
Beer alcoholism among young people. Causes of teenage alcoholism

Presentation on the topic: » Beer alcoholism. Beer alcoholism is a term for a morbid addiction to beer. - Transcript:

2 Beer alcoholism. Beer alcoholism is a term for a painful addiction to beer.

3 weak alcoholic drink. This drink is made from water, malt and hops using a special fermentation technology.

4 Beer is the third most popular drink in the world (after water and tea) and the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world.

5 For many people, drinking beer after a working day has become the norm and even turned into a habit. advertising supports the image of beer as a drink of bliss, relaxation, good luck in life. Undoubtedly, beer alcoholism is a real disaster for today's youth.

6 A diseased heart or, as the German physician Professor Bolinger called it, the Bavarian "beer" or "bull's" heart. It is expressed in the expansion of the cavities of the heart, thickening of its walls, necrosis in the heart muscle, reduction of mitochondria, etc. It is recognized that these changes are associated with the presence of cobalt in beer, which is used as a beer foam stabilizer.

7 analogue of the female sex hormone. In men drinking beer, fat begins to be deposited according to the female type - on the hips and sides - the mammary glands grow, the pelvis becomes wider, they become effeminate externally and internally, at the genetic level

8 Beer alcoholism takes longer to form (from 1 year to several years), but it is difficult to develop. And the exit from such a binge is very long. Its consequences are more devastating. The volume of circulating fluid in the body increases, the load on the heart and kidneys increases, and this leads to the development of serious pathologies.

9 Harm of beer for human body very extensive. Death of brain cells, dysfunction of the spinal cord, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, neuropathy, damage to the visual and auditory analyzers. Cirrhosis of the liver

10 In the human brain, alcohol is oxidized 4000 times slower than in the liver. Alcohol is concentrated in brain cells for up to one month. Drinking alcohol, every time a person disables thousands of actively working brain cells. Therefore, everyone drinking people, even in "moderate" doses, upon autopsy, whole cemeteries of dead cells are found - "the phenomenon of a wrinkled brain."

11 Narcologists say that alcohol is the most aggressive of drugs beer alcoholism is characterized by particular cruelty. This explains the end of the beer orgy with fights, murders, rapes and robberies.

12 Judging by the level of beer produced, imported and sold in trade, the population of Russia occupies “leading” positions in the consumption of this product, which is still considered low-alcohol and even “non-alcoholic”. Contrary to the premise, beer producers seek to increase the influx of buyers by the fact that beer is not alcoholic, but low-alcohol, supposedly harmless “drink”.

13 In 2009, over 12,000 accidents in Russia were caused by drunk drivers (-9.4%). The lives of 2217 people and the health of more than 18 thousand participants in the movement are on their conscience.

14 Statistics of beer alcoholism in Russia In 1993 - 17.4 alcoholics, In 1993 - 17.4 alcoholics, In 1998 - 20.8 alcoholics, In 1998 - 20.8 alcoholics, In 1999 - 24.4 alcoholics . In 1999, there were 24.4 alcoholics.

15 among men increased by 2.5 times, among women - by 3 times. In Russia, men live 18 years less than in the US, and 12 years less than in Europe. Cause addiction to alcohol.

16 RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW ON RESTRICTIONS OF RETAIL SALE AND CONSUMPTION (DRINKING) OF BEER AND DRINKS PRODUCED ON THE BASIS OF BEER Adopted by the State Duma on February 9, 2005 Approved by the Federation Council on February 25, 2005 This Federal Law establishes restrictions retail and consumption (drinking) of beer and drinks made on its basis, in order to protect the morality and health of people, especially minors. Article 1. Scope of this Federal Law Article 1. Scope of this Federal Law ethyl alcohol more than 0.5 percent by volume finished products and drinks made on the basis of beer with the specified content of ethyl alcohol (hereinafter - beer and drinks made on its basis), the participants of which are legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs, as well as individuals consuming beer and drinks produced on its basis in the places specified by this Federal Law. This Federal Law applies to retail sales of beer with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 0.5 percent by volume of finished products and beer-based drinks with the specified ethyl alcohol content (hereinafter referred to as beer and beer-based drinks), the participants of which are legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs, as well as individuals who consume beer and drinks produced on its basis in the places specified by this Federal Law. Article 2. Restrictions on the retail sale of beer and drinks made on its basis Retail sale of beer and drinks made on its basis is not allowed: Retail sale of beer and drinks made on its basis is not allowed: 1) in children's, educational and medical organizations; 1) in children's, educational and medical organizations; 2) on all types of public transport (public transport) of urban and suburban traffic; 2) on all types of public transport (public transport) of urban and suburban traffic; 3) in cultural organizations (with the exception of organizations or centers located in them Catering, including without the formation of a legal entity), sports and health and sports facilities; 3) in cultural organizations (with the exception of organizations or public catering facilities located in them, including those without the formation of a legal entity), sports and recreational and sports facilities; 4) minors. 4) minors.

