
Types of honey and their characteristics. What types of honey are the rarest

There are a large number of types of honey, each of which has its own unique chemical composition. It is not the same in external signs, as well as in its effect on the human body. To understand this intricate variety, it is worth studying in detail the types of honey and their characteristics.

Natural honey is produced by bees collecting nectar from plant flowers. After returning to the hive, the insects put it in honeycombs, evaporate excess moisture and at a certain time close the cells with wax caps, where the substance continues the storage process without air and under optimal temperature conditions. The nectar that has been fermented in a special way is called natural honey, its main criteria being natural origin and production by bees.

Artificial honey is made by people from sugar, molasses and other products that may not always be beneficial to the body. Sometimes they just do real harm.


The main criterion for separating product types is belonging to a certain variety. Origin plays a major role here.

Bee honey can be floral, divided into a pure single-type and mixed polyfloral product, as well as honeydew, which insects make from tree sap. It is not difficult to navigate the variety of types of flower honey. Sweet mass is classified according to the botanical name of the honey plant. On this basis, honey is considered lime, acacia, buckwheat, flower, etc.

Flower species are also divided according to the place of collection of nectar by bees. According to this indicator, honey can be meadow, forest, mountain.

    1. Lugovoi honey, with some exceptions, is distinguished by a light color and a wide, memorable range of aromas. This is a high-quality product with a unique complex of trace elements useful to humans.

    1. Forest bees produce honey from nectar, which they collect mainly from the flowers of shrubs. Among them, the most famous are raspberry, hawthorn, mountain ash, blackberry. The composition of such a product may include both herbal nectars and honeydew impurities, which gives the sweet mass a peculiar taste. The color scheme of forest honey is diverse - from transparent, almost white, to thick, viscous dark brown.

    1. TO mountainous species include flower varieties collected from the nectar of honey plants growing there.

  1. If bees collect nectar from the flowers of poisonous plants, it turns out "drunk" honey. Visually, it is no different from an ordinary product, but when consumed, it can cause severe poisoning. Over time, during storage, harmful substances disappear, leaving a simple sweet mass.

Finished product quality

Each type of honey has its own unique features. They are distinguished by taste, color and smell, density, tendency to sugaring. The color palette of bee nectar is diverse.

  1. Honey is usually divided into: light or white, medium or yellow and dark - brown or brown-red.
  2. The taste can be sweet, cloyingly sweet, with an admixture of bitterness, with hints of vanilla, spices, etc.
  3. A distinctive feature of some varieties is a strong specific aroma, while other species do not have it.
  4. Fresh honey, just pumped out of the honeycombs, is always liquid, but over time it changes its structure and crystallizes. The process of crystallization for a natural substance is a natural state. However, depending on the origin, the candied time is different and lasts from several weeks to months. Acacia and chestnut remain liquid throughout the year.
  5. The fractions of crystals are also not the same for different types, therefore the final result is reflected in the density and appearance. Varieties with a small fraction of crystals resemble a paste, with a large structure - a dense mass, which is sometimes difficult to cut with a knife.
  6. Usually light varieties of honey are valued above dark ones for their dietary qualities and creamy texture after crystallization. However, dark-colored species are rich in mineral salts and trace elements, which makes them beneficial to humans.
  7. Honey after pumping can be filtered (clean) and unfiltered, containing particles of wax, propolis and insect bodies.
  8. They also use the product in combs, which is characterized by sterility, richness of properties and unique action for external and internal use, regardless of its grade.

Types of honey: characteristics and medicinal properties

May honey. This is the very first species that is pumped in the apiary. It is made by bees from the nectar of the first spring flowers, bird cherry, white acacia, maple, lily of the valley, strawberries, and fruit trees. This composition has a special freshness and healing power. Fresh May honey has a yellow color, a light aroma of flowers and a pleasant sweetness without traces of bitterness. The product retains a liquid state for a long time and does not crystallize. With prolonged storage, it acquires a cooling menthol taste.

May honey is valued for its ability to give strength and restore health. They also buy a jar of nectar for the treatment of colds.

Acacia honey. It is considered one of the most valuable species. It is a translucent liquid with a yellow or greenish tinge, with a fragrant specific aroma and a delicate pleasant taste. Having tasted the sweetness of acacia nectar once, the product cannot be confused with another variety. This honey has no notes of bitterness, and it retains its liquid state until the next spring. Crystallization in this species occurs slowly, while the mass turns into an airy cream that tastes good.

Acacia honey is used to treat loose nerves, in baby food, and in diabetes. It rarely causes allergies and has a strong bactericidal, tonic and soothing effect. The product is useful for diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver.

