
Indian black tea assam. Indian province of Assam: its tea production is one of the international leaders

Assam is a popular variety of large-leaf black tea all over the world. It is obtained from plantations growing in the northeast of India. Wild tea bushes can reach a height of 20 meters, but usually these plants are not allowed to grow above 2 meters so that the leaves can be conveniently collected from them.

Assam tea got its name from the name of the Indian state located in the east of the country, which became famous for its production. This province receives about half of the total Indian tea.

The tropical climate of these places summer heat and high humidity is ideal for growing tea, a rich harvest of which is harvested twice a year. A large amount of annual rainfall and temperatures of about 40 degrees in the summer months create greenhouse conditions in these places, which give the tea leaf a unique taste.

Taste and aroma of tea

According to the description, Assam tea is enough Reviver, in the taste of which there are tart and astringent notes. It has a floral spicy aroma with a hint of honey. The drink has saturated color: orange to reddish brown. Assam is perfect for connoisseurs of classic fragrant black tea.

Indian Assam tea goes well with all kinds of snacks, pastries and sweets. Sugar, lemon or mint can be added to this tea. It can also be drunk with milk, however, in this case it will not be possible to fully enjoy its rich natural taste and feel the magnificent aftertaste inherent in this particular variety.

Assam leaves close up

Assam black tea is easy to distinguish from other types. It is brewed as pure form and in combination with other varieties. Such tea compositions can often be found on sale under the name Breakfast Tea (“Tea for Breakfast”). However, in the UK this popular variety It is considered a classic black tea and is consumed both in the morning and in the evening.

History of occurrence

The British citizen Robert Bruce is considered to be the discoverer of the Assam variety of tea. At one time, this English major claimed that it was he who, at the beginning of the century before last, was the first to discover wild tea bushes in the Indian province of Assam.

Today, probably, it will no longer be possible to establish for certain which of these two gentlemen stood at the origins of the tea history of India. The only important thing is that, having found itself in fertile conditions two centuries ago, tea has become inextricably linked with this country. Today, India is the second largest producer and exporter of tea in the world after China.

The first tea plantations in this area were founded in 1834, and five years later the British began to send high-quality Indian Assam tea to Britain. Deliveries were carried out by the world's first Assam tea company. One of its leaders was Dvarakanath Tagore, grandfather of the famous poet, composer and Nobel Prize winner in literature Rabindranath Tagore.
Cultivation and collection tea leaf

Tea is harvested twice a year: in early spring (March - April) and late summer - early autumn (July - September). The main volume of tea leaves (about 75%) is collected during the second harvest, which can last until the end of autumn.

Tea picking in Assam

In summer, when the tea leaf reaches largest sizes, collect the highest quality and most expensive Indian Assam tea, which is considered elite.

Types of tea

The Indian province of Assam, where the tea of ​​the same name is produced, has a diverse relief. Tea plantations grow at different heights above sea level and, accordingly, the tea that is grown on them differs in its properties and taste. There are many varieties of Assam tea:

  • Assam Mokalbari. The name of this type of tea comes from the name of the plantation where it is grown. The taste of this variety has pronounced honey notes, and the fragrant infusion golden color perfectly tones.
  • Assam Gold. Elite tea With high content tea buds. Its taste is distinguished by exquisite astringency with slight sourness and floral aroma.
  • Assam Meleng. It is grown on the plains in the valley of the Brahmaputra River. The tea leaf has a rich chocolate color and sweet aroma with fruity notes. When brewed, it gives an invigorating strong infusion with a pleasant velvety taste.
  • Assam Mangalam premium. Grown in the highlands in the north of the state. The infusion has a red-brown hue and a warm bright bouquet with a deep aroma. Saturated astringent taste gradually turns into a long velvety aftertaste.
  • Assam Harmutti. This type of high quality black tea has a tart taste and is especially popular with true connoisseurs drink. Infusion of fiery color opens up a variety of fruity and floral flavors.
  • Assam Behora. Tea from a plantation on the banks of the Brahmaputra River. It has a discreet spicy-woody aroma, tart taste with a slight sourness and an infusion of an intense chestnut hue.
  • Assam Diju. This tea has a reddish-golden hue of infusion, and its tart taste can impress with exquisite fruity and nutty-honey notes.
  • Assam Raidang. Contains selected top leaves and a large number of kidneys. It has an infusion of cognac color, spicy aroma and tart, but at the same time mild taste.
  • Assam Jamguri. The tea has a deep aroma with hints of dried fruits, a thick ruby ​​infusion and a rich aftertaste.

