
Where to eat hot ice cream. Ice cream - rating

Loved by many since childhood, tasty, tender, melting in your mouth delicacy - ice cream. Where is his homeland? Where did it come from to us? Perhaps from the North, given its cold component?

It is hard to believe, but the Ancient East is rightfully considered the birthplace of ice cream. It was there that "sweet ice" first appeared - the great-grandfather of modern ice cream. It was prepared from snow and ice, adding a flavoring component - fruit juices. In the homes of wealthy Chinese, it was considered good form to serve such a delicacy to guests.

"Sweet ice" had fans in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. Emperor Nero, famous for his cruelty, often ordered to cook him a "snow delicacy". The great healer Hippocrates also respected the ice dessert, considering it extremely beneficial for health.

How was it possible to prepare and store this dessert, unusual for that era, because refrigerators had not yet been invented?

The fact is that in those distant times, a cold delicacy was available only to the elite, who had the opportunity to comply with all the conditions for its preparation. So, for example, Alexander the Great entrusted his most enduring runners with the delivery of the main component of this dessert - snow. After delivery, the snow was immediately mixed with fruit juices and served to Alexander.

The ancient Chinese, apparently not trusting the runners in this important matter, came up with the idea of ​​using a mixture of snow and saltpeter for better cooling. It was with the help of this mixture that the containers with the future ice cream were cooled.

In ancient Rome, gourmets used natural "refrigerators". They dug deep holes and filled them with packed snow. In such a "refrigerator" a favorite treat was stored for months.
These methods, primitive by the standards of modern times, of making a cold dessert gradually developed and supplemented, giving humanity an adored delicacy.

When did ice cream come to Europe?

It is generally accepted that Europeans were introduced to ice cream by a traveler from Venice, Marco Polo. The procedure for making this dessert, at which he was fortunate enough to be present in China, made a great impression on him. So the Italians discovered a new dessert.

The compatriots of the famous traveler zealously guarded the method of making cold sweets, considering it no less mysterious and significant than the secret of making Venetian glass. Italian culinary specialists managed to keep the secret so carefully that ice cream spread throughout the rest of Europe only in the 16th century.

The French Queen Catherine de Medici, following the example of the Italians, who were the first to know the secret recipe, carefully kept the information received about this unique dish. The method of making ice cream was declared a state secret, for the disclosure of which the violator was threatened with the death penalty.

The French have become one of the most enthusiastic fans of ice cream. For example, Napoleon Bonaparte, even in exile, could not live without his favorite dessert and organized the delivery of a special apparatus for its production to the island of Elba.

France is partly considered the birthplace of ice cream, namely the town of Plombières-les-Bains, where ice cream originated. The composition of the ice cream invented by French chefs included eggs that had previously undergone a freezing procedure, cream and fruits with sugar were added to them. Of course, the dessert prepared according to this recipe was different from the modern ice cream, but it has every right to be considered its predecessor.

The British did not lag behind the French. In the 19th century, Agnes Marshall pioneered the idea of ​​serving ice cream in an edible cup. Thanks to her activities, the use of ice cream has spread among people with average incomes. Another Englishwoman, housewife Nancy Johnson, came up with a freezer - a special machine for making ice cream. From that time to the present, the process of converting a liquid workpiece into an initial product is called freezing.

How did ice cream originate in Russia?

There is no exact data on who first came up with the idea of ​​making and eating ice cream in Russia, but the historical facts of the use of an unusual dessert in Kievan Rus are known. It was a frozen sweet milk chopped into small chips, or, alternatively, cottage cheese with raisins and sugar. Russian winters were distinguished by severe frosts and a considerable duration, the climate itself contributed to the spread of this delicacy among the not very rich population. The blanks for the future dessert were simply taken out into the street and waited for it to be ready.

Residents of Europe at that time did not know anything about such a recipe. Ice cream in a version similar to modern appeared in Russia closer to the 18th century. It included milk, vanillin, ice and fruit juice.

And now ice cream is becoming a consumer product.

Industrial production of ice cream began in the USA (Baltimore). In 1851, Jacob Fussel, known as the "father of the ice cream industry", launched the mass production of this dessert.

In the 20th century, ice cream, one might say, experienced its second birth. The main reason for this was the widespread distribution of affordable refrigeration equipment in many countries of the world.

In Russia, after the revolution of 1917, ice cream acquired the status of a relic of the past. In those years, it was practically not produced. However, in the 1930s there was a revolution in the attitude of the authorities to this undeservedly forgotten dessert. In the USSR, since 1932, the growth of factory production of ice cream begins. It turned into a mass food product, it was prescribed to sell it at prices affordable to the general population.

In 1941, GOST 119-41 was developed for this type of product, which earned a reputation as the toughest in the world. The era of the famous Soviet ice cream began, the quality of which is still remembered by the older generation.

Since 1990, it began according to technical conditions. In modern Russia, more than half of the producers make ice cream using herbal supplements, so the older generation with sadness and nostalgia remembers the same “Kashtan” for 28 kopecks or the famous “Lakomka”.

