
Why is the language Greek, porridge is buckwheat, and the nut is walnut? Nuts and their history.

I went to the walnut garden to look at
the green of the valley, to see if the
vine, have the pomegranates blossomed?
Song of Songs 6:11

Nut - the fruit of trees or shrubs, with an edible core and a hard shell, usually in everyday life any edible fruit consisting of a shell (hard or soft) and an edible core is called nuts; as a food, the nut has been known since ancient times. In modern culture, an image has developed - a “hard nut”, which is obviously associated with the hard shell of nuts and the difficulty of extracting an edible part from them.

The Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nikifor (1891-92) reports: “The birthplace of the walnut tree is Persia, from there it moved to Palestine, Greece and Italy. During the time of Joseph Flavius ​​(Iv.), a lot of walnut trees grew along the shores of the Lake of Gennesaret. At present, Lebanon is especially rich in them, and, according to the description of travelers, long avenues of walnut trees lead to Damascus. Its fruits are walnuts. The trunk of this tree is strong and beautiful, it is a valuable material for carpentry. The well-known nut oil is pressed from the kernels of the fruit.”

It is believed that the walnut grows in the wild in Transcaucasia, in northern China, in northern India, in the Tien Shan, in Iran, in Asia Minor and Greece, in Western Europe it is recognized as a wild species.

1) Existing etymology

Root: -nut-. Meaning - nerd. a plant of the nut family; the fruit of some plants (mainly trees), as a rule, with a relatively soft core and hard shell; walnut.

Etymology according to Max Vasmer (insert by unknown author)

(It comes from the Proto-Slavs, from which, among other things, came: - insert) other Russian, church Slav. orb (Greek karyon), Russian. walnut, Ukrainian Gorih, Bulgarian. walnut, serbohorv. Orah, Slovenian oreh (genus n. oreha), Czech. oresh, Slovak. oresh, pol. orzech, v.-puddle. worjech, n.-puddle. woresh. Wed lit. riesutas "nut", riesas - the same, riesutys, East-lit. ruosutys (with diminution -ut- similar to fingernail), Latvian. rieksts - the same, other Prussian. bucca-reisis "beech nut", further closer to the Greek. arya ta Ierakleiotika karya (Hesychius), Alb. arre "nut".

2) Application of the term in Russian

A) Dictionary of the Russian language of the XI-XVII centuries, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, M., 1987
Orb. 1. The fruit of some trees and shrubs with an edible core and shell. “and from all the volosts of the Beloozersk flax, onions, garlic, orkhi ...”, ASVR, 1497; coconut, “has dates and great Indian orchs”, Alexandria, XV-XII centuries. 2. Walnut tree, bush. “The fig tree and the orb of the leaves and the cassock of the yavish”, (Sk. Io. Zlat.), Usp. Collection., XII-XIII centuries. 3. Wood (walnut table). 1677

The terms also used were orchia (nuts), almonds (translation), Genesis 43:11-12, 1499; walnut bush (1470); oreshek (reduced); nuts (nut trees, 1496-1113, Hod. Daniel Yegum. (to Israel)).

B) National corpus of the Russian language

* V. N. Tatishchev. Discourse on the draft tariff for the Astrakhan port (1743): "Mediocre, from which the average fee, hard trees, like dogwood, walnut, shamshit, plane trees and others."

* Grigory Skovoroda. Narkiss (1760-1769): "Not every nut and not every straw with grain."

C) S. V. Veselovsky. Onomasticon, USSR Academy of Sciences, M., 1974

“Nut, Orekhovs: Ivan Ivanovich Orekh Koverin, 1556, Kashira; Vasily Orekhov, executed in the oprichnina; Orekhva book. Vsevolod Tarussky (XIV century); Oreshkov Anton, peasant, 1496, Novgorod. From the list of names and nicknames, it is clear that in Muscovite Rus' the term "nut" was fixed in the vocabulary (replicated in the name) in the 14th century.

3) Generalization and conclusion

* The term "nut" was used in ancient Russian liturgical, secular literature (translations) and acts from the 12th century. Consequently, around this time, in the course of the military-trade and church contacts of Rus' with Byzantium, Bulgaria, the Crimea and the Caucasus, the nut was brought to Kievan Rus.

