
Delicious winter drinks. pumpkin tea latte

In winter, we need not only warm clothes, but also proper nutrition, giving energy, and warming drinks. In addition to the usual tea and coffee, there are also various mulled wines and punches. Which of them will help to better endure the cold and bad weather?

In the old days in Rus', in winter they kept warm only with sbiten. It was sold on stalls on the street. This drink is nothing more than a decoction of spices flavored with honey, molasses or sugar. Classic Russian recipe for sbitnya like this: 3 tbsp honey, 3 tbsp sugar and 1.5 cups of water mix and boil for 10 minutes, then add 1.5 tsp each of cloves, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom, 2 bay leaves and boil for another 5 minutes, strain. This drink has an excellent warming and anti-inflammatory effect.

According to nutritionists, tea, especially black tea, is the most suitable drink For winter period. It contains theophylline, which causes vasodilation and an increase in body temperature, as well as caffeine, which relieves fatigue. And if you add vitamin C in the form of lemon, cranberries or other fruits, black or red black pepper and honey to tea, the effect and benefits of the drink will increase.

But coffee for the winter is not very good - it is much better to drink cocoa or hot chocolate. Only it must be prepared from real chocolate, and not from those bags of dubious powders that are often advertised. Hot chocolate with milk or cream is absorbed by the body faster and gives a feeling of satiety and warmth for a long time. Thanks to a special substance serotonin, it improves mood. Hot chocolate is also good to drink when you start coughing.

hot chocolate recipe

  • 175 ml milk
  • 50 g dark chocolate
  • 50 ml cream
  • vanilla sugar

Chop the bitter chocolate with a knife or break it with your hands, put it in a large cup and melt it slightly in microwave oven(30-60 sec at maximum power) or in a water bath. Pour milk into the bowl and mix, put back in the microwave for 1 minute. Heat up but do not bring to a boil. Whip the cream with vanilla sugar and decorate the drink. Sprinkle with spices (ground cinnamon, dried ginger), decorate with marshmallows.

Inhabitants Northern Europe created their own warming winter drinks based grape wine or rum. There is a legend that the first of them was punch. It was invented by English sailors sailing to distant India. To make punch you need 5 ingredients: grape wine, fruit juice rum, honey (or sugar) and spices. First, the wine is heated to 70 g, then sugar, spices, citrus juice and let it brew for 10 minutes, then filter, heat again, add a little rum and pour into cups. Sometimes pieces of fruit are placed in the punch.

A German invention - mulled wine - resembles punch, but without rum. It requires high-quality red wine, which is heated with zest, spices and sugar. However, using these strong drinks doctors advise after returning home from frost, and not vice versa.

Spices for winter drinks

Black pepper warms due to burning substances, improving blood circulation. In addition, it is rich in vitamins C, A, E and trace elements, in particular iron, copper and silicon. Can be substituted with red chili. Suitable for tea, coffee, hot chocolate, mulled wine and punch.

Cinnamon- spice with bright aroma and sweet pungent taste. It stimulates digestion, warms, improves blood circulation, treats colds and lowers blood sugar levels. For hot drinks, it's best to use cinnamon sticks rather than ground spice.

Cardamom cleanses the kidneys, stimulates digestion, soothes the stomach and has warming properties. According to Ayurveda, the use of cardamom promotes mental clarity, calmness and lightness. Green cardamom buds can be added to tea, coffee, mulled wine.

Ginger. Best to use fresh root and not dried ground ginger. The spice helps to increase internal heat, removes toxins and stimulates metabolism, strengthens the immune system, restores physical strength and increases mental stability.

Winter drinks

Non-alcoholic mulled wine with cranberries

  • 300 ml cranberry juice
  • 100 ml currant syrup
  • 40 ml honey
  • spices (cinnamon, cloves, star anise)
  • 4 pieces of fruit slices (apple, orange, lime, lemon)

Put slices of any fruit in a saucepan, pour in freshly squeezed cranberry juice, currant syrup, add 1 liter of water, spices. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Pour into a jug, add honey, zest, cranberry juice and cinnamon stick. Pour into glasses immediately. You can use grape juice instead of cranberry juice. If you are preparing mulled wine for adults, you can add a glass of red wine.