As compensation for the loss of the unique taste of Soviet ice cream, today you can taste new types and varieties that cannot be called anything other than exotic. For example, in Venezuela, tourists are happy to visit a local attraction - a cafe founded back in the 80s of the last century, where more than 700 types of ice cream are presented, including beer, onion, shrimp, tomato ...

In fact, exotic types of ice cream did not appear today. So, researchers of the life of the peoples of the Far North know a dessert respected by the local population. This is akutak, a dish of Eskimo cuisine, which is prepared on the basis of whipped fat (walrus and reindeer fat, seal fat) with local berries (cloudberries, cranberries), fish and sugar.
There are options for preparing this dish with the addition of leaves and roots.

Dishes related to ice cream were in the cuisines of other peoples, for example, in Iran, the threads of their food starch were frozen with rose water and lime juice.

In Colombia, ice cream is prepared from cicadas, which, after harvesting, are processed in a special way and added to ice cream as a flavoring component.

In the Philippines, you can taste crocodile egg ice cream. Fans of healthy eating claim that it is extremely useful.

Today there is a glowing ice cream: the glow effect is achieved by adding jellyfish to the protein recipe. By paying a considerable amount of money, you can try ice cream that changes color as it is eaten.

Who said that ice cream is only a summer treat? In fact, this delicious milk dessert is relevant both in the July heat and in the January cold. After all, ice cream is one of the few useful products known to mankind that can instantly improve mood. So, let's start a tasting tour of Moscow cafes, where they make the best ice cream in the city, and cheer ourselves up!

1. Plombir, Lubyansky pr., 15, building 2. facebook.com/gelatomoscow

In gelateria "Plombir", which is on the corner of Maroseyka and Lubyansky passage, they prepare real Italian gelato of excellent quality. There are dozens of varieties of it here, and every day the co-owner of the cafe, Italian Sergio Dondoli (by the way, who founded the Gelateria Dondoli, known throughout Tuscany), comes up with something new. The shelf life of the delicacy - no more than three days - testifies to its naturalness, and bizarre combinations of ingredients like "beets with raspberries and basil", "pineapple with rosemary", "mango with ginger" - about the inexhaustible imagination of its creators. But still, the absolute hit is the same classic creamy ice cream, which is worth ordering along with Lavazza coffee. One ball costs 120 rubles, three balls - 300 rubles.

2. Confectionery "Cafe Pushkin", Tverskoy Boulevard, 26/5. sweetpushkin.ru

Confectionery Cafe Pushkin, opened in 2006 by Andrey Delos next to the restaurant of the same name, combines the sophistication and sophistication of a French confectionery. High style can be read here in everything - from interiors to the artful design of desserts, prepared from exclusively premium products delivered directly to the confectionery from France. Pastry chef Damien Piscioneri conjures up the creation of desserts - a real virtuoso of his craft. A native of Cannes, he went from being a kitchen helper in a small restaurant in the south of France to being pastry chef at the legendary London restaurant Sketch. Now there are six types of delicious homemade ice cream in the Pushkin Cafe menu - coffee, vanilla, pistachio, caramel with nuts, cinnamon, chocolate (170 rubles), as well as sherbets - mango, raspberry, lemon, blackberry, strawberry, strawberry, champagne , apple-kiwi (170 rubles), not to mention the luxurious selection of cakes and pastries, cookies and sweets.

3. "Tea Height", st. Pokrovka, 27. cha108.ru

The quiet, cozy cafe-club "Tea Height" is able to surprise sophisticated gourmets not only with an abundance of Chinese tea varieties - from inexpensive to collectible (more than 300 varieties in total), but also with delicious tea ice cream created according to the original recipes of "Tea Height". Here you will be offered more than 130 varieties of creamy tea ice cream and sorbet, including Don crayfish and coconut cream, plum wine and lychee, bison, cranberries, white chocolate and pink pepper, figs, ginger and passion fruit, as well as many other amazing ingredients, as delicious as natural. Gastronomic joys here can be combined with spiritual food: Tea Height regularly hosts concerts of traditional oriental music performers, lectures and master classes in fine arts, film and animation screenings, and exhibitions.

4.Dr. Zhivago, hotel "National" (1st floor), Mokhovaya st., 15/1. drzhivago.ru

The restaurant of the lawyer and restaurateur Alexander Rappoport, located on the first floor of the National Hotel, overlooking the Kremlin and Manezhnaya Square, plays up the theme of Russian cuisine in a modern way. Chef "Dr. Zhivago Maxim Tarusin, who once headed the kitchen at the Yar restaurant, manages to find non-trivial solutions in literally everything, including the menu of ice cream and sorbets. A good half of sweet delicacies have notes of "à la russe". Among ice cream (120 rubles per ball) there are varieties based on gingerbread, fermented baked milk and halva, and among sorbets (120 rubles per ball) you can find options with cranberries, pickled apples, lingonberries, black currants and sea buckthorn. Fans of the classics are not forgotten here either: they can taste ice cream based on chocolate, ice cream and pistachios, as well as lemon sorbet.

