
Where do you drink alcohol the most? Alcohol consumption per capita in Russia

What is the most drinking country in the world? Such ratings are annually published by various scientific and public organizations. Starting from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and ending with the World Health Organization. The amount of alcohol consumed is a reflection of many factors. The standard of living and education, mentality and characteristics of the character of the nation. There is often an opinion among Russians that they are one of the most drinkers on the planet. But is it really so?

How is the amount of alcohol consumed by the population calculated?

The most drinking country is most often determined by the World Health Organization. To compile its ranking, WHO measures how much each resident of the state drinks pure ethyl alcohol. At the same time, for the purity of the experiment, only citizens over 15 years old are taken into account.

The calculations take into account all alcohol sold in supermarkets and restaurants, cafes and gas stations during the year. So this is the most objective and reliable data.

Who comes first?

Currently, the ranking of the most drinking countries in the world is headed, surprisingly, by Lithuania. The objectivity of the latest WHO rating compiled so far is added by the fact that it takes into account the consumption of ethyl alcohol by each inhabitant not within one year, but over the past five years.

It should be noted that the population of Lithuania is relatively small. A little less than three million people live in the country. Moreover, if five years ago each resident drank about 13 liters of pure ethanol a year, now this figure has grown by almost one and a half liters.

This is explained not so much by the Lithuanians' passion for drinking, but by the economic and social state of affairs in the country. With a successful transition to a market economy and low inflation, the state retains a very meager resource base, and the deficit in the service market is growing rapidly. Recently, Lithuania joined the European Union and abandoned the local currency in favor of the euro. At the same time, European assistance is by far the largest source of income for the state budget. It has already exceeded 30%.

The absence of borders with Europe also plays a role. Most of the talented and promising Lithuanians today can easily move to countries with a higher standard of living. And those who remain, and bring the country to the lead, when the rating of the most drinking countries is compiled.

At the same time, the most popular drink in Lithuania is beer. It provides almost half of the consumption of ethanol. Another popular drink is midus, a local mead. An alcohol similar to beer, but a few degrees stronger.

Neighbors are second

In second place in this list are the neighbors of Lithuanians - Estonia. At the same time, the backlog from the leaders is very significant. Therefore, it is safe to say that in the coming years, the most drinking country in the world will remain unchanged.

If in Lithuania each citizen consumes about 14.5 liters of ethanol per year, in Estonia this figure does not even reach 12 liters. Moreover, it is worth noting that several years ago this figure was almost half a liter higher, but the state is conducting an active anti-alcohol campaign, which is bearing fruit.

Estonia has the same economic and social problems as Lithuania. The almost complete absence of a raw material base, a large outflow of the population to European countries with a higher standard of living, the dependence of the budget on EU subsidies.

In Estonia, beer and spirits are almost as popular as each other. Most often, locals prefer the strong liquor "Old Tallinn".

Who else is in the trio?

Over the past five years, there has been a trend towards a decrease in alcohol consumption per capita, but the French still remain among the leaders. If a few years ago each citizen drank about 12 liters of ethanol per year, today this figure has been reduced by almost a liter.

The most popular French drink is wine. Largely because of him, many believe that France is the most drinking country. In the total share of consumption of all alcoholic beverages, it accounts for almost 60%. At the same time, the rating of beer consumption is extremely low - less than 20%.

Such a high level of consumption in this case is explained by the mentality. Almost no meal in France is complete without a glass or even a bottle of wine. The country itself produces a large amount of this alcoholic drink, which is actively popularized among its citizens. Teenagers start drinking wine and do not stop until their death.

Another factor is the large number of migrants who have arrived in France in recent years. They also contribute.

Where is Russia?

Now you know that the answer to the question of what is the most drinking country is definitely not Russia. In the modern ranking, our state is in 8th place. Ahead - the Czechs, Irish, Germans and residents of Luxembourg.

At the same time, there is an unpleasant trend: in recent years, the amount of alcohol consumed has been growing.

