
Distinctive features of maple honey. Useful properties and contraindications, beauty recipes using bee nectar

Black maple honey is one of the rare varieties of honey. The main harvest for this honey is April-May, the flowering time of the main ingredient. We invite you to learn more about maple honey and how it is useful.

The main component of the nectar collection from bees for such honey is black maple, or Tatarian maple. This tree-like shrub belongs to the maple family. Grows in middle and southern latitudes, the Caucasus, Siberia and Western Europe. It blooms in late spring, the flowers are white, collected in clusters and directed upwards. The leaves are ovoid in shape, with serrated edges, slightly divided into three lobes.

Black maple is a woody plant

Unique composition

The color of black maple honey is often dark, ranging from dark yellow to light brown. If you look at it against the light, it gives a crimson tint. The consistency is pasty, it is thick and viscous. It does not crystallize for a long time and remains viscous. The taste and smell are tart and quite specific. After consumption, a pleasant viscous aftertaste remains.

Its beneficial properties lie in the unique composition of vitamins, microelements, and enzymes. Maple honey contains unique amounts of fructose, glucose and maltose (50, 30 and 5 percent respectively). Thanks to this amazing combination, it can be consumed by patients with diabetes mellitus, subject to an individual diet.

Black maple honey contains more than a dozen different natural vitamins. Here are vitamins A and C, and B vitamins, vitamin PP, K and E, pantothenic and folic acids. Black maple honey boasts the presence of minerals and microelements that are beneficial for the body - there are more than 300 of them. It also contains organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric, oxalic) and biogenic stimulants. Unlike most other products, it has the property of being completely absorbed by the human body. Thanks to this unique composition, the beneficial properties of maple nectar have long been known and used by people.

Use in folk medicine

Black maple honey is widely used in folk medicine. It is used as a diuretic, therefore it is recommended for edema and diseases of the kidney-urolithiasis system.

It has a beneficial effect on internal organs and is used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. For gastritis, colic, and intestinal obstruction, it is used in combination with drug treatment. Saturates the organs with essential vitamins, cleanses the esophagus, intestines, stomach, and helps normalize peristalsis.

It also helps with liver diseases and has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. It regulates metabolic processes in the body and increases immune resistance, so the use of honey for preventive purposes is also widespread among people.

Maple honey is also used in the treatment of dental diseases, scurvy, and is used for vitamin deficiency.

Has antiemetic effect.

This variety is an excellent tonic. Its most famous and unique property is providing assistance during childbirth. Taking it stimulates contraction of the uterus, helping the baby to move away.

Traditionally, like all other varieties, it helps cure colds, coughs, bronchitis, and pulmonary inflammation.

Taken three to four times a day, in individual doses. The first use should be started with a very small amount to check for an allergic reaction.

Contraindications for use individual intolerance and allergic reactions to honey products may occur.


hawthorn and maples, especially black maple (Tatarian maple

About the properties of honey from acacia everyone knows, but black maple honey refers to rare varieties of honey.

Honey: black maple, hawthorn - beneficial properties

It is the black maple tree that is the father of the wonderful maple syrup that Canadians love so much. The color of black maple honey ranges from light yellow to dark brown. It has a pleasant taste and aroma. Contains a lot of important minerals and vitamins, natural biostimulants and antioxidants necessary for the normal functioning of the body. This explains its multifaceted medicinal properties. It contains about 50% fructose, 30% glucose and 5% maltose. It is thanks to this composition that honey can be consumed by people with diabetes while following an individual diet.

Possesses diuretics and painkillers kidney sand

antiemetic toxicosis prostatitis

Honey plants. Tatarian maple, black maple, non-maple.

We are talking about the same bush.

Useful properties and contraindications of black maple honey

Oddly enough, this ubiquitous plant has many names. It is more correct to call it Tatarian maple or black maple. There are other names - neklen, paklen, oaklen, paklenok, but it is better to avoid these names, since sometimes another type of maple is also called the field maple. This is a different plant, so it would be a complete mistake to call black maple a field maple.

