
Chickpea hummus recipes. Delicious Chickpea Hummus: How to Make Classic Bean Puree

If you ever try hummus, you will fall in love with this Mediterranean dish once and for all. Delicate chickpea paste with the addition of spices and spices has a number of useful properties and invaluable taste. And today we will tell you what hummus is, a recipe for cooking at home.

Classic chickpea hummus

For Russian cuisine, hummus is a gourmet dish, and very popular in the Middle East. It is made from chickpeas, tkhini paste and spices, served with lavash, flatbread or slices of rye bread.


  • 220 g chickpeas;
  • 35 g tahini;
  • 45 ml olive oil;
  • half a lemon;
  • garlic clove;
  • half a spoonful of zira;
  • pepper (red, black), coriander to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Chickpeas or chickpeas need to be soaked beforehand, it is better to do it overnight. If you skip this stage, then the beans will have to be cooked for a long time. Canned chickpeas are often sold in stores, they are also suitable for hummus, making it even easier to make an appetizer. We cook the soaked chickpeas for two hours, if the beans are swollen and softened, then you can turn off the fire. Place boiled chickpeas in a bowl and set aside.
  2. Using a blender, grind the Turkish peas, pouring in a little broth.
  3. We put a chopped clove of spicy vegetable and tkhini. Tkhin is a sesame paste, which is very rare on the shelves of our stores. But you can make your own pasta. To do this, take 100 g of sesame seeds, lightly dry them in a dry frying pan, and then grind in a blender together with olive oil until smooth. The consistency of the mass should resemble a cream.
  4. So, in a mass of ground chickpeas, garlic and tahini, squeeze the juice from citrus and put all the spices, mix and keep the dish in the cold for an hour.

homemade avocado recipe

Today there are different versions of hummus, one of these recipes involves the use of avocados. The main thing here is to choose a ripe exotic fruit so that the hummus turns out to be the right consistency and pleases with its unusual taste.


  • 220 g of Turkish peas;
  • avocado fruit;
  • garlic clove;
  • half a lemon;
  • 55 ml olive oil;
  • half a spoonful of zira;
  • 55 g sesame seeds;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil chickpeas soaked in water for two hours. We cool the finished beans, do not pour out the broth.
  2. We clean the avocado from the skin, remove the stone, grind the pulp and flavor it with citrus juice.
  3. Zira and sesame seeds are pierced in a dry frying pan, and then grind in a coffee grinder.
  4. Pour the mixture of zira and sesame into the blender bowl, put a slice of spicy vegetable, pour in olive oil and start beating the ingredients.
  5. Then we put the pieces of avocado, continue to beat, and then we fall asleep chickpeas, pour in a little broth (if necessary), add spices to taste and beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  6. Hummus is served simply with bread or with vegetables and meat.

With beets and chickpeas

Beetroot hummus is not much different from the classic appetizer method. For the recipe, beets are best baked rather than boiled, since it is the baked vegetable that has a richer taste.


  • 110 g of Turkish peas;
  • two beets (small);
  • 35 g sesame;
  • 45 ml olive oil;
  • 45 ml of lemon juice;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • two garlic cloves;
  • salt, a pinch of cumin.

Cooking method:

  1. After 12 hours of soaking, boil the chickpeas until soft.
  2. We wrap the beets in foil and bake until cooked in the oven (temperature 180 ° C).
  3. In a food processor we put the peeled and cut into pieces beets, fall asleep chickpeas, put slices of spicy vegetable, as well as citrus zest and juice, salt and oil. Grind the ingredients until smooth.
  4. Then the resulting mass is thoroughly mixed with tahini paste, put in serving dishes, flavored with olive oil, sprinkled with cumin.

Pea Hummus

Hummus can be made from different types of beans. And if you don’t really like chickpeas, then you can take ordinary peas that are familiar to us. The appetizer will turn out just as bright and tasty.


