
Can kids drink instant coffee? Can kids have coffee? Age limit for this drink

Many moms love coffee. I am also one of them. It is tasty, improves mood, tones, invigorates for the whole day. The debate about the benefits and harms of coffee does not subside. Main active substance it has caffeine in it. All the effects of coffee, both positive and negative, are associated with it. I suggest studying the properties of coffee in order to figure out when you can give coffee to a child.

The benefits of coffee

  • Coffee activates the metabolism. Gives a person strength and energy, improves memory, attention, performance.
  • Enhances intestinal motility, helps in the fight against constipation.
  • It has a slight preventive effect against certain types of cancer.
  • Reduces the risk of disease diabetes improves tissue sensitivity to insulin.
  • It can be used as a remedy for low blood pressure and associated headaches.

Harm coffee

  • May be addictive if used regularly.
  • Raises arterial pressure.
  • May cause heart palpitations.
  • It has a diuretic effect, removes fluid and calcium from the body.
  • Exciting effect on the central nervous system, can disrupt sleep.
  • Coffee increases blood cholesterol levels.

When can you give coffee to your baby?

According to the recommendations of children's doctors of various profiles: pediatricians, orthopedists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, dentists coffee should not be given to children under the age of twelve. Regular consumption of coffee by young children can be harmful to their health.

Harm of coffee for children

  • Coffee leaches calcium from the body, which is harmful to the baby's developing bones and teeth.
  • Coffee can cause excessive excitability, emotional lability, whims, tantrums, and sleep disturbance in children.
  • Coffee stimulates the heart, can cause a child's heartbeat, discomfort in the heart, interruptions in the heart.
  • Coffee in children much earlier than in adults is addictive.

Which children benefit from coffee?

Adolescents over 12 years of age may benefit from coffee if their blood pressure drops in the morning and as a result of this - headache. Then a cup of coffee in the morning, after breakfast, can be a cure.

Coffee should not be drunk on an empty stomach, as it causes an increase in gastric secretion, which happens possible cause gastritis and stomach ulcers.

It is best if the teenager has breakfast, and after porridge - coffee. If your child does not like porridge, you can replace it with scrambled eggs or stewed vegetables with meat.

In any case, coffee can be given to a teenager only after a hearty breakfast and not every day (no more than 3 times a week).

With this use, coffee will help the child overcome morning weakness, gather strength, improve performance, memory and attention.

In the 2nd half of the day, coffee should not be given to teenagers. This can cause sleep disturbances.

Do not give coffee to a child

Even if he is already 12 years old, if he suffers

  • Diseases of the stomach with increased secretion (gastritis, peptic ulcer).
  • Tendency to diarrhea.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Diseases of the heart.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Increased excitability of the central nervous system.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • A disease of the musculoskeletal system with a decrease in bone density (frequent fractures).

Children over 12 years of age should not be given coffee daily. It is allowed to use it 2-3 times a week in the 1st half of the day, one cup. It is better if it is not black coffee, but coffee with milk.

coffee during pregnancy

Coffee during pregnancy has a bad effect on the fetus: it disrupts blood circulation in the vessels of the placenta, causes an increase in the heart rate of the fetus, can cause premature birth. It is best to eliminate coffee from the diet during pregnancy or reduce its amount to 1 cup 2-3 times a week.

Coffee while breastfeeding

May cause in infant

  • Allergy.
  • Discomfort in the intestines: flatulence, diarrhea, intestinal colic.
  • Increased excitability, the child does not sleep well day and night, is naughty.

It is best for a young mother to exclude coffee from the diet for the period of breastfeeding.

What kind of coffee can a child have?

Often there is a situation when adults drink coffee, and the child also asks. The child can be offered a drink similar to coffee in color and taste.

Decaffeinated coffee

Such coffee is considered the most harmful in terms of its effect on the heart and blood vessels and its carcinogenic effect. This coffee is not for children.

Barley drink instead of coffee

It can be offered to a child from 2 years old. The drink tastes like coffee. Ingredients - roasted ground barley grains.