Sea buckthorn tea

  • 1 tsp dry green or black tea
  • 1 tbsp frozen sea buckthorn
  • 100 ml orange juice
  • 40 ml ginger root juice
  • 40 ml lemon juice
  • 50-100 ml honey

Defrost the sea buckthorn. Then mash with a spoon or grind in a blender by adding 0.5 cups of hot water (but not boiling water). Put the sea buckthorn puree in a large (2 liter) teapot, add tea and pour 1 liter of water heated to 90 gr. Let it brew for 7 minutes. Then add all the juice, honey and a little more hot water to the kettle, stir and serve immediately.

Warming cider grog

  • 1 l apple cider
  • 1-2 cups sugar
  • 6 oranges
  • 4 lemons
  • 1 tsp white pepper peas
  • 1 tsp cloves
  • 4 star anise
  • 1 apple
  • 4-8 cinnamon sticks

Squeeze juice from lemons and oranges. IN large saucepan mix 1 liter of water with sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil over moderate heat. Remove the pan from the heat, add all the spices and let it brew for room temperature 1 hour. Then pour in the sugar syrup cider, orange and lemon juice, bring to a boil over moderate heat and serve immediately. Garnish with cinnamon sticks and apple slices.

Milkshake"Egg Nog"

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 1 l 10% cream
  • 2.5 cups light rum
  • 5 cloves
  • 2.5 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 12 egg yolks
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 0.5 tsp ground nutmeg

In a saucepan, combine milk, cloves, vanilla sugar(2 tsp) and cinnamon and heat over low heat for 5 minutes. Then bring milk to a boil and remove from heat. Combine in a saucepan egg yolks and sugar, beat in lush mass. Slowly pour the hot milk into the yolks, stirring. Place the saucepan on the heat and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes. Don't boil! Remove from heat and strain, removing cloves, cool (1 hour). Add rum, cream, remaining vanilla sugar and nutmeg. Put in the refrigerator overnight. Pour into glasses in the morning and garnish as desired. This cocktail, although cold, warms well.

  • 3-4 tsp white and green dry tea
  • 4 cm fresh ginger root
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tsp dried mint
  • honey for serving
  • Peel and grate the ginger root fine grater. Remove the zest from half a lemon, cut the flesh into slices. Put ginger and zest in a saucepan and pour 500 ml of water, simmer for 15 minutes, add lemon slices and mint. Remove from heat, let steep 10 minutes, then strain through a strainer, squeezing with a spoon. In a separate bowl, brew tea, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for no more than 3 minutes, then strain and combine with ginger-lemon infusion. Serve tea with honey.

    On a frosty day, no, no, and sometimes you want something tasty and unusual. We bring to your attention several simple recipes warming soft drinks - tasty and healthy.
    Warm milkshake:
    - 500 ml of milk;
    - 3 bananas;
    - 1 peach;
    - 1.5 tsp ground cinnamon;
    - 0.5 tsp ground nutmeg;
    - honey to taste (and optional).
    Cut bananas into pieces and sprinkle with cinnamon. Peel the peach, cut into pieces and sprinkle with ground nutmeg. Boil milk and let cool slightly. Blend the cinnamon bananas in a blender with a little milk and honey. Add peach to the resulting puree and beat again until a homogeneous mass is formed. Top up to fruit puree the remaining hot milk and shake the cocktail. Serve immediately after cooking, sprinkled with cinnamon.

    Warming soft drinks with alcoholic names

    Non-alcoholic mulled wine:
    - 750 ml of dark grape juice;
    - 250 ml of strong black tea;
    - 1 orange;
    - 1 lemon;
    - 2-3 cm ginger rhizomes;
    - cinnamon stick;
    - a few cloves.
    Peel and grate the ginger. Brew strong tea with ginger, cinnamon and cloves and strain it. Cut orange and lemon into circles and dip in grape juice. Next, heat the juice almost to a boil and mix it with tea.

    Non-alcoholic grog:
    - 1 tbsp. boiling water;
    - 1/2 lemon;
    - 1 tbsp honey;
    - 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon;
    - 1-2 stars of cloves;
    - 1 pea allspice.
    Put cloves in boiling water allspice and cinnamon and simmer the mixture for 2-3 minutes on low heat, then remove the drink from the stove, add honey, chopped lemon and let it brew for 30 minutes.

