
Festive veal dish. Veal recipes

Even those housewives who know how long to cook veal are not always able to achieve optimal results during its processing. It will take approximately 1-1.5 hours to bring the veal to readiness. A slight upward correction of the indicator is possible if the piece of meat is large. But only by adhering to a number of rules for working with the product, you can prepare a truly tender, juicy, nutritious and tasty dish.

Rules for selecting and processing veal

In order to get an idea of ​​how long it will take to cook the meat and what the yield of the edible product will be, you need to remember the following points:

  1. The first grade product, which includes fillet, back and brisket, cooks faster. The yield of meat in this case is maximum.
  2. The second grade includes meat from the shoulder and shoulder parts. It takes a little longer to prepare, but it contains almost no tendons, so it gives a good yield of pure product.
  3. The drumstick is classified as third grade. Due to the abundance of tendons, this part can take up to two hours to cook.
  4. Veal with bones is ideal for making soup. It does not cook for long and allows you to get a thick broth.

Tip: Veal can also be boiled in a slow cooker, the result will be no worse. The processing time in this case will be at least 2 hours, even if the meat is cut into small pieces. The optimal mode for such processing is “Quenching”. It allows the component to be cooked as evenly as possible.

When boiling veal, you need to be guided not only by the quality of the meat. The following points must also be taken into account:

  • In cases where veal acts as a base for soup, it is recommended to boil it in one piece. An hour after the water boils, try to pierce the product with a fork or knife. If the device easily passes between the fibers, the meat is ready.
  • In order for the veal to be juicy and soft, it should be placed not in cold water, but in boiling water.
  • Before boiling, the product should be cut, working across the grain. In this case, they will retain their juice to the maximum.
  • It is not recommended to keep delicate workpieces over high heat. This will not save time, and the aromatic broth will boil away.
  • It is not recommended to cover the contents of the pan with a lid until all the foam has been removed.
  • Salt is introduced only 15 minutes before the end of meat processing. If you add it earlier, the product will be too hard.
  • After the decision is made on how long to cook the veal, this period should be divided into 2 parts. For example, if 1 hour is allocated, then 40 minutes after the start of processing the broth should be drained, replacing it with new boiling water. It turns out that the first treatment should be 2 times longer than the second.

Ready meat should not be removed from the broth immediately. It is better to remove the pan from the stove and simmer the product under a closed lid for another 15-20 minutes.

How to properly boil tender meat?

To prepare a preparation in which the meat turns out perfectly, you need to take 0.5 kg of veal, a couple of onions, a carrot, a couple of bay leaves, 3 tablespoons of butter, a teaspoon of ground black pepper and a teaspoon of salt.

  • We thoroughly wash the veal and cut it into identical cubes with a side of 3 cm. Place the workpiece in a saucepan, fill it with water, providing a reserve of 2 cm. You can also do it according to the rules - by placing the pieces in boiling water, but in this case you will first need to measure out the required amount of liquid.

Tip: When choosing veal for cooking, you need to give preference to small pinkish-red pieces. They should not be dry or grainy in appearance. The fat can only be white, and the juice can only be clear.

  • Place the pan over medium heat, bring the contents to a boil and reduce the heat to low. Immediately add the bay leaf.
  • Cook the product for 1-1.5 hours. Half an hour after the start of processing, remove the bay leaf. 15 minutes before turning off the product, add pepper and salt.
  • If everything was done correctly, then during this time the moisture will completely evaporate and only meat will remain in the pan. Add butter, finely chopped onion and grated carrots to it. Simmer this entire mixture for another 20 minutes.

Meat prepared in this way can be further processed or consumed as is.

Recipe for delicious Irish boiled veal

A rather interesting option for processing veal, which involves boiling it for 30 minutes and stewing for another 30 minutes. For this we need 1 kg of meat, an onion, a leek, 3 stalks of celery, a carrot, 0.5 kg of potatoes and cabbage, 3 tablespoons of butter, salt and pepper.

  • We wash the veal and cut it into small cubes. Now they need to be rubbed with salt and pepper, and then blanched three times for 5 minutes, taking breaks of 5 minutes between each approach. This takes about half an hour and the meat is half cooked.
  • Finely chop the turnips, leeks and celery and fry in butter until soft. Add meat, salt and pepper, mix everything. Fill the product with the broth left over from blanching the veal with a minimum reserve.
  • Add finely chopped cabbage and potatoes and simmer for another half hour. Despite the duration and peculiarities of processing, the meat turns out boiled, dietary and very soft.

Boiled veal, prepared according to all the rules, even without additional ingredients turns out very tasty and tender. You shouldn’t come up with an overly complicated side dish for it, as this could ruin the overall impression of the product.

Veal is one of the most delicious and dietary types of meat, which is valued by gourmets around the world, since it contains the least amount of fat and bad cholesterol (about 60 mg per 100 grams of meat). It is used as complementary food for babies in the first year of life, and also as a dietary ingredient in meat and vegetable dishes as part of many common diets. Boiled or baked veal contains many useful substances and a minimum of calories. The main thing is to choose the right recipes for veal dishes, which we’ll talk about.