5. Bontempi, Bersenevskaya emb., 12, building 1. bontempirest.ru

The Bontempi restaurant, which opened in 2010 on the territory of the former Red October chocolate factory, is headed by celebrity chef Valentino Bontempi. Homemade Italian ice cream, created according to his recipes, is a real hit of the institution. The choice of varieties is huge: ice cream, chocolate, vanilla, melon, tangerine, red orange, pineapple, pistachio, lychee, fig, mango, blackberry and even chianti (portion - 150 rubles). You can also order sorbet, which will be prepared right in front of your eyes with the help of nitrogen from fruit puree.

6. Stoyn Ice Cream. stoyn.com

This unique project for the Russian ice cream industry, developed by the Stoyn studio, was first presented in the summer of 2011 and surprised fans of original desserts a lot. The sculptural ice cream Stoyn Ice Cream embodies the images of pop icons of the 20th century - Vladimir Mayakovsky, Ernesto Che Guevara, Marilyn Monroe, Darth Vader, Mickey Mouse. There are also a couple of characters from cult horror films of the 1980s in the current lineup - Jason and Chucky. The combination of flavors for each ice cream was created in collaboration with the Dolce Bacio laboratory, which works only with organic raw materials, in accordance with the chosen image. So "Vladimir Mayakovsky" got the taste of vodka and cranberries, "Marilyn Monroe" - strawberries with cream, "Darth Vader" became blueberry-licorice, and "Che Guevara" got the taste of rum and mate, Comandante's favorite tea (one ice cream costs 200 rubles). ) Stoyn Ice Cream is sold in a number of Moscow cafes (addresses on the website). You can also arrange delivery in Moscow or pick up the order yourself.

7. Il forno, a chain of restaurants. ilforno.ru

The chain of Italian restaurants Il Forno prepares homemade gelato with amazing combinations of flavors (189 rubles per scoop). So, the most delicate vanilla is served with fragrant pumpkin oil and roasted pumpkin seeds or with sea salt and olive oil, which gives an unusually bright combination, ice cream reminiscent of Bubble Gum chewing gum, generously sprinkled with multi-colored marshmallow pieces. There is also chocolate ice cream, which is made from dark and white chocolate, vanilla with rosemary, strawberry with basil, walnuts, caramel. From sorbets you can order tangerine, mango, with green tea flavor, lemon with candied fruits and lime sauce (189 rubles).

8. Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt, a cafe chain. tuttifruttirussia.com

The largest American network of ice cream yogurt cafes Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt, represented in 45 countries around the world, practices the self-serve model: the guest of the establishment independently fills a cup of ice cream yogurt in any variations and quantities, supplementing it with various ingredients to your liking. The line includes more than 80 flavors of premium quality yogurt-ice cream. The main feature of the Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt cafe is the opportunity to experiment yourself, mixing, say, traditional flavors - strawberry, raspberry, banana, pineapple, lemon, with exotic ones - salted caramel, cheesecake, taro, pina colada, yaku, red velvet, sugar cotton wool, marshmallow. And it looks like Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt remains unrivaled after the recent withdrawal from the Russian market of Pinkberry, another global frozen yogurt brand.

9. "33 penguins", a chain of cafes. 33pingvina.ru

Russian-made natural "ice-cream on cream" of the "premium" class is made according to the classic Italian technology and is deservedly popular with sweet tooth all over the country. To date, the brand's assortment includes 50 types of ice cream. Along with the classic ones (“Plombir on cream”, “Pistachio” and others), there are also such exclusive varieties as “Swiss Lunch” - ice cream made with cream cheese, or “Malibu” - a three-layer ice cream made from juicy kiwi, honey melon and sweet red grapes. There are 8 branded outlets in Moscow. The most famous place for Muscovites is a kiosk near Manezhnaya Square, at the entrance to the Okhotny Ryad shopping center.

10. Juice Bar, Central Department Store (1st floor), st. Petrovka, 2. tsum.ru

And what if, after traditionally sweet delicacies, for the sake of contrast, taste ice cream with the taste of borscht, vinaigrette, Russian salad, herring under a fur coat or pea soup with smoked meats? To do this, you need to go to the Juice Bar, which is on the first floor of the Central Department Store, and order "ice cream from Anatoly Komm." True, the famous chef himself, the creator of the new Russian gastronomy, urges not to confuse a ball of a molecular dish with a traditional dessert. In fact, this is a “frozen homogenized product” with the taste of traditional Russian dishes - on the menu it corresponds to the position “traditional Russian food in the form of ice cream” and costs 70 rubles. for the ball. Comm's Ice Cream contains no preservatives and is low in calories. According to the chef, it is "pleasant to drink it with champagne or wine."

Ice cream has been everyone's favorite treat since childhood. The modern sweets industry is expanding the types of this dessert every day, so loving parents quite naturally want to pamper their fidget with unusual ice cream. Of course, new flavors can be found in any supermarket. However, we want to tell you about the places where you can find the most delicious ice cream in Moscow, enjoying not only the original dessert, but also the peculiarities of the atmosphere of the place itself. After all, in addition to special recipes, the owners of cafes and restaurants are ready to offer their visitors that touch of positive that will make the dish completely unique and the time spent unforgettable. So, let's find out where you can try delicious ice cream in Moscow, seasoned with legends and stories from the creators of fashion establishments.