    Warming drink - hot lemonade!

    Hot Lemonade:
    - 800 ml of water;
    - 100 ml of lemon syrup;
    - 100 ml of raspberry syrup;
    - 2-3 tablespoons honey;
    - lemon.
    Heat the water to about 70C, add syrups and honey to it - mix everything and serve in heated glasses with a circle of lemon.

    Hot lemonade for a cold:
    - 500 ml of hot water;
    - 1 orange;
    - 1 lemon;
    - 2-3 tablespoons honey;
    - a handful of spruce needles.
    Lower the needles into hot water and boil for 10 minutes, then add honey and orange and lemon juice to the resulting infusion. Mix everything, let it brew for half an hour - cold lemonade is ready! If desired, grated ginger can be added to this drink.
    Hot lemonade with rum:
    - 180 ml of water;
    - 80 ml of lemon juice;
    - 45 ml of rum;
    - 1 tsp honey.
    Mix all ingredients and heat without boiling.

    Winters are not the same, there is almost no frost, there is no sun, but it often rains, slush and wind. Moreover, half-autumn and almost half-spring are more like a winter thaw, and you want to wrap yourself in warm and fluffy things and treat yourself to warming drinks with the aromas and tastes of summer herbs or distant lands. Dream, and maybe plan a trip.

    Warming drinks in bad weather are divided into 2 types: with and without alcohol. The funny thing is that there are relatively few purely alcoholic drinks, and you can add something intoxicating to any of the non-alcoholic drinks if you wish. Therefore, we will talk about more universal - non-alcoholic.

    Tea seems so banal, boring, ordinary and rustic, but take your time - there are varieties of tea that can change this attitude towards ancient drink. In China, the birthplace of tea, where this tea has been drunk for thousands of years. wonderful drink, think that green tea cools, and red (black in European tradition) warms. Chinese red tea is markedly different from Indian, Ceylon, Kenyan, Indonesian and other teas of the same class.

    The main supplier of red and black tea from China is Yunnan province, a mountainous region on the border with Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. Teas from this area have a smoky aroma, confident flavor and good versatility. This means that he is not afraid of thermoses and "unceremonious" brewing in any convenient dish, suitable for the base herbal teas, you can add bright warming additives to it, which we will now talk about.

    It is known that the coolest spices are handled in India. In essence, real indian tea- this is milk with spices and the strongest tea leaves. Such a drink is called masala or simply milk tea. "Masala" in Indian, is a "mixture of spices", hence the numerous "masalas" for different dishes and tea. Each region has its own masala. You can try to make warming drinks yourself, taking a couple of cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and star anise. Wipe the spices in a mortar or scroll in a coffee grinder or blender, boil them in boiling water for a minute or two, add a little milk, add a pinch of any black tea and bring to a boil. Give the drink a little "rest" and drink. Masala can be taken with you in a thermos, any milk drink warms and nourishes very well.

    Tea is amazingly friendly with the most different spices. Black tea can be combined with a mixture of spices or just one added. best example- ginger. Ginger tea You can cook at home or in a thermos and take it for a walk. Be sure to use fresh ginger root. Ginger powder can make the drink cloudy. If you want a stronger drink, rub the ginger on coarse grater, and if you need a lighter taste or beautifully decorated in an Irish glass - chop it like chips.

    You will be surprised - mulled wine can also be non-alcoholic! European trends of recent years - a departure from alcohol, especially in fresh air. But mulled wine is so delicious! And resourceful bartenders came up with new drink based grape juice, leaving the principle of making mulled wine unchanged - replace wine with juice and get non-alcoholic mulled wine. Recall that for this drink you need to take some cloves, a piece of ginger, sugar, mint (almost oils), vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, lemon or orange zest, you can a piece of apple. Spices can not be ground. Boil the water, boil the spices, add the apple and juice, heat up more, but do not boil. Pour into glasses or thermos. Add a few mint leaves, a slice of lemon or lime to each, sprinkle with zest and garnish with a cinnamon stick.

    Tea is very convenient to take with you for a walk in a thermos. There are several details worth considering. Not all varieties tolerate long-term high temperature. For example, green or delicate red varieties of Chinese and Indian teas may darken and lose their floral flavors and aromas. delicate taste. Coarse Indian varieties, such as Assam or Chinese tea from Yunnan. And black Chinese Puer tea is well suited for a thermos.