17 Our law prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages under the age of 18. The fact is that the young organism is the most sensitive to all kinds of poison, including alcohol. Meanwhile, beer companies are counting their growing revenues.

18 When the body is completely affected by beer, a young man or girl develops alcoholism. Given that there are more and more beer alcoholics among young people every year, it is not difficult to guess what the future holds for us in ten years.

19 Cleft lip Cleft palate Down syndrome Siamese twins Congenital pathology

21 The work was done by the students of the 9th grade of the MOU "Secondary School 21": Ryzhakova Daria and Fatikhova Albina. Leader: Rytsova Gulsiren Kamilovna.

A presentation on the topic "Beer alcoholism" can be used to conduct thematic class hours in grades 5-11 and parent meetings on the prevention of alcoholism.

Text for slides

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Alcoholism has always been the scourge of our people. They fought with him both in tsarist Russia and in the Soviet Union. They introduced "dry laws", created a society of teetotalers, but did not achieve any results. Alcoholism continues to flourish. As a result, the army of alcoholics is getting younger and is switching to beer - the most "promoted" drink today. 2 slide

Beer is a drink suitable for any situation. This is what they are trying to prove to us in bright commercials. Camping, football, partying - pour amber, and everything will be ok!

Men and women drink, old and young. Beer has become a kind of symbol, an attribute of confidence, success. Yes, and how else? Everyone knows that beer is followed by "the most beautiful, smartest, smartest." It is used by people with real male character. Drinking beer is the easiest way to success, cheerful company and relaxation "on a high". And all this from beer advertising. And she, in turn, does everything so that the goods she promotes are bought and drunk, drunk, drunk. Which is what happens in the end. Teenage alcoholism - social problem number one in Russia. The growth of beer consumption in the country is due to adolescents and women of childbearing age

3 slide

Perhaps, beer is the product presented in the largest assortment. Children can be taught the alphabet by beer brands: "A" - "Arsenalnoye", "B" - "Bochkarev" and so on. Is there really enough natural malt and hops in the world to produce such an amount foamy drink? What we sell is a real ersatz. If you look at the expiration date of the so-called "beer", you can see that his account goes for months. Meanwhile, natural beer can be stored for no more than 7 days. 4 slide

Naturally, manufacturers will not write about this “chemistry” in the “Composition” column. But it is obvious that alcohol is the only more or less natural element in beer. By the way, according to international standards, it should be from one and a half to seven percent. In Russia - 8 and even 9%. We, as always, are original.

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Active libations of surrogates lead to the most real mutations of the body. most destructive and harmful consequence excessive consumption of beer - a sick heart or, as the German doctor Professor Bolinger called it, the Bavarian "beer heart". It is expressed in the expansion of the cavities of the heart. This is how the “beer heart” syndrome or “kapron stocking” syndrome occurs, when the heart sags, becomes flabby and pumps blood poorly.

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Hormone production is greatly reduced in beer drinkers testosterone, but female sex hormones are active. As a result, the pelvis expands, appears " female breast". It all starts with the appearance of the so-called "beer belly". Pseudo-beer kindles a brutal appetite, and the stomach grows from the usual overeating. It is recognized that these changes are associated with the presence of cobalt in beer, which is used as a beer foam stabilizer. But it is extremely dangerous for women to drink beer - breast cancer is possible.