In Russia, the most popular drink is vodka. In general, strong alcohol in the total mass occupies more than 50% of consumption, slightly less than 40% falls on beer. Men, on average, drink 4 times more than women.

Where do they not drink?

To say about themselves that they are the most drinking country in the world, the people of Pakistan definitely cannot. This state in South Asia is one of the most densely populated in the world. Almost 200 million people live in it - this is the 6th place in the world.

At the same time, the level of alcohol consumption here is one of the lowest on the planet. On average, per year, Pakistanis drink about one-tenth of a liter of ethanol per citizen.

The reason for this low consumption is in religion. The state religion in the country is Sunni Islam. Any alcohol is strictly prohibited. So the main consumption of alcoholic beverages falls on visiting professionals who have long settled in Pakistan.

Sunnis themselves cannot drink alcohol, but it is not forbidden to buy, sell or give it to representatives of other religions.

Alcohol has long been considered an integral part of life for most people. Since then, little has changed. And even more, every year the number of drinking people only increases. Alcohol is drunk on holidays, on vacation, corporate parties. Some drink it purely symbolically, while others drink themselves unconscious.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a list of countries by the amount of alcohol consumed for 2017-2018 has been compiled. So, the 12 most drinking countries in the world!

1: Belarus

Belarus is the most drinking country in the world.

According to the World Health Organization, last year more Ukrainians and Russians drank only in Belarus. Here, each resident drinks an average of 17.5 liters. alcohol per year. Moreover, strong drinks are preferred by 47% of people, beer, only 17%, other alcohol -32%, and wine is very little - 4%. Women also like to drink, on average, 7 liters. in year. These figures are official, but the real ones are supposedly much higher, since data on moonshine production in conservative Belarus could not be obtained.

2: Ukraine

In Ukraine, there are 17.4 liters of alcohol per person per year. The alcohol market is very poorly regulated in the country, so the number of young people dependent on alcohol is increasing. Vodka and beer are the most popular alcohol, followed by wine in third place. Ukrainians prefer to drink domestically produced wines, mainly because of the affordable price compared to European brands.

3: Estonia

In third place on the list is Estonia. The national drink is Old Tallinn. Despite the fact that the capital of the country has received the title of "City of Culture" many times, Estonians drink even more than Russians: 17.2 liters. per person in year. Of the alcoholic beverages, beer is more preferred here. It costs $3 a glass, ale or other alcohol costs about $5. Locals like to spend time in crowded bars. It will be interesting for a tourist to visit the Old Town, where there are many stylized restaurants.

4: Czech Republic

The national drink is Becherovka. A resident of the Czech Republic drinks an average of 16.4 liters per year. hot drink. Beer accounts for almost 160 liters. per person Beer in this country is part of the culture, it has been brewed here for many centuries. The world-famous Czech brands Velkopopovicky Kozel, Radegast and Pilsner are classic beers. There are many pubs here that sell draft beer, and in Prague there is a restaurant that is more than five centuries old! Here you will try Czech cuisine, different types of beer (dark, light, coffee, banana) and feel the atmosphere of the old Czech Republic. The state is actively investing in the wine industry. Czech wines are called Moravian because most vineyards grow in Moravia.

5: Lithuania

According to the Director of the Department of Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases and Healthy Lifestyle Promotion of the WHO European Office, in Lithuania one resident consumes on average 16 liters of alcohol. As a WHO spokesperson told reporters:

“This, according to the latest estimates, makes it (Lithuania) one of the most drinking countries in the world.

6: Russia

In 2017-2018, the consumption of alcohol by the population decreased slightly, but the country still entered the ranking of the most drinkers in the world. The average Russian drinks 15.1 liters per year. alcohol. Women consume half as much - 7.8 liters. The national drink is vodka. In Russia, preference is given to vodka and beer, a purely Russian habit of choosing “white” has spread to other post-Soviet states, such as Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. It is in these countries that a person is more inclined, drinking alcohol, to reach a state of extreme intoxication , as fast as possible. Russia's entry into the ranking of the most drinking countries is largely due to the relatively low cost of alcohol, in comparison with Europe - $ 4 per half liter and a low standard of living. Recently, the number of Russians who prefer wine to other alcoholic beverages has increased.

