
Homemade cheese fiber recipe. Nutritional value of homemade cheese

I haven't bought cheese in a store for a long time. Because my own cheese is much better in every way! I advise you to prepare. I've tried different recipes for homemade cheese, but this one easy homemade cheese recipe liked the most. Preparing tender curd cheese from milk simply and quickly. And most importantly, it is much tastier than usual!

Homemade cheese takes about half an hour to make, plus chilling and chilling time in the fridge—I usually leave it overnight, although it will be ready sooner.

Is it worth it to make your own cheese?
If we proceed from the question of how much homemade cheese costs and whether it is profitable to make it or not, then it turns out, let's say, not cheap. When compared with the most common inexpensive popular, it may come out more expensive. But if you are used to buying expensive cheeses, then it will turn out cheaper. But the main thing here is not the price! You can make delicious low-fat cheese at home, you will know what it contains, or rather, what is not there, and you will understand that your homemade cheese is not dangerous for children.

How many calories are in homemade cheese?
On average, ordinary cheese has from 250 to 350 or more calories per 100 grams, but the calorie calculation tables for homemade cheese indicate a value of 113. I don’t know which cheese they mean. I suppose the calorie content of homemade cheese will depend on how fatty the cottage cheese and milk you choose. You can even make diet cheese with your own hands, taking the same recipe, but using low-fat cottage cheese and milk.

What will be required:

The color is always different

In order not to waste time going to stores, all the ingredients for making cheese with your own hands can be ordered at https://instamart.ru. Select and transport the freshest goods!

Ingredients for making homemade cheese:
- 500 ml of milk (it is believed that the fattest is better, but I always buy 2.5%)
- 500 grams of cottage cheese (I take 2 packs of Piskarevsky cottage cheese 5%, although according to the recipe 9%)
- 50 grams of butter
- 0.5 teaspoon of soda (I put less)
- 1 egg
- salt to taste (About half a teaspoon is recommended, but this way you get a very delicate taste of homemade cheese. I like it better when I put even more than a teaspoon. It turns out somehow not very salty)

Sometimes I make a larger portion, then I take 3 packs of cottage cheese, a little more butter and 2 eggs.

Recipe for homemade hard cheese:
I take an ordinary saucepan (nothing has ever burned) and a wooden spatula.
Pour the milk, put the cottage cheese in it, put on a small fire.

Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, then cook for another 15 minutes.

Watch the whey separate from the milk. Make sure it doesn't burn or stick to the bottom.

We recline in a colander, if the holes are large, you can lay gauze. We leave to drain, but do not immediately pour out the whey.

In the same pan (I usually don’t even take it off the heat, I cook and keep everything nearby) we throw butter. As soon as it melts (stir), add the egg and a little soda. Mix well with the same spatula.

We immediately add the mass with which the glass whey. And continue to mix all the time - cook for another five minutes. The fire must be the smallest. If the mass is too thick, difficult to mix, or starts to stick to the bottom, add some drained whey. I often have a different consistency, thicker or more liquid.

When everything is well mixed and brewed, immediately transfer to the form. As a mold for homemade hard cheese, almost any dish will do. I sometimes use both plastic plates and containers and soup cups. I don't lubricate anything, I don't put anything inside. It is more convenient to remove from the plastic mold.

I wait for it to cool down, cover it with cling film or a bag (otherwise it will wind up) and put it in the refrigerator. It is important to shift immediately and tamp the homemade cheese into the mold well, otherwise it will not be even.

Delicious cheese at home ready!!!

Even more of my recipes for cupcakes, cookies, gingerbread, cheese, etc. in the rubric!

The basis of cheese is milk: cow, goat or sheep. You can add cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, butter to milk. It is best to use high-fat farm products: UHT milk will not curdle, and skimmed milk will simply make not very tasty cheese.

Excipients are certain bacteria and enzymes that speed up the process of separating milk into whey and curd. They can be bought in a store or ordered online.

