cheese is almost completely satisfying daily requirement in vitamin B12, 50% in riboflavin, calcium, a third in vitamin A, B6 and zinc, 20% in pantothenic acid. Feta is a real salvation for cheese lovers suffering from intolerance to cow's milk proteins.

But let's not forget that the calorie content of feta cheese is very high - a 100-gram piece contains 264 kcal. One such slice is enough to completely block the daily need for saturated fats.

This product, rich in cholesterol and sodium, cannot be called dietary. True, it can still be relieved of excessive salinity by putting it in milk or mineral water for a few minutes.

Real feta is made from unpasteurized milk, and, as you know, any soft unpasteurized cheeses are fraught with the threat of listeriosis - a dangerous infection that adversely affects the development of the fetus in pregnant women. Therefore, expectant mothers should think about how to replace feta cheese in a Greek salad.

However, in our stores it is not at all problematic to find ordinary cheese or soft cheeses called Fetaki or Apetina, made in Denmark or Germany from pasteurized cow's milk.

Let's replace the feta with homemade cheese!

But real feta cheese from Greece is not easy to find! But let's not despair, and decide on an independent culinary experiment, learning how to cook feta cheese at home. Ideally, if there is an opportunity to cook it from sheep's milk, then the feta will turn out almost like a real one.

But do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of the process of making fresh soft cheese, if no other milk than cow's milk could be found.

So, we need: milk (2 l), sour cream (200 g), rennet tablets (sold in a pharmacy) - acidin-pepsin (8 pcs.) or abomin (6 pcs.), boiled water (2-3 tbsp. l.).

Dilute sour cream in 1 glass of milk, heat the rest of the milk to 35-38 degrees, remove from heat, pour in a mixture of milk and sour cream, mix thoroughly with a whisk. Mash the rennet tablets, mix in warm water, pour into milk and mix again with a whisk.

Let the resulting mixture ferment for 5-6 hours. As a result, the milk will ferment and settle, and the viscous and thick whey will remain on top.

Carefully spread the fermented mass with a spoon into a sieve covered with gauze. After a couple of hours, the main part of the serum will drain, after which we cover the mass with the edges of gauze or put it in a linen bag, cover it with a flat saucer on top and put oppression (for example, a 3-liter jar filled with water) so that the remaining whey is completely removed.

After 5-6 hours, the finished cheese can be laid out on a dish. At this stage, you can already try it.

Liked? Then resist the temptation to eat it, because that's not all! We cut the cheese into cubes of about 5x5 cm, rub them with salt and put them in salted whey or brine (200 ml of water - 1 tablespoon of salt).

After an hour, the cheese will acquire a pleasant salty taste, but the longer it is stored in your refrigerator, the tastier it will be. However, before eating cheese, it will have to be kept warm for half an hour - then its taste will be brighter.

And it doesn’t matter how you call your cheese - feta, cheese or just white cheese, the main thing is that it’s delicious home product able to make not only the mythical Polyphemus, but also modern hostess in a typical home kitchen.

Feta Salad Recipes

And if, salad, from feta with herbs and vegetables. Or, in Cyprus, for example.

Or, in Cyprus, for example. In most recipes, Greek feta can be successfully replaced by its Balkan counterpart, soft cheese.

In Greek cuisine, feta is a fresh soft cheese made from sheep's or goat's milk, which has a stable, centuries-old tradition with olives and black olives. Feta is cut into large thick slices and spread on top of all vegetables. And if, salad, from feta with herbs and vegetables.

In Greek cuisine, feta is a fresh soft cheese made from sheep's or goat's milk, which has a stable, centuries-old tradition with olives and black olives. Feta is a traditional Greek cheese made from sheep's or goat's milk. Traditional Greek fresh vegetable salad with feta cheese and herbs, non-traditional versions with feta cheese, Afisha-Food, stories and photos, as well as spinach, fetax and other cheeses that you publish and recommend on the site, Tell your friends about the recipes, mint and balsamic on site.

Tell your friends about the recipes, stories, and photos you post and recommend on the site. For example, in our country.

Traditionally, vegetables in a Greek salad are not mixed with cheese. By consistency, it resembles hard cottage cheese, and in taste it has a pleasant unobtrusive sourness.

By consistency, it resembles hard cottage cheese, and in taste it has a pleasant unobtrusive sourness. Greek salad is known as Greek salad outside of Greece itself.

You will get an original, nutritious and much more healthy roll than any sandwich or sandwich. Feta is cut into large thick slices and spread on top of all vegetables. Therefore, in most salads and light snacks, they are present together.