Gelateria Casa Leone
Address: Lubyansky pr-d, 15, building 2
Website: www.gelatomoscow.ru

If you really want to find an unusual ice cream in Moscow, then by all means check out the Casa Leone gelateria, which opened in 2014 as a new branch of the Plombir chain. A feature of the establishment is that in addition to desserts, you can order other dishes of Italian cuisine here. It is ideal for family holidays and weekends. All dishes here are prepared according to the recipes of Sergio Dondoli, who for many has become a superstar in the preparation of unusual desserts. At Casa Leone, ice cream is prepared by hand, and not only those with a sweet tooth can taste the treats, because among the 60 varieties of gelato and sorbets there is ice cream based on mascarpone cheese and basil, figs and sea buckthorn, walnuts and gorgonzola, as well as ice cream with ginger and salted popcorn.

Club "Tea Height"
Address: st. Pokrovka, 27, building 1
Website: www.cha108.ru

In May 2005, the Tea Floor 108 club was opened on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, where like-minded people who were in love with this strong and fragrant drink, tea, could gather. In the club one could find many rare varieties and types of tea, which was brewed with respect for the ancient national traditions of different cultures. In 2008, "Tea Floor" moved to Pokrovka, and the institution itself was named "Tea Height. House of tea and ice cream. And now you can come here with the whole family to try the most unusual types of your favorite treat. Moreover, if you want to try the most unusual ice cream in Moscow, then you need to visit Tea Height. After all, there is ice cream with the taste of white kvass, ice cream with pu-erh and ginger, with rum, with green wheat, blue cheese, cloudberries, birch sap, cactus, marshmallow, banana. They also serve ice cream without sugar, without protein and animal components. And it was here that for the first time in Moscow they began to serve black ice cream (with cuttlefish ink), which other cafes later began to prepare with dark grapes and activated charcoal.

Restaurant La Bottega Siciliana
Address: st. Okhotny Ryad, 2
Website: www.semifreddo-group.com

La Bottega Siciliana is one of the Semifreddo Group restaurants located in the center of Moscow. The restaurant's menu offers a variety of Italian dishes prepared by chef Claudi Pirovano in a wood-fired oven. A special place in the menu is occupied by homemade ice cream, which is prepared here with gorgonzola, passion fruit and chocolate, vanilla, coffee and cookies, served with fresh fruit, mango, pineapple, tiramisu, whipped cream, waffles, olive oil. Among the unusual recipes here you can find ice cream with basil, caramelized cream and hazelnuts. In addition, the restaurant will be able to offer you Foster, a unique fried ice cream in Moscow. The assortment is constantly updated with proposals from the chef. For example, watermelon sorbet appeared in the summer menu of 2018.

Ice cream Stoyn
Addresses: st. Krymsky Val, 10, st. Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36 ("Flacon"), st. Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya, 35, building 59, st. Pravda d. 24, p. 3,
st. Bolshoi Kamenshchiki, 4
Website: www.stoyn.com

For the Stoin chain, the definition of the most unusual ice cream in Moscow is not enough. After all, here you can buy not only delicious desserts, but also very original ice cream. The menu features ice cream flavored with strawberry chewing gum, made in the shape of the head of Marilyn Monroe, and cranberry flavored in the shape of Mayakovsky's bust. Fans of Che Guevara can choose from rum and chocolate flavors, while a walnut dessert flavored with maple syrup will be made in the shape of Jason's head from the famous horror movie. In addition, there is a sculptural black ice cream for Star Wars lovers. An order can be made with home delivery, which will make it possible to arrange a real holiday for teenagers with a sweet tooth who are passionate about world idols.

Nano-ice cream Dippin "Dots ("Deepin Dots")
Addresses: st. Kirovogradskaya, 13a, 3rd floor, Novoyasenevsky avenue, 1a, shopping center "Spektr", Khodynsky boulevard, 4, shopping center "Aviapark"
Website: www.dippindots.ru

Dippin Dots nano-ice cream in the form of small balls has been produced since 1987 by cryo-freezing. It is stored at a temperature of minus 34 degrees, which allows you to save all its taste and useful qualities. You can now taste such an unusual and delicious ice cream in Moscow. Moreover, this ice cream can be a mixture of different flavors: watermelon and banana, cotton candy and strawberry, chocolate and blackberry, chewing gum and cheesecake, mint and brownie, blueberry and lime. Everyone will be able to choose their favorite mix of flavors to recharge with positive and good mood.

Cafe-confectionery Conversation cafe ("Conversation Cafe")
Address: st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 23/14
Website: www.friends-forever.ru

Where can you find the most delicious ice cream in Moscow? Check out the Conversation cafe on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, which is part of the Favorite Cake chain. The menu offers a large selection of desserts, including: fresh berry sundaes and sorbets, cheesecake on a stick, ice cream cakes, fruit pancakes with sauce and pancake pies. Desserts are displayed in a glass display case, which helps to quickly make a choice. At the same time, the cafe is not focused on holding holidays because of the small area and the constant flow of customers. It is better to reserve a table here, specifying the exact time of your arrival.

