
What is the best beer to choose? Dark unfiltered beer brand.

The love of Russians for this drink cannot be taken away, it is confirmed by statistics. One inhabitant of the country drinks 43 liters per year. Beer is considered to be the oldest alcoholic beverage, which is mentioned in ancient chronicles from BC. The history of its origin is connected with agriculture, beer has been brewed since they learned how to grow grain and bake bread.

For thousands of years, the culture of brewing has completely changed, hundreds of varieties have appeared with subtle shades of taste, color, aroma, and original ingredients. Europeans are deservedly considered the most skilled brewers. In Russia, they also know how to prepare an intoxicating drink, manufacturers offer Russian customers thousands of items, among which it is difficult for an ordinary consumer to navigate. People prefer a quality product that has a pleasant taste and useful properties.

Valuable properties

Classic beer is made from malt wort, barley or wheat, hops and brewer's yeast are added. Therefore, it contains B vitamins, fiber, minerals, which endowed this product with malted grain. Even after roasting, vitamins are preserved and remain in the composition of the drink.

Hop enriches beer with essential oils, bactericidal substances, antioxidants, which strengthen the immune system, slow down the aging of the body. Ethyl alcohol is contained in a small amount, with limited consumption, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. But not all varieties retain useful qualities in the manufacture to the same extent.

Dark or light

To a greater extent, these features are characterized by dark beer. The process of preparing a dark drink is more complicated and longer, the malt is subjected to long roasting. From here comes the color and rich malty taste with a touch of caramel, without harsh bitterness.

Dark varieties contain many vitamins, especially group B, iron, flavonoids (the strongest plant antioxidants). Therefore, they are recommended for anemia, urolithiasis, to restore appetite, lower cholesterol. However, in terms of calories, they are superior to light ones and provoke the appearance of excess weight.

Light beer is prepared without roasting the malt, acquires a golden hue, it has a less intense, light taste. In terms of calories, it is inferior to the dark counterpart, which is important for those who follow the figure. Light varieties contain silicon, antioxidants.

Filtered or unfiltered

The main difference between these types is the degree of filtration. Unfiltered beer is subjected to cleaning once, so it contains suspended particles of organic substances that give the drink a pronounced taste. For the same reason, it contains 10 times more vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. But due to the abundance of organic matter, the product quickly collapses, acquires a sour taste and is not subject to long-term storage. To increase the shelf life, manufacturers pasteurize the drink or use preservatives, which does not improve quality.

Carrying out cleaning in 2-3 stages and removing the smallest particles of fermentation products, filtered beer is obtained. The advantage is a long shelf life, which is further increased by pasteurizing the product. Due to this, the choice and number of filtered varieties is much larger than unfiltered ones.

What is the most popular beer in the world?

The beer powers are traditionally considered to be the countries of Europe - Germany, the Czech Republic, England, Belgium. Beer lovers from all over the world come to the Oktoberfest beer festival in Germany every year. An equally high-quality product can be bought anywhere - a bar, a store, on the street. The centuries-old history of brewing and quality control make this country the leader among the world's best beer producers. Recognized German brands: Spaten, Lowenbrau, Weihenstephaner, Franziskaner.

However, fans of the foamy product claim that the most delicious beer is brewed in Belgium, where the cult of this drink reigns, and you can try 600 local varieties. The most famous brands are Hoegaarden, Duvel, Stella Artois.

Beer tours to Prague with visits to local breweries are an important component of tourism in the Czech Republic. Local brands are no less popular and original, but more affordable. The famous varieties of Czech beer, which are also licensed in Russia, are Kozel, Krusovice, Staropramen, Zlaty Bazant.

Rating of the best brands of beer in Russia (top 10)

For football fans of the World Cup 2018, a rating of the best beer brands sold in the country has been published. To determine the best beer in Russia, specialists from the Russian Quality System tested well-known brands of light filtered beer for the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of malt products. According to the standards, the percentage of germinated barley, wheat or rye grains (malt) must be at least 80. According to the amount of malt in the drink, 10 well-known brands were identified.

