
"Cheese of kings" and "legs of God", or what is the difference between Brie and Camembert? Permit: what French cheeses made in Russia look like.

This product is highly appreciated by gourmets from different parts of the world. True connoisseurs eat delicacy, washed down with neutral varieties of wines that do not interrupt the complex taste of cheese, but somewhat soften its sharpness. Camembert is included in many French cuisine recipes: they are complemented by desserts, soups, and various sauces.

What is camembert

The product comes from France, but has won the love of millions of people from around the world. Camembert is a soft cheese with a high fat content, which is made from high quality cow's milk (to get a delicate taste of the product, cattle are grazed on special pastures). The finished delicacy can have a color from snow-white or light beige to dark brick, and its aroma resembles the smell of dampness, while the more mature the cheese, the brighter it smells. Heads weighing approximately 300 grams are covered with a white crust, which forms a special kind of mold.

The smell of Camembert

Not everyone likes the aroma of the Normandy delicacy: it resembles the smell of delicacy, while the sharpness depends on the degree of exposure of the product. If you feel that the smell of camembert gives off ammonia or is too pungent, this indicates that the product has deteriorated. Real French cheese comes only with a creamy taste. Other types, with additives such as mushrooms, bacon, garlic, cannot be called Camembert. The taste of the delicacy is spicy and spicy, with a subtle taste of cream. At the same time, the middle of the product is soft, and the mold crust is dense.

What is the difference between brie and camembert cheese

Outwardly, both types of product are similar - there is white mold on their surface. What is the difference between brie and camembert? The main feature of Camembert is its higher fat content and soft texture. So, even at room temperature, the delicacy begins to melt quickly inside. Brie and Camembert cheese differ, in addition, in shape: the former has a triangular shape, while the latter has a round shape. Camembert crust has a sharper taste and a bright egg and mushroom aroma. The smells of cheeses also have a difference: the aroma of brie is more like ammonia, and the moldy surface is almost tasteless.

Benefits of camembert cheese

Useful properties of the product are explained by its composition: cheese contains a lot of vitamins, amino acids, microelements. Nutritionists advise including the variety even in the diet of those people who are lactose intolerant, since there is very little of it in Camembert. To improve health and prevent the development of various diseases, a person should eat only 20-50 grams of the product per day. What else is the use of Camembert cheese:

  • the delicacy contributes to the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, ensures the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • thanks to phosphorus and calcium in the composition of the product, it is able to strengthen the skeletal system, fractures, arthrosis, etc. are prevented;
  • since cheese mold contains melamine-producing substances, eating a treat helps protect the skin from sunburn;
  • Camembert has a positive effect on the condition of the teeth, prevents the onset of caries.

Blue cheese calories

Among the mass of product varieties that are produced with mold, Camembert stands out. In the process of making this type of cheese, porcini mushrooms of the genus Penicillium candidum and Penicillium camemberti are used. The calorie content of blue cheese is approximately 300-340 kcal per 100 grams of delicacy. However, the nutritional value and calorie content of a dish may vary depending on the cooking method and the ingredients used.

How to eat camembert cheese

Since the cheese has a high fat content, at a low temperature it hardens, becoming hard like butter. If served in this state, the taste and smell of the treat will be indistinguishable. How to eat camembert? Cheese should be eaten in a thawed form, removed from the refrigerator in advance and cut not into thin pieces, but into portions (like a cake). Before eating camembert cheese, you need to give the delicacy time to reach room temperature. What do you eat camembert with? The table is served with nuts, fruits, fresh baguette. It is appropriate to add fresh herbs and rose wine to the treat.

