
Can it be given to small children? In what cases should children not have honey? Is it possible to give honey to children

At all times, honey was considered an excellent cure for many ailments. It is not only very tasty, but also healthy, thanks to the content of many vitamins, macro- and microelements. Since this product contains many substances necessary for the body, it improves immunity, and many parents wonder at what age honey can be given to a child.

Most often, honey is used to treat colds and coughs by adding it to hot milk or tea. They also make compresses by rubbing a small amount of the product with radishes or onions. This product helps you recover much faster and stay healthy longer.

Useful properties of honey

Honey is a very valuable product in the modern world. After all, it contains more than 60 useful substances. Most of all, honey contains grape sugar and fructose. If you eat only 100 g of this wonderful product, the body will receive 335 calories, 77.2% carbohydrates, and 3.3% protein.

With the daily use of a small amount of honey (1 tsp), metabolism improves, blood circulation is stimulated, and cardiac activity is normalized. The body gets a lot of useful macro- and microelements. Including vitamins: B2, B6, PP, C, E, K, H, folic and pantothenic acids.

Mandatory allergy test

If you decide to give honey for the first time to a child under one year old, it would be useful to make sure in advance that there is no allergic reaction to bee honey.

To do this, you need to perform a few simple manipulations. On the skin of the hand between the index and thumb, apply a little honey and rub it lightly. Record at least 5 minutes. If during this time the skin has not changed, has not turned red, has not begun to itch or hurt, you do not observe an increase in body temperature, then your child does not have an allergic reaction to honey. You can safely regale your baby with a useful product.

If at least one of the listed symptoms appears, it is better to refuse the use of honey. According to statistics, such a reaction occurs only in 1 out of 120 children, that is, the probability is not very high that it is your baby who will be allergic to this product. An allergic reaction is the only answer to the question: why honey is not allowed for a child.

Can small children have honey

Despite the beneficial properties of a wonderful product, there is no consensus on whether to give it to children or not. Despite this, many parents are still wondering at what age honey can be given to a child, considering it to be very useful.

According to experts, it is undesirable to give honey to children under one year old just because it is a strong allergen (the same as citrus fruits, eggs or chocolate). Therefore, if there is an urgent need to use this product as a therapeutic drug, then this is allowed, but after testing for an allergic reaction. Nutritionists say that a child under two years old should not eat more than half a teaspoon of honey per day. It is preferable to give it, previously dissolved in hot milk or tea. It is better to refuse daily use, because a certain bacterium may be present in honey, the spores of which can cause botulism in young children.

So, at what age can you give honey to a child? Mandatory in small quantities only after two years. It can be added to a variety of pastries, drinks, combined with cottage cheese. It will be not only tasty, but also useful. Honey can be absorbed by the body fairly quickly (much faster than other carbohydrate-rich foods). The amount of sugar contained in a healthy product is exactly what the body needs to maintain its required level in the blood.

Is it worth giving honey to a baby

Often this great product is necessary for children who are still very small. This applies only to those babies who are not breastfed. After all, they receive all the necessary substances with mother's milk. But artificial people have to be fed with special mixtures, and when there is no opportunity to buy them - with cow's milk. In order for babies to eat better, honey is used as a natural sweetener, a sugar substitute.

Most often, children eat such a “mixture” with pleasure and their body does not show any negative reactions. When cow's milk and honey are introduced into the diet of an infant, his body is enriched with all the necessary nutrients for normal development. It is also worth considering the antiseptic properties of a useful product and its ability to increase immunity and make the body less susceptible to various diseases. Babies, having honey in their diet, will almost never suffer from colic. In small quantities, there is no harm from it to a small organism, only benefit.

Therefore, the question of at what age it is possible to give honey to a child does not have an unambiguous and specific answer.

Can honey be given to one year olds?

As the kids get older, it's time for potty training and diapering. First during the day and then at night. If at the same time the child is given half a teaspoon of honey with warm milk daily at night, then potty training will be much easier. This product has a special effect on the nervous system of the baby and allows you to sleep through the night in dry panties. Thanks to honey, excess fluid is adsorbed in the body. The child will sleep soundly and calmly at night.