At the second stage, the experts tasted the samples of the products in terms of the amount of malt and taste, taking into account also the color, aroma, and foam formation. The laurels of the winners were given to Russian and imported goods.

Place in the ranking brand Number of points Rank by malt content
1 Amstel (produced in Russia by Heineken using Dutch technology) 5,167 9
2 Khalzan (Ochakovo Brewing Company) 5,117 13
3 Bud (produced in Russia by SUN InBev according to an American recipe) 5,1 7-8
4 Heineken (brewed by Heineken in St. Petersburg using Dutch technology) 5,084 21-23
5 Stella Artois (prepared in Russia by SUN InBev according to the Belgian recipe) 5,05 28
6 Three Bears (Russian variety, produced by Heineken) 5,05 15
7 Krusovice Imperial (made in the Czech Republic) 5,034 5
8 Efes Pilsener (Turkish brand, produced in Russia by Efes) 5,033 27
9-11 Krusovice (Czech variety, produced in Russia by Heineken) 5,017 31
9-11 Faxe (Danish brand, produced by Moscow Brewing Company) 5,017 21-23
9-11 Bavaria (brewed by the Moscow-Efes Brewery using German technology) 5,017 21-23

Choosing good beer

In order not to be disappointed in the purchase and purchase a quality product, experienced lovers of a foamy drink recommend the following:

  • pay attention to the bottling date and buy a fresh product, as storage conditions are not always observed;
  • choose a chilled drink, as the quality may deteriorate in heat;
  • purchase live beer or a drink with a short shelf life, it has more nutrients and fewer preservatives;
  • give preference to a glass bottle, rather than canned beer, where the drink acquires an extraneous aftertaste;
  • it is better to take a bottle of dark glass, as vitamins are destroyed under the influence of light.

Adherents of draft beer prefer it, as it is stored in the most suitable containers - kegs, which protect from exposure to sunlight, foreign odors and maintain quality.

How to choose non-alcoholic beer?

In situations where alcohol is contraindicated, non-alcoholic beer comes to the rescue of beer fans. The composition of the non-alcoholic foamy drink contains the main elements: malt, hops and even ethyl alcohol in a volume of 0.5%. Brewers use technology to reduce the alcohol content, but it is impossible to completely remove it due to the fermentation process. Due to technological processes for the removal of ethanol, the drink does not differ in the content of useful substances, but it will not bring harm with moderate use.

A soft drink is usually produced on the basis of light varieties with the addition of additional flavors: citrus, apple, honey. In Russia, it is produced using foreign and domestic technologies.

Among Russian brands, Baltika 0 remains the most favorite, from which the production of non-alcoholic brands of local production began. Among the regional varieties that are in demand are the White Bear brands of Moscow brewers, Sibirskaya Korona, which is produced in Omsk.

Bavaria Malt, beloved in Russia, is brewed according to Dutch technology, which has received high praise from experts. Popular brands on the Russian market are Stella Artois-Non Alcohol, the Russian version of the Belgian brand, Bud Alcohol Free, is prepared according to the classic American recipe.

How to drink beer correctly?

The culture of drinking intoxicating drink has been formed for centuries. To enjoy the process and get to know the real taste, they drink beer wisely. True connoisseurs observe the following ritual:

  • they drink from glass goblets or mugs, tapering upwards so that the aroma does not erode;
  • do not mix the drink with other alcohol, even with beer of a different strength, in order to capture its characteristic properties;
  • drink chilled to 6-10 degrees, at a lower temperature the beer may become cloudy and lose flavors;
  • do not drink on the go from a can or bottle;
  • do not shake, do not mix, so it oxidizes and becomes cloudy;
  • do not jam with plentiful food, so as not to interrupt the taste;
  • they drink the drink in three sips: first half the glass, then half of what is left, and then to the bottom.

Do not forget that beer is an alcoholic product, and you need to drink it in moderation. With excessive use, a beer belly appears, the heart becomes flabby, and beer alcoholism develops. If you enjoy it in an acceptable amount, you can get not only pleasure, but also benefit.

