
Hibiscus sudanese scarlet cocktail cultivation. Sudanese rose

Almost every person in the world knows a plant called Sudanese rose or hibiscus, from the petals of which they make a very tasty hibiscus drink. It perfectly quenches thirst in the heat and warms in the cold. It has a pleasant aroma and rather unusual taste, with a slight sourness.

Growth area

Despite the popular belief that this culture is from India, Sudan is its homeland. In this country, it grows as a shrub. In Egypt, where the rose is actively grown, the plant has a tree shape. Also, this rose is cultivated and grown in Japan, Ceylon, Mexico, China and Thailand.

Short description

Hibiscus sabdarif, hibiscus and Sudanese rose are all names for the same plant.

Hibiscus petals are cup-shaped, fleshy, dark red in color. After the bud wilts, the petals greatly increase in size. The rest of the plant is green, sometimes with a reddish tinge. All of them are edible, except for the root.

The plant prefers hot climates. The higher the temperature, the more the stem of the plant stretches, and the flowers acquire a more saturated color. The rose bush can reach 6 meters in height.

Her root system is mixed, with primary and secondary rods.

Practical use

It is rose petals that are used to make tea, jellies, compotes and sauces. In the food industry, hibiscus is used to color food.

In countries where this plant is native, all parts of the rose (except the root) are eaten as a raw vegetable dish.

Hibiscus has found its application in folk medicine. Flowers and leaves are part of the remedies for malignant neoplasms.

Petals are also used to make hair dye (black). The seeds are used to make unique jewelry. Naturally, one of the most popular drinks around the world is Sudanese rose tea.

Taste variety

Depending on the place of growth, hibiscus tea has a completely different taste. The one we are used to is a rose tea grown in Egypt. The drink has a dark red color and a sour taste.

Hibiscus, grown in Thailand, gives a sweet taste, and the drink from it will be scarlet. The tea from the Mexican plant is orange in color and salty in taste.


Useful and harmful properties of any plant largely depend on the area where it grows. The better the environment, the greater the benefit. This also applies to hibiscus.

The plant contains a lot of vitamin C, due to which a sour taste appears. In addition, hibiscus contains vitamins B, E, K, D, PP and A. There are many trace elements in the rose. These are P, Fe, Ca, Zn and others.

How to make tea

The most common and easiest way to prepare a drink: pour 2 teaspoons of hibiscus with 250 milliliters of water and boil over a fire for 3-5 minutes. You can then add sugar to taste. The prepared broth can be cooled and ice added to quench your thirst in the summer heat.

Petal can be eaten after making tea as a vitamin supplement.

Beneficial features

Even in ancient times, people knew about the benefits of the Sudanese rose, used it for cooking, even sewed clothes from it. The plant was used as a medicinal plant, although there was no scientific evidence for this. People used exclusively their observations and the experience of their ancestors. The remains of this flower have been found even in ancient tombs.

First of all, the Sudanese rose is a powerful antioxidant and a means to prevent the appearance of neoplasms. Regular consumption of hibiscus drink helps to smooth out wrinkles. But the list of useful properties does not end there.

Ascorbic acid, which is contained in the plant, helps protect the body from viruses and colds. Hibiscus helps to reduce body temperature and has a mild diuretic effect.

A positive effect has been seen when using hibiscus to solve problems with the genitourinary system in men, including impotence.

Hibiscus stabilizes blood pressure, is good for the kidneys and stomach. After drinking the drink, a slight laxative effect is noted.

An increase in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and a decrease in the level of bad cholesterol is achieved due to the presence of anthocyanins in the flower, which give a red color.

Quercetin, contained in rosebuds, improves visual acuity and gets rid of a number of eye pathologies.

Can Hibiscus Help You Lose Weight?

It has already become clear that the Sudanese rose is really a huge benefit. Hibiscus also has fat-splitting properties. Regular consumption of hibiscus tea contributes to:

  • Removal of excess fluid from the body.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes (due to the fructose in the plant).
  • Bowel cleansing.
  • Has a mild laxative effect.

All these factors are the basis of most diets. Hibiscus also has a tonic effect, that is, it relieves the feeling of fatigue.

In many sources, you can find the following recommendations for losing weight with the help of Sudanese roses: you need to drink the drink for 21 days, then take a break for 7 days. The course can be repeated several times. Naturally, you can not seize tea with cakes and refuse physical activity. In this case, the effect should not be expected.

