
Yeast-free bread at home in the oven, benefits and harms. Yeast-free bread: benefits and harms

Lately, we are increasingly faced with debates about the benefits and harms of such a necessary product for us as bread. The presence of yeast in its composition raises particular doubts: they say that it is harmful to the body, does not add beauty, and makes digestion difficult. Therefore, today we will learn how to prepare yeast-free bread in various ways, and the oven will help us with this.

Features of yeast-free bread

As the name implies, this bread is made without the use of baker's yeast. The dough is kneaded using yogurt or kefir, brines with the addition of soda, which ensures fermentation in an acidic environment. Even more often, special starters are used. It is these products that lift the dough and increase its volume, due to which the bread becomes soft and elastic.

Fans of a healthy lifestyle categorically do not welcome the presence of live yeast in their diet. And such baking is really very healthy. Bread contains cellulose, which has a beneficial effect on peristalsis - you will get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating and normalize metabolism.

Yeast-free bread is really very healthy

Note! The low acidity of yeast-free bread is beneficial for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis or ulcers. Vitamins B and PP contained in this product will relieve you of troubles with your facial skin, hair and nails.

In addition, yeast-free bread, prepared independently, is stored much longer than usual, bought in a store. Of course, if they don’t eat it as soon as they take it out of the oven (most likely, this will happen, I assure you).

Required Ingredients

As with any baking, when making yeast-free bread, the main ingredient is flour. And depending on the recipe, it is very important to choose its type: rye, wheat, corn, buckwheat, barley, bran. Carefully follow the recipe recommendations: sometimes using, for example, wheat flour instead of rye flour can spoil the finished product.

For yeast-free bread, use flour of any cereal crops

Since live yeast is not used, plain water will not work for the dough. Instead, fermented milk products or brines are used, to which soda is added. Yeast-free bread is also prepared with sourdough. Below we will tell you how to do it correctly. If you decide to bake yeast-free bread all the time, you should always have the starter on hand.

Salt and sugar are essential ingredients for the dough. But in this case they only play a taste role. Sugar participates in the formation of dough only when paired with yeast.

Very often, yeast-free bread is supplemented with bran, whole grains, malt, seaweed and other products. These additives greatly increase the benefits of bread for our body.

Depending on the recipe, other products will be added to the dough: eggs, butter, milk, etc. And now, as promised, we will tell you about making sourdough.

"Eternal" leaven

There are a lot of sourdough options to suit every taste. We suggest you start with the simplest but most effective one. It will require:

  • 300 g flour (preferably rye);
  • 300 g of water.
  1. Day 1. Combine water and flour in a deep bowl or saucepan, stir well until the consistency of thick sour cream. Cover with a piece of damp cloth and place in a place where it is very warm and there are no drafts. The preparation should ferment for 24 hours. Stir it from time to time and watch when small bubbles begin to appear.
  2. Day 2. Sourdough needs feeding. Add 100 g of flour and pour in enough water so that the consistency returns to its previous state. Cover the workpiece again and return it to the same warm place for a day. Remember to stir and watch for bubbles.
  3. Day 3. Now you can see with the naked eye that the starter is working. It increased in size and became covered with bubbles. Feed her one last time (as in the previous point) and place her in warmth again. Check from time to time: You need not to miss the moment when the starter grows to 2 times its previous volume. At this point, the mass needs to be divided in half. You can immediately use one part - prepare bread dough on it. Place the other half in a jar, cover with a lid with holes and place in the refrigerator. When necessary, take half of it, feed it again and put it in a warm place.

You should always have starter on hand

That’s the whole secret of the simplest sourdough starter, which will help you for a long time in making tasty and healthy bread.

Sourdough video recipe

Step-by-step recipes for making homemade bread without yeast in the oven

Do you think yeast-free bread is monotonous and boring? But no! There are a lot of recipes for this product, and if you also use your imagination, your life will not be enough to try everything. We have selected for you several common, simple and interesting ways to prepare such bread.

Classic recipe

Loaf of white unleavened bread

A very simple way to bake delicious sourdough bread with a standard set of ingredients:

  • 600 g wheat flour;
  • 250 g water;
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons salt;
  • 7 tablespoons of sourdough.
  1. In a suitable sized bowl, combine the sifted flour, salt and sugar. Add vegetable oil and mix with your hands, rubbing. Add the starter into the resulting mixture.

    Be sure to sift the flour before adding it to the dough.

  2. Stirring constantly, add a glass of water to the dough until it begins to pull away from your palms. Cover with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place for several hours. The dough needs time to rise well (at least 2 times larger in volume). You can leave it for 2 hours in a warm water bath.