7: France

In France, the consumption of pure alcohol per year per person is 14.2 liters. Beer alone in the country annually per capita is drunk 35.5 liters. The image of a Frenchman is quite traditional - these people slowly sip wine, enjoying every sip. In America, the French are considered saturated snobs, but even there they cannot deny the fact that the “paddling pools” still have great taste. In this country, in addition to wine, they are well versed in food. In general, in France, fine wine goes hand in hand with delicious food, these two concepts are inseparable here, like baguette and brie cheese. It can be put more simply - rarely when eating is not accompanied by drinking wine.

8: Germany

The national drink is schnapps. On average, Germans consume 11.7 liters. alcoholic products. Especially here beer is held in high esteem, which is cheap by local standards. The country is deservedly included in the list of the most drinking countries in the world, as alcohol is sold everywhere: in shops, at gas stations, in newsstands. The Germans are liberal, it is not forbidden to drink beer in the park on a bench and in other public places. There are many beer festivals in Germany that last from a couple of days to two weeks. More than 12 million people attend Oktoberfest, the harvest festival, and beer here costs up to $13 per liter glass.

9: Ireland

According to official statistics, an ordinary Irishman drinks 11.6 liters. alcoholic drinks per year. Ireland is famous for its whiskey and the national beer brand Guinness, which is drunk by almost everyone, as it is considered low in calories (198 kcal). It was in this country that the Guinness Book of Records was created in 1954 to resolve the dispute over which beer is better. It’s impossible to get drunk in this country, alcohol is expensive: the average price of a glass of beer in bars is $ 6, and a bottle of whiskey can cost up to 30 euros.

10: Portugal

The Portuguese drink approximately 11.4 liters. alcohol for 1 person in year. The national drink is port, but more often they drink wine and beer. Portuguese winemakers are proud of their vineyards. This country prefers wine more, followed by beer, which is much cheaper: for a large glass of beer in a supermarket, you will have to pay almost 3.5 dollars.

11: Hungary

The next line in the ranking of the most drinking countries in the world is Hungary. Here they drink 100 g more - 10.8 liters. per person per year. The country is famous for its wines, Hungary has many vineyards and 22 wine growing areas. Wine is drunk here mainly in bars, where it costs from $2 per glass. Budapest has many uniquely designed bars where you can relax and dance, and Hungarians love and know how to have fun.

12: Slovenia

Completing the ranking of the most drinking countries in the world is Slovenia. Citizens of this country drink 10.7 liters. strong drinks per year for 1 person. And it doesn't have to be hard alcohol. In Slovenia, they drink beer and wine more often, and both are not cheap by European standards: the average cost of a half-liter bottle is $2.15. They love national drinks here: wine from their own ancient vineyards, beer from the Slovenian brand Union and Lasko.

Finally, I would like to add - take care of your health. And if you still want to drink, then buy high-quality alcoholic beverages and most importantly, do not abuse alcohol!

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Surely many have heard the statement that the most drinking people live in Russia. But if you look at alcohol consumption by country, a rather interesting picture emerges. It turns out that due to historical moments and national traditions, the problem of alcohol is acute in many states.

Key Causes of Alcoholism

Before moving on to statistics, it is worth understanding what exactly makes people drink. Here are the main reasons:

  • Urbanization. People who cannot cope with the stress of the fast pace of life in the big city are increasingly relaxing over a glass of liquor.
  • Economic, political and social problems, as well as natural disasters. Modern man, without realizing it, is in constant fear for his life and well-being. As a rule, alcohol is used as a sedative.
  • Low alcohol prices. Due to the illiterate government policy in the field of price control, alcohol becomes affordable. Probably everyone has heard the life anecdote that a bottle of beer costs less than a bottle of milk.