Lemon juice, citric acid solution or vinegar does the same job.

Bacteria and other microorganisms also affect the taste and texture of cheese. But you can cook it without a special sourdough - at the initial stage it is better to do so.

In addition to the main and auxiliary, you can add additional ingredients: nuts, herbs, mushrooms, vegetables or ham. You can also use spices, such as turmeric, which will give the cheese a yellow color.



Prepare cheese in clean utensils and on clean work surfaces. If you touch something extraneous, be sure to dry them with a fresh towel.

If these rules are not followed, harmful bacteria can get into the cheese and it will spoil.

In addition, cheese easily absorbs odors, so you do not need to use perfumed products before cooking it. Cooking other dishes in parallel is also not worth it: the cheese can absorb the flavors of food.

Cooking process

Cheese is obtained by separating milk into curd mass and whey. To do this, pour milk into a non-stick pan and bring to a boil. Usually, other dairy products and auxiliary ingredients are added at this stage. The milk is then continued to be heated until the curd mass separates from the whey.


The separated curd mass is filtered through clean gauze and a sieve.


After that, the future cheese, still wrapped in a cloth, is pressed down with a load or suspended in order to finally rid it of whey. In this position, the cheese usually ripens from several hours to a day.


Under pressure, it turns out harder. It is believed that the heavier the load and the longer the mass lies under it, the denser and richer the cheese will be. It is optimal to use a load of 10 kg.

Store homemade cheese in the refrigerator for about a week.




  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 teaspoon dry herbs;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.


Bring the milk to a boil and add the rest of the ingredients. When the mixture boils again, remove it from heat, strain through cheesecloth and squeeze. Put the mass under the load. When the cheese has cooled, you can cut it into pieces and serve.



  • 1 liter of heavy cream;
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.


Place the cream over medium heat and heat, stirring, but do not bring to a boil. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface, remove the pan from the heat and, while continuing to stir, add the lemon juice.

Return the pot to the stove, reduce the heat to low, and simmer for about 10 minutes. When the mixture turns into a thick cream, discard it in a sieve covered with gauze.

Leave the mass for about an hour or hang it all night. When all the whey drains, the cheese can be tasted.



  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g sour cream.


Bring the milk to a boil. Without reducing the heat, add salt, beaten eggs and sour cream. Cook the mixture, stirring, for about 5 minutes. When the whey begins to separate, drain the mixture into a colander lined with cheesecloth. Hang the cheese for 3 hours, and then put it under the press for a few more hours.



  • 3 liters of milk;
  • 2 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • salt - to taste.


Heat the milk, but do not bring to a boil. Add cottage cheese and stir. After that, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer the mixture, stirring constantly. When the curd mass separates, fold it into a colander lined with gauze or a cotton towel.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, put the resulting cheese in it, add the egg, soda and salt. Prepare the mixture by stirring constantly. When it begins to acquire a creamy consistency and turn yellow, remove it from heat. Transfer the cheese to a mold, press it down with a load and put it in the refrigerator for several hours or a day.

The resulting cheeses can be served as an independent snack, used for making sandwiches, salads and. The separated whey can also be put into circulation: for example, make okroshka or pancakes on it.

Mankind has long learned to reproduce factory and factory products at home. Our enterprising people smoke fish at home, cook condensed milk, make sweets, bake cookies better and healthier than store-bought. Plus, it makes great homemade cheese. You will find a simple recipe for delicious homemade cheese in different variations in our section. At home, you can easily make cheese such as Philadelphia, Mozzarella, Adyghe and Suluguni. You can, using simple products, make delicious processed cheese and a lot of other cheese goodies at home. Yes, perhaps it will be different from store-bought counterparts, but it will be much more useful and much cheaper, it will not contain various GMOs and palm oil, and will be made by hand.