In our area, black maple is very common. It can be seen along the edges of forests, in protective forest belts, and along ravines. Most often it is a tall shrub, but in the depths of the forest it sometimes occurs as a separate low tree. In the second half of summer, even from afar, it is easy to recognize black maple by its ripening winged seeds of bright red color.

Among beekeepers, the Tatarian maple is a very famous plant, since it is the only honey plant that blooms en masse after the gardens bloom. In our area, black maple usually blooms in the second half of May and blooms for 7 - 14 days. The timing of flowering depends on weather conditions, the terrain, and the location where the shrub grows - on the sunny side it blooms earlier, in the depths of the forest - later.

As I wrote above, we have few other good honey plants in the second half of May, so many beekeepers migrate to the black maple tracts. According to some data, the control hive during the flowering of this type of maple shows up to 3 kg of weight gain per day, but, as a rule, it is not possible to obtain pure commercial honey, because the flowering period of black maple is short, and bee colonies at this time do not yet have sufficient strength to collect commercial honey. honey In addition, very often bad weather or a massive invasion of forest pests prevents harvesting black maples.

But, despite all the disadvantages, this honey plant cannot be underestimated. Any bribe at the end of May keeps bee colonies in a working mood. Weak families develop, but strong families do not enter the swarm state.

Honey plants. Sainfoin

Honey plants. Sweet clover

Honey plants. Buckwheat

Honey from Black Maple and Acacia

It's no secret that in Ukraine a lot of fields are sown rapeseed. Bees collect a lot of pollen and nectar from it. But how do they treat rapeseed when every year, during its flowering, more and more bees die in apiaries?

And what is the value of such honey?

In an effort to preserve our bees and collect environmentally friendly honey, in early spring, at the end of March, we take our apiary far into the forest to the Irdyn swamps. There are a lot of pollen and honey plants blooming there (hazel, verboza, ryast, lungwort, etc.), which are so necessary for the good development of families. But this year they bloomed very profusely from late April to mid-May. hawthorn and maples, especially black maple (Tatarian maple). Before the acacias bloomed, the bees collected a significant amount of honey from them. As a result, for the first time we obtained honey from acacia and forest herbs.

About the properties of honey from acacia everyone knows, but black maple honey

Black maple honey is widely used in folk medicine. It has a wound-healing effect and has a good effect on work liver and gastrointestinal tract, old ulcers, gastritis and colitis are healed. Possesses diuretics and painkillers properties due to which it promotes the removal kidney sand. With prolonged use of black maple honey, kidney stones are destroyed. Its effect on the body is similar to the effect of the famous mineral waters, which crush stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Has a calming effect on the nervous system when stress, depression and insomnia. Another unique property of black maple honey is antiemetic. This property of honey helps expectant mothers cope with an unpleasant phenomenon - toxicosis. Black maple honey can be taken throughout pregnancy and after childbirth to quickly restore the mother’s body and get rid of postpartum depression. Doctors of official medicine also recommend black maple honey for spring weakening of the body - vitamin deficiency, anemia, to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Improves liver function. It is used as a choleretic agent in the treatment cholecystitis, hepatitis and cirrhosis(10 parts honey, 2 parts olive oil, 1 part lemon juice, 1 teaspoon before meals). At prostatitis Black maple honey is mixed with a decoction of motherwort, St. John's wort and bearberry herbs and drunk as tea.

  • dark color;
  • tart taste;
  • does not crystallize for a long time.
  • fructose – about 50%;
  • maltose – about 5%.

Taking a sample

Position of official medicine

  • for diabetes;
  • children under 3 years old;

Black maple honey and its beneficial properties

Have you ever heard of black maple honey? Beekeepers in the southern regions know that this rare variety with numerous beneficial properties can be obtained by taking the hives to the flowering areas of the Tatarian maple (also called black maple).

How is it different from other varieties?

  • collection period: mid-spring;
  • pasty consistency (even just collected - quite thick);
  • dark color;
  • tart taste;
  • does not crystallize for a long time.

Dark varieties of honey, which includes black maple honey, have the following properties:

  • glucose content about 30%;
  • fructose – about 50%;
  • maltose – about 5%.