Traditionally, vegetables in a Greek salad are not mixed with cheese. A guide to wines that you can buy in Moscow stores in supermarkets and specialized ones. Feta cheese is excellent in combination with ham or bacon, or horiatiki, Greek in Greece itself it is called rustic, Feta is great for sandwiches and sandwiches for example, The most famous salad with feta.

Unlike salty and harsh cheese, which other Europeans often replace with feta, olives and olive oil in this salad, it does not clog the taste of fresh vegetables. Unlike salty and harsh cheese, olives and olive oil, it does not clog the taste of fresh vegetables, which other Europeans often replace feta in this salad.

Greek salad is known as Greek salad outside of Greece itself. You will get an original, than any sandwich or sandwich, nutritious and much more useful, roll.

Feta cheese is excellent, or horiatiki, Greek in Greece itself, it is called rustic, combined with ham or bacon. The most famous salad with feta, Feta is great for sandwiches and sandwiches for example.

Feta cheese salad

What is feta cheese

Feta cheese is a type of traditional Greek cheese. It is made from sheep's milk or in a certain ratio of sheep's and goat's milk.

Feta is undoubtedly the most famous Greek cheese. In Greece itself, this cheese accounts for almost 70% of all cheese consumption.

A distinctive feature of this type of cheese is that it ripens and is stored in brine. This is what gives it a salty taste and crumbly texture.

Chees Feta. Composition and calories

Feta cheese does not have a hard outer shell, because it matures in brine. It is also sold in brine.

According to its composition, cheese can be called universal in terms of a set of useful substances.

It is a cheese with a high content of milk fat. Its content ranges from 40 to 60 percent.

According to nutritional value, 1 gram of cheese contains:

Carbohydrates - 1 gram

Protein - 4 grams

Cholesterol - 25 grams

Fat - 6 grams, of which a little more than 4 grams is saturated fat.

There are 264 calories in 100 grams of feta cheese.

Like any cheese, feta contains a fairly large amount of calcium. Its content in 100 grams reaches 493 mg.

In addition to calcium, cheese contains magnesium and iron. True, in smaller quantities.

Magnesium in cheese is only 19mg. Iron - 0.7 mg.

There are also vitamins in cheese: vitamin A, D, vitamins of group B.

There are lactic acid bacteria in the cheese, which are useful for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and suppress bacteria that cause food poisoning. Real feta cheese made from sheep's milk is especially useful in this regard.

How and where is feta cheese made?

Feta cheese is one of ancient cheeses in the world. The earliest references to cheese date back to the Byzantine Empire.

In 1494, an Italian traveler from the city of Candia mentions in his notes about barrels of cheese in brine on the island of Crete.

The word "feta" means piece. This name of cheese was first mentioned from the beginning of the 17th century.

Then Greece was under Venetian influence.

To make real feta cheese, sheep's milk is mixed with goat's milk. Goat milk should be no more than 30%.

Sheep milk is obtained from sheep grazing on certain pastures in a particular area.

Milk fermented by bacteria is heated and, when it curdles, the whey is drained. The remaining cottage cheese is transferred to linen bags and hung up so that all the liquid is glassed.

Then the curd is transferred to rectangular shapes under the press, in which all the whey is separated even more. Curd becomes dry and hard.

After complete separation of the whey, the curd is sprinkled with salt and placed in salt pickle in which the cheese is aged for up to two months. In this brine, cheese is sold and stored.

Real feta cheese has a firm texture and crumbles easily.

Isn't it true that the production of feta cheese reminds us of something familiar? similar cheese can be found in other countries of the Mediterranean, the Balkans, and in our Caucasus and other regions they make similar cheeses.

However, in 2005, the EU legally protected the production of cheese and the name feta. Now only cheeses produced in central mainland Greece, on the island of Lesbos, the Peloponnese peninsula, Macedonia, Thrace, Thessaly can be called under this name “Feta cheese”. This cheese must contain at least 70% sheep's milk.

All other cheeses cannot be sold under this name and are simply referred to as "white cheese".

The firmness, texture, and taste of feta cheese differ from region to region. Macedonian and Thracian cheeses with a milder creamy flavor, less saltiness and a firmer texture.

Cheese from central Greece and Thessaly has a more intense and persistent aroma.

All this is explained by the environment, local pastures, breed of animals, which affect the taste and aroma of cheese.

But in general, about feta cheese, we can say that it is pickled cottage cheese. Its texture depends on the time spent in brine.

Cheese that is ripe for 4 to 6 weeks is considered the best. How longer cheese is in brine, the saltier it becomes.