Linden honey. This species is classified as white varieties and the most valuable. The fresh product has a clear liquid consistency and a light yellow color. Sometimes there is a shade of green. The mass has a strong aroma of honey plant and a memorable taste. Crystallization occurs slowly and ends after 6 months. The fraction of grains in this species is large, but not dense. The color changes to light, almost white. Nectar from linden flowers is high-calorie, nutritious, helps to quickly restore strength. It also has a strong healing and immunostimulating effect. The use of the product improves memory and increases muscle performance. Eating it is especially recommended for colds, flu, fever. Tea from linden inflorescences, when used together, increases the diaphoretic effect of a sweet product.

Buckwheat honey. It belongs to the dark, but very valuable varieties. Collect nectar of a bee from flowers of the plant of the same name. The product has a brown, sometimes with a hint of red, color, a pleasant delicate taste and a strong specific aroma, which the honey plant is famous for. It persists for a long time and appears instantly, one has only to open the container with sweetness. The buckwheat variety contains in its composition a lot of protein, iron and other useful trace elements. It is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, stabilize pressure, and disorders of all organs of the body. The product is indicated for anemia and is used as a food product in the nutrition of pregnant women with low hemoglobin levels.

chestnut honey. It is white and dark. The color of the finished product depends on the variety of the honey plant. Differs in persistent aroma, pleasant sweet taste. The light chestnut candied quickly, the dark variety remains liquid throughout the winter. The consistency of fresh nectar depends on the climatic conditions in the bribe region. In the absence of rain, the mass is more dense. A distinctive feature of the variety is the original bitterness, which disappears when the product is heated. Chestnut nectar has high bactericidal characteristics, therefore it is used externally and internally for infections of various origins. They treat burns, wounds and purulent lesions. It is also used for inflammatory, colds. For men, this medicine helps to cure prostatitis. The product has neutral acidity and does not irritate the walls of the gastric mucosa, which allows it to be used to combat gastrointestinal diseases.

sunflower honey. A variety of bright yellow color, in some cases with a green tint, thick and very sweet. It has a high content of glucose. It has a tart taste, tearing in the throat, slightly sour. The aroma is not pronounced, it decreases with storage. The sunflower product is quickly candied and turns into a dense, strong lump. Its fraction of crystals is small, the structure of the mass is uniform.

Sunflower nectar is valued as a tonic, highly nutritious remedy. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is good for the heart, reduces tissue swelling. It is also prescribed as a diuretic, and is also used for neuralgia and stomach problems.

Flower honey. It is also called a herb. It consists of the nectar of many honey plants. Flower varieties differ in color, smell and taste. The presence of certain plants in the composition has a great influence on their characteristics. Individual selection of honey plants affects the time of sugaring. As a rule, it crystallizes for a long time and acquires a fine-grained structure. They use sweetness to restore strength, prevent diseases, and as a tonic and immunostimulating agent.

Cyprus honey. Fireweed or Ivan-tea flowers serve as a source of nectar for the preparation of the product for bees. Fresh - it is transparent, with a peculiar greenish tint. After sugaring, which occurs in 3-5 months, it acquires a white or cream color and a thick, with the formation of "snowflakes" texture.

A sweet mass rich in vitamins, I use it in the treatment of colds, nervous disorders, as a tonic.

Angelica honey. An elite variety of dark color, with a hint of red and green. The fresh product is thick and does not crystallize for a long time. It has a delicate aroma, rich pronounced taste, a hint of caramel and a hint of bitterness.

As a medicine, the mass is used to improve memory, increase vitality, and when treating wounds.

Donnikovy honey. White variety, popular among lovers and connoisseurs of the sweet product. Young nectar is light, almost colorless. It is easy to recognize it by the specific smell of vanilla. During crystallization, the mass acquires a viscous fine-grained consistency.

Sweet clover nectar helps with colds, infections, relieves pressure, normalizes the digestive tract. This variety is recommended for breastfeeding women to increase their milk supply.

Mustard honey. A common variety with a deep golden color that becomes creamy when candied. The taste is sweet, but not cloying, without foreign inclusions. The smell is unobtrusive, barely perceptible. The product has the ability to treat diseases of internal organs, relieves joint pain, and is good for the skin.

Hawthorn honey. A rare dark variety. Bitter in taste, with a distinctive aroma. The scope of its application is cardiovascular diseases, normalization of pressure, disease prevention, support of the body during mental and physical stress.

It is useful to include in your diet and people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

motherwort honey. Golden product, pleasant sweet taste with a sharp strong aroma. The consistency of fresh honey is thick, viscous. The product, inheriting the properties of the honey plant, has a soothing, bactericidal and cleansing effect. It is taken for neurosis, insomnia. Its use is recommended for obesity and metabolic disorders in the body. Suitable for regular meals.

Raspberry honey. White variety of autumn pitching. During storage, it acquires a dense, uniform, fine-grained structure. It has a high nutritional value and a high content of vitamins.

The product is used for colds, stress, to strengthen the body and stimulate the immune system.