At home, you can even make the famous Indian Paneer cheese using only homemade milk and kefir (or lemon juice, sour whey, live yogurt). The recipe is simple and clear. So, to prepare homemade cheese from milk, you need to pour this same milk into a cauldron (thick-walled saucepan), let it boil. Pour in a little kefir or lemon juice (you need acid to curdle milk). After a couple of minutes, the curd will float on top of the separated whey.

This is already a delicious homemade cottage cheese, and you can easily use it. But - we want to make homemade cheese. Therefore, we collect the curd, wrap it in gauze, put on a press, and after 2-3 hours we have a ready-made fine cheese, called “Panir” in India, healthy and tasty. It is noteworthy that nothing is lost here - the resulting whey is perfect for okroshka and borscht, for baking, you can just drink it, wash your face and wash your hair. Wasteless production.

Creamy homemade cottage cheese cheese is simple and easy to make according to the following recipe. For 1 kg of low-fat, dry cottage cheese, you need to take 1 liter of milk, 3 eggs, half a pack of good butter, a little salt, and a teaspoon of soda. Pour the milk into a thick-walled saucepan, dip the cottage cheese into it, let it boil. Armed with a wooden spoon, stir for 6-7 minutes, a good curd will begin to stretch.
Then strain using gauze, you get a plasticine-like mass.

Further, to get delicious creamy homemade cheese, you need to take another thick-walled saucepan, send cottage cheese and other products there, mix, turn on the fire and melt for 7 minutes, stirring constantly. When it starts to lag behind the walls, the cheese is ready. Now it remains only to put on a dish, cool, wrap with a film and send to the cold. Now you know a simple recipe for delicious homemade cheese, you can cook at least every day. In our section you will find other wonderful and simple recipes, use them and delight your relatives with healthy delicious dishes.


Homemade goat milk cheese

Ingredients: goat milk, sour cream, lemon, salt

From goat's milk you can make a very tasty homemade cheese. I have detailed the recipe for you.


- 2 liters of goat milk,
- 5 tablespoons sour cream
- 1 lemon,
- salt.


Cheese with pepsin at home

Ingredients: milk, meito enzyme, sour cream, salt


- 4 liters of milk,
- 0.04 grams of Meito enzyme,
- 70 grams of sour cream,
- 1-2 tablespoons salt.


How to make cheese at home from milk

Ingredients: milk, kefir, sour cream, egg, salt

Making homemade cheese is not difficult at all, the main thing is to have some milk, kefir, sour cream and eggs available. Well, and, of course, our recipe, which describes the entire cooking process in a clear and understandable way.

- 1 liter of milk;
- 100 ml of kefir;
- 200 gr sour cream;
- 3 eggs;
- 1 tbsp salt.


Melted cheese curd

Ingredients: cottage cheese, egg, soda, sugar, butter, salt

Have you thought about the quality of processed cheese you buy? We invite you to cook this delicious thing yourself, which can be an independent pate-type dish, or you can use it to add to dishes, to add zest.


- 500 g cottage cheese (required with a fat content of more than 15%),
- 1 chicken egg (preferably homemade),
- 0.5 tsp baking soda,
- 1 tbsp. l. white sugar,
- 100 g butter,
- 1 tsp sea ​​salt or kitchen salt.


Homemade goat milk cheese

Ingredients: goat milk, vinegar, salt

Brynza is a very tasty and healthy cheese. Today I will tell you how to cook brynza from goat's milk.


- 3 liters of goat milk,
- 1 tbsp vinegar,
- 1 tbsp salt


Homemade milk cheese

Ingredients: milk, cottage cheese, butter, egg, salt, soda

I want to tell you how to make delicious homemade cheese from milk. There is nothing difficult in its preparation, just carefully read the recipe and start cooking.


- milk - 800 ml;
- cottage cheese - 1 kg;
- butter - 100 grams;
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- salt - one and a half tsp;
- soda - 1 tsp


Philadelphia cheese at home

Ingredients: sour cream, yogurt, salt, lemon juice


- 350 grams of sour cream,
- 300 grams of yogurt,
- 1 tsp salt,
- half tsp lemon juice.