*Walnut. Candidate of Biological Sciences V. Artamonov. Science and Life No. 10, 1988, p. 158-1615; http://www.nts-lib.ru/Online/flora/walnut.html
“In Rus', walnuts were cultivated in monastery gardens nine centuries ago. According to scientists, the earliest centers of this culture were Vydubitsky (founded in 1070-77) and Mezhegorsky (founded in the 14th century) monasteries located along the Dnieper above and below Kiev, the first bastions of Christianity in Rus'. Apparently, along with the faith, the Greek preachers brought this plant with them, which determined its Russian name.

* “He sees a squirrel in front of everyone, a golden nut gnaws” (A. S. Pushkin). The vast majority of researchers mention the nut as - "a fruit in a hard, strong shell."

Obviously, the term should contain the concept (description of the fruit) - hard shell, skin, skin, shell, then how the nut differs from other fruits, and probably the definition of how it should be handled (the fruit was unknown in the early period in Kievan Rus). There is also a version that nuts were bred in monasteries, church leaders, making visits to Jerusalem and Constantinople, could take out the seeds and organize the cultivation of this tree in their possessions.

Most likely, the term "nut" is a product of an unknown monk or clergyman, scribe and translator of the Bible. A native of the Asia Minor or Jerusalem church clergy, who is well acquainted with the plants of these regions. It is advisable to look for the meaning of the term in the sacred language of Judeo-Christianity - Hebrew.

4) Hebrew Terminology and Biblical Imagery

A) Terminology

So, the term "nut" is a description of the fruit. A hard shell (skin, skin, shell) is distinguished in it - the original, visible form, inside which is a soft, edible core (invisible).

Let's bring the term into a form close to the Hebrew grammar and highlight the roots - OPbXb = OPAX, OP + bXb.

OP + ЪХЪ = Heb. 1. OR, ORAH skin, skin + HAH beat, hit, beat, kill, hit; that is, the skin (shell, shell) is beaten (with an edible core inside).

See Hebrew and Chaldean etymological dictionary for the books of the Old Testament, Vilna, 1878; http://www.greeklatin.narod.ru/hebdict/img/_345.htm

B) Help

* The letter of the Russian language YAT denoted a sound that was not preserved, the researchers suggest: IE or AE, close to E and I at the same time, ioted A, AI (opinions, as we see, are many).

* The Hebrew letter he (X-G, the first in the word HAH) is mostly not pronounced in Russian, the sign of its vowel is pronounced (in this case, there is the sign Yat (;), which could express the letters both A and E), see st. Comparative alphabet, EEBE. XAX \u003d AX, OP + A (e) X \u003d OPA (e) X

* The Hebrew term OPAH skin, skin, is used only once in the Westminster Leningrad Codex of the Bible (Numbers 19:5), in other texts of the OP; the oldest Masoretic text of the Tanakh, dated 1008.

* In Russian, the term "skin" also has the following meanings: shell, peel, peel, shell. "Skin" meanings: the outer shell of a plant, fruit, seed; peel, peel, skin, husk.

C) Biblical images

* Numbers 19:5: "And they shall burn the heifer before his eyes; let them burn her skin (OPAH) and her flesh and her blood with her uncleanness."

* Lamentations of Jeremiah 4:8: “And now their faces are darker than all black; do not recognize them on the streets; their skin (OR) stuck to their bones, became dry like wood.”

* Amos 9:1: “I saw the Lord standing over the altar, and He said: strike (HAH) on the lintel above the gate, so that the jambs will shake, and bring them down on the heads of all of them, and I will strike the rest of them with the sword.”

* Zechariah 13:7: “O sword! Rise up against my shepherd and my neighbor, says the Lord of hosts: strike (HAH strike, strike) the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered!

Which of the word-formation options, OR + HAH or just ORAH, should we choose? Probably no one will give an answer to this question, we are people of a different time and it is often impossible to trace the nuances of the composition of antiquity, but the connection with biblical terminology and images is obvious.

The term "nut" is a transliteration (transfer of a word by another alphabet) into Russian of one or two Hebrew terms. It has nothing to do with the "proto-Slavic, Slavic" language, because. at that time, the walnut did not grow in the region of the Dnieper basin, Wiktionary's opinion about the "Slavic" language is not justified.