Clover honey. Flower variety, light yellowish in fresh form, after crystallization - thick, dense pasty. The product is pleasant to the taste, sweet, has a stable strong aroma. For medical purposes, it is used as a general tonic, for the prevention of colds, in the treatment of burns, infected wounds, suppuration.

Rape honey. It is white, almost transparent, and quickly crystallizes in air. If stored improperly, it tends to ferment, and is poorly soluble in liquids. The taste is cloyingly sweet, but not harsh. After swallowing, bitterness is felt in the mouth. The product has a high nutritional value; when taken orally, it accelerates metabolic processes in the body. It is good for the core, does not cause allergies, has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the immune system.

Alfalfa honey. A viscous product of a sunny amber color, translucent when fresh, upon crystallization it resembles thick cream. It has a pleasant smell of honey plant and a memorable specific taste. When stored in a warm room, the mass does not thicken for a long time.

Alfalfa honey is good for the liver, it is used in the treatment of hepatitis of any origin. It allows you to quickly restore strength, recover after surgery or a long illness.

Burdock honey. Variety of noble olive shade, with fragrant fresh aroma, original memorable taste. Belongs to a very valuable species. It is not widely used, but has good healing properties. It is an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent, antiseptic and a strong bactericidal product. Burdock honey is useful for obesity, for cleansing and renewing the body. The advantages of nectar include the ability of the substance to stop and prevent the development of cancer. When applied externally, the species is effective in dermatology.

When choosing honey for treatment, it is worth giving preference to the type whose effect on the disease is the strongest. For prevention, you can use any product, and for the soul - the one that you like best.

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Some varieties of honey can be identified by color, aroma and taste. Different varieties differ from each other not only in color, but also in many shades.

Acacia (white acacia) honey

Considered one of the best. Possesses excellent tastes and thin, gentle aroma. In a fresh liquid form, this honey is transparent, candied (crystallized) has a white color, fine-grained. Crystallizes slowly. 1 hectare of white locust bees are able to get 1700 kg of honey. If you look at the honeycombs of this honey, they seem empty.

Honey from yellow acacia flowers in a liquid state is very light, crystallized - white, medium grain, becomes like lard. From 1 hectare of yellow acacia, bees receive 350 kg of honey.

barberry honey

It has a golden yellow color, fragrant and delicate in taste. Bees get this honey from the Barberry shrub, which is valued for its hemostatic properties.

Budyakovy (tatarnik, thistle) honey

Budyak, he is a prickly Tatar. Premium honey. It can be colorless, greenish, golden, has a pleasant aroma and taste. During crystallization, it becomes fine-grained.

Borage honey (borage)

It has a transparent color, light, pleasant taste. From 1 hectare of borage bees get 200 kg of honey.

Cornflower honey

It has a greenish-yellow color, its aroma resembles the smell of almonds, the taste is slightly bitter.

heather honey

It has a dark, dark yellow or red-brown color, a weak aroma and a tart, bitter taste. This type of honey slowly crystallizes and has a viscous consistency. From 1 hectare of heather bees get 200 kg of honey.

mustard honey

In liquid form, it has a golden color, crystallized honey has a yellowish-cream color. 1 hectare of mustard bees can get 40 kg of honey.

Pea honey

Collected from the flowers of thin-leaved peas, which grows in the steppe areas of Siberia. It has a transparent color, delicate aroma and taste. Bees receive up to 5 kg of honey per day.

Buckwheat honey

It has a dark red or brown color. It has a pronounced peculiar, spicy taste from which it tickles in the throat and a pleasant aroma. During crystallization, it becomes fine-grained or coarse-grained, mushy. Compared to light varieties, it contains more iron and proteins. From 1 hectare of flowering buckwheat, 60 kg of honey is obtained.

sweet clover honey

Premium honey. It has a light amber or white color, a delicate and pleasant aroma. During crystallization, it becomes fine-grained or coarse-grained, acquires a white color. Composition of sweet clover honey: 36.78% glucose, 39.59 fructose. From 1 ha of wild sweet clover, bees receive 200 kg of honey, from 1 ha of cultivated sweet clover - 600 kg.

angelica honey

It has a brownish-red color with a greenish tint. It has a viscous, viscous texture. The taste is rich, bitterness may be present.

blackberry honey

It has an absolutely transparent color, very tasty. From 1 hectare of blackberry bees get 20 kg of honey.

snakehead honey

It has a light transparent color, has a good aroma and taste. From 1 hectare of snakehead bees get 300 kg of honey.

willow honey

Has a golden yellow color, high taste. Crystallized honey - fine-grained, creamy. Bees receive up to 3-4 kg of honey per day.

hyssop honey

Premium honey.

stone honey

Stone honey is collected by wild bees. It has a yellow color, pleasant aroma and taste. Rock honey is a crystallized substance that is chipped from honeycombs. This honey is practically non-sticky, it

chestnut honey

Low grade honey. It has a dark color, weak aroma and unpleasant taste.