Harm hibiscus

The benefits of the Sudanese rose are obvious. However, no plant can suit absolutely everyone.

Hibiscus will have to be abandoned by people who have high acidity and a history of stomach ulcers.

You should not use the Sudanese rose for hypotensive patients. A drink from this plant can provoke a sharp and severe drop in blood pressure.

Although tea is not contraindicated for pregnant women, you should not abuse it too much. Women in position can drink no more than 2 cups a day. The same applies to children (from 12 months). They can drink compote from the plant, but not too much.

But the drink can be consumed by food allergy sufferers, because the red color is achieved not due to chemical additives, but due to anthocyanins.

The value of the plant for cosmetology

Egyptian legend says that the Saudi rose was called the "flower of the pharaohs." Cleopatra not only drank hibiscus in the form of tea, but also took baths with a tincture of the plant. Therefore, her skin took on a copper tint that could not be made by any other means.

Modern girls use hibiscus in the following cases:

  • For skin problems. It is necessary to use the soaked petals of the plant as masks.
  • Welding allows you to get rid of bags under the eyes.
  • Porridge from the petals relieves hair of excessive fat content.

growing at home

The Sudanese rose, the benefits and harms of which we discussed above, can be easily grown on the windowsill in your apartment. In industrial volumes, it will not be possible to obtain material for tea, but flowers will be enough to make a mask.

It is unlikely that you will be able to buy seeds for growing a bush, so you will have to use the services of foreign online stores or try to find seeds in a bag of hibiscus. After the plant has grown, you can propagate it by cuttings.

If you find seeds in a bag of tea, then they must be soaked in water. As soon as a small and tender sprout hatches, you need to carefully plant the seed in a small pot. According to the degree of growth of the seedling, the container with the soil will have to be changed to a larger one. The soil should be light, with sand, peat and humus. During the growth period, it is necessary to add new soil or transplant into a container with finished soil.

The plant loves abundant watering and a lot of light. In the room, the temperature should not fall below + 20 degrees. The rays of the sun should not be direct.

If there is not enough moisture, then the tips of the leaves begin to dry out, which is corrected by simple spraying from a spray bottle. In no case should you put a pot of hibiscus in a draft. As soon as the temperature in the room changes sharply or a draft appears, the rose immediately drops the flowers. The bush will begin to bear fruit only after 5 years. When the flowering of the Sudanese rose begins, the photo of which is presented in the article, it is difficult to look away from the bush. But in order to achieve flowering, you have to work hard. The plant must be regularly fed with fertilizers, physically destroy insects.

Drink Sudanese rose drinks, cold or hot. They are able to cheer up and are an excellent antioxidant. Never boil hibiscus leaves with boiling water. In this case, they lose all useful and vitamin elements.

Young ladies are very fond of a sweet and bright drink from a Sudanese rose. This special tea came to us from the Arabs and took root well. With new technologies, it was possible to reveal the useful secret of this drink, which was guessed hundreds of centuries ago.

Hibiscus is a medicinal plant. In African folk medicine, it has long been used, and over time, recipes have taken root in domestic territories. This use is due to the rather diverse composition of the Sudanese rose.

Among all the elements, the following should be distinguished: B vitamins, flavonoids, pectins, vitamin C, organic acids, vegetable fibers, iron, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, amino acids, etc. In terms of the content of certain substances, hibiscus overtakes well-known fruits.

There are only 37 kcal per 100 g of pure raw materials. Not a gram of fat, only 0.3 g of protein and 0.6 g of carbohydrates. This is a diet drink.

Based on official data and the use of hibiscus by Africans for centuries, a long list of useful qualities of the plant can be distinguished. Today, everyone can improve their health with this special drink:

  • is an anticonvulsant drug;
  • has a choleretic and diuretic effect;
  • used for skin inflammation;
  • helps in the fight against acne;
  • accelerates wound healing and helps with malignant ulcers;
  • reduces elevated body temperature;
  • is the prevention of urolithiasis and kidney stones;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes their permeability;
  • does not allow the formation of fatty deposits;
  • stops the development of tumors;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • protects the liver;
  • removes heavy metals and toxins, removes stagnant processes in the intestines;
  • prevents infectious diseases;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • inhibits the growth of staphylococcus aureus;
  • has anthelmintic properties;
  • used to treat respiratory diseases;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • improves blood circulation, reduces its viscosity;
  • increases appetite and physical endurance;
  • helps with nervous and mental stress;
  • fights chronic fatigue and tuberculosis;
  • improves potency;
  • reduces the effects of a hangover syndrome;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • supports oral health.