It is up to parents to decide at what age honey can be given to a child. If for babies who are not yet 1-3 years old, there are some restrictions on the use of this product, then for 10-year-old children there are none. The only thing to always remember is the dosage, which should not be exceeded, even though the product is well tolerated by children. The dosage for babies under three years old is one teaspoon per day, divided into two doses. With any first manifestations of diathesis or allergies, it would be better to stop using honey for a while.

Honey is a unique natural product containing a huge amount of components and trace elements necessary for a person: folic acid, vitamin complexes, carbohydrates, carotenes, etc. There is no need to argue about the benefits of this sweet, viscous substance, but questions about at what age honey can be given to a child still remain relevant. We will try to answer them in this article.

Despite the fact that honey has many beneficial properties, serious passions still flare up regarding its inclusion in the children's diet. Some actively defend the point of view according to which this product is mandatory for use almost from the cradle, others hold a diametrically opposite opinion. Who is right? At what age can honey be given to a child?

The most famous pediatrician in Russia, Dr. Komarovsky, does not deny the benefits of natural honey delicacy, but strongly recommends treating it with extreme caution. Honey is a biologically active product, and therefore it is almost impossible to predict the body's reaction to it. That is why the pediatric community has set clear age limits for the use of this sweet.

When can honey be given to a child?

  • for small infants (up to twelve months) the consumption of honey delicacies is categorically contraindicated;
  • in some cases, honey can be used by one-year-old babies as a biologically active food supplement, but before that, consultation with the local pediatrician is necessary;
  • bee nectar is included in the children's diet after the child reaches the age of three, moreover, no more than one tablespoon can be consumed per day;
  • children 6-10 years old can consume no more than 45 grams or three tablespoons of bee nectar per day;
  • children who have reached the age of ten are allowed to eat up to 75 grams of honey per day.

The modern pediatric community is convinced that feeding honey in the first year of a child's life is fraught with serious consequences, even death. As a rule, the child's body does not need additional vitamin and dietary supplements, since it receives everything it needs with mother's milk.

Daily intake

Now that we have learned at what age children can have honey, we should decide on the dosage. It was noted above that in some cases, bee nectar can be prescribed to babies under three years of age.

In what form and quantity should they consume this delicacy? As a rule, the daily dose should be no more than a third of a dessert spoon or 5 grams. Honey is diluted with warm milk, and the resulting sweet mixture is poured into a pacifier and presented to the baby in this form.

How much honey can children eat?

  • from 0 to 12 months - the consumption of the product is strictly prohibited;
  • from 12 months to three years - no more than 5 grams of the product per day and no more than 3 times a week;
  • from three to five years - the daily norm is 16 grams;
  • from six to ten years - up to 45 grams per day;
  • from ten years - up to 75 grams.

Parents need to strictly observe the daily intake, otherwise their child may develop an allergy.

Features of introducing the product into the diet

When we figured out how old you can give honey to children, let's talk about the features of introducing this product into the diet. Before you start giving honey, you must make sure that it does not have allergic reactions.

Step-by-step instructions on how to check if a child is allergic to honey:

  1. Take a small amount of honey.
  2. Apply it on your wrist.
  3. Leave for a couple of minutes.
  4. Wash off with water.

If within the next two to three hours redness does not appear on the treated area, and the temperature does not rise, then there is no allergic reaction, you can begin to include the product in the diet.

To begin with, the baby will simply need a few drops of honey dissolved in a glass of water. After a couple of days, when the body gets used to the sweet liquid, you can start giving a teaspoon every day.

It is worth noting that only liquid honey varieties are allowed for children under ten years of age. A thick candied product is not recommended to be included in the child's diet.

honey for babies

Can honey be given to a baby? Here, the opinions of pediatricians converge - honey delicacy is strictly prohibited for use in infancy.

The fact is that this product incorporates spore-forming rods, which, penetrating the digestive system of the baby, contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for botulism. These spores can also cause intoxication and lead to death.

In addition to the circumstances listed above, honey is prohibited for consumption, as it can provoke the development of allergic reactions. It is a fairly concentrated biologically active substance, which the baby's body is not able to absorb normally.

Benefits of honey for children

Honey is a unique natural product with a whole range of useful and healing properties. The main ones are listed below:

  • Promotes the accelerated development of the child.
  • Strengthens the immune system, normalizes its work.
  • It helps to strengthen the bone skeleton, tooth enamel.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to cope with colds.
  • Produces antipyretic effect, can fight high fever.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Improves blood circulation.