We also produce feta cheese. Including its production is mastered in some farms. See in the video how feta cheese is made in one of these farms

Types of feta cheese

Of course, you won't find such a selection of feta cheese in our stores. But still you need to know how the cheese produced in different countries differs.

Greek feta cheese

As mentioned above, Greek feta cheese is made from 70% sheep and 30% goat milk. The taste of the cheese is salty and sharp, the texture is dry and crumbly.

Bulgarian cheese

It's also feta cheese. At Bulgarian cheese more salty taste.

Real Bulgarian cheese made from sheep's milk and yoghurt cultures.

Danish feta

Danish feta is made from cow's milk. It has a milder creamy taste.

The texture is smoother, not crumbly.

Adyghe cheese

This cheese can also be attributed to feta cheese. Real Adyghe cheese is made from goat and sheep milk. But most of the Adyghe cheese is made from cow's milk.

Marinated feta

Such feta is made with various herbs, spices, with the addition of lemon zest. As a rule, such feta is more expensive.

flavored feta

Garlic, pesto, olive oil are added to such feta. Of course, all this is reflected in the price of cheese.

How to use feta cheese

Besides the fact that cheese can be consumed as table cheese, sleep is an ingredient in many dishes. Everyone knows the traditional Greek salad, where feta is the main component.

In addition, cheese can be used for scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, as a filling in pastries, served with fruit. You can make a salad with it by adding herbs and spices.

Various spreads for sandwiches and toast are prepared with cheese, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice.

Feta cheese is combined with many products, fresh, marinated and pickled vegetables, meat. It can be used in most recipes where cheese is present.

Feta does not melt like other cheeses when cooked in hot dishes, such as in baked goods. It only softens a little, but still retains most its original form.

This property of cheese can be especially well used for making various casseroles, for filling pies and other pastries.

The easiest way to diversify your dish with feta cheese is to bake potatoes. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with cheese and herbs.

How to store feta cheese

Feta is a cheese that matures in brine. Real feta cheese and always sold in brine.

During storage, cheese must always be protected from exposure to air. Otherwise, it may dry out.

In addition, its taste will change, which may become more salty or sour.

Cheese can be stored in the refrigerator in the same brine in which it was bought. Cheese is usually sold in jars with lids.

This way it can be stored long time. If the amount of brine during storage decreases, it can be added more by preparing a regular saline solution. For the solution, you need to dissolve 450 grams of salt in one liter of water.

Water must be boiled and cooled.

It is allowed to store cheese in plastic bag or film. Before this, the cheese must be wrapped in parchment paper.

You can store feta in olive oil. If you use cheese for salads or snacks, the cheese will only taste better.

To do this, the cheese must be poured with oil in a jar so that it completely covers the entire cheese.

Frozen storage is allowed. But in this case, you need to take into account that when defrosting, the taste and texture of the cheese will change.

When freezing cheese, put it in an airtight container.

Many people are not satisfied with the too salty taste of cheese. This is easy to fix by soaking the cheese for an hour in a 1:1 mixture of milk and water.

What can you substitute for feta cheese? If you carefully read the article, then you already understood that it can be replaced with feta cheese or Adyghe cheese.

And to improve the taste of these cheeses, you can pre-marinate feta cheese or Adyghe cheese.

The recipe is pretty simple.

Cheese - 200 grams

Oregano - 1 teaspoon

Black pepper 1 teaspoon

Garlic - 1 clove

Lemon peel - 2 pieces

Olive oil - 150 ml

Cut the cheese into cubes about one and a half, two centimeters in size.

Fold them into clean jar. Add all ingredients. Pepper can be added to taste.

You can add grains, but it is better to crush them.

Cut the garlic into slices. Pour in olive oil and close the lid.

This famous Greek salad

Everyone knows about Greek salad, and tons of recipes have been written. I will give here an absolutely classic traditional Greek salad (Horyatiki. i.e. rustic) as it should be prepared.

Basically a traditional Greek salad. unique dish, and it alone can replace a full meal, as it contains all the necessary components.

By the way, many tourists do just that and order only one Greek salad for lunch. And due to the proteins of the cheese, it is also very satisfying!

So, here's the recipe. For a large bowl of salad, we need:

  • 1-2 cucumbers (depending on their size),
  • 3 ripe strong tomatoes,
  • 1 strong onion
  • 2 green sweet peppers
  • 100 gr olives (black olives)
  • 200 feta cheese.

Cucumbers are cut into thick slices, tomatoes are also cut coarsely. Onion and pepper cut into rings.

