
Whether sheep's milk. Sheep milk

Sheep milk can be considered a delicacy product. You will not find it in every store, and if it is on sale, then it is 4-5 times more expensive than cow's milk. What is the value and benefit of sheep dairy products, where is it used, are there any contraindications? Let's try to figure it out.

Composition, features

The high nutritional value of sheep's milk has been proven - it is one and a half times higher than cow's. In terms of fat content, it surpasses and. Moreover, fatty acids are contained in an amount to help easy absorption of calcium and lactose. The protein content is also a record - 5.7%. As for vitamins and minerals, the composition contains all the vital ones - A, D, E, folic acid, B complex, magnesium, phosphorus. Milk also contains essential amino acids. The quantity and balance of "usefulness" in "milk" from sheep is ideal, the percentage of assimilation is almost 100%.

Attention! Sheep milk contains up to 20% solids, which is beneficial in the manufacture of cheese - the product yield is higher compared to cow and goat "raw materials".

Why is it so rare to sell milk from a lamb - a storehouse of useful substances? Firstly, due to the small amount of milk yield even from dairy breeds. Compared to an average dairy cow, which gives 200-500 liters per lactation period, a sheep's milk yield is no more than 100. The second reason is regional specificity. Farms are concentrated, for the most part, in the southern regions - the Caucasus, Crimea, Central Asia. In addition, on most farms, sheep are milked by hand, making it impossible to obtain large milk yields.

Some difficulties are caused by long-distance transportation of the drink in its pure form - it begins to ferment already at 20 degrees. Therefore, processed products - cottage cheese and cheeses - appear more often on sale.

Properties - benefit and harm

Before giving an impressive list of "usefulness", it is necessary to say about contraindications. Fortunately, only one thing is known - individual intolerance in the form of lactose allergy. In other cases, sheep's milk will only bring benefits; it is used in complex therapies for many diseases. Here are some of them:

  • bronchial asthma, eczema, skin problem - in complex therapies;
  • osteoporosis, restoration of bone mass - due to the high content of calcium;
  • rickets - due to the large amount of vitamin D;
  • anorexia - high calorie content allows you to eat a small amount.
  • improving the condition of the hair - zinc contributes to their strengthening and healthy appearance.

In addition, milk drinks from sheep are recommended for pregnant women - the amount of folic acid needed helps the normal development of the fetus. There is evidence that peoples who constantly eat dairy products from sheep are less likely to suffer from stomach diseases, they have clear vision until old age.

Attention! "Milk" from sheep is a high-calorie product - 102 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, people prone to obesity should limit themselves to a small daily amount.


Not everyone likes the specific smell of a milk drink that sheep give. But how delicious cheeses are, many popular varieties are made from this raw material. Pickled ones are especially famous:

  • cheese;
  • feta;
  • vats;
  • Tushinsky.

And the French Roquefort cheese has been taking the first positions in the “rating” of favorites around the world for many years. Sheep cheese can be called a concentrated product. For an adult organism, daily 100 g is enough to get the norm of protein, fats, amino acids and vitamins.

"Milk" from a lamb is the raw material for delicious cottage cheese, and the remaining whey is very useful. Cottage cheese can also be made at home, although natural sourdough is difficult to buy. In this case, you can use tablets - substitutes for lactobacilli, such as acidin-pepsin. On the grocery shelves you can find ayran - a fermented milk drink, which, according to the legend of the highlanders, helps longevity. Let's mention another well-known drink - matsoni. Not everyone knows that this is yogurt, an invaluable product in terms of the content of live lactobacilli.

Attention! In the 90s of the last century, due to its high fat content, sheep's milk was classified not as a drink, but as food.

Sheep were domesticated many centuries ago. And besides eating, women used their dairy products to preserve their beauty. It is known that especially rich ladies took milk baths. Well, nowadays, milk concentrates are used in the cosmetic industry. They are added to lotions and shampoos, creams. At home, to maintain smooth skin and an even complexion, you can make masks from whey or cottage cheese.

Sheep dairy products are unique in their useful qualities. The high content of the necessary elements allows it to be consumed in a small daily amount. At a fairly high price, this is a plus. Sheep milk products are tasty and absolutely safe. Knowing in which diseases they are especially needed, you can improve your health by minimizing pharmaceutical preparations.

Sheep milk: video

Sheep milk is an additional source of income for the farm. It is rarely consumed fresh due to its high fat content, but it is used to make fermented milk products and various types of cheese. The article will introduce readers to the breeds of sheep that give the most milk during the lactation period, and tell you how to properly milk these animals.

dairy breeds

It is worth mentioning right away that sheep are not bred for the sake of milk alone. These animals are used for wool and meat, and milk is just an additional source of income for the farmer. It is used to make cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir and several varieties of cheese - cheese, ricotta or Roquefort.

Attention! It takes 100 liters of sheep's milk to make 30 kilograms of cheese.

These products are nutritious and healthy - they contain vitamins of group B, A, as well as calcium and phosphorus. The last element is present in the product in the amount necessary for better absorption of calcium salts. Dairy breeds of sheep are those that are able to produce a lot of milk during the lactation period. These include:

  • East Frisian (East Frisian);
  • tsigai;
  • lacaune;
  • awassi;
  • assaf.

East Friesian breed

East Friesian sheep were bred in northeastern Germany. They are used in three directions - meat, wool and dairy. The udder of the representatives of this breed is large, with well-developed lobes, due to which they are able to produce 300-600 liters of milk per lactation. The amount of protein in it reaches 5%, and fat - 6-8%. It is from it that ricotta and roquefort cheeses are made.