Camembert at home

The product is prepared easier than hard varieties, which involve long-term processing of the granular mass, a long process of oxidation and pressing under high pressure. To make camembert at home, all you need is milk, mesophilic sourdough, salt, and rennet. At the same time, it is better to purchase the base from farmers who graze cows in the meadows. Cheese from such milk will come out much tastier and healthier. In order for the delicacy to ripen, it should be about 11-13 degrees Celsius in the refrigerator and 85-95% humidity. How to make camembert cheese with white mold:

  • milk is poured into a saucepan, put on fire and heated to 32 degrees;
  • in ¼ st. water dissolves mesophilic starter;
  • then the starter is poured into warm milk, the mixture is stirred and the surface is sprinkled with white mold and Geotrichum Candidum (both on the tip of a knife);
  • the powder should be absorbed into the moisture, after which the mixture is stirred, moving with a spoon from bottom to top, distributing it over the entire volume of milk;
  • then 10 mg of calcium chloride is poured into the cheese base;
  • after 10 minutes, 1 gram of a milk-clotting enzyme dissolved in 50 ml of water is sent to the container;
  • after mixing, the mass is left for 40 minutes (during this period the product becomes dense, jelly);
  • then the cheese is cut into small cubes, allowed to stand for 8 minutes to drain excess liquid and heat the mass again to 32 degrees, stirring (it is better to use a ceramic or iron spoon);
  • the grain is allowed to brew for 20 minutes, after which the whey is poured into a separate container, and the cheese mass is distributed according to the forms, taking it with your hands or with a slotted spoon;
  • the base is given the desired shape, compressing the grain and leaving it for a couple of hours, then turn the cheese over to the other side (so the mass will gradually slide down and compact even more under its own weight);
  • the product is turned over every 30 minutes for 4 hours;
  • after camembert is left to ripen in a plastic container lined with paper napkins (a tray is placed under them to collect excess liquid);
  • as the paper gets wet, the napkins are changed, the cheese heads are turned over every day;
  • after 2 weeks, the mold covers the entire surface of the product, then the cheese is wrapped in paper and left in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks until fully ripened.

Camembert cheese price

An authentic product is produced in the provinces of France, so it is worth buying cheese, on the label of which this country is listed. To verify the authenticity of camembert, check for the characteristic stripes on it, which were imprinted on the cheese when it ripened on the grates. Experts recommend choosing young varieties covered with mold of a light shade and having a delicate aroma. The approximate price of Camembert cheese, which is sold in Moscow, is (per head):

  • for young cheese - about 250 rubles;
  • for a mature product - up to 350 rubles;
  • for cheese with a long aging period - about 500 rubles.

Recipes with camembert cheese

Gourmets love to eat the delicacy, washed down with light wine, then you can feel the whole bouquet of cheese flavors. Camembert is especially revered in France, where it is served with fresh bread and used to prepare various salads, sauces, first courses, and desserts. Often recipes with camembert cheese involve baking the product, while it becomes slightly viscous, the taste and aroma soften. An excellent option for using cheese is the preparation of all kinds of pies, casseroles, pizza, sandwiches, etc.

Fried camembert cheese

  • Number of servings: for 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 291 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: French.

It turns out fried Camembert cheese is soft on the inside and dense, crispy on the outside. The dish attracts many with its appetizing crust and incomparable aroma. You can serve an appetizer on the table with different sauces, but it is ideally complemented by sweet and sour refreshing cranberry gravy. Such a sauce well emphasizes the delicate creamy taste. Cooking takes a minimum of time, and it turns out an exquisite dish of French cuisine, which can be treated to unexpected guests.


  • flour - 70 g;
  • camembert - 0.2 kg;
  • salt, thyme, black pepper;
  • egg;
  • vegetable oil;
  • breadcrumbs - 70 g.

Cooking method:

  1. It is worth starting the preparation of the dish with the fact that the cheese is cut into portioned triangles of small size.
  2. Beat the egg with a whisk / fork, and pour the flour, breadcrumbs into different containers, season them with spices.
  3. Using tongs, dip each piece of cheese first in the egg, then in the flour, again in the egg and in the crackers.
  4. Place the cheese in a hot skillet with oil, fry on each side for 2 minutes and place on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  5. Serve the slices with the warmed sauce.

Salad with camembert cheese

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 110 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Fresh, very light and tasty salad is the perfect complement to any holiday or family dinner. In addition to the main ingredient, the dish contains greens (you can experiment by adding arugula, iceberg, frieze or root), avocado and pear, while it is better to choose ripe and sweet fruit. Standard dressing perfectly sets off the taste of greens and cheese. Below, in detail and with a photo, it is described how a salad with Camembert cheese is prepared.