Basic rules for eating veal for weight loss

  • any meat dish and veal, the recipes for which we will consider, should not be over-salted;
  • You shouldn't fry veal either;
  • do not pepper too much, add less aromatic spices - they whet your appetite, and you can eat more than you need;
  • It is better to eat veal in the morning. If you decide to cook this meat for dinner, then give up all kinds of side dishes;
  • the optimal amount of meat per day is 200-300 grams (including sausages, fish and eggs);
  • remember that cooking veal, recipes for which are used in dietary nutrition, provides for the complete absence of any fat on the meat. Therefore, trim off excess fat before cooking.

Veal recipes with photos

  • Before you start cooking veal, pay attention to its quality. Choose pieces that are light pink in color. The fat on the meat should be white and not sticky.
  • When cooking, do not remove the foam from the broth, because healthy protein accumulates in it.
  • Do not leave the veal in the marinade (if you plan to fry or bake) for longer than 2 hours, otherwise the meat will become tough.
  • Without unnecessary spices and fat, you will always get delicious veal. Slow cooker recipes call for proper marinating and cooking of this meat, even without salt and pepper.

Veal recipe in the oven


  • fresh veal (tenderloin) - 1 kg;
  • cherry juice without sugar - 100 ml;
  • cognac optional - 50 ml;
  • black pepper or a mixture of ground peppers - 1 tsp;
  • ground chili pepper - on the tip of a knife;
  • thyme - 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt to taste;
  • honey - 1 dessert spoon.


  • grind dry spices and salt in a mortar;
  • rinse and dry the veal, rub on all sides with crushed spices;
  • mix honey, cherry juice and cognac in a bowl, dip the meat in the marinade and leave to soak for 30 minutes at room temperature;
  • after this time, turn the meat over and refrigerate for 60 minutes;
  • turn the meat several more times in the marinade;
  • lightly fry the meat in a dry frying pan to form a crust that preserves the juiciness of the veal;
  • pour the marinade into the sleeve, place the carrot slices, place the meat on top;
  • bake at 170°C for about an hour. Then remove the meat and let it sit for 10 minutes;
  • Now it can be removed from the sleeve, sliced ​​and served.

Veal stew - recipe

A very natural and dietary recipe that uses a minimum of spices and no fats! An excellent meat dish for dinner. The recipe for veal goulash, by the way, is very similar to the one proposed below, the only difference is in the method of cutting the meat - it is customary to cut veal into goulash into strips 1.5 cm thick.


  • veal goulash - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs;
  • black and allspice pepper - 10-15 peas;
  • ground white pepper, salt to taste;
  • dried mushrooms - 100 grams.


  • rinse the meat and remove excess fat and films, cut into large pieces;
  • cut the onion into large rings;
  • Place in a cast-iron saucepan or thick-bottomed pan in layers: meat, onions, a mixture of peppers, and again meat, onions and peppers. Add a little salt;
  • cover the pan with a lid and place on high heat;
  • as soon as the meat releases juice, you can stir it, reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 1 hour;
  • stir again and leave to simmer for another 1 hour over low heat;
  • Dried mushrooms are added as desired, without soaking directly into boiling meat;
  • Leave everything together to simmer for another 1 hour, after which the delicious stewed dietary veal is ready!

Veal soup - recipe


  • veal - 450 g;
  • fleshy tomatoes - 4 pcs;
  • shallot (or leek) - 1 piece;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • fresh or frozen spinach - 150 g;
  • asparagus - 200 g;
  • parsley and cilantro to taste;
  • red bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • salt.


  • Boil the veal for 45 minutes in one piece, so that the meat is juicy, place it in boiling water;
  • add celery, finely chopped garlic, onion, peeled and chopped tomatoes, grated carrots, red bell pepper, diced;
  • After boiling for about 15 minutes, add asparagus and continue cooking the soup for about 5 minutes;
  • add greens and spinach, let it boil and remove from heat;
  • Remove the meat from the soup and use a fork to separate it into fibers, pour the pieces of veal back into the soup.

Using the same ingredients, you can prepare veal with vegetables, the recipe of which can be tailored to your taste, adding your favorite ingredients. This dish is best baked in a sleeve for 50 minutes.

Veal is a separate type of meat. Although, in fact, it is “young beef,” veal has its own cooking characteristics that allow you to prepare tasty and healthy dietary dishes. This article is all about veal, its preparation, and, of course, recipes for the most delicious dishes made from this meat.

Veal is noticeably inferior to other types of meat in popularity, since it can hardly be called as common as beef. But this is its only disadvantage, because in everything else it leaves other types of meat far behind: protein per 100g is 35% more than in beef, and there is much less fat - 6.8g versus 30g in beef.

Veal contains more phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sodium than beef, the same goes for vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and PP.

The meat of young calves - still dairy calves, is more tender and requires knowledge of the peculiarities of handling it, otherwise you will simply throw money away and will not be able to appreciate all its advantages. Due to the fact that it contains a lot of water (72g per 100g of meat, this figure is 55g for beef), and very little fat, veal is easy to turn into tough “sole”. Therefore, it is believed that cooking this meat is more difficult than the same beef.

Veal has degrees of doneness, but there is no such degree of roasting as “rare” - if it is undercooked, it will release not a red, but a light pink liquid mixed with milk, and it will have an unpleasant taste and smell. In addition, eating such veal is unsafe for the stomach, just like poorly baked veal.