Not only in Africa, hibiscus is widely used. The Sudanese rose is very popular in India and Mexico. Such widespread use in different cultures once again proves the exceptional benefits of the product. By the way, it is used not only inside, but also externally in wine rinsing, lotions.

Brewing a Sudanese rose is quite simple. The best drink will come from whole petals, or at least their large parts, not powder. A teapot for brewing (or another vessel) is better to take porcelain, faience, or glass. Metal utensils will spoil the taste of the drink.

Enamelware is suitable for brewing, or you can cook everything in a water bath. Hibiscus does not lose its properties either hot or cold and perfectly quenches thirst.

There are several ways to brew tea. The recommended serving is 1.5 teaspoons per cup. The amount can be adjusted based on taste preferences. The first method is incredibly simple: put the desired number of petals into boiling water and boil them for 3 minutes. Then turn off the fire and sweeten to taste.

Another option: pour raw materials with boiling water and let stand for 5-10 minutes. There is usually no need to strain afterwards. Add sugar, and even better - honey. Lemon is better not to put, as the petals themselves already have citric acid.

The third way: pour the flowers with cold water and bring to a boil. Next, add sugar, turn off the heat and let cool. Serve with ice, fruits or herbs. For example, mint.

Hibiscus sabdariffa, or Sudanese rose, is a herbaceous plant of the genus Hibiscus of the Malvaceae family. It grows in the form of a shrub, blooms with delightful bright red flowers, from the dried petals of which they prepare the most useful drink - Hibiscus tea. In some Muslim countries, this tea is a national drink, and the healing properties of the Sudanese rose are widely used in folk medicine in the East. The plant prefers a humid tropical climate, therefore, in our latitudes, its cultivation is possible only in room or greenhouse conditions.

The Sudanese rose has been known since ancient Egypt, when healers began to use the plant in their healing recipes. In those days, it was believed that a wonderful flower is able to cope with any disease, and even now Muslims deeply revere the rose and associate the number of its petals, and there are five of them, with religious commandments. Most of us know about the use of the Sudanese rose only that sweet and sour aromatic tea or decoction is prepared from its petals. But in countries where rose cultivation is widely practiced, its use is much wider - delicious desserts (jams, jellies), drinks are prepared from it, and young stems are added to salads and main dishes.

Hibiscus sabdariffa is a herbaceous shrub that in natural conditions reaches a height of 3-3.5 meters. The crown is branched, the root system is very deep. Young stems are green, with a slight reddish tinge, as they age they become covered with a thin gray bark. The leaves are slightly rough, serrated at the edges, pointed in the upper part of the crown, oval in the lower part. The flowers are large (up to 6 cm in diameter), bright, dark red in color, attached to the stem with a short pedicel. The petals are thick, the flower calyx is juicy and fleshy - it contains most of the nutrients.

The Sudanese rose is very thermophilic, demanding on moisture and sunlight, however, direct sunlight is harmful to it.

But also the shrub does not tolerate drafts and temperature changes - under their influence, it begins to shed flowers, and if measures are not taken in time, then foliage may fall off. The average comfortable temperature for a plant is + 20 ° C, and in winter the degree should not fall below + 15 ° C, and in summer the temperature should not exceed + 25 ° C.

From a lack of moisture, the tips of the leaves dry out, so the crown needs to be sprayed periodically. During the period of active growth, the rose needs to be fed with liquid flower fertilizers.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn what this unusual flower is.

Seed propagation technology

Reproduction of the Sudanese rose is carried out in two ways: cuttings and seeds. Growing a flower from seeds is easier, because it is less laborious, besides, the seeds of the Sudanese rose have excellent germination for 5-6 years. Seed material can be purchased at specialized stores, but the easiest way to look for them is in bags of Hibiscus tea.
Planting seeds in pots or greenhouses is as follows:

  • for the purpose of disinfection, planting material is soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 0.5-1 hour;
  • then it is thoroughly washed under running water, after which it is soaked in a growth stimulator - you can moisten the fabric with the product and put the seeds there for germination;
  • when sprouts begin to appear (on day 3-4), the seeds are sown in separate containers - pots, if the cultivation will take place at home, in disposable pots - if in open ground or a greenhouse.