Walnut is an ideal product for those who want to strengthen memory, become smarter and healthier. This is a real aristocrat among nuts, although it is not a nut.

acorn of the gods

In a strictly scientific sense, a walnut is not a nut at all, it is a drupe. Why "Greek"? This name was fixed in Russia due to the fact that the first large deliveries of medicinal nuts were from Greece. At the same time, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowth of the walnut tree is much wider than the territory of the Balkan Peninsula - from America to Central Asia.

In ancient Greece, these fruits were called "acorns of the gods." They got this name because of their healing properties. Even in antiquity, it was noticed that regular consumption of walnuts improves memory and develops the brain. That is why in Babylon, walnuts were considered food for the few - it was forbidden for commoners to use them - so as not to become painfully smart.

King Nut

Walnut is deservedly considered one of the most useful products. If you eat at least one nut every day, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis. Walnut kernels contain iron, cobalt, zinc and copper. In addition, walnuts are rich in vitamins. Consumption of these fruits helps with diabetes, stress, cardiovascular disease and anemia.

For men, walnut will help restore potency, is a good prevention of adenoma and prostatitis. Women can eat nuts if only to give the skin elasticity and beauty. Also, cosmetic milk can be made from walnuts, and a decoction of walnut leaves is an excellent tool for washing and strengthening hair.

Walnuts - aliens

Obviously, everyone noticed the similarity of the walnut kernel with the human brain. This parallel allowed Kir Bulychev to publish in the journal "Science and Life" (under the heading "Academy of Cheerful Sciences") a letter from the alleged pensioner Lozhkin, which convincingly proved that walnuts are our brothers in mind. As Bulychev argued, a strong family, an ideal form of life, is hidden under each nut shell. The evidence was so convincing that the editors of the magazine began to receive mountains of letters from readers who decided to stop eating nutty aliens. Such is the "Lenin-mushroom".

How to choose?

Never buy shelled nuts. In addition to being unsafe (you never know where they were), stale peeled walnuts lose some of their healing properties. Before you buy a kilogram - buy a few pieces to check. If the nuts in the batch turn out to be good - ripe and tasty - take more. Walnut - the fruit is cunning, it is not in vain that it looks like a brain

In the modern world there are about a hundred varieties of edible nuts. The most common of them in the CIS is the walnut. Why is this variety so named? Why is it useful? And is Greece really his homeland? Let's find out the answers to all these questions.

What kind of nut is called "walnut"

Before considering the question of why the nut is called "walnut", it is worth knowing what kind of plant it is and how it is also called in Russian.

The walnut is a species of tree from the Juglandaceae family. Outside of greenhouses, these trees grow freely in Asia Minor, the Balkans, Greece, Ukraine, California, India, China, as well as in the Transcaucasus.

They gained their popularity thanks to their large fruits - nuts. Since ancient times, walnuts have been not only a popular delicacy among all peoples, but also a very healthy dietary product.

In addition to the name "walnut", this fruit is also called "Voloshsky", less often "royal".

It is noteworthy that, apart from Russians and Belarusians, other peoples do not call this nut "walnut". For example, in Ukrainian it is “hairy”, in Polish it is włoski, in Czech it is vlašský, in English it is walnut, and among the Greeks themselves it is καρυδιά (karýdia).

What nutrients are rich in walnuts

This plant owes its immense popularity not only to its taste and satiety, but also to its grandiose healing properties. Moreover, not only the nuclei themselves, but the peel, shell, roots and bark of a tree, as well as leaves, are able to have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Unlike other plants, unripe walnut fruits are very useful, because they contain 7-10 times more vitamin C than black currants. At the same time, they still cannot be eaten, since in an unripe form they contain some poisonous volatile substances.

Edible ripe fruits are a storehouse of vitamins A, D, E and K, contain semi-saturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6), as well as antioxidants.

Walnut leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, carotene and vitamins P and B.

The nut shell contains gallic and ellagic acids, which are excellent tannins.

The use of walnuts in everyday life and industry

Having considered what useful vitamins and acids the walnut is rich in, let's find out what is the practical application of this plant.

As mentioned above, unripe walnut fruits rich in vitamin C are not eaten, but they are used to make very tasty and healthy jam.

The kernels of ripe nuts are eaten both raw and roasted. In addition, they are added to sweets, cakes and other pastries (including unsweetened ones), to cheeses, salads, jams.

In addition, Volosh nuts are a private component of dietary nutrition. As a rule, they are part of fitness mixtures and energy bars. Also, this fruit, along with honey, dried apricots and lemon, is part of the famous Amosov health mixture.