  • Does not stimulate the central nervous system, does not affect sleep.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels of the child. Does not affect blood pressure. Does not affect the number of heartbeats, but strengthens the heart muscle, thanks to high content potassium and magnesium.
  • Favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract - stimulates digestion, promotes the healing of minor mucosal lesions, helps to normalize the intestinal microflora.
  • Does not remove calcium from bones.


Contains protein - gluten - if it is intolerant, allergies and digestive disorders are possible.
But if the child eats "gluten" cereals, then a barley drink will suit him.

Chicory drink instead of coffee

Chicory is a plant from the roots of which a drink is prepared. There is an instant drink made from chicory. The taste of the drink is similar to coffee. Suitable for children from two years old.


  • Contains many vitamins: C, group B, minerals potassium, magnesium, etc.
  • Contains inulin - a polysaccharide that favorably affects the stool and intestinal microflora. Inulin is included in infant formula to prevent constipation in children.
  • Calming effect on the central nervous system.
  • Increases appetite.
  • A drink with chicory is devoid of all the negative effects of coffee, because it does not contain caffeine.

The disadvantage of this drink is that it can cause allergies in children..

cocoa instead of coffee

The appearance of the two drinks is similar if they are with milk, but the taste of cocoa and coffee is significantly different. But some kids haven't tried coffee yet, and kids love the taste of cocoa, so the substitution might work. Cocoa can be given to a child from 3 years old, because cocoa - strong allergen. About the benefits and harms of cocoa.

Tea with milk instead of coffee

This is the easiest option. Brew weak tea for the child and add milk to it. For most preschoolers, this option is quite a substitute for coffee. And when a child can have tea,

Hope you decide it's worth it give coffee to a child. Stay healthy!

Coffee is a source of strength, vitality and energy. This is a favorite caffeinated drink. Usually adults drink it without problems. And what can be said about children? Often they also ask their parents for permission to try it. At what age can a child drink coffee? What are the consequences of this delicacy? What should you pay attention to first of all and is it so dangerous? All of this is worth looking into. Perhaps you are in vain completely shielding your child from delicious drink.

Effect on the body

If you are wondering if children can drink coffee and at what age to start getting acquainted with it, then it is worth considering in more detail the effect of caffeine on the body. It has already been said that he is a source of energy, strength and vigor, and this is exactly what many schoolchildren lack. There is such an energy charge due to the stimulating effect of caffeine on the nervous system. For this reason, many people try to drink coffee before work or study.

The second effect on the body is a diuretic. Caffeine helps to remove various substances from the body. But do not rush to rejoice. If you are wondering how old a child can drink coffee, keep in mind that calcium is also excreted from the body. And this is a necessary substance for the proper development of the child.

The composition of coffee usually has many different components that do not have the best effect on the children's body, so pay attention to the list of components. If harmful substances minimum or they are completely absent, you can lift the ban on the drink from a certain age.


Do you know at what age a child can drink coffee? Then keep in mind that this drink is addictive even in adults. Children are more susceptible to this kind of influence. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this.

In principle, addiction is not the worst thing. Usually causes the need to increase the dose of caffeine. This can lead to heart or brain problems. Of course, the impact on these two areas only increases over time. It turns out that such a drink is generally prohibited for very young children. Not only will addiction be strong and fast, but also the effect will be detrimental. Sometimes even too serious. But this is not at all a reason to completely deny children the use of a delicious drink - at some point, you can lift the ban. The main thing is to take into account some features and take care of the health of your children. The healthier a person is, the less likely it is to be negatively affected.


Some begin to think about children (at what age will this cause the least harm)? The answer is closer to high school. After all, it is during this period that the child needs strength and energy. But it is still unacceptable to abuse it.

There are parents who, from the age of 6-7, allow their children to get involved in coffee. It's not quite correct solution. If you listen to the opinions of doctors, you can see that schoolchildren should not be given a lot of coffee. Especially if the child has problems with pressure (in modern world even younger schoolchildren have similar disorders) or the heart.

If your child needs a boost of energy, normalize his daily routine. As practice shows, children who are not looked after by their parents begin to consume this drink uncontrollably. But in the future, this may not affect health in the best way.