The weight of the ewe reaches 65-90 kg, and the annual shearing of wool from East Frisian sheep is up to 5 kg. Females are fertile - the increase in livestock annually is 225%. Another advantage of these sheep is their rapid weight gain. On average, the body weight of lambs per day increases by 300-500 grams.

Reference. East Friesian sheep are demanding in terms of keeping conditions, quality of food and need a good walking.


Tsigai is one of the most ancient breeds of sheep, its homeland is Asia Minor. These animals are characterized by strong immunity and are able to adapt to various climatic conditions. For the winter they are transferred to koshary, but at the same time they are not deprived of walking.

Lactation in females lasts 130 days. During this period, farmers manage to get 150-160 liters of milk with a fat content of 7-8%. Other productivity indicators of these animals are also high. The slaughter yield of meat is 50-52%, and the average annual wool shear from one adult ram reaches 6-7 kg.


Lacaune sheep are native to France. They are distinguished by unpretentiousness, for which they are valued by farmers. These animals equally gain weight if they feed on scarce steppe pastures or fertile meadows.

Females feed their cubs for 150-160 days. During this time, it is possible to get 350 liters of milk from each ewe. Its fat content is 8%, and the amount of protein reaches 5.5%. After weaning the lambs from their mothers, the production of milk in sheep declines, but farmers continue to receive a valuable product for another month.


Syrian breed of sheep, which is now bred in almost all Arab countries. Its representatives are extremely hardy, as for centuries they were forced to lead a nomadic lifestyle and eat sparse vegetation. Awassi sheep can go without food and water for several days.

Even being in adverse conditions, these animals are able to provide sheep breeders with milk. Their milk yields reach record highs - 300-350 liters per lactation.

Attention! If Awassi sheep are provided with good conditions and a nutritious diet, their milk production will double.


The Assaf sheep breed is of Israeli origin. At home, she is the most popular. The progenitors of these animals were the East Frisian sheep and the Awassi. The indicator of milk productivity reaches 450 liters for 1 lactation period. But not only this can boast of representatives of the Israeli breed. They are also used in the meat direction, as the animals are precocious, and their meat is tasty and nutritious.

How much milk does a sheep give per day?

Depending on the breed, sheep give from 1 to 3 liters of milk daily. We are talking about the period when the female has a lamb, because at other times milk is not produced in the udder. On average, a sheep feeds its cubs for 3-4 months. During this period, milk can be obtained from it.

Novice sheep breeders are interested in whether a sheep gives milk all year round. No, It is Immpossible. When lambs are taken away from the female, milk production gradually decreases, this happens under the influence of hormones. By continuing milking after weaning the lamb, you can extend the lactation period for another 3-4 weeks, after which the ewe is allowed to rest. She needs to gain strength before the next mating and pregnancy.

Attention! Sheep give milk for 4-5 months after lambing.

How are sheep milked?

Milking a sheep from which the lambs were taken away at an early age should be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The process takes place in a stall. For convenience, it is worth equipping a special area the size of an animal, which has a fence on the sides.

Attention! In the place where sheep are milked, the floor is made at a slight slope so that the front limbs of the animal are located on a raised platform.

How to milk a sheep, instructions:

  1. The milkmaid sits on a chair on the side of the sheep closer to the croup.
  2. A container is placed under the udder to collect milk. Before milking, it is thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water.
  3. The bucket is covered with clean gauze, folded in half.
  4. Before pumping, the milkmaid washes her hands with soap, and the udder of the lamb is washed with warm water and dried with a towel.
  5. The mammary gland should be kneaded with light massaging movements. The massage lasts no longer than a minute, it promotes the production of oxytocin, a hormone that allows milk to flow into the udder.
  6. Immediately after this, the milkmaid starts milking. She takes two nipples in her hands and alternately squeezes them with her fingers.

Important! The first streams are poured into a separate container to check the quality of the milk. If it has a watery consistency, or it contains curdled flakes, blood, the sheep should be examined for mastitis.

When both lobes are empty, pumping is performed from the other nipples. The milking time of a sheep is 3-5 minutes. After the udder is washed again with warm water and carefully wiped with a towel. The collected milk is filtered again.

When choosing a breed of sheep for breeding, it is important to determine not only the direction of productivity. It is necessary to take into account how animals are adapted to the local climate, whether they are demanding on food, what is their immunity. The success of the farmer depends on all these factors.

History and distribution

Sheep milk is widely used in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, Central Asia and the North Caucasus. A lot of sheep's milk is consumed by residents of Italy, Greece, and the countries of the Middle East. Many breeds of sheep give an average of 100-150 kg of milk in 4-5 months of lactation. Kefir, curdled milk, cheeses and oils have long been prepared from sheep's milk. Sheep milk is nutritious and has a rich and delicate, slightly sweet taste.


Sheep milk is highly digestible and a nutritious food product. Especially sheep's milk is indicated for use in children. Products such as ayran, yogurt, katyk, matsoni are prepared from sheep's milk. This milk has a specific smell, which limits its consumption in whole form. That is why excellent cheeses are made from sheep's milk - vats, Ossetian, Tushinsky.

Composition and properties

Sheep's milk is an ideal alternative to cow's and goat's milk. Sheep's milk is one and a half times more nutritious than cow's milk. It contains much more vitamins A and B than cow's milk. This milk is very useful during the period of growth of the child, as well as during pregnancy. It is an excellent antioxidant and promotes the synthesis of cholesterol, vitamins A and D, amino acids. Regular consumption of sheep's milk improves brain function, increases oxygen consumption by cells.