Restaurant chain "Tanuki"
Addresses: Bolshoi Zlatoustinsky per., 1, building 1, Balaklavsky avenue, 48, Mira avenue, 120, st. Pyatnitskaya, d. 53, st. Kosmonavtov, 15
Website: www.tanuki.ru

In Japanese restaurants, you can now order not only sushi and rolls, but also delicious desserts, including the traditional oriental treat “moji” (or “mochi”). It is a viscous mass, which is made from a decoction of rice with the addition of sugar, fruit juices, obtaining a thick consistency of various colors, which wraps around a ball of ice cream. The dessert has an unusual, original taste that fans of Japanese cuisine will appreciate. Moji ice cream can be bought in Moscow in the Tanuki restaurant chain.

Network "33 penguins"
Addresses: Manezhnaya sq., 1, building 2, st. Krasnogo Mayak, 2b, small pavilion, 3rd floor, st. Pererva, d. 43, bldg. 1, 3rd floor
Website: www.33pingvina.ru

One of the largest networks in Russia "33 Penguins", which has its own points of sale in different localities of the country. In Moscow and the region, 44 points of sale have been opened, including ice cream parlors in large shopping centers. The assortment includes a large number of varieties of ice cream, which is sold in a Belgian waffle. Banana, blueberries, grapes, cherries, watermelon, pears, maple syrup, blue cheese have become the favorite flavors of many. The line is updated with new flavors every year. The novelties of this year are black ice cream "Cosmos", ice cream "Galaxy" and "Milky Way". The company pays special attention to the health benefits of its products, so vegan ice cream and sugar-free desserts with strawberries, pine nuts, coconut, raspberries and melons are on sale.

Gelateria Amore
Address: Vernadsky Avenue, 11/19
Website: www.amoregelato.ru

The Amore chain offers not just the most delicious ice cream in Moscow, prepared according to special Italian recipes. Desserts are made exclusively from natural products and packed in original jars, which makes sorbets and gelato even more attractive. You can try gelato from Amore in one of the best ice cream parlors in Moscow on Vernadsky Street, as well as by buying a dessert in a supermarket. The assortment is represented by 20 original flavors, including: peanut, Sicilian pistachio, caramel with sea salt, halva, Caribbean rum with raisins, mint with chocolate, amarena with chocolate, passion fruit, Altai honey, mango, raspberry, tiramisu. A feature of ice cream is that it uses less cream and more fruits and milk, and the fat content is reduced. This is important for those parents who want to choose really healthy and not just delicious treats for their kids.

Ice cream Tim&Tim
Address: Presnenskaya emb., 10
Website: www.timandtimicecream.com

Do you want to try the most fashionable and delicious black ice cream in Moscow? Then come to the Waterfront Tower, block C, 1st floor, where they sell Tim & Tim ice cream. It is here that desserts are prepared by hand, using only fresh products. The owner of the pastry shop studied at the famous Le Cordon Bleu school, which allowed him to develop a whole philosophy of making desserts that can surprise with their taste. Ice cream here is made from farm milk without dyes and flavors. A bright, juicy color can be obtained by adding fresh juices and fruits. To form the taste of the dessert, cocoa, chocolate, green tea, lavender, spinach, hazelnuts, vanilla beans and pistachios are used. Tim&Tim is a high quality ice cream that you can try in different flavors: creamy, vanilla with salted caramel, sea buckthorn, lime flavored, raspberry, blueberry, rosemary, mint, blackberry and strawberry.

Catering company Ice "n" Roll
Address: Teatralny pr-d., 5, Central Children's Store, 6th floor
Website: www.ice-n-roll.ru

Ice "n" Roll is a new philosophy in the world of ice cream production and serving. The company works primarily on catering for children's holidays and parties, preparing delicious desserts in front of the guests. Moreover, ice cream is served here not in the form of balls, but rolled into rolls, which are placed in a special cup. Such unusual ice cream in Moscow can be tasted at the Central Children's Museum on Lubyanka. Moreover, serving ice cream is a whole gastronomic show: you will see for yourself that it is prepared only from natural products and fresh berries. And everyone can choose their own taste. The menu includes ice cream with chocolate chips, Oreo cookies and Choco Pie, raspberry, caramel, cherry, banana, pumpkin, cucumber and many other unusual flavors.

Gelateria Pasticheria Farinari
Address: Lomonosovsky prospect, 25/1
Website: www.farinari.ru

The new format of the cafe-confectionery on Lomonosovsky Prospekt invites everyone to try the new gelato, handmade according to Italian recipes. Here you will taste high quality desserts with the taste of pineapple, strawberry, pear, lemon, mango, wild berries, amarena and cherries, tiramisu, stracciatella, vanilla, zabaione, pistachio, nutella, nociola, coconut, chocolate, Oreo cookies, apricot, plum, orange, apple, tangerine, sea buckthorn, currant, whiskey, peanut, coffee and so on.