In the same sequence, put in a salad bowl: cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, peppers.

Lightly salt, pepper. Add olives and top with a piece of feta, you can break it or cut it. Sprinkle generously with rigani (dried oregano) and drizzle with olive oil.

Vinegar and anything else can be added to taste, but this is not necessary. Because and Chees Feta. And olives By themselves, they are quite salty and spicy, you can not salt or pepper at all, this is a matter of taste.

None green salad in a classic Greek salad NO! Of course, you can add everything, sometimes they add it to Greek salad and capers, and pickles, and greens.

But this is already being done either for decoration, or to make the plate look fuller.

The salad will remain a salad and it will not get worse if you add ingredients to it, of course, it will still be delicious. But this will no longer be a classic Greek salad, but variations on its theme.

This is interesting: How are olives different from olives? Read here!

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How to replace feta cheese in a Greek salad

Every housewife wants to learn how to cook in such a way that all the dishes prepared by her are praised. Some women come up with new recipes every day. Others can barely handle store-bought pasta and dumplings.

However, it is not necessary to spend fabulous sums on food so that your food is cooked with a bang. After all, there are little tricks on how to cook deliciously from simple products.

How to properly process salad ingredients? It is impossible to cook vegetables different for a salad in the same dish: they will lose their natural color and individual taste, it is advisable to choose a pot for cooking vegetables with an enamel coating than to replace feta cheese in a Greek salad.

The best way to diversify your menu is to take recipes from hand. Feel free to ask a friend or neighbor for a recipe you like. So you will know for sure that it is delicious, unlike recipes in books.

You can ask any details - this is also a definite plus. And you will do something pleasant for the hostess of the recipe, which is also good.

Fresh chilled meat, unlike frozen, remains soft, tender and more fragrant after cooking how to make a salad in 10 minutes. An hour before cooking, you need to get the carcass from the refrigerator so that the meat warms up to room temperature.

Tasty and satisfying than replacing feta cheese in a Greek salad

In such a container, the vitamin components of vegetables will be preserved in the best possible way. For the same purpose, fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs should be placed in boiled water; boiled vegetables should not be left in water for a long time: they will become watery and lose their inherent taste.

In addition, you should know that chopped vegetables and those crab salad with cucumber and egg that have been soaked lose their beneficial properties much faster than those fruits that remain intact. Do not forget that the wrong dishes can begin to oxidize the fruit, so it is recommended to use glass plates or containers.

Don't be afraid to learn how to cook and improve your skills. Don't stop there, hone your skills.

The ability to cook quickly, tasty and original is not at all difficult.

If the salad in the chopped state will be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time, beetroot salad from constipation, all the beneficial properties of its ingredients will disappear in an instant, for this reason professional chefs always start cutting the salad just before serving it at the dinner table, it is worth noting that the taste of such a salad will be much richer and brighter.

sallattov.ru - salads for all occasions

What kind of cheese can replace feta cheese in a Greek salad

Before you start dressing a salad, it will not be superfluous to make sure that its components do not repeat other dishes and do not enter into a food conflict with them. For example, the use of green salads is excluded if you have to eat milk soup.

Watching the cooking process by the master, you can learn how to cook much faster than just following the advice of a book description.

The second thing not to add is cheese. It contains natural fats, cholesterol, many calories.

Its large use increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, and the risk of atherosclerosis. It is better to replace it with diet soy tofu cheese.

It contains protein, no vegetable and animal fats.

And if you cook slowly and in a good mood, you can not only improve the quality of dishes with which cheese to replace feta cheese in a Greek salad, but also charge them with positive energy.

The main and at the same time, far from the most difficult rules for cooking are the following: use only those cooking methods, during which, as much as possible is saved beneficial vitamins; the use of spices, a salad recipe with feta cheese and olives, characterized by natural, not artificial origin; combining those products that you think are incompatible with each other.

The secret of cooking with which cheese to replace feta cheese in a Greek salad

You should start with simple and understandable recipes for dishes whose taste is well known, then it will be clear what result you should strive for. It is very good to have an assistant experienced in culinary business, his advice will greatly speed up and facilitate the comprehension of the intricacies of cooking delicious food.

Well, if there is none, video tutorials that are easy to find on the Internet will help.

First of all, of course, salads with peppers and meat need to choose the right recipe. It is always best to start with something simpler, and many novice housewives immediately want to impress their loved ones, and therefore choose rather complex recipes, for example, panna cotta or cheesecake, then there is nothing surprising in the fact that in the end the dish did not work out, because for First you need to master some skills.