    Knead the dough

  3. When the dough has risen, knead it well and carefully place it in the mold. It should be deep, with a good margin at the top, because the dough will still rise. Leave to stand for a while and then safely place the mold in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

    Let the dough rise before placing in the oven.

To make the crust on the bread shiny, coat the top of the loaf with vegetable oil and put it in the oven for another 5-10 minutes.

Video recipe for classic wheat bread without yeast

White whey bread

This bread is not only very tasty, but also filling. It is made according to a recipe similar to those used by our great-great-grandmothers. You will need the following products:

  • 3 cups wheat flour;
  • 550 ml whey;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds;
  • 2 teaspoons salt;
  • ¼ teaspoon of soda;
  • 9 tablespoons of sourdough.

Please note that flour, whey, butter, as well as the dishes in which you will mix the dough must be warm. To warm up the flour, sift it into a suitable dry container and place in a warm (up to 60 degrees) oven.

Whey bread has been prepared since ancient times

  1. Take a deep bowl or pan, pour 1 cup of wheat flour into it.

    Pour wheat flour into the bowl

  2. Place 9 tablespoons of sourdough on top.

    Add starter

  3. Now add the remaining 2 cups of flour, salt, sugar and soda. Pour in 250 ml of whey, preheating it, and vegetable oil.

    Add other products

  4. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly until the mixture is thick and sticky. To work with it further, you need to thoroughly lubricate your hands with sunflower oil.

    Knead the dough

  5. You can bake bread in special forms, and if you don’t have them, then simply form a loaf or small buns with your hands. Cover the molds or baking sheet with parchment paper, greased with vegetable oil, and spread the dough into equal portions. Cover with a towel and place in a warm place for a couple of hours. During this time, the dough should at least double in volume.

    Line the molds or baking sheet with parchment paper

  6. Keep an eye on the dough so it doesn't run away. It is light, quick to rise, and can easily “make legs,” as people say. Even if this happened, don't be upset. Using a sharp knife, carefully trim off any excess dough that has escaped from the mold and make a flat cake out of it. You can bake it too.
  7. Moisten the top of the future bread with water and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Or caraway seeds, flax, sunflower seeds, anise - to your taste. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Place a tray with water on the bottom tier to prevent the bread from burning and saturate it with moisture during baking. Cooking time - 50 minutes.

    You can sprinkle sesame or cumin on top of the bread.

  8. If you like a firm crust, remove the bread immediately after it is baked. You can leave the loaf inside until the oven has cooled completely, then the crust will be soft and tender.

    To ensure a firm and crispy crust, remove the bread from the oven immediately.

Look how lively and elastic the bread is. Sourdough paired with whey makes it unusually aromatic, loose, and soft.

On kefir

Kefir has long been known to us for its beneficial properties. In unleavened bread it acts as a leaven. Take the following ingredients:

This recipe makes 4 servings.

  1. Mix two types of flour in a deep bowl - rye and wheat.

    Mix both types of flour

  2. Add oatmeal. There is also softened butter, salt and soda. Mix all products thoroughly.

    Add other products

  3. Pour in preheated kefir in a thin stream (do not overdo it, it should be warm, not hot). It's time to knead the dough. Do this carefully and slowly.

    Pour in kefir

  4. The dough will be thick, elastic, but not hard; it will slightly stick to your hands. Form a loaf, sprinkle with flour, make cuts on top, crosswise or parallel.

    Form a loaf and cut it at the top

Bake the bread for at least half an hour in an oven heated to 200 degrees. Check readiness with a match or toothpick. Remove the finished loaf, cover with a clean cloth and wait until it cools completely.

Video about making yeast-free bread with kefir

In brine

Spicy and aromatic brine will be an excellent base for yeast-free bread

This bread can taste different every day. This depends on the brine included in the dough. It can be cucumber, cabbage, tomato, infused with dill, cumin, or vinegar. Some people recommend using a brine that is not very sour, others like it more spicy. It all depends on your taste, you can experiment to choose the most suitable option. So, you will need:

  • 300 g brine;
  • 120 g peeled rye flour;
  • 350 g wheat flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 15 g sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil;
  • 2 teaspoons sesame or cumin.

Heat the brine a little, salt it and add rye flour. Stir and leave the mixture to rise for 20-25 minutes.

  1. Add sugar and begin kneading the dough, gradually adding wheat flour. The mass should be soft, slightly sticking to your hands. Cover it and leave it in a warm place.
  2. The dough should double in size. As soon as this happens, place it in the mold with your hands dipped in vegetable oil. Sprinkle with sesame or cumin. Cover with a towel again and place in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  3. Place the pan with the dough in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees. Baking takes about 25 minutes.