Kenaf honey

Fresh honey has a yellowish cloudy color and is unpleasant in taste. From 1 hectare bees receive 40 kg of honey.

Fireweed honey (Ivan tea)

Transparent with a greenish tinge, has a delicate mild aroma and pleasant taste. After crystallization becomes white, granular. Crystallizes quickly. Turns yellow when heated. From 1 hectare of fireweed (willow-herb) bees receive 600 kg of honey.

clover honey

Colorless, transparent, very tasty. One of the best grades of light honey. After crystallization becomes white and solid. Composition of clover honey: 34.96% glucose, 40.24% levulose (fructose). From 1 hectare of white clover, bees receive 100 kg of honey.

maple honey

Light honey, with excellent taste. From 1 hectare of maple bees get 200 kg of honey.

coriander honey

It has a sharp aroma and specific taste. From 1 hectare of coriander bees get 500 kg of honey.

Lavender honey

Premium honey. Has a delicate aroma.

swallow honey

It has a light color with a yellow tint, a delicate aroma and a wonderful taste. From 1 hectare of swallowtail bees get 600 kg of honey.

Linden honey

One of the best varieties of honey. Very pleasant taste, very sweet. It has a delicate aroma of linden flowers. Liquid honey has a transparent, slightly yellow or greenish color. After crystallization, it becomes white, with a golden hue, coarse-grained, it can also be cloudy yellow, with a greasy consistency. From 1 hectare of linden bees receive 1000 kg of honey. Crystallizes in 3-4 months.

Linden honey ("Ufa"). Light amber in color with a very subtle and strong aroma. During crystallization, it becomes dense and fine-grained. In rare cases, it becomes coarse-grained. Compared to other linden honeys, it is very sweet.

Linden honey (Far Eastern). Watery-transparent color, with a slightly creamy tint. Subtle pleasant aroma. During crystallization, it becomes dense, greasy. Refers to the highest grades of honey.

Burdock honey

Very viscous honey. It has a sharp spicy smell. Dark olive color. From 1 hectare of burdock bees collect about 600 kg of honey.

meadow honey

Golden yellow or yellow-brown. It has a pleasant aroma and good taste. It is obtained from the nectar of various meadow flowers.

onion honey

Golden color. Fresh honey has a slight onion aroma and taste. From 1 hectare of flowering onions, 70 kg of honey is obtained.

chestnut honey

Honey collected from horse chestnut has a colorless, watery color. From an edible chestnut - dark in color, liquid, with bitterness. Crystallizes quickly.

Dandelion honey

Bright yellow or dark amber. Very thick and sticky. Smell and taste like dandelion.

cucumber honey

Light yellow or amber. It has a strong smell and taste of cucumbers.

honeydew honey

(honeydew honey) bees collect sweet secretions from the leaves or stems of plants, they also collect the secretions of aphids and other insects. Differs in high bactericidal, in comparison with flower. Harmful to bees, but harmless to humans. Possesses the lowest tastes.

sunflower honey

Light amber color with a slight aroma, mild specific aftertaste. It crystallizes very quickly, becomes coarse-grained. In hot summers, it can crystallize right in the combs, but despite this, if the bee colony is strong, it will warm up this honey and eat it first, before the onset of severe cold weather. It has a tart aftertaste and a slight aroma of sunflower.

Rapeseed honey

From white to intense yellow. The aroma is weak. Thick in consistency. Crystallizes quickly. It is poorly soluble in water.

Rape honey

It has a greenish-yellow color, with a slight aroma and a pleasant taste. Not stored for a long time.

tobacco honey

Has light colors. Bitter in taste. It is usually not eaten.

Phacelia honey

It is considered one of the best varieties. White in color, with a delicate smell and pleasant taste.

Honey consists of plant nectar and some components that come from the bee's body. It contains about 300 different substances, but the main ones are glucose and fructose. By color it can be of different shades and is divided into groups of honey varieties:

  • light colors;
  • moderately colored colors;
  • dark colors.

Dark honey color means that the product contains more minerals and other substances and is considered healthier than the light variety. It begins to turn into nectar in the body of bees. From plants, bees transfer nectar to the wax cells of honeycombs. The bees not only collect and carry the nectar, but also process it in the hive. First, they produce honey from nectar, then they evaporate water from it, then it must be mixed in honeycombs and treated with enzymes. Due to this, the chemical composition of the product changes.

When the product is ripe, it is sealed by bees with wax caps. These signs help to determine it by maturity, variety and pumping time. If the product is not sealed, it means that it has an increased water content and contains a large amount of unsplit sucrose. Its quality will be worse and it cannot be stored for a long time.

If it contains more glucose, then it is able to crystallize, and with increased fructose, it will taste sweeter. Crystallization does not impair the quality, but when heated, the medicinal and nutritional properties decrease. From 40 ° and above, it turns into a regular syrup.

