
I have never tried such a fluffy, perforated biscuit! The main ingredient is boiling water, you need to add just before .... Original cake “Chocolate on boiling water”

Of particular interest in this recipe is an unusual ingredient - boiling water. Cakes are amazingly airy and soft!

In order to prepare cakes, you will need a very simple set of products. It is better to use a mixer for mixing, I don’t know if the dough will rise if beaten with a regular whisk. The first time I cooked a biscuit in the oven, but later I tried to bake in a slow cooker, it turned out excellent in both cases!
2 eggs
2 tbsp. premium flour
2 tbsp. sugar 1 tbsp. milk
1/2 st. sunflower oil
5 st. l. cocoa powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
1.5 tsp baking powder
1.5 tsp soda
1/2 tsp citric acid
1 st. boiling water
Instead of vanilla sugar, you can use vanilla extract, citric acid can be replaced with lemon juice, but you need to add it at the very end. Be sure to use both baking soda and baking powder. If you take one soda, the dough will be with a soapy taste, if you take one baking powder, it will not rise well.
Turn on the oven before cooking, it needs to be heated to 200 degrees. Prepare the form in advance, cover it with parchment and in no case grease the edges, otherwise the cake will turn out not even, but a slide. Mix all the dry ingredients and mix well.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a mixer, add milk and butter to them and continue beating for a few more seconds.

Turn on the kettle, it will boil while you mix the dry and liquid mixture. Pour in the liquid ingredients very carefully, without ceasing to mix.

You should get a very thick and viscous dough, which is not easy to mix even with a mixer. It happens that there is not enough flour, in which case add a few tablespoons if the dough is liquid at this stage. Now the fun part! Without turning off the mixer, pour a glass of boiling water into the dough. Keep whisking fast. If you are using lemon juice, now is the time to add it.

The dough should turn out moderately liquid and slowly drain from the mixer. Transfer it as quickly as possible to the prepared form and quickly into the hot oven!

Now reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake the cake for an hour and a half. During this time, do not open the oven door.
After an hour and a half, check the readiness with a wooden stick. If it is dry, then everything is fine - take it out, if it is wet and with the remnants of batter - hold the cake in the oven for a little more. Let the finished cake cool right in the form. Sometimes it turns out that the dough cracks or rises in a slide. Don't worry, it won't affect the taste. The uneven top can be cut off and eaten with tea, and the cake can be built from even parts.

The last thing is to cut the cake into even parts and brush with any cream.

Cake "Chocolate on boiling water" is very soft and airy. As a cream, you can use whipped sour cream with sugar or cream, condensed milk with butter or classic butter cream. For the last option, the cakes need to be additionally soaked in sweet syrup.
Between layers, safely lay out a cherry or a sliced ​​​​banana. If you pour chocolate icing on top of the cake and decorate it in an original way, you get a wonderful festive dessert.

Cooking "Chocolate on boiling water" in a slow cooker is even easier than in the oven! The ingredients and cooking method are exactly the same as described above, but there are a few secrets.
Do not knead the dough in the bowl and do not grease it with oil. Set the “Baking” mode (180 degrees) and bake the cake for 60-80 minutes, check the readiness with a wooden stick. When the biscuit is completely baked, put it on a wire rack or on any form with holes. They will create additional ventilation, which will allow baking not to accumulate condensation.

Boiled chocolate cake turns out to be not just very, very chocolatey, but also airy, porous, it is easily and quickly soaked with any cream, especially sour cream, and the most impatient can start eating it immediately after cooking.

The main difference between this cake and others is the method of preparation, in which the obligatory process is brewing an almost ready dough with boiling water. We offer you some great recipes so that you can make Boiled Chocolate to your own taste:

Classic boiled water cake with sour cream


Chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
Sugar - 300 grams;
Milk - 200 milliliters;
Vegetable oil - 100 milliliters;
Wheat flour - 500 grams;
Cocoa powder - 150 grams;
Drinking soda - 15-18 grams;
Baking powder - 15 grams.
Water (boiling water) - 200 milliliters.