Recipe features

At what age can children drink coffee? Which one and why? These are pretty important questions. After all, it is not always necessary to completely limit schoolchildren in consumption. this drink. If you cook it correctly, then sometimes you can give a cup of coffee. Just not too often. This is especially true for children who study in primary and secondary schools.

It is recommended to give only instant weak coffee with the addition of milk. Moreover, it is the last component that should prevail in the cup. Therefore, students from time to time can be allowed coffee milk with addition a small amount water.

The most delicious and fragrant black drink that parents drink for breakfast at some point interests the baby. Some parents do not see anything terrible in pouring a cup of coffee even for a very tiny child.

Others are categorically against the aromatic liquid, even in adolescence. It is not surprising that many adults are interested in the question of how old you can drink coffee and what effect it has on a growing children's body.

It is believed that black grains first appeared in Ethiopia, and only then began their victorious march through the Middle East.

He liked the consumers by the ability to activate the nervous system. This property is due to the complex chemical composition, which should be discussed in more detail.

The main active substance of coffee, which determines its tonic effect, is caffeine, which belongs to the class of alkaloids. Its main purpose is to excite the central nervous system.

By the nature of the action, it is similar to other psychoactive substances: nicotine, cocaine and a little strychnine.

Held chemical analysis made it possible to isolate other components of coffee beans:

  • trigonelline - an alkaloid substance, which gives the fried products a peculiar smell;
  • some vitamins, including vitamin D, which improves the absorption of minerals in the stomach and intestines;
  • sucrose and other carbohydrates that nourish nerve cells;
  • minerals (iodine, calcium, magnesium), which are included in the bone and heart tissue.

Thus, coffee is not a harmless drink, but a complex chemical formation that contains many substances that affect the human body in different ways.

The vitamins and minerals contained in coffee are certainly necessary for children, as they are able to strengthen immune system, activate metabolic processes. In some situations, a black drink can actually have a beneficial effect on children's well-being.

Properly prepared coffee from high-quality raw materials has such positive action, How:

  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • improving the functioning of the brain;
  • acceleration of awakening;
  • increased focus and attention;
  • reduction of fatigue;
  • stimulation of the body due to the release of the hormone adrenaline, which increases vigor and endurance;
  • mitigation of asthma attacks due to the impact on the brain areas responsible for the work of the respiratory system;
  • protection child's body from radiation, from harmful effects surrounding space.

However, perhaps the most pleasant “bonus” is an improvement in mood, since caffeine increases the amount of dopamine, which is also called the “happiness hormone”. Thanks to this action, a person feels joy after drinking a cup of coffee.

Harm of black drink for children

Not even every adult organism can normally tolerate caffeine, let alone children.

Experts say that regular coffee consumption is fraught with the following negative consequences for the still imperfect child's body:

  • flavored drink(especially soluble) in a large dosage is able to remove calcium - a mineral that is extremely important for a growing child;
  • coffee can lead to serious hormonal failure, which is dangerous during puberty;
  • the drink stimulates the pleasure centers in the brain, habituation to such a sensation can encourage children to look for stronger stimuli and stimulants - for example, drugs, tobacco products and strong alcohol;
  • the release of adrenaline speeds up the contraction of the heart, disrupts the heart rhythm, that is, the already active children's heart begins to beat too often, which is fraught with malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • coffee is a "hypertonic" drink that can increase blood pressure behind a short time by several points, that is, it is certainly capable of harming hypertensive children;
  • coffee is not suitable for some children because this drink releases glucose, which significantly increases the level of sugar in the body, from which the pancreas suffers and diabetes can occur;
  • black drink is a diuretic, and this leads to the leaching of calcium, which is important for the formation of dental tissue, bone system, nails and hair, and is also excreted from the body minerals and vitamins.

Scientists have found that the main component of coffee has an excessive effect on the nervous system of the child, causing excessive excitability, an increase in strength, stimulating intellectual activity.

This action lasts for 3-4 hours. Some parents think that there is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, sheer benefit. However, the stimulation is artificial!

Very soon good mood reverses as the effects of caffeine wear off.