    You can check readiness by tapping the crust. If the sound is dull but distinct, it means the bread is ready.

Bread in brine rises well and turns out tasty, aromatic, fluffy

With milk

If you don’t have much time, but there are enough products to surprise your loved ones and friends, we suggest you prepare yeast-free bread with milk with vegetable additives.

Required Products:

  • 400 g flour;
  • 50 g oatmeal;
  • 175 ml milk;
  • 175 ml yogurt;
  • 100 g pumpkin;
  • 3 small onions;
  • 100 g of greens;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil.

Pumpkin can be replaced with zucchini, squash, eggplant, tomatoes - to your taste.

  1. Peel the onion and pumpkin, chop and fry in oil until soft. Turn on the oven to preheat to 200 degrees.

    Prepare roasted onion and pumpkin

  2. Take a large bowl and mix in it the roast, flour, cereal, salt and soda, and chopped herbs. In another bowl, mix milk and yogurt until smooth.

    Mix all ingredients in a bowl

  3. Combine all mixtures in one bowl. Stir quickly with a wooden spatula.

    Knead the dough with a spatula

  4. Place the prepared dough into a greased pan. Make cuts at the top. Bake in a preheated oven for about half an hour.

    Place the dough in the pan and make slits on top

  5. Remove the bread from the oven. It can be served either hot or chilled.

    The finished bread can be served immediately

If desired, you can add honey and nuts, cinnamon with vanilla, anise or olives to this bread.

Custard bread

A very simple recipe with a minimum of ingredients and time. You will need:

  • 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • flour - how much soft dough will take;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • 2 teaspoons each of salt and sugar;
  • sourdough - 8 tablespoons.

Custard-free yeast bread is indispensable in the Lenten menu

This bread is very good with mushroom soups, which are invariably served during Lent.

Whole grain fitness bread

This bread is unconditionally classified as dietary cuisine because of the whole grain flour included in it. A very simple recipe, preparation will take you only an hour and a half, of which you personally will have to spend only 20 minutes.

Whole grain yeast-free bread

The following products will be required:

  • 0.5 cups whole grain wheat flour;
  • 0.5 cups wheat flour;
  • 0.5 glasses of mineral water;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 4 tablespoons bran;
  • 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt.

Set of products for whole grain yeast-free bread

  1. Prepare all the necessary products so that you have them at hand.
  2. In one bowl, mix bran, wholemeal flour and water, add salt. Add wheat flour and vegetable oil there.

    Mix all ingredients in a suitable bowl

  3. Mix everything very quickly into a ball of soft dough. Cover with a clean cloth and leave for 15–20 minutes.

    Quickly knead the dough and leave it warm for a while

  4. Roll out the dough into a thin layer about 0.5 cm. The vegetable oil in the composition will not allow the mass to stick to the table. If this still happens, pour a handful of flour on the table.

    Roll out the dough into a layer

  5. Roll the dough into a roll. Meanwhile, preheat the oven and prepare a baking sheet by lightly moistening it with water. Place the roll on it and bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. After this, lower the temperature to 150 degrees and leave the bread to bake for half an hour.

    Form a roll from the rolled out layer

  6. When you take the finished bread out of the oven, wrap it in linen cloth (slightly damp), cover with plastic wrap and leave to rest for an hour.

    Wrap the finished bread in a linen napkin for a while

Now you can slice your whole grain bread and enjoy its taste.

Bran loaf with soda

This kind of yeast-free bread has been prepared in Ireland for a long time. If you are a fan of this country, be sure to try this recipe. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 g bran flour;
  • 450 ml kefir (low-fat or completely low-fat);
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 50 g sunflower seeds;
  • 1 tablespoon wheat flour;
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt.

Before you begin, turn on the oven so that it is preheated to 220 degrees at the desired time.

  1. Sift the bran flour. Pour the bran that remains at the bottom of the sieve back into the flour, add salt and soda. Mix the ingredients evenly.

    Mix ingredients in a bowl

  2. Add kefir to the dry product mixture and knead the dough.

    Add kefir to dry ingredients mixture

  3. Dry the sesame and sunflower seeds in a frying pan (without oil!).

    Roast the seeds in a dry frying pan

  4. Soak the raisins in water for 5 minutes and squeeze.

    Soak the raisins and squeeze them out

  5. Add all this to the dough, knead well.

Lately, for some reason, the media have been up in arms about yeast bread. At least a dozen programs “shout” about its harm and unnaturalness for the body, about the fact that yeast causes many diseases. This is debatable. However, if you don’t want to eat with yeast, you can make yeast-free bread. It's even easier to do this at home.
The Eco-Life website offers a photo master class on preparing yeast-free bread with kefir in the oven.