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It is not customary to talk about toxic compounds and the dangers of beer. In terms of harm to the body, beer can only be equaled with moonshine, because. in the process of alcoholic fermentation, both in beer and in moonshine, much more toxic compounds accompanying alcohol (fermentation by-products) are preserved in full volume. These are aldehydes, fusel oils, methanol, ethers, the content of which in beer is tens and hundreds of times higher than the level of their permissible concentration .

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Men and women drink, old and young. Beer has become a kind of symbol, an attribute of confidence, success. Yes, and how else? After all, everyone knows that beer is followed by "the most beautiful, elegant, smart." It is used by people with a real masculine character. Drinking beer is the easiest way to success, cheerful company and relaxation "on a high". Let's remember where it comes from. That's right, from a beer ad. And she, in turn, does everything so that the goods she promotes are bought and drunk, drunk, drunk. Which is what happens in the end.

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There are currently 296 breweries in Russia. Their absolute number belongs to foreign capital. For example, income from Nevsky beer goes to Denmark, Holster beer to Germany, Miller to America, Stary Melnik to Turkey, Tolstyak to Belgium, Bochkarev to Spain, Golden Barrel" - to South Africa. Profit from the beer of the Baltika concern, as well as from the beer of OA Pikra, goes to Scandinavia. Hence, beer fans support not a domestic, but a foreign manufacturer which is not identical to the concept of "patriotism".

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Studies conducted in many countries show that chronic alcoholism develops 3-4 times faster from drinking beer than from hard alcoholic products.

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In the 19th century, the British, fighting alcoholism, recklessly decided to replace strong drinks with nothing more than beer. But they soon realized that this only aggravated drunkenness. Patients with beer alcoholism end up in hospitals in an extremely serious, neglected condition, most often with severe dementia and a decrease in personal assessment. These are the main consequences of beer alcoholism.

Presentation for class hour Beer alcoholism among young people

The material contains a presentation for the class hour "Beer alcoholism among young people." The event should be held in high school. During the class hour, students will get acquainted with the history of beer, as well as with such a concept as “beer alcoholism”.

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Presentation for the class hour "Beer alcoholism"

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

Beer alcoholism “Do you hear, brothers, sighs and groans? Do you hear the call of distressed families? Millions of honest but weak people perish under the power of wine! (Sergei Alexandrovich Rachinsky, 1875)

A more insinuating and insidious development

Beer alcoholism is more difficult to treat

Beer alcoholism in minors: Formed quickly in a short time Teenagers are more sensitive to beer Smaller doses can cause severe poisoning 50-100 gr. dose of poisoning Tolerance (tolerance to beer) quickly increases, the doses and rhythm of alcohol intake increase.

The stomach is stretched The mucous membrane becomes thinner, ulcerates Beer lingers in the stomach Pain, hiccups, belching Appear Beer stomach develops

Damage to brain cells Impairment of intelligence Severe changes in the psyche

Violation of the function of the urinary system Formation of kidney stones

Increases the amount of circulating fluid Increased load on the heart Cardiomyopathy Ventricular hypertrophy Develops "bull" heart

Dystrophic changes occur Decreased neutralization function Accumulate harmful products metabolism Intoxication of the whole organism occurs

Contains phytoestrogens. Hormonal disorders: in men: gynecomastia, female-type obesity, decreased potency, decreased sperm motility (up to infertility and impotence) in women: excessive fullness, menstrual irregularities, reproductive dysfunction

Federal Law of April 7, 2006 On Restriction of Retail Sale and Consumption of Beer and Beer-Based Beverages. It is not allowed to sell beer and drinks made on its basis: - in children's, educational and medical organizations - on all types of public transport - in cultural organizations, sports and recreational and sports facilities - to minors

Class hour scenario: "Beer alcoholism"

Target: Demonstration of the detrimental effect of alcohol (beer) on human health.


· Acquaintance with the impact of beer on the human body;

Knowledge of the basic insidious properties of alcohol;

Teaching the ability to say “NO” to alcohol.

The course of the classroom.

There are many beer bottles on the table.

Teacher: Guys, look at the table. What do we see? (answer: beer bottles.)

So, today, at the classroom hour, we will talk about beer.

Epigraph to class hour I want to take the words

“Do you hear, brothers, sighs and groans?

Do you hear the call of distressed families?

Millions die under the power of wine

Honest but weak people!