Instead of activity and goodwill, tantrums, whims, distracted attention, and fatigue appear. And this is quite natural, since vitality, given to the child for the whole day, were wasted in 3-4 hours.

Thus, coffee is potentially harmful to children, especially young ones. In addition, it is extremely difficult to calculate the exact dose allowed for a child. Therefore, a wise parental decision would be to delay the use of the drink "until better times."

The arguments of coffee adherents about its complete safety can only be extended to absolutely healthy people.

An adult without chronic diseases can drink 3-5 cups of aromatic black drink daily. However, this dosage is relevant only for people over 18 years old, it is completely unsuitable for children.

The main problem that is associated with the possibility of drinking a black drink in childhood, lies in the difficulty of calculating a safe dose of caffeine for a changeable childish organism.

A child, and even more so a teenager, literally boils with hormones, which is reflected by a sharp increase in weight or height. Even children of the same class should not be given coffee in the same dosage.

And yet, someday you will have to give your child a mug of aromatic drink, so parents are extremely worried about the question, at what age is it allowed to give coffee to children?

To answer it, you should consider the characteristics of each age period.

  1. Coffee is generally contraindicated for children under five years of age! At this age, it is better to give the child clean water, compote or fruit drink, Herb tea. If the baby still stretches his hand to his mother's cup with a fragrant drink, you can offer him ordinary cocoa similar in color and texture.
  2. For older preschoolers, some mothers begin to give coffee diluted with milk. Are they doing the right thing? No. The child is not yet mentally strong, and the pressure from the outside world is only growing. First, graduating from kindergarten, then entering school, and so it increases the amount of adrenaline, so the extra tone is completely unnecessary for the child. As an option, offer him chicory with milk, which is somewhat reminiscent of coffee.
  3. In children at a transitional age (12-13 years), hormonal restructuring of the whole organism begins. And a black drink that regulates the release of hormones is also undesirable. Therefore, it is better to give up coffee and offer your child a soothing mint or chamomile tea, ordinary indian tea, cocoa or chicory with milk.

So, we have come to the age period from which doctors allow regular coffee consumption, however, with some reservations.

At 14-15 years old hormonal background a little "settled down", the psyche is also slowly stabilizing. Therefore, taking caffeine in small doses is quite acceptable. However, it is important to take into account the state of the cardiovascular system and once again not to remind you of a cup of coffee.

Should I give coffee to a child under 14 if he demands it? As is known, the Forbidden fruit sweet, so it's best to let the children take a couple of sips of the flavored drink under your control. By the way, many children note that coffee is too bitter and immediately refuse it. And they return to it only in adulthood.

Negative effects of drinking coffee

Each organism tolerates the use of certain food products, so even weak coffee capable of causing a range of side effects among which the most common are:

  • gagging;
  • rapid breathing;
  • headache;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • temperature increase;
  • a sharp jump in pressure.

Such consequences usually occur when you first meet with a black drink, and therefore it is recommended to give coffee only in the presence of adults. In the event of the appearance of such or other unwanted effects should immediately contact the doctors.

If you decide to diversify taste sensations child and brew him a cup of coffee (perhaps earlier than the recommended time), try to adhere to the following important recommendations.

  1. Since caffeine is found in chocolate, cocoa beans and all types of tea, you should not combine all these products, otherwise you may overdose.
  2. If a child of 7-10 years old insists on drinking coffee, you can give him a cup of drink, but not more than once a month and under your supervision.
  3. Give up instant drink, decaffeinated coffee, because they contain many chemical substances. In priority - natural coffe necessarily with sugar and milk (1:1).
  4. The drink is generally prohibited for use by those children who suffer from high pressure, kidney failure, insomnia, enuresis, peptic ulcers and eye diseases.
  5. This product is an excellent diuretic, therefore, in diseases urinary tract, bad job Bladder the first cup of coffee should be given as late as possible.
  6. When introducing coffee into a child's diet, it is important to monitor the reaction of the child. At the slightest deviation in the state of health, it is necessary to refuse the drink. Ideally, it is better to consult a doctor, as this may indicate any hidden serious diseases.
  7. It is forbidden to give a black drink in the morning on an empty stomach! And during dinner, its use is undesirable, because the child will then toss and turn in bed. It is best to drink coffee during lunch, for example, washing it down with a bun or a sandwich.