    General recommendation for tea in a thermos. Brew tea in a regular teapot and pour the tea into a heated thermos. A glass thermos retains the taste of the drink better than a metal one. Ginger and spices can be added to a thermos, but remember that they will infuse continuously, so in this case, put a small amount of spices. Tea, poured directly into a thermos and filled with boiling water, in an hour or two will turn into a very strong "brew". The exception is Nepalese tea from Ilam. This is the only tea that tolerates prolonged brewing.

    Pu-erh is a secret Chinese weapon. Available in green, white and black pu-erh. Green is medicinal tea, it perfectly increases appetite, cleanses the blood and cleanses respiratory system. White is a very tasty, but "homemade" tea. But black pu-erh is the so-called “tea coffee”, programmers, French women and outdoor enthusiasts love it very much. Pu-erh is perfectly preserved in a thermos for several hours, almost without changing the taste. Pu-erh can also be cooked in milk, like cocoa. Take 10 grams of pressed black pu-erh, wash it in cold water, warm some water in the Turk, throw Puer into the Turk, bring the water to the point of boiling, add milk and wait until the milk starts to boil. Turn off the fire and let it brew. Drink hot like cocoa.

    In late autumn, winter and early spring all over the world they drink autumn harvest tea. This best time for roasted and rocky oolongs, red tea from China and the highlands of India and Sri Lanka. The most striking representative of fried oolongs is the Da variety. Hong Pao or the Big Red Robe, which is assembled in Fujian. According to legend, this tea was presented to the emperor for the treatment of a serious illness. Tea coped with the disease so quickly that the emperor, in gratitude, presented the tea bushes with a red robe each. (In ancient China, only the emperor could wear red clothes, and such a gift was a sign that tea was equal in merit to the ruler of the Celestial Empire.) The taste of Da Hong Pao is very diverse and changes from brewing to brewing, and one handful of tea can be brewed up to 10 once. This is tea for friends when you really want to surprise and spend time with a warm conversation on a cold winter evening.

    No less famous is the turquoise oolong Te Guanyin with a bright floral aroma and rich taste, but few people know about the fried Tie Guanyin with the taste and aroma of plums and dried fruits. The aroma of an empty cup can amaze even a sophisticated tea lover, and the drink itself has all the virtues of green and red tea. Fried Tie Guan Yin has a warming nature, perfectly tones and lowers blood pressure. Delicate desserts are well suited to this tea: dried fruits or exquisite natural sweets. But do not rush to immediately take on sweets, take a few sips, inhale the aroma, compare it with the aroma in an empty cup ... A pleasant meditative activity for a long evening.

    Black tea lovers may be interested in Chinese Dian Hong tea from Yunnan province. The tea has a light smoky aroma, bright shades of dried fruits and berries, a honey-colored infusion and a long pleasant aftertaste. Dian Hong warms well, it contains the energy of the sun and mountain wind. This variety dries especially gently, and the taste is reminiscent of the best varieties of Indian Darjeeling, which in England is called champagne tea.

    Darjeeling is a mountainous region in northern India on the border with Tibet. It is curious that tea has always grown there, but only with the arrival of the British did they pay due attention to it and get many varieties of it. interesting view tea. Darjeeling was nicknamed "Champagne of tea" for its lightness, light shades of infusion and taste, in which the clear predominance of black tea borders on green. The best Darjeelings are full of floral scents, mountain meadows, forests and even tropical fruits. But at the same time, Darjeeling is closest to the usual black tea. Perhaps because in classic mix Soviet Indian tea was added a little Darjeeling.

    But in winter you don’t always want tenderness, sometimes you need brutal penetrating power, and best helper in this - Indian tea Assam. It has extreme astringency, can be brewed strongly, you can catch the smell in the aroma good tobacco or even cigars, many find the aftertastes of Assam similar to the best varieties cognac and whiskey. This men's tea perfectly warms, is friendly with lemon and honey, can allow you to add fragrant herbs, rosehip and ideal for home baking. Assam is usually brewed in the classical English tradition- 1 teaspoon of tea per cup and 1 teaspoon per teapot, 3-4 minutes of infusion with repeated infusion of 5-6 minutes under a warm hood.