Adyghe cheese at home

Ingredients: milk, whey, salt

Adyghe cheese is very tasty and healthy and also not cheap. Today I will teach you how to cook this delicious cheese at home. It is very easy to prepare.


- 2 liters of milk,
- 700 ml. serum,
- salt to taste.


Hard cheese at home

Ingredients: Milk, egg, butter, cottage cheese, soda, salt

If you have not yet prepared hard cheese yourself, but bought it in a store, then you have not tried to make it at home. In fact, it is very simple, quite fast and insanely delicious!
- 1.5 liters of milk;
- 1 egg;
- 100 gr of butter;
- 1 kg of cottage cheese;
- 1 tsp soda;
- 1-1.5 tsp salt (sea or fine kitchen).


Brynza cheese at home

Ingredients: milk, sour cream, salt, citric acid

Cooking homemade cheese according to the proposed recipe. A simple and affordable recipe for those who are going to make their own cheese for the first time. Give preference to a natural product that is prepared quite simply, as you can see for yourself.

- 1 liter of milk,
- 3 tablespoons of sour cream,
- salt to taste,
- 1 teaspoon of citric acid.


Paneer cheese

Ingredients: milk, citric acid

How to cook homemade cheese yourself will tell this recipe with a detailed description of the process. The snack prepared in this way does not contain preservatives and is very tasty.

- 1 liter of milk,
- half a teaspoon of citric acid.


processed cheese

Ingredients: cottage cheese, egg, salt, butter, soda

A simple and affordable recipe for making processed cheese at home from cottage cheese and butter. Everything is so simple that any housewife can handle it, and in the end you will get a wonderful breakfast snack for the whole family.

- chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- cottage cheese - 500 grams,
- butter (room temperature) - 100 grams,
- soda - 1 teaspoon,
- salt - 1 teaspoon.


Delicate homemade milk cheese

Ingredients: milk, lemon, salt, spices

Cheese made at home is not exactly like store-bought. However, it turns out very tasty, tender. And you can experiment with its taste almost endlessly. Well, let's try to cook?

Write down the products you need, there are not many of them:

- 0.5 l of milk;
- half a lemon;
- table salt - a pinch;
- favorite spices.

Making hard homemade cheese - this phrase sounds a little fantastic to many. In fact, the recipes for such a product, mastered by many housewives, are quite simple. In addition, they do not require special devices that would be difficult to place at home.

At the same time, hard cheese made at home will compare favorably with a similar industrial one. Perhaps the taste will be slightly unusual and slightly different from those products that can be purchased at retail outlets, but the preservatives that are present in these will not be there.

Choice of milk

There are quite a few recipes for homemade hard cheese, and the composition of the components used in them varies somewhat. However, milk certainly appears everywhere. It is better to purchase it from housewives who breed cows and have medical certificates about the health of their animals. In a word, you can buy only that milk, the quality of which does not cause even the slightest doubt. It is impossible to boil this product before making cheese, and therefore it should not initially contain pathogenic microbes.

If you can’t buy homemade milk, store-bought milk will do. However, it has several important requirements. So, you should choose only that, the expiration date of which is minimal. In addition, it should be natural whole milk, and not diluted from powder. Otherwise, it simply won't budge.

Choice of cottage cheese

Similarly, it is worth approaching the acquisition of cottage cheese. Ideal for the production of cheese homemade product. You can pre-make it yourself from the right amount of high-quality milk.

homemade hard cheese recipe


700 g cottage cheese

1 liter of milk

2 tbsp. butter spoons

1 teaspoon of soda

2 tsp salt

How to make hard homemade cheese:

    Cottage cheese must be crushed so that there are no lumps left, and placed in a sufficiently voluminous pan. Next, milk is added there and everything is thoroughly mixed so that the mass is as homogeneous as possible. The container is placed on a minimum fire, and its contents must be stirred to prevent burning.