Sudanese rose is demanding on the soil. She needs a special soil mixture that has high drainage properties and is quite fertile at the same time. Ready-made substrate for ornamental shrubs can be bought at a flower shop. You can prepare the soil yourself from sand (base), peat, high ground and humus. As a fertilizer, it is recommended to add a little wood ash.

Features of planting cuttings

Rooting of cuttings in the soil occurs within 1-1.5 months. All this time they need to provide proper care and create optimal conditions for their development:

When the cuttings take root, and the buds grow, it is recommended to pinch off the tops - this procedure contributes to the branching of the seedling.

About the benefits of tea

The flowers of the Sudanese rose, used for Hibiscus tea, contain a huge set of biologically active compounds necessary for the body, which endow the drink with healing power.

In Arab countries, tea is drunk daily in hot or cold form, and as you know, these people have excellent health and longevity.

It is not possible to describe in detail the entire chemical composition of the plant, so we will focus on the main components that have the most important effect on the human body:

Regular use of Hibiscus tea can achieve excellent health or solve such health problems:

But it should also be borne in mind that the Sudanese rose in the form of tea is not useful for everyone. You should not get carried away with the use of Hibiscus for hypotensive patients, as the drink can further lower the pressure. People suffering from allergies need to be careful and start taking a healing drink with small doses. And it is also not recommended to drink tea for gastritis and high acidity of the stomach, since the drink will only worsen the condition.

Video “The benefits and harms of tea”

From the video you will learn how this drink is useful and harmful.

The height of this shrub ornamental flowering plant reaches 2 meters, girth up to 1 m. The leaves are oval, elongated with jagged edges. Large delicate flowers up to 25 cm in diameter are painted only in Sudanese roses in bright red. Other types of hibiscus have flower colors ranging from white, yellow, lilac, bronze, brick to deep red.

One flower lives for a day, but the flowering of the whole plant lasts up to 3 months.

Sudanese rose. Care and transplant

Like any indoor plant, the Sudanese rose is afraid of the cold, so it should be placed in the southern, southwestern part of the room, without direct sunlight. You can extend the flowering period by increasing daylight hours with fluorescent lamps, but not incandescent or halogen lamps.

The plant has a stiff trunk and is quite massive, so the soil for planting must be made heavy. Mixed part of the leafy land, part of the greenhouse, five parts of soddy, clay soil and two parts of river sand. The mixture should not be waterlogged and stick together when compressed. When transplanting, an inspection and removal of damaged roots is carried out. A small Sudanese rose is planted in a small pot and replanted annually.

As the flower grows, the pot is enlarged. An adult plant needs to be transplanted once every three years and grows well in a tub with a capacity of up to one hundred liters. In care, hibiscus is capricious. Sudden changes in temperature and drafts lead to a drop in flowers. For irrigation use warm softened water with a hardness of 9-11%. An adult plant needs pruning if the branches grow long and without foliage.

Cut wounds are smeared with wax or garden pitch. For alignment and the formation of lateral shoots on some branches of the crown, pinch off the upper buds. To clean the leaves, it is desirable to spray with water at room temperature. Indoor humidity plays an important role in growing flowers. The main sign of dryness is the drying of the leaves from the tips. Humidification is achieved by spraying the bush with settled water.

Sudanese rose. Nutrition and transplant

A young Sudanese rose, like all indoor plants, needs to be fed during the growth period, but the dose of fertilizer is applied less than for an adult bush. Feed with liquid fertilizer once a week. The dosage indicated on the package must be strictly observed. Fertilizing with bacterial fertilizers has a positive effect. Microorganisms living in the soil (azotobacter) contains the drug Azotobacterin.

These bacteria convert nitrogen from the air into plant-friendly nitrogen compounds. Azotobacterin is applied to moist soil simultaneously with ash, superphosphate and manure. Processing the land in a pot with a weak solution of potassium permanganate will slow down its souring.

In order to transplant a plant, lignified hibiscus cuttings are rooted in open ground or in a special solution. Cuttings are prepared during the dormant period, when there is no flowering - in March-April. The stalk is processed with aloe juice, which is a growth stimulating root formation substance.

