
Cranberries mashed with sugar in a blender recipe. Pureed berries for storage in the freezer

Cranberries have long been actively used by people with the appearance of colds. It is she who acts as a prophylactic against urolithiasis, normalizes the secretion of gastric juice (with low acidity), increases the body's defenses and reduces high body temperature.

Only fresh cranberries have all these properties, since during heat treatment all useful properties and substances in the berry are destroyed. It is for this reason that it is recommended to harvest mashed cranberries for the winter, and we will tell you how to do it correctly below.

Traditional option

The recipe for grated cranberries with sugar is classified as a classic. It is easy to prepare and easy to understand.


  • cranberries - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cranberries mashed with sugar

  1. Sort the berry, clearing it of excess debris. Pour the liquid into an enamel bowl, pour out the berries, rinse the berries in several waters with gentle stirring movements. Put on a sieve, wait for excess moisture to drain.
  2. After that, place the berry in a blender bowl and finely chop, preferably until a puree state. Transfer the masses to a suitable bowl, add granulated sugar and stir.
  3. Cover with a cloth napkin on top, leave in this form on the kitchen table for 10-12 hours. After stir. Pack in sterile jars. Remove to a cold place.

Pureed berries for storage in the freezer

It is not always possible to find places in the refrigerator to store blanks. The best is to store in the freezer. Consider how in this case to cook cranberries with sugar for the winter.


  • cranberries - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g.

Sort the berries, remove all third-party garbage. Rinse in several waters and wait for excess moisture to drain. Rub through a sieve. Pour the resulting mass into clean containers or freezer bags. Sprinkle with sugar on top. Close tightly and store in the freezer.

You can store the berry in a puree form without granulated sugar.

With lemon

This harvesting option is considered especially useful, since a lemon is added to the berry. The mixture is rich in vitamin C. That is why it is especially recommended to use it during epidemics, colds. You can increase the positive properties of the berry if you replace sweet sand with natural honey. Then, when preparing pureed cranberries, it is required to observe the proportions for 1 kg of sugar 500 g of honey.


  • cranberries - 1.6 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.6 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.

Cooking order:

  1. Sort the berries, remove garbage and rotten fruits. Rinse gently under water. Rinse the lemon, pour over with boiling water. Divide into 4 parts lengthwise, remove the bones, as they give the dish a bitter aftertaste.
  2. Pass all prepared ingredients through a meat grinder. It is important to use a wire rack with a large mesh, as the mass should turn out with pieces, but not puree.
  3. Mix the prepared mixture with sugar. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours. It is worth stirring the composition regularly so that the sweet sand dissolves faster.
  4. Arrange in sterile containers, cover and put in a cold place.

with orange

This recipe for cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter is considered ideal, despite a little warming up on the stove. The mixture is rich in vitamins that effectively boost the immune system.


  • cranberries - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • oranges - 500 g.

Action algorithm:

  1. Sort the berries, remove spoiled fruits and third-party debris. Rinse well under running water. Grind in any convenient way.
  2. Rinse the orange, pour over with boiling water. Carefully remove the peel and white film. Cut into pieces, removing the bones. Puree with a blender.
  3. Combine cranberries with citrus fruit. Add granulated sugar. Stir, set on the stove. With slow heating, heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Do not bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Pack the finished treat in sterile jars. Roll up tightly, after cooling, remove to a cold place.

Harvesting berries for the winter with sugar will turn out tasty and healthy if you follow some tips:

  1. Carefully sort out the berries so that rotten or spoiled fruits do not get into the mass. Otherwise, the workpiece will turn sour faster.
  2. It is allowed to rinse under running water, but very carefully. Or in a basin regularly changing the fluid.
  3. After washing the berry, it needs to be dried. Otherwise, a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora will appear in a jar with mashed cranberries.
  4. The container in which the workpiece will be stored also needs to be thoroughly rinsed and sterilized.
  5. Store jars of berries in sugar in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Depending on the chosen recipe, some features may or may not be present. It is for this reason that it is recommended that you study all the information provided before cooking and only then begin to act. Do not forget about compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules to reduce the risk of cans swelling.

Recipes for preserving healthy and tasty cranberries for the winter are simple and do not take much time. And the best of them, such as cranberries in sugar, have been tested by the centuries-old experience of their ancestors. Without boiling cranberries for the winter, you can cook both compote and mashed potatoes. Cranberry jelly or fruit drink will help home easily and tasty get rid of annoying colds in the cold season.