Dark beer is a foamy drink that is brewed by fermenting wort based on hops, water and barley malt. Most often, caramel (or dark) malt is used for manufacturing, which results in a characteristic shade. The depth of color depends on the degree of roasting of the malt.

The difference between dark beer and light beer

Along with light, dark beer forms a group that includes many varieties. In this regard, the question arises: what is the difference between dark beer and light beer? Consider the main differences:

  • Light beer has a bitter aftertaste, while dark beers, on the contrary, have a sweet taste.
  • In the production of dark beer, barley is roasted longer and dried.
  • Dark varieties have more malt, while light varieties have more hops.
  • Light beers are fortified with silicon, while dark beers are high in iron.

Varieties and types of dark beer

There are many varieties of dark beer, just like light beer. Here are the most famous dark beers:

  • Ale is a top-fermented beer at high temperatures. This drink is mainly produced in England and Belgium.
  • Porter is a strong dark beer that has a rich taste with wine notes, as well as a deep aroma of malt and burnt sugar.
  • Stout is the strongest type of dark beer. It has a burnt taste and a coffee-nutty aroma.

The benefits and harms of dark beer

Dark beer is an alcoholic drink, but in moderate doses it can even be beneficial. Let's find out how useful dark beer is:

  • Due to the presence of cereals in the composition, the beer is enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  • The drink contains vitamin B6, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Dark beer improves appetite.
  • When heated, the drink perfectly treats colds.

It is important to remember that beer has a positive effect when consumed in moderation. If you drink it often and in large quantities, it can lead to shortness of breath, headaches and irritability.

What do you drink dark beer with?

It is also important to know what dark beer is drunk with. Properly selected snacks in combination with a foamy drink will give you real pleasure. Potato chips, grilled sausages and meat dishes go great with dark beer.

You can try different varieties of this amazing drink in the Karlovy Brewery restaurant.

Unfiltered beer is a popular and world famous drink. With it, some people just relax, and some see it as an opportunity to escape from the whole world and be alone with themselves. It has become an integral part of all events and parties. Only Germany can truly be famous for its product. It is German beer that is considered the best. Few people know who first started producing it. But which brand is better and how to choose it?

Most people prefer over other stronger drinks. But what are the benefits of foamy? Or is it harmful to the body? A lot of scientists are convinced that this drink of absolutely any brand helps to get rid of vodka alcoholism. Conducted special studies that confirmed this fact. But, it is important to understand that, having got rid of vodka addiction, a person acquires a new disease -. This case is a choice of lesser evils. Prolonged use of large amounts of foamy alcohol is harmful as well as the use of any other strong drink. Each time, a person requires a larger dose to achieve alcohol intoxication.

Previously, some studies were carried out in London, proving the fact that beer contains a lot of beneficial organisms that have a positive effect on digestion. It has also been proven that a small amount of the drink can rejuvenate the body and strengthen bones.

People love to drink this drink because of its taste, because each brand has its own. For example, light beer has a sour taste and is quite easy to drink, while in a dark drink you can feel more. One of the most popular drinks is dark unfiltered beer. It has a very rich taste. It is worth noting that the foam contains enzymes that affect and activate the pleasure center in the brain. Therefore, when a person drinks this alcohol, he wants to drink more and more.

Many supermarkets and specialized stores offer a wide range of this alcohol of any brands and manufacturers. It is sometimes very difficult to stop your choice on one thing. Hence the question arises: “How to choose a beer?”.

Beer Selection Criteria

Experts in this field are sure that this drink should be chosen according to certain criteria:

  • color;
  • foam.

It is no secret that each brewery has its own special process and subtleties of production. Because of this, the color of the drink is always different. However, sommeliers who know their stuff say that the color of the beer should be exceptionally clean and transparent, and the color of the sun should also be present in it. Another of their recommendations is that it is impossible to use a gleaming drink. They do not name the reason for this, but they strongly recommend using only light varieties of the drink.