Compared to cow's milk, sheep's milk is characterized by a high content of fat, protein, solids. So, it contains 18-20% dry matter and 7 to 10% fat. Therefore, this milk is better absorbed than cow's milk. Compared to other types of milk, sheep's milk contains a lot of calcium and zinc. Calcium in sheep's milk plays an essential role in the fight against osteoporosis. Calcium is also required by the body after every disease that weakens the immune system. The zinc found in milk is essential for nourishing healthy skin and is also recommended for anorexia. The lack of zinc in the body affects the well-being in general. Experts in this field know that the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in sheep's milk is almost ideal, because the absorption of one requires the presence of the other.

Sheep milk contains an important protein - casein, which is very important for the nutrition of people who are allergic to casein from goat's and cow's milk. For diseases such as asthma, eczema, and other skin problems, the use of sheep's milk is indicated.

A cup of warm sheep's milk before going to bed promotes restful sleep.


Individual intolerance.

Calorie content and nutritional value of sheep's milk

Sheep milk calories - 109.7 kcal.

Nutritional value of sheep's milk: proteins - 5.6 g, fats - 7.7 g, carbohydrates - 4.8 g

Roquefort, Ricotta, Pecorino, Brynza, Feta... how many wonderful cheeses are made from sheep's cheese - do not count. And all of them are considered real delicacies - both due to the excellent taste and the usefulness of the raw materials. Sheep milk is rich in B vitamins, vitamin A. It contains highly digestible calcium - in the right combination with phosphorus.

That is why nutritionists often recommend sheep milk products to patients with diseases of the skeletal system. Another specific feature of sheep's milk is the high content of linoleic acid, a highly effective means of preventing cancer. It should be noted that they do not drink sheep's milk in its natural form - it is too fat.

But cheeses, kefirs, curdled milk, fermented baked milk from sheep's milk are delicious!

Features of milking sheep

For milking sheep, a simple device is built - a small paddock according to the size of the animal. The front and back walls serve as an entrance and exit. Driven - milked - released. It is desirable that the floor be at a slight slope - the sheep will be calmer if its head is above the level of the legs, and it is much more convenient to milk it this way.

Usually the milkmaid sits down behind the animal, puts a small pail covered with gauze under the udder. The process is not much different from milking cows. Everything is on a miniature scale. As with a cow, the udder is first washed clean, lightly lubricated with vegetable oil or a special lubricant. The first trickle is milked on the floor, not in the pail. And after - start the process.

It lasts from 2 to 5 minutes - depending on the size of the udder and the skill of the milkmaid.

To put it bluntly, sheep are practically not bred exclusively for milk production. Milk, so to speak, is a pleasant “by-product” obtained from sheep. However, there are breeds that have increased lactation. And in addition to the sale of wool or meat, breeders of such breeds are often seriously engaged in cheese making.

So what are these breeds?

East Frisian

Also refers to the universal breed of the sheep kingdom. The breed was born - as the name implies - in Germany. Lactation - high - 400-450 liters of milk per season. It is from the milk of East Frisian sheep that the famous Roquefort and Ricotta cheeses are produced in most of Europe.

East Friesian sheep


The oldest breed in the world. It is bred all over the world and mainly due to the versatility of the Tsigai sheep. They are bred for meat, wool, and milk.

Two-three-month-old lambs are beaten off from the ewes and the sheep can begin to be milked. For 125-130 days of lactation, up to 150 liters of fat milk can be taken from an animal.

Tsigai sheep are hardy, strong animals, resistant to diseases and helminths.

Tsigai breed of sheep


Breed bred by Ukrainian breeders. The productivity of Askanian sheep is 130-140 liters per lactation. Askanians are a meat-and-wool direction. Moreover. Askanians are often referred to as merinos - they have thin and very thick wool. As for milk, it has a high fat content - up to 9%.

Askani breed of sheep


One of the most common breeds in Russia. A universal direction with a slight preponderance towards the meat direction: the wool of Romanov sheep, although plentiful, is somewhat rough - suitable only for hosiery, etc. During lactation, a Romanov sheep will give 120-130 liters of milk.

Romanov breed of sheep


Pure rock, grown in Azerbaijan and Armenia. Balbas give milk at the level of Romanov sheep - up to 130 liters per season. At its core, balbas are meat-and-wool sheep. Their fleece is used in traditional carpet weaving. And from milk they produce a local variety of sheep's cheese - like Adyghe.

Balbas breed of sheep

Dairy sheep do not require special specific conditions for breeding. As mentioned above, milk is a nice "bonus" from meat-wool breeds.

So pleasant that many breeders start breeding sheep solely for the sake of cheese production - today in Russia this direction is extremely profitable and promising.

Especially - in the light of the current sanctions on the import of cheese products from Europe.


Livestock → Altai breed of sheep

Animal husbandry → Meat breeds of sheep

Livestock → Sheep shearing

Livestock → Merino sheep breed

Animal husbandry → Hissar breed of sheep

Source: https://xn--e1aelkciia2b7d.xn--p1ai/stati/zhivotnovodstvo/molochnie-ovci.html

Does a sheep give milk? Benefits of sheep milk How to milk a sheep?

Does a sheep give milk - a question close to rhetorical, since a sheep, like any animal of the order of mammals, feeds its cubs with it.

So the answer is simple - of course, yes.

Another thing is that many of us know very little about sheep's milk itself, because due to established traditions, cows' milk is consumed in most of Russia. Can you drink sheep's milk? Why is this product useful? We will try to answer these and other questions below.