  • 325 g of peas;
  • five st. tablespoons of oil (refined);
  • teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • two pinches of soda, curry (turmeric);
  • 1.5 teaspoons thyme (dried);
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. To quickly prepare pea hummus, it is better to soak the beans overnight, and the next day, fill the peas with clean water, add baking soda, bring to a boil and boil for ten minutes.
  2. After the water needs to be changed, as soda destroys the dense shell of the beans, but can spoil the taste. So, fill the peas with clean water, salt, pepper, if desired, put a bay leaf, cook for an hour.
  3. We shift the finished beans into a deep bowl, pour three tbsp. tablespoons of oil, citrus juice, add thyme and grind.
  4. In a bowl, mix the remaining oil with curry (turmeric), if desired, you can put a chopped clove of garlic.
  5. Put pea puree in a bowl, make a small depression and fill it with fragrant oil, sprinkle the appetizer with dried herbs, cool a little and serve.

Variant with eggplant

If you love eggplant, then cook a real Turkish dish from them - hummus. The appetizer is light, spicy and ideal for those who prefer vegetarian cuisine.


  • big eggplant;
  • 55 g walnuts;
  • Art. a spoonful of tahini;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of coriander and cumin;
  • 40 ml of lemon juice;
  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the eggplant into circles, sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour, then rinse under water, so we pulled bitterness out of the vegetable.
  2. Put the cloves of a spicy vegetable (right in the peel) on a baking sheet and bake in the oven (temperature 180 ° C) until golden.
  3. Then we take out the garlic, and instead put the eggplant on a baking sheet, sprinkle it with oil, sprinkle with salt and send it to the oven, bake for five minutes on each side. The vegetable should brown.
  4. Remove the skin from the baked vegetable and put it in a blender along with the baked spicy vegetable slices, nuts, spices, sesame paste and oil, grind the ingredients to a creamy consistency.
  5. Serve the finished hummus with sprigs of mint, sesame seeds and vegetables.

Despite the fact that hummus is easy to make at home, many people continue to buy it in the form of a ready-made product. But such an analogue, even with proper storage, does not contain as many useful substances as a natural product has.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

@header What is hummus?

Hummus - what is it? First, you need to know that hummus (in some countries it is also called: hummus, khomus, humus) is a complete dish, snack, and not a condiment like horseradish or mustard. Hummus has a homogeneous puree-like consistency, piquant spicy taste, which is provided by the added special spices.

Secondly, if for us hummus is still exotic, then in the Middle East it is one of the most common dishes. In these countries, every housewife in the refrigerator will definitely have a jar of hummus in the same way as we have - sausage or butter, cheese or herring.

@headerWhat is hummus good for?

Hummus is really useful, and all because the main component for its preparation is peas, in which the percentage of protein (32%) is perhaps the highest among other products. Therefore, hummus is especially popular among vegetarians, as well as those who, for various reasons, cannot eat gluten and products containing it.

In addition, hummus contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins that are not destroyed during heat treatment. Useful for the body and such an ingredient in hummus as vegetable oil.

But if you set out to lose weight, then hummus is not for you! It is because of the proteins and fats contained in it that hummus has a high nutritional value and calorie content. So, for the sake of maintaining harmony, do not abuse this delicious snack.

@header What is hummus made of?

Among all the ingredients of hummus, you need to highlight the main ones - there are six of them. These are chickpeas, olive oil, tahina, garlic, black pepper and lemon juice.

An important place in the hummus recipe is occupied by spices. In the Middle East, they take a ready-made mixture called zaatar. This mixture consists of zaatar itself (a kind of oregano spice known to us), thyme and sesame, etc. But if it is not possible to get zaatar, you can make a set of spices yourself.

So, for real hummus, you will need zira (cumin), savory, marjoram, ground ginger (dry), coriander, ground chili pepper, coriander, paprika. You can add cumin and a little sesame.

The main ingredient, without which you cannot cook hummus or even something remotely similar to it, is chickpeas, Turkish peas.

Equally important is tahini (also called tahini) - a paste made from ground sesame seeds. Of course, it is best to add tahini to real hummus, but if you cannot find it in stores, then you can cook this pasta at home. True, such a paste will not become a full-fledged substitute for tahini, but it is quite suitable for making hummus.