(Sergei Alexandrovich Rachinsky, 1875)

Basic concepts of the topic:

How do we understand these keywords?

Children express their definitions.

Do you think it is good or bad to drink beer?

Who has tasted the taste of beer?

Why are we talking about "beer alcoholism"?

And now, I invite you to listen to the speeches of your comrades on the impact of beer on human health.

The harmful effects of beer on the heart

The most devastating and harmful consequence of immoderate consumption of beer is a diseased heart, or, as the German physician Professor Bohlinger called it, the Bavarian "beer heart." It is expressed in the expansion of the cavities of the heart, thickening of its walls, necrosis in the heart muscle, reduction of mitochondria, etc. It is recognized that these changes are associated with the presence of cobalt in beer, which is used as a beer foam stabilizer. The content of this toxic element in the heart muscle of beer drinkers exceeds allowable rate 10 times. In addition, cobalt causes inflammation in the esophagus and stomach.
There are other factors that disrupt the work of the heart in beer alcoholism. These are, first of all, large portions of beer consumed per day by its lovers, as well as the saturation of beer. carbon dioxide. Once in the body, the beer quickly overflows blood vessels. This leads to varicose veins and expansion of the boundaries of the heart. This is how the “beer heart” syndrome or “kapron stocking” syndrome occurs, when the heart sags, becomes flabby and pumps blood poorly.

Student 2

Beer adversely affects human hormones

Beer contains a number of toxic substances, including salts of heavy metals, which cause changes in endocrine system. So, in the body of men with the systematic use of beer, a substance is released that suppresses the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. At the same time, female sex hormones begin to be produced, causing change appearance men. In men drinking beer, the mammary glands grow, the pelvis becomes wider. In women who drink beer, the likelihood of getting cancer increases, and if it is a nursing mother, then the child may have epileptic convulsions. Also, women's voice becomes rougher and the so-called "beer mustache" appears.

Severe consequences and harm of beer alcoholism

Studies conducted in many countries show that chronic alcoholism develops 3-4 times faster from drinking beer than from hard alcoholic products. The harm of beer to the human body is very extensive. The death of brain cells (which, when dying, enter the bloodstream, are filtered out by the kidneys and exit with urine - ed. note), dysfunction of the spinal cord, myocardial dystrophy, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, neuropathy, damage to the visual and auditory analyzers. A correlation has also been proven between daily beer consumption and increased blood pressure. One of the severe complications of beer alcoholism is lactic acidosis and hyponatremia. Patients with beer alcoholism end up in hospitals in an extremely serious, neglected condition, most often with severe dementia and a decrease in personal assessment. These are the main consequences of beer alcoholism.

Pupil 4

Beer is a drug that causes aggression

According to modern research, beer is the first legal drug, paving the way for other, stronger illegal drugs. It is the consumption of beer that is the root cause of the crippled destinies of millions of our compatriots. Narcologists say that alcohol is the most aggressive of drugs, and beer alcoholism is characterized by particular cruelty. This explains the end of the beer orgy with fights, murders, rapes and robbery. An employee of the Department of Biomedical Fundamentals of Human Life of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University S. Anikin in his article “Beer is not milk” gives a number of examples confirming the above. The May events of 2002 on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow, when football fans excited by beer staged “large-scale demonstrative beatings” not only of compatriots, but also citizens of other countries, are an analogy for the data he cited about the disastrous consequences for society of drinking beer, especially for the younger generation. A graduate of one of the Moscow schools was beaten to death, accidentally finding himself in a crowd of drunk teenagers and youth, smashing cars and shop windows.

Beer alcoholism leads to the degradation of generations.

Who do beer advertisers count on?

First of all, to the layman, who believes all the beautiful tales about the "drink" that is affordable to him. As for beautiful pictures with beer on billboards and short commercials on TV, they are primarily aimed at young people so as not to lose clientele in the near future. As a result, before the eyes of their parents, sober children turn into drinking youth, and drinking youth into drunken parents. Is it really not clear that the beer subculture is the beginning of a culture of drug addiction, leading to the degradation of generations, and in the end to the death of the entire nation.

Presentation for the lesson on the topic:
Presentation "Beer alcoholism"

The presentation "Beer Alcoholism" contains information about the scale of beer alcoholism in Russia.