From the leaves of this plant, various tinctures are used to purify the blood, prevent skin diseases and as an anthelmintic. They are also used to repel flies and moths. In cooking, walnut leaves are added during conservation.

On the basis of hard walnut shells, preparations are made for the treatment of wounds and infectious skin lesions.

The industry also widely uses walnut wood for the manufacture of furniture and musical instruments. And from the shell of the fruit are extracted substances for tanning the skin; from green shells - paint for fabrics.

A Brief History of the Walnut

Most of the ways to use the walnut were discovered in ancient times. There is evidence that before the ice age this plant grew almost everywhere in Europe, as well as in India, China and Japan, as well as in Greenland and Siberia. Which of these countries was the first to use the fruits of this plant for food is not known.

But there is reliable historical evidence that the Greeks borrowed the tradition of eating this type of nuts from the Persians, who called this product nothing more than “royal”.

After the Greeks, the Romans mastered this plant, and with the advent of Christianity, the whole of Europe.

In the USA, this plant was brought only in the 19th century, but soon became very popular.

On the territory of the Crimea and Tavria, the Volosh nut appeared approximately in the 2nd-3rd centuries. n. e. as evidenced by archaeological finds. It is possible that during this period it came to Rus', although its wider distribution occurred in later centuries, with the advent of Christianity.

Several theories about where the name "walnut" came from

Having considered the features of this plant, its areas of application, as well as history, it is worth moving on to the main issue. So why is the nut "walnut" and not "Japanese", "Indian" or "Chinese"? There are several versions of the origin of this name in Russian.

According to the most common, the first to grow whole gardens of walnuts began at the monasteries. And since the Greeks were mainly engaged in this, as they were more knowledgeable in agronomy, the fruits of the trees began to be called "walnuts". By the way, for the same reason, buckwheat porridge is called so. It was the Greeks who were the first to grow and cook this cereal.

There is another version of why a walnut is "walnut". Some believe that these plants were brought to Rus' not by the clergy of their Byzantium, but by merchants, and much earlier. However, not knowing exactly the name of the plant, they began to call it "walnut" - by the name of the place of origin.

Why walnut is "walnut" and not "Greek"

Having considered the most famous theories of the origin of this term, it is worth understanding the features of the name. So, according to the rules of the Russian language, you need to say "Greek", then why is a walnut "walnut"?

In this case, this spelling is explained by tradition. The fact is that at the time when this plant appeared in Rus', there was an adjective "walnut". It was they who named this type of nut. And when the norms of the Russian language changed, and the adjective “Greek” began to be used (which is still relevant today), most citizens continued to call the nut “walnut”, and this name stuck with it forever. This is why the walnut is "walnut" and not "Greek".

However, if we recall the works of N.V. Gogol, he called this fruit - Voloshsky nut. Where did this name come from?

The origin of the "Voloshsky" nut

Having figured out why a walnut is “walnut”, it is worth finding out for what reason it is sometimes also called “Voloshsky”. Moreover, in a number of Western Slavic languages ​​and Ukrainian, this name is the main one, and the phrase "walnut" is not used at all.

The term "Volokhi" today and in the old days was used to refer to representatives of the Romanesque peoples of the Danube states, among which were Greek tribes. It is likely that in the West Slavic lands this word was more often used to name the Greeks and Romans. Therefore, the nuts brought from their lands were called "Voloshsky", and this name was fixed in the Ukrainian, Polish and Czech languages.

Walnut (in botany "Voloshsky nut") is a tall, fast-growing tree belonging to the Walnut family. Wood, leaves, partitions, bark are highly valued in the economic, industrial, and medical industries. Persia (present-day Iran) is considered its homeland, where only members of the royal family could eat delicious fruits. This is where the name “Royal Nut” came from. Later, the plant was transported to Greece, Italy, France, Russia, where it acquired the name "Greek".

In the past, walnuts were harvested by hand. The tree was shaken until the fruit fell to the ground. Now they shake trees and collect nuts with the help of special machines.


The walnut tree grows from 4 to 25 m. It has a large trunk covered with gray bark. The extensive crown consists of branches with another complex foliage. Elongated large leaves bloom simultaneously with flowers and fall off in autumn. The flowers are small, green, dioecious. The stamens are collected in hanging catkins, and the pistillate flowers with a complex perianth are located on the top of annual branches singly or in small groups.