Veal is especially valued for its pale pink color and delicate taste. This lean, low-fat meat is chosen by many weight-conscious and health-conscious gourmets. And, despite all the noted difficulties of preparation, it should be noted that he has not so few fans, but very many. And all because, as they say, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing”: desire, attention and a good mood have never failed a single cook!

Veal recipes

Veal can be fried, baked, grilled, boiled, stewed. The most popular methods include frying, stewing and baking in the oven. It makes excellent roast beef, zrazy, escalopes, and stews. But it is important that you should choose different parts of the carcass for different dishes. And in general, you need to approach the choice of veal on the market with knowledge of the matter.

How to choose veal

Good veal is pleasant to look at and smell: light, light pink to creamy pink in color, with fine fibers, springs back well when pressed, with elastic and very white fat, moist but not slimy. The color of the meat indicates the age of the animal: the whiter the veal, the younger the calf was; the extremely light possible color of high-quality meat is almost white, with a pale pink tint.

If you bought a neck, then it is better to boil or stew it, prepare broth; if the tenderloin is a sirloin, back or lumbar, it is better to fry it in a frying pan, make medallions or bake a whole piece in the oven. It is preferable to use rump for preparing escalopes; this part of the veal can also be fried over an open fire, in a frying pan or baked in the oven; veal rump makes excellent schnitzels and roasts. With such a part as a shoulder blade it is better to cook fricassee, beef stroganoff, stew or roast. Veal brisket is smoked, boiled or used for minced meat, just like arable meat (it can also be stewed, but for a long time). Another part that can be baked as a whole piece is the rump; you can also cook delicious schnitzels and beef stroganoff with it, and it is better to use the shank or shank for jellied meat or also stew for a long time.

So, the meat has been chosen, all that remains is to decide what dish to make from it. We will tell you about the best - the most interesting and simple recipes for cooking veal.

Veal stew recipe

You will need: 800g veal, 20g butter, 5 bay leaves, 2 small onions, 1 handful of cranberries, 1/3 bottle of dark beer, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 2 pinches of peppercorns, salt, chili pepper if desired.

How to stew veal. Cut a piece of meat into longitudinal layers no more than 3 mm thick, each cut into smaller pieces. Heat a dry frying pan, dry the bay, lay out the chopped meat, then pour in the oil, fry the meat until browned on all sides, add salt, add butter, chopped onion, peppercorns and cranberries, as well as chili (if used). Fry everything together for another 5-7 minutes, pour in beer, simmer for 20 minutes at medium temperature. This meat turns out juicy and very soft.

Very often, veal is prepared in the same way as beef - according to recipes for this type of meat, and this is a big mistake, since it needs to be cooked more like chicken than like meat - much less time. It would be no less a mistake to replace this meat with beef in any recipe for veal - nothing truly tasty will come out. Also, when preparing this meat, you should observe almost jeweler precision in the composition and quantity of ingredients, do not replace anything, do not use, for example, more spices than necessary - this way the most delicate taste of veal can be forgotten, and all your efforts will be in vain. If you are adding to the recipe, use only those products that are recommended for good compatibility with veal (see below in “The subtleties of cooking veal”).

Recipe for beef stroganoff with mushrooms

You will need: 500g veal tenderloin, 200g medium-fat sour cream, 50g butter, 10-12 champignons, 2 medium onions, 1 tbsp. flour, ground white pepper, salt.

How to cook beef stroganoff with veal. Rinse the meat and dry it with a paper towel, cut across the grain into slices 1 cm thick, beat on both sides, then cut into 5 cm strips, cut the onion into rings, chop the mushrooms. Heat butter in a frying pan, add onion and meat, fry over high heat with constant stirring for 3 minutes, add flour, stir, heat for 1 minute. Place the meat in a steamer container, add sour cream and mushrooms, pepper and salt, stir and cook for 25 minutes.

Veal also goes well with some fruits - orange, apple, lemon, quince. The following recipe will appeal to anyone who loves the combination of meat and fruit.

Recipe for veal with quince

You will need: 500g of veal, 1 onion and quince each, black pepper, salt, for the marinade - 3 bay leaves and allspice peas, 2 cloves, 1 star anise, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. Provençal herbs, 1 tsp. wine vinegar, ½ lemon juice, a pinch of cumin (cumin).

How to cook veal with quince. Grind the spices in a mortar, add vinegar, lemon juice and oil, stir, let it brew for 5 minutes, rinse the meat, rub in the marinade. Cut the seeds from the quince, cut it into medium pieces, and cut the onion into half rings. In a frying pan with hot oil, quickly fry the meat over high heat; in another frying pan, fry the quince and onion in oil. When the juice released from the meat thickens, add it to the quince and onion in another frying pan, and simmer under the lid for 10-15 minutes.

Subtleties of cooking veal

Do not cook veal at high temperatures, except when heat treatment is carried out very quickly and intensively. In all other cases, the meat must be handled very gently. To moisten the veal as it cooks, wrap it in bacon to add juiciness and flavor to the meat. During the process of roasting or baking veal, it should be basted very often with the juices released, either with sauce, wine or broth. Veal goes very well with foods such as mushrooms, Parmesan cheese, capers and anchovies, mustard; among liquid additives, it is better to choose white wine, cream, cognac, balsamic vinegar, Madeira, coconut milk and olive oil. Vegetables that perfectly complement the taste of veal include carrots, celery, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, garlic, and leeks. But the best companions among herbs and spices for this meat are sage, parsley, bay leaf, tarragon, thyme, chives, rosemary, basil, black pepper and nutmeg. It is not necessary to marinate the veal, but marinating for an hour gives the meat a richer flavor and allows it to cook even faster.