With nectar, various aromatic substances enter the hive, therefore it has a peculiar taste. Taste also depends on organic acids : apple, milk, lemon.

Product properties

Varieties of honey

For pre-sale preparation, it is divided into two types: centrifugal (popular) and cellular (useful). By consistency: crystallized (shrunken) and liquid. It happens very liquid, liquid, thick and gelatinous. The consistency of shrunken honey is fine-grained, coarse-grained and fat-like. They also differ in color and transparency, taste and aroma.

Types and their features

What is honey?

  1. The May type of honey - the first pitching, has a philistine name. It happened in ancient times, when people lived according to a different chronology, that is, two weeks later. At this time, the first product was pumped out.
  2. Monofloral type of honey - this is what is called when more than 40% of nectar is collected from one honey plant. Bees collect nectar from various honey plants.
  3. - developed in a dry summer from sweet secretions of insects: a mealybug, aphids, psyllids. And it is also produced from honeydew (sugar substances of plants): linden, apple, fir, spruce, maple, hazel, rose, pear, etc. Its color is usually dark, but it can also be light yellow from coniferous trees . The aroma depends on the source of honeydew: it may be odorless or unpleasant. The consistency is viscous, syrupy, does not melt in the mouth for a long time. It is used by confectioners and bakers.
  4. Polyfloral type of honey - produced from nectar collected from several types of plants. The name is depending on the type of honey plant: mountain, forest, meadow, steppe.

Varieties of honey and their beneficial properties

  • acacia- it is considered that it does not crystallize for a long time. The taste is enveloping, floral, delicate, when swallowed, the taste intensifies. If the product is liquid, then it is transparent in appearance, and upon crystallization it becomes white, fine-grained and resembles snow. From yellow acacia it is very light, and when crystallized it looks white, greasy, its grain size is medium. It is used in medical practice for nervous diseases as a sedative and for insomnia. It does not cause allergies and is used in baby and diabetic nutrition. It has an antimicrobial effect and is used for eye diseases. It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. With children's enuresis at night, the child should not be given to drink, but give him a spoonful of acacia honey, it retains moisture in the body and soothes, very useful.
  • Heather- refers to low grades of honey, has a reddish-brown color, a specific aroma and astringent taste. It contains more protein and mineral salts, so it does not crystallize, but coagulates, becomes jelly-like. According to the healing and healing properties, it is considered useful and one of the best. It is used in diseases of the bladder and kidneys, it has a diuretic effect. Used in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. If you take it at night, then the dream will be calm and strong. Calms the nervous system and is an anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • Buckwheat- the best grade, dark color, has sharp and spicy taste and aroma. During crystallization, it becomes a mushy mass. It contains iron and protein, thanks to which the vascular bed is cleansed, blood is renewed, damaged tissues are regenerated and the level of hemoglobin increases. Recommended for anemia, anemia and pregnancy. And also for those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. Cures beriberi, hypertension, scarlet fever, measles, rheumatism. It is used when there is a hemorrhage in the brain or retina, improves capillary permeability. Locally it is used for trophic ulcers, furunculosis, purulent wounds and many skin diseases. Useful in children's and diabetic nutrition, with nervous diseases it has a calming effect.
  • Donnikovy- first-class, with high qualities. When crystallized, it has a white or yellow color, it contains a lot of glucose. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic, sedative, diuretic effect. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to take to stimulate milk flow. It is taken for colds, insomnia, headaches and for the treatment of respiratory organs. They treat rheumatism and cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis. For purulent wounds and cuts, compresses with propolis are applied.
  • Lime- the best sort of honey, transparent, has a slightly yellowish or greenish color, very sweet taste and aroma of linden. When crystallized, it becomes white, in its pure form it is rarely found. It is used to treat colds, as it has a diaphoretic property. Used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, kidneys and in gynecology. It has an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect, helps in the treatment of purulent wounds and burns.
  • Lugovoi- first-class, upon crystallization becomes fine-grained or greasy. The color varies from golden yellow to yellow-brown, depending on the predominance of flowers. It has healing and nutritional properties, is used for various diseases.
  • May- an early summer variety of honey, the sweetest, they begin to pump it out after the flowering of acacia. The color varies from white-gray to bright yellow, cooling taste and menthol aroma. It is well absorbed by the body, without disturbing the function of the pancreas, which means that diabetes does not develop. Recommended for atherosclerosis, liver diseases and nervous conditions. Honey has a calming effect.

Quality determination methods

Dip a spoon into the honey and rotate it. The immature will drain, and the mature will wrap in folds like a ribbon. You can lower a thin stick into it: the real one will stretch in a continuous thread, the fake one will drain and drip with splashes. Quality honey does not foam.