There should be a lot of foam in beer, its structure should be persistent and thick. An important criterion is the presence of foam after the beer is drunk. A quality product will leave behind a thick foam at the bottom, which will settle for several minutes. You should also pay attention to the stickiness of the foam to the beer glass. It should be small, but its presence proves the quality of the product.

You should also pay attention to the smell of beer. The smell has its own specific criteria:

  • the smell of hops and yeast should be felt;
  • the aroma should be light and unobtrusive;
  • sourness must be present in it;
  • there should be a slight smell of freshness in the beer.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, the Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

If these smells are felt in the process of drinking, then you can safely opt for this brand. It is also important to note that the quality of beer can be assessed in the morning, after drinking. If in the morning a person feels a severe headache and heaviness, although he has drunk only one bottle, this means that the beer is of poor quality.

Of course, taste is the deciding factor. The following qualities must be present in beer: viscosity, oiliness, a certain consistency and heating rate.

Also, one should not forget that the original and natural beer is a beer that combines several tastes. For example, after tasting the dark unfiltered Franziskaner beer, you can feel the whole harmony of taste and appreciate a natural drink from a good manufacturer. The taste of high-quality foam changes gradually, this is what allows you to truly enjoy the process.

Current and popular brands

To date, customers are provided with more than 300 brands of beer. Of course, due to the high price of a quality product, cheap drinks or simply domestic ones are mostly popular. Drinks with a small percentage of alcohol, that is, low alcohol, are also quite popular. Dark beer is most often consumed by true connoisseurs of this business, gourmets or alcoholics who need a large dose of alcohol.

Beer is indeed considered the most popular drink among the population. Most often it is produced in the best breweries, but nevertheless, there are some premises and people who deal in fakes. This fact is terrifying, because counterfeit products on the market are already 20-30%. And this number is increasing every day. Often, people who buy such a liquid either just feel terrible or end up in the hospital with the strongest body. Unfortunately, there are a lot of similar cases with poisoning.

Top most popular brands of unfiltered beer:

  1. Pliny the Elder is a US manufacturer.
  2. Raspberry Tart is a US manufacturer.
  3. Everett is a US manufacturer.
  4. PseudoSue is a US manufacturer.
  5. Gose Gone Wild is a US manufacturer.
  6. Zombie Dust is a US manufacturer.
  7. Susan is a US manufacturer.
  8. Framboos is a Belgian manufacturer.
  9. Ann is a US manufacturer.
  10. Wisconsin Belgian Red - Belgium manufacturer.

Based on this list, we can conclude that only 2 countries are the best and most popular producers. Why is there no German manufacturer on the list? No one can answer this question, although everyone knows that the best beer is German. Most likely, this drink does not need fame and first place, because it already has its own customer who truly appreciates the taste and quality of the beer product.

The above brands are considered the best in the world and occupy a leading position. If you want to have a good time, drink delicious beer, and feel invigorated in the morning, then your choice should fall on one of these producers.

There is no need to save on this, because alcohol is already a rather harmful product, and if you use low-quality alcohol, you can cause irreparable harm to your own body.

On the Russian beer market, the vast majority of products are brewing giants, and only a small part of the drink is produced by home or craft craftsmen. Fans of this fermented product can argue for hours about their preferences, discussing which brands of beer are the most delicious and aromatic. Some prefer light, others unfiltered, and still others dark. But all beer lovers are united by the main requirement for a drink - it must be of high quality.

Features of choosing quality beer

Quality is an indicator that the product was manufactured in accordance with the regulatory documentation, good raw materials were used, the requirements of technology and sanitation were met to the smallest detail. Any violation of these points leads to damage to the product.

But a simple consumer is more interested in another aspect: tasty beer or not. He may not recognize subtle changes in pH or low attenuation, but excess bitterness, sour taste, or off-flavour will be immediately felt by the hobbyist.