To prepare tahini, you need to take a glass of sesame seeds, add a little zira (cumin) seasoning and fry everything in a pan without adding oil. Then the mixture of sesame and cumin must be well ground until smooth in a mortar with the addition of sesame oil. If you could not find sesame oil, then try replacing it with olive oil.

Dry spices in herbs, such as savory, marjoram, need to be heated in a pan without adding oil so that they do not start to fry. And those spices that we have in grains, that is, coriander, cumin, sesame and cumin, slightly warm up, put in a mortar and grind well. You can use a coffee grinder.

Sometimes fresh herbs are used to make hummus - parsley, cilantro and dill. Take a little fresh herbs and carefully grind to a puree state.

@header Hummus Features

It is not difficult to get chickpeas, but to cook it correctly is a special art. Firstly, chickpeas need to be soaked for 6-7 hours, preferably overnight, and secondly, boiled so that the chickpeas are well boiled.

Cooking time for chickpeas is difficult to determine precisely, because everything depends on many circumstances, for example, on the variety of peas or on the quality of the water. Approximate cooking time is two to six hours. By the way, pour more water - 3-4 times more than the volume of chickpeas, so that during long cooking it does not boil away completely.

Ready chickpeas need to be removed from heat, drained of water, mashed with a blender and still warm, use to make hummus. In some recipes, a little butter is added to boiled chickpeas - this makes the puree more tender and soft.

The best way to make hummus is to use freshly squeezed lemon juice.

As for the amount of ingredients, then, as a rule, each cook decides in his own way. Agree, it is difficult to pick up lemons of the same size, spices of the same freshness, chickpeas of the same variety, etc. Moreover, everyone has their own taste and ideas about it. Therefore, you need to start from the main recipe, and bring it to perfection according to your taste ideas and preferences.

@headerHummus recipe at home

You are offered an approximate recipe for making hummus. Using it, varying with various additives, you can achieve the most pleasant and rich taste.

Products for 2 cups of chickpeas: 3-4 tablespoons of tahini, juice of 1-1.5 lemons, 3-5 cloves of garlic, 100-200g of olive oil, black pepper, savory, crushed dry ginger, cumin, marjoram, coriander, sesame, red pepper (paprika) to taste.

Suitable additives for hummus are: fresh dill, parsley, fried mushrooms, pine nuts, grated cheese, cucumber slices, boiled but not chopped chickpeas.

@headerCooking hummus

Making hummus at home is very simple, even without an exact recipe.

Boil chickpeas until tender, adding salt at the very end of cooking. While the chickpeas are cooking, take care of the spices - they need to be heated and ground.

Drain the water from the cooked chickpeas, add a little butter, chopped garlic and spices. Then beat the resulting mass with a blender until completely homogeneous.

Add tahini, lemon juice and olive oil to the whipped mixture. Then beat the mixture again with a blender. Remember: the mixture should be absolutely lump-free - a gentle and soft puree.

@header What do you eat hummus with?

Hummus is an appetizer that can be served hot or cold.

Ready hummus is laid out on a plate, optionally sprinkled with paprika or herbs. Usually, a hole is made in the middle of a plate of hummus, into which a little olive oil is poured and whole grains of boiled chickpeas are placed.

It is customary to serve flatbreads with hummus: pita or pita bread, as well as a dish with cheese and herbs.

Bon appetit!

In Russia, hummus is still considered an exotic dish, although in some eastern countries it is one of the most popular and familiar snacks. In Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, hummus is served as a sauce with pita or pita bread, in other countries it is eaten with bread or chips. This snack has become very popular among vegetarians because it is very nutritious and contains a large amount of gluten.

What is hummus and how is it useful?

Hummus is a traditional snack from the Middle East, which is prepared with chickpeas (a variety of peas) and tahini (sesame paste). The sauce has a very delicate, plastic texture. Often, due to the addition of various seasonings, it has a spicy, sweetish taste. The dish is distinguished from the usual chickpea puree by the above-mentioned tahina and a special combination of spices. Consider the benefits and harms of hummus:

  • The benefit of the sauce lies in its composition - it does not contain a single drop of cholesterol. The composition of peas includes a huge amount of vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber. Pasta is very nutritious, it belongs to the category of absolutely healthy food. Vegetarians can enjoy hummus as it is rich in iron and protein, which helps to maintain the balance of essential micronutrients in the body. Chickpea flour, when consumed regularly, reduces the risk of colon cancer and diabetes.
  • There are some contraindications to the use of sauce. People who are on a diet and want to lose weight should not abuse the dish, since its immense consumption often leads to metabolic disorders. In some people, such food provokes flatulence, in others there is an individual intolerance to the components of hummus.