General information about cranberries

Cranberry is a small golden-green shrub that grows in swamps in cool areas of Europe and America. It bears fruit from August to September. Its small berries look like rubies that flare on silvery leaves. This berry is amazing in terms of the amount of nutrients it contains:

  • organic acids (ascorbic, malic, quinic, citric, benzoic, ursolic);
  • Sahara;

Cranberries are known for their high vitamin C content.

  • glycosides;
  • pectin substances;
  • vitamins (PP, K and group B).

The unique composition of cranberries makes it one of the best berries for medical and dietary nutrition. Cranberry improves immunity, prevents beriberi and vascular sclerosis, easily cleanses the body of harmful elements and substances - that is, it significantly heals a person and makes his life better.

Healthy eating trends over the past few decades have increased the use of cranberries in both nutrition and simple daily cooking. They put this wonderful berry in drinks, as well as in meat and vegetable dishes. Therefore, it is useful for all housewives practicing canning to learn how to make simple and healthy preparations for the winter from cranberries to enrich their daily diet during the cold season.

Recipes for preserving cranberries for the winter without conservation

In village houses, red berries were often stored in winter, simply laid out in a cold, dry room. It was done in this way: cranberries, which are naturally preserved due to the content of benzoic acid, were sorted out, aired to dryness and scattered in a thin layer in a cool, dry place. After a certain time, the berries were sorted again to remove dried and withered ones. However, in an apartment it is unlikely that it will be possible to store cranberries so simply due to lack of space.

The following methods are more suitable for conditions in modern city apartments.

Attention! When using one of them, it should be remembered: it is better to process cranberries quickly, without putting it off indefinitely, so that the berries do not wrinkle and dry out.

Frozen cranberries

This method is the fastest and easiest. It is ideal for cranberries that the frost managed to "grab". To begin with, the berries should be disassembled, damaged and wilted removed. Then rinse the rest, not sparing water, pour over with a stream of clean cool moisture. When it drains, spread the berries on the fabric in a thin layer and dry. Then separate the ripe raw materials from the "strong". The first is laid out in plastic containers, the second - in plastic bags (form in the form of briquettes).

Frozen cranberries retain all the beneficial properties

Place containers and bags in the freezer and turn on instant freezing, which will preserve useful properties. At a temperature of -18 degrees, cranberries can be stored for two or more years. Thawed cranberries should be eaten immediately.

soaked cranberries

When there were no refrigerators yet, cranberries were stored for the winter according to the following recipe. Pour the berries in oak barrels with cold water from the spring, press down on top with a heavy wooden lid and place in a cool part of the house. It is clear that in the city to create this is at least problematic. What to do?

  • Method one. Sort the cranberries, get rid of all imperfect berries. Wash the remaining raw materials thoroughly, pour over with cool purified moisture and transfer to pre-sterilized jars. Fill the vessels with clean water (higher than the level of the berries), close the lids and place in a cold place.
  • Second recipe. To prevent cranberries and water with it from being so sour, weak sweet syrup is added to the workpiece. For 1 kg of raw materials you will need 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. Dissolve the prepared ingredients in 2 cups of water, boil, cool. Pour the berries with syrup and mark in a cold place. To add a spicy note to the taste, you can add cloves, a little cinnamon or allspice peas to cranberries.

Preparations for the winter from cranberries

Today, women do not just save cranberries for the period of cold weather, but create delicious preservation from it with the addition of sugar. Drinking tea with cranberry jam with your family on a cold winter evening - is something better possible? And cranberries in their own juice or puree from these berries perfectly help to cope with autumn and winter colds! How to cook these useful things? Very simple!

Cranberries with sugar

Cranberries with sugar

Take large ripe cranberries, wash them, sort them out, and dry them. Put in layers with sugar in chilled sterilized jars, shaking the vessels and tapping them to better fill the space. The top layer in each jar is sugar. Cover the finished cranberries with a lid and place in the refrigerator.

Cranberry puree

This option for winter cranberry harvesting is simple. The sorted, washed and dried berries should be crushed in a blender and mixed with sugar in a one-to-one ratio (you can put a little more sugar than berries). Wait a day for the sugar to dissolve. After the lapse of time, place the puree in glass jars and find a place for them in the refrigerator.