Slides captions:

Class hour "Beer alcoholism among young people"

Beer is an alcoholic drink, moderate in content of wine alcohol, obtained alcoholic fermentation malt wort with brewer's yeast, usually with the addition of hops.

History of Beer Beer - ancient drink, known back in ancient Egypt (people began to cultivate wheat and barley there exclusively for making beer, and the creation of bread was only side effect, Babylon, China during the Shang dynasty (II millennium BC), Armenia. One of the earliest written references to beer is found in the Anabasis of Xenophon (5th century BC), being in one of the villages in Armenia

In the fight against such misfortunes as drug addiction, AIDS and smoking, humanity seems to have "missed" another dangerous addiction - beer alcoholism. Narcologists are sounding the alarm even more because teenagers begin to drink alcohol literally from the school bench. Today, no one is surprised by teenagers drinking beer right on the street. You can buy a bottle of beer anywhere. No one will judge you for this: in our society it is generally accepted that beer is not only harmless, but also good for health. Perhaps, if you use it in moderation, doctors say. But, according to narcologists, a person who drinks a liter or more of beer daily, imperceptibly falls into alcohol addiction. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in beer alcoholism among young people. True, young men and women deny that drinking one bottle of beer a day will lead to addiction.

Consumption by region The largest beer markets are Russia, China, the USA and Germany. country with highest consumption beer per capita is the Czech Republic (161.2 liters per capita in 2008)

By color The classification of beer by color is widespread in Russia, as well as in some other European countries, such as Spain. There are dark, light, red and white types of beer. When cooking dark beer roasted malt is used. The color of the beer is determined by the degree of roasting of the malt and the amount of dark malt used in brewing. Most dark varieties malts cannot be used on their own without light varieties, as during roasting they lose the enzymes necessary for saccharification of the wort.

Non-Alcoholic Beer Despite the name, non-alcoholic beer contains 0.2-1.0% alcohol, and it is not possible to completely get rid of it. There are several technologies for obtaining non-alcoholic beer. The alcohol contained in regular beer, are removed by vacuum distillation (using the low boiling point of alcohol) and by dialysis (membrane method). They also get rid of alcohol by suppressing fermentation, using special yeast that does not turn maltose into alcohol, or stopping the fermentation process by lowering the temperature. The membrane method is considered the best because it is used traditional technology production, and the taste of beer is the least different from the usual. But due to the low alcohol content, the taste of non-alcoholic beer with any technology is different, since alcohol has a significant impact on the taste of beer. Due to more sophisticated technology production of non-alcoholic beer, its cost is higher than that of regular beer.

Beer alcoholism is a controversial term for a morbid addiction to beer. According to some researchers, beer alcoholism is a severe and difficult to treat form of alcoholism, while according to others, from a medical point of view, this term is not entirely correct or does not have the right to exist at all. Proponents of the second point of view usually consider beer abuse not as a direct cause of alcoholism, but as an intermediate stage leading in the future to a transition to stronger drinks, the use of which is fraught with the development of true alcohol dependence.

Beer alcoholism is a problem that narcologists are talking about more and more often. More and more young people are becoming addicted to beer. The largest increase in the prevalence of addiction to addiction observed now among adolescents. The "harmful use of alcohol" rate here is three times higher than the general level. Sanepidnadzor specialists believe that it is beer that is to blame. According to them, beer addiction takes up to about 75% of the total number of adolescents.

Relentless statistics About 1 million people die in Russia every year. Russia becomes the world leader in children's beer alcoholism. Drinking in Russia begins at the age of 11. At the age of 16, every third teenager cannot imagine his life without beer and drinks up to 3 liters of this drink daily. In recent years, the number of patients with alcoholism among teenagers has increased by 15.3%, alcoholic psychosis - by 76.9%. Experts believe that beer is to blame for this. According to their data, beer addiction takes up to 75-80% of the total number of adolescent alcoholics. By the way, 47% of drug treatment clinic patients are girls: in female body alcohol acts even more rapidly, treatment is more difficult, and full recovery is much harder and longer.