    But not only here it is so cold that you constantly want tea. IN South America, where, it would seem, there is always eternal summer, it is rather cold in the mountainous regions, and they warm themselves with the same tea there. Three leaders of South American tea can be distinguished: mate, lapacho and tea from coca leaves. We will keep silent about the latter, but the first two have gained incredible popularity all over the world, including in Russia. Mate is dried and crushed Paraguayan holly leaves, brewed almost like tea, but not with boiling water, but with water at a temperature of 75-80 degrees. Mate perfectly tones up due to the special substance matein, increases attention and brain function, and is well suited for drivers or students during sessions. In winter, mate also warms.

    Lapacho is made from the bark of a special tree that grows in the Peruvian jungle. It is customary to boil the bark for 8-10 minutes, and then insist for a few more minutes, strain and drink in small sips. The taste of lapacho is fresh, with a slight lemon tint. lovers healthy lifestyle life will be curious to know that the Incas treated intestinal inflammation, diabetes, arthritis, anemia, asthma, impotence, hair loss and other ailments with lapacho. Some claim that lapacho can cure cancer, but this has not yet been confirmed by scientists.

    Another drink that is relevant in cold weather is kudin. Kudin is the leaves of broad-leaved holly, a relative of the South American holly. Kudin tea is a yellow-green tea with a bright, slightly coniferous aroma and a very bitter taste, turning into sweetness. There's no need to sweeten the kudin, just wait a minute after the first sip and you'll feel the sweet, almost sugary taste on your tongue's receptors. Kudin has amazing properties, it is a whole pharmacy, and it is especially good in damp cold weather, as a prophylactic and just pleasant interesting drink. Kudin perfectly improves the overall tone of the body, strengthens the immune system, treats coughs and ailments respiratory tract normalizes blood pressure and improves digestion. It is rather a medicinal tea, but nothing prevents you from adding kudin to regular black tea and drinking it all the time.

    Hibiscus or Sudanese rose - red petals of hibiscus in Egypt are poured cold water and drink like compote. But this is because it is warm there, and in other countries they drink hibiscus hot, brewing with ordinary boiling water and insisting for several minutes. An excellent bright red drink with a pleasant fresh, sour taste. Hibiscus warms very well, has a dozen medicinal virtues and has no contraindications. Hibiscus is good with sweets and instead of juice at meals. Hibiscus strengthens the walls of blood vessels, fights gastritis and can lower the temperature, and after a chilly wind with rain and snow, hibiscus is required - it will warm and invigorate.

    Rooibos - african tea from the same shrub. It is prepared in South Africa, where there are cold winters and the influence of Antarctica is felt. Tea is not only tasty, but also healthy - it contains the rarest elements and does not contain caffeine at all, which means that it can be safely brewed for children before bedtime. Rooibos has sweet taste and bright memorable unusual aroma.

    Another traditional warming drink is Russian sbiten. For those who are confused by the name, we explain: sbiten is an infusion of herbs with honey and spices. In essence, it is similar to non-alcoholic mulled wine, but has a different aromatic range. Sbiten is very pleasant, warming, and even vitamin drink. Oregano, St. John's wort and a little sage are suitable for the base. Add cloves, star anise, allspice, cinnamon and ginger to them. Be sure to add a spoonful of honey. The cooking technology is very simple: spices must be boiled in a small amount water for a couple of minutes, add boiling water, throw in herbs, turn off the heat and leave for a few minutes. Honey can be put in a "common cauldron", or you can add it to your mug, in which case it can save its beneficial features. Sbiten can be cooked in a thermos - put some herbs, spices, honey, pieces of fruit, a slice of lemon and pour boiling water over it.

    Perfectly warm and uplifting good coffee. In addition to the fact that making coffee is a whole ritual that already sets you in a good mood, the smell of freshly ground coffee cheers you up and creates a cozy homely atmosphere. Coffee is great friends with liquors, fragrant syrups, pastries, chocolate and strong drinks. Be careful, coffee really raises blood pressure and flushes out calcium from the body. after the cup strong coffee drink a glass of mineral water to compensate for the loss of minerals.