What is the benefit of sheep's milk?

Many people who have tried this product immediately note its specific smell and high fat content. Therefore, the raw milk of these animals is almost never consumed in our country. However, from the point of view of its usefulness - in vain.

Let's start with quantitative characteristics. In the milk that these animals give, from 6 to 8 percent fat, from 4 to 6 percent protein, from 18 to 20 percent of dry matter. Compare these same indicators in cow's milk.

Sheep milk is significantly superior to cow and goat milk in terms of the content of various minerals and calcium in it. Add to this a high concentration of vitamin D (twice as high as in cow's) and we understand that the best natural product for strengthening bones, as well as preventing and treating a disease such as osteoporosis, simply cannot be found.

In addition to beneficial effects on bone tissue, calcium is very important for the body at the stage of recovery from past illnesses, as well as for strengthening the human immune system.

Ask any specialist in proper nutrition, and he will say that phosphorus is needed for the body to quickly assimilate incoming calcium, so another undoubted advantage of sheep's milk is the practical ideal ratio of these two most important trace elements in it.

Any milk contains a whole set of valuable vitamins. Sheep in this indicator is no exception.

There are especially many valuable elements in it, such as vitamin B12 and folic acid.

The fat content of this product

You can't argue with the fact that the milk that sheep give is very fatty. Because of this, and also because of the special smell, it is rejected. Is it worth it? Let's try to figure it out together.

There are much more of them in this product than, for example, in milk obtained from cows and goats.

For comparison, let's take one example: the content of vitamin D in sheep's milk is at the level of 0.18 grams per 100 grams of the product, while the same figure for summer cow's milk is only 0.04 grams per 100 grams.

In addition, sheep's milk has a much higher content of saturated fatty acids, which contribute to better absorption of lactose.

Since we are talking about lactose, we should also mention such an important fact: if a person cannot drink milk due to an allergic reaction to lactose, he should pay attention to fermented milk products from sheep's milk, since lactose is completely converted into lactic acid in them.

In many cases, people with cow's milk intolerance consume sheep's milk without the slightest negative consequences for their health.

Cheeses from this valuable raw material

It is impossible not to say that it is from sheep's milk that such excellent pickled cheeses as feta cheese, chanakh, Ossetian and many others are made.

In addition, there is hardly a person who would not have heard such names of sheep rennet cheeses as Roquefort, Pecarino and Kachka-Vala.

In addition, the yield of cheese from cow's milk is 1.5 times less than from sheep's, which is explained by a higher concentration of solids in the second.

In fairness, it should be said that sheep's butter is much worse than cow's, because it has a much worse taste and an unpleasant greasy taste.

How are sheep milked?

This process has its own characteristics. For milking these animals, a small corral is constructed, slightly larger in size than their dimensions. Such a corral opens on both sides to provide a through passage.

The technology can be described in the following words: driven in - received milk - released.

For the convenience of milking, it is better to make the floor at the end with a slight slope, and the sheep behave much calmer if the head is located above the level of the limbs.

The udder of the animal is thoroughly washed, lubricated either with a special lubricant or with simple vegetable oil. The first stream of milk is always farted not on the pail, but on the floor. The process usually takes two to five minutes.

This time depends on the skill of the worker and the size of the udder.

How much milk can a sheep give?

Despite their small size, these animals are able to produce a lot of dairy products.

The average productivity indicators for this indicator are 130-180 kilograms of milk for the lactation period, lasting from four months to six months. The amount of milk received depends not only on the diet, but also on the breed of the animal. Some sheep varieties are distinguished by very high milk yields while maintaining all the useful qualities of this valuable product.

As the name implies, this variety comes from Germany. It holds the record for milk productivity - from 400 tons to 450 liters in one season! It is the milk of this breed that in most European countries serves as a raw material for the manufacture of such world-famous cheeses as Ricotta and Roquefort.


One of the oldest breeds in the world. It is distinguished by its versatility, which made it popular all over the world. These animals produce meat, wool, and, of course, milk. The lactation period lasts from 125 to 130 days. During this time, up to 150 liters of a valuable dairy product can be obtained from one uterus.


It is also a fairly versatile breed of large sheep, originally from Ukraine (Askania Nova Reserve). During one lactation, Ascanian females produce from 130 to 140 liters of milk with a fat content of up to 9 percent.


Due to its high versatility (albeit with an emphasis on meat) it is the most popular breed in our country. One period of lactation brings the owner from 120 to 130 liters of milk from one dairy animal.

It should be said right away that sheep are not bred just for the sake of obtaining milk, since this is not economically profitable. These animals also provide meat and raw wool, and milk is most often a pleasant but secondary source of income.

Although the current situation in the economy of our country, when European economic sanctions have raised prices for imported products in general and for sheep cheeses, in particular, have significantly increased the profitability of the dairy sheep industry.

Since no special conditions are required for keeping and breeding dairy sheep, producers of import-substituting types of cheese should think about starting their own dairy flock.

Soon a birthday, a friendly party or a corporate party at work? Take care of your tomorrow's health today! If you drink a glass of sheep's milk three hours before the event, which implies heavy alcoholic libations, you can not only protect your stomach, but also forget about the morning hangover! Try it and see for yourself.

How much milk does a goat and a sheep give?

Source: https://GoFerma.ru/zhivotnovodstvo/ovtsy/daet-li-ovtsa-moloko.html

Dairy sheep

When shoppers put cheeses such as Roquefort, Pecorino, Ricotta, or plain brynza in their shopping cart, they don't suspect that such products are made not from cow's or goat's milk, but from sheep's. Moreover, when people start sheep in their household, they don’t even think that in addition to wool, meat, skins, one can get a very valuable and useful product - milk from these domestic animals.