Why is alcohol abuse dangerous? Beer alcoholism develops more insidiously than vodka, but it is much more difficult. And the exit from beer binge very lengthy. The consequences of beer addiction are more devastating: the volume of circulating fluid in the body increases, therefore, the load on the heart and kidneys increases, and this leads to the development of serious diseases - and at a very young age. With beer alcoholization, brain cells are more severely affected than with vodka, so the intellect is disturbed faster, severe psychopathic changes are detected. People get addicted and face serious health problems. In large quantities, beer turns out to be a cellular poison that can cause cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and circulatory failure. With the so-called beer belly» high risk of crushing others internal organs to the point of ischemia and necrosis.

Sociological survey among students in grades 1-11 "Age" BEER "1.5 years - 18 people 7-10 years old - 29 people 11-14 years old - 32 people 15-16 years old - 45 people.

Today you can often hear the term, beer alcoholism. The definition is rather vague, as it does not occur in the International Classification of Diseases and, nevertheless, such a condition is described as a painful addiction to beer. Health workers are convinced of one thing. There is no alcohol on earth that you can drink from morning to evening without fear of serious consequences, and beer is an alcoholic drink. Therefore, the development of beer alcoholism in men is a very real phenomenon, especially nowadays. Today on the shelves you can see dozens different varieties beer - domestic and foreign. An excellent incentive for the stronger sex to earn beer male alcoholism.

In fact, dependence on beer in men, and often in women, is not such a harmless habit. Everyone knows that the vast majority of varieties of amber drink are made with ethyl alcohol content. It is somehow not customary for us to drink non-alcoholic beer and lovers harmless drink- units. Therefore, it makes sense to emphasize that beer addiction is not an empty phrase, but a reality.

Beer alcoholism in men can develop against the background of a frivolous attitude to the drink. In most cases, this is what happens when the representatives of the stronger sex often use amber drink for any reason. And then, in a year or two, the consequences of beer alcoholism will appear in the form of cirrhosis of the liver, kidney disease, cardiovascular systems s, damage and destruction of brain cells and other equally serious pathologies.

Another argument in favor of beer addiction is degrees. In the past two decades, the producers of the low-alcohol drink have essentially turned it into wine. Today you can find beers where the alcohol content reaches 14%. That is, a person no longer buys beer, but a bottle of wine, and if he does this every day, then beer, sustainable alcoholism is guaranteed to him.

It is not superfluous to recall another, no less important fact regarding the problem - addiction to a drink. Doctors say that curing beer passion is much more difficult than ordinary alcoholism, which has developed against the background of drinking vodka. Dependence is formed several times faster, so the question of how to get rid of beer alcoholism is most acute. This is also facilitated by by-products formed during the fermentation process:

  • ethers;
  • fusel oils;
  • methanol;
  • aldehydes.

They are in beer in much more percentage than in vodka that goes through the filtration stages. On this occasion, some say that a low-alcohol drink is equal in harmfulness to moonshine, where also in enough contains fermentation products.

What did Bismarck think about beer?

The way out of this situation for men, beer lovers is to drink amber drink exclusively on major church holidays. This is the only way to maintain your health and normal physique. Today, the vast majority of fans of low-alcohol drinking can be safely classified as a group of addicts with pronounced anosognosia. Even despite the fact that many people have beer alcoholism, its symptoms are obvious, people still deny their addiction to intoxicating drink.

The complexity of the question of how to deal with beer alcoholism lies in the widespread availability of alcohol and its reasonable price. In terms of cost, it is several times inferior to vodka, and it is drunk, unlike bitter, much more pleasant. To lightly sing from a light state of euphoria, you do not need to wait for a reason. After all, they drink it practically everywhere and at any time of the day: at home, at work, on the street, in a company, in a bathhouse, with friends, etc. All of the above leaves a serious imprint on the degree of struggle for a sober lifestyle. The problem of how to get rid of beer addiction is more relevant than the treatment of ordinary alcoholism caused by vodka or wine.

When a person gets used to a drink, he begins to experience the stages of beer alcoholism, goes into a period of so-called gambrinism - a state when beer becomes an integral part of life. The expression was formed thanks to the Flemish king, who was known for his addiction to beer. But, if in those distant times there was no problem as such, then, today, signs of beer alcoholism are observed everywhere. Amber drink is drunk not only by men, but also by women, girls and even children, in whose families they drink alcohol every day.