The stalk planted in the soil is covered with a glass jar or other transparent material and protected from the sun. Keep the temperature at 25 degrees. Roots form after 4 weeks. A sign of rooting will be the appearance of a new leaflet at the top of the cutting. Then, together with a clod of earth, the stalk is planted in a permanent prepared pot.

Diseases and pests

More often sudanese rose suffers from spider mites, miner and aphids.

If the discoloration of the leaves is noticeable, then the spider mite probably attacked the plant. Spraying a decoction of cyclamen tubers, a solution of green soap and pyrethrum, or a solution of the chemical preparation thiophos on a tree will destroy the pest.

The aphid, a sucking insect, is very prolific and grows up to 20 generations per season. Migrates on different plants. Therefore, it is necessary to treat all available plants with a solution of nicotine or anabasin sulfate twice with a week break.

Miners are some types of flies and it is impossible to prevent them from laying eggs.

The fight against them comes down to the physical destruction of the clutches, crushing them on the leaves. Cut severely affected leaves. Woody plants are sometimes affected by bacterial cancer, growths, ecobasidiosis. From them, the plant turns yellow and withers. There is no cure, and such a plant is destroyed.

You can protect against leaf damage by anthracosis, downy mildew by treating hibiscus with a solution of foundationazole.

Sudanese rose. This is interesting:

Only the Hibiscus sabdariffa plant is completely edible, from leaves, flowers to roots. Its seeds are easily found in hibiscus tea bags. The Sudanese rose is grown on an industrial scale for food purposes in Egypt, Sudan, China, India, Mexico, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Received in the medicine of the Arab countries the name - a cure for many diseases.

Hibiscus drink of bright red color, sour-sweet taste is prepared from dark red flower petals and calyxes of Hibiscus sabdariffa. The drink contains antioxidants, anthocyanins, citric acid, vitamins and organic acids. All these substances have a positive effect on humans and have antipyretic, diuretic and antispasmodic properties.

The drink is contraindicated in case of peptic ulcer and increased acidity of the stomach.

A ruby ​​drink with a bright taste, hibiscus, is brewed from the Sudanese rose, the beneficial properties of which affect, perhaps, all areas of human health. But it is also important to take into account the peculiarities of the use of this herbal tea so that there is no harm from it.

What is hibiscus and what explains the benefits of the Sudanese rose

Sudanese rose is a shrub also known as Venetian mallow, rosella, flower of the pharaohs, hibiscus sabdariffa. It is valued for its large, wide-open cups of flowers, usually scarlet in color, but there are also plant forms with pink, white, orange and yellow flowers.

Herbal tea called hibiscus is brewed from them.

India is considered the birthplace of a tropical plant, but over four thousand years ago it was already known in the lands of Southeast Asia and North Africa.

And today, in the countries of the latter, hibiscus is included in national cuisines - flowers are added to salads, stews, used for jams and sweets ... But tea comes first.

It is noteworthy that various drinks are obtained from the regional forms of the plant. For example, hibiscus from Thailand is sweetish and dark garnet, while those from Mexico are brackish and orange. We usually find one that has a fruity taste with a pleasant sourness, a delicate aroma and a ruby ​​transparency of color from red flowers.

Hibiscus is drunk hot and cold with ice cubes, just like that and with the addition of sugar, honey and lemon, spices (cinnamon, ginger, vanilla). In its pure form and as part of herbal teas.

Despite the pleasant sourness, there is absolutely no oxalic acid in the drink, so there will be no harm from the Sudanese rose in case of kidney diseases, and due to the mild diuretic effect, there will be even more benefit.

Of the 13 amino acids present in the plant, 6 are essential, and their entire spectrum is involved in protein synthesis, which is especially important when doing fitness and when you want to build muscle mass.

The flavonoid quercetin has a beneficial effect on the eyes - it sharpens vision and protects the retina from overload as a result of prolonged reading or being at a computer monitor.

The vitamin range is most clearly represented by vitamin C, in which hibiscus is superior to orange, as well as vitamin P. The latter is not synthesized by the human body, so it is very important to have its sources on the table. In the Sudanese rose, it contains no less than in blackcurrant and wild rose.