Valuable qualities of sheep milk

Sheep milk has excellent taste, it is very healthy and nutritious. And all this thanks to the fact that it includes:

  • vitamins of groups A and B;
  • calcium in a well-absorbed form;
  • phosphorus in the proportion that allows calcium to be well absorbed;
  • linoleic acid.

Usually, cow or goat milk and dairy products are not given to young children, since the calcium contained in them is poorly absorbed by the child's body and almost all of it is immediately excreted. And in sheep's milk, the percentage of calcium and phosphorus is optimal, thanks to which calcium from dairy products in this milk is well absorbed by the body.

Linoleic acid is a substance that inhibits the development of cancer cells, therefore it is the best natural remedy for preventing the formation of malignant tumors.

Natural sheep's milk is a very fatty product, so it is undesirable to drink it in this form. But fermented milk products from it (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt) are extremely tasty and healthy. And sheep cheeses and feta cheese are always deservedly popular with buyers due to their wonderful taste.

Nuances of milking sheep

First you need to protect a small corral according to the size of the ewes. Gates in this structure are made on the front and rear walls of the structure. Through the back wall, the animal is launched into the corral, milked and released through the front door.

Dairy sheep with lambs

The floor should be made in the room, which should be higher at the front door than at the back. Such a floor arrangement is necessary, since sheep feel better when their head is above the level of the limbs during milking, and it is much better to milk an animal on such a floor. This process proceeds in the same way as in other dairy animals.

The udder should be washed with water, lubricated with sunflower oil or a special agent. The first jet is lowered to the floor, the rest of the milk is already being milked into the sump. Since sheep have little milk, the milking process lasts no more than 5–6 minutes. It is better to put the pail under the udder with a piece of gauze already covered on top.

And after milking, it is no longer necessary to filter the milk - all unnecessary remains on the gauze.

Breed overview

Of course, a sheep is not a cow, and not even a goat, which are usually bred because of the rather high milk production.

Milk is simply an additional product that not all breeders even get from these pets. However, there are some varieties in which lactation is increased.

And the owners involved in breeding just such breeds, in addition to obtaining wool and meat, also prepare sheep cheeses.

For those who would also like to breed such individuals on their farm, the main dairy breeds of sheep will be described below.

East Frisian

This breed belongs to the meat-wool (universal) variety of sheep. It was brought out by German breeders. During the season, 420–450 liters of milk are obtained from one ewe. It is from their milk in many states of the European continent that cheeses such as Roquefort and Ricotta are produced.


Sheep of this breed have been bred all over the world for many centuries. Its main advantage is versatility, these animals gain high body weight, and also give good wool.

Therefore, breeders of this category of animals keep Tsigai lambs and rams in their farms. After the lambs are more than 2 months old, they are separated from their mothers and the ewes can begin to be milked.

For 4–4.5 months of the lactation period, 140–150 liters of milk can be obtained from one ewe. Animals of this breed are very hardy, resistant to diseases and helminths.

Tsigai sheep


This breed was bred by breeders from Ukraine. For lactation, up to 140 liters of milk with a fat content of 8.5–9% are obtained from ewes. Individuals of this breed are also versatile, and their fine wool is highly valued in the market.

Herd of Askanian sheep


Sheep of this variety are common in different regions of our country. Although ewes are universal, they still get more meat from animals. And the wool of these sheep is coarse, it is usually used for the production of socks, stockings, etc. During the lactation period, Romanov ewes can produce 110–130 liters of milk.


This breed is purely high-mountainous; it is grown in the countries of the Near Caucasus (in Armenia and Azerbaijan). Most of the year, these animals spend on high mountain pastures, so they have very strong muscular legs, and the sheep themselves are very hardy and can walk many kilometers through the mountains in search of food.

They give milk about 120-130 liters per lactation season. Balbas are a meat and wool breed, their fleece is used in the production of home carpets. The main type of cheese, which is made from the milk of balbas, is Adyghe.


Dairy breeds of sheep do not require special conditions for maintenance and feeding. They get their main food from grazing on pasture.

But the production of sheep cheese is currently very profitable, so many breeders breed sheep not only for meat and wool productivity, but also for milk production.

And Russian producers of sheep cheese are currently increasing the pace of their production.

Source: https://fermers.ru/zhivotnovodstvo/ovcy/molochnye-porody

Dairy breeds of sheep: how much milk is given per day, how to milk a sheep?

Sheep milk is an additional source of income for the farm. It is rarely consumed fresh due to its high fat content, but it is used to make fermented milk products and various types of cheese. The article will introduce readers to the breeds of sheep that give the most milk during the lactation period, and tell you how to properly milk these animals.

Sheep milk

dairy breeds

It is worth mentioning right away that sheep are not bred for the sake of milk alone. These animals are used for wool and meat, and milk is just an additional source of income for the farmer. It is used to make cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir and several varieties of cheese - cheese, ricotta or Roquefort.

Attention! It takes 100 liters of sheep's milk to make 30 kilograms of cheese.

These products are nutritious and healthy - they contain vitamins of group B, A, as well as calcium and phosphorus. The last element is present in the product in the amount necessary for better absorption of calcium salts. Dairy breeds of sheep are those that are able to produce a lot of milk during the lactation period. These include:

  • East Frisian (East Frisian);
  • tsigai;
  • lacaune;
  • awassi;
  • assaf.