Walnut is a wind pollinated plant. Its fruits are large drupes, covered with a thick leathery-fibrous peel - pericarp, have an oval stone with several partitions. When ripe, the pericarp darkens, dries up and cracks. The stone separates, falls to the ground and does not burst when falling. Inside the woody peel is an oily nutritious core.

Walnut blossoms in May. Some varieties re-bloom in July. The fruits are ready for harvest in mid-autumn. The shape, size, thickness of the shell, the taste of the nucleolus and its chemical characteristics are highly dependent on the type of tree. One nut weighs from 5 to 17 g, where from 40 to 58% falls on the peeled kernel.

The Volosh nut is propagated by seeds and by the vegetative method. In the first year, the seedling forms a powerful root system, firmly rooted in the ground. By the age of five, the roots deepen by 1.5 m, and after 20 years they sink by 3-5 m. The main part of the horizontal root system actively develops from 3 to 5 years and is placed in the ground at a depth of 20-30 cm.

Walnut reproduces well by basal shoots, which develop faster than seedlings. Fruiting depends on the method of reproduction. A seedling sprouted from a seed will give the first harvest in 10-13 years and will finally reach maturity by 30-40 years. The shoot gives the first harvest from the second year, and by the age of 10 begins to bear fruit intensively. Under favorable conditions, a walnut can grow up to 400 years, while maintaining the ability to produce a crop. Some specimens live up to 2000 years.

Chemical composition

Partitions and cores are equally valued in traditional and folk medicine. The pericarp is used as a medicine for high blood pressure, insomnia, and baldness. used for diabetes, to increase immunity, for obesity, sciatica, excessive sweating, indigestion, iodine deficiency.

Why is a walnut useful? Ripe walnut fruit in 100 g contains:

  • 11.1 g of simple (glucose, lactose, maltose) and complex (starch, pectin, glycogen) carbohydrates, including dietary fiber (fiber);
  • protein is 15.2 g. It includes essential amino acids;
  • walnuts mainly consist of fats - 65.2 g. The rest is occupied by trace elements (calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium) and vitamins A, PP, B, C.

The calorie content of peeled kernels is 700 kcal per 100 g, which is twice the nutritional value of premium pasta and wheat bread.

An unripe walnut is much different in chemical composition from ripe kernels. Vitamin C disappears from the fruit as it ripens. Therefore, the greener the nuts, the more useful they are. Young fruits contain many vitamins, essential amino acids, antioxidants that cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Unripe walnuts help get rid of worms and viruses.

The woody shell is rich in vitamins, phenolic acids. Coumarin, pellicles, steroids were found in it. Walnut leaves contain essential oils, carotene, iodine, vitamin C, B1, tannins, a rare alkaloid juglandin, which has natural antimicrobial properties.


Since ancient times, the Volosh nut has saved people from hunger, cured serious illnesses and restored lost strength. A handful of nuts eaten as a snack will saturate the body, replenish the supply of vitamins, fiber and minerals. Despite the high fat content, walnuts contribute to weight loss, since most of them consist of unsaturated beneficial acids. In order to maintain health, 7 cores per day or 14 halves are enough for a person.

  • walnut is indispensable for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases, normalization of metabolic processes;
  • thanks to anti-inflammatory substances, walnuts can quickly overcome viral infections, restore the body after a protracted illness, and strengthen the immune system;
  • Antioxidants contribute to the body's resistance to cancer. There are much more of these substances in Greek nuts than in almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios;
  • walnuts normalize blood pressure thanks to arginine. This substance increases the content of nitric oxide, which thins the blood;
  • calcium, phosphorus and fluorine strengthen bone tissue;
  • dietary fiber regulates the digestive system;
  • vitamin E helps prevent arthritis, cataracts, oxidative processes in the body;
  • potassium calms the nervous system, strengthens muscles and the heart, regulating its rhythm and normalizing blood flow;
  • for brain activity, a walnut is an invaluable product. No wonder the shape of the nuclei resembles the human brain. Biologically active components and lecithin improve concentration, attentiveness, memory, relieve overstrain, normalize sleep, protect the brain from early aging;
  • Iodine promotes thyroid health.

For men

Walnut has long been considered a male product. In ancient times, they were fed to boys from early childhood. Its benefit is to maintain and quickly restore strength, treatment of sexual impotence.