Caramel cream:

Boiled condensed milk - 400 grams;
Sour cream - 0.5 milliliters.

Butter - 5 tablespoons;
Sour cream or heavy cream - 5 tablespoons;
Cocoa powder - 5 tablespoons;
Sugar - 5 tablespoons;

The recipe for making a cake in boiling water with milk at home

1. Beat eggs and sugar.

2. Add fresh milk and vegetable oil to the egg mixture.

3. Mix dry ingredients: flour, cocoa, soda and baking powder. You should get a thick mass.

4. Boil water and pour into the dough. Mix until smooth. At this point, it may look like the dough is very runny, but don't worry, that's how it should be.

5. Pour the dough into a mold greased with butter and send it to bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for an hour. Next, you will need to check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden splinter and, if necessary, finish baking.

6. Cool the biscuit right in the form. Then we take it out of it and cut it into 3-5 cakes. In the context, the cakes have large holes, the dough is lush and tender, somewhat similar to what is being prepared for.

7. Beat butter, boiled milk and sour cream until fluffy and grease the cakes with cream.

8. Cooking ganache. Melt butter over low heat, add sour cream, cocoa and sugar. Mix well and heat through, stirring constantly. The mass on low heat should thicken. Ganache is ready. Pour it over the top of the cake and coat the sides.

We decorate the chocolate cake in boiling water according to your taste.

Chocolate cake on boiling water in a slow cooker


Eggs - 2 pieces;
Sugar - 1.5 cups;
Milk - 1 glass;
Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups;
Wheat flour - 2.5 cups;
Cocoa powder - ¾ cup;
Drinking soda - 1.5 tablespoons;
Baking powder - 15 grams.
Water (boiling water) - 1 cup.

Cheese cream:
Mascarpone - 500 grams;
Butter - 200 grams;
Condensed milk - 400 grams;
Varenka - 400 grams.

For decoration:
Chocolate bar - 100 grams.

A step-by-step recipe for a cake in boiling water in a slow cooker

A cake biscuit is made in exactly the same way as in the previous classic version, with the only difference being that we will bake the dough in a slow cooker with a 4-5 liter bowl.

1. Mix eggs, sugar, milk, butter. Add flour, cocoa, soda and baking powder. Boil with boiling water. We mix.

2. Lubricate the bowl with butter or margarine, pour out the dough, close the multicooker with a lid. We select the "Baking" mode, set the time to 1 hour 20 minutes, if you do not have the opportunity to set the indicated time immediately, then do it in two steps, first the maximum possible number, and then the missing one up to 80 minutes. Then we leave it in the “Heating” mode for another 20 minutes, while the lid cannot be opened!

3. After the indicated time, we sharply open the lid of the multicooker so that the moisture that has collected on it does not drip onto the top of the baking, take out the bowl and let the chocolate biscuit cool in boiling water for another 20 minutes.

4. Remove the cooled biscuit from the multicooker bowl using a steaming tray. Cool completely and cut into 4 cakes. If you did everything as described in the recipe, the biscuit will certainly please you with a porous structure even more airy than when baking in the oven.

5. Since the biscuit chocolate cake on boiling water in a slow cooker turns out to be very loose, it doesn’t cost anything to soak it, and it’s better to make a thicker cream, for example cheese. To do this, beat soft Mascarpone cream cheese, room temperature butter, add condensed milk and boiled milk.

6. Lubricate the cake layers and sprinkle the top with shavings from a grated chocolate bar.

Recipe for chocolate cake on boiling water with cherries

Alas, quite often housewives complain that they don’t bake chocolate in boiling water, but it turns out sticky and raw. There are many reasons for this, ranging from the poor quality of baking powder, soda, cocoa and ending with the malfunctioning of the oven and multicooker. It is for this reason that some play it safe by making the cake dough thicker than indicated in the classic recipe. We offer you a similar option. And we will add the cherry, which will give the chocolate cake a piquant note, to the cream, and not to the biscuit itself, so as not to risk its baking.