Ingredients for yeast-free bread

  • Wheat flour – 300 g + a little for mixing if necessary;
  • kefir (fat content is not important) – 300 ml;
  • salt, sugar, cumin - 1 teaspoon each;
  • soda – 0.5 teaspoon.

Cooking yeast-free bread with kefir in the oven

First, sift the flour so that it is “saturated” with air and becomes fluffy.

Add dry bulk products to the flour: salt, sugar, soda, mix everything.

We also add cumin here.

Now add kefir.

You can not pour the soda right away, but pour it into the kefir so that it “quenches” well.

Mix the ingredients.

If there is not enough flour (the dough is viscous, sticky, does not form), add more flour very gradually while kneading so that the dough does not turn out too tight, dense.

We form a “bun” with our hands.

Cover the finished dough ball with a towel and let it rest for about an hour.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

Before putting it in the oven, all that remains is to knead it again and make cuts on top - not too deep, so that the loaf is better baked. Yes, and for beauty :)

Place on a baking sheet and lightly sprinkle with flour (this is necessary to get a delicious crispy crust for the bread).

Place in the oven. After 20 minutes, reduce the temperature to 200 degrees.
The total baking time is 45-50 minutes (depending on the characteristics of the oven).

For many years, there has been debate about whether the bread that can be purchased in every store and bread stall is harmful to health. Basically, opponents of such baking focus on the presence of various chemical additives (leaking agents, preservatives, etc.) and yeast in its composition. There is a theory that yeast baking can harm the health of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce immunity, and even provoke a number of quite serious conditions. There is also a point of view that yeast baking can provoke cancer. However, we will not focus on it due to insufficient evidence. One mention of this... is enough. This mention is made only to show that we are not hiding anything from readers, but not to scare them.

In terms of reports about the governments of a number of countries subsidizing GMO developments to improve the cultivation of grains, and information that our ancestors prepared yeast-free bread at home, not like the one that is being massively imposed on us now, one gets the impression that the bread of our ancestors is healthier than the current one... And if so , so let's talk about exactly how our ancestors prepared yeast-free bread, let's look at this page www..

Recipe No. 1

To prepare this version of yeast-free bread, it is worth preparing two hundred grams of coarse rye flour, one hundred and fifty grams of wheat flour, also coarsely ground. You will also need fifty grams of bran, a couple of glasses of kefir, a tablespoon of melted butter or fat, as well as a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda and a tablespoon of sugar. In addition, you need to use a small amount of oatmeal for sprinkling, and, if desired, both cumin and sesame.

Turn on the oven to preheat. Mix all the dried ingredients and combine them with a glass of kefir. Knead the dough little by little, then add the remaining fermented milk product to it. The finished dough should be practically non-elastic and very stiff. You may need a little less or a little more kefir; you can determine its volume by eye.

Place the prepared dough on the parchment in the pan. Wet your hands a little and form it into a cake. The resulting workpiece can be sprinkled with a small amount of oatmeal. Place the bread in a preheated oven (180-200C) and bake until golden brown.

Recipe No. 2 Simple yeast-free bread

To prepare this version of yeast-free baking, you need to prepare a glass of rolled oats (regular or quick), the same amount of whole grain (or regular) flour. Also use a couple of teaspoons of baking powder, half a teaspoon of salt, one and a half tablespoons of quality honey, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a glass of homemade milk.

Preheat the oven to two hundred and thirty degrees. Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder or food processor. In a large bowl, combine the prepared oatmeal with flour, salt and baking powder. In a separate container, mix honey with vegetable oil, add milk and stir. Then combine these two mixtures and knead until a soft dough is obtained. Form it into a ball and place it on a lightly greased baking sheet.

Your yeast-free bread should bake in the oven for “plus or minus” twenty minutes. After cooking, wrap it in a thin kitchen towel until it cools completely.

Having talked about cooking, many would like to understand why they should change their preferences. Buying bread in a store is easier than messing around... Why is yeast-free bread valued, what benefits does it provide to the human body?

The benefits of yeast-free bread

The main advantage of such baking is that it does not have the disadvantages of the usual yeast bread. It is believed that it is absorbed by the body much better, while facilitating digestion. In many ways, this quality is explained by greater coarseness, as well as density, because the entry of a dense crumb into the food bolus activates the activity of the intestines, promotes intensive work of the gastrointestinal muscles, and better absorption of food. In addition, such baking helps to train the intestines, which makes it much healthier.

It is believed that the abundance of yeast in ordinary bread can have a negative impact on the qualitative and quantitative composition of our intestinal microflora. This is fraught with the occurrence of a variety of digestive disorders, and in some cases, more serious complications associated with dysbiosis. Experts are confident that yeast-free baking prevents such negative consequences.