East Friesian breed

East Friesian sheep were bred in northeastern Germany. They are used in three directions - meat, wool and dairy.

The udder of the representatives of this breed is large, with well-developed lobes, due to which they are able to produce 300-600 liters of milk per lactation. The amount of protein in it reaches 5%, and fat - 6-8%.

It is from it that ricotta and roquefort cheeses are made.

East Friesian sheep

The weight of the ewe reaches 65-90 kg, and the annual shearing of wool from East Frisian sheep is up to 5 kg. Females are fertile - the increase in livestock annually is 225%. Another advantage of these sheep is their rapid weight gain. On average, the body weight of lambs per day increases by 300-500 grams.

Reference. East Friesian sheep are demanding in terms of keeping conditions, quality of food and need a good walking.


Tsigai is one of the most ancient breeds of sheep, its homeland is Asia Minor. These animals are characterized by strong immunity and are able to adapt to various climatic conditions. For the winter they are transferred to koshary, but at the same time they are not deprived of walking.

Lactation in females lasts 130 days. During this period, farmers manage to get 150-160 liters of milk with a fat content of 7-8%. Other productivity indicators of these animals are also high. The slaughter yield of meat is 50-52%, and the average annual wool shear from one adult ram reaches 6-7 kg.


Lacaune sheep are native to France. They are distinguished by unpretentiousness, for which they are valued by farmers. These animals equally gain weight if they feed on scarce steppe pastures or fertile meadows.

Females feed their cubs for 150-160 days. During this time, it is possible to get 350 liters of milk from each ewe. Its fat content is 8%, and the amount of protein reaches 5.5%. After weaning the lambs from their mothers, the production of milk in sheep declines, but farmers continue to receive a valuable product for another month.

Lacaune sheep


Syrian breed of sheep, which is now bred in almost all Arab countries. Its representatives are extremely hardy, as for centuries they were forced to lead a nomadic lifestyle and eat sparse vegetation. Awassi sheep can go without food and water for several days.

Even being in adverse conditions, these animals are able to provide sheep breeders with milk. Their milk yields reach record highs - 300-350 liters per lactation.

Attention! If Awassi sheep are provided with good conditions and a nutritious diet, their milk production will double.


The Assaf sheep breed is of Israeli origin. At home, she is the most popular. The progenitors of these animals were the East Frisian sheep and the Awassi.

The indicator of milk productivity reaches 450 liters for 1 lactation period. But not only this can boast of representatives of the Israeli breed.

They are also used in the meat direction, as the animals are precocious, and their meat is tasty and nutritious.

Assaf sheep breed

How much milk does a sheep give per day?

Depending on the breed, sheep give from 1 to 3 liters of milk daily. We are talking about the period when the female has a lamb, because at other times milk is not produced in the udder. On average, a sheep feeds its cubs for 3-4 months. During this period, milk can be obtained from it.

Novice sheep breeders are interested in whether a sheep gives milk all year round. No, It is Immpossible.

When lambs are taken away from the female, milk production gradually decreases, this happens under the influence of hormones.

By continuing milking after weaning the lamb, you can extend the lactation period for another 3-4 weeks, after which the ewe is allowed to rest. She needs to gain strength before the next mating and pregnancy.

Attention! Sheep give milk for 4-5 months after lambing.

How are sheep milked?

Milking a sheep from which the lambs were taken away at an early age should be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The process takes place in a stall. For convenience, it is worth equipping a special area the size of an animal, which has a fence on the sides.

Attention! In the place where sheep are milked, the floor is made at a slight slope so that the front limbs of the animal are located on a raised platform.

How to milk a sheep, instructions:

Shepherds milk sheep

  1. The milkmaid sits on a chair on the side of the sheep closer to the croup.
  2. A container is placed under the udder to collect milk. Before milking, it is thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water.
  3. The bucket is covered with clean gauze, folded in half.
  4. Before pumping, the milkmaid washes her hands with soap, and the udder of the lamb is washed with warm water and dried with a towel.
  5. The mammary gland should be kneaded with light massaging movements. The massage lasts no longer than a minute, it promotes the production of oxytocin, a hormone that allows milk to flow into the udder.
  6. Immediately after this, the milkmaid starts milking. She takes two nipples in her hands and alternately squeezes them with her fingers.

Important! The first streams are poured into a separate container to check the quality of the milk. If it has a watery consistency, or it contains curdled flakes, blood, the sheep should be examined for mastitis.

When both lobes are empty, pumping is performed from the other nipples. The milking time of a sheep is 3-5 minutes. After the udder is washed again with warm water and carefully wiped with a towel. The collected milk is filtered again.

When choosing a breed of sheep for breeding, it is important to determine not only the direction of productivity. It is necessary to take into account how animals are adapted to the local climate, whether they are demanding on food, what is their immunity. The success of the farmer depends on all these factors.

Source: http://FermHelp.ru/molochnye-porody-ovec/

dairy sheep

Cheese, yogurt and sheep's milk cheese: it's easier than you think (+ video)

Even in the Bible there are references to sheep's milk - a unique and surprisingly healthy product. And although now it is completely impossible to find it on the market or in a store, dairy sheep breeding remains one of the branches of industrial animal husbandry. Today, sadly, almost no one thinks about sheep as a source of milk. But in vain!

What is the price of sheep's milk?

The sheep dairy industry is well developed in many countries, especially in the Mediterranean. There are also dairy sheep farms in European countries and Russia, but here they are just a tiny part of a small industry. At the same time, small dairy farms are appearing in many cities of different countries, and interest in the sheep dairy industry is growing.