A walnut will fill you with energy and stimulate potency much more effectively if you use it with honey or sesame oil. In the East, not a single dessert is complete without walnuts, and the whole world knows about the hot blood and ardor of Eastern men. Cooking a nut-honey dish is not difficult. Ground kernels are poured with honey and put in the refrigerator. One dessert spoon in the morning and evening will restore strength, strengthen immunity, improve sperm quality, and increase potency.

We must not forget that the benefits of walnuts depend on the amount consumed. If you exceed the norm, you can harm yourself. The calorie content of honey and nuts in the aggregate is very high, and you can gain excess weight in a matter of days.

For women

For the weak half of humanity, a walnut is useful for its vitamin and mineral composition. Doctors recommend that expectant and nursing mothers include walnuts in their diet in order to:

  • make up for the lack of nutrients;
  • improve brain function, relieve stress;
  • fill breast milk with fats;
  • enhance lactation;
  • for the emerging baby, folic acid is useful, which has a positive effect on brain development;
  • iron will help mommy recover quickly after childbirth and overcome anemia.

Walnut has a positive effect on the skin, hair, health of nails and teeth. Rinsing curls with walnut infusion, a woman will restore their strength, strength, silkiness and get rid of dandruff.

Preparations based on walnuts are considered an excellent prevention of breast cancer. Phytohormones found in the nuclei fight the development of mastopathy. They also normalize the menstrual cycle.

For children

Many parents are afraid to give walnuts to babies, as they bring not only benefits, but also serious harm to a fragile body. Doctors say that as a prophylactic, strengthening agent during beriberi, nuts are necessary for children. A balanced natural vitamin complex, unsaturated fats, iron, fiber and phosphorus have made the fruit a children's product. By gradually including them in the diet of a child who has reached two years of age, parents may not be afraid for excess weight, loss of strength and iodine deficiency in the baby.


The miraculous properties of the royal nut have not yet been fully studied. A person has learned to use the fruits, and the constituent parts of the tree in the economy, medicine, and cosmetology.


Kernels are used to make delicious desserts and dietary salads. Vegetarian cuisine replaces them with meat and milk. Walnuts are widely used in the confectionery industry, in the production of chocolate products, pastries, and ice cream. Some haute cuisine recipes include adding nuts to meat and fish dishes.

The kernels are consumed red-hot, fried, raw. Mixed with honey, dried fruits. You can get the vital Omega 3 (polyunsaturated acid) only from food. Walnuts are perfect for this purpose. You can include them in your diet:

  • adding to pasta, sauce, muesli, yogurt;
  • ground kernels will give the chicken a delicate tart taste and characteristic aroma;
  • fortified jam is cooked from unripe fruits and concentrates are made.

Walnuts, liquid honey, fresh lemon are an excellent general tonic. The recipe with the addition of dried fruits is especially appreciated: for 300 g of nuts, the same amount of raisins, honey, lemons, and dried apricots are added. Lemon is not peeled, but used along with the peel. Everything is finely ground and mixed. Placed in the refrigerator. Take a spoonful in the morning on an empty stomach.

Shells and partitions

When peeling walnuts, you do not need to throw the membranes and shells in the trash. Of course, these parts cannot be eaten, but the infusion and decoction of them can be used as an antibacterial and antimicrobial agent.