Benefit and harm

Assam black tea has antioxidant action. Perhaps the main benefit of this drink is to protect the cells of the body from free radicals. However, getting carried away with strong brewed tea and drinking it in large quantities doctors do not recommend.

Brewed Assam in cups

Tea contains caffeine, which invigorates and stimulates mental activity. But with increased blood pressure Do not drink this drink in large volumes. In addition, the use of products containing caffeine can lead to undesirable consequences for the body, among which are irritability, nervousness and headaches.

How to brew and store Assam

Tea is traditionally brewed with porcelain, earthenware or glassware, after rinsing it with boiling water. Water is taken soft, because tap water, even filtered, will not allow you to fully experience everything taste features of this variety.

In order for the tea leaf to reveal all its qualities, you need to know how to brew Assam correctly. It is recommended to prepare a drink with water with a temperature above 80 degrees, but you should not use boiling water in order to preserve the beneficial properties of tea. Tea leaves are usually taken at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of tea. Brew the infusion for five minutes.


Reading time: 4 minutes


The name of tea comes from the region where the bushes grow. Assam is a small region located in India. The drink belongs to the black varieties, it is produced from certain varieties of tea bushes called Camellia Sinensis. Trees grow at sea level, where favorable conditions are created for them.

Indian Assam

Assam belongs to one of the largest tea plantations, which is located on both sides of the Indian river Brahmaputra. It is in this area that it often rains, and during the monsoon period, the amount of precipitation can reach up to three hundred millimeters per day. During the day the air temperature is very high, about forty degrees. Therefore, such weather with high humidity creates a greenhouse effect, which favorably affects the taste of the leaf. Every year, India produces up to seven hundred and fifty kilograms of products.

Approximately half of all Indian tea is Assam, so the main occupation of the inhabitants is the production of tea. Leaves grown in areas with a humid hot climate have many useful properties and excellent palatability. Assam is also famous for rice production, sugar cane, cotton and citrus.

Every day we drink fragrant delicious tea, we don’t even think about where the leaves grew, in what area and what kind of variety it is. And even more so, no one is even interested in how this or that one arose.

Assam was first discovered by the Scot Robert Bruce in 1823. While trading in this area, he found unusual plant tree-like. Noticing that the locals were brewing an infusion from the leaves, he asked for some leaves in order to study their properties and composition in detail. It so happened that Bruce died without examining the samples.

Only in the thirties of the nineteenth century, Robert's brother sent tea samples to scientists for research. And they proved that the leaves from which tea is made are a variety of the Chinese bush Camellia sinensis. Only in Assam, the leaves are less dense and larger in size. They come in a variety of colors and have many hairs.

About the bush Camellia sinensis

Assam does not refer to mountain teas, but to those that grow on the plains. Previously, this bush was attributed to separate species. Only after a thorough study of the leaves, scientists proved that this is a kind of Chinese tea tree, as we said.

The tree grows from fifteen to twenty meters, but tea producers do not allow it to reach more than two meters, so that it is convenient for workers to collect leaves. The bush itself adapts to environmental conditions, despite the fact that the weather affects the quality of the tea leaf. A variety of Assam bush gives a high yield.


Assam is harvested throughout the year, only in winter the trees are not productive. The collection of leaves is divided into three stages:

  1. Spring first collection begins in March. Assam, made from the product of this crop, does not have a very rich aroma, but it has a sweet pleasant taste. Properly brewed tea picked in the spring will have a golden hue.
  2. Summer collection is considered the highest quality and valuable. During this period, tea volumes are twice as large as those harvested in the spring. This Assam is different great taste, rich color drink and wonderful aroma.
  3. Autumn collection lasts until December. Sometimes it happens that the summer collection continues until the end of September and in the fall the leaves are not plucked.