In the bottle - a mystery to the consumer. It is impossible to know its taste without opening the bottle and tasting it. But you can get an idea of ​​​​the quality of the foam by examining the information on the label:

  1. The variety indicated on the bottle will give the basic concept of the drink. Lager - light, transparent and refreshing with a clean aroma of noble hops. Ale - with a rich aroma of esters and citruses, pronounced hop bitterness. Stout is dark, thick and sweet.
  2. The bottling date indicates the freshness of the product. The fresher the better. From the moment of bottling, oxidation processes begin in the drink. Therefore, during storage, the taste and aroma of the product change for the worse.
  3. List of ingredients. A standard set of water, malt of various varieties, hops and yeast can be supplemented with other raw materials. Rice, corn, molasses are added to the recipe to reduce the cost, but do not spoil the taste. Preservatives, artificial flavors and colors are considered undesirable ingredients.
  4. The volume fraction of alcohol is an aspect understandable to many. The most popular transnational lager has an alcohol content of 5-6%. There are strong varieties in which the alcohol level can be up to 15-20% vol. In a non-alcoholic product, this figure is close to zero.
  5. Solids content, or extract, is the amount of sugar left after fermentation. The higher it is, the sweeter the beer will taste. If the extract is less than 1-2%, then the drink can be called dry.

The main part of consumers is guided by the price, believing that expensive beer must be of high quality. The lower threshold for the cost of foam in Russia is 100 rubles. for 1 liter. What is cheaper will be questionable. A high-priced beer is a product of marketing or an import. Domestic beer is not inferior to foreign in quality, and its price is significantly lower. Therefore, you should not put an equal sign between an expensive and a good product.

Another aspect of choosing a foamy drink: which beer is better, draft or bottled. It's all about filling technology. On the automatic keg filling line, oxygen uptake is reduced to almost zero, which cannot be said about filling bottles with the product. A bottled drink has a much higher oxygen content. In the first days after bottling, the foam from the keg and the bottle will be identical, but after a month or two the difference will be obvious and not in favor of the product packed in glass.

Top non-alcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer is a product that satisfies the needs of a large group of beer connoisseurs. This is a favorite taste and aroma, but without the unhealthy alcohol.

True connoisseurs of the foam product say that good beer cannot be non-alcoholic. Beer is obtained by fermenting sweet wort with yeast, and alcohol is a natural product of this process. To obtain a soft drink, alcohol is removed by distillation or fermentation is suppressed in the early stages.

But the demand for non-alcoholic fermentation product is growing all over the world. In Russia, the demand for such a product increased by 9.5% in 2017. Among the offers on the market, one can single out expensive beer and affordable domestic analogues.

Favorite brands of non-alcoholic foamy drink are represented by the following beer brands:

  1. Products of the Baltika Concern: Baltika 0, Carlsberg Non-Alcoholic and Zhatetsky Goose Non-Alcoholic.
  2. Beer from AB InBev: Stella Artois non-alcoholic, Hoegaarden 0.0 and BUD Alcohol Free.
  3. "Heineken 0.0".

Rating of the best Russian beer

On the shelves of Russian stores are products of domestic breweries and their imported counterparts. A rating of the most demanded brands of beer in Russia was compiled, presented at various prices.

  1. Efes Golden Mine Beer.
  2. Heineken "Three Bears".
  3. "Zhigulevskoe beer" "Zhigulevskoe".
  4. Efes "The Old Miller".
  5. Baltika Baltika Classic.
  1. Efes "The Great Goat".
  2. "Moscow Brewing Company" "Khamovniki".
  3. Calsberg "Zatec goose".
  4. AB InBev Lowenbrau.
  5. Efes "Golden barrel".

The best foam, the price of which is 70-100 rubles:

  1. Heineken "Edelweiss".
  2. "Moscow Brewing Company" "Oettinger".
  3. Heineken Guinness.
  4. AB InBev Hoegaarden.
  5. "Baltika" "Warsteiner".

Rating of the best foreign beer

The leader in this list are US brewers, which occupy 73 lines out of 100 possible. Common brands include:

  1. Hill Farmstead.
  2. Firestone Walker.
  3. Russian River.
  4. Toppling Goliath.
  5. Cycle Brewing.
  6. Funky Buddha.
  7. Prairie Artisan Ales.
  8. Side Project Brewing.