Also, honey can fight the hyperactivity of the child, have a calming effect on him.


Despite a number of advantages and benefits, honey is a rather controversial ingredient that should not always be included in the diet. Its use is prohibited in the following cases:

  • In the presence of allergies, individual intolerance to the product.
  • With scrofula - a rare disease, the external signs and manifestations of which are similar to exudative diathesis.
  • With idiosyncrasy.
  • With diabetes.
  • With obesity or a genetic predisposition to be overweight.

If your child has at least one of the ailments listed above, his honey intake should be reduced to zero.

It is known that a very young Zeus was fed with the milk of a divine goat and honey nectar. Is honey suitable for today's little sweet tooth? Will he give them strength and health, like the supreme Greek deity?

At what age can honey be given to children? age dosages.

Honey is an amazing product in its taste and invaluable in its medicinal properties. No wonder so many parents want to give it to their kids. Answering the question, is it possible to give honey to children, let's say - it is possible, but carefully!

Most doctors are inclined to believe that it is better to introduce honey into the diet of a child after he is 1 year old. The delicacy is classified as a highly allergenic product, and up to a year the immune system of the baby has not yet been formed.

The opinions of doctors about the first intake of honey as a child's food vary somewhat. Some say that it should be introduced from 1.5-2 years, others - only after 3-6 years. Doctor Komarovsky believes that if a child has no signs of allergy, and his parents tolerate bee products without consequences, then with a high degree of probability honey will be well absorbed by the baby.

In any case, before the first dose, it is recommended to conduct a small test. Spread a small amount of honey on the inside of the baby's wrist. If within 1 day itching does not begin at this place and redness does not appear, then you can give a few drops of a sweet treat. After making sure that the child does not have allergies, parents can increase the dosage of honey up to 30 grams (1 tablespoon) per day. It is advisable to eat this amount not at one time, but in portions.

Teenagers 9 to 15 years old can already use an almost adult dose - up to 80 g of honey per day (3 tablespoons).

What kind of honey is suitable for a child and how to give it?

Give children liquid honey. Honey in combs is not entirely suitable for baby food, although it is considered more useful.

Dilute honey in warm tea or milk, add to cottage cheese, compote, juices or jelly. There are also many recipes for making treats based on honey or with its addition.

You should know that honey diluted in a liquid with a temperature above 45C, loses its useful properties!

And most importantly, never force a child to eat honey by force. With good intentions, you can easily cause disgust for this tasty and healthy gift of nature for life. To interest the baby, you can come up with a fascinating story about how bees make honey.

What are the benefits of honey for children?

The beneficial properties of honey for children are confirmed by scientific research and the experience of many parents. Let's highlight the main one.

  • Development. Honey helps the active development of the child.
  • Strengthening immunity. Carotene and ascorbic acid contained in honey help fight infections and get sick less often.
  • Strengthening bones and teeth. Thanks to honey, a growing body absorbs magnesium and calcium better and receives prophylaxis against scoliosis. Honey does not destroy tooth enamel. However, due to the fructose content, the child should be taught to rinse his mouth after eating it.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. Honey is useful for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, kidneys and biliary tract.
  • Treatment of diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. Honey is able to ease coughing attacks and promote recovery from bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, pneumonia, etc.
  • Antipyretic effect. Honey has strong diaphoretic properties, so it is given to children at elevated body temperature.
  • Improving the composition of the blood. Honey contributes to the fastest recovery from anemia. The level of hemoglobin in the child's blood rises.
  • Improved digestion. Honey stimulates the active digestion of proteins and fats. They do not linger in the intestines and do not form putrefactive processes.
  • Vision improvement. Carotene, ascorbic acid and thiamine increase visual acuity and prevent wearing glasses in the future.
  • Treatment of the genitourinary system. Honey helps in the treatment of urinary incontinence in children.
  • Depressant. Honey has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Children fall asleep faster, they have a healthy full sleep.
  • Antifungal effect. Honey is effective in children's candidiasis in the mouth and in angina on the background of a fungal infection.

Traditional medicine offers many healing recipes for children based on honey with the addition of milk, oats, lemon, aloe, mustard, ginger, nuts, radish, herbs, etc. With the use of honey, children's massage is done and various compresses are prepared. But remember, it is impossible to cure severe diseases with the use of honey alone. In such cases, it will not replace medication and can only be used as an additional remedy.