The most valuable is Indian black tea, which grew in Upper Assam. Tea leaves are boat-shaped, sometimes pink-yellow.

Benefits of Assam tea

In Europe, the drink received a second name: "English black tea for breakfast." strong drink with malty taste, has several useful properties:

  1. The composition of tea contains many antioxidants, so its intake is considered an excellent prevention. oncological diseases. It is believed that the phenols contained in Assam prevent the occurrence of ovarian cancer in women. The properties of the drink have a positive effect on male health, protect against lung cancer.
  2. The caffeine contained in tea gives strength, increases the efficiency of the brain. As you know, the use of products that contain caffeine negatively affects our body. For this reason, assam should not be drunk more than five cups a day.
  3. Regular intake of Assam renders positive impact on the work of the heart and blood vessels. The drink can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the risk of a heart attack.
  4. Drinking tea in old age benefits the body. Helps reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease, which can occur in older people.

Types of tea

On sale there is a large assortment of Assam tea varieties, presented by different manufacturers. It can be found as Newby Assam, delivered from India, also produced by the Greenfield trademark. Ahmad company produces Assam tea, which is based on the product not highest quality. Such tea, as Assam 17 is supplied to the market by Germany, is characterized by a small leaf with golden tips.

You can find on the shelves of supermarkets granulated and packaged Assam tea, presented by the Kazakh brand Teahouse. Such a drink has a nutty-floral flavor, this tea can be prepared with the addition of milk and sugar. The sales representative also produces a leaf product, but it is not popular due to its pronounced aroma, so not everyone likes it.

Other types of tea

How to Brew Assam Indian Tea

In order to fully reveal all the qualities of tea, you need to know how to prepare it properly. It should be remembered that optimum temperature water when brewing should be at least eighty degrees. Clay or glassware would be suitable. Teapot before cooking, rinse with boiling water. Most teas have brewing instructions, so read the label on the package. Exist general rules for making a drink.

The tradition of arranging tea ceremonies is borrowed from the Chinese. From them we learned what kind of drink it was. The initiative was taken up by the British, who spread their addiction to it all over the world. Among the variety of varieties available, Assam tea is the most popular.

Description of Assam tea: what is it

That's what they call classic look black large-leaved, which grows in the northeastern part of India. It is easy to recognize by spicy aroma with a slight hint of a floral bouquet and honey accords unusual for this drink.

It goes well with lemon or milk, but it is better not to use additives so as not to spoil the pleasure of a pleasant aftertaste. To feel it deeper, it is recommended, after the next sip, to exhale halfway through the mouth, and then through the sinuses. Then you will feel refined taste of malt and invigorating freshness of menthol.

It grows wild in nature, reaching 20 m in height. This is a real tree. In an artificial environment, it is not allowed to grow above 2 m, otherwise it will create inconvenience during collection. For all its unpretentiousness pleases good harvest several times a year.

Origin story

The discoverer is believed to be a Scot named Robert the Bruce.. Motherland famous tea by a happy coincidence, it was the place of his trade. There he discovered interesting plant resembling a tree. The locals told him that they make an infusion from its leaves.

The merchant asked them for a few pieces to study, but he did not have time to do research. Only in the thirties of the XIX century. his brother gave the scientists samples of the leaves. They found out that this is a variety of Camellia - a Chinese shrub. Only the Gardens of Assam are abundant colors, and there are villi on the leaves themselves.

As a result of the Anglo-Burmese war, this territory fell under the citizenship of Great Britain, which is main producer. After the fragrant drink hit the expanses of Europe, it began to be called English tea for breakfast. We enjoy it to this day.