  • camembert - 125 g;
  • fresh sweet pear;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • green salad - 1 bunch;
  • half a lemon;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled avocado into strips, treat with lemon juice.
  2. Remove the skin, core from the pear, then chop the fruit into thin strips and also sprinkle with citrus juice.
  3. Mix ingredients with cheese cubes in a deep salad bowl.
  4. Rinse the greens thoroughly, tear them with your hands, send them to the rest of the products.
  5. Drizzle the appetizer with oil, salt and serve immediately.

Video: cooking camembert cheese

The birthplace of Brie cheese is called Meaux, near Paris.

The recipes for cheeses that preceded modern brie were known to the Gauls - the ancestors of modern Frenchmen - long before the latter were conquered by the Romans. This is evidenced by both written sources and archeological finds.

However, for the first time brie is mentioned in the chronicle of the Frankish emperor Charlemagne. According to the document, in 774, Charlemagne stopped in the Mo area, where the locals treated him to a delicate cow's milk cheese, the name of which was already well known then. This delicacy was to the taste of the ruler.

The descendants of Charlemagne - the Carolingians - and representatives of the next ruling dynasties of France, following the example of their great predecessor, also highly appreciated the taste of Brie cheese. For one of the rulers, the love of cheese even cost him his life!

Here's how it happened: deposed during the French Revolution of 1789, Emperor Louis XVI tried to flee the country with his family.

Near the town of Mo, the emperor for a while forgot about the mortal danger that threatened him and could not resist the temptation to finally try his favorite delicacy. He asked to stop the wagon and went out into the village.

During a cheese tasting, Louis was caught, then taken to rebellious Paris and some time later executed on charges of encroaching on the freedoms of the French nation and the security of the state.

However, not everything in this legend should be taken for granted. It is known, for example, that Louis was detained and arrested in Varennes (Lorraine), located 210 kilometers from the village of Meaux.

However, the legend still circulates among the inhabitants of Mo village and its surroundings. The fact that during the Great French Revolution Brie cheese was recognized as a national product, as if complements it - from now on it has ceased to be a delicacy of kings and has become the property of the whole nation.

Camembert and Brie: What's the difference?

Both and brie are semi-soft cheeses, the preparation technology of which is similar. However, there are also significant differences.

  1. Leaven

Most Camembert cheese is made up of strong cheese starters.

In brie cheese, sourdough is added only 1 time, as a result of which it acquires a delicate aroma and light aroma.

  1. Appearance

Brie cheese is smaller in diameter than Camembert but thicker. The diameter of camembert is unchanged, since this cheese is sold in a branded round package, and its weight is always 250 grams.

  1. Cutaway color of cheese

Brie cheese in the cut is white, the color of Camembert is usually close to yellow. At the same time, the white crust of Camembert has a delicate velvety structure, while the crust of mature Brie cheese is hard and crumbly.

  1. Refining (exposure).

Brie does not require aging, while true Camembert is aged for 6 to 8 weeks.

  1. fat content

One of the ingredients in brie cheese is cream. They make the cheese fatter. Cream is not added to Camembert.

Order Canape with Brie Cheese

Brie cheese with nuts, fruits and greens is just an excellent combination.

With the right choice of ingredients, an exquisite French delicacy does not lose, but only acquires new flavors, which allows the use of cheese in the preparation of dessert dishes. We invite you to verify this by ordering.

Cheeses called Camembert and Brie are made from cow's milk in France, or rather, in Normandy. Camembert and Brie are some of the most ancient French cheeses.

But brie is ancient, it is considered the progenitor of the famous Camembert. Not everyone knows that brie was recognized as the king of cheeses in 1815, after the final defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, when negotiations were underway over the fate of France.

Useful properties of camembert and brie

To make one traditional circle of camembert, they take about two liters of cow's milk, according to the old custom, pour it into a mold with a ladle and salt it. Camembert begins to ripen from the edge to the center. As the cheese ages, it is covered with an edible, velvety white mold crust. Due to the fact that Camembert cheese cannot be stored for a long time, it is often sold slightly unripened. This cheese has a delicate and slightly mushroom flavor. It is soft to the touch, but should not crumble when cut.

Camembert is a cheese that is good to eat with red young tart wine.