Contraindications to honey

Contraindications for taking honey exist and require attention. If a child is prone to allergies, with a diagnosis of exudative diathesis, individual intolerance to the components of the product, diabetes mellitus, scrofula and obesity, it is better to coordinate the use of honey with the attending pediatrician.

Can children have honey and from what age? Each mother takes care of her child, so she carefully selects a diet for him. One product that raises many questions is honey. This issue needs to be carefully considered in order to protect the health of each baby.

What are the benefits of honey for children?

Honey is rich in vitamins and minerals, which in some cases are indispensable for humans. What is the use of a bee product for babies and can a child eat this delicacy? A quality product, in addition to strengthening the immune system, should also carry healing properties. Many parents have no doubt that the daily use of this product contributes to good health and well-being in general.

Researchers and scientists have long proven the positive effect of this delicacy on the body. For children, this product helps to strengthen the skeleton. The baby better absorbs magnesium, calcium and at the same time it is an excellent tool for the prevention of scoliosis. It is also very important that this delicacy has a good effect on the blood, because it increases the level of hemoglobin, and this improves the well-being of the baby. This sweetness is often used as a prevention of iron deficiency, therefore, a honey product is prescribed for pale and lethargic children. At the same time, due to its positive properties, it helps to defeat anemia very quickly.

The work of the gastrointestinal tract also improves - this is manifested by the rapid absorption of food, thus, this product prevents the occurrence of putrefactive processes that negatively affect the child. In addition, there are improvements on the side of the urinary system, especially when the baby has signs of urinary incontinence.

The use of this sweetness is simply necessary for prolonged coughing, because it will help soften the throat, which will help the baby get rid of pain when coughing during an illness. It is also very important that this sweetness has calming properties that have a very beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system. Therefore, it is used for children who have sleep problems. Thus, the baby quickly falls asleep and does not toss and turn all night.

Of course, looking at such properties of the product, I want to immediately give it to children, but there is no need to rush, because there are many nuances that you need to familiarize yourself with first. Honey is also a very strong allergen that can adversely affect health and well-being. Therefore, you should figure out how much a peanut of each age is allowed to eat and what contraindications this unique product has. And most importantly, you need to find out at what age you can give honey to a child and why it should not be used for children at the age of 1 year.

Is honey possible for a child under one year old?

Because of its possible allergies, this delicacy raises many questions. When can you give it to children and how dangerous is it to give honey to children under one year old?

If we talk about newborn babies, then all pediatricians say only one thing: a baby can react very strongly to this product, even when the dosage is small. This is due to the fact that in this sweetness there are spores of bacteria that the bees collect along with the nectar. And they can actively develop in a fragile body, so a monthly toddler can get food poisoning and botulism, which is very undesirable at that age. Therefore, this product should not be given to newborns, even with a pacifier, as many mothers are used to doing.

Is it possible for a one-year-old child to have honey? The answer to this question is the same as for babies. Of course, the risk of botulism is not so great, but we must not forget the possible allergenic reactions that occur not only in the form of a rash, but dangerous suffocation. Indeed, in a year the baby has not yet tasted all the products, and parents do not fully know about his allergies.

When parents decide whether to give this treat in the first year of a baby's life, it is best to seek the help of a pediatrician. After all, he will definitely help solve this problem and tell you whether honey is needed for children under 1 year old. It happens that parents give this sweetness in large quantities, without thinking about the consequences. If you experience any of the following symptoms after using this product:

  • constipation;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite.

Then you should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible, who will help determine the cause of this condition. As for the use of this product at 2 years old, then the opinions of pediatricians differ. Some believe that the second year of a baby's life, and specifically after 18 months, is special because almost all systems are formed and work. But this does not mean at all that allergies or botulism cannot occur at this age, just that the body perceives the product better than at one year old.

At what age can you give honey to a child?

At what age can you give honey to a child? Those who disagree with 2 years usually insist on 3 years. After all, it is at the age of 3 that it is most advisable to allow a child this sweetness. At the same time, it is believed that a product allowed at this age will reduce the likelihood of diseases such as the common cold. Of course, arguing about this is quite difficult, because someone considers the most suitable time to give honey to young children is 1 year, while others may generally lean towards 8 years. After all, it is at the age of 8 that such prophylaxis is useful.