Taking a sample

  • Taste. Everything about black maple honey is unusual. The tartness, the lack of sweetness at the first taste, and the persistent aftertaste are surprising. But it is precisely this unusual combination that distinguishes it from the usual varieties and puts it in first place for its originality and uniqueness.
  • Aroma. It will delight even the most experienced connoisseur: the bouquet is rich, bright, refined, with a characteristic sourness.
  • Color. Noble: dark, almost brown black maple honey flashes with crimson reflections in the sun, surprising and delighting with its unusualness.
  • Crystallization. The fresh product is sticky. But it crystallizes more slowly than other varieties due to its relatively low glucose content.

Traditional medicine about the honey aristocrat

The popular name for the bee's gift is #171;fed#187;. It has been valued by people for a long time. In the 60s of the twentieth century, scientists identified 20 useful honey components. In the 21st century, research continued. Today science knows more than 500 substances in honey.

The properties of black maple sweetness are used in folk medicine:

Position of official medicine

Treatment lasts up to 1 month. Then you need to take a break.

For stomach diseases, honey water is indicated for the following reasons:

  • the production of gastric juice and its acidity are normalized;
  • the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • the healing process of inflamed tissue begins.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract with honey should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Who is contraindicated in black maple sweetness?

Bee products should not be used during an exacerbation period. Consuming honey and its derivatives is contraindicated:

  • for diabetes;
  • during exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • with exacerbation of peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • if you have an allergic reaction to honey;
  • overweight people who are trying to lose weight.

Black maple honey is a fragrant delicacy and a useful drug. Eat it for your health and receive beneficial treatment.

Useful properties and uses of black maple honey

Honey plants often include plants from which bees collect rather rare varieties of sweet nectar. For example, dark black maple honey is a sweet delicacy that is valued not only for its unique spicy taste, but also for its healing properties.

So what are the benefits and harms of this type of honey, what diseases is it used to treat, and are there any contraindications to its use? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Composition and properties of black maple honey

Based on the time of collection, black maple honey can be classified as an early variety. Bees collect this honey in the spring from a tree known as black maple, Tatarian maple or non-maple (its active flowering begins in April-May).

The color of honey collected from black maple is most often dark with various shades of brown, but there are varieties with a lighter yellow-red and amber-brown tint. Transparent.

This type of honey is sweet with a slight sourness with a delicate aroma and a slight aftertaste of almonds. Honey lovers appreciate this variety for its unusual rich, tart taste, which leaves a pleasant aftertaste.

The consistency of black maple honey is pasty, viscous and thick (even when just collected). Crystallizes slowly and retains viscosity for a long time. As a result, small crystals form and the color turns dark brown.

The fruit acids contained in honey prevent the formation of stones and the development of inflammatory processes, and vitamins A and PP reduce the level of phosphates in the blood and cleanse the body of toxins.

Black maple nectar contains practically no pollen impurities.

So valuable, but rare - black maple honey

This makes it a product suitable for dietary and baby food.

Black maple honey contains fructose (50%), maltose (5%) and glucose (30%). The high percentage of fructose makes it ideal for people on an individual diet (for example, those with diabetes). The product is perfectly absorbed by the body.

It is not so easy to obtain pure black maple honey, unless you are lucky and manage to find large areas with flowering black maple trees. Most often it is found in forest (polyfloral) honey, which is collected from various honey plants in apiaries near the forest.

Medicinal properties of black maple honey

Rarely does anyone get the chance to try this product. But beekeepers know that this spring forest honey concentrates the beneficial properties of forest medicinal plants.

It is often used in folk medicine:

For example, for insomnia, you can use the following recipes: dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water or milk, or prepare a composition from 100 grams of honey and the juice of one lemon and take 1 tablespoon before bed.

Honey water is also indicated for stomach diseases. It normalizes acidity and the production of gastric juice, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Of course, treatment with honey should be under the supervision of a doctor. To avoid harming yourself, you should not self-medicate.

Contraindications for use

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Food and drink

Black maple honey: beneficial properties and contraindications

Among all the variety of honey varieties, black maple honey is the least common. Many have never even heard such a name, let alone tasted it. Meanwhile, it has unique medicinal properties and is considered very beneficial for the body. What is black maple honey, what is its taste, what are its beneficial properties and contraindications? Let's look at each of these issues in detail in our article.