Of course, coffee is not a poison for a child's body. However to a small child and it is better not to give it to a teenager. Experts recommend regular consumption of a black drink only from the age of 15, when the nervous and hormonal systems are almost formed, or at least not too unbalanced.

Prepare for the child small portions and reduce the frequency of invigorating fluid intake. Only in this case, you minimize the possible Negative consequences from drinking coffee in childhood.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

All coffee fans sooner or later become interested in the question of how their favorite drink affects health, especially for children. Adults themselves are responsible for their lives, and the well-being of children directly depends on parental behavior. Important to do right choice, the consequences of which are important for the health of the growing child. Can children drink coffee? Answer to this actual question we are trying to find in this article.

The effect of coffee on the body

Any product or drink affects the chemical and physiological processes that occur in our body. Coffee is no exception.

What is in coffee?

  • The main active ingredient is caffeine. It is he who gives your favorite drink an invigorating effect.
  • Caffeine belongs to the group of alkaloids, which includes many nitrogen-containing organic compounds. The "colleagues" of caffeine are a variety of active substances, for example, nicotine, cocaine, quinine, and even strychnine.
  • Coffee beans include protein, fiber, sucrose, many minerals and even tannins.

Chemical composition coffee beans includes hundreds of substances. At present, the content and effect on the human body of no more than half of them has been studied.

In fairness, it should be noted that caffeine is the most active ingredient in the drink, and its content increases when raw coffee beans are roasted, by about 10-20%. How stronger degree roasting, topics stronger than coffee the more caffeine in it.

How does caffeine work?

  • It suppresses the receptors of a neurohormone that causes relaxation and drowsiness. Therefore, the speed of reaction and the sharpness of perception are improved.
  • Caffeine stimulates the production of adrenaline, so a person feels alert and energized. The activity of all body systems, including the brain, increases.
  • This active substance releases glucose, and stimulates its entry into the blood, which also contributes to a surge of strength and increased activity.
  • Caffeine increases the level of the neurohormone dopamine, stimulating its production and release into the blood. Hence the feeling Have a good mood after a cup of your favorite drink, because dopamine belongs to the so-called "hormones of happiness."

Here is such a hormonal-chemical cocktail a person receives with every cup of coffee. By itself, it does not cause any tangible harm to the body, except perhaps an increase in pressure, which may not respond very well to people with a tendency to hypertension.

The problem is not so much the caffeine itself, but the quantity. As the ancient doctors said: in a spoon - medicine, in a cup - poison. Small doses of caffeine become an excellent tonic and a light natural stimulant. Excess caffeine leads to many unpleasant consequences for the body.

Among them are dehydration, tachycardia, anxiety, sleep disturbance, metabolism and imbalance of the nervous system. This also includes the development of the habit of regular use coffee, and then the absence of a morning cup of your favorite drink will be perceived by the body very painfully, up to the development of depression.

An adult person of normal health can, without harm to himself, consume from 3 to 5 cups of coffee daily.

All conclusions about a safe coffee rate for health apply only to adults. With children, the situation is completely different.

A child at different stages of his development experiences much more stress than an adult. It is quite difficult to take into account all the nuances of the chemical and hormonal state of the child's body in ordinary life. Let's think at what age can a child be given coffee?

  • The youngest children, who are under 5 years old, are not offered coffee at all. Their drinks are water, compote, herbal teas.
  • From the age of 5, many parents begin to give weak coffee flavored with milk to children from the age of 5. Is it reasonable? The nervous system of the child is still not strong, while the load on it from the outside world is only increasing. Kindergarten, then the lower grades of the school and all the accompanying circumstances, already keep the child in a state of constant tone. The desire of a baby to try coffee at this age is usually born under the influence of adult behavior patterns. In this case, you can offer the child an alternative - cocoa or hot chocolate.