Beauty and Health Health Nutrition

Veal is a meat that began to be eaten in Russia not so long ago - only in the 19th century, and before that it was considered a forbidden product - something of a “taboo” in Russian cuisine. But the French and Italians respected veal, and to this day it is these countries that supply the world market with a product of the highest quality, with a delicate taste and a very attractive smell. Nutritionists consider veal one of the most valuable types of meat: it is not difficult to prepare, and it contains many useful and nutritious substances - therefore it is always recommended for children, elderly people and those recovering from illness.

Veal: composition, calorie content and benefits

There are practically no carbohydrates in veal, but it contains a lot of healthy, easily digestible protein and very little light fat.

The calorie content of veal is low - about 97 kcal, but it is rich in vitamins and minerals: this is group B (7 vitamins) and vitamin E; potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, iron - it is most abundant in the liver, copper, fluorine, nickel, manganese, cobalt, iodine and zinc.

Veal is often recommended for anemia, and iron is well absorbed in the presence of vitamin C. Therefore, many sources talk about sauerkraut - it has always been popular in Russian cuisine, but veal can be consumed with any foods rich in this vitamin. These can be sweet peppers and any types of fresh cabbage - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, etc., green garlic feathers, fresh green peas, wild garlic, spinach, horseradish, sprouted cereals, etc.

Diabetics, hypertension and stomach patients veal is also indicated, and calf liver is included in the diet to prevent heart attacks and speed up the treatment of urolithiasis. Doctors recommend that people recovering from infections, injuries and burns consume boiled veal.

Unlike mature beef, which the body absorbs by about 75%, veal is absorbed much better - by 90% or more: the connective tissue in it is very delicate and thin, and the protein is preserved almost completely - this is the most valuable thing. However, in order cook veal correctly and get the maximum benefit, you should not allow the cooking temperature to exceed 180°C - otherwise the meat will turn out dry and tough.

How to cook veal correctly

Of course, the taste depends on the choice of veal, but the skill of the cook is a decisive factor: an inexperienced cook can prepare an escalope from high-quality dairy veal that resembles a sole, and boiled veal will look like a rag - if you cook it like regular or even young beef. Meanwhile, the culinary metaphor “melts in the mouth” is usually used specifically in relation to skillfully prepared tender veal, so it’s worth learning the main secrets of its preparation, at least briefly.

How to cook veal

Before cooking, the veal is cut into long pieces, lightly salted and sprinkled with a mixture of different ground peppers, a little mustard and wrapped in film. When eating on a diet, pepper and mustard are not used, but they should still be wrapped. Tightly wrapped pieces of meat are carefully lowered into boiling water and immediately removed from the heat: this is done with veal tenderloin - this is the strip of meat located in the upper back. By putting regular veal pulp in hot water, you can wait until it boils again, but you also need to remove it from the heat immediately and leave it in the hot broth, covered, for 3-4 hours.

Tenderloin is the best part for boiling, but clean flesh is also great for this - you also need to know how to cook it. For example, the flesh of the front leg contains a lot of tendons - when they are cut out, many small pieces of meat are formed, so it is necessary to cook in such a way that all the beneficial properties are preserved. You need to put the meat in boiling salted water with spices and seasonings; There should be enough water to cover the pieces and not boil them down. Boil the veal in pieces for about an hour over medium or low heat, but depending on the thickness of the piece: readiness is determined by making a small cut - the juice should not be bloody, but slightly pinkish.

How to stew veal

Veal is stewed with wine, beer, in its own juice, with vegetables, sour fruits and berries. You can take brisket - the best option, shoulder blade or pulp; You need to cut the meat across the grain. It is stewed in a small amount of water, which - with seasonings - becomes an excellent sauce; you can stew raw veal or fried - the second option is tastier and juicier. The duration of stewing also depends on the size of the piece: a large veal steak can be stewed for 1-2 hours in the oven, and small pieces can be stewed perfectly in 30-40 minutes.

How to bake veal

Many chefs consider baking to be the best way to cook veal.. There is little fat in it, so it is stuffed with lard - large pieces, and also wrapped in thin bacon, poured with fatty sauces, etc. First, the meat is marinated for some time, with olive oil, ginger, wine, mustard, herbs - there is no need to keep it in the marinade for a long time, but you need to salt it before or after cooking - this way the nutritional juices will be preserved.

The marinated meat is baked in foil, but then it is removed to create an appetizing crust. Small pieces are not wrapped, but poured over with sauce. Readiness is determined in approximately the same way as when cooking - an incision is made, but you need to focus on the structure of the meat: large pieces with less fiber are baked faster than small and fibrous ones. To make baked veal look attractive and festive, it can be glazed if desired. Crushed fresh berries are mixed with honey and brushed over the meat before cooking - the piquant caramelized crust improves not only the appearance, but also the taste of the dish.