Origin of honey

The maple plant is known to everyone. Maple trees are ubiquitous, but they are of no interest to beekeepers. And the flowers of the Tatar maple, or black maple, are a valuable honey plant. This plant is quite rare. These trees grow in the south of Russia and in the central regions of the country, as well as in Eastern Europe, Ukraine and the Caucasus. Black maple reaches a height of eight meters, and the period of active flowering of the plant begins in early May.

The whole difficulty of collecting honey from the Tatarian maple is that flowering occurs in the spring, when the bees have not yet entered the active period of honey collection. That is why black maple honey is very rare in its pure form. Most often it is collected together with other varieties: acacia and forest.

Black maple honey: photo, description

Black maple honey is a dark variety of honey. It has a rich dark brown color with a reddish tint, which can be clearly seen in the light. The aroma of this honey is very reminiscent of the smell of caramel, but its taste is less sweet compared to other varieties, it has a tart aftertaste and leaves behind a light almond aftertaste.

The consistency of black maple honey is quite thick, but it does not begin to crystallize soon. Only after a year do the first sugar crystals begin to form in the structure of the product.

Video on the topic

Composition of black maple honey

Black maple honey contains glucose (30%), fructose (50%) and maltose (5%). In addition, this product contains more than 300 minerals, 10 out of 13 known vitamins, as well as various organic acids. All beneficial substances contained in honey are absorbed by the body in full.

Black maple honey: beneficial properties and contraindications

The unique properties of black maple honey have a healing effect on the body, helping to cope with many diseases of various types. A rare, healthy, moderately sweet delicacy that is allowed to be consumed even by diabetics - these are not all the qualities that black maple honey has.

The beneficial properties of this product are as follows:

  • black maple honey is a strong antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that destroy body cells and increases its resistance to cancer;
  • the product has a low glycemic index, so it can be included in a diet for weight loss;
  • has a tonic effect on the body, restores vitality after heavy physical exertion;
  • honey has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps cope with depression, and improves immunity;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and urinary system;
  • in combination with carrot juice, honey has a positive effect on vision;
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiemetic agent.

Regular consumption of this beekeeping product has a restorative effect on the entire body as a whole.

However, black maple honey, despite all its positive properties, still has one serious contraindication for use. This bee product is a strong allergen. For this reason, Tatarian maple honey is strictly contraindicated for people with allergies.

To improve the health of the body, increase immunity and cope with existing diseases, black maple honey must be consumed daily, starting with half a teaspoon per day. For adults, the norm for consuming honey is 2-3 teaspoons per day, and for children under three years of age it is better to avoid honey altogether to avoid allergies.

Since this is a very rare type of honey, it should not be used in culinary recipes where foods are subject to heat treatment. Black maple honey, whose properties are unique in many ways, loses most of them when the temperature rises to 60 degrees. It is better to consume it in its pure form or add it to natural juices, salad dressings, and also use it as a coating for cakes.

Storage conditions

Like any other type of honey, black maple honey also has no expiration date. It is equally useful in the year it was collected, and even a couple of years later. However, in order to preserve the unique medicinal properties of this product, it is necessary to provide it with the correct storage conditions.

First of all, honey should be poured into glass jars. It should be stored in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 10-15 degrees above zero. The jar of honey can be taken out to the balcony for storage. It's okay if the temperature drops below the recommended value. When frozen, honey will retain its medicinal properties better than when the temperature rises. Warming up a frozen product should occur in natural conditions, and not on the stove.

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Honey from Black Maple and Acacia

It's no secret that in Ukraine a lot of fields are sown rapeseed. Bees collect a lot of pollen and nectar from it. But how do they treat rapeseed when every year, during its flowering, more and more bees die in apiaries? And what is the value of such honey?