Workshop of craft ice cream FlowerFlavor
Address: Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 7, bldg. 1, Central Market,
Website: www.flowerflavor.ru

Still wondering where to try the most delicious ice cream in Moscow? Then take a look at the FlowerFlavor workshop: they produce desserts that are delivered to the best restaurants of the capital. Directly from the manufacturer, you can try different types of ice cream with unique flavors: blueberries and blueberries, chicory, meadow grasses, raisins in rum and baked milk, lychee, lavender, creamy Irish Guinness, thyme, raspberry, basil, grapefruit, cherry, hazelnut and etc.

Gelateria Plombir
Address: Pyatnitskaya, 73, shopping center "Metropolis", shopping center "Okhotny Ryad", Danilovsky Market, Central Children's World, shopping center "Troika", st. Leo Tolstoy, 18B, shopping center "Aviapark", business center "President Plaza", shopping center Roomer Street, Leningradsky pr-t, 48
Website: www.mygelato.cafe

Plombir gelateria network is a cafe from the My Gelato group, which presents the best ice cream in Moscow, made according to original Italian recipes. The range includes ice cream in many different flavors: chocolate, homemade cheese, wild berries, cherry, basil, pistachio, ginger and caramel. In addition, the menu has black ice cream, which has become popular in recent years, as well as gelato with gorgonzola, spirulina, stracella, pineapple and rosemary, figs with moscarpone. Every child will certainly want to try a new taste of their favorite dessert.

Confectionery Cafe Pushkin
Address: Tverskoy Boulevard, 26
Website: www.sweetpushkin.ru

A visit to the confectionery "Cafe Pushkin" will be a real treat for both young sweet tooth and adults who appreciate the taste of unique sweets. The menu features the most delicious ice cream in Moscow - dark chocolate and vanilla, caramel, pistachio and mint. For those who are ready to experiment, we recommend trying stracciatella with dark chocolate or black caramel with sea salt. For sorbet lovers, this best ice cream parlor in Moscow will offer you to enjoy mango, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry and other flavors for only 190 rubles. And don't forget that you can always order author's desserts from the famous pastry chef Nina Metayer in the confectionery "Cafe Pushkin"!

Bontempi Restaurants
Address: Bersenevskaya embankment, 12, building 1, Bolshoi Znamensky per., 2, building 3, Gateway embankment, 4, st. Usacheva, 26, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 1
Website: www.pinzeria.ru

In Italian restaurants Bontempti, located in the historical center of the capital, everyone can enjoy delicious ice cream and sorbet, because the assortment is really amazing. The menu includes pistachio, chocolate, vanilla, tangerine ice cream, gelato flavored with mango, blackberry, pineapple and red orange, classic ice cream, dessert flavored with melon, figs and lychee. And here you can also try an exclusive dessert - nitrogen sorbet with pineapple or mango for 2 persons. The chef of the restaurant, Italian Valentino Bontempi, is responsible for the bright and unique taste of desserts, so you will find the most delicious ice cream in Moscow in Bontempti!

Mushrooms Restaurant
Address: Bolshaya Yakimanka 22, Gimenei shopping center, 2nd floor
Website: www.mushroomsmoscow.ru

At the Mushrooms restaurant you can make real gastronomic experiments, because here they serve a real exclusive: ice cream with truffle, vanilla and chocolate, fresh strawberries with creamy ice cream and sorbet with mango or lemon. A summer panoramic terrace has been opened, which offers a magnificent view of the towers of the Moscow Kremlin, Yakimanka and other sights. The terrace is equipped with a retractable glass roof, so that in bad weather you can still enjoy a delicious dessert while admiring the views of the capital.

Grand Cafe Dr. Zhivago
Address: st. Mokhovaya, 15/1, National Hotel, 1st floor
Website: www.drzhivago.ru

At the Grand Cafe Dr. Zhivago will offer you to taste real Russian ice cream - Volgograd ice cream. Perhaps this is the best ice cream in Moscow that you can find in the Red Square area. The stylized restaurant of Alexander Rappoport, located near the Moscow Kremlin, will delight visitors with exclusive ice cream with fermented baked milk, halva or honeysuckle, mint ice cream and a dessert with pickled apples. There are also special offers on the menu of the world-class restaurant - sorbet in assortment and strawberry cone. And, of course, because of the good location in the hotel "National" offers an incredible view of the main attraction of the country. Remember that you need to book places here in advance and be sure to follow the dress code.

Address: Fashion Season Gallery, st. Nikolskaya, 4/5,
Website: www.redmangorus.ru

For supporters of delicious healthy food, visiting the Red Mango cafe will be a real treat. Here you can taste the best soft ice cream in Moscow. The menu includes desserts based on natural yogurt - classic, strawberry, chocolate yogurt ice cream according to a Korean recipe. Red Mango Cafe first opened in 2003 in Seoul, South Korea. Subsequently, new establishments around the world were launched every year. The main feature of the franchise is the use of only fresh milk, natural yogurt and additives without dyes and artificial ingredients. Therefore, Red Mango not only has the most delicious soft ice cream in Moscow, but also the healthiest one.