What is hummus made of - the composition of the dish

Traditional hummus ingredients include chickpeas, lemon juice, tahina, black pepper, olive oil, and garlic. However, in some countries where hummus is considered the national dish, olive oil is not considered an essential ingredient. Not everyone likes this cooking option, because if you do not add oil to the pasta, in order to achieve the desired consistency, you will have to increase the amount of tahini several times, which jeopardizes the edibility of the dish.

Some recipes advise leaving a small amount of water in which the peas were boiled, then you will be able to make a tender hummus, but it will not be oily, but rather watery. Palestinian and Israeli housewives still recommend using olive oil, and add a lot of it to the dish, without sparing - about half a glass of ready-made hummus per pot.

Recipes for making hummus at home with photos

Hummus can be served as an independent snack along with crackers, bread or vegetables cut into thin strips. It is often served as a hearty addition to a light vegetable salad. How to make hummus at home? For this, canned or frozen foods are used, but the taste of the pasta will be better if it is prepared using fresh ingredients.

Classic chickpea hummus recipe

For 500 g of ready-made hummus you will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of tahini.
  • A glass of dry chickpeas.
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon.
  • Seasonings (zira, coriander, cumin, chili, asafoetida), salt.

How to make hummus at home:

  1. Soak the peas overnight in 2 liters of water, adding a teaspoon of soda (it is needed to remove the components that provoke flatulence). During this time, the peas should swell, having approximately doubled in size.
  2. Rinse the chickpeas thoroughly under running water, using a colander for convenience.
  3. Put the pot with peas on the fire, fill it with 2 liters of water and leave to boil. An alternative way is to cook chickpeas in a slow cooker.
  4. Separately, boil 2 liters of water, since the liquid in which the peas boil will need to be drained. After boiling, change the broth to clean water.
  5. Boil the chickpeas until the shells of the peas begin to peel off. This takes 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the cereal you choose. When the chickpeas are ready, drain the liquid into a separate bowl, you will need it later. Let the chickpeas cool down and start cooking the pasta.
  6. Place all of the above ingredients in a blender and add half a cup of the remaining broth. After turning on the device, wait until the dish acquires a uniform consistency, similar to thick sour cream. If the paste is very thick, add a little more liquid, then mix the dish again with a blender.
  7. Place the resulting sauce in the refrigerator for at least an hour to let it set. After that, the hummus will be ready to eat. It will keep in the refrigerator for up to five days.

Cooking with peas and sesame flour

A nutritious and tasty dish like hummus can be made using peas and sesame flour. An easy recipe is not the only advantage of this cooking variation. The excellent taste of the appetizer is considered the main charm of hummus. It not only quickly satisfies hunger, but also benefits the body. If you have not yet decided how to make hummus, we recommend using the following recipe.


  • cups of sesame flour.
  • 1.5 cups of chickpeas.
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Olive oil.
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, ground red pepper, other spices to taste.

  1. Soak chickpeas overnight in water.
  2. In the morning, change the water, salt the chickpeas and cook on a slow fire until they soften. This will take a couple of hours.
  3. Drain the broth and crush the peas to a puree state.
  4. Peel the garlic cloves and run them through a press.
  5. Sesame seeds should be crushed with a coffee grinder or blender. Thoroughly mix the resulting powder with pea puree, where you first add salt and pepper.
  6. Add lemon juice and olive oil to hummus and mix again. After that, beat the mass well and the dish will be ready.