Cranberries in their own juice

For this recipe for harvesting cranberries for the period of cold weather, it is best to take raw materials “hit” by frost. These berries are riper, they secrete juice better and do not lose their beneficial properties from heat treatment.

  • First way. Rinse the raw materials, sort out, separate small berries from large ones. Mash small cranberries with a fork, warm slightly and squeeze out the juice. Dry the berries more, place in an enameled bowl, add juice (ten glasses of cranberries - half the juice) and heat without boiling. Mark raw materials in heated dry sterilized vessels. Close the jars with boiled lids and heat in a water bath (liter - for a quarter of an hour, half-liter - for ten minutes). After cranberries roll up, turn the vessels over and cover with a warm cloth.

Cranberries in their own juice

  • The second way. Ripe large berries sort, wash and dry, and then put in a steel or enamel pan and heat over low heat or a bath until the juice is released. In the process, the juice will become more, and the berries - less. After completion, the mass is decomposed into hot sterilized dry jars, sterilized and rolled up.

Advice. All the above recipes for cranberry preparations can be an excellent basis for making jelly, fruit drink or a cocktail, as well as for desserts - jelly and mousses.

Cranberry compote

It is quite simple to prepare unsweetened cranberry compote with sourness for the winter, which perfectly saves from thirst at any air temperature. To make a three-liter jar of compote, you need to follow these steps.

Disassemble cranberries, wash and dry. Put in warm jars and pour sugar syrup (water and sugar - proportions one to one). Banks can be preserved and sterilized at one hundred degrees of temperature (liter - a quarter of an hour, half-liter - ten minutes).

Cranberry compote

That's all! It remains to mark the jars with compote in a dark, cool place - and then get them out in the dead of winter and enjoy the sour, but such a summer taste of ripe berries.

Another recipe for cranberry compote. You will need:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 600 g of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Sort the berries, sort out, get rid of imperfect ones. Wash the raw materials with a powerful jet of water (the easiest option is to use a colander).

Place pure raw materials in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Wait until it settles and turn on the stove. Boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add water and cook for another five minutes.

Kissel from frozen cranberries


  • 1.5 stack. frozen berries;
  • about a glass of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4 tbsp starch.

Kissel can be prepared from frozen berries

Defrost cranberries and grind in a blender. Put the resulting mass in gauze and squeeze the juice out of it. Don't throw away the rest. Boil water, throw cake there, boil for five minutes, remove from heat and filter. Return the broth to the stove and at the moment of boiling add sugar along with cranberry juice.

Reduce the fire level, carefully add the starch, which is diluted in advance with a small amount of water. Boil for two to three minutes, then remove from heat and set aside. Close the jelly to avoid the appearance of a film. You can drink both hot and chilled.

All of the above cranberry winter preparations will be needed to combat SARS and create a variety of goodies. Cranberries in sugar are a wonderful base for tonic drinks, fruit drinks, as well as a filling for baking. The easiest way to store cranberries is frozen or soaked. But regardless of the method of storage, the result will delight all households and the hostess herself.

Cranberry blanks for the winter: video

Cranberries for the winter: photo

And, accordingly, the vitamins needed by the body. Therefore, for the winter, various preparations are made from greens, vegetables, fruits, etc. Today we’ll talk about one of the most vitamin berries - about cranberries.


Before freezing cranberries for the winter, they sort them out, discard sluggish and damaged ones, and remove plant debris. The berries are thoroughly washed and, scattered on any matter, dried well. Dry fruits are placed in plastic boxes or cups and cleaned in the freezer.

At constant temperature -18°C storage period is three years. It is desirable to defrost in portions, since in this form cranberries should be eaten immediately.

How to dry cranberries with the least loss of nutrients, we will learn further. The fruits for drying are sorted, cleaned and washed thoroughly. To preserve the maximum of vitamins, the fruits are either blanched for several minutes in boiling water, or kept in a steam bath for the same time.
Such harvesting of cranberries is carried out two ways:

  1. In a dry, ventilated room, the fruits are laid out on any flat surface and dried until they no longer stick to hands. After that, they are collected and stored in bags made of any natural fabric.
  2. Drying takes place in the oven or microwave, or in a special dryer. At the beginning of the process, the temperature should not be high - up to 45°С, after drying the fruit, the temperature is increased up to 70°С. Store the finished product in glass containers under the lid for up to 3 years.

Important! Periodically dried berries must be inspected and darkened to avoid spoilage of the product.