Brie is also a soft cheese and is made from raw cow's milk. Its shape resembles cakes, having a diameter of 30-60 cm and a thickness of 3-5 cm. High-quality brie is covered with mold, similar to white velvet. Breaking off the crust, you can find a very delicate flowing cream-colored mass, emitting a light aroma of hazelnuts. When you cut a fresh brie, it looks like the cheese will spread right before your eyes, but this will not happen.

Brie can mature within a month, at least (first ripening comes from the outside, and then from the inside). The result is white edges with a slight trace of yellow and reddish. Ripening is fast enough. Therefore, such cheese must also be consumed quickly so that it does not deteriorate. The cheese is made in round shapes resembling a cake, the diameter of which is 20-30 centimeters and the height is 3-4 cm. The circle weighs half a kilogram.

Young brie has a delicate and delicate taste, but the flesh becomes more pungent as it ripens. If the cake is thin, then the cheese is sharper. It is said that ripening stops when the first piece is cut from the circle. Brie is made at any time of the year. It is considered one of the most versatile cheeses in France. Brie cheese is made by hand, because it is almost impossible to produce it industrially. It is distinguished by a thin moldy crust with white and reddish stains. Brie cheese contains 21% protein, 46% moisture, and 30% fat.

Good cheese will bring health benefits. It is able to be completely digested, it contains as many as eight essential amino acids and a lot of vitamins. He is even able to fight tooth decay. And blue mold helps to further increase its healing properties. It contains essential amino acids and bacteria that improve intestinal function, as well as promote the synthesis of B vitamins.

In addition, Turkish scientists studying the effect of the sun on the human body have found that noble mold is rich in special substances that are the best way to protect the skin from sunburn. Gradually accumulating under the skin, such substances help the production of melanin in it.

The Dangerous Qualities of Camembert and Brie

In addition, they should not be eaten by allergy sufferers and people who do not tolerate penicillin, as well as patients suffering from fungal diseases, because cheese contains mold.

Children and pregnant women should not consume these products due to the risk of developing listeriosis.

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Cheeses Camembert and Brie, at first glance, are exactly the same: both are made in France, both are covered with mold, both have approximately the same taste. However, there is still a slight difference between them.

What it is?

Camembert is a soft and sometimes semi-hard cheese that is usually made from cow's milk. Brie is also a soft cheese made from cow's milk, but it was created earlier than Camembert, which is why many people consider it the basis for the second variety. In principle, similar technologies are used for cooking. The mold in both varieties looks like a dense peel.


The color of Camembert varies from white to the color of delicate cream with numerous shades. The darker the colors turn out, the longer the time was spent on ripening the cheese. The shade of the moldy crust is white. The difference between Brie cheese lies in the color of the head - it is painted in a grayish-gray hue. The moldy crust also looks different - although it has the same white color, but in addition it is covered with reddish lines.

It is worth mentioning that the moldy component of Brie is more solid and even crumbly, while Camembert is tender and pleasant to the touch.

Taste and smell

The taste of Camembert is sweetish, and the smell is somewhat reminiscent of fresh champignons. True, there are versions that the product smells of hay, earth, asphalt, and even a barnyard with cows. The exact amber depends on how the manufacturing technology was carried out. Of course, many gourmets are banally scared away by such a smell. The taste of Brie is much more refined - it is quite spicy, salty, combining both tenderness and spiciness.

The last characteristic, by the way, depends on the time of ripening of the head, and on its appearance: the greater its height, the calmer the taste. By smell, this variety is somewhat reminiscent of hazelnuts or something oily. The Brie crust can smell like ammonia to someone, which, of course, will scare away the buyer. It is fairly neutral in taste. Camembert crust is much tastier - it is quite spicy and smells like mushrooms, like the main part of the product. Finally, Brie is often paired with herbs, nuts, and dried fruit, while Camembert is purchased neat.

Other characteristics

The Camembert circle always has fixed dimensions: three centimeters high and eleven centimeters in diameter. The weight of such a piece corresponds to 250 grams. The fat content of this type of cheese is quite high. Brie cheese is also different in size: both height and diameter can be different. The first indicator ranges from three to five centimeters, and the diameter is from thirty to sixty centimeters.

Seeing an impressive circle of a dairy product, you can immediately understand that it belongs to the second type of cheese. In addition, Brie's head may appear oval, while Camembert will always be flat round.