  • The shell, crushed in a coffee grinder, is used as a basis for cleaning the face. It is a good hemostatic agent and is often used to treat non-healing wounds and ulcers. Crushed shells are included in the composition of the brake fluid. It is used in industry in the manufacture of natural linoleum, roofing, grinding stones.
  • A decoction of partitions is prepared in this way: half a glass of raw material is poured with 3 cups of boiling water and kept for 10 minutes on low heat. Let stand and drink 1/3 cup. Such a decoction will make up for the lack of iodine, regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland, relieve increased irritability and excitability, improve sleep, and eliminate frequent headaches.
    Therapy with a decoction will cleanse the blood of toxins, improve the condition of blood vessels, normalize hormonal levels, promote brain activity, reduce joint stiffness, and improve digestion.
  • Alcohol tincture is used in the treatment of the thyroid gland, intestines, and respiratory organs. It is useful for the prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis. In 0.5 l. vodka add the shells of 14 nuts. The mixture is placed in a dark, dry place and shaken every day for a week. A week later, filter and take a dessert spoon before meals. The medicine helps to get rid of toxins and harmful salts. It is an effective anti-cancer drug that suppresses and slows down the growth of tumors.
  • Tincture for diabetes improves blood circulation, normalizes blood glucose: 30 g of partitions are crushed and poured with the same amount of 40% food alcohol. They stand for a week, filter. For oral administration, 5 drops are diluted with water and drunk in 3 divided doses before meals.
  • Alcohol tinctures are used for problems with the spine, arthritis, sciatica as rubbing. The diseased part of the body is rubbed with walnut-vodka tincture for 10-15 minutes. In order to preserve the warming effect, after rubbing they wrap themselves with a woolen scarf. This procedure will relieve inflammation and relieve pain.
  • A decoction of shells for local use: the shells of 10 nuts are thrown into a liter of boiling water, and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. During this time, the water will acquire a dark brown color. After straining, the medicine is diluted with water and the eyes are washed with conjunctivitis. It can be used for douching, washing and sitz baths for gynecological diseases.
  • For the treatment of inflamed purulent wounds, 50 g of crushed shells are poured into 200 ml. water and bring to a boil. After half an hour, remove from heat, filter, dilute with boiled warm water 1: 3. The affected areas are lubricated with medicine three times a day. It will eliminate inflammation and speed up skin recovery.

leaf application

Walnut leaves benefit the body in the form of decoctions and tea. This is an excellent vitaminized, healing remedy. Essential oils have a bitter aroma that makes sensitive people dizzy. A teaspoon of chopped leaves is steamed in a thermos with a glass of boiling water, and insisted for several hours. After straining, they drink according to Art. spoon in 3 doses. The decoction is useful for diseases of the stomach, gout, internal bleeding, furunculosis, non-healing wounds.

  • Infusion for external use is made on the basis of 4 tbsp. l. raw materials and half a liter. water. After insist and filter. They are good to wash with acne twice a day. If you need to treat the wound, it is wiped with gauze dipped in infusion.
  • Nut tea is drunk with diabetes. A tablespoon of chopped leaves is poured into 250 ml. boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes, then strain and pour into a glass of water. Drink as tea three times a day.

Leafy decoctions and infusions increase the body's resistance to infections, strengthen the general condition, and eliminate vitamin deficiency. WITH.

wood application

Walnut lends itself well to processing, staining, polishing, perfectly retains its shape after drying. Its wood is considered a valuable breed with strength, hardness, and moisture resistance. High-quality products are made from it - furniture, parquet, wooden parts of weapons. Beautiful patterned texture is especially appreciated in carpentry and furniture production.

Oil application

The oil is obtained by cold pressing without heat treatment. The resulting cake is fed to cattle and poultry. Golden liquid product contains vitamins, antioxidants, minerals - copper, manganese, essential fatty acids, and is not inferior in usefulness to whole kernels. Promotes:

  • lowering cholesterol;
  • cleansing of blood vessels;
  • treatment of skin diseases, burns, wounds, diaper rash, bedsores;
  • with conjunctivitis, the inflamed, festering eyelids are lubricated with sterile oil and the eyes are instilled;
  • it is recommended for urolithiasis, obesity, pathologies of the liver, urea, gallbladder;
  • oil helps to restore the gastric mucosa.

Walnut oil is used in the production of dyes, varnishes, ink. It is actively used in cooking, cosmetology, folk medicine.

In cooking, it is used as a dressing for salads and snacks. It is added to ready meals and cold sauces, as when heated, nutrients are rapidly destroyed. If you put a spoonful of walnut oil in the dough, you get pastries with an exquisite aroma. People who want to lose weight use it as a means to lose weight. Drink a teaspoon on an empty stomach or add to dishes instead of mayonnaise.

In cosmetology, oil is included in the composition of various lotions, creams, masks, cleansers. It is ideal for aging and dry skin. Removes irritation, moisturizes, tones. You can get a nourishing mask with a tonic effect if you mix walnut oil with sea buckthorn and cedar in the same ratio. Apply to the skin in the evening. After 15 minutes, remove the remaining fat that has not been absorbed with a napkin. By adding 10 ml. oil to cosmetic clay and a few drops of lemon essential oil, you can get a whitening nourishing mask.

If every day you wipe the cuticles and the nail plate with oil, you can avoid delamination, strengthen the nails, making them strong and hard. For this, lemon juice and a few drops of essential oil are dripped into 2 tablespoons of oil. The resulting lemon-nut mixture is applied for 20 minutes, then hands are washed with soap.