Also, supporters of yeast-free baked goods claim that they contain much more useful substances than ordinary bread. This is possible due to the fact that a certain amount of sugars and other nutrients are not wasted to feed the yeast.

In addition, yeast-free baked goods are unable to provoke flatulence, since they do not “ferment” later in the intestines. And ordinary baked goods often cause excessive gas formation in the intestines. And this is true, because yeast causes the dough to swell and form a significant number of cavities filled with carbon dioxide.

It is believed that consuming yeast-free bread helps optimize metabolic processes, as well as get rid of excess weight because it makes you feel more full.

But not everything is so smooth... There are opinions that claim that bread without yeast is also dangerous. To whom is yeast-free bread supposedly dangerous? What harm does it cause? Let's talk about this further.

Harm of unleavened bread

There is no information about its harm as such. But not all such store-bought bread is healthy. Yeast-free bread should not be purchased in the store. After all, many modern manufacturers offer customers products that are prepared on the basis of special yeast cultures, for example, using hop or natural sourdough. Such “wild” yeasts are not at all different from classical ones. Only bread made with your own hands can benefit the body, because you will definitely be confident in its composition.

Also, you need to remember that yeast-free bread usually differs from yeast bread in its smaller size, taste, and degree of hardness.

In fact, making yeast-free bread with your own hands is not at all difficult, you just need the desire. Such baked goods can be an excellent alternative to regular bread and benefit the health of the whole family.

Previously, I didn’t really like cooking at home, but over time I developed an interest in home cooking. And I began to try different recipes, adapting them and making them more convenient. I started with onion pancakes. And then others appeared, from the banal pie with potatoes and onions to exotic homemade falafel and hummus. All my recipes are incredibly simple and delicious, and I have collected them for you at the end of this article.

Having learned to cook delicious everyday dishes at home, I suddenly thought about why I still buy bread in the store if I don’t like it? After all, this is exactly the product in our kitchen that is used every day. By that time, I had already tried many options, but I still couldn’t find one that suited me. Yes, you can buy special “homemade” bread in expensive stores; its quality is much better than regular yeast bread. In Moscow there is such an option. However, I don’t think that such bread is a way out either. Firstly, it’s somehow strange when bread costs more than 100 rubles. Yes and until you find it the same taste, which you really like, suddenly it turns out that these rolls are no longer sold. It’s even worse if they start skimping on the ingredients for them. And again we need to look for something new.

Is yeast harmful?

One day I also thought about whether yeast is harmful or beneficial. I read a lot of articles and listened to what experts say. And then I began to listen to my body. And he clearly didn’t like the chemical yeast that is used in mass production today. And I decided to stop eating yeast baked goods. Moreover, chemical yeast, on which almost all bread production in the modern world is based, is harmful to health. According to studies that are hushed up, it is yeast that creates such an environment in the human body that with regular use, various diseases begin to develop, including cancer. And I thought - why would I even buy bread in the store if I don’t like it and there’s so little useful in it?

How I decided to bake yeast-free bread

And, of course, I began to think that I should start baking bread myself. After all, someone does this in ordinary apartments, so that means I can handle it too? I found out that there are special bread machines, and ready-made baking mixes are sold for them, but for some reason this did not inspire me. After all, then you will also have to use yeast. And after a while it fell into my hands homemade bread recipe, which can be baked in a conventional oven.

The main difference between this recipe was that its preparation required natural, “live” sourdough, and not chemical yeast. And although it is also a product of fermentation, it is a natural process, which is much more pleasant to realize. And since in our family it is customary to lead healthy lifestyle, I happily got down to business!

Ingredients for baking bread

Delicious recipe for homemade yeast-free sourdough bread

Having tried the recipe I found, I adapted it to my conditions and now I share it with you. Of course, you can always bake bread with yeast, it doesn't require much attention. But, despite the fact that you have to tinker with “live” sourdough, it is much more pleasant. After all, the bank is essentially a living creature that gives you the opportunity to be healthy and content. From communication - and admit it, almost all of us talk to pots, kettles and cakes! – it becomes even tastier with bread!

So now I no longer buy bread in stores, but bake it myself at home, and do it this way. On Saturday evening I take out the starter and feed it. Early on Sunday morning I put the dough on. That evening I turn it into dough. And I start the new week by baking bread. Yes, at first glance everything looks simple. But there are nuances that I will share!

Let's start!

Sourdough recipe for baking bread without yeast

First we need sourdough bread. If you don't have anyone nearby to share some of your starter, you'll need to make it yourself. Having spent your time once, you can use it in the future. It's not difficult at all and will take 3-4 days.