Among African countries, Uganda has the most disappointing rates of alcohol consumption. The main part of the population drinks a strange banana-based drink, which, most likely, will not appeal to a foreign tourist. Previously, this recipe was used to maintain the morale of warriors. Another popular drink in Uganda is Ajono. This is a fermented beer that the locals like to drink through a thin straw.


We can say that Italians drink relatively little - about 8 liters per person per year. The mass production of wine made this drink a part of the national culture. Each meal is necessarily accompanied by a glass. Diluted wine is also given to children from an early age.


About 9-10 liters of strong Australians consume annually. Addiction to alcohol is a historical feature. The fact is that in ancient times, strong rum was a real monetary currency, which was actively used for settlement in trade operations and transactions. When Australia was a British colony, people considered drinking quite common and even normal. Now alcohol in the country is gradually losing popularity. Nevertheless, many honor the tradition of drinking to unconsciousness.


Looking at alcohol consumption by country, it is not surprising why Denmark is in the ranking. Each citizen of the state annually drinks almost 10.7 liters of strong strong drinks. They especially love wine and beer. As a rule, addiction begins to form from adolescence (about 15 years). The situation is not catastrophic, but alarming. It is believed that the Danes still drink a little, since alcohol is expensive in the country.

Great Britain

A little more than 10 liters of strong alcohol is consumed annually by every Briton. It is believed that with the first glass they drink, they lose their sense of proportion. In this regard, it is not surprising that the number of people suffering from cirrhosis of the liver has increased significantly over the past decade. And all because alcohol in the UK can be consumed around the clock, pubs and bars also have flexible hours.


Alcohol consumption varies across countries. For example, in Spain there are 11.4 liters of hard liquor per person annually. This is usually port, wine and beer. People's addiction to alcohol is due to two factors. The first is developed winemaking. Thanks to the large areas of plantations, Spain ranked third in the world in wine production. The second reason is hot weather. During the siesta, the Spaniards like to quench their thirst with cold beer with ice. In the evening, multi-component cocktails are in demand.


An impressive volume of strong alcohol consumption can boast of conditions of almost year-round cold is not at all easy. Low air temperature and lack of sunlight encourages people to seek solace in alcohol. Alcoholism is the leading cause of death in this country. Most cardiovascular and oncological diseases in people aged 15 to 70 are caused precisely by excessive alcohol consumption. Despite the fact that the authorities are strenuously fighting this problem and introducing all kinds of restrictive measures, the common people seem to ignore them.


Considering alcohol consumption by country, Germany cannot be ignored. There are about 12 liters of strong alcohol per person per year. Of course, the most impressive share is occupied by beer. This drink is sold literally everywhere. Even at newsstands. And it is quite inexpensive by local standards. In Germany, there is no ban on the consumption of alcohol in public places, and beer festivals are often held.


In France, alcohol consumption per capita is about 14 liters. Despite the fact that red wine is considered the main drink of the refined French, cheaper beer is in the first place in terms of consumption. But still, you should not write off the grape drink. The French love it and are well versed in it. Good red wine is considered an essential part of the daily meal.


Alcohol consumption in the world is growing relentlessly. The Czech Republic is approximately on the same level with France. The inhabitants of the country revere and actively drink their national treasure - Becherovka. Also part of the Czech culture is beer. It is here that drinks of world famous brands are produced (for example, "Velkopopovetsky Kozel", "Pilsner" and others). The wine industry is also developing thanks to extensive plantations in Moravia.


Alcohol consumption in Russia is about 15 liters per person. The main share falls on vodka. Second is beer. Russia's entry into countries is also caused by the price of alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are many times cheaper than, for example, in Europe. Fortunately, thanks to government policy, the population's craving for alcohol is gradually decreasing. There is also a growing interest of the population in quality wine, which is less detrimental to health than vodka.