If we talk about the development of the sheep breeding industry, then getting milk, of course, is only in third place after meat and wool.

After all, the intensification of the process of milk transfer of the uterus can have an extremely negative impact on its meat productivity and worsen the quality of the fleece.

On the other hand, if you make money by selling lambs, dairy sheep breeding may well pay off faster - especially if the price of lambs and astrakhan in the market rises.

Sheep milk can be drunk raw or boiled, yogurt and fermented milk products can be prepared from it. But the main product, thanks to which the industry is so popular, is, of course, feta cheese made from sheep's milk. For 1 kg of cheese, 3.5-5 kg ​​of milk is spent, depending on the lactation period.

Another plus of such a business is that sheep's milk tolerates freezing well. Therefore, the production and sale of dairy sheep products is becoming much easier.

Dairy sheep breeds

Theoretically, you can get milk from any sheep. But, of course, milk production depends on the breed, age, feeding and maintenance conditions, as well as the duration of the lactation period.

In Russia, dairy sheep breeding is mainly focused on animals of the Karakul, Tushino, Mazekh, Balbas, Tsigai breeds. Fine-fleeced, semi-fine-fleeced, Romanov sheep are usually not milked.

Feeding ration of sheep of milk productivity.

It should be borne in mind that when breeding sheep for milk production, the technology of their cultivation should be more intensive. Animals are depleted much faster and require special conditions for feeding and keeping.

During lactation, the preparation of the correct diet for the uterus is especially important, because if the nutrition is unbalanced, this can adversely affect the quality and quantity of milk, as well as the duration of the lactation period. Feeding rations for dairy sheep are developed specifically. For example, in the USA, information on the necessary components of the diet by breed can be found in the recommendations of the National Research Council (NRC).

Sheep milk production

Milk productivity to the greatest extent depends on the duration of keeping lambs under the uterus. In our country, most of the marketable milk comes from sheep of the Karakul breed, since their lambs are killed in the first days of life to obtain skins.

If the lambs are kept on suction for 1-3 days, and then transferred to a substitute for sheep's milk, the queens can be milked throughout the entire lactation period (4-5 months). Moreover, for the first 2 months, milking can be done twice a day, and then once.

The largest amount of milk per day in sheep falls on the second decade after lambing. Milk yields increase until the fifth lactation and then decrease. At the end of lactation, milk yield is reduced to 100-200 g per day.

Before preparing ewes for mating, milking and sucking of lambs should be stopped 2-3 months in advance.

Sheep milking: master class

The most common way of milking sheep is Moldovan - when the animal's head is clamped between the milker's legs, by analogy with the shearing process.

Before milking, be sure to wash your hands and put on a bathrobe. The milker needs to have a clean towel with him. With one end, after moistening it, you should wash the udder before milking.

The milking process is divided into three stages: milking, milking and milking.

Giving out

Hold the udder with one hand and milk the teats with the other. Bend the joints of the thumb at an angle, pressing on the nipple and leading the finger down. This movement is done 2-3 times. This is done in order to eliminate the plug in the nipple if it was formed after milk was retained in it during the previous milking.


Grab the udder with both hands and squeeze the milk from top to bottom.


Carried out to clean the nipples from milk residues. Grasp the udder with your left hand, and alternately squeeze and pull the nipples downward with two or three fingers of your right hand.

Of course, there are also machine ways of milking sheep. They are used in countries where the sheep dairy industry is more intensively developed: this method of milking is common in the south of France, in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

Source: https://www.AgroXXI.ru/zhivotnovodstvo/tehnologi/molochnoe-ovcevodstvo.html

Sheep milk: useful properties and calorie content. Sheep milk products

Sheep have been bred for milk for thousands of years. Perhaps even before people began to milk cows. In the modern world, dairy sheep breeding is concentrated in Europe and countries near the Mediterranean Sea.

Sheep's milk is very nutritious and richer in vitamins A, B and E, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium than cow's milk. It also contains a higher proportion of small and medium chain fatty acids, which are considered beneficial for health. For example, some of them have little effect on cholesterol levels in humans. In addition, they help milk to be digested more easily.

How is it used?

Sheep's milk can be frozen and stored until the required amount is collected for sale or cheese production. Freezing does not affect the cheese-making qualities of the product.

Sheep milk has a higher solids content than goat or cow milk. As a result, more cheese can be obtained from its liter, compared to the product obtained from the same unit of goat or cow product. Sheep's milk yields 18 to 25 percent cheese, while goat's and cow's milk yields 9 to 10 percent.

While sheep tend to produce less product than goats and much less than cows, sheep's milk sells for a significantly higher price per litre. In farm shops, it is almost four times more expensive than cow's.

Sheep milk cheese

The main product that is made from sheep's milk is cheese. The most famous types of such a product are as follows: feta (Greece, Italy and France), ricotta and pecorino romano (Italy), Roquefort (France). Brynza cheese is also an international well-known product. Sheep milk is also used to make yogurt and ice cream.

Although any breed of sheep can be milked during lactation (as well as other types of livestock), there are specialized breeds of dairy animals.

There are over a dozen dairy breeds around the world that are capable of producing 200 to 600 liters per lactation, while the production from normal sheep species is only 50 to 100 liters during the same period.

At the same time, the calorie content is approximately the same - at the level of 108 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Worldwide, most sheep are milked by hand. This is due to the fact that many dairy breeds are grown on small farms in remote areas where the technical equipment remains very modest. Modern sheep farms use complex mechanisms for milking: machines, pipelines, bulk tanks, etc. They do this once or twice a day.