    Cocoa has been prepared in cold Europe for many hundreds of years, and every season of bad weather, cocoa does not lose its position. No, not hot chocolate, but a milk drink with cocoa powder. Milk can be taken low-fat, cocoa is better natural, not soluble. Instead of the usual 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, try adding just one or half a teaspoon and one pinch of salt. Cocoa goes very well with cinnamon and nutmeg. Well, the warming properties of cocoa and milk are beyond competition - even after a strong storm with a mixture of rain and snow, hot cocoa will be able to defeat the emerging cold. In addition, it is known that chocolate, and hence cocoa, cheers up and sets you up for romance. It's a sin not to use it!

    Black tea and pu-erh, coffee, sbiten, cocoa and non-alcoholic mulled wine, these warming drinks not only help keep you warm in winter, but can also push you to new ideas. We wish you health good mood warmth and comfort in any weather.

    Winter is coming, and it's not about the "Game of Thrones" at all. Frost and cold will soon begin, and with them - colds, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy and beriberi. In order not to focus your attention on the state of health, but to notice only the positive aspects of the cold season, learn how to prepare special drinks.

    Namely non-alcoholic warming drinks, recipes And cooking methods come in a set. It's so nice after a whole day in the cold to spend an evening in good company over a cup of something warm and cozy! Non-alcoholic and strong, with herbs and spices - there are ideas for any preference. Shall we start?

    Non-alcoholic warming drinks: recipes, cooking methods

    mexican coffee

    Let's start with invigorating coffee for lovers of fragrant exotic. This drink is just for you! Drink it in the morning, and then the hot South American sun will forever settle in your heart.


    • Nine tablespoons of coffee beans, finely ground
    • Liter of water
    • 150 g brown cane sugar
    • A teaspoon of molasses
    • cinnamon stick
    • Five star anise
    • A saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom


    • Combine water with sugar and molasses in a saucepan, add cinnamon and star anise.
    • Cook to a boil.
    • Pour coffee into boiling water.
    • Cover with a lid, let it brew for 5-6 minutes.
    • Strain before serving.

    Masala tea

    Let's go to India to try local drinks! Chai Masala - business card this country. This revitalizing and spicy drink with spices is sure to slightly raise your temperature and mood.


    • Two glasses of water
    • Half a liter of milk
    • Two teaspoons of black tea
    • 3-4 cm peeled ginger root
    • Collection of spices: cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, fennel seeds
    • Three pieces of allspice
    • Sugar to taste
    • Saucepan or saucepan


    • Combine water with milk, bring to a boil.
    • put sand and ginger root, boil for 3-5 minutes.
    • Pour a combination of spices into the masala, cook for a minute.
    • Pour in black tea and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

    Hibiscus with ginger

    Hibiscus is considered unique drink cooling in the summer and warm in the cold season. Everything depends on the wishes. Instruction and preparation are the same except for one point: just add ice! Remember the main thing that cold hibiscus reduces pressure, and hot increases it.


    • Liter of water
    • 4.5 tbsp hibiscus ( sudanese rose, hibiscus)
    • 2-3 pcs. carnations
    • Caramel or honey
    • Lime, apple or orange slices
    • Nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger optional


    • Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
    • Add all elements except fruits, cook for 10-15 minutes.
    • Serve with fruit pieces.

    Sea buckthorn tea

    Sea buckthorn is unique and medicinal plant. Perfectly warms, enriches the body with vitamins. This delicious tea it is recommended to try at least once in winter.


    • A handful of sea buckthorn berries
    • Art. teaspoon black leaf tea
    • Honey, mint, vanilla flavor


    • Frozen sea buckthorn must first be thawed.
    • Pour boiling water over sea buckthorn berries, black tea.
    • Add vanilla spice and honey.
    • Cover the kettle with a towel for 17-20 minutes.
    • Pour into cups and serve warm.

    Currant sbiten

    Non-alcoholic warming drinks, recipes And cooking methods varied. For example, traditional Slavic sbiten, which our ancestors basked in the freezing cold.


    • Tablespoon of currant and raspberry leaves
    • Half a liter of boiling water
    • 1-2 tablespoons of honey


    • Collect and chop the leaves of raspberries and currants, pour boiling water, close the lid and leave for at least half an hour.
    • Strain the mixture, add honey.
    • Drink sbiten warm.