    It will be possible to determine the readiness of the mass for the addition of other ingredients by the following signs. Whey will be plentifully allocated from it, and the cottage cheese itself will be collected in lumps. At the same time, it will acquire some hardness, as if it begins to melt, and the liquid around it will become transparent and yellowish. The latter must be drained by throwing the curd mixture into a colander.

    In the presence of all of the above, at the very bottom of the pan with future cheese, you will need to put butter and wait until it melts. After that, eggs, soda and salt must be carefully mixed into the mass.

    To successfully make cheese, the mixing of these ingredients must be done with extraordinary care. A sign of the correct consistency is its homogeneity and the absence of white lumps in it. By the way, you need to knead the cheese with a wooden spoon.

    Usually, it takes 20-25 minutes to complete the process of boiling the mass (after adding the last components) - depending on the softness of the cottage cheese used. When everything is over, it is necessary to shift the mass into a suitable container, previously lined with a clean piece of cotton fabric. In extreme cases, you can use polyethylene or cling film.

    Future cheese must be put under pressure. A jar filled with water, a few bricks, or other heavy objects will do. There is no limit here: the greater the mass will put pressure on the product, the better quality it will come out.

    For the first time, it will be necessary to get the cheese head about 5 hours later. All the released whey will need to be drained, and then the product freed from it should be placed under the press again and the load that is above it should be increased.

    After a day from now, the cheese must be removed, wrapped with a dry piece of cloth and sent to a cool place for ripening. A cellar is ideal for this, but a refrigerator is also suitable.

    In a couple of weeks the product will be completely ready.

    The whole truth about cheese in our edition of the program "Food by the rules and without"!

Many people think that buying cheese is much easier than making it yourself. When buying, we often do not think about what it is made of, how many preservatives it contains, what it will taste like. In fact, hard cheese made at home will be the most natural product. The cooking process is simple and does not take much time. If your family ever tries homemade hard cheese, then it is unlikely that you will be able to eat something else.

Is it worth it to make hard cheese with your own hands?

If you suddenly have such a question, we can advise only one answer - of course, it is worth it. It's not even about the price - it will come out expensive or cheap. Everything lies in the quality of this product and its interesting taste. Since the hard cheese will be homemade, you can make everything to your liking. You will be sure that the product is real, without additives and it can be given to children without fear.

Benefits of homemade cheese

As a rule, there are approximately 250-350 calories in 100 grams of the product. And this is not always the case - the calorie content of hard cheese depends on the fat content of the products that you will use (milk, cottage cheese). If you don’t need calories, then you can master the technology for making dietary cheese, in which there will be a minimum of them. At the same time, its preparation is simple, and it will be no worse than a good fatty cheese.

Making your own hard cheese

So, in order to get a circle of hard cheese at home, you will need:

  • milk - 1 l
  • dry cottage cheese - 1 kg.
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 100 grams of butter
  • salt to taste

Now directly cooking.

  1. Pour the whole mass of cottage cheese into a saucepan and knead a little with your hand so that there are no large pieces left. It is best to use an aluminum pan. So, the mass will not practically stick to the walls of the container, and will not burn.
  2. Then pour everything with milk and send it to a small fire, while stirring the mass. As soon as it begins to boil (you will see bubbles), you will need to strain the cottage cheese through a colander so that any pieces, even the smallest ones, do not go away with the liquid. You can even press down a little with your hand so that the serum is completely gone.
  3. After getting rid of the liquid, we shift the cottage cheese back into the pan and send the oil there. Whisk the remaining ingredients in a bowl until smooth: salt, eggs, soda. At your request, other spices can be added to this mixture: black pepper, chopped herbs, paprika, etc. They will add a pleasant smell and unusual taste to the cheese.
  4. Pour the egg mass into the curd milk. We send the pan to a small fire and, stirring, we watch when the mass begins to thicken and turns into a viscous and homogeneous. It is very important not to leave the stove and not to miss the main point - half-cooked cheese can stick to the pan. Initially, you will notice that the curd mass will turn into air, as soda will begin to act. After 2-3 minutes, the curd will gradually melt and everything will turn into a homogeneous mixture. Usually cooking takes about 10 minutes.
  5. We shift the soft and hot cheese into a regular form, and then put it in the refrigerator so that it completely freezes.