It will take

Kefir or ryazhenka - 1 glass;
Eggs - 2 pieces;
Sunflower oil - 0.5 cups;
Sugar - 2 cups;
Flour - 3 cups;
Cocoa powder - 1 cup;
Soda - 1 teaspoon with a slide;
Baking powder - 1 teaspoon with a slide;
Steep boiling water (water) - 1 cup.

Custard chocolate cream:
Sugar - 100 grams;
Egg yolks - 3 pieces;
Milk - 400 grams;
Cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
Flour - 2 tablespoons;
Vanillin - a pinch;
Butter - 200 grams;
Pitted cherries (fresh or canned) - 150-250 grams.

How to make chocolate cake with cherries step by step

1. Mix kefir, eggs, butter with a mixer. We mix in sugar, flour, cocoa, soda (quicklime!), Baking powder. If you do not want to feel a bright chocolate bitterness in the dough, then you can put less cocoa.

2. Pour a glass of boiling water into the finished dough. Let's mix again.

3. The oven must be preheated to 180°C. We spread our dough in a mold smeared with oil and bake for about an hour (the time depends on your oven). Be sure to check the readiness with a splinter. Although this biscuit is wet, it should not be raw. The splint comes out dry and clean.

4. It is very important to let the biscuit cool in the mold, and only then take it out. Again, we cut into layers not immediately, but after holding for at least 20 minutes.

5. Grind sugar with yolks. Stir in the milk. Add in small portions of cocoa, flour, vanillin. If necessary, strain the mixture from lumps.

6. Brew the cream in a water bath, stirring continuously. When the mass thickens, remove from steam and cool, without stopping to interfere.

7. Add butter to the chilled custard and beat until fluffy.

8. With a spatula, stir in the berry, previously pitted.

9. Lubricate the cakes, top and sides of the cake in boiling water with chocolate custard.

10. Decorate with cherries and chocolate chips.

Chocolate cake in the oven with sour cream, which will turn out

If you just can’t bake Chocolate in boiling water, even following the recipe exactly as written, but you really want to try this delicious cake, we offer this cooking option. This cake is doomed to success!


For cakes:
Use the list of products from one of the previous recipes.

Sour Cream:
Sour cream - 1 liter;
Sugar - 100-200 grams;
Vanillin - 2-5 grams.

How to cook a chocolate cake in boiling water so that it turns out

1. Knead the dough, first combining the dairy product, eggs and butter, then mixing in the dry ingredients, and then pour the mass with boiling water. After mixing well, we get a batter, which we divide into 5 parts and bake in an oven heated to 180 ° C. It will take us about 15 minutes to bake for each cake. Thin layers of biscuit are baked without fail.

2. Sour cream is thrown into a colander lined with gauze to drain excess liquid.

3. When the sour cream has thickened, scrape it into a bowl with a spoon, add sugar and vanillin. Whisk until fluffy.

4. Coat the cakes with sour cream and sprinkle with goodies. It can be chopped nuts, fresh or canned berries and fruits, candied fruits.

Boiled water chocolate cake recipe in a pan


Sour cream - 100 milliliters;
Egg - 1 piece;
Vegetable oil - 50 milliliters;
Sugar - 150 grams;
Flour - 300 grams;
Cocoa - 100 grams;
Baking powder - 8 grams;
Soda - 10 grams;
Vanillin or cinnamon - a pinch;
Boiling water - 100 milliliters.

Curd cream:
Cottage cheese - 250 grams;
Butter - 100 grams;
Condensed milk (can be boiled) - 400 grams;
Sour cream - 250 milliliters.

From this amount of products you will get a small cake for tea drinking. If you want to make a large Boiled Chocolate Cake, just double the above ingredients.

Making chocolate cake in boiling water in a pan step by step

1. Mix sour cream, eggs, butter and sugar.

2. Add flour, cocoa, quick soda, baking powder and aromatic additive in the form of vanillin or cinnamon (optional).

3. Pour the thick dough with boiling water and mix thoroughly. The dough is like pancakes.

4. Lightly grease the pan with oil using a silicone brush. If your skillet allows you to bake without lubrication, even better. We heat on slow fire.