First, you need to buy a two-kilogram bag of rye and whole-wheat (whole-ground) flour in the store. You will also need a permanent container for the starter. Find a container that can be closed (but not tightly!) and is quite high so that the starter does not escape. It should be easy to handle so that it is easier to stir your starter in it. I use a two liter jar for this and it's not very good. It's a little difficult to stir the starter. Otherwise it fits just right.

So this is how I prepare mine sourdough starter for homemade bread:

  • The first day. Half a glass of rye flour and half a glass of hot boiled water should be mixed in a container for sourdough bread. You should get “flour sour cream”. If the consistency is similar to sour cream, then everything is fine. It is necessary to close the container, but not completely, so that it can breathe, cover it with a damp towel and hide it in a dark place where there are no drafts. You can additionally cover it with a still warm towel if it is cold in the apartment (especially in winter). Please note that the starter can escape and then it will flood everything around, so choose the place for it carefully. And secure everything that is stored in your dark place. Until you make friends with the starter, it can misbehave. It will be good if you use well or spring water to prepare your starter, if possible. And if you live in an ordinary city apartment, then you can use defrosted water to make homemade bread (in urban conditions, such water will also be the best solution for drinking!). But if you don’t want to bother, then filtered water for sourdough will do.
  • Second day. Take out the starter. Do you see bubbles on the surface? Great! Again add half a glass of rye flour and half a glass of hot boiled water. Did you get sour cream? Cover with a damp cloth, leave not completely closed, hide in a dark place.
  • Day three. There should be more bubbles on the surface of the bread sourdough, and it itself will increase in volume. Now again add half a glass of rye flour and half a glass of hot boiled water, bring to the consistency of sour cream. Close it, put it away.
  • Day four. A day has passed and we take out the starter again. If you like it, then you can proceed to the next stage. If it seems that it is not enough, then you can hold it for the fourth day, doing the same procedures as the previous days.

Once you decide that the starter is completely ready, take half of its volume to make bread. Feed the second part again with flour and water, and put it away in a dark place for half a day. And then put it in the refrigerator in a loosely closed container until next time. As soon as you need the starter, you take it out of the refrigerator, add half a glass of flour and half a glass of water, put it in a dark place, and the next day it will be ready. And so on in a circle. If you take a break and do not bake homemade bread for more than a week, then the starter needs to be fed so that it does not get upset and is alive.

Bread dough recipe

To prepare the dough you need:

  • Take the starter, feed it, keep it in a dark place for half a day, use half for dough, and put the rest in the refrigerator.
  • Add half a glass of hot boiled water, a spoonful of sugar (to ferment better) and rye flour (until the dough turns into “sour cream”). If you do not consume sugar or want to give it up, then replace it with a spoonful of honey, which you dissolve in the dough.
  • It is best to cook bread dough in a large saucepan that can be tightly covered.
  • Cover the pan with a warm towel and hide it in a safe, dark place. The dough should sit for half a day or a day (whichever is more convenient).
  • When you open a container with bread dough, there will be bubbles on the surface, and it will increase in volume.

Dough is similar in consistency to sour cream

The first stage - the dough should stand for 12-24 hours under cover

Preparing the dough for baking

After the dough has stood, you need to prepare the dough. At this point I add the nice touches that make the bread unique. I add raisins and herbs (basil, oregano, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, sweet paprika, etc.) to the saucepan. And then you need to add 3 or more cups of whole grain wheat flour. This is how the dough turns into bread dough. You need to pour until the spoon is in the dough. After this, the container with the dough must be closed again, covered with a warm towel and hidden. Leave the dough in a warm place for half a day or overnight, during which time it will increase in volume and “rise.”

The spoon should stand in the dough!

You can add any pleasant little things you like to homemade dough without yeast - raisins, herbs, nuts, sesame seeds, seeds

Baking bread in the oven

Then the finished dough should be placed on a baking sheet or in greased molds. The original recipe says that now you need to close the dough again and hide it for an hour and a half in that very dark place. But I found another option. At home I turn mine on electric oven to the very minimum, and put the dough in it for about an hour. After the future bread has lightly browned in the oven and increased in volume, the temperature must be increased to 180 degrees and bake for another hour. But in household chores, it can sometimes be difficult to keep track of time, so you can use a timer or alarm clock so as not to overstay your baked bread in the oven and move on to the next stage on time.

Well, an hour has finally passed, which means we need to turn off the oven and let the future bread sit in it for half an hour. After you take the finished browned bread out of the oven, there are a couple more things you need to do:

  • Moisten its crust a little with water, I use a brush for this;
  • Wrap fresh unleavened bread in a cotton or linen towel for an hour.