How to make Bean Hummus with Lemon Juice

You will need:

  • A can of canned dark beans.
  • Garlic (1 clove).
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt, cumin, tahini, paprika and red pepper.
  • Olives and cashew nuts (optional)

Cooking process:

  1. Using a food processor, grind the garlic to a paste consistency.
  2. Add the beans and a couple of tablespoons of the marinade left in the jar to the bowl, a pinch of salt, and a teaspoon of all the listed seasonings, except red pepper (1/8 spoon). All crush to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Put the hummus on a dish, garnish with olives, nuts and paprika.

Recipe for lentils

Making hummus with lentils and beets requires a significant amount of prep time. For example, chickpeas need to be soaked for 10-12 hours, and beets should be boiled or baked. However, the result is worth the effort. Hummus with lentils has a delicate, savory taste, and beets add a twist to the dish. The cooking process takes about 30 minutes.


  • cups of red lentils.
  • cups of chickpeas.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • 2 beets.
  • 2-3 tbsp tahini.
  • 1 tbsp sesame.
  • Ground black pepper, paprika, cumin, sesame oil.

How to make Lentil and Beetroot Hummus:

  1. Wash the beetroot thoroughly, rub it with olive oil and wrap it in foil. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the beets on a baking sheet and bake until soft (about an hour). Take out the beetroot, let it cool.
  2. Rinse the peas soaked overnight under running water. Boil the chickpeas in salted water, adding the lentils to the pot 10 minutes before they are done. Drain the liquid into a separate bowl, it will come in handy later.
  3. Preheat the pan, add a little oil and fry the garlic passed through the press until golden brown.
  4. Using a blender, grind peas, beets, lentils, tahini. Add the spice mixture to the mixture and stir again. If the hummus is too thick, add the broth left after boiling the peas and beat the mass again.
  5. Put the dish in a deep bowl, make a hole in the center of the pasta with a spoon, pour olive oil (or tangerine sauce), lightly sprinkle hummus with sesame oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve on the table with bread, carrot sticks or warmed pita bread.

Check out other recipes too.

How and with what to eat the Jewish dish hummus

Hummus is traditionally served with pita. The finished dish is laid out on a dish and decorated with nuts, herbs, lemon slices, olives. It is not uncommon to use hummus as a sandwich spread for bread, then avocado serves as a decoration. The Jewish sauce is served both chilled and hot, but pita or fresh pita bread will be a must-have addition to the dish, but hummus is also very tasty with fresh bread or crackers.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the dish

Hummus is recommended to start a meal because it is easy to prevent overeating. Due to the large amount of fiber contained in chickpeas, a person quickly develops a feeling of fullness. For those who are on a diet, making hummus without tahini is the best option - this way the pasta remains low in calories without losing its valuable properties. The energy value of the dish is as follows:

  • Fat - 19.7 g
  • Proteins - 9.6 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 21 g.

Video: making homemade chickpea hummus

The oriental dish has become very popular in many countries of the world. There are many options for its preparation, but the essential ingredients remain: tahini, peas (chickpeas), lemon juice, garlic, olive oil. Pasta goes well with bread, raw vegetables, chips, crackers, mushrooms, meat. Whichever appetizer option you choose, this unusual delicacy is sure to win your heart. With the help of the video, you will learn how easy it is to cook chickpea paste at home.

Hummus is a dish made from chickpeas. It is especially popular in the Middle East and Cyprus. In addition to chickpeas, the essential components of hummus are lemon juice, sesame seeds or tahini paste, fresh garlic and, of course, natural olive oil. See below for how to make your own chickpea hummus.

homemade chickpea hummus recipe


  • sesame seeds - 60 g;
  • zira - ½ teaspoon;
  • dry chickpeas - 320 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • lemon juice - 110 ml;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • salt.


We wash the chickpeas well and fill them with water for 10-12 hours. Then we drain the water, instead we pour a new portion of clean water and boil the chickpeas for 2 hours until the peas soften. After that, we drain the broth. Fry the cumin in a dry frying pan for about 3 minutes. Then we put it in a coffee grinder and grind it into powder. Then roast the sesame seeds. Their quantity can be adjusted according to your taste preferences. Cool the sesame seeds and chop. Now put the sesame powder, peeled garlic, salt and olive oil into a blender and grind. Add some boiled chickpeas and puree. Partially pour in a decoction of chickpeas and continue to grind. Then add the rest of the chickpeas, broth and grind until smooth. In the process, add a little lemon juice. We put the finished hummus in a deep plate, make a well in the center and pour it into the olive oil. Chickpea paste “Hummus” is served to the table with vegetables and chilled.