It is best to cover the container with cling film so that later it is easier to get the cheese.

For piquancy, you can make an unusual cheese. To do this, grease the rocking chair and cutting board with vegetable oil, and while the cheese is elastic, roll it out (make a rectangle). Then sprinkle the mass with chopped garlic and chopped dill. Roll up and carefully wrap in cling film.

A day later, home-made hard cheese can be consumed.

How to make hard cheese with a press?

To make homemade cheese exactly like store-bought, you will also need:

  • 1 kg low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 600–700 ml of milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 0.5 tsp baking soda;
  • 100 grams of butter (butter).

Features of the choice of products for cooking hard cheese

In order to independently prepare such cheese at home, you must first of all pay attention to the composition of the cottage cheese. It must be completely fat-free and even dry. It is not advisable to use cottage cheese from the store. It is not suitable for making cheese at all. From homemade, natural cottage cheese (even low-fat) you get a tastier cheese. It is recommended to use homemade milk. Eggs can be bought or used at home. As for the butter, pay attention that it does not contain any additives and that it is not a spread.

The process of making hard cheese under pressure

The cooking process itself is similar to the previous one. First, we are engaged in rubbing the cottage cheese (remove all lumps). Pour the milk into an aluminum saucepan and put it on low heat. When it starts to boil, add the whole mass of cottage cheese. Stirring, bring everything to a boil and let it boil for 1-2 minutes.

Then we put a colander on an enamel pan and cover it with 2 layers of gauze, through which we strain the curd-milk mass. For a greater effect, you can press the gauze a little with your hands so that all the whey is glassed. After that, we place the cottage cheese in a cast-iron cauldron or any other container with thick walls, add salt, eggs, butter, soda and mix with our hands until a homogeneous consistency. We send it to a small fire and stir constantly so that the mass begins to separate from the walls of the cauldron. At this stage, you can consider that your hard cheese is almost ready.

Next is to give the mass of cottage cheese some form. To do this, you need a special container (if there is none, then you can put the cottage cheese in any convenient enameled dish, for example, a mug). We cover the container with a dry cotton cloth, put a lot of cottage cheese there and put a saucer on top, or you can use a wooden circle, but it should correspond to the diameter of the container. At this stage, the mass of cottage cheese is sent under the press, where it is located for 5 hours.

At home, you can make a homemade press. To do this, you need to place a container with a mass of cottage cheese on the bottom of a bucket or pan. A bowl or any other elevated container is placed on the piston, and on it we place a small bucket or pot of water, which will serve as a press. In order for such a press to be exactly in the center, you will need to fold the towels and put them between the containers.

After the time has passed, we drain the whey from the pan or bucket and wipe the container dry. We change the cotton fabric on the mass of cottage cheese and re-assemble the already familiar design. The only thing that changes is the weight of the press itself. It must increase. It is on what the mass will be that the hardness of the cheese depends. A heavier load will remove more moisture from the product, i.e. increase the preservation of homemade hard cheese.

In this state, our product should stay for a day. Thus, we get excellent cheese made at home. It remains the stage of its maturation. To do this, hard cheese is placed on a wooden board or on a plate covered with cotton cloth. Leave it in a cool place for about 1-2 weeks. From time to time you will need to turn the cheese. This will be the final stage of making hard, healthy cheese at home. The result should be approximately 600-700 grams of the finished product.

By the way, if you want to make cheese with a yellow tint, then you will need to add a little saffron to the mass. The cheese is ready to eat! Bon appetit!