In hibiscus, not only the infusion is useful, but also tea leaves - the pectin contained in them absorbs and removes harmful substances from the body, including salts of heavy metals.

Of the class of omega-6 fatty acids in hibiscus, the properties of linoleic acid are most pronounced, involved in the following:

regulating the level of cholesterol in the blood, preventing the formation and splitting of existing cholesterol plaques;

regulation of hormone levels;

accelerating lipid metabolism and preventing the conversion of excess energy (entering the body with food) into body fat;

also, linoleic acid is involved in the breakdown of excess fats that occur as a result of physical activity, dietary nutrition and cosmetic procedures (for example, body wraps with kelp for weight loss).

Of the fruit acids, citric acid is best represented in a high content, which has a positive effect on the processes of cell renewal and improvement of the skin of the face - narrowing of pores, matting tone, disappearance of freckles.

Saturated with antioxidant properties in principle, hibiscus is known as a rejuvenating "elixir", popularized as far back as the time of Avicenna.

What diseases and disorders are especially useful for Sudanese rose

The properties of hibiscus in relation to blood pressure are amazing. Being drunk cold, the drink gently reduces it, and hot - increases it.

Drinking from a Sudanese rose can serve as a prophylactic if there is a risk of an allergic reaction to any product or drug, it can also be advised to treat yourself to it an hour before the upcoming trip by car (if it is painfully sick in it).

A cup of hibiscus infusion before meals stimulates the appetite, and when drunk 15-30 minutes after it, it relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach if there was something heavy and greasy on the table.

Hibiscus can be called the best holiday tea - it will facilitate the processes of acclimatization and getting used to changing time zones, increase the resistance of the stomach to the innovations of local cuisine, and help you get an even, beautiful tan without sunburn.

In summer, hibiscus perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes, even if you drink it hot.

On its basis, by the way, you can also prepare sorbet (dessert like ice cream).

In cold weather, the drink warms and relaxes, and there are many punch recipes with it.

Also, it supports immunity against seasonal infections characterized by a runny nose and sore throat, and if the virus still wins, it alleviates symptoms and brings down the fever.

Also, the benefits of the Sudanese rose are obvious in the following:

the fight against excess weight - due to the acceleration of metabolism and a delicate laxative effect;

diabetes mellitus - due to a decrease in blood glucose levels;

heart diseases - potassium and sodium in the composition of hibiscus are involved in the work of the heart muscle;

The benefits of Sudanese rose for the nervous system

Whether you need to calm down after the stress, relax and tune in to rest in the evening of a hard day, or focus on the eve of serious work - a cup of hibiscus will be equally useful.

The fact is that the complex of biologically active substances in it has pronounced properties of regulating the central nervous system of a person and bringing it to an optimal state, which is changed at the level of deep brain activity, depending on the needs that arise in the environment.

normalization of the cycle of sleep and wakefulness;

getting rid of the symptoms of chronic fatigue;

protecting the body from increased emotional stress;

memory improvement and reaction acceleration;

treatment of neurotic diseases.

What can be the harm from the Sudanese rose

If the Sudanese rose is completely new, you should start with a small portion of the drink - an individual allergic reaction is possible. But this is extremely rare.

Children can try a drink from hibiscus from the age of three, but again - a little bit and the weakest tea leaves.

It is believed that in the absence of contraindications and individual intolerance, it is impossible to feel the harm of the Sudanese rose, if you do not exceed the rate of consumption of hibiscus for an adult - up to 1 liter per day. Abuse leads to an excessive load on the kidneys, and also on the stomach, because hibiscus increases its acidity.

Also, you should not drink hibiscus with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis without the permission of the attending physician.

Despite the fact that hibiscus has a beneficial effect on the oral cavity (disinfects, reduces gum bleeding), it is still better to rinse it with clean water after it - prolonged exposure to acids from the Sudanese rose destroys tooth enamel.

There will be no harm from the Sudanese rose, but its beneficial properties will be significantly reduced if you brew the drink with boiling water or use metal utensils for this - only porcelain or glass is suitable.

Also, hibiscus, although it is not addictive, but with constant use, the body reacts less and less to a number of its properties, for example, it tones and stimulates the appetite not so well. Therefore, it is reasonable sometimes for a week or two to reduce the consumption of Sudanese roses or completely abandon it in order to then return to its refreshed benefits.