The maximum milk yield will be obtained if the lambs are removed from their pens within 24 hours of birth and subsequently reared on artificial milk replacer.

Sheep milk: benefits and harms

This milk is rich in calcium and minerals such as zinc. Their content is very high compared to the dairy products of other animals.

It is always worth remembering that lacto-calcium is much easier to digest than calcium carbonate (which is marble).

In conjunction with lactose and vitamin D, calcium is vital in the fight against osteoporosis. This trace element in sheep's milk is almost twice as much as in cow's.

Calcium is also essential after any debilitating illness. Zinc, in turn, is needed to maintain healthy skin, and is also recommended for various long-term diseases, including anorexia.

However, sheep's milk has a very high fat content. This may have a negative effect. Unsaturated fats can increase the level of cholesterol in the body, so it is better not to abuse the product.


Vitamins, mainly the B-complex, as well as A, D and E, are essential for maintaining health and are most often recommended as a dietary supplement. Why worry about it when they are all present in sheep's milk? It contains especially a lot of folic acid and B12, which are most often offered in the form of synthetic vitamin complexes.


Many people are put off by the high levels of fat found in sheep's milk. However, it must be remembered that the so-called "fats" contain three fat-soluble vitamins, without which the body begins to suffer from serious illnesses.

These are vitamins A, D and E - sheep's milk contains them much more than cow's or goat's. vitamin D is 0.18 g/100 grams, compared to summer cow's milk with a proportion of 0.04 g/100 g.

Sheep milk also contains a higher percentage of saturated fatty acids and this is believed to lead to higher absorption of lactose in cases of lactose intolerance.

Another important point is that 45% of the fatty acids contained in the product are mono- or polyunsaturated. This means that when drinking such milk, it is stored in the body for a very long time.

No one will argue with the fact that it is better to prevent the consequences of a feast than to deal with it later.

But remember that unsaturated fats can increase your body's cholesterol levels, so everything should be done in moderation!


Protein that is found in milk and does not end up in cheese remains in the whey. of this element in sheep's milk is three times higher than in cow's or goat's milk. Thanks to this, the whole product is easier to digest, and whey, in turn, is also recommended for use.


Even if people are severely lactose intolerant, they can consume sheep's milk products without health risks. During the production of yoghurts from it, milk sugar is oxidized.

In addition, most of the lactose comes out with whey when making cheeses.

There is also evidence that the lactose in sheep's milk is easier to tolerate than other types of this product, so it's always worth trying it for yourself and seeing for yourself.

Remember that any illness and use of antibiotics is bad for your immune system. Also, even the best medicines usually kill the good bacteria along with the bad ones. Sheep's milk yogurt and feta cheese help correct this and restore the intestinal flora.

Sheep are one of the most ancient animals tamed by man to satisfy his needs. Once they were the main source of meat, fat, wool and milk for the inhabitants of the countries of South-Eastern Europe, Western Asia and North Africa.

Initially, sheep were bred in the foothills due to their unpretentiousness in food and rather harsh climatic conditions. Gradually, they became the most massive type of domestic animals, which gained popularity both in the deserts of Asia and in the fertile climate of the Mediterranean.

In the process of breeding, new breeds of sheep of various directions appeared. Through the efforts of breeders in many countries, dairy high-yielding sheep were also bred. A large amount of milk is obtained from such animals, but their meat is of poor quality, and maintenance is more expensive.


Sheep milk in many countries of the world is considered a very valuable product with a high content of vitamins A, E, group B; as well as trace elements - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. It is white with a grayish tint; with bright, inherent only to him, taste and smell.

Since sheep are often prone to infectious diseases, the milk is boiled before consumption. But in its pure form, this product is rarely consumed and is mainly diluted with water due to its high fat content. It is recommended to drink for people with poor health, as well as those suffering from intolerance to cow's milk. The main use is the production of cheese, dairy products, cosmetics.


Even the Romans compared the taste of sheep's cheese with the universe: it has so many shades, depending on various factors. Cheeses are very fatty, in addition, they have a fairly high sodium content, so you need to use it within reasonable limits. It has been proven that the beneficial properties of sheep's milk are fully preserved in the finished cheese.

The most popular cheeses in the world are traditionally considered cheeses made in European countries, such as feta, cheese, Roquefort, chanakh. In the manufacturing process of some types, specially bred bacteria of a pure, so-called "noble" mold are used.

Dairy products

Sheep milk is also used to make ayran and yogurt. Ayran is a drink of longevity and health of the Caucasian highlanders. It is made by adding a special starter culture, water, salt to milk. These are essential ingredients.

In addition to them, there are a great many special additives that make the taste of this drink unique among different peoples. It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial effect of ayran on human health. Improving immunity, restoring intestinal microflora, strengthening the general condition of the body - all this is possible with the regular use of real ayran.

Yoghurt, in the manufacture of which all technologies were followed, natural and with live lactobacilli, is a very valuable product for health. And no less delicious. In Middle Eastern cuisine, sheep's milk-based yogurt is called jamid, while the inhabitants of Armenia and Georgia call a similar drink matsoni. It is important that people with intolerance to traditional types of yoghurts can use it.

Cosmetic products

Modern women do not take milk baths to moisturize and restore their skin, but these wonderful properties are known and remembered. Cosmetic care products with the addition of sheep's milk are widely recognized. In industrial production, various creams and lotions, shampoos and balms, and soaps are produced. Sheep milk finds even greater use in the beauty recipe of home, folk cosmetology.