Studying the most drinking countries, it is impossible not to say about Ukraine. Here, about 17 liters of alcohol per person per year. The whole problem lies in the weak regulatory policy of the state in relation to the alcohol market. Low prices and availability of alcohol - all this becomes the reason for introducing people to alcohol from a young age. In addition, there are many enterprises for the production of alcoholic beverages in the country. In the first place in popularity is vodka. On the second - beer, and on the third - wine.


Belarus in 2016 took first place in the ranking of "The most drinking countries in the world". Each inhabitant of the country accounts for almost 18 liters of alcohol per year. It should be noted that when compiling the statistics, alcohol was not taken into account. And moonshine, as you know, is a problem in Belarus and other post-Soviet countries.

Who drinks the least

Alcohol consumption statistics over the past few years indicate that the most non-drinking country is Yemen. A few milliliters per capita per year. And all because Islam, which is professed by the vast majority of the population, prohibits drinking alcoholic beverages, up to Sharia punishment. In Somalia, Pakistan, Kuwait, Libya and other Muslim countries next to Yemen, the rate of alcohol consumption is also low.


The World Health Organization has been ranking countries by alcohol consumption for many years in a row. The limit value is considered to be 8 liters per capita per year. It is believed that if such an indicator lasts for several years, we are talking about genetic alcoholism. This problem can cause problems with the health and mental development of future generations. At the moment, most European countries are at risk.

There is not a single country in the world where alcohol is not consumed at all. Even where its sale is limited, citizens find ways to serve the "green serpent". But of course, drinking alcohol becomes drunkenness only when its amount exceeds a reasonable rate. In which states do they drink the most, according to the rating in 2018?

World beer ranking in 2018 according to WHO

The World Health Organization (abbreviated as WHO) regularly conducts research related to the health of the world's population and publishes ratings. The issue of alcoholism is no exception. According to the organization, alcohol is one of the three main causes that directly or indirectly increase mortality. At the same time, in general, the number of consumed alcoholic beverages per capita increases from year to year. Information on the amount of alcohol consumed comes to the WHO from the organizations that control its sale.

Table: statistics of drinking countries at the beginning of 2018

Place in the rankingA countryConsumption
per capita
per capita
per capita
Relative percentage/ratio
1 Belarus17,5 16,6 14 Increased by 25%
2 Ukraine17,4 15,3 12 Increased by 45%
3 Estonia17,2 17 16,5 Increased by 4%
4 Czech16,4 16 16,2 Increased by 1%
5 Lithuania16,3 14 15,8 Increased by 3%
6 Russia16,2 15,8 16,2 Hasn't changed
7 Italy16,1 16 16,1 Hasn't changed
8 South Korea16 14 12 Increased by 33%
9 France15,8 15,6 15,8 Hasn't changed
10 Great Britain15,8 15,7 15 Increased by 1%
11 Germany11,7 12,3 11,5 Increased by 1%
12 Ireland11,6 11 8 Increased by 45%
13 Spain11,4 11,3 11,6 Decreased by 2%
14 Portugal11,4 11 11,2 Increased by 2%
15 Hungary10,8 10 6 Increased by 18%
16 Slovenia10,7 10,5 10,8 Decreased by 1%
17 Denmark10,7 9 6,3 Increased by 69%
18 Australia10,2 10 7 Increased by 45%

Contrary to popular belief, a large amount of alcohol is consumed not because of poverty. This can be seen from the above ranking, where only a small part of the seats belong to developing countries. According to WHO, a number of European countries remain consistently high. The reason for this is low employment and affordable alcohol in countries with a high standard of living. According to experts, every fifth inhabitant of a developed country is a chronic alcoholic.

The leading countries of the rating stand out from the overall picture both for the reasons of drunkenness and for its unexpected spread. In Ukraine, due to political changes and economic instability, the alcohol market is almost not controlled. These reasons serve to increase the number of drinking people. In Belarus, in recent years, the system of combating alcoholism that existed before has been practically eliminated. True, in mid-2018, the country's government decided to launch a new large-scale anti-alcohol campaign.