Harvesting cranberries for the winter without cooking (ground with sugar) will keep it fresh and without the risk of spoiling during storage.

For this harvesting method, berries and sugar are taken in equal proportions: for 1 kg of raw materials 1 kg of sugar. The ingredients are ground into a mushy mass with a blender or meat grinder.
The finished mixture is laid out in sterilized jars and tightly covered with parchment, you can also use a lid.

Let's consider another way how to sugar cranberries.

The product prepared according to this recipe is stored for no more than two weeks, so do not make it in large quantities. For cooking, take the same amount of both fruits and sugar (500 g per 500 g).

First, sugar syrup is boiled, then the berries, washed and pierced with a toothpick, are poured with cooled syrup and put in the cold overnight. After that, the fruits are taken out of the syrup, dried, rolled in sugar and stored in the refrigerator. Such "sweets" are useful for children.

This recipe- this is a lifesaver during the period of colds: six teaspoons a day will help get rid of cough and runny nose.

Cranberries and honey in a ratio of 1 to 1 are ground to a puree mass. The mixture is laid out in sterilized jars, stored in the pantry for one winter.

For jam you will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 1 l
Ripe fruits are sorted and washed, then blanched for about five minutes, then left to drain in a colander.
Next, the fruits are ground with sugar and placed in clean and dry jars, after which they are sterilized for 20 minutes, rolled up with lids. When the jars have cooled, they are put into the pantry.

Did you know? In 1816, Henry Hall, a resident of the United States, began to domesticate cranberries. Today, the area with culture covers more than 16 thousand hectares. Cranberries were brought to Russia in 1871 by the director of the Imperial Botanical Garden, Eduard Regel.

Cranberry jam

Jams and Preserves- the best option for the duration of how to store cranberries in winter.

Important! If the recipe has not been violated, the raw materials have been washed, and the product has been sterilized in accordance with all the rules, jam or jam is stored for up to two years.

For jam need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • vanilla.
Pour the washed fruits into a saucepan, add water without covering the contents. Boil the contents of the pan over low heat until the berries begin to boil.
At this stage, add sugar, zest of one lemon and vanilla. With new ingredients, cook, stirring, for 20 minutes. We lay out the finished products in sterile jars and close them with sterile lids.

For cranberry puree each housewife will determine the number of ingredients herself, focusing on the capacity of the refrigerator and the desired amount of puree.

The fruits are mashed with a blender or meat grinder, then sugar is added to taste. Leave the mixture for a while: the sugar should completely dissolve.
The finished puree in a glass bowl is stored in the refrigerator for up to a month. The freezer will provide much longer storage, only in this case the products are transferred to a plastic container.

In ancient times, when there was no talk of refrigerators, our ancestors cooked for the winter soaked products. It was stored in solid oak barrels in the coldest corners of dwellings.

Today, soaked cranberries are prepared as follows: for 1 kg of raw materials they take a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of salt. Dry ingredients are boiled in two glasses of water, cooled and poured over the fruits.
This product is put in a cold place, seasonings are added for piquancy: cinnamon, cloves, laurel.

Soaked cranberries for the winter are stored for up to a year.

Cranberry juice

To prepare juice, the berries (2 kg) are thoroughly washed. Then they are ground into mashed potatoes and put into a saucepan, boiled for ten minutes in 0.5 liters of water, without bringing to a boil.

Next, using gauze, the liquid is separated from the cake. Sweeten the resulting liquid to taste and boil, without bringing to a boil, for another five minutes. The juice is poured into sterile jars and rolled up, stored for about a year.

Cranberry juice

For fruit drink, take 500 g of fruit, 100 g of sugar, 1.5 liters of water. Washed berries are pureed, squeezed over a bowl through cheesecloth, collecting juice. The cake is placed in a pot of water, sugar is added, brought to a boil and left to brew and cool.

The cooled, but warm mass is filtered, the liquid is poured into the prepared jar up to half. Then add pure juice collected earlier. Fruit drinks rolled up in sterilized jars are stored for a year.

Cranberry compote

Cranberry compote not only benefits due to vitamins, but also perfectly removes thirst. It will take:

  • 1 kg of fruits;
  • 600 g of sugar;
  • liter of water.
The fruits are sorted, washed and laid out on the bottom of clean jars. Sugar syrup is boiled, cooled and warmly poured into jars, covering the fruits. Banks with contents are sterilized for 15 minutes. Compote is ready, it is allowed to cool and stored in a pantry or cellar for a year.