The current, growing trend is especially frightening. Beer alcoholism among modern youth is no longer considered a rare occurrence. Young people who have not reached adulthood suck intoxicated drink in liters, and every day. Naturally, they deny dependence. Even among the Germans, known for their love of low-alcohol drink, there are many who are extremely negative about beer. Suffice it to recall the notorious Bismarck, a staunch opponent of beer, who was sure that the amber drink makes the population stupid, becomes lazy and sexually passive.

It's no better than vodka.

Those who understand the danger of drinking beer in large quantities are feverishly looking for a way out of this dangerous situation, because they have learned firsthand what beer bondage is. The consequences are far worse than you can imagine. In addition to diseased organs, a man will develop impotence, and women will become infertile. In the long term, if you do not stop drinking an intoxicating drink, a person risks getting multiple complications and acquiring a whole bunch of dangerous diseases that he never had before.

And most importantly, he will turn into a dependent person, where alcoholic outrageousness will begin to prevail over all other feelings. Treatment with medicines for beer alcoholism is not always effective, since addiction to beer is much more stable than to wine.

The solution to the problem of how to quickly get rid of beer addiction on your own is not always in the hands of the patient, since it lies in the psychological plane. An individual whose dose is a bottle of vodka a day is considered an alcoholic. If he suddenly stops drinking Reviver and will switch to beer, begin to drink two or three liters a day, in the eyes of others will become a normal person. However, 6 bottles of beer in terms of ethanol content are actually equal to a bottle of vodka. When consuming a fermentation product in large quantities, no one thinks about it, since they consider beer to be a harmless drink.

There are also many who are trying to get involved with strong alcohol due to the use of intoxicating foam, thereby not understanding what causes the body more more harm, since getting rid of beer alcoholism is much harder. It is worth recalling the fact that people who abuse beer often decide how to get out of beer binge, which in itself is considered a clear manifestation of alcoholism. Overcoming a protracted beer binge is extremely difficult. It can take up to 7 days for a person to get back on track without tremors and other side effects.

The effect of the drink on the male body

How to cure beer alcoholism or get out of hard drinking at home? The way out here is seen in the complete denial of the use of low-alcohol drink. This is the first step to be taken. If there is not enough willpower, you will have to contact the doctors or folk remedies. It is possible to treat beer alcoholism at home only if a person does not have a chronic addiction.

He does not need therapy within the walls of a hospital, a recovery period, comprehensive help from psychologists. Only in this example is there a chance that beer alcoholism can be cured at home. The way out of a difficult situation is seen in the use of various infusions, decoctions and a positive attitude. It also makes sense to consult with narcologists on how to treat addiction, exclusively at home, without encodings and other suggestions. By the way, in this regard, the treatment of prolonged beer alcoholism, there are many effective recipes.

If you refuse treatment and continue to drink beer in liters, you can easily acquire a syndrome bull's heart. There will also be problems with the esophagus and stomach.

  • The cavity of the heart muscle will increase.
  • The walls of blood vessels thicken.
  • The number of mitochondria will decrease.
  • Cardiac necrosis develops.

Along with terrible diagnoses, the hormonal background also changes. Those men who constantly decide how to get out of beer intoxication should prepare for the fact that the formation of testosterone in their body will eventually stop due to the phytoestrogens contained in beer. At the same time, the production of female sex hormones will increase, which will steadily lead to overweight, gynecomastia (growth of the mammary glands), an increase in the hip part, an increase in the concentration of fat in certain places, like in women (on the buttocks, abdomen, thighs, legs, arms). But this, perhaps, is not the worst thing.

Weak sex at risk

For women, addiction to beer will turn into even greater problems, and since they naturally always want to look perfect, the consequences of dependence on a low-alcohol drink will manifest themselves in all their glory.

  • It will harden and lose the elasticity of the skin.
  • The epithelium will be covered with many wrinkles.
  • Hair will become hard, ugly.
  • Unwanted vegetation will cover the entire body.
  • The face will be haggard, and will look like a man.
  • The risk of conception will decrease several times.
  • The chance of developing cancer increases.