The oil can be used for medical purposes depending on the disease:

  • with arthritis at night it is rubbed into sore joints;
  • from high cholesterol and high blood pressure in the morning they drink half a teaspoon of oil and seize with a slice of lemon. If this procedure is repeated in the evening, you can help the body cope with diseases of the thyroid gland and liver.


Walnut oil is of great benefit. But there are people who should not consume such a healing and nutritious product in large quantities, otherwise it will harm the body. It is not recommended to constantly use a nut product for patients with liver diseases, stomach ulcers, gastritis, at the time of exacerbation.

Pregnant women should consult their doctor before consuming peanut butter. During lactation, the use of nut butter in food is strictly contraindicated, since a baby can develop a serious allergy and indigestion.


The walnut does not benefit everyone. You need to limit its use:

  • with acute gastric diseases;
  • skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis);
  • suffering from food allergies;
  • people with individual intolerance;
  • with obesity, you need to monitor the dosage and not exceed 30 g per day.

Excessive consumption of walnuts can cause irritation of the oral mucosa, allergic stomatitis, inflammation of the tonsils, diathesis, headache.

Watch a video about all the medicinal properties of walnut

In prehistoric times, ancient kingdoms, the Middle Ages and modern times, nuts have always been a reliable source of food throughout human history. In fact, the walnut is one of the first semi-finished products: it was not only convenient to roam with it, it also perfectly endured storage over long harsh winters.

Recent archaeological excavations in Israel have unearthed the remains of various types of walnut that scientists believe date back to 780,000 years ago. In Texas, pecan husks dating back to 6000 BC have been found near human artifacts. There is no doubt that nuts have served humans as food for thousands of years.

There are many references to nuts in ancient times. One of the first is in the Bible. From their second trip to Egypt, Joseph's brothers brought almond and pistachios for trade. Aaron's rod miraculously transforms and bears fruit almonds, proving that Aaron is God's chosen priest (Numbers 17). Almonds, on the other hand, were a nutritional staple of the ancient peoples of the Middle East: they were consumed blanched, roasted, ground and whole. The Romans were the first to invent candied almonds and often gave such nuts as a wedding gift as a symbol of fertility. Almond oil was used as a medicine in many European and Middle Eastern cultures before the time of Christ. Adepts of natural medicine still use it to treat indigestion, as a laxative, as well as to relieve coughs and laryngitis.

Concerning pistachios, there is a rather intriguing legend here: lovers who meet under a pistachio tree on a moonlit night and hear the crackling of a nut will gain good luck. In the Bible, the sons of Jacob preferred pistachios, which, according to legend, were one of the favorite treats of the Queen of Sheba. These green nuts probably originated in an area stretching from Western Asia to Turkey. The Romans introduced pistachios to Europe from Asia around the 1st century AD. Interestingly, the nut was not known in the US until the end of the 19th century, and only in the 1930s did it become a popular American snack.

Story walnut(in this case English) is as ancient as that of almonds with pistachios. According to ancient manuscripts, walnut trees were grown in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The walnut also has a place in Greek mythology: it was God Dionysus who, after the death of his beloved Karya, turned her into a walnut tree. Oil was widely used in the Middle Ages, and peasants crushed walnut shells to make bread. The walnut made its way to the New World faster than the pistachio, arriving in California in the 18th century with Spanish priests.

chestnuts for centuries formed the basis of the diet of the Middle East and Europe. People used the chestnut as a medicine: it was believed that it protected against rabies and dysentery. However, its main role remained food, especially for cold regions.

Peanut(which is still a bean) probably originated in South America, but came to North America from Africa. Spanish navigators brought peanuts to Spain, and from there it spread to Asia and Africa. Initially, peanuts were grown as food for pigs, but people began to use them at the end of the 19th century. Because it was not easy to grow, and also because of stereotypes (peanuts were considered the food of the poor), they were not widely introduced into the human diet until the early 20th century. Improved agricultural equipment facilitated growth and harvest.

Despite the wonderful properties of nuts, it is worth remembering that their consumption is good in moderation . They are rich in monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fats, they lack cholesterol and contain protein. Walnuts are famous for their omega-3 content, which is essential for heart health. All nuts are a good source of vitamin E. Include various types of nuts in your diet in small quantities.