How to fry veal

There are a lot of fried veal dishes, and they can be cooked in different ways - on the grill, barbecue and in a regular frying pan, but it is imperative to fry them properly - this is not discussed. Beef with blood is acceptable, but undercooked veal will be tasteless, have an unappetizing smell, and can be harmful to health. If, when pressing at the site of an incision or puncture, a cloudy bloody juice is released from the meat, it cannot be considered fried - it must be brought to readiness.

You can fry any parts except shanks and shanks. The pieces are lightly marinated with oil and spices; Salt and pepper should be added immediately if the meat will be cooked in a frying pan, and if using a grill, after cooking. It is better to fry a piece of veal over high heat on both sides for 2-3 minutes, and then put it in a preheated oven until done - this will “seal” the juice. Breaded meat will also be juicy: a mixture of breadcrumbs and sesame seeds with ground nuts are used - everything can be done to your taste. Flambéed veal has a special taste and aroma - you need to pour a little cognac into the pan and set it on fire.

Contraindications to eating veal

With all its advantages veal contains extractive substances, and when it is digested, a lot of uric acid is formed in the body - this is unacceptable for diseases of the kidneys and the osteoarticular system. So veal is contraindicated for arthritis and gout, as well as individual intolerance.

Tags: veal, how to cook veal

Tender meat is very tasty at home. Cook veal in foil in the oven according to the best recipes.

Baked beef in a large piece is a very impressive, and at the same time very simple dish, something like the usual pork boiled pork. The main thing when preparing it is the correct choice of the right piece of meat. Not every part of the carcass is suitable for whole roasting, and only from a young animal. The most tender will be veal in the oven in foil, but you can also get a very tasty dish from beef. To make the oven meat juicy and soft, you need to buy either a tenderloin (more expensive) or a thick end (cheaper). And when you have purchased the desired piece of meat, all that remains is a mere trifle - wrap it in foil and bake it in the oven, but first prepare it a little.

  • Meat - 1-1.2 kg
  • Garlic - 3 large cloves
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
  • Ground black pepper

We wash a piece of meat, dry it with a paper towel, and remove films and tendons. If there is a layer of fat, then leave it.

Mix a tablespoon of prepared mustard, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, and three cloves of garlic in a bowl. passed through a press, ground black pepper and a heaped teaspoon of salt.

Coat the meat on all sides with the mixture.

Place in a container, cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

Line a baking dish with foil, shiny side up. Lay out the marinated meat.

Wrap it in a tight envelope so that the juice does not leak out during baking.

Bake for about an hour and a half at a temperature of 220 degrees. The time depends on the size of the piece of meat and the desired degree of doneness. I’m afraid of rare meat, so I bake it until a light juice comes out when pierced.

When the meat is ready, unfold the foil and leave in the oven for another 10-15 minutes so that the meat browns a little. The same principle applies to cooking beef in an air fryer. Place the baking dish on the LOWER rack and cook at MEDIUM fan speed. 5 minutes may be enough for browning, so be careful not to overdry it.

The finished meat should be allowed to rest for about 15 minutes, and then cut into portions. The juice formed during baking can be drained, strained and thickened with a small amount of fried flour, add grated horseradish or butter. Pour the sauce over the pieces of veal baked in foil and serve, preferably with vegetables.

Recipe 2, step by step: veal baked in the oven

Veal baked in the oven with vegetables turned out surprisingly tasty and soft, although this was the first time I had cooked it. The recipe for baked veal is quite simple and will only require patience from you, since it takes about 1 hour to prepare.

  • Veal – 300 gr
  • Green beans – 100 gr
  • Sweet bell pepper – 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon
  • Mustard - 1 tablespoon
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Ground white pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Wash the veal, remove the veins (if any) and cut into small pieces. Make a marinade from mayonnaise, mustard, salt, black and white pepper. Place the meat in the dish in which we will bake and mix with the marinade.

Peel the carrots, remove seeds from bell peppers and rinse. Cut vegetables into small pieces.

Mix vegetables and veal.

Add green beans, minced garlic clove and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Mix everything and let marinate for about 10 minutes.

Place the veal with vegetables in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Serve the dish piping hot, washed down with dry red wine.

Recipe 3: how to cook veal in the oven

Fans of veal know very well how much healthier this meat is than pork. Firstly, the low fat content allows you not to limit yourself in serving sizes, and secondly, properly baked veal in the oven cannot be compared in taste and tenderness with any other meat.

  • veal fillet - 1 kg:
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • coarse sea salt;
  • ground black pepper.

For baking, it is best to use fresh meat that has not been frozen. But if it so happens that you have an excellent piece of veal, but frozen, then to successfully implement the recipe you should defrost the meat correctly. This should be done very carefully, preferably at room temperature. It’s best to put it in the refrigerator (not the freezer) for a day and it will reach the desired condition. It is very important to send meat into the oven that has “relaxed”, that is, its fibers must be completely defrosted.

There are several baking methods. Let's use the basic recipe and bake the veal in foil, stuffed with carrots and garlic.

The carrots should be peeled and washed. Then we cut it lengthwise, and then cut the large parts into smaller ones, but with a pointed end. As a result, we should get something like small cones with which it will be easy to stuff the veal tenderloin.

Peel a few cloves of garlic, and then cut each clove lengthwise into two parts.