In an effort to preserve our bees and collect environmentally friendly honey, in early spring, at the end of March, we take our apiary far into the forest to the Irdyn swamps. There are a lot of pollen and honey plants blooming there (hazel, verboza, ryast, lungwort, etc.), which are so necessary for the good development of families. But this year they bloomed very profusely from late April to mid-May. hawthorn and maples, especially black maple (Tatarian maple). Before the acacias bloomed, the bees collected a significant amount of honey from them. As a result, for the first time we obtained honey from acacia and forest herbs.

About the properties of honey from acacia everyone knows, but black maple honey refers to rare varieties of honey. It is the black maple tree that is the father of the wonderful maple syrup that Canadians love so much. The color of black maple honey ranges from light yellow to dark brown. It has a pleasant taste and aroma. Contains a lot of important minerals and vitamins, natural biostimulants and antioxidants necessary for the normal functioning of the body. This explains its multifaceted medicinal properties. It contains about 50% fructose, 30% glucose and 5% maltose. It is thanks to this composition that honey can be consumed by people with diabetes while following an individual diet.

Black maple honey is widely used in folk medicine. It has a wound-healing effect and has a good effect on work liver and gastrointestinal tract, old ulcers, gastritis and colitis are healed. Possesses diuretics and painkillers properties due to which it promotes the removal kidney sand. With prolonged use of black maple honey, kidney stones are destroyed. Its effect on the body is similar to the effect of the famous mineral waters, which crush stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Has a calming effect on the nervous system when stress, depression and insomnia. Another unique property of black maple honey is antiemetic. This property of honey helps expectant mothers cope with an unpleasant phenomenon - toxicosis. Black maple honey can be taken throughout pregnancy and after childbirth to quickly restore the mother’s body and get rid of postpartum depression.

Maple honey

Doctors of official medicine also recommend black maple honey for spring weakening of the body - vitamin deficiency, anemia, to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Improves liver function. It is used as a choleretic agent in the treatment cholecystitis, hepatitis and cirrhosis(10 parts honey, 2 parts olive oil, 1 part lemon juice, 1 teaspoon before meals). At prostatitis Black maple honey is mixed with a decoction of motherwort, St. John's wort and bearberry herbs and drunk as tea.

Have you ever heard of black maple honey? Beekeepers in the southern regions know that this rare variety with numerous beneficial properties can be obtained by taking the hives to the flowering areas of the Tatarian maple (also called black maple).

The shrub blooms for about two weeks - from April to May. The beginning and end of this process depend on the geographical area, terrain and weather conditions. Some beekeepers migrate with their hives to the black maple flowering areas. They are rewarded with wonderful honey, which most of us have never tried.

  • collection period: mid-spring;
  • pasty consistency (even just collected - quite thick);
  • dark color;
  • tart taste;
  • does not crystallize for a long time.

Pure black maple honey is rare because it is a real “aristocrat” among beekeeping products. More often it is part of forest (polyfloral) spring honeys collected by bees from various honey plants. Beekeepers value this product, believing that it concentrates the benefits and medicinal properties of numerous forest healers. Experts say that spring forest honey helps against all diseases.

Dark varieties of honey, which includes black maple honey, have the following properties:

  • glucose content about 30%;
  • fructose – about 50%;
  • maltose – about 5%.

The listed sugars belong to the so-called fast carbohydrates - an easily accessible source of energy for the human body. These substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, skeletal muscles and nervous system. And the excess is processed into fat and stored as a strategic reserve in case of famine.

Taking a sample

  • Taste. Everything about black maple honey is unusual. The tartness, the lack of sweetness at the first taste, and the persistent aftertaste are surprising. But it is precisely this unusual combination that distinguishes it from the usual varieties and puts it in first place for its originality and uniqueness.
  • Aroma. It will delight even the most experienced connoisseur: the bouquet is rich, bright, refined, with a characteristic sourness.
  • Color. Noble: dark, almost brown black maple honey flashes with crimson reflections in the sun, surprising and delighting with its unusualness.
  • Crystallization. The fresh product is sticky. But it crystallizes more slowly than other varieties due to its relatively low glucose content.

Traditional medicine about the honey aristocrat

The popular name for the bee's gift is “fed”. It has been valued by people for a long time. In the 60s of the twentieth century, scientists identified 20 useful honey components. In the 21st century, research continued. Today science knows more than 500 substances in honey.