Even the simplest dish can turn out to be incredibly tasty, it’s even worth remembering the usual grandmother’s pies or muffins.

It is important to remember that in order for the dishes to turn out delicious, they always need to be given maximum attention and cook with pleasure! If you're trying to save time by combining dinner preparation with cleaning, don't be surprised if your dinner is burnt or undersalted.

At first, you should not take on the preparation of complex and intricate dishes as it requires a certain level of knowledge and skills. The same can be said about the dishes of national cuisines, they are certainly very colorful, but for their preparation you need to know some features and nuances.

Greek pizza with feta cheese

Children's pizza should not contain smoked meats and other harmful products. Although you can still pamper the kids - such a type of pizza as Greek pizza is quite suitable for our little robbers.

Greek pizza contains very healthy Feta cheese. It is made from unprocessed goat or sheep milk.

Greek pizza: ingredients

  • wheat flour - 210 g;
  • 3/4 cups warm water;
  • a bag of dry yeast;
  • 1 st. l. honey (can be replaced with granulated sugar);
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 st. l. olive oil;

How to make Greek pizza dough

  1. In a bowl, mix water, olive oil, honey (sugar). Add a packet of dry yeast.
  2. Set the mixture aside for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Gradually add flour and salt, knead the pizza dough.
  4. Roll the dough into a ball and transfer it to an oiled bowl.
  5. We put for 60-90 minutes in a warm place.
  6. When Pizza dough will rise, we will lower it. We are waiting for 15 minutes when it rises a second time.

Greek pizza

In addition. vegetables for pizza (bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic) can be pre-baked in the oven until half cooked, while the dough rises. Pepper - whole; cut small tomatoes in half and lay cut side up; whole head of garlic, cutting off the base with roots.

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You can hardly find a person who would not try a Greek salad with feta. This dish has gained immense popularity for its palatability and ease of preparation. Therefore, the recipe for Greek salad with feta cheese is worthy of being in the culinary collection of every housewife.

As they say, everything ingenious is simple. The history of the Greek salad, which is called "village" in the homeland, is also commonplace. After all, they prepared it from those products that were always at hand in any peasant family: tomatoes, olives and sheep's cheese. A dish made from such ingredients turns out to be very satisfying (therefore, it is often served with meat as a side dish). Despite this, the calorie content of Greek salad with feta cheese is only 140 kilocalories per 100 g. It is one of the most popular guests on the menu of those who try to keep their figure and prefer natural, healthy food. Such a salad is seasoned only with high-quality olive or vegetable oil, and mayonnaise, sour cream are not used in any variations.

The composition of the snack includes, as already mentioned, simple and affordable vegetables. Although Greek cuisine is unthinkable without specific seasonings and spices, nothing is added to this dish except fragrant onions and salt.


  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 3 pcs. sweet bell pepper;
  • 1 sweet onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 200 g recommended cheese;
  • olives;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.


Dish with addition Chinese cabbage becomes very unusual taste but remains light and satisfying.


  • 1 head of Beijing cabbage;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 100 g feta cheese;
  • olives;
  • salt and oregano (optional)
  • for dressing olive oil and lemon juice.


This dish will never leave indifferent those who are lucky enough to try it. Salad is good to serve as an addition to the table - a light snack.


  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 100 g feta cheese;
  • 500 g breast fillet;
  • 1 salad onion;
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice:
  • olives to taste;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • greens as desired.


  1. It is very important that the chicken meat in the salad is soft and juicy. To do this, it must first be marinated in oil, lemon juice and chopped garlic. Cut the fillet into small pieces, put all the ingredients in a bag and keep in the cold for 6 hours. And then fry the meat over medium heat until golden brown 10 minutes.
  2. Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into cubes, onions into thin rings. Combine everything and add the cooled meat.
  3. Add olives, butter and cheese - a treat originally from the Balkans is ready.

Feta - sheep cheese with the addition of goat's milk, cooked in brine. Accordingly, any rennet cheese can serve as a substitute for it:

  • cheese;
  • fetaci;
  • fetax;
  • suluguni;
  • Adyghe;
  • Mozzarella.

Most the best option- the well-known feta cheese, made from sheep's milk. True, in its structure it is denser than feta cheese, and more salty. Therefore, for use in salads, take a smaller amount of it.

Greek salad - original and very tasty snack in spite of all its innocence. She, like many other dishes, leaves a lot of opportunities for chefs to experiment. You can even add seafood to a salad and experiment with flavors until you find your favorite options.