Healthy drinks made from chicory or barley can help young children replace coffee.

  • 12-13-year-old teenagers also experience a lot of stress, to which hormonal changes in the body are added. Coffee at this age can become real bomb delayed action. Growing up is an individual process, everyone proceeds in their own way, but in any case, balancing means are more useful for a young organism, which is in a state of hormonal stress and serious external pressure from the school and parents. For example, mint or chamomile tea, medium-strength black tea with lemon and sugar, milk, cocoa. So teenagers should not drink coffee in this place either.
  • Doctors believe that the first suitable age for drinking coffee comes with the advent of puberty, at 14-15 years old. The body has already coped with the first waves of hormonal surges, the nervous system has also somewhat stabilized. However, it must be taken into account that the brain is still in the formative stage, and the heart at this age is subjected to serious stress. Most modern adolescents are diagnosed with age-related non-pathological disorders of cardiac activity. Therefore, if the child does not show great zeal for coffee, then it is not worth specifically reminding him of this. Good green tea stimulates brain activity no worse, and the load on cardiovascular system far less.

Among reasonable parents, the opinion that coffee brings to the child prevails. more harm than good. Doctors support them in this, citing quite weighty arguments.

  • Caffeine has too strong an effect on the developing nervous system, leads to excessive activity, disturbs sleep and makes the child excitable.
  • Activation of the production of adrenaline provides not only cheerfulness, but also an increase in heart rate, as well as a violation of the heart rhythm. A small heart may begin to beat too often and unevenly, and this is not safe.
  • Under the influence of caffeine, the level of sugar in the blood rises due to the released glucose. This can lead to an imbalance in the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Caffeine has a pronounced diuretic effect. Because of this, there is an active leaching of calcium, which is so important for the proper growth of the skeletal system. A lack of calcium leads to slower tooth formation, deterioration of their quality, brittle nails and hair loss. In addition to calcium, potassium, magnesium, and other useful mineral compounds are washed out. If at the same time the child takes vitamins, then they are excreted too actively, and do not have time to be absorbed.

Caffeine, like most active organic compounds, is highly addictive.

The main danger associated with drinking coffee at a young age is that it is very difficult to calculate safe dose caffeine for the ever-changing children's body.

Differences in maturation, weight gain, and body processes in children of about the same age make it even more difficult to determine an acceptable dose of caffeine. Therefore, it is better to avoid the admission of this alkaloid in the children's diet altogether.

"Coffee and children" in questions and answers

We have collected the most popular questions and opinions of parents on the topic, and we will try to answer them from a medical point of view.


I give my son coffee in the morning so he wakes up faster. Isn't it harmful?


Many of the parents explain their choice by the need to cheer up the child, to help him become more active. For this, there are other, more gentle for a growing organism, means. For example, black sweet tea with lemon, cocoa, preferably not instant, but brewed, green tea will perfectly help you wake up in the morning.

A little morning activity in the form of a light exercise will be much more effective than a cup of coffee. The body will not only cheer up, but also adapt to daily stress.


Most caffeine is found in natural coffee. Is it possible to give a child soluble?


Indeed, natural coffee has a greater strength. However, giving the child instant coffee not worth it. This type of drink is a chemically created ersatz that negatively affects the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. Modern research allows us to trace the direct dependence of the growth of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract from drinking instant coffee. So giving instant coffee to a child is not recommended at any age.


Can I give my baby decaffeinated coffee?


In order to de-caffeine beans, they are subjected to certain treatments. chemical compounds. Some of them contain benzene, known to be highly carcinogenic. Others are ethyl acetate, which is more popular as a solvent based acetic acid. There are, of course, other, more gentle technologies, but when you buy decaffeinated coffee in a store, you don’t know how its beans are processed.

As for the natural variety of decaffeinated coffee, which was discovered in 2004, its beans contain theobromine. This substance also belongs to alkaloids, is a close relative of caffeine and has a very similar effect, in particular, it increases the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle.