    Ginger tea

    Such a composition will help to warm up and get rid of the first signs of a cold and SARS, energizing and a decent dose of vitamins.


    • 0.5-1 l. water
    • A teaspoon of finely chopped ginger
    • Table spoon of green tea
    • A couple of slices of lemon or lime
    • Bee honey or refined
    • clove, cinnamon


    • Put all the elements in a saucepan and cook for 12-15 minutes.
    • Garnish with citrus fruits when serving.

    Classic mulled wine

    The article is devoted to non-alcoholic options, but mulled wine is a classic, the main thing is to know when to stop! What is winter without warm wine. This drink is considered an essential attribute, as New Year's table, and romantic evening. But, for true connoisseurs, there is an alternative without alcohol.


    • A liter of dry red wine, grape or cherry juice is suitable for replacement
    • Quarter glass of water
    • Tablespoon of sugar
    • 7 carnation flowers
    • Muscat for smell.
    • Turka
    • Saucepan with a thick base


    • Mix nutmeg with cloves in Turk. Pour in water and gently bring to a boil, then hold the broth on the fire for a little more. Forget about him for 8 minutes.
    • Pour wine into a saucepan, heat up.
    • Add a decoction of spices to the wine, then pour sugar.
    • Cook, stirring and tasting over medium heat for 11-15 minutes. Never bring to a boil!
    • Remove from heat, strain, pour into tall mugs, garnish with orange slices and cinnamon.

    egg punch

    This punch is prepared on the basis of rum or cognac, so, of course, it is very warming, but also very intoxicating. So get ready for a dizzying experience.


    • 200 g refined sugar
    • Peel from half a citrus
    • 3 eggs
    • Half a liter of water
    • Tablespoon of wine
    • A quarter (0.25) liter of cognac


    • Boil water with sugar for 5-8 minutes, put a lemon peel.
    • The resulting syrup is barely cool and strain.
    • Whisk the eggs.
    • Put the beaten eggs into the syrup, heat gently and beat the mass until it turns into foam.
    • Pour cognac into the foam, beat well again.

    Pear Smoothie

    Pear smoothie is pleasant, practical and satisfying. Satisfies the feeling of hunger, saturates the body useful trace elements. A great dinner replacement for weight watchers and dieters. The spices included in the composition will help fight extra pounds by activating metabolism. Oatmeal is valued for helping to improve complexion and normalize digestion.


    • large pear
    • 25-30 g oatmeal flakes
    • 230 ml. milk
    • 130 ml. yogurt
    • 0.5 tsp minced ginger
    • Art. a spoonful of honey
    • Ground cinnamon for flavor


    • Milk must be heated in a small saucepan on the stove or in the microwave.
    • Fill the oatmeal with warmed milk, cover with a lid for 15 minutes.
    • Beat in a blender a pear, grated ginger root, yogurt, oatmeal with milk, honey.
    • Pour the smoothie into prepared containers and sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon as desired.

    apple cider


    • liter of apple juice
    • Grapefruit, lemon, pear
    • Cinnamon sticks (per serving)
    • Ginger, cloves


    • Bring apple juice to a boil.
    • Fill the boiling cider with fruit and spice slices.
    • Cook for 9-10 minutes, then let it brew for 35-40 minutes.
    • Pour into cups, adding seasoning stick.

    Warming cocktails are found in all cultures and all peoples. Enjoy the warmth of hot mugs and warm wishes!

    The weather this year pleases with sunny days and lack of snow, but winter is already very close, and a cold snap is inevitable. We have compiled a selection of hot drinks to welcome December with alacrity.

    pumpkin tea latte

    from the head bartender of the Hong Kong restaurant Vasily Zheglov


    Pumpkin puree - 100 g

    Milk on tea - 200 ml

    Coconut milk- 50 g

    Maple syrup- 10 g

    Vanilla extract - 1 ml

    Cooking method:

    To do tea milk, you need to pour two tablespoons of tea with milk and let it brew for a couple of hours.

    Then take pumpkin puree; if it is frozen, then it must be placed in a bag and put in a container with boiling water. Then mix the puree with the rest of the ingredients and heat. Ideally, of course, whip the drink into foam in a pitcher, but for home cooking this does not fit.