Our ancestors did not know all this, but they knew how to use the wonderful properties of beekeeping products for their own benefit. Popular rumor believes that dark varieties are much healthier than light varieties (late harvest). Scientists have confirmed this by identifying almost 70% more minerals in dark honey.

The properties of black maple sweetness are used in folk medicine:

  • with urolithiasis;
  • for diseases of the stomach and digestive organs;
  • with toxicosis;
  • as a painkiller;
  • as a remedy for motion sickness in transport;
  • in the postpartum period to restore strength;
  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • as a remedy for insomnia;
  • as a diuretic for edema;
  • to reduce stomach acidity;
  • for sore throat and stomatitis as an antimicrobial agent;
  • for colds, flu, pneumonia;
  • as a tonic;
  • as a cosmetic product for skin care.

Position of official medicine

Honey therapy is recognized by official medicine in the treatment of urolithiasis. Doctors recommend combining medications with honey water: 2 tsp. black maple honey is dissolved in a glass of warm water, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach or 3 hours after meals.

Treatment lasts up to 1 month. Then you need to take a break.

For stomach diseases, honey water is indicated for the following reasons:

  • the production of gastric juice and its acidity are normalized;
  • the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • the healing process of inflamed tissue begins.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract with honey should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Contraindicated for whom

Bee products should not be used during an exacerbation period. Consuming honey and its derivatives is contraindicated:

  • for diabetes;
  • during exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • with exacerbation of peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • if you have an allergic reaction to honey;
  • overweight people who are trying to lose weight.

Black maple honey is a fragrant delicacy and a useful drug. Eat it for your health and receive beneficial treatment.

Dec 4th, 2014

In this blog (dedicated to honey, bees, and beekeeping) There is already information about some types of honey, whose existence is questionable and/or very questionable. I will continue my discussion about the types of honey (by botanical origin). This time, a rare but existing species deserves attention - maple honey.

Previously (about three years ago) I thought that such honey does not exist: it is not possible to pump it out, because honey bees work on maple trees for only a few days in May. At that time I knew little about honey plants. In particular, only one type of maple was familiar - from which bees collect only pollen and only if the weather permits.

However, maple honey really happens. But it is quite rare. So, here in Bashkiria, honey bees make maple honey from the nectar of flowers, which begins to bloom before (or during) the leaves bloom. I read somewhere that in Bashkortostan they get only no more than a ton of maple honey (and even then, not every year). It turns out that it is even less than on-board honey, which is obtained on average up to two tons (in favorable years for honey production - up to 5 tons).

What color is honey from Norway maple? Let's look on the Internet. Basically, the sites have the same information (you don’t even know which site to indicate as the primary source):

“Maple honey is light brown, amber in color, with a delicate aroma and a slight almond flavor, with a slight pleasant bitterness.”

“Maple honey is amber in color with a pink tint, pleasant to the taste, and has a specific aroma. Bees collect it from the yellowish-green flowers of Norway maple, which is found in almost all forests of Russia. It belongs to the light varieties of honey with excellent taste.”

“Maple honey is a light variety of honey and has excellent taste. Bees energetically collect it from the beautiful yellowish-green flowers of Norway maple, which is found in almost all forests of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.”

But, in addition to the description that maple honey is light, you can also find descriptions of dark maple honey. What's the catch? The fact is that honey can be obtained from different types of maple, which will differ in color and, possibly, in taste and aroma. Dark-colored honey, if I understand correctly, comes out with Tatarian maple (aka black maple, non-maple, tow), outwardly completely different from other types of maple (shape of leaves, flowers). This honey is known as black maple honey.

A similar situation regarding the color of honey exists in. There are also two types of chestnut (who are not even “relatives”) They produce different types of honey: horse chestnut produces light honey, and edible chestnut produces dark honey. And throughout the country they sell chestnut honey, which is dark in color. (sales of light chestnut honey are rare).