Along with this, chronic diseases of the internal organs will appear. The girl will become capricious, apathetic, lazy. She will stop drawing attention to herself and gradually reach the final stage of an inveterate alcoholic. By the way, women drink much faster than men, and beer is no exception. This is due to a number of psychological and physiological conditions. Therefore, if a representative of the weaker sex began to aggravate with a low-alcohol drink, it's time for the household to sound the alarm and look for a way out of a dangerous situation.

Treatment of beer binge at home is advisable only when a man is aware that it's time to stop. If he continues to drink liters of an amber drink, this is already beer alcoholism and treatment as such at home is actually not provided. The patient will have to be determined in a hospital and carry out complex therapy. Prevention of beer alcoholism makes sense at an early stage, especially among young people. After all, beer does not only give rise to a tummy. From its excessive use, a person becomes dull in the truest sense of the word. In such alcoholics, dementia and a decrease in personal evaluation progress.

site 2018-05-08 14:03:50 2019-01-15 16:58:17

Statistics indicate that the number of people dependent on alcohol is constantly increasing. Especially often beer lovers get into the net. Although there is no such medical term as beer alcoholism, the social side of the disease allows it to be separated into a separate category. Many people begin the path to a life-destroying disease with an intoxicating drink. Beer alcoholism is especially common among young people.

Causes of the spread of the disease in society

Over the past decades, advertising that beer manufacturers impose on young people has formed myths in society about the safety and even benefits of the drink. Well, money does not smell, but people who give it away, believing the statements of the sellers, can get a serious illness. At the same time, it is impossible not to pay attention to the spread of alcoholism among young people, especially beer.

There are several reasons for the popularity of this drink among students and even schoolchildren:

  • availability due to low price;
  • stereotype of safety and even benefit;
  • the idea imposed by advertising that a good party cannot do without beer.

Beer gatherings have even become a symbol of student life and youth. Lots of movies show how fun gatherings are held in dorms, and not one of them is complete without an intoxicating drink. American film production is especially guilty of this, although a very active struggle is being waged in the country with the problem. The presence of minors at a party with alcohol can result in a prison term for the owner and organizer of the drinking party.

What to do

The fight against beer alcoholism in adolescents should be constant and tough. Young people need to be constantly explained the harm of alcoholism. And do not feel sorry for their vulnerable souls.

A person should know that regular drinking will lead to beer alcoholism, and the disease, in turn, will be complicated by such unpleasant problems as:

  • loss of social adaptation - deprivation of work, housing, refusal of relatives to help the patient, in the end even life on the street with the only desire - to drink;
  • health problems - liver damage up to cirrhosis, diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, kidney failure;
  • development of dementia.

If addiction has not been prevented, the importance of treatment should be explained. To convey to the person the fact that alcoholism is a chronic disease. The doctor must deal with the disease. A visit to a specialist does not need to be shy or afraid. Moreover, now delicate assistance in

Svetlana Safonova. 11th grade student

Project work with electronic presentation. The paper puts forward a hypothesis about the reasons for the spread of beer alcoholism among young people. The presentation consists of six parts.




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Prepared by a student of MOUSOSH No. 1 Safonova Svetlana Supervisor T.S. Kulkova Beer alcoholism among young people 2011 “Not cancer, not tuberculosis will destroy Russia, but beer alcoholism among the young generation…” G. Onishchenko

Hypothesis Beer alcoholism among young people leads to the future degradation of the nation and the decline of the moral level of the generation. Beer alcoholism among young people is provoked by the media, as well as the availability of alcoholic products. Hypothesis

Purpose of the study: To identify the causes of the spread of beer alcoholism among adolescents and find possible solutions this problem.

Course of the research Follow the history of beer alcoholism Provide data on the current situation with beer alcoholism among young people Analyze the causes of the current situation with beer alcoholism Suggest possible solutions to the problem Draw conclusions about the problem as a whole

The history of beer alcoholism In the 19th century, the British, fighting alcoholism, decided to replace strong alcoholic products with beer. But soon the "beer law" had to be repealed, since its introduction only aggravated drunkenness.

Beer alcoholism today Currently, this problem has not lost its significance. Beer and youth are almost inseparable concepts today. A bottle of beer at any time of the year and day has already become an obligatory attribute of urban teenagers.


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