    Spiced Orange

    from the chef bartender Madame Wong Nazir Iskhakov


    Freshly squeezed

    orange juice - 100 ml

    Spiced rum - 50 ml

    Raspberry puree - 20 ml

    Water - 50 ml

    Cooking method:

    For cooking raspberry puree you need to take raspberries, freeze them first and let them melt in order to break strong bonds at the molecular level and get, perhaps, a less fragrant, but at the same time, more saturated berry in taste. Pour 500 grams with 500 milliliters of sugar syrup in a ratio of 10:8 (ten parts of sugar and eight parts of water), beat everything in a blender and strain through a sieve.

    Take right amount puree and orange juice, add hot water in the correct ratio and bring to a boil. Then, let stand for a couple of minutes, add a portion spiced rum. Serve with orange slices and fresh berries raspberries.

    The drink is great to carry in a thermos for a planned or casual picnic.

    Cherry mulled wine based on stout

    from the bar manager of the bar "Heroes" Maxim Zhuravlev


    Dark beer (stout) - 100 ml

    cherry liqueur- 15 ml

    Honey - 10 ml

    Lemon juice - 10 ml

    Apple - 1 pc.

    Orange peel - 2 pcs.

    Lemon zest - 2 pcs.

    Carnation - 3 buds

    Cinnamon - 1 stick

    ground cinnamon
    (You can also use mulled wine mix.)

    Cooking method:

    Puree the apple in a blender until smooth. Heat the stout with clove buds, lemon and orange zest, stirring slowly and not boiling. mix applesauce with lemon juice and add to beer. Stirring slowly, add honey and ground cinnamon. Pour in the cherry liqueur.

    "Scandinavian Christmas"

    by Bloom-n-Brew Chef Barista Daniil


    Black filter coffee of any convenient preparation method - 250 g

    Grape pekmez (sounds scary, but it's just syrup) - 25g

    Badian - 2 stars

    Carnation - 3-4 pcs.

    Cardamom - 3-4 pcs.

    Cinnamon - ½ stick
    (All of these spices can be substituted for the mulled wine mix.)

    Orange and lemon for decoration - 2 slices

    Cooking method:

    Make any coffee convenient way. Mix all the ingredients in a teapot and mix thoroughly until the grape pekmez is completely dissolved. Pour into cups and garnish with citrus slices.

    "Vitamin Champion"

    from the brand-chef of "Drinkit" Nastya Nikitina


    Turmeric - ¾ tsp (you can try ½ tsp to start)

    Honey - ½ tsp (sweet tooth can have more)

    Milk - 300 ml

    Cooking method:

    Pour milk into a saucepan, add turmeric and honey, stir. Put on medium fire. Heat to a comfortable temperature for you. I heat until hot, stir, remove, wait a bit for it to cool, and enjoy.

    This drink comes from India. Locals also add melted (or just butter) butter to it and drink it. Especially good at night.

    hot cranberry

    from Olga Kib, co-owner of Laflafel


    Frozen cranberries - 1 cup

    Honey - 2 tsp

    Cloves, star anise, cinnamon - to taste

    Cooking method:

    Rinse 1 cup of frozen cranberries, crush, put 2 teaspoons of honey, cloves, star anise, cinnamon stick, pour boiling water, pour into glasses and add a couple of apple slices for decoration.

    lingonberry tea

    from the chief bartender "Hungry - angry" Stas Kireev


    Cowberry puree - 200 g

    Black tea - 400 ml

    Mint - 2 sprigs

    Spices and star anise - to taste

    Cinnamon - 1 stick

    Cooking method:

    Make sugar syrup: Melt sugar in water equal proportions. Then punch the lingonberries in a blender with sugar syrup in a ratio of 6:4. Combine all ingredients and heat over low heat.

    Coffee with pomegranate juice

    from the chef barista of the Espressium coffee shop Murad Chikhinov


    Pomegranate juice - 250 ml

    Cooking method:

    Brew about 100 milliliters of coffee in a Turk. Warm up 250 milliliters pomegranate juice without bringing to a boil. Add coffee, stir.

    Coffee Caramel Jack

    from MiKO Premium Tastes and Jura barista Pavel Erofeev