The most drinking countries: statistics from the University of Washington and the Melissa Gates Foundation

Not only WHO conducts research: in early September 2018, American scientists compiled their rating of alcohol lovers, which was published in the medical journal Lancet. Country-specific data differ depending on the gender of the person who consumes alcohol. The conventional unit of measurement was the "drink" - 100 milliliters of red wine or 30 - strong alcohol.

On average, the stronger sex around the world drink 1.7 drinks a day, that is, 170 ml of wine or 51 ml of stronger alcohol. The first three places in terms of the number of male drinks are occupied by:

  • Romania - 8.2 conventional drinks per day (820 ml of wine or 246 ml of strong alcohol);
  • Portugal and Luxembourg - 7.2 drinks per day (720 ml of wine or 216 ml of spirits);
  • Lithuania and Ukraine - 7 drinks per day (700 ml of wine or 210 strong alcohol).

For women, the statistics are much more modest: on average, beautiful ladies of the planet drink 0.73 drinks a day, which is equivalent to 73 ml of wine or 21.9 ml of strong alcohol. Dominated by the number of alcohol consumed by women:

  • Ukraine - 4.2 drinks per day (420 ml of wine or 126 ml of spirits);
  • Andorra, Luxembourg, Belarus - 3.4 drinks per day (340 ml of wine or 120 ml of strong alcohol);
  • Sweden, Denmark, Ireland - 3.1 drinks per day (310 ml of wine or 93 ml of strong alcohol).

Interestingly, according to the University of Washington, the most sober men live in Pakistan, and women - in Iran.

The most drinking countries in the world are our neighbors and European states. However, in Russia they still drink a lot. But the inhabitants of the American continents have not been noticed in excessive drinking.

Contrary to stereotypes, Russia is by no means the world leader in alcohol consumption. The level of alcohol consumption per capita is even falling at the moment. This is due both to the anti-alcohol measures taken by the state over the past few years, and to the growth in Russia of the number that faith prohibits. Our country is not even in the top ten, taking only 16th place in terms of alcohol consumption per capita.

Russia is traditionally considered one of the most drinking countries in the world. Along with the balalaika and the bear, among the symbols of Russia, according to foreigners, there is vodka - the Russian national drink.

Alcohol ranking of countries

The top 20 drinkers in the world, according to WHO, are currently as follows: 20th place belongs to Austria, where they drink 13.24 liters of ethanol per year per capita every year. Meanwhile, 19th position was taken by Slovakia with 13.33 liters. Great Britain and Denmark share the 18th line of this dubious competition. Poland is in 17th place (13.25 liters), Russia is in 16th place (13.50).

Alcohol, along with other psychoactive substances, has been used by man since primitive times. At first it was part of shamanic rituals, then it began to be used for recreational purposes, as an appetite stimulant and antiseptic.

France, Ireland (as well as Russia, which has earned fame as a heavy drinking country), Portugal and South Korea also did not make it into the top ten with 13.66, 14.41, 14.55 and 14.80 liters, respectively. The ten most active consumers of strong drink include Lithuania (15.03 liters per year), Croatia (15.11), Belarus (15.13), Slovenia (15.19), Romania (15.30), Andorra (15. 48), Estonia (15.57) and Ukraine (15.60). The first three were Hungary (16.27), Czech Republic (16.45) and Moldova (18.22).

Numbers and reality

These, however, are not that the problem is less acute, where they consume fewer liters per year, and more acute - among the leaders in absolute consumption. For example, in the Czech Republic, which is in second place, a large percentage of the population drinks, but relatively few abuse alcohol. The most favorite drink, as you know, is beer. In countries such as Russia, France and the UK, the number of liters per capita is lower, but spirits are very popular. In addition, in these states there is a fairly large percentage of the non-drinking Muslim population for religious reasons, while the amount drunk is considered based on the total population. Thus, not everyone drinks here, but those who do drink are prone to abuse.