Paste "Hummus" from canned chickpeas - recipe



To make canned chickpea hummus, we need a blender. Place the tahini, peeled garlic cloves in its bowl and stir well. Then add spices, olive oil, water, lemon juice and also grind. Then pour half of the canned chickpeas, chop thoroughly, add the rest of the chickpeas and stir thoroughly again. At the end, add chopped parsley and rub again. We serve ready-made chickpea paste “Hummus” to the table with meat, fresh vegetables and, of course, pita bread, after cooling it down. Bon appetit everyone!

Turkish peas (chickpeas) appeared in our kitchen not so long ago, but all fans of a healthy diet immediately appreciated it. It is especially loved in the Middle East, where a wide variety of salads, hot dishes and snacks are prepared from peas. Including hummus, the classic recipe of which you will learn in our article.

Hummus "came" to us from the Middle East.

It is prepared on the basis of chickpeas with the addition of various spices and olive oil. The appetizer is served in pita bread, tortilla, in pita or in the form of a pate.

Especially such a dish is popular among vegetarians, because it contains natural vegetable protein.


  • a glass of chickpeas;
  • three tablespoons of olive (vegetable) oil;
  • salt, pepper, dried thyme;
  • two bay leaves;
  • some lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  1. As you know, beans require a long cooking process, and in order not to waste precious time, it is better to soak the chickpeas overnight and then boil them by adding half a teaspoon to the water. soda.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of oil and 50 ml of water into a deep saucepan. Then we lay the finished chickpeas along with spices, lemon juice and grind everything with a blender.
  3. We put the finished hummus into a bowl, make a small indentation, pour in a spoonful of oil with seasonings and decorate with herbs.

homemade peas

You can make hummus not only from chickpeas, but also from peas. The combination of beans and spices will reveal to you all the secrets of Jewish cuisine.


  • a cup of peas;
  • two tablespoons of tahini paste (sesame oil);
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • seasonings (coriander, red pepper, cumin);
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the peas and then boil for 40 minutes. The liquid should not be drained, part is left.
  2. Pour spices and garlic to the peas, add salt, tahini to taste and beat with a blender. If the hummus is too thick, then dilute it with the water that was left after boiling the beans.
  3. Serve the finished dish with greens if desired.

How to make from beans?

Beans can be used to make a delicious pasta called hummus.

Its main secret lies in the fact that the ingredients used in the recipe must be whipped into a light, fluffy foam.

If the paste turns out to be too dense, then do not despair - just add boiled water, the main thing is not to overdo it so that the liquid does not come out.


  • 280 g white beans;
  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • seasonings (dried garlic, thyme, bay leaf, turmeric);
  • salt;
  • 60 g sesame seeds.

Cooking method:

  1. To reduce the cooking time of the beans from two hours to 50 minutes, soak the beans overnight, and while boiling, add soda on the tip of a knife, which will soften the hard shell of the beans. After 20 minutes, throw bay leaves to the beans and add a little salt.
  2. Grind the seeds and mix with a spoonful of olive oil.
  3. We combine the boiled beans with sesame paste, pour in another spoonful of vegetable oil, add all the spices and beat everything with a blender.
  4. We transfer the finished hummus into bowls.

Hummus with avocado

If you like classic hummus, then you will definitely like the avocado appetizer, especially since such an exotic fruit is rich in vitamins and valuable substances. Hummus is nutritious and very tasty, it can be served with bread and vegetables.


  • two handfuls of chickpeas;
  • avocado;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • salt, a pinch of zira;
  • lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the chickpeas soaked overnight until tender, cool, drain the water into a bowl.
  2. We cut the avocado into small pieces, and fry the cumin for a couple of minutes in a dry frying pan.
  3. Then we remove the spice, pour in the oil and sauté finely chopped garlic.
  4. We combine all the ingredients, squeeze the juice from one lemon into them and beat with a blender.
  5. Hummus should have a creamy consistency, so if necessary, dilute it with water from the boiled beans.