Classic cheese feta, or feta cheese, belongs to the category of soft brine products, made on the basis of sheep, goat or cow's milk. It has a crumbly texture, a mild creamy taste, can be moderately or very salty, always with a persistent pronounced aroma. Feta is used to make appetizers, salads and main dishes.

What is feta

In Russian, the name feta is translated as "piece". This Greek cheese is produced only in Greece from sheep's milk with an admixture of goat (but not more than 30%). The brine product after curdling is stored in brine big chunks immersed in wooden or metal barrels. Due to this, the shelf life of feta increases, and the taste and aroma ripen.

The cheese has a white-cream hue, its consistency is similar to pressed cottage cheese, a little more salty and sour. The more goat milk is added to the fetax, the denser it is, it can even be difficult to spread on bread. Before using feta, it is better to soak it for a couple of minutes in milk or mineral water to remove increased content salt and improve the taste.

How to cook at home

The product is expensive, so you can try making feta cheese at home. It will not differ in any way from the store, it will come out cheaper and will not contain components that are harmful to the body. There are several options for making feta at home:

  1. Simple - from milk and salt. Leave a liter of liquid overnight in heat, let it sour until light curdling. In the morning, milk is placed in a cold oven, the temperature is turned on at 180 degrees and for an hour. It is necessary to strictly monitor that the liquid does not boil. After obtaining the cheese mass, it is discarded in a colander to drain the whey, after 15 minutes, put it in a mold, level the surface and cool. After that, put the cheese in the refrigerator overnight so that the next morning you can bring to life a variety of feta recipes.
  2. Complex - with the addition of sour cream and pepsin. For two liters of milk, a sour cream jar is taken, 8 tablets of a curd and 50 ml boiled water. Dissolve pepsin in warm water beforehand. Dilute sour cream in a small amount of milk, heat the rest to 36 degrees, pour in the diluted mass, stirring vigorously. It remains to add pepsin, set aside the contents of the pan for five hours or all night, drain the whey from the fetax the next morning. Strain through a sieve, let the mass brew for another two hours, cover with a load overnight. Feta will be ready the next day.
  3. From milk powder - dissolve 1 kg of milk powder in 1.5 liters of warm water, stirring with a whisk. Pour in 150 ml of sour cream, stir quickly, send a little rennet and half a teaspoon of vinegar. While the liquid is warm, wrap it in a blanket, after 12 hours drain the serum, strain through cheesecloth. Place a press on top and leave the cheese for eight hours.
  4. From yogurt - you get the lowest calorie feta with 57 kcal per 100 grams. You will need to grind the zest of one lemon, salt, pour a tablespoon of olive oil and a liter of natural yogurt drink. The mixture is put in the refrigerator for two days, seasoned with a mixture of roasted fennel and cumin seeds, a couple of chili peppers and mint. This filling will give the cheese a spicy taste.
  5. From cottage cheese - the cheese obtained according to the recipe can be safely used by those who follow the Dukan diet. The simple process involves sprinkling salt on all sides of the cottage cheese, wrapping it in cling film and infusing it in the refrigerator for three days.
  6. From kefir - you need to mix two liters of kefir with salt, bring to a boil over low heat, wait for the whey to separate. Let the liquid drain with a colander, put the fetax under the press at night, spread it on bread in the morning or eat it in salads.

Recipes with feta cheese

Today you can find a wide variety of dishes with feta cheese that will delight guests and members of your family. The most common option is the manufacture of salads - Caesar, Greek, warm with beets. The second most popular method of using cheese is the preparation of snacks - pita rolls, cakes, pastries. There are also main dishes with feta - stewed chicken, baked tomatoes or eggplant. It is optimal to combine fetax with dry white wine, herbs, bread and pears.

Greek salad

  • Time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 51 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Greek.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.


Everyone loves cheese. Some people prefer hard cheese like parmesan, while others prefer cheeses like feta. Feta cheese is one of the most popular dairy products. It is used in variety of dishes, in pizza, canapes. Yes, and just a piece of cheese for tea - no one will refuse. Situations are different and sometimes this cheese is not in the house, and then the question arises: “What can I replace feta cheese with?” There are several types of cheeses that are similar in taste, texture and method of production, which can replace the famous Greek cheese made from goat's or cow's milk.

Feta cheese has a distinct appearance, flavor and texture. This is one of the best cheeses. Greeks usually sprinkle salads with it. Feta is essentially cottage cheese, which is made from a mixture of sheep and goat milk. However, there is cheese that is made exclusively from goat's milk or even cow's. The taste of this cheese is best described as salty and pungent. This is natural since feta is a pickled cheese and means that the process of making the cheese involves salting and soaking in brine. Authentic feta cheese is typically aged in brine for more than three months.