Production technology

The crop is harvested throughout almost the entire year, except for winter period when the trees are not bearing fruit. The collection of raw materials is divided into several stages:

  • First or spring- starts in March. The leaves at this time do not give such a rich aroma, but they have a special sweetish aftertaste. At proper preparation drink takes on a golden hue.
  • Summer collection - the highest quality, has high value. Its volume is twice the previous one, it also has excellent taste, bright color. He smells great.
  • Autumn - goes until December, but sometimes it happens that in the summer they begin to collect leaves and the harvest period ends in September.

Most valued leaf tea grown in Upper Assam. Boat-shaped leaves can even be pinkish or yellow. There are two production methods.


  1. From the first leaf of a tea shoot.
  2. The raw materials are the second sheets.
  3. The third is taken as a basis.
  4. Fourth sheet.

Leaves are collected only by hand, so as not to damage them.


This system was created a couple of centuries ago. Its author is George Reid. As part of pre-training tea raw materials are dried, fermented, roasted. Then it is crushed and sorted using special equipment.

The rest - tea dust is used to produce granulated and bagged tea. About the features of production, the benefits and harms, best brands bagged tea read .

Composition and useful properties

It is produced from tender young leaves and golden buds, which are rich in vitamins and useful components. The usefulness of the drink is determined by the following characteristics:

  • Thanks to an abundance of antioxidants it is taken for the prevention of cancer. It contains phenols, which prevent the development of ovarian cancer in females. In men, the risk of pulmonary pathologies is reduced.
  • Caffeine saturates with strength, activates the brain, if you do not exceed the recommended dose - no more than 5 cups per day.
  • Has a positive effect on functioning of cardio-vascular system . Strengthens the tone of the arteries, reduces the likelihood of seizures.
  • Improves metabolism.

By agreement with the doctor, it can even be used by pregnant women, if not brewed tightly, but not more than 2 cups per day. Then from drinking to eat significant benefit- it strengthens bone tissue, saturates with calcium and strengthens the immune system.

Types and varieties of Indian tea Assam

Thanks to unique characteristics it is difficult to confuse with others - noble taste and originality conquered even the British, which is traditionally used for breakfast. Unlike Ceylon, it is softer, not so viscous, but wins in terms of strength and saturation.


It has an amber and uniform color. The aroma of the infusion is easy to recognize by the presence of nut and honey notes. It has a refreshing aftertaste. Gives energy for the whole day. It is recommended to drink it without additives, but can be combined with cream or mint. There are different types of it:

All of them are free of artificial impurities, therefore suitable for adherents healthy lifestyle life. There is also a tea with bergamot, for lovers of spice.


It is produced in several variations - sheet, packaged and in granules. It has a pronounced astringency, original taste tones. Among the variety of tastes, you can choose a drink to suit your mood. It improves the emotional mood, has a yellow-green color. They produce assam with jasmine, classic and with fruits.

Potential Harm

Incorrect use of the drink can harm your body. So, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its use. The most important of these is that it is forbidden to drink infusion that is brewed for more than half an hour. This negatively affects the activity of the heart and blood vessels.

Don't mix it with alcohol otherwise it will increased load on the kidneys, which is fraught with the development of pathology. If you abuse an overdose, drink it often, it will suffer nervous system. Then you can become excitable, suffer from dizziness, migraine and nausea.

Do not use it too hot, it is fraught with deformation. internal organs and the formation of cracks on their surface.

The tea ceremony, in principle, historically belongs to the Chinese. It was they who shared this drink with the whole world. However, it is worth paying tribute to the British: this country spread the addiction to tea throughout the colonies of the former empire, infected its associates with love for it, popularized the drink among its neighbors and did a lot to improve it. Until now, the most popular Indian varieties, including Assam tea.

Origin of tea

It owes its name to the name of the region, which is located in the delta of the river with a purely Indian nickname Brahmaputra. Now it is the largest area in the world where tea is cultivated. A significant advantage of this area is their height: they grow up to 20 m, unlike their Chinese counterparts, whose height does not exceed four meters. The leaves of the plant are much larger if collected from a bush growing in the Assam region. Tea from them turns out a beautiful reddish hue, although it is considered black. The leaves of the Indian bush are not as dense as the Chinese bush, due to which it is easier to give taste and aroma to the drink.