Belgian brewers lost in popularity to their American counterparts and were represented by brands:

  1. Bockereyder.
  2. Cantillon.
  3. Het Anker.
  4. Brasserie Rochefort.
  5. Westvleteren.
  1. cloudwater.
  2. Northern Monks.
  3. Old Chimneys.
  4. Thornbridge.

The top list also included Swedes (Omnipollo), Danes (Mikkeller), Norwegians (Lervig Aktiebryggeri), Italians (Le Baladin), Spaniards (Nómada Brewing), Poles (Browar Artezan) and Greeks (Seven Island Brewery).

The most expensive beer in the world is served in London's Bierdrome bar and is called Vielle Bon Secours. A 12 liter bottle costs about $1,000.

Features of the correct use of the drink

You can argue for a long time about which beer is better to drink, but spoil even the most delicious product with improper serving.

Each type of foam has its own tasting temperature. The shape of the glasses is important, which helps to reveal the taste and aroma of the drink.

Light lagers should be drunk chilled to +7…+10⁰С, dark and amber lagers, as well as pale ale - to +10…+13⁰С, and stouts or dark ales open best at +13…+16⁰С.

A pint glass is suitable for British-style ales, a tall thin-walled glass for a German pilsner. Czech dark lager is drunk from small “pot-bellied” mugs, and German wheat weiss is drunk from tulip-shaped glasses. Oktoberfests are poured into liter mugs - masses, and Belgian ales - into small stemmed glasses.

Glasses are thoroughly washed with an odorless detergent and wiped dry with a clean towel. The chilled product is poured down the side of the glass in a thin stream to form a 2-finger head of foam. You should drink the liquid slowly, feeling the aroma.

Enjoy the unique taste ranges, giving your preference to bright drinks, which today are full of alcohol arena. Dark beer in this case is a vivid example of alcoholic products that can give you an unforgettable flavor of gastronomic and aromatic colors.

This is a special segment of intoxicating drinks, in which both experienced connoisseurs of light drinks and beginners who have just begun to learn all the subtleties of the alcoholic world will find their joy.

When considering tasting dark light alcohol, you should be aware that these products have a number of differences of their own. The alcohol is necessarily based on roasted grain of a special type, germinated under slightly different conditions than the ingredients for the preparation of light foam. In addition, there is a more intense roasting, which allows you to achieve a velvety base.

How many calories in dark beer

The calorie content of dark beer is relatively low today. There are only 48 kcal per 100 ml of the product.


The visual performance is based on a brown color with a variety of colorful shades.


Aromatic indicators emerge with a strong hoppy proportion, in which delicate caramel, chocolate, fruit and coffee notes can often be seen.


High-quality dark foam is always a uniform gastronomic base, in which all the flavors used are perfectly balanced.

Did you know? Every year, beer lovers in the Czech Republic drink more than 160 liters of hops.

The benefits and harms of dark beer

Numerous studies show that dark beer is an order of magnitude more useful than its light counterparts. The reason for these results lies in the structure of drinks, which is filled with a large number of useful elements.

For example, due to the increased iron content, dark alcohol is often recommended for low hemoglobin levels and anemia. As for the harm from these drinks, then, as with other alcohol, the negative consequences appear only with excessive consumption.

How to buy original drink

To indulge in the extravagant taste and aroma of foam, every consumer today must pay special attention to the procedure for choosing alcohol.

The alcohol market is frustrating with a large number of counterfeit products, which is why a negligent attitude to the acquisition process will automatically lead to the fact that you will get the wrong impressions of one or another branded alcohol.