In Bashkiria there is also Tatarian maple (Acer tataricum), which blooms after the leaves bloom. I personally saw a couple of trees being planted in the Alsheevsky district (I'll have to go on a photo hunt), but you shouldn’t count on commercial honey. However, there are places in our native Fatherland (from the Kursk region to the Orenburg region and further south), where marketable honey is obtained from black maple trees. By the way, back in June you could find black maple honey for sale on the Internet from the 2014 harvest from the Voronezh region at a price of 590 rubles per kilogram.

Let's summarize some results

It would seem that we figured it out and found out that there is light maple honey, where Norway maple pollen dominates (aka sycamore) and dark black maple honey, where the Tatarian maple is dominant. But that is not all.

In the beekeeping literature there is data about field maple, aka maple(Acer campestre), which in appearance of leaves and inflorescences is very similar to Norway maple. Honey productivity per hectare of pure planting is 1000 kg (for comparison: for holly - over 200 kg, for Tatar - about 100 kg per hectare).

According to the same reference book, names black maple attributed to field maple. However, in modern sources - Plantarium and Wikipedia the name black maple assigned to Tatarian maple. There is some confusion. It seems to me that either the honey productivity was mixed up: the Tatarian maple should be higher, since it blooms later and falls under more favorable weather conditions, or there are typos in the text of the reference book.

There is also confusion when describing honey from Tatarian maple on various Internet sites. For example, they write that the honey was collected from a field maple, but in the description photo it is Tatarian maple. Or they indicate that black maple is a field maple, and then that it is Tatarian maple. Logically, it turns out that field maple and Tatar maple are one and the same thing, which is not true at all...

This year I had the opportunity to try honey declared as maple, that is, from Norway maple (we stayed in the village of Starosaitovo, which is located in the Ishimbay district of Bashkortostan): light in appearance, pleasant and restrained in taste. But I haven’t seen or tasted honey from the Tatar maple, but I would love to taste it. They say that black maple honey is inferior in taste to light maple honey...

Black maple honey is one of the rarest varieties with unique properties. Only the most skilled beekeepers manage to collect such a product in its pure form; others have to limit themselves to a mixture with acacia. Scientists have proven that black maple honey is tens of times healthier than the May harvest. This statement may be difficult to believe, but it is absolutely true.


It is worth emphasizing that bees are attracted not by the ordinary maple, which we see almost every step of the way, but by its Tatar relative. It is to him that bees flock to collect nectar from sweet and fragrant flowers.

As for the tree itself, its maximum height usually does not exceed 6-8 meters. The main habitat of the Tatarian maple is considered to be the Caucasus and the south of Russia, but it is also often found in European countries located to the south.

The peculiarity of honey collected from Tatar maple is that the tree blooms in mid-spring and only for 2 weeks. At this time, most bee families are not yet completely ready for honey collection, and therefore do not have time to collect a sufficient amount of rare nectar.

A pure product can only be obtained if you find a clearing with a large number of trees.

The maple product boasts an unusual structure and has a paste-like consistency. It is very sweet and has a unique caramel aroma. Although, in some cases, it is very difficult to distinguish a fake from a natural product.

Basic properties of honey

As we said above, black maple honey is a very rare product, and therefore is highly valued among beekeepers. What makes it so rare? The fact is that the Tatarian maple, from the nectar of which bees make a product, blooms for only two weeks in mid-spring.

Below we list the main properties of black maple honey:

  1. Maple honey is dark in color. If you hold it up to the light, the product begins to play with dark red shades.
  2. Black maple honey is collected in mid-spring and is therefore considered very healthy.
  3. It has a unique aroma that combines sourness and caramel notes.
  4. Tart taste that leaves a pleasant aftertaste for a long time.
  5. It can be stored in a liquid state for a relatively long time due to the fact that crystallization occurs slowly.
  6. Very thick and more like a paste in consistency.

As mentioned earlier, maple honey in its pure form is very rare. More often it can be found in the form of a combination with acacia or other honey products.

Composition of black maple honey

Black maple honey has a unique composition: 50% fructose, 30% glucose and 5% maltose.

All these substances are fast carbohydrates and are well absorbed by the human body. Fructose and glucose have a positive effect on the functioning of the skeleton and heart muscles. All substances that are not absorbed are stored as fat.