All varieties of natural honey have beneficial properties and are essential for a healthy diet. It differs only in appearance and taste, but the benefits are almost the same. It is stored in a dark place so that the beneficial substances do not decay from the action of light.

Varieties of honey

1.23. 5. 1.12. 1.24. 6. 1.13. 1.25. 6.1.

Types of honey

One way or another, any bee variety of honey has antibacterial properties, but some of them have such qualities more pronounced. Others boast a high content of metals, or vitamins. Let's consider some of them in more detail.


One of the most valuable species, buckwheat bee honey is collected from the flowers of the same name. It has a very sweet, up to astringency, taste and smell. Crystallization of its dark mass always proceeds into a homogeneous mass, and not necessarily coarse-grained. It is very rich in iron, which is why it is extremely useful for the process of blood restoration.


Another representative of incredibly useful varieties, linden honey is highly valued by people. Many people even believe that there is no better medicine. But, unfortunately, there is no absolute potion of immortality. It has a fairly light color, boasts a greenish tint, and even belongs to the white honey variety. But certainly a pleasant, mild smell. As for the taste, it is unlikely to find a sweeter one. This product is very nutritious, therefore it quickly restores organic depletion. A chic bouquet of vitamins ensured widespread use in traditional medicine.


White honey is a rather rare variety with many fakes. Its sources are white locust, the same clover, sometimes even linden, and some others. Some of the varieties become white only after crystallization. Therefore, it can have several names. What I want to note is that it cannot be “pure”, at least it is almost impossible to achieve the absence of impurities. Therefore, it often has at least some shade.



The bitter taste of chestnut honey does not diminish the actual value of the product. The cloying smell of flowering chestnut remains, which is why it often evokes nostalgic memories of July on cold winter evenings. But not only the aroma, but also the color of it matches the fruits of the tree. This is one of the few species that can maintain its liquid state for much longer than the rest, to be more specific, up to two years. This dark variety has a wide variety of vitamins and microelements, including metals, therefore it is widely used for medicinal purposes.


The uniqueness of fireweed honey is provided by the legendary base - a herb used for a long time as a remedy for various diseases. The product of bees not only retained all the properties of the plant, but also multiplied and strengthened them. Rich in vitamin C, it is a first line remedy in the fight against colds.


The generalized name for honeydew honey is associated with the collection of honeydew by bees, not pollen. Such varieties have different colors, but certainly dark, up to black. And although they are not suitable for constant use by bees, they are not only harmless to humans, but also especially useful.


Perhaps the most interesting variety of honey is angelica. It has an exquisite taste, intoxicating aroma and excellent healing characteristics. Basically, it has a dark color, but can even be red. In medicine, the main use was found as a spasmalgotic for stomach problems.

Honey with royal jelly

Honey is diluted with royal jelly to enhance the properties of both ingredients. No additives or chemicals, just two natural ingredients. This mixture has the ability to save a person from many ailments. Mixed with a ratio of 1 to 150.


Floral bee honey, by definition, comes from plants that have pollen. Such a product almost always has a pleasant aftertaste and spicy smell. It is actively used both in folk and modern medicine.


It is surprising that such an unpretentious plant as sweet clover, which is considered an ordinary weed, can cause such amazing honey. This is an early autumn flower. It can be produced from yellow medicinal flowers and white ordinary ones. In any case, it has high-quality antimicrobial properties, accelerates the healing of wounds, and prevents their suppuration.


Extremely valuable and useful acacia honey can be white, virtually colorless, or yellow in color. Completely without bitterness, the taste is not sharp, just like the smell. A rare property of this product is a long-term resistance to the crystallization process. It is simply an excellent food for diabetics and children, as it is absorbed by the human body fantastically quickly.


Sunflower honey very quickly says goodbye to its extremely tasty liquid form. At the end of coarse-grained crystallization, it becomes light, occasionally with impurities of a green reflection. Most of all, the benefit of such a substance will be in the treatment of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract. In addition, it perfectly removes toxins from the human body, serves as a good diuretic.


Bee honey collected from mountain forbs is considered to be the purest. This includes nectar from rather rare flowers, giving a special healing power to the product. The result of such a mix is ​​a different color, aroma and taste. But being natural, it treats colds well.


Wild bee honey is a truly original nutrient. It has a wide variety of vitamins. The peculiarity of this variety lies in a special approach to its collection. Honeycombs are not unpacked for six months, in order to acquire greater density and aroma of the product. In other words, high concentration.


In fact, there is no pollen on the cedar, and even a narrow-minded person knows about this. In this case, to create honey, bees collect cedar honeydew to create this wonderful mixture. People can also cook it according to separate recipes using the same honeydew and other types of honey. In any case, the product is very popular and quickly sells out due to its life-giving abilities.


May honey is actually any fresh honey harvested since the beginning of spring. It turns out that this is not a specific variety, but several of them. They have a special relation to themselves, not only because of their freshness and specific healing power. There is a symbol of the beginning of life, the end of winter. It is readily purchased for the treatment of colds.