5. Pour a ladle of dough and spread it over the entire surface of the pan. We wait until the pancake is covered with holes and baked to the very top. If you generously poured the dough, then it is best to cover the pan with a lid so that the thick cake is baked. Then turn the pancake over and bake it on the other side.

6. Ready pancakes you should get 6-10 pieces. Spread them out one by one with the spongy side up so that they absorb the cream more. Lubricate with cream mass and spread on top of each other.

7. Cream for chocolate cake in boiling water: beat cottage cheese, room temperature butter, condensed milk and sour cream until smooth.

8. Top the cake beautifully with chocolate topping or melted chocolate.

1. When adding soda to the dough, in no case extinguish with vinegar, in this recipe it is put quick.

2. Adjust the amount of cocoa powder according to your taste preferences (more than 4 tablespoons for lovers of chocolate bitterness).

3. Milk is easily replaced by any fermented milk products, such as sour cream, kefir, yogurt.

4. When preparing a cake in boiling water in the oven, be sure to check with a wooden skewer whether it is baked, and if necessary, increase the baking time.

5. It is necessary to bake a chocolate biscuit at low degrees (approximately 180 ° C, but it is still better to focus on your oven).

6. Pay attention to the quality of soda and baking powder, if they have already let you down, you may have to increase their amount. It is these products that affect how well the dough rises during baking, how fluffy and porous the biscuit ends up being.

7. Sift flour and cocoa. Baking with sifted dry ingredients turns out to be lighter and more airy, reagents work faster and better in it, loosening the dough.

8. The more flour you put in the dough, the more likely it is to bake, but you need to keep in mind that the friability and airiness inherent in the cake in boiling water will suffer greatly.

9. After you take the biscuit out of the oven, let it stand in the form first, and then without it. If disturbed earlier, it can stick together, crumble, fall apart. The biscuit is very soft!

10. If you let the biscuit “rest” for 6-8 hours, and only after that cut it into layers, then the cakes can be soaked in juice, syrup, cream, and then covered with a thick cream (some people like just such desserts).

11. If you are not a passionate fan of sweets, choose a cream for chocolate cake in boiling water with sourness, for example, cottage cheese, sour cream with a little sugar, berries. You can add thin kiwi rings, sour jelly or marmalade, berries to the layer between the cakes. Perfect for a cake.

We really hope that you will choose and cook your delicious Boiled Chocolate Cake from the above recipes, and you will succeed!

Boiled Chocolate Cake is very simple, even a novice cook can master it. For its preparation, any light cream is quite suitable. And today I want to offer you an option where pudding cream is used. Eat and eat!

To prepare the Boiled Chocolate Chocolate Cake, prepare the products according to the list.

First, mix all dry products: flour, soda, baking powder, cocoa and sugar.

Lightly beat eggs with butter.

Now add milk and dry mixture in turn. Let's mix it all up.

And at the end we introduce boiling water in a thin stream, yes, just boiling water. We mix everything well.

Pour the dough into a mold lined with paper. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 50 minutes.

This is how we got a biscuit (by the way, it also bears the proud name "Chocolate on Boiling Water").

Let it cool and remove the ring. The biscuit turned out with a tubercle.

In order to make an even cake, I carefully cut off the top with a sharp knife.

Now let's start preparing the cream for the chocolate cake. Cook the pudding by adding sugar as directed on the package. Let's let him cool down.

I covered the top of the cake with chocolate icing. To do this, heat the cream and put the broken chocolate into them. Let's let it dissolve. We mix. Pour the resulting icing on top of the cake.

I also decorated my cake with whipped cream and cherries. The sides are decorated with crumbs from the cut top.

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wanted to please my beloved boys with a cake. I have made this cake more than once, but every time it delights my family! And the ingredients for the cake can be found in almost every home.

In another bowl, mix eggs, milk, butter.

Add "liquid" in 2 passes to "dry" and mix.

To the resulting dough, add 1 cup of boiling water (straight from the fire), stir quickly (do not be alarmed - the dough will become VERY LIQUID, like liquidish sour cream) and immediately pour it into a previously greased form. I used a silicone mold - the cake is easily removed from it. The form should be high, at least 7 cm, as the cake rises well during baking).