First of all, the responsibility for making the decision lies with the parents. It does not matter at what age, but it is they who must understand whether honey is needed for a child and at what age it is best for the baby to get acquainted with this useful product. And if parents decide to give this treat for the first time at 1 year old, then there is nothing wrong with that, but at the same time you need to be aware of the risks and monitor your health.

If we talk about the recommendations of doctors, they believe that adding honey to the diet for a child is possible only after 1 year, and the best period for the first use of this delicacy is from 3–8 years, in the absence of allergies. The famous doctor Komarovsky also thinks so, but at the same time he pays special attention to allergic reactions.

Therefore, is it possible to give honey to a child at a certain age, each mother should decide on her own, after consulting with a pediatrician who will indicate the exact doses of the product, based on the general condition of the baby. After all, honey can only be given to children who do not have diabetes, obesity, gastrointestinal diseases, a tendency to allergies and scrofula.

It is very important not to miss the quality of this product, because not many honey now has the properties that children need. It doesn’t matter which one it will be from linden, sweet clover or other plants, the main thing is that the delicacy is fresh, because a former high-quality product can have a very bad effect on the baby’s health.

The intake of this delicacy should be distributed strictly into doses, usually a teaspoon for a small child, while this method of prevention can be repeated for several years at large break intervals. It is best to use it in the winter season, when the body needs to maintain immunity.

Any grandmother knows how to quickly calm a crying baby. It is enough to grease the pacifier with honey and give it to him. The sweet taste will quickly do its job, and the baby will fall asleep contented and calm. Since ancient times, honey was given from infancy. But today, warnings are increasingly being heard that the benefits of this product are greatly exaggerated, and in fact, it can cause serious harm to health. Parents need to know clearly whether children can take honey, if possible, from infancy or much later, and what the maximum dose can be.

About the benefits of honey for children

Many parents do not even suspect that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to give honey to children can be negative. After all, they themselves in childhood were given it as, almost a universal medicine. There is a rational grain in this. The beneficial properties of honey for children are known and proven.

  1. The product contributes to the full development of the child.
  2. It is a catalyst for the absorption of calcium and magnesium by the child's body, and without these substances, the full development of the skeleton is impossible.
  3. The product is prescribed for children with low blood hemoglobin.
  4. It improves intestinal peristalsis, promotes the digestion of food and timely emptying of the intestines.
  5. It contains carotene and vitamin C. It is these substances contained in honey that have a detrimental effect on viruses. Children who consume honey constantly have strong immunity.
  6. Carotene is an element that improves visual acuity. The earlier the baby begins to consume foods with carotene, the less vision problems will be at an older age.
  7. Since this product does not contain sugar, it does not contribute to cavities. However, fructose in the composition of honey can cause a violation of the microflora of the mucous membrane and cause the appearance of ulcers, stomatitis. Therefore, after eating this delicacy, you need to rinse your mouth.
  8. The product is used in the complex treatment of childhood enuresis.
  9. It is also a natural sedative, from which the baby quickly falls asleep.
  10. Also, the product has an expectorant property, so it is actively taken for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

As you can see, the list of useful properties of this product is quite voluminous, and few people have a question whether it is possible to give honey to children. However, there are also contraindications. Some substances contained in the product are strictly prohibited for young children, as they may adversely affect their development. Therefore, the question must be posed differently than at the beginning: at what age can honey be given to children so that there are no undesirable consequences.

Is it possible to give honey to children. Doctor Komarovsky

This delicacy is a storehouse of biologically active substances, which, undoubtedly, in one way or another affect the growing organism. But this impact is difficult to predict in advance. It can be both positive and negative.

In most cases, the negative impact manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction.

The most important reason for not taking this product at an early age is the risk of botulism. Honey can be contaminated with botulism spores. The children's body is designed in such a way that the emptying of the intestines, where these very spores, in the end, turn out to be, may occur irregularly. As a result, intoxication of the body begins, spores secrete a deadly poison. That is why it is impossible to give beekeeping products up to 2 years.

At what age should you give honey to a child?