It will take a little more time until your bread is ready. Now it can be served! Is it really so delicious that you can get enough of it? But most importantly, it was made with your own hands!

Bread is loved absolutely all over the world! It is the main and integral component of every meal. There are a huge number of types of bread, and some of them can be made without using yeast. Yeast-free bread is an important part of a healthy diet. Baking without yeast was even used for medicinal purposes in ancient times. Today it is gaining popularity again.

The benefits of yeast-free bread

Making such bread is now popular among people who care about their health and appearance. Lovers of fluffy baked goods often complain about extra pounds.

  • The main benefit of true yeast-free bread is that it is baked without the addition of yeast. How are they harmful to the body? Once in the intestines, they actively multiply and disrupt the balance of bacteria living there, which affect many processes in the body, including the strength of the immune system and mood changes. Before baking yeast dough, it must be infused, and at this time the yeast forms many cavities of carbon dioxide, which will then cause increased gas formation in the intestines.
  • Since yeast-free dough does not imply the presence of yeast, the need for auxiliary ingredients for their more active reaction also disappears. That is, there is much less sugar in yeast-free dough, and maybe even none at all.
  • Yeast-free bread contains a lot of cellulose, which has a positive effect on intestinal motility. Its consistency is denser than that of yeast baked goods, and therefore the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract are actively involved in its digestion.
  • Unleavened bread has a longer shelf life.

It is worth noting that often the density of yeast-free bread is much higher than that of ordinary bread made with yeast, and not everyone may like it to taste.

Yeast-free starters

Good bread without yeast is difficult to get in the store. Manufacturers, in pursuit of splendor, add wild yeast during production, but in essence, they are no different from ordinary ones. To gain complete confidence in the benefits of the product, it is better to prepare it yourself. Knowledge of sourdough recipes is necessary here, because preparation begins with them.

Eternal leaven

This recipe is the simplest, and got its name because such a starter can be put in the refrigerator and taken out as needed, only sometimes it needs to be fed.


  • flour - 300 grams;
  • water - 300 milliliters.


  1. Mix a third of water and flour. Leave warm under a towel. Stir several times a day, because the mixture will begin to ferment.
  2. Add the same amount of ingredients and place in a warm place
  3. Feed the starter one last time using the same technology. When it doubles in size, you can safely divide it in half. Prepare bread from one part and store the other in the refrigerator.

On kefir

It is most often used with rye flour, so it is suitable for making rye bread.


  • kefir - 150 milliliters;
  • flour - 50 grams + some for consistency.


  1. You need to leave the kefir alone for 3 days.
  2. Next, add 50 grams of flour and leave under a towel for a day.
  3. Using flour, bring the dough to the consistency of pancakes and leave under a towel for several hours.


Another recipe that can be stored in the refrigerator. This starter is also used to make pancakes and pies.


  • rice - 100 grams;
  • boiled water - 1.5 cups;
  • flour - 7 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 30 grams.


  1. Pour a glass of water over the rice, add 10 grams of sugar, then cover with a towel for 3 days.
  2. Strain, add half the flour and another 10 grams of sugar. When the mixture begins to ferment, add another spoonful of flour and half a glass of water and leave for a day.
  3. Add the remaining flour and sugar, after which you can prepare the dough using this starter.


This starter can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a month.


  • warm cucumber or cabbage brine (without vinegar);
  • Rye flour;
  • sugar.


  1. Pour the flour into the brine until the consistency of liquid sour cream forms.
  2. Add sugar to taste.
  3. Place the starter in a warm place.
  4. The starter should be settled at least 3 times after it has risen.

With honey

Suitable for lovers of natural delicacies or those who do not allow the presence of sugar in their diet.


  • flour - 400 grams;
  • honey - 10 grams;
  • water - 220 milliliters.


  1. Mix 100 grams of flour, 70 milliliters of warm water and 10 grams of honey. Leave under a towel for 2 days.
  2. On day 3, a sour smell will appear. You need to add another 75 milliliters of water and 150 grams of flour. Mix and leave for a day.
  3. Feed by adding ingredients in the same quantities as the previous time. Leave for a day.
  4. Add remaining ingredients and wait 12 hours. After this time, you can prepare baked goods using sourdough.

Baking Recipes

When the sourdough is already ready, and this is the most difficult thing, it’s time to start preparing the yeast-free bread itself.

There are many recipes. You can safely replace milk with whey, then you will get yeast-free bread made with whey, and if you add various grains and cereals, you will get monastery bread.