Wash the veal tenderloin in warm water, lightly dry it with paper towels, and then stuff it with carrots and garlic. In order to easily insert pieces of carrots and halves of garlic cloves into the meat, deep cuts should be made in the meat. Using a sharp knife, pierce it in different parts (on all sides) and alternately stuff it with carrots and garlic.

Then salt and pepper the meat on all sides. We tear off a piece of foil, which will be 3-4 times the size of the veal, place the meat in the center and cover with foil on all sides. It turns out that we have, as it were, “sealed” the veal, thanks to which the meat juices will not evaporate, but will remain inside and it will turn out juicy and tender.

Place the veal wrapped in foil on a baking sheet and place it in an oven preheated to 190 degrees.

Bake it for exactly 2 hours. Then take it out and let it cool slightly without unrolling the foil.

Cut the veal into portions and serve, garnished with sprigs of herbs. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: veal with potatoes in the oven (step by step)

  • Veal tenderloin – 1 kg
  • Rosemary - 5 sprigs
  • Sage - 3 sprigs
  • Thyme - 3 sprigs
  • Pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Broth – 300 ml
  • Potatoes -7 pcs.
  • Large onion - 1-2 pcs.
  • Flour - 1-2 tbsp.

We place the veal in a cooking net, or tie it with baking twine. If you have a flat piece, roll it up. We place sprigs of aromatic herbs under the mesh (string).

Fry the meat in a frying pan on all sides. Salt and pepper. Transfer to a baking dish.

Place potatoes around, cut into medium cubes and mixed with onion half rings. Spread rosemary, cumin and sage over the potatoes. Drizzle everything with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Pour over heated broth.

Bake for about 1 hour.

We get the veal. If it is easily pierced with a knife and clear juice flows out, it’s ready. If pink liquid is released, the meat should be returned to the oven for another 20-30 minutes. Take out the arrosto and wrap it in foil.

Pour the resulting juice into the pan where we fried the veal. Mix the potatoes and add salt. Let's check for readiness. If necessary, place it back in the oven until done.

Add 1 tbsp to the pan with the meat juice. flour, stir well, bring to a boil. Salt.

Cut the baked veal into thin slices.

Serve baked veal with potatoes and sauce. Bon appetit!

Recipe 5: juicy veal with vegetables in the oven

Tender veal with light vegetables and sauce in the oven. I want to offer a recipe for veal - the meat of a young calf. It is called the healthiest, and it is much more tender than beef. The optimal, easiest and healthiest combination is with vegetables, for example, carrots, beans, bell peppers and onions (and in fact, who has what vegetables in the refrigerator). I suggest giving the meat a spicy, slightly sour taste, so as seasonings we’ll take mayonnaise, mustard, lemon, a clove of garlic and a bouquet of pepper. Also in the photo there is no cream, flour and butter - we will need them for the sauce.

  • veal 400 g
  • carrots 1 piece
  • green beans 200 g
  • bell pepper 1 piece
  • onion 2 pcs
  • garlic 1 clove
  • lemon 0.5 pcs
  • mustard 1 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp.
  • bouquet of pepper 2 pinch
  • cream 400 ml
  • flour 2 tbsp.
  • butter 1 tbsp.

We cut the veal into portions, keeping in mind that it will probably shrink during cooking, so we don’t cut it too small.

We beat the meat.

Mix a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, a tablespoon of mustard. Squeeze out a clove of garlic.

Squeeze lemon juice in there. Add a bouquet of pepper and salt to the seasoning. Mix.

Coat the pieces of meat with seasoning. It will seem that a little of it, in fact, is enough for all the pieces.

Especially when we mix them. It’s great if you have time and you can put the meat in the refrigerator to marinate for an hour or two; if not, it doesn’t matter, the meat will have time to absorb the seasonings in the oven.

We cut vegetables: onions and carrots into rings, bell peppers into longitudinal pieces.

Place the meat in a baking dish.

Place beans on top, then chopped vegetables.

If we bake a dish like this, it will be dry. You can, of course, add mayonnaise, but I suggest spending 5 minutes and making something like bechamel sauce. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a hot frying pan, fry 2 tablespoons of flour in it (add the flour and stir). Then pour the cream into the frying pan gradually (2 cups in total), stirring constantly and rubbing the pieces of flour. Let it boil.

Pour the sauce over the dish (along the entire perimeter so that the vegetables do not dry out). Place in the oven at 180 degrees for one hour.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: soft and tasty veal in the oven

A few fresh, simply prepared ingredients and you have a warming, satisfying meal. Eggplants and onions, the aroma of which is revealed during frying in the oven, complement the taste of tender veal. It is recommended to serve this dish as a second dish or as a separate dish for dinner. Veal baked with vegetables will decorate any holiday table and your guests will appreciate your culinary skills. To prepare a vegetarian dish, veal steaks can be replaced with cheese. Let's go with mozzarella cheese. You need to spread it on the tomatoes.

  • Basil – 15 g
  • Eggplant - 2 pcs (2 medium sized eggplants)
  • Coriander - 1/3 bunch.
  • Onion – 250 g
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Black pepper - 1 tsp.
  • Tomato – 400 g
  • Veal – 4 pieces (4 steaks)
  • Cumin - 2 tsp.
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp. (Balsamic vinegar)
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.

Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with balsamic vinegar. Coat the veal steaks on both sides with the resulting marinade.

Grind peppercorns and add cumin seeds. Sprinkle this mixture over the meat, pressing in the cumin, and place in the refrigerator.

Preheat the oven to 200*C. Place the onion, chopped into large slices, into a heat-resistant bowl, pour boiling water over it and let it sit in the oven for 2-3 minutes. Then the water must be drained.

Cut the eggplants into 2.5 cm pieces.

Add the eggplants to the onions, pour in the remaining oil.

Grind the garlic in a mortar and add to the vegetables, mix everything.

Heat a large roasting pan over high heat. Fry the steaks on each side, then transfer them to the dish in which they were marinated. Place the vegetables in a hot pan and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until soft. Then place the veal on top, pour over the remaining juice in the dish and place in the oven for 15 minutes.

Cut the tomatoes into pieces and place on top. Place in the oven and cook until the veal is cooked through. Season to taste and serve sprinkled with chopped coriander and basil.

Recipe 7: veal in a sleeve in the oven (with photo)

  • veal (soft part) - 1.5 kg
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • eggplant - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Clean fresh veal from films and veins, stuff it with chopped garlic cloves, salt and pepper, brush with olive or sunflower oil and leave to marinate at room temperature for 3-4 hours.

Peel the vegetables and cut into slices (if the tomatoes are not very large, cut into halves). Season the vegetables with salt and pepper, sprinkle with oil and stir.

Place the marinated meat in a baking sleeve, place vegetables there, tighten the holes in the sleeve and place in an oven preheated to 200-220 degrees for 1 hour.

Check the readiness of the meat by piercing it - the juice that comes out should be clear.

If desired, the baked meat can be browned - to do this, cut the sleeve and place the meat and vegetables under the grill for 10 minutes.

Cut the veal into slices, serve the vegetables as a side dish; the juice released during baking can be used instead of sauce.
Bon appetit!

Recipe 8: tender veal in a pot in the oven

Veal baked in a pot turns out very tasty and surprisingly juicy, not at all tough, so this dish can easily be served for lunch or dinner, even for children, garnishing it with mashed potatoes, porridge, and boiled pasta. Choose steamed veal to create this dish - it has a bright pink color. If the meat is dark burgundy in color, then this means that this is not veal, but beef. To ensure that all the baked pieces melt in your mouth after heat treatment, try to choose meat without blue veins inside. Choose a bouquet of spices according to your taste: dried thyme, rosemary, oregano, herbs de Provence, etc.

  • 400 g veal
  • 0.5 tsp. dried thyme
  • 3 pinches of cumin
  • 1 onion
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 100 ml boiling water
  • 0.5 tsp. salt

If possible, buy veal with a little fat - it will melt during baking and the meat will absorb it, becoming juicy. Wash the veal in water, cut off the blue veins and membranes, leaving clean flesh. Cut into pieces of equal size.

Pour the chopped meat into a deep container and add spices to it. Gently press the meat with a little pressure so that it absorbs the whole bouquet of spices and leave for 1 hour. If desired, you can add a little lemon juice or soy sauce.

After the specified time, peel the onion, rinse and cut it in half. After that, cut it into half rings and place it together with the sliced ​​meat in a pot, where we first pour vegetable oil. Add boiling water, bay leaves and cover the pot with a lid. Make sure that the liquid in the pot is no higher than the shoulders, but not the edges, otherwise it will spill out during baking. Place the pot in an oven preheated to 250 degrees and bake for about 1 hour. But if you use beef, then increase the cooking time for the meat to 1.5 hours and do not forget to add liquid if it evaporates.

After baking, carefully remove the pot and open the lid, keeping in mind the steam. Place the meat on a plate and garnish it with baked or boiled vegetables, cereals, boiled pasta, etc. You can add a little sauce or fresh herbs.

Recipe 9: French-style veal in the oven

  • veal meat -600 gr.
  • onion - 2-3 heads
  • potatoes -7-8 pieces
  • cheese -250-300 gr.
  • mushrooms -250-300 gr.
  • spices - paprika, rosemary, coriander, cardamom

For the sauce:

  • milk - 500 ml.
  • butter - 60 gr.
  • flour - 70 gr.
  • nutmeg
  • salt pepper

Cut fresh young veal into pieces and lightly beat. Then cut across the grain into pieces, this way it will remain juicy and cook faster. But you can leave the steaks whole and not cut them into pieces. Both methods are considered correct.

Place the cut pieces into the prepared glass dish. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with spices.

Peel the onion and cut into thinner half rings. Place on top.

Cut the mushrooms into pieces and place on top of the onion. I have frozen white mushrooms. This year they had a harvest. But you can also use champignons, it will also be delicious.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Lay out the next layer. Salt and pepper.

Prepare Bechamel sauce. Melt the butter.

Add flour, stir well and lightly fry in oil.

Gradually pour in slightly warm milk in a slow stream. While constantly stirring, I use a whisk for this.

Add half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg. If the nut is whole, then scrape off the shavings with a sharp knife, directly into the milk. It adds a wonderful hint of nutty flavor to the sauce. Add salt, ground black pepper and spices.