This is a frequently asked question, and it is caused by the fact that many mothers do not know if it is possible to give honey to an infant or if it is worth waiting. In the past, such a question was not raised, since no one even suspected the existence of some kind of botulism spores, biologically active components of beekeeping products. It was believed that honey cures a cold, so they were treated with it, regardless of age. In our time, they are trying to bring a scientific basis to everything, so they conduct all kinds of biological research. But even common sense should tell you that you need to make sure that before using this product:

  • In quality: our ancestors had no idea what an ecological disaster was, and they were not even afraid to drink water from natural reservoirs. In Soviet times, too, all products were safe, as they passed strict GOST control. Today's products, including honey, may contain dyes, flavor enhancers, sugar, and even paraffin. Store-bought honey can be dangerous for babies. However, too many nutrients are also not "good to eat." The child's body will begin to reject them. For a child, natural honey can become just as harmful as surrogate honey. In addition, it is not known where the apiary was located. It is possible that a few meters from a busy highway.
  • In the absence of allergies: Statistics show that the number of children with allergies has doubled in the last 25 years. It's all about environmental degradation and an increase in the proportion of chemical components in food products. Honey is the strongest allergen. If the baby suffers from allergies, then from a few drops he may begin a deadly Quincke's edema. Don't you think, dear parents, that an exhaustive answer has been given to the question, is it possible for a baby to have honey?

According to modern pediatricians, there is no need to rush to introduce honey into the children's diet. In addition, it is necessary to observe the age dosages of honey consumption by children.

  • For children under 1 year old, honey is generally contraindicated;
  • Up to 3 years, the ban is not so categorical, but it is better to give bee products only in exceptional cases and not more than half a teaspoon, moreover, this dose is given in 2-3 doses;
  • At 3-5 years old, you can give your child a little more than a tablespoon of this delicacy per day, divided into 3-4 doses;
  • At 6-9 years old, the introduction of honey into the diet is welcome, as it stimulates mental activity and strengthens the immune system. The exception is children who are allergic to bee products. The dose for this age group is 3 tablespoons per day;
  • Children over 9 years old can be given up to 5 tablespoons per day.

Equally important for parents is the question of how to give honey to a child so as not to harm his health.

Firstly, even observing the dosage, you should not abuse the product and give it longer than 1 month. You can resume the reception after 2-3 months.

Secondly, do not give honey undiluted to a child. It can be diluted with milk, water, added to warm, but not hot tea. Honey for children can successfully replace sugar in cereals, cottage cheese, yogurts. But even if the child needs honey in this particular case, and he does not transfer it to the spirit, there is no need to give it by force.

Do not give this product unnecessarily. The later the need arises, the better.

At school age, honey will bring maximum benefit to the child. In extreme cases, you can give a baby over 2 years old half a teaspoon a day. Giving honey to babies before they are 2 years old is an unjustified risk.. Responsibility for the consequences, entirely, will lie with the parents. And it is almost impossible to foresee them. At best, it can be a skin rash from over-consumption of bee products. To prevent this from happening, you need to observe the dosage of honey for children in accordance with age.

Contraindications for taking honey by children

Contraindications are due to the content of biologically active substances in the product. Do not give honey to children if:

  • The child is under 1 year old;
  • The child showed allergic reactions to bee products, there is diathesis;
  • Diagnosed with scrofula or external tuberculosis;
  • There is an individual intolerance to some components of honey;
  • The child suffers from diabetes;
  • There is a predisposition to fullness or obesity is diagnosed. If you give him honey, he will acquire new ones in addition to the extra pounds.

It is unlikely that any of the parents will risk neglecting contraindications. After all, this is fraught with very serious problems with the health of the baby.

Why is honey dangerous for children?

If you give honey to a child too early, or give a low-quality product, and do not follow contraindications, the following complications may occur:

  • Allergy manifestations from rash to Quincke's edema;
  • Botulism is a disease that affects the nervous system and respiratory organs;
  • With individual intolerance to honey, a child may experience some allergy symptoms: hives, runny nose, and others;
  • Excessive consumption of the product leads to the development of caries and weight gain.

To the question of whether children can have honey, there is still no unequivocal answer from parents. As a rule, those who have experienced the hardships of complications will never give this product to a child again, others are sure that only with its help the baby's cold passes quickly and without consequences. In any case, it is better to refuse the use of honey at an early age. Yes, and after 2 years, you need to introduce honey into the baby's menu with caution.