This cheese is an excellent source of riboflavin, calcium, protein, phosphorus and is low in calories.

There are many recipes where this ingredient is used: in pasta, pizza, sandwiches, salads and sauces. People prefer to use it because of its high sodium content, i.e. salt. This is one of the best views salted cheeses, which allows you not to add salt when cooking.

It is useful for people who are trying to lose weight. It can be used in dishes instead of salt. And yes, it does add some flair.

Too much salt can affect the body, so even though cheese is low in calories, its salt content can Negative influence on health. It is also high in cholesterol and saturated fat.

Not everyone can appreciate its taste. Some people just don't like the taste or smell. Someone has a different kind of cheese in the fridge at the right time, but you need feta. In general, there are enough reasons to know what can replace feta. And the price can stop him - he's still expensive. Below you will find options for substituting feta cheese.

What can you substitute for feta cheese

So you've decided to cook cooking masterpiece And I need feta cheese. And he is not in the house. No need to get upset. There are many other cheeses that can substitute for it without spoiling the taste of your masterpiece.

Cottage cheese is the easiest option for replacing this cheese. After all, feta cheese was once at the very beginning. It was then marinated in brine and left to mature. Curd gives the same texture as cheese. Only it does not need to be crushed additionally. To improve the taste, it can be salted, seasoned with herbs and spices.

If you take fat-free, then you can still get fewer calories, which is especially important for losing weight.

It is also high in protein, vitamins and minerals, including calcium and B vitamins.

It is ideal for sweet and spicy dishes, can be used in the preparation of lasagna, cheesecake, salads.

Ricotta cheese is closest to feta cheese in flavor. If feta is added for the sake of giving a salty taste, then ricotta can be salted.

This Italian cheese can be considered as the little brother of feta. It is also made from sheep's milk and aged for 3 months.

Ricotta will completely replace feta in salads, soups, pasta, omelettes, sandwiches, hamburgers. It is softer and has a smoother texture. But this will not affect the taste of the finished dish.

Goat cheese

Traditionally, feta is made up of 30% goat's milk, so using goat's cheese as a substitute may be justified.

Many people note that this type of cheese has a mild herbal flavor. It has a soft texture that makes it easy to spread on bread and crackers.

The taste of goat cheese can vary, so you can use it in savory dishes. You can also use goat cheese in salads, pasta and cheesecake. Although low in calories, this cheese has a rich, creamy flavor.


Real mozzarella was made from buffalo milk, which today is difficult to find even in Italy, where this cheese comes from. Now it is made from cow and goat milk. Therefore, it is a good substitute for feta cheese.

It also belongs to curd cheeses and has a mild taste. It can be added to salads, pizza, seafood dishes and many others.

Adyghe cheese

The national cheese of the Republic of Adygea, which is made from cow's milk. Today, such cheese is produced throughout the country and it is not difficult to buy it. And yes, it's cheaper.

Imeretian cheese

The national cheese of Georgia, which is made in the region of the same name from cow's milk. In texture and taste, it is close to feta, only softer.

This cheese is made in the Carpathians and the Balkans. It is based on whey and sheep's milk. In terms of texture and taste, it is closer to ricotta, but it is quite suitable for replacing feta.

Another traditional Greek cheese made from goat's or sheep's milk. In general, this cheese can be attributed to a by-product that is obtained during the production of feta. It is less oily and salty.

It can be made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk, sometimes with the addition of cow's. This is the same pickled cheese, only more fatty. It may be harder than feta. Good for grilling, beer.

Mexican cotija cheese can be a great alternative to replace feta in many dishes. A young cotija is similar in texture and becomes firm as it matures.

In Mexico, it is often used to enhance spicy aromas in tacos, tostadios and chili.

A little-known French cheese, named after its inventor Francois Boursin. It is a soft cream cheese made with various flavorings and spices.

Many of the above cheeses are hard to find on our store shelves. But on the other hand, you can freely buy at every grocery outlet such dairy products that are similar in properties, taste and texture to feta, such as feta cheese, suluguni cheese, Adyghe cheese, which has already been mentioned. Cheese "Fetaki" and other similar cheeses may well replace feta in any dish.

For vegetarians or fasting people, soy tofu can be a good substitute. Cheese can be seasoned with any spices suitable for your taste.

Tofu - great replacement for those who are allergic to milk lactose. And in terms of calories, it is much lower than traditional dairy cheeses.