The undeniable benefits of cranberries encourage home cooks to take care of its presence on the table not only during the picking season, but also in winter. We bring to your attention the best recipes for preserving bright red berries. Harvesting without long-term cooking, delicious compote and jelly, a recipe for sweet cranberries in sugar. The harvesting methods we have collected are distinguished by minimal heat treatment, which allows us to preserve all the beneficial substances of the miracle berry.

Cranberries on the table - medicines from the table

In the cold climatic zone of Russia and Europe, in swamps and on moist forest soil, a silvery shrub with fiery red dots spreads along the ground. Cranberries have a pronounced sour taste, you can’t eat a lot of them. Yes, and it’s not necessary, because each tiny berry is unique in its composition:

  • rich complex of organic acids;
  • pectin substances;
  • sugars, glycosides;
  • vitamins of group B, PP, K.

The healing spectrum of cranberries is very wide, it is used for a number of serious diseases. Therefore, we can safely say that the periodic use of red berries helps to forget about medicines.

This berry is not only healthy, but also tasty in the form of drinks and jams, as an addition to vegetable and meat dishes.

How to prepare cranberries without boiling

Recipes for harvesting miracle berries for the winter are distinguished by a significant variety and creative approaches of hostesses and cooks. One of the basic principles of canning is minimal or no heat treatment. Soaked berries, for example, are harvested by simply pouring cranberries with clean cold water.

It's a paradox, but you can "cook" cranberry jam without cooking. To do this, you need a kilogram of cranberries and the same amount of sugar:

  1. It is necessary to clean the berries from twigs, leaves and other debris.
  2. Rinse well under running water, dry on a paper towel.
  3. Mix cranberries with half of the prepared sugar and chop with a wooden pusher so that the sugar is completely dissolved. A blender is not suitable for this purpose, since the acids contained in the berries can react with the metal.
  4. Sterilize several jars, place the finished fragrant mixture in them, cover with the remaining sugar.
  5. Close with metal or polyethylene lids and take to a cold place.

In winter, such a vitamin-rich jam will be indispensable for compotes and cranberry fruit drinks, and just for drinking with tea during acute respiratory diseases.

Attention! Cranberries differ from other berries harvested for the winter without boiling in that they do not have to be stored in the refrigerator. Just a cool place is enough. The fact is that as part of a useful berry - citric and benzoic acids, which does not allow it to deteriorate.

Freezing Cranberry Recipe

For preparing salads and vegetables, sauerkraut and creating sweet and sour, spicy and spicy sauces in winter, cranberries canned in the freezer are useful. Usually, a fully ripe berry, harvested after the first frost, is used for this.

Advice. To strengthen the immune system and increase the tone of the body, it is recommended to use 100 gr. cranberries a week.

There are 2 recipes for freezing peat "sourness".

The first option involves the use of berries of any size, whole and slightly crushed. They are washed and stacked in portioned containers, then frozen.

For the second method, it is advisable to prepare large, whole berries. The washed cranberries are thoroughly dried and scattered in a thin layer on a tray. After 2-3 hours, the red lights placed in the freezer are ready to be poured into a plastic container. On the lid of each food container it is worth sticking a leaflet with the date of freezing and the name of the product. Such berries will decorate any dish!

Dried cranberries will support immunity in winter

Experts recommend another way to harvest cranberries for the winter. It was actively used by our ancestors. Berries scattered on a flat surface could previously be stored for months. To do this, they did not need to be processed, it was enough just to find a dry, cool place in the house.

Attention! It takes 5-6 hours to dry the berries in the oven at a temperature of about 70 ° C. It is necessary to turn the fire berries over from time to time for even drying. In an apartment with central heating, this is impossible, so the cranberries are simply dried in the oven, and then put in hermetically sealed storage containers.

Cranberries in sugar - a favorite delicacy of children

Candied cranberries are also considered a simple recipe for peat berries grated with sugar (this option is given above). But we have chosen for you another interesting way to harvest cranberries. Candied berries look like candy and are popular with kids. Sometimes this is the only way to get the baby to eat the “vitamin”.

For cooking you will need:

  • 500 gr. cranberries;
  • the same amount of sugar, or a little more;
  • water.