Maple honey contains more than a dozen vitamins. Let us note among them such components as: A, B, C, E.

In addition, the product contains biogenic stimulants, pantothenic acid and other organic acids.

The composition of maple honey is another confirmation that it is a unique product that is absorbed by the human body by 99%.

Taste and appearance

Black maple honey is a dark variety. Although immediately after pumping it has a light shade, as a result of crystallization it gradually darkens. The consistency resembles a thick paste.

As for the taste, it has a pleasant caramel aroma with a slight sourness.


What are the benefits of Tatarian maple honey? Our ancestors discovered the medicinal properties of this product. They preferred dark varieties and for good reason, scientists have proven that such products contain more than 500 substances, most of which are minerals necessary for the human body.

The product has medicinal properties that help get rid of the following ailments:

  • toxicosis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • liver diseases;
  • insomnia;
  • flu;
  • angina

This list can be continued for a very long time.

Scientists have proven the benefits of black maple honey during postpartum recovery. It is an excellent analgesic and disinfectant. In addition, this variety is often added to cosmetics.

Black maple honey also has a positive effect on the digestive system:

  • normalizes the process of gastric juice production;
  • stabilizes stomach acidity;
  • accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues.

It has been proven that this product regulates the body’s metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

Maple honey is actively used in medicine. It has proven its effectiveness in dentistry and cardiology. Many doctors recommend it as an effective antiemetic.

To minimize the risk of an allergic reaction, it should be taken in small doses, several times a day.

If black maple honey is mixed with carrot juice, sea buckthorn, rowan and blueberries, you will get an effective remedy for improving vision. In addition, with the help of this product you can increase vascular tone.


No one doubts the benefits of the product, but we should not forget about contraindications. Maple honey is contraindicated:

  • Children under 3 years old;
  • People diagnosed with diabetes;
  • People with peptic ulcers or acute gastritis;
  • People with an allergic reaction to this product;
  • Overweight people who are trying to lose weight.


Maple honey boasts a fairly wide range of applications. It is used both in medicinal and folk medicine, cosmetology, and confectionery. The beneficial properties of the product have been proven more than once by scientists. But unfortunately, this is a very rare product that is almost impossible to get in its pure form.

Use in folk medicine

Black maple honey should be consumed for diseases of the digestive system. Thanks to its medicinal components, it heals wounds and accelerates the process of regeneration of intestinal walls. With moderate consumption of the product, metabolism is normalized.

In addition, it helps improve vision and normalize heart function. Traditional healers use the product to treat colds, bronchitis, asthma, vitamin deficiency and scurvy.

How black maple blooms

To see how the black maple blooms, you need to visit a honey plant in mid-spring, with a large number of trees of this species.

During flowering, white-green flowers appear on tree branches, which are collected in small bouquets. Flowering duration is 20-25 days. All this time, the bees collect nectar from this generous plant.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a blooming honey plant, watch the video below.

Storage conditions and rules

In order for honey to retain its medicinal properties for a long time, storage rules must be followed. It is better to store the product in a glass container and pour it into a wooden one only when serving.

Recommended storage temperature: 10 degrees and below. It is worth noting that if the thermometer readings are negative, the bee gift can be stored even longer. It is important that the product is not exposed to direct sunlight, as it will begin to crystallize.

If we talk about storing at home, then several small portions can be placed in the refrigerator, and the rest can be hidden in a dark and dry place. It is easier to store “nectar” in the village, since almost every owner has a cellar.

How to distinguish a fake?

We do not recommend buying the product at the bazaar, because if you are not very knowledgeable about types of honey, sellers can take advantage of this and slip you a linden one. To prevent this from happening, we will teach you how to distinguish the “original” from a fake.

First of all, we note that maple “nectar” should have a dark brown or dark brown hue. The natural product emits a rich caramel aroma, and the honey itself leaves a long sour aftertaste.

When buying black maple honey, you need to pay attention to color, aroma, price and time of sale.

Maple “nectar” is much more expensive than other varieties, so you should not be fooled by a cheap product - most likely it is a fake. Honey from Tatar maple is distinguished by its viscousness and the duration of the crystallization process.