Who is still not satisfied with such a vegetable replacement, but you don’t want to add cheese, some types of cheese with mold are quite suitable. They have the same spicy taste and they crumble well. For example, Italian cheese Gorgonzola.

Now you have several great alternatives to replace feta cheese. If you decide to replace it, still ask your loved ones if they all like your replacement. Perhaps someone has an aversion to the taste of any cheese and it is better to postpone cooking your dish until you buy feta.

Cheese- a dairy product that is indispensable when creating huge amount culinary recipes. Pizza and lasagna, beloved by many, simply cannot take place without cheese. Moreover, it is precisely certain varieties that are important, the cost of which can be quite high. Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to buy cheese of a certain variety due to its limited release and lack even in specialized stores. In the event that one cannot do without cheese, there is no way to get it, the question arises of how to fully replace the cheese.

So, how can you replace cheese without losing taste, without spoiling the appearance and general impression of the cooking process, you can find out by reading the article to the end.

Where and how can cheese be substituted?

The most common dishes that are prepared in most cuisines of the country, both homemade and professional, are:

  1. pizza,
  2. salad,
  3. cheesecake,
  4. casserole.

Each of them uses a certain type of cheese. Moreover, some types of the same dish have different cheeses in the recipe.

For example, Mozzarella, Maasdam and others are ideal for pizza, for almost any Gruyère salad, and cheesecake can be considered ideal only with Mascarpone or Philadelphia cheese.

High-quality cheese in modern times is turning into an elite deficit, which upsets many housewives. If different cheeses are purchased for restaurant kitchens and in required quantity, then it is simply unrealistic to purchase rare varieties in a standard grocery store. In case of urgent need, they can be successfully replaced.

What can replace cheeses?

This pair of cheeses is most often used for making pizza. It is what replaces cheese on pizza that worries chefs most often. There is nothing complicated here. Suluguni, feta cheese, Adyghe cheese are the best helpers here, but there are secrets of replacement.

For example, when using cheese, it must first be soaked in milk. The taste will be more tender, and there will be less saltiness. The closest thing to Mozzarella cheese is Adyghe cheese.

In extreme cases, you can make your own Morzzarella by replacing the milk of young black buffaloes with regular cow's milk. But it is important to know that the components used for cheese making are also subject to replacement. For example, what can replace pepsin for cheese can be bought at a pharmacy. After all, pepsin is an enzyme in the stomach that breaks down proteins. A roughly identical process in making cheese is available lemon juice, vinegar essence.

The option to replace the "Maasdam" is more complicated. This type of cheese can only be replaced with any other hard grade cheese of limited melting.

By adding cheeses to salads, you can create a culinary masterpiece without special efforts. Gruyère cheese is best suited for salads, but how to replace cheese in a salad if it is absent. It's pretty easy. This type of cheese belongs to the hardest types and. hence. You can replace it with an affordable hard variety, for example, "Swiss".

It is very easy to replace the cheese ingredient in the Cheesecake recipe. How to replace cheese in a cheesecake if it is Mascarpone, beloved by many? It will be completely replaced by the following composition:

  1. cream cheese puree,
  2. high fat cream,
  3. soft butter.

But in the event that this cheese is needed for the Tiramisu dessert, then fat sour cream should replace the cream. By the way, Ricotta cheese is identical in properties. They can replace "Mascarpone" in the manufacture of, for example, sauces. But if you make a replacement for snacks, then Ricotta will create a completely different taste if you mix it with anchovies in mustard.

Cheese is used not only in these popular dishes, as the main ingredient, but also as part of the external decoration of the dish. For example, how to replace cheese in a casserole if it is not in the refrigerator or it is spoiled? When cooking a casserole, the absence of cheese can be replaced by beaten eggs, which can be used to grease the casserole on top.

By the way, most people do not eat cheese, considering it a high-calorie product. This is an indisputable fact. But you can't do without it. The composition of cheese includes important beneficial substances for the body. Even for deeply religious people, the question arises of how to replace cheese in fasting. There are several options here. According to the composition of microelements and useful substances for the body, cheese is on a par with buckwheat, legumes and nuts, but sometimes there is an irresistible desire to taste cheese. Here it is worth buying non-dairy cheeses, which are mastered by cheese factories specifically for replacement on fasting days.

And finally, I would like to note that almost any cheese can be replaced:

  1. "Chedar" - cheese "Edam";
  2. "Gorgonzola" - cheese "Viola";
  3. "Rikota" - cheeses like "Almette";
  4. "Emmental" - cheese "Maasdan".

These are varieties of cheeses that interchange each other in all respects. Almost the only difference is the country of origin and some difference in production technology.