How to cook:

  1. Wash and sort out peat wealth. Pierce each berry with a toothpick.
  2. Boil water in an enamel saucepan with most of the sugar until it is completely dissolved.
  3. After cooling, pour the berries with the resulting syrup, cover and refrigerate overnight.
  4. The next day, drain the syrup (it can be used separately) and wait for the berries to dry.
  5. Roll each cranberry in sugar so that it is completely covered with it.

A treat for kids is stored in the refrigerator, but, alas, the shelf life of this dish does not exceed two weeks. However, candied cranberries are eaten much earlier.

We cook cranberry compote without worries

To prepare a fragrant cranberry compote, you will need a saucepan and water. Cooks advise not to use a large amount of sugar. Perhaps a drink without sugar, or with a small amount of it, will seem more refreshing and tonic to you. How to cook cranberry compote?

  1. Boil water with sugar added to taste.
  2. Dip the cranberries into the syrup, wait for it to boil again and immediately turn off the drink. Compote is ready.
  3. Before harvesting for the winter, cranberries are boiled for 5-10 minutes. and rolled up in pre-prepared sterile cylinders.

Advice. To give a spicy note before the drink is ready, you can add cloves, vanilla or cinnamon to it.

Cranberry compotes will amaze with their original taste if you add any berries and fruits to them. Suitable apples, currants, raspberries, cherries, rose hips, sea buckthorn, raisins, dried apricots.

How to cook tender cranberry jelly?

There is nothing difficult in preparing jelly; according to this recipe, a sweet drink with sourness is prepared in 15 minutes. You need to collect the necessary ingredients:

  • 3 art. frozen berries;
  • 1.5 l. water;
  • 5 st. l. starch;
  • 1 st. Sahara.

To prepare cranberry jelly, you will need starch, water and sugar

Action steps:

  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
  2. Put sugar and keep on fire for 5 minutes. after boiling.
  3. While starch dissolves in water, strain the resulting compote.
  4. Put the drink without berries back on the stove. After the appearance of bubbles, slowly, in a thin stream, pour in the starch and mix the jelly well.
  5. Switch off immediately when signs of boiling appear.

Cranberries are not in vain considered one of the most useful berries. Its influence on the human body is difficult to overestimate. It has an antipyretic effect, protects against colds and improves immunity. It can be used to improve appetite and treat diseases of the digestive and genitourinary systems. The fruits are used in the treatment of such serious diseases as tuberculosis, pancreatitis and rheumatism. Because of the sour taste, they eat cranberries with sugar, honey, powdered sugar. And many have a desire to stock up on this vitamin treasure for the whole year.

Preparations with cranberries for the winter

To 1 kg of fresh berries and 1 kg of sugar, add 1 orange, cut it into pieces and remove the seeds from it, but do not peel it. Orange and cranberries are passed through a meat grinder and sugar is added. Then the resulting mass is carefully ground or re-processed.

After that, the resulting delicacy is laid out in jars and rolled up, sent for storage in the refrigerator.

Prepared according to this recipe cranberries turn into a real vitamin "bomb", because the healing properties of an orange are added to it. This delicacy is useful for the prevention of beriberi, scurvy, anemia, hypertension, and also helps to increase immunity and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Instead of an orange, you can add a lemon to the previous composition, which will increase the vitamin value several times. . The procedure is as follows:

Then this mixture is packaged in jars and put in the refrigerator. Instead of sugar, you can add 0.5 kg of honey.

With a blender

Cranberries crushed in a blender with sugar are an excellent independent dessert and the basis for preparing sweet dishes. Berry puree is poured into a container, covered with sugar and left for 5-6 hours.

During this time, the mass is stirred 4-5 times, after which it is laid out in jars and closed.

To store berries in the cellar or on the balcony, the following recipe is recommended:

Berries in the freezer can be stored for a long time, which allows you to replenish the supply of vitamins throughout the entire period of cold weather. For the refrigerator, the recipe for cranberries mashed with sugar is simple: 1.5 kg of fruit are carefully ground and poured into 250 g of sugar, then laid out in plastic containers or bags. After that, the blanks are closed and sent to the freezer.

Contraindications for use

Cranberries have a huge amount of useful elements, but for certain health problems, it is undesirable to use it. Restrictions can be:

The berry can be used as a separate delicacy, served with pancakes or prepared on its basis for delicious pies, fruit drinks and jellies.

It is not difficult to make preparations for the winter from this berry, and the benefits of their use fully compensate for all the resources spent.