Continue stirring until thickened. It is not necessary to bring to a boil. When it thickens to the consistency of thick sour cream, turn off the heat. Pour the contents of the mold with Bechamel sauce.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes. After this time, take out the pan, the dish should be a pleasant golden color. And sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Place the dish back in the oven for another 15 minutes. Then take it out, cover it with a cutting board, and top it with a towel. Let the dish sit and rest for at least 15-20 minutes.

Then cut into portions with a knife and place on a plate in layers so as not to disturb their integrity.

Recipe 10, simple: veal with garlic in the oven

Veal baked in the oven is a good option for a romantic or family dinner. The meat can be marinated overnight and then grilled just before lunch or dinner. This will make the meat softer and juicier.

I think veal is better suited for this recipe, but if veal is hard to find or perhaps quite expensive, beef can be a good substitute. If you decide to cook beef, just increase the frying time a little.

Veal baked in foil can be served hot straight from the oven in a whole piece or cut into portions. It can also be used cold.

  • 1200 g boneless veal;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 tablespoons mustard;
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • ½ teaspoon ground coriander;
  • salt - to taste.

Prepare the meat: Wash the piece of veal in warm water and pat dry with paper towels.

Place 2-3 tablespoons of mustard in a bowl. Peel the garlic cloves and press the garlic into a bowl through a press.

Add spices (ground black pepper and coriander, ½ teaspoon each) and mix everything well.

Take a baking dish (I use a small rectangular ceramic dish) and line it with a sheet of foil. The foil should be large enough to wrap the entire piece of meat. Rub the meat well with salt on each side and place it in a bowl on top of the foil.

Generously spread a piece of meat with a mixture of mustard and spices - on the top and bottom sides. Also spread the mixture over the sides of the piece, making sure that the meat is covered with the mustard mixture on all sides.

Fold a sheet of foil over the left and right sides and curl the edges of the foil so that the meat is enclosed in an airtight foil casing. Set the prepared meat aside to marinate for at least 30 minutes (you can leave the meat like this in the refrigerator for half a day if necessary).

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C, set the oven shelf to the middle level and send the veal bowl in foil to cook for about 3 hours (if you like the ham pink inside, reduce the time by 20-30 minutes if the piece of meat is larger than what is shown in recipe - increase time).

I don't like the meat to be raw inside, so I cook it until it releases its juices when pierced with a knife (if you need to check the doneness of the veal, simply remove the meat from the oven, unwrap the foil and taste. If it takes longer to bake, wrap the veal back in foil, place in the oven and continue cooking).

Veal has long been considered a very tasty and dietary food. And in terms of concentration of nutrients, it even surpasses traditional beef. Therefore, if you are a supporter of a healthy diet, you will probably be interested in how to properly cook veal.

How to cook veal goulash with gravy?

If you are tired of traditional boiled or goulash, this is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the subtleties of gastronomy. The simplicity of its preparation is captivating, and the meat retains all its beneficial properties.


  • veal – 800 g;
  • onion – 65 g;
  • salt;
  • high quality flour – 75 g;
  • vegetable oil – 45 g;
  • large carrot – 1 pc.


When considering what can be prepared from veal, do not forget about this simple dish. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it slightly. Peel the onion, cut it into half rings and place in a frying pan. Fry this vegetable for about 5 minutes with constant stirring. Then add the flour, mix thoroughly and leave on the fire for another couple of minutes.

Wash and cut the meat into not too large pieces, place it in a pan and pour in the roast and lightly salt it. Stirring occasionally, simmer the veal over low heat, adding vegetable oil and water if necessary. Cut the peeled carrots into cubes, place in a saucepan, mix well and simmer under the lid over low heat for 50-60 minutes.

How to deliciously cook veal in a frying pan?

When there is not enough time, sometimes there is no time for culinary delights. But from this recipe you will learn how to cook veal so that it is soft, without unnecessary hassle and financial costs.


  • veal – 675 g;
  • large onion – 1 pc.;
  • whole milk, full fat – 275 ml;
  • clove of garlic;
  • salt;
  • large, selected egg – 1 pc.


Finely chop the onion and garlic, add milk, raw egg and salt to them, then beat everything thoroughly with a mixer. Cut the veal into slices about 1 cm thick (the meat can be beaten). Place the pieces of meat in the resulting marinade and leave for 2-3 hours. Pour a little vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it well and start frying the veal. This will take you 15-20 minutes.

If you don’t know how to cook veal in a slow cooker, do exactly the same, only instead of a frying pan, put the meat in this household appliance and turn on the “Roasting” mode for 10 minutes.

How to deliciously cook veal in the oven?

All vitamins and beneficial microelements will certainly be preserved in meat prepared in this way. A pleasant bonus will be the exquisite taste and incomparable crispy crust.


  • veal – 575 g;
  • salt;
  • garlic – 4 large cloves;
  • coriander and black pepper;
  • , burning – 65 g.


Take the cooled meat and leave it at room temperature for several hours. Grate the garlic on a fine grater, make deep longitudinal cuts in the meat and stuff it with garlic. In a separate bowl, mix mustard, salt and other spices well. Then brush the mixture on all sides of the veal and wrap tightly in foil. Leave it to marinate for 1-2 hours. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and place the meat on a baking sheet. Bake in this way for a quarter of an hour, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake the veal for half an hour. After removing from the oven, the meat should be left in foil for another 15-20 minutes.