However, the British, who were then the masters of India, did not stop at cultivating a wild plant: they crossed it long and hard with "relatives" of Chinese origin, experimented with agrotechnical processing of plantations, harvesting methods and brewing methods. finished product, achieving unique taste and smell qualities. And what made Assam world-famous as a result? tea grown here.

Superiority controversy

The popularity of this variety at one time even gave rise to jealous discussions on the topic of who gave the world assam tea. The official discoverer is considered to be an English military man who discovered unique tea trees during his travels and brought seeds and seedlings to the ruler of the Assam region. It happened in 1823, which has since been considered the beginning of history and distribution. However, the major's brother named Charles claimed that it was he who first discovered amazing plants. Robert's next opponent was Charlton, a lieutenant, who claimed that in 1831 he sent samples of bushes to a society engaged in horticulture and agronomy. However, it was Robert Bruce who went down in history, and how things really were is shrouded in the darkness of obscurity.

Taste and consumption rules

I must say, "Assam" is one of the most famous and preferred varieties. Only it smells slightly, but quite noticeably, of malt; only in it honey taste is combined with astringent astringency. Yes, and a rather unusual red hue is very attractive for a lover of such a drink. If you are a sincere connoisseur of tea diversity and want to enjoy the whole bouquet of aroma and taste from the bottom of your heart, try to inhale the air immediately after each sip both through your nose and through your mouth. You will fully feel all the subtleties and hidden shades, including a barely noticeable menthol note.

If you do not want to delve into the nuances of preparing individual varieties of Assam tea, you can stick to the average. That is, put a couple of tablespoons of raw materials in a 300 ml teapot, pour boiling water and leave for five minutes. However, keep in mind: you can lose a lot in aromatic and taste sensations.

Indian diversity

It should be noted that assam-tea of ​​the “native” production is very diverse in the assortment. There is a fairly large number of variations within those teas that are produced in Assam. For example, "Kiyung TGFOPI" is still considered a new variety, which recently began to be grown on the Kiyung plantation. Its refined aroma and viscous taste is very different from what BLEND ST.TGFBOP has assam tea. It should be noted that it is a product of the second collection and consists of a mixture of several black teas. This allows you to brew a very strong drink with a very deep and rich taste. One of the most appreciated (and at the same time - especially expensive) - "Assam MOKALBARI". In him increased content tea tree buds (bush), due to which the taste of malt and honey becomes more noticeable. But there are also varieties "Daisajan TGFOP", "Dinjan" and so on, and each of them has its own taste advantages. So a person who wants to find the most suitable assam tea for him will be forced to try quite a few drinks before choosing his own.

Features of brewing individual varieties

Note that, despite the general similarity different varieties for getting best taste it is worth listening to the manufacturer's recommendations. So, the same "Kiyung TGFOPI" is advised to brew for only a couple of minutes, and the boiling water should cool down to 90 degrees. And MOKALBARI is recommended to brew with even cooler water, but it needs to be insisted longer. So black tea "Assam" produced by different varieties has its own subtleties when used.

Kazakh view on Assam tea

India with this Central Asian country has different views on the "right" tea. Kazakhs, in particular, are not too inclined to drink a drink made from leafy raw materials. Therefore, Assam tea from Kazakhstan mainly comes in granular form. Since 2009, there has been a parallel Kazakh tea bag. For true drink aficionados, this is not a good replacement for the Indian offerings, but the Kazakh versions are much cheaper and travel-friendly. Friendly Territory offers "Assam" in the following variations: evening, morning, GOLD, green and fruity. All of these are packaged or granular packaging, which are quite cheap. However, if you are interested real tea"Assam", the price should not confuse you. Raw materials simply have to be sheet, and the origin is Indian. But then you will have to pay from 240 to 700 rubles per 100 g - it depends on the variety. For Kazakh teas, you will pay from 25 (!) to 150. Choose what you like best.