Bake at 180 degrees for 45-60 minutes. After 45 minutes, every 5 minutes I checked the readiness of the cake with a wooden stick - if the stick is dry, then the cake is ready.

After we leave to cool COMPLETELY on a wet towel and only then we take it out of the mold (you can turn it over onto a large flat plate).

The cake should turn out high and moist, do not dry it out, it will become insipid. If the surface is covered with cracks, do not be afraid, but simply turn the cake over.

And then you can fantasize as you like. You can whip cream with sugar, put on top of the cake and decorate with fresh or frozen berries. You can cut the cake into 2 parts and grease with sour cream (beat 200 g of sour cream with 150 g of sugar), decorate with fresh fruits, such as bananas and kiwi. And you can just smear with jam, syrup (fruit or just sugar), condensed milk, etc.

I was preparing a cake for February 23 for my beloved boys, so I decided to decorate accordingly. Using a thread, cut the cake into 2 parts, smeared the lower part with sour cream,

And for the first time in my life I tried to decorate the cake with marzipan mastic.

I took the mastic ready - like this:

The mastic of each color was slightly kneaded in the hands before rolling. I rolled out a sheet for the base from yellow and green, put it on the cake and cut off the excess on a plate. I rolled out the red one and cut out the stars with a mold, which I placed on the base, and cut out strips from the white for decoration in the form of a bow. And this is what I got:

Bon appetit!

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The secret to the extremely tender biscuit that this cake is famous for is very unexpected. It does not need to be whipped, it does not need to conjure over it for a long time. Splendor baking gives ... boiling water! It is thanks to him that the biscuit rises well and does not fall off. Baking prepared in this way always succeeds. So even an inexperienced pastry chef can bake this cake.

To lubricate the cakes, you can prepare any cream: custard, protein, butter, cottage cheese. We offer you one of the classic types of cream for this cake - condensed milk with butter. A "wet" biscuit in combination with such a cream turns into a delicacy worthy of the highest praise.

Name: Boiled Chocolate Cake
Date added: 18.02.2017
Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Servings per recipe: 12
Rating: (2 , cf. 4.50 out of 5)
Product Quantity
For cakes:
Eggs 2 pcs.
Premium flour 2 tbsp.
Sugar 2 tbsp.
Soda (quick) 1.5 tsp
baking powder 1.5 tsp
cocoa powder 6 tbsp
Milk (warmed up) 1 st.
Vegetable oil 0.5 st.
Vanilla sugar 1 tsp
Cool boiling water 1 st.
For cream:
Condensed milk 1 can
Butter 150 g

Boiled Chocolate Cake Recipe

Prepare a biscuit. In a bowl, combine eggs, sugar and vanilla. Whisk until smooth. The sugar must melt. Sift flour, combine with baking soda and baking powder. Pour the dry mixture into the egg-sugar mixture. Whisk. Pour in vegetable oil and beat again. Pour in the milk and whisk again.

Add to the resulting mass of cocoa. Beat thoroughly so that the dough becomes homogeneous and there are no lumps left in it. Boil water, pour a glass of boiling water into the dough. While pouring, stir the mass without stopping. Whisk again. The dough should get the consistency of very liquid sour cream.

Prepare a tall baking dish. The dough will at least double in size during cooking. Lubricate the inside of the mold with oil and pour the dough into it. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put the dough in the oven and bake until done (40-60 minutes).

Such a magnificent chocolate biscuit is obtained only on boiling water! Meanwhile, prepare the cream. Combine condensed milk and softened butter in a blender bowl, beat until smooth (make sure that the butter has completely melted and mixed well with the condensed milk). Remove the biscuit from the oven and let cool. Cut it lengthwise with a sharp knife.

Lubricate the first cake generously with cream, cover with the second cake. Brush the top of the cake. If desired, decorate with chocolate, marmalade, crushed nuts, dried fruits, etc. Refrigerate for at least 10-12 hours. Remove from refrigerator, cut into portions and serve.