Without sourdough


  • flour - 300-400 grams;
  • kefir - 300 grams;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt - 10 grams;
  • sugar - 10 grams;


  1. Sift dry ingredients into a bowl.
  2. Kefir mixed with soda, leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the liquid part to the dry ingredients, knead the dough (first with a spoon, then with your hands on the table). Allow the dough to rise for 30 minutes.
  4. Knead the dough on the table with your hands.
  5. Shape, make cuts and bake in the oven first for 15 minutes at 230 degrees, then at 200 until golden brown.
  6. Cover the finished bread with a towel for 5-10 minutes, and then you can try the finished yeast-free baked goods.



  • sourdough - 6 tablespoons;
  • wheat flour - 250 grams;
  • rye flour - 150 grams;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • sunflower oil - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 50 grams;
  • malt - 4 tablespoons;
  • ground coriander - 10-15 grams;
  • salt - 8 grams;
  • water - 300 milliliters.


  1. First you need to prepare the dough. Mix the starter, half a glass of milk and 100 grams of flour. Leave for 4-5 hours, during which the dough will rise 2 times.
  2. Soak the malt in 200 milliliters of water for 10 minutes.
  3. Stir salt and sugar in half a glass of water, then add to the dough. Mix wheat flour with rye flour and add a glass of the mixture.
  4. Add butter, malt and coriander, mix
  5. Add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. Grease your hands with oil to prevent sticking.
  6. Leave the bread in a greased pan for 3-4 hours; it should double in size. You can sprinkle with whole coriander.
  7. Cook in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees.
  8. Let the finished bread cool under a towel so that it can be easily cut.



  • leaven;
  • water;
  • rye flour with bran or wheat;
  • nuts and raisins;
  • salt, sugar.


  1. Place some of the starter into a baking dish and add 100 milliliters of water.
  2. Add flour until the mixture becomes viscous and resembles thick sour cream.
  3. Leave the dough in a warm place for 3-5 hours. The appearance of bubbles and a characteristic sour smell will indicate its readiness.
  4. Knead the dough for monastery bread, successively adding flour, sugar and salt to the dough. The dough should be airy, thin and not liquid.
  5. If desired, you can add nuts and raisins.
  6. Grease the mold with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. Fill it only halfway with dough.
  7. Leave in a warm place for half an hour. During this time, the dough should rise to the edges of the container.
  8. Bake in the oven over low heat. In about 1 hour the bread will be ready.
  9. The crust can be brushed with sweetened water, covered with a towel and left to cool.



  • milk - 180-200 milliliters;
  • whole grain flour - 400 grams;
  • oat flakes - 45 grams
  • yogurt - 200 milliliters;
  • baking powder or soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • nuts, dried fruits - optional.


  1. Mix all dry ingredients in a container.
  2. Separately, add milk to the yogurt.
  3. Pour the liquid part into the dry part and mix.
  4. Knead the dough. If it's dry, add a little milk.
  5. Place the dough on parchment paper. Form bread, leave under a towel for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes.

In the oven


  • sourdough - 6-7 tablespoons;
  • flour - 600 grams;
  • water - 250 milliliters;
  • sugar - 50 grams;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 20 grams.


  1. Sift the flour, salt and sugar into a bowl.
  2. Gradually add oil and stir.
  3. Add starter.
  4. Add water little by little and knead the dough.
  5. Place under a towel.
  6. Leave to rise for 2 hours. Transfer only the doubled dough into the mold.
  7. The bread will be baked for 1 hour at 180 degrees.

In the bread machine


  • sourdough - 4 tablespoons;
  • flour - 390 grams;
  • bran - 95 grams;
  • water - 280 milliliters;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sunflower oil - 5 milliliters.


  1. Pour the liquid ingredients into the bowl first, then add the dry ingredients.
  2. Set individual baking mode.
  3. Knead for 15 minutes and then rise for 2 hours.
  4. Kneading - 5 minutes, rising - 2 hours.
  5. Ascent - 2 hours.
  6. Baking - 1.5 hours.

In a slow cooker


  • sourdough - 1 tablespoon;
  • flour - 800 grams;
  • sour cream - 75 grams;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • sunflower or olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar - 50-60 grams;
  • salt - 8 grams.


  1. Pour water into the starter, break the egg and add sugar.
  2. Add butter, sour cream and salt.
  3. Sift flour into the dough in small portions. It should be slightly sticky. There is no need to add flour after this.
  4. Knead the dough for 5 minutes, before sprinkling the table with 2 tablespoons of flour.
  5. Let the dough sit in a warm place for 1 hour.
  6. Place the mold with the dough, pre-greased, into the multicooker, close and leave for about 2 hours.
  7. Set the “Baking” mode for 1.5 hours.
  8. Turn the bread over to the other side and bake for 30 minutes.
  9. Place the finished bread, covering with a towel. In a couple of minutes you can try.