Assam black tea is a classic Indian tea. And in Europe it is called " English tea for breakfast." It has a multifaceted, memorable and unique aroma. Its taste is tart, full-bodied, with hints of malt, the color of the tea is reddish-brown. It is endowed with useful properties, it is recommended as a tonic drink. Real gourmets love and appreciate this tea.

Homeland of tea and history of origin

Assam tea in India grows in the foothills of the eastern Himalayas and the Shillong Plateau, in the state of Assam. It is difficult to answer where the first tea trees came from. Their discovery is attributed to the Indian Bodo tribe. Other sources say that the development of modern tea production India is indebted to the British. In the 30s of the 19th century, Robert Bruce received tea seedlings as a gift from a representative of the Sikh people. His brother Charles Bruce donated them to Calcutta Botanical Garden for study. Tea trees took root, they were given the name Camellia assamica, and they began to grow successfully in India. The tea plantations were operated by the Jorhat Tea Company and the Assam Company.

In 1937, the first cargo of Assam tea was sent to England. All of it was sold at a tea auction. Tea trees continued to be cultivated in India, and soon tea plantations covered an area of ​​3,41,049 hectares. Now there are about 100 thousand small plantations and 765 large tea estates in the state. They produce over 570 million kilograms of tea annually. And this is 13% of the total world tea production.

Assam tea production

The tea leaf is harvested in India throughout the year, except for winter. Tea harvested in early spring has pleasant taste but has almost no flavor. Tea harvested in summer is especially valuable. It has a juicy color and great taste. In autumn, tea is also harvested, but not every year.

For the production of tea in India, two methods are used: mechanized and traditional.

The traditional way

The traditional processing method is best preservation tea leaves and buds. There are four categories of tea processed in this way:

1. Flowery Orange Pekoe. The raw material for production is the first sheet. Word Orange to orange color does not apply, the name is given from the East Dutch company engaged in the supply of tea to Europe "House of Orange".
2. Orange Pekoe. The second leaf of the tea shoot is used.
3. Pekoe. Tea consists of a third leaf.
4. Suchong (fourth sheet).

mechanized way

The CTC mechanized tea leaf processing system was created in the 19th century by George Reid, and in the 20th century it was improved by William Mackerher. Tea raw materials are pre-dried, fermented, roasted. Then it is driven through special rollers that grind the tea leaves. Tea is sorted using special equipment.

The remaining tea dust is used for the production of granulated and bagged tea. World famous "Breakfast Tea" is a finely granulated

Useful properties of Assam tea

  • A large amount of caffeine provides vivacity, stimulates brain activity, an influx of strength.
  • Antioxidant properties of this tea - reliable protection at the biomolecular and cellular level from the oxidizing action of oxygen. A positive trend in reducing the growth of malignant tumors was noted.
  • Flavonoids contained in tea prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, the risk of heart disease is reduced.
  • Regular consumption of tea reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease in older people.
  • Men, as a prophylactic, should consume up to 4 cups of this tea per day, women - no more than two.


In connection with great content caffeine tea is not recommended for hypertensive patients. Shouldn't drink tea drink at night, it can impair sleep. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid taking freshly brewed strong drink.

Assam tea brewing rules

To prepare tea, it is better to use dishes made of Yixing clay, porcelain or glass. For 200 ml of water, you should not take more than 5 g of tea leaves. The water temperature should not be lower than 80°C, but not higher than 95°C. Leaves are poured hot water by one third so that they reveal all the aroma, after a few minutes water is added to 1/3 of the teapot, and after a while the teapot is filled to the brim.

Tea needs to be infused. The fact that it is brewed correctly can be judged by the foam formed on the surface. It cannot be removed, it contains essential oils And useful material. You can gently mix the resulting drink and start pouring into cups. Or pour some of the drink into a clean container and pour it back into the kettle.

To feel the beauty of Assam tea, you need to drink it without the addition of sweeteners and flavors. Sweets lovers can try this tea with dried fruits: figs, dates, dried apricots.