Cafe-bar PINCH
Address: Bolshoi Palashevsky lane, 2,
Website: www.pinch.moscow

If you are looking for a place in the center of Moscow where you can taste delicious ice cream in a cozy, trendy, but at the same time charmingly luxurious environment, then be sure to check out the Pinch cafe-bar on Patriarchy. Here you can enjoy an original truffle and ricotta dessert. In addition to ice cream, you will be offered to try signature cocktails or expensive wines. In general, Pinch is a place where you can indulge in nothing if you are ready to spend any amount on a gourmet dessert. For young people and families with children looking for a modern bar with unique delicious desserts in the Patriarch's Ponds area, there is no better place.

Surely, you also already have a favorite place serving the most delicious ice cream in Moscow. We will be glad if you share its address and reviews with us. After all, this will help many families choose the best institution for a child's birthday or a regular Sunday lunch.

Unlike numerous gelaterias and ice cream parlors, the Severyane restaurant does not specialize in ice cream at all. Here it is easier to meet an abundance of steaks, grilled dishes, something with a Siberian accent, certainly with potatoes and mushrooms. But it is worth looking into the column with desserts, as ice cream lovers will immediately find a dish to their taste. Fortunately, it is one, and you won’t have to choose for a long time. It's a plum with smoked ice cream. An unusual combination, but not so expensive as to deny yourself this pleasure.

st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 12

The pan-Asian specificity of the Zodiac restaurant catches your eye even before you open the doors of the institution. The menu includes a combination of Chinese, Japanese, Malaysian, Vietnamese and Thai dishes prepared by the famous chef Vladimir Mukhin. There are both classic chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream (albeit with its own twist), as well as sorbets: strawberry and sea buckthorn. In addition to them, be sure to pay attention to fried milk, plum tart with chili pepper ice cream, as well as a variety of mochi wagashi: with strawberries, with caramel and blueberries, with chocolate and prunes. And here they add coconut ice cream to chocolate fondant.

sq. Smolenskaya, 3

Restaurant White Rabbit 18+

If you think you know everything about interesting and even strange ice cream in Moscow, do not rush to loudly declare it until you visit the White Rabbit. This establishment will be both a paradise for gourmets and a place of discovery for everyone who is used to classic desserts. Be prepared to control yourself or plan your second, third, tenth trip in advance, because the assortment of ice cream is impressive. Lilac and mulberry ice cream, strawberry sour cream ice cream, porous pine ice cream (served with fondant with pine nut praline), honeysuckle ice cream (comes with cheese mousse, berry meringue and lavender water). It looks like a full house has been assembled here.

Smolenskaya sq., 3

The most extravagant item you'll find here is Chef's Mushroom Ice Cream. It stands out noticeably from the rest of the ice cream that you have tried before, and risks becoming one of the favorite desserts of the guests of the institution. In addition, it is served with thyme-chocolate mousse. The restaurant also has other ice cream and sorbets. For example, coconut sorbet with Uzbek lemon and pink pepper or pineapple cannelloni with lime sorbet.

per. Bolshoi Palashevsky, 2

As in any institution that specializes in wine, they pay special attention to dishes, because they should look decent against the background of drinks and, if necessary, make up a suitable food pairing. Therefore, if you want to freshen up with taste, Wine Religion will not keep you waiting long. In addition to the fact that vanilla ice cream is served here with chocolate fondant and orange, and yogurt-lemon ice cream with toffee mousse with biscuit and milk cake, there are several other dizzying positions. For example, rhubarb ice cream and three sorbets: watermelon, sorrel and strawberry-mint sorbet.

Ave. Michurinsky, 16

It would be strange if the sweetest and chocolate bar in Moscow bypassed ice cream. Therefore, if you have already eaten chocolate pizza, scored it all with a crazy shake, refreshed yourself with Belgian waffles and you still have the strength for ice cream, we will understand you and will not dissuade you. Moreover, Max Brenner himself, not wanting to stop there, is happy to offer guests three types of ice cream that cannot be forgotten: Eskimo fondue with melted chocolate, milk chocolate pieces, waffle balls and caramelized hazelnuts; vanilla and chocolate ice cream "Turin" with the same caramelized hazelnuts, brownie pieces and whipped cream; and citrus chocolate ice cream with milk chocolate, marshmallow, banana, orange and mint.

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Ice cream is a sweetened frozen food that is usually eaten as a snack or dessert. The question of who invented ice cream is not an easy one. The technology of its production has undergone a significant evolution. Nowadays, it is usually made from dairy products - cream or milk - combined with fruit or other dessert ingredients. Typically, modern ice cream is sweetened with sucrose, cane sugar, beet sugar, or other similar sweeteners. Today, various flavors and dyes are used as an addition to stabilizers.

The mixture is agitated to add air spaces to it and cooled below the freezing point of water to prevent ice crystals from forming. This is a classic definition, but has it always been this way?

What it is?