Honey, preserved in honeycombs, has its own healing power, different from the squeezed counterpart. In this case, a huge role is played by the wax itself, which stores particles of propolis and pollen. It is good to chew for healthy gums and a strong immune system. As a rule, in this state it is noticeably more expensive than in liquid.


Many people would like to see how bees knock out nectar from pine trees, but this cannot be, due to the absence of the latter in coniferous trees. Therefore, this variety belongs to honeydew honey. The peculiarity of this substance is a high concentration of potassium.

Herb honey

Nothing invigorates like honey from herbs. Is that the agenda from the military registration and enlistment office. But honey is still nice. Most often it is golden in color, and it is valued about the same, in particular for health. The general tonic effect of the substance enriched with vitamins and a variety of microelements literally saturates the body with energy.


Black honey can be only in two cases. It is either a honeydew product or it is made from black cumin flowers. In the latter version, it can only be collected in Egypt. The cost for it is akin to the height of the pyramids, due to the uniqueness and special healing indicators.


An intoxicating drink is especially popular among the Slavic peoples. It is prepared on the basis of honey, but it no longer differs in medicinal properties. But this does not affect the wonderful taste.


An amazing product is used to strengthen the immune system. Green honey contains a special substance - spirulina. This substance enhances the healing properties of honey.


The color of pumpkin honey matches the plant from which it is collected. It does not keep its liquid form for a long time and soon crystallizes. The diuretic effect is not very pronounced, but it is actively taken for problems with organic filters: kidneys and liver.


In fact, apple honey is prepared by a person. In another, prepared liquid honey, crushed and peeled apples are sunk. It is made by adding a small amount of water and then heating it. In the finished state, the mixture is very useful for arthritis and cystitis.


A special ingredient that allows you to get such an unusual color is usually perga. This product has huge reserves of vitamin A, which is especially important for vision. In addition, there are special healing micro and macro elements of pollen.

dry honey

Being devoid of moisture, the substance loses its sharpness of taste and smell, but retains many properties for a longer time. Dry honey largely depends on the variety from which it was created.


Tea tree honey, according to many scientists, can even cure staphylococcus aureus, where even some antibiotics cannot cope. It has very strong antimicrobial properties. The product is light, with a slight aroma.


Although it does not cause particular addiction among people, nevertheless, sugar honey is still being produced. It belongs to non-natural varieties. The product crystallizes very quickly, with rather large grains. There is little useful in it and it is used as a substitute for sugar in baking.


Brown walnut honey is actively used in pharmacology. It is used to make drugs against sclerosis, worms and general strengthening drugs. In its pure form, it is valued precisely because of its firming and tonic properties.


Sometimes, when there is a lot of honey, but little by little, they are simply mixed. The resulting product becomes difficult to define, but it takes on interesting qualities of its constituent ingredients. Sometimes meadow honey is also called this, since it also has a lot of things mixed in it.


Lemon honey is made exclusively at home. It is a powerful remedy for colds. In addition, it brings out the smell and taste characteristic of citrus, which is why it is loved by housewives around the world.


Field honey is considered one of the best and most valuable varieties. It is usually either practically colorless or light yellow. Winged workers collect it from field plants (hence the name). Depending on the honey plant from which it was collected, the product has the appropriate beneficial properties. Sage, for example, treats inflammation on the skin, and nightshade saves from rheumatism.


Steppe honey, which is collected from herbs, has a lot of useful properties that it absorbs from all the plants that serve as its source. Its medicinal properties and nutritional qualities are very high.


Forest honey is considered one of the elite varieties. Its unique properties allow the use of the product in the treatment of many ailments. It has a specific tart taste and a color palette from light yellow to light brown.


Sweetness collected from wild-growing honey plants located in the taiga-forest zone - that's what taiga honey is. Among all varieties, it is considered one of the highest quality. It gives out a special aroma, as well as a rich color of a coffee shade.

Beesweet is not always an amber or bright yellow color, there are also varieties of a darker shade. They differ not only in color, but also in special properties.

Dark varieties

  • buckwheat;
  • heather;
  • burdock;
  • chestnut;
  • tulip;
  • rowan.

Dark varieties include honey enriched with iron. As a rule, it is the metal that affects the color of the product. The most famous species are buckwheat and heather.

White varieties

  • lime;
  • acacia;
  • crimson;
  • sweet clover.

Some of them can acquire a characteristic color only after crystallization.

rare varieties

  • tobacco;
  • carrot;
  • dandelion;
  • pumpkin.

Not always bees collect honey exclusively, or at least mainly from the selected plant. The matter is aggravated if it is also not often found in nature. And they rarely meet.