Oval Brie

Round Camembert

The fat content of Brie, on the contrary, is much less than that of Camembert - almost a quarter. As part of the technology, both cheeses require the use of cream: Brie cheese in the amount of 65% of the total composition, and Camembert cheese in the amount of 45% of the total composition. It is also important to add that in Brie lactic cultures, which are sourdough, are added only once, and in Camembert - five times more. It is important to mention that Brie, unlike Camembert, is not afraid of storage in the refrigerator- it will not lose its excellent taste, and its consistency will not change. Camembert will harden in the refrigerator and will require additional manipulations before serving.

Harm and benefit

Camembert cheese is characterized by the presence of a significant amount of essential amino acids. Thanks to this, it allows people who are subjected to constant stress and stress to restore their strength. The composition also contains phosphorus and potassium, which explains the need for its consumption in situations such as broken limbs and other injuries, arthrosis and arthritis. A qualitative effect will also appear in the state of the nervous system, as well as teeth. Also, the product is recommended to be given to adolescents whose body is actively developing.

Unlike many other dairy products, Camembert is not forbidden for lactose intolerance, as this substance is contained in a minimal amount. The occurrence of allergic reactions is very unlikely. However, this product should not be used by pregnant women and children under the age of seven, as in their situations listeriosis infection is possible.

It is also worth warning people suffering from pressure surges, as well as high cholesterol. Of course, the product should not be abused by overweight individuals. In general, experts recommend a daily dose of fifty grams of such cheese.

Brie cheese also delivers significant benefits to the body. It is rich in phosphorus and potassium, which benefits the skeletal system. We should also mention the saturation with vitamin A, which, as you know, improves the condition of the skin through the synthesis of collagen, and also strengthens vision. Vitamin B normalizes the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, copes with insomnia and fills with strength. There is even a hypothesis that regular use of the product in food prevents the appearance of caries and strengthens the skin's ability to not suffer from excessive ultraviolet radiation.

The absence of lactose allows you to use the product without fear of allergies. However, the product is not recommended for small children, pregnant women and lactating women. Some danger is also possible in the case when a person has an unhealthy cardiovascular system, as well as being overweight. As for the recommended dose, it is, as in the case of Camembert, fifty grams a day.


Brie cheese can be made within twelve months. Camembert cheese is much more finicky in this matter: it does not do well at high temperatures, so during the summer months its production stops, and resumes again in September. It is worth mentioning that Camembert is kept on the shelves for six to eight weeks before being sold, and Brie does not need such a procedure. Thus, the second product can be tasted already a month after the start of the workflow, which cannot be said about the first. By the way, this process is called refining.

There is also a difference in the choice of product base: Brie is made from warmed and salted cow's milk. To prepare Camembert, you will need selected milk, in which salt and rennet are previously added.

Special requirements are also imposed on packaging - the cheese is always placed in a box made of wood. This container makes it easy to transport the product. There are no strings attached to Bree. The cost of products is only slightly different: 250 grams of Camembert cost about four hundred and fifty rubles, and the second variety - about five hundred rubles.

What do they eat with?

Camembert is a rather oily product, therefore, getting into a space with a low temperature for a long time, it freezes and loses its outstanding characteristics. This explains why, before serving, the cheese has to be placed in a warmer place and soaked for thirty minutes. However, until the cheese softens, you can start cutting into segments - cubes or slices. If you postpone cutting “for later”, then you can arrange a small presentation - when it comes into contact with a knife, the middle will flow out of the head, which looks extremely tempting.

Usually this type of cheese is offered with nuts, for example, walnuts, fruit and jam, which has a slight sourness. The latter includes flavors such as cranberries and raspberries. Like other blue cheeses, Camembert is considered an excellent part of a cheese plate. Among alcoholic beverages, professionals recommend choosing red wines or cider for cheese. Despite a certain elitism of this product, cheese can be used to make ordinary toasted sandwiches or as a component of a pie. The melted product is often used to make fondue, in order to subsequently dip pieces of fruit or toasted bread into a thick mass.

Brie cheese is also combined with nuts, fruit and a fresh baguette. It is often combined with fig jam, honey, or even a berry soft drink. When forming a cheese plate, you can add almonds or other candied nuts, as well as crispy crackers. Brie's main drink is champagne. Dry white wines, cider and even beer are also suitable.