So that this does not happen and in the future you can enjoy the exquisite taste of a real drink, we recommend that you rely on the following nuances during the acquisition process:

  • Shop. Buy intoxicating drinks in supermarkets or specialized alcohol boutiques. Stalls, grocery stores and any dubious outlets are best avoided. Trust stores where you can provide quality certificates if necessary.
  • Purity. Before purchasing a drink, be sure to study its structure. There should be no impurities or sediment in the proprietary consistency. Any neoplasms indicate a low quality of alcohol.
  • Decor. Try to visit the official websites of manufacturing companies during the acquisition process. So you can get acquainted in advance with the original appearance of the alcoholic products you like. It is also important to consider the quality of the design itself. Experienced manufacturers ensure that there are no manufacturing defects on their product. Thus, bottles with glue streaks, smeared embossing, glass chips and other defects should be set aside.

How to serve

You can get a full-fledged experience from tasting beer only if you give preference to classical principles when bottling. Tasting branded drinks is best done from tall transparent wine glasses. These glasses can contain the intense foam generated during the pouring process, and at the same time provide an excellent opportunity to study the original color of the consistency.

The serving temperature also deserves special attention. Before consumption, be sure to cool the product to 5-7 degrees. It is with such indicators that assemblages acquire the most balanced character in terms of aroma and taste.

Did you know? In the old days, there was a special rule in the Czech Republic. For a settlement to be called a city, it had to have a municipal court, a customs house, and a brewery on its territory.

What to drink dark beer with

Recognizing the elegant gastronomic proportions of intoxicating, do not forget about snacks. Many experienced tasters recommend serving pastries with coarse salt, fried sausages, pork knuckle or spicy German sausages with these drinks.

At the same time, each consumer can choose the perfect pair on their own. This foam is absolutely undemanding to the nature of the accompaniment.

Other uses

To make the beer tasting more vivid and interesting, we recommend paying attention to such cocktails as Three Comrades, Cranes and W-beer. Using these recipes, you can provide yourself with new emotions from the consumption of an already familiar hop product.

Dark beer brands

Drink lovers today are guaranteed to be able to pamper themselves with an impressive list of alcoholic products manufactured in various parts of our planet. The most interesting representatives of the segment include such products as:

  • Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse. A dark unfiltered beer with notes of cloves, fruits and spices in the aroma. The taste is based on delicate nuances of malt, apples, nuts, wheat and chocolate.

  • Karamalz Classic. Non-alcoholic dark beer with an elegant brown sheen. Delicate malty notes are heard in its aromatic indicators, while the taste pleases with an elegant caramel nature.
  • —Krusovice—Cerne. It has a brown color with a ruby ​​tint. The aroma contains apple, fig, prunes and herbs, while the taste has aspects of fruit, chocolate, nuts and cocoa.

  • Brune. Pleases with a deep brown color with attractive parts of roasted malt, chocolate and coffee in the aroma. The taste looms as a combination of caramel shades with hints of perfectly roasted malt.
  • black. Brown foam with a great aftertaste, in which the dominant role is assigned to the nuances of cola, chocolate, caramel and spices. The aroma emerges as an elegant combination of milk chocolate and caramel.

Historical reference

According to numerous studies and archaeological finds, beer is one of the oldest drinks in the world. It has been known to mankind since the Neolithic era. Moreover, some hypotheses of scientists say that initially cereals began to be grown precisely because of the drink, and not in order to make bread.

The oldest evidence of the existence of intoxicating among the ancient peoples is a stone mortar found in the Israeli cave Rakefet. Her analysis showed the presence of the main beer ingredients. Note that the find is approximately 13 thousand years old.

Did you know? Medieval monks are considered to be the most famous experimenters in the field of intoxicating. It was they who were the first to add juniper berries, ginger and various herbs to the intoxicating drink.

Intoxicating, which is remembered from the first sips

Not a single light beer will give its taster such a multifaceted and interesting flavor of aromatic and taste ambitions. By giving preference to representatives of dark beer, you provide yourself with the opportunity to find your own benchmark and experience many bright tasting colors.

At the same time, this beer pleases the consumer with its universal character. Based on this alcohol today, you can create a solid set of cocktails that will definitely contribute to the upcoming tasting evening.

Get unforgettable pleasures in the company of the best drinks! Go right now to the nearest alcohol market for a bottle of expressive intoxicating assemblage