The meaning of the term "ice cream" may vary from country to country. Phrases such as "frozen yogurt", "gelato", "sorbet", "frozen custard" and others are used to refer to different varieties and flavors. In some countries, the definition of "ice cream" refers only to a certain type of product, as well as the number of main ingredients. Dishes that do not meet the established criteria are called "frozen dessert", etc.

Today, in almost all countries, you can find a treat made from alternatives to cow's milk. So, they make it from sheep or goat milk, or add its vegetable substitutes (for example, soy or tofu).

Ice cream can be served in bowls for eating with a spoon or in cups and cones for licking. It can be served with other desserts such as apple pie. It is also used to prepare other dishes, including milkshakes.

The history of the appearance of delicacy

Who invented ice cream for the first time? As early as the 5th century BC, the ancient Greeks ate snow mixed with honey and fruit. This delicacy was sold in the markets of Athens. The well-known Hippocrates recommended that his patients eat ice, considering it a means to revitalize vitality.

In the 4th century BC, Alexander the Great's favorite delicacy was snow mixed with honey and nectar.

A frozen mixture of milk and rice was used around 200 BC. e. in China. The Chinese poured a mixture of snow and saltpeter over vessels filled with syrup. This technology reduces the freezing point below zero. Therefore, it is difficult to say in which century ice cream was invented.

Other countries also had similar dishes. In 400 BC. e. the Persians also invented a special chilled food made from rose water and noodles served on ice during the summer. Ice was mixed with saffron, fruits, and various other flavors were also added.

Rimsky (37-68 AD) personally brought ice from the mountains and mixed it with fruit fillings to create a chilled delicacy. Of course, it cannot be said that he was the first to come up with ice cream, but such a recipe is the closest prototype of the modern sorbet.

Middle Ages

In the sixteenth century, the Mongol emperors used fast horsemen to carry ice from the Hindu Kush to Delhi to use in fruit desserts. Thus, it is quite difficult to answer the question in which country ice cream was invented. But this delicacy was quickly appreciated and continued to develop.

The Italian Duchess Catherine de Medici is credited with introducing ice cream to Europe in the 16th century. According to historical legend, when the Medici married the Duke of Orléans in 1533, she brought several Italian chefs with her to France who used recipes for flavored ice or sorbet. The question of where ice cream was invented according to this recipe has not been disclosed. But the dessert was very well received.

A century later, Charles I (King of England) was so impressed with the ice dessert that he offered the cook a lifetime pension as a favor for keeping the ice cream recipe a secret so that the dessert remained only a royal prerogative. However, there is no historical evidence to support these legends, which first appeared in the 19th century.

Who came up with ice cream for mass recipes?

The first recipe for flavored ice in French appeared in 1674 in a large collection. Tips for making sorbets were also published in 1694 in several English sources, and then reprinted several times. Initially, according to these recommendations, only a dish with a rough taste, with large pieces of ice, could be made. Subsequently, chefs began to argue that real ice cream should have a thin consistency of sugar and finely crushed ice.

Popularity breakdown

In the Mediterranean countries, ice cream became available to the general population by the 2nd half of the eighteenth century. The delicacy became inexpensive and widespread by the middle of the nineteenth century in England, when in 1851 an emigrant from Switzerland, Carlo Gatti, opened the first store in Charing Cross, equipped with a refrigerated display case invented by the owner. This technology began to be successful, and soon portable glaciers began to appear everywhere.

Speaking of who invented ice cream, one should not forget about such a figure as Agyness Marshall, who is considered the "queen of desserts" in England. She actively popularized the recipes for the delicacy and made its consumption fashionable among middle-class people. She has written four books on ice cream and has regularly lectured publicly on cooking. Marshall even suggested using liquid nitrogen to make a heavily chilled dessert.

New species

The uniform consistency of ice cream was invented in the 1870s and immediately became popular. It is believed that it was invented in 1874 by the American culinary specialist Robert Green, but in fact there is no hard evidence for this. It is also impossible to say unambiguously when and where ice cream ice cream was invented. It is believed that it first appeared at the end of the 19th century in one of about the same period of time, several culinary experts claimed to have created the world's first fruit and berry ice cream, but not a single original recipe has survived. As the legend goes, fruit varieties began to be invented for use as a lean product.

Growing popularity

Despite the fact that no one could answer the question in which century ice cream was invented (plombir, sorbet, gelato), the unequivocal popularity of the delicacy in the world arose in the second half of the 20th century, after cheap refrigeration equipment became common. It was in those years that there was a real "boom" in the production of ice cream of various tastes and types. Vendors often competed on the basis of diversity. At the same time, retail outlets specializing specifically in this delicacy appeared. The most famous brand to this day is Baskin Robbins, which entered the market with 31 fragrances, and does not change its traditions. The main slogan of the company is one taste for every day of the month. The company currently boasts that it has created over 1,000 varieties.

soft ice cream

A significant development was the invention in the 20th century of soft ice cream, which has more air in its composition. In addition, its production technology is such that costs are reduced very significantly. Further development of the production of soft ice cream led to the emergence of special machines that squeeze the mass into a waffle cone. Today, such a delicacy is offered both in independent retail outlets and in fast food chains.