It is important that the taste of the drink does not interrupt the shades of cheese. Those who do not drink alcohol are advised to turn their attention to apple juice. Although Brie, like Camembert, is often used as a filling for pies, it can also be used to prepare fish dishes, such as salmon, pesto and cheese sauce.

An overview of Brie, Camembert and Roquefort cheeses awaits you in the video below.

France is the birthplace of exquisite, incredibly delicious exclusive cheeses of various varieties. Brie and Camembert cheese are considered kings of cheeses in the culinary world. What is the difference between these dairy products, what is their nutritional value and many other interesting things we will talk about in today's article.

Cheeses of the described varieties are soft. They are very popular in Normandy and France. These cheeses are most often consumed with wine or added to snack dishes.

To understand the difference between Camembert and Brie, you need to try both products, as well as familiarize yourself with the features of their production. Many professional culinary experts and gourmets are convinced that Brie is the basis for creating Camembert.

Both varieties of soft cheese are created on the basis of cow's milk, but there are some features. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Brie cheese is made from cow's milk, which is pre-salted and heated. But for Camembert, only selected milk is chosen, to which rennet and salt are added.
  • Brie takes about one month to make, while Camembert takes longer to mature.
  • Cheeses have a distinctive taste and aroma, as well as a different texture.

Interesting! Each cake of Camembert cheese has a certain weight - 340 g, and also a diameter - 113 mm.

Some more interesting facts:

  • dried aromatic herbs, dried fruits and nuts are added to Brie cheese to improve the taste;
  • There are no such additives in Camembert.

Culinary educational program

Despite the rapid development of modern technology and the possibilities of the world wide web, not everyone has tried Brie cheese. How to eat this fermented milk product? It is often served with wine that has a neutral taste, so as not to interrupt the original gastronomic impression of moldy cheese.

By the way, the superficial crust of Brie cheese has a sharp ammonia smell, but it is quite edible. In general, gourmets say that the cheese of the described variety tastes like hazelnuts.

So, we found out what taste and aroma Brie cheese has. How is it eaten? If you do not want to be considered ignorant, then such an exquisite French dish is best served with sparkling wines and fruits.

Camembert cheese must be served in a completely different way. First, when choosing such an incredibly tasty, almost gourmet product, pay attention to its color. It can vary from light beige to rich brick.

On a note! By the color of Camembert cheese, you can determine the period of its ripening. The darker the cheese, the longer it has aged.

Secondly, Camembert has an incomparable sharp spicy taste. Unlike Brie cheese, Camembert is added to sauces and various French dishes. If you want to arrange a romantic dinner, then Camembert cheese will be a complete snack for white wine and grapes.

An unexpected combination

Many housewives find it easy to make Camembert cheese at home. Of course, you can make something similar to an exquisite French fermented milk product, but it is very difficult to cook true Camembert cheese in a home kitchen.

As already mentioned, Camembert is made from selected milk, which is taken only from cows grazing on special pastures. In addition, the manufacturing technology of Camembert is rather complicated, and the maturation of the product generally takes place in special rooms.

Fortunately, this product can be bought at the supermarket and made into an incredibly tasty snack.


  • 125 g Camembert cheese;
  • 10-20 g of peanuts;
  • 10 ml of liquid honey;
  • 3 ml soy sauce;
  • 10 ml brandy;
  • 1 star anise inflorescence;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 2 g mint leaves;
  • 20 ml currant confiture.


Let's talk about benefits

In addition to the fact that you can experience an indescribable gastronomic pleasure, Camembert and Brie cheeses bring great benefits to the human body. First of all, it is worth noting that the cheeses of the described soft varieties are a source of protein and carbohydrates. Moreover, these dairy products contain amino acids and a huge amount of vitamins.

On a note! Noble mold on Brie and Camembert cheeses will normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, as well as enrich the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria.

Cheeses are rich in calcium, retinol and vitamin D, so the products are good for bone tissue, tooth enamel and nails.

On a note! There is practically no lactose in Camembert cheese, so this product can be safely introduced into the diet of people suffering from individual intolerance to the above component.