Classical performance by Yulia Vysotskaya


  • 240 g dry chickpeas;
  • 80 g tahini paste;
  • a cup of vegetable broth;
  • lemon;
  • 70 ml olive oil;
  • three mint leaves;
  • a pinch of red paprika and cumin;
  • salt.

For a snack, you can take dry chickpeas or ready-made beans in their own juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the chickpeas into the bowl, pour in the broth. If the beans were cooked, then instead of vegetable broth, you can use the water that remains after cooking.
  2. We also add all the spices, lemon juice and tahini paste to the beans, beat everything with a blender. We adjust the consistency of the composition with the broth, which should resemble low-fat sour cream.
  3. We try hummus for salt, if everything is normal, we shift the pasta into a beautiful bowl, take a spoon and start making circular movements from the center. Pour oil into the resulting ruts, lightly sprinkle everything with paprika and cayenne pepper.

Pumpkin Recipe

Sunny pumpkin and beans make hearty and delicious hummus. At the same time, such a snack will be very useful, because such a combination of products will give the body protein, fiber and valuable vitamins.


  • pumpkin weighing 1 kg;
  • two cups of chickpeas;
  • six cloves of garlic;
  • lime juice;
  • two tsp provencal herbs;
  • pepper, salt;
  • a pinch of paprika for color
  • some oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Peeled and seeded pumpkin cut into pieces. We spread it on parchment along with garlic, the cloves of which must be wrapped in foil.
  2. Pour the pumpkin with oil, pepper, add salt and bake for 40 minutes. Pieces of vegetables should become soft and golden brown.
  3. To the baked pumpkin, add boiled (or canned) chickpeas, as well as oil, lemon juice, a little water and seasoning.
  4. Using a blender, grind the ingredients to a creamy consistency. Adjust the consistency of the paste with water or oil.

beetroot hummus

Today, hummus is popular not only in the East, but throughout the world. While traveling, he was transformed and for his preparation, culinary specialists began to use all the new, unusual ingredients for a traditional snack. This is how the recipe for beetroot hummus was born, which is often served in Australia, America and Europe.


  • 400 g beets;
  • four tablespoons of tahini;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • a spoonful of lime juice;
  • a spoonful of oil;
  • 1 tsp zira;
  • two spoons of breadcrumbs for breading;
  • salt.

If you could not find tahini paste, then you can take sesame seeds, dry them in a pan and grind them in a coffee grinder.

Cooking method:

  1. Each root crop is wrapped in foil and baked in the oven for an hour. Then we clean the beets and cut them into arbitrary pieces.
  2. Place beetroot pieces, garlic, spices and tahini (or sesame flour) in a blender bowl. We grind the composition and for density we use breadcrumbs. If the hummus turned out to be the right consistency, then it is not necessary to use breading.

We store the finished snack in the refrigerator and serve with pita bread, bread or chips.

Cooking with lentils

If you are not a fan of chickpeas, but really want to try hummus, then you can use other legumes, such as lentils.

For an appetizer, you can use any color of lentils, but dark hummus is much prettier.


  • 90 g red lentils;
  • two tsp sesame seeds;
  • a spoonful of lime (lemon) juice;
  • clove of garlic;
  • a pinch of chili pepper, black pepper and oregano;
  • oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil red lentils for half an hour, then drain the water into a separate bowl.
  2. Mix sesame seeds with olive oil and grind to a paste consistency.
  3. Pour citrus juice, spices, chopped garlic and a little oil into the lentils. Beat the composition, if necessary, add lentil broth.
  4. We put the finished hummus in a bowl, sprinkle with oil and decorate with parsley leaves.

One of the main ingredients of the appetizer is thini paste (tahini), which gives the hummus a nutty flavor. But if you could not find sesame paste, then just take sesame seeds, dry them in a pan and grind them together with olive oil to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Otherwise, the preparation of hummus should not cause any problems at all. Try it and you will surely succeed!