As practice shows, it is impossible to completely free coffee beans from caffeine. Its content can be significantly reduced, but it is not completely removed. Coffee beans labeled "decaffeinated" contain between 0.1% and 1% of this active stimulant. Therefore, we are again faced with the question, how much caffeine is safe for any given child? Decaffeinated coffee - good alternative but it is intended for adults.

Milk, cream, lemon reduce the active properties of caffeine in the finished drink.

To give or forbid a child to drink coffee, each parent chooses independently. Even if the decision is positive, then the portions should be very small. The recommended frequency of drinking an invigorating drink for a child is no more than once a week.

Morning in many families begins with a cup of strong and fragrant coffee, but of course invigorating drink is exclusively in adult circles. Children are offered compote, juice, tea or milk, and never coffee. In fact, this issue is very relevant, the dangers and benefits of coffee are constantly being argued in all possible sources. To this day, this drink remains controversial, there is no generally accepted opinion whether or not it can be consumed - each person makes his choice based on the facts presented. The child's body has many specific features in natural processes, and therefore the question of whether it is possible to give coffee to a child is of interest to any parent.

The impact of coffee on children's body

The main substance due to which the aromatic drink acquires familiar properties is caffeine. Its content, depending on the variety, can reach 1500 milligrams per liter. It is the stimulating effect of caffeine that enhances motor activity, increases mental performance and reduces drowsiness.

Given the characteristics of the child's body, consider the main aspects of the influence of coffee on children:

  • exciting effect. If for adults a certain "dose" of activity and strength is sometimes simply necessary, then the child's nervous system (which is still at the stage of development) may experience overexcitation. A cup of coffee will cause negative changes in the behavior of even the calmest child - irritability will appear, whims will begin for any reason, and a large portion can lead to sleep disturbances, exhaustion and overwork;
  • drinking coffee helps to remove calcium from the body, which is necessary for the child in the process of growth and development;
  • caffeine stimulates the production of sex-type hormones, which can have a strong negative effect on the functioning of the hormonal system, which is also under development;
  • Regular use of the drink is addictive, and as a result, addiction develops. For a child's nervous system, this is a completely unnecessary test, such a habit becomes fertile ground for chronic fatigue, decreased activity and depression.

Drinking coffee affects almost all organs and systems. First of all, the work of the heart muscle accelerates, breathing quickens and the volume of urine excretion increases - such active work in a constant mode leads to rapid deterioration of the body.

Benefits of drinking coffee

Coffee has both negative and positive impact on the human body. Coffee bean contains many beneficial vitamins and trace elements that have an extremely beneficial effect: potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and others. Despite a number of factors negative influence, and useful properties can be distinguished:

  • due to the use of coffee in the body, the level of useful cholesterol increases;
  • to some extent, this drink has a preventive effect on the occurrence of gallstone disease;
  • the risk of developing diabetes is reduced;
  • normalization of the central nervous system (the drink is used even in medicine for diseases that depress the work of the central nervous system);
  • improved blood supply to the brain.

Coffee simultaneously forms an addiction and causes the hormone of happiness to be produced.

The effect of coffee on pleasure centers can be seen as a dual effect.

On the one hand, the level of production of the so-called “hormone of happiness” increases (as with the use of chocolate), but on the other hand, addiction develops, which forms in the mind of the child the belief that only through the use of this drink can one feel good. The result can be a serious mental disorder.

Can children be given coffee?

Weighing all the pros and cons, it is the parents who decide whether to allow their child to drink coffee in certain quantities. Experts say that given the fact that the child's body is in a state of active growth and development, it is better not to give the child coffee at all. . The first "acquaintance" with this drink should occur at the age of at least 14 years.

But how can you refuse a child if he so insistently asks to taste the fragrant contents of your cup? At a certain age, children repeat everything after adults, adopting habits and behavior patterns from them, and therefore, perhaps the only effective option would be to stop drinking this drink with a child for a while, so as not to create unnecessary temptations.

Of course, in any issue, the quantity factor is very important, it is necessary to prevent an overabundance. So, if parents still decide to give their child coffee, then this should be done in small portions and very rarely - no more than once a month. Lower the level a little. negative impact milk will help - they can safely dilute the drink.

Video about coffee: harm or benefit