Elite varieties

There are so-called elite types of honey, which are made from flowering plants, or rather, their nectar. In any case, they are rich in fructose and glucose, which make up four-fifths of the mass of the entire substance. Both dark and white honey can be found here.

Medicinal varieties

Of course, any honey has its own healing properties, but some types of honey store a more pronounced healing property. Many products are enhanced in order to make the effect of their use more powerful. By and large, only non-natural varieties are not classified as medicinal varieties.

What kind of honey is the healthiest?

The very opinion that some honey can be more useful than another under any circumstances does not have a grain of truth. In fact, it all depends on the specific situation. Indeed, as already known, in case of a lack of potassium, it is best to eat pine, and if a person has lost a lot of blood, then he should use buckwheat.


Food of the gods

Varieties of honey

Depending on the type, honey can have very special properties that are important to take into account and use correctly both in nutrition and in apitherapy.

Spring flower-rapeseed honey This honey is the first mixed honey collected from spring flowers and rapeseed. It is a light yellow creamy product with a mild aroma and taste. The higher the proportion of rapeseed nectar, the lighter it is. He is very fond of children and teenagers. It is versatile in use, although it does not have enough enzymatic activity for medical purposes. Rapeseed honey is well suited for baking, as it does not have a pronounced taste.

You can see all types of honey and their properties below

Dandelion honey If you set up hives in meadows where many dandelions bloom in spring, the bees will produce excellent honey. It has a very beautiful yellow color, a delicate creamy texture, and it seems to preserve the unique sweet aroma of these yellow flowers. Dandelion has a supportive effect on the human liver and gallbladder, and honey from the nectar of this plant has the same qualities.

Acacia honey

Acacia honey has the highest fructose content and therefore the lowest glucose content. It is very mild in taste and aroma and is indispensable for people sensitive to acid. It is also ideal for diabetics, as fructose is absorbed more slowly and does not require the immediate release of large amounts of insulin.

But, of course, diabetic patients need to take into account the amount of honey consumed when calculating the total amount of carbohydrates.

chestnut honey

This honey is often referred to simply as chestnut, although this is not entirely correct from a botanical point of view and can be a little misleading, since most people think of horse chestnut when they hear the word chestnut. But in fact, chestnut honey mainly contains noble chestnut nectar.

The leaves of the noble chestnut, also called European, or edible, are used in folk medicine to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Accordingly, honey from it is mainly used in the same area. Horse chestnut has a healing effect on the cardiovascular system, especially on the venous system, but honey exclusively from its nectar is actually not found.

The color of honey from noble chestnut varies from brown to dark brown, like honeydew honey, it is more granular in structure than flowery, and under certain weather conditions it gains a bitter-tart taste, which is not to everyone's liking.

Linden honey

Linden honey has a light yellow color, a delicate creamy texture and a very pleasant taste.

Both linden blossom tea and linden honey have an antipyretic effect in case of colds. However, don't wait until you get sick to finally enjoy this delicious product!

Bees cannot collect nectar from all types of clover because their proboscis is not long enough to reach the bottom of some flowers. But with white clover, such problems do not arise. Therefore, clover honey is always very light, delicate, creamy, with a mild taste.

It has a mild sedative effect, which is why it is especially recommended for children and adults who suffer from excessive arousal and need reassurance in order to fall asleep. However, this is not a sleeping pill at all, but only a mild additional help.

Forest honey often refers to a mixture of honeydew from various trees and nectar from the flowers of blackberries, raspberries and the impatiens that are widespread in our time (the balsam family) growing in the forest. Forest honey has a brown color and a spicy, sometimes somewhat tart taste.

It often crystallizes very early, especially if there is melicitose - a trisaccharide that thickens honey quickly - and causes great problems for beekeepers when pumping. It contains more minerals, and there are often more enzymes in it than in flower. Forest honey is recommended for colds.

It has a rich yellow color similar to the flowers of the plant itself, a creamy texture and a sweet sunflower aroma.

This honey is especially rich in flavonoids. Sunflower petal tea is used to reduce fever, so honey can help with diseases accompanied by high fever. But this honey is so tasty that you should not refuse it even after recovery. Better yet, eat them more often and not get sick at all!

This product is brown or even dark brown in color and crystallizes easily. It has a strong spicy flavor and a slightly crystalline texture.

Heather honey is still very often sold in combs. This tradition has been preserved since the days when there were sapets instead of beehives. Sapetka is a non-separable house in the form of a wicker basket. It is impossible to pump out honey from it, so it remains to be sold only in pieces of honeycombs. It was in this way that heather honey was collected for a long time, and this is partly done in our time. Heather is considered a blood purifier and diuretic, so it is used in the treatment of bladder and kidney stones, as well as rheumatism and gout.

The healing properties of honey are determined by the honey plant

Naturally, there are many more types of honey that are not mentioned here. Often this is a specific local honey, which is difficult to find in the general market. In addition, there are some types of honey that are brought from afar.
