
The benefits and harms of rooibos tea. African rooibos tea - useful properties and contraindications, how to brew it correctly

The unique red rooibos tea has just appeared on the Russian market, but has already become popular due to its beneficial properties. They get it like ordinary black tea, but they use a special South African plant that belongs to the acacia family. Familiarize yourself with what contraindications the drink has, what are its beneficial properties and possible harm.

What is rooibos tea

Those who wish to know what rooibos is should refer to the source of origin of the drink. This unique tea is produced in the mountains of South Africa. The leaves are harvested from the red rooibos shrub that grows in cedar groves. The drink has long been used by the Bushmen tribes for a refreshing effect, a healing effect and as a natural dye. The technology of making tea has remained the same as the natives did: the seeds are sown in the soil in the summer, after a year and a half the bush grows, the leaves are cut and collected in bundles.

Modern production involves grinding the leaves of a shrub (they have the shape of needles), they are crushed with the help of rollers, in order to then be subjected to a chemical fermentation process. If this procedure is successful, the tea is red, sweet in taste, has a woody flavor. Green rooibos is not fermented, the raw material is steamed and dried under the open sun. The finished leaves are collected with a vacuum cleaner, sorted, cleaned, pasteurized and dried again.

The gradation of the quality of the obtained rooibos depends on the length of the cut, the age of the leaves, the presence of impurities. The short and long cuts are considered the most valuable - they are exported. For the domestic market, a cut of medium length is intended. In stores, there are tea bags with rooibos, which does not differ in quality from loose. From the Afrikaans language, the word is translated as a red bush.


Rooibos tea has a valuable composition, including trace elements, vitamins, antioxidants and other biologically active substances:

  • Trace elements - Rooibos contains potassium, fluorine, sodium, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc and manganese, which are needed for normal metabolism, strengthening immunity and normalizing the acid-base balance.
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, P, D, K strengthen memory.
  • Natural tetracycline has an antibacterial effect, indispensable for colds.
  • Antioxidants - Rooibos is rich in flavonoids, which eliminate free radicals, prevent the growth of tumors, prolong youth, green tea contains more of them than red.
  • Glucose allows you to drink a drink without adding sugar.
  • Aromatic oils soothe the body.
  • Phenolcarboxylic acids bring vivacity.

Beneficial features

Herbal-flavored African rooibos has the following health benefits, according to research:

  • contains 50% more antioxidants than green tea, actively neutralizes free radicals, helps with cancer, osteoporosis, radiation;
  • lowers blood pressure, normalizes blood glucose levels, improves liver function;
  • has an antihistamine effect, which is indispensable for allergies, hay fever, asthma;
  • resists the development of cataracts, atherosclerosis, eczema;
  • has antispasmodic and antiseptic properties;
  • calms the nervous system, reduces mental stress;
  • restores the work of the stomach in case of poisoning;
  • supports bone development;
  • two cups a day satisfy the daily requirement for ascorbic acid, and three for fluorine and a third of the body's iron norm;
  • tea is useful during physical exertion due to the optimal ratio of potassium and calcium;


Rooibos grass has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components. Tea from it is suitable for consumption by people of any gender, age. With caution, it is recommended to drink a drink during exacerbation of chronic gastritis, an open ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract due to possible irritation of the mucous membrane with essential oils. With arterial hypotension, you can drink tea, but under the supervision of doctors, because it already reduces pressure.

Very hot tea (at temperatures above 50 degrees) can cause a spasm in the stomach, and strong tea increases the concentration of tannin in the blood, excites the nervous system, leads to insomnia, headaches. If you have diabetes, you should consult your doctor before taking rooibos due to the presence of a large amount of glucose in the composition. For the first time, it is recommended that those taking the drink drink in small quantities and look at the reaction of the body.

How to brew rooibos

The instructions below will tell you how to brew rooibos correctly. The leaves are unpretentious in tea leaves: they are poured with boiling water and infused for five minutes. 10 minutes will enhance the action of antioxidants, and half an hour will lead to saturation with healing properties. Proportions of tea leaves: a teaspoon on a glass. It can be reused up to five times. To get a strong drink, boil the broth for 5-10 minutes, and to create an unusual taste, brew with milk and add spices. Suitable cardamom, vanilla, cinnamon.

Brewed tea is stored for several days in the refrigerator, can be consumed cold, but is more often drunk hot. A few more ways to use welding:

  • use it in the preparation of pastries, marmalade, sweet sauces;
  • water houseplants with the remnants of tea, for them it will be a kind of fertilizer;
  • you can dye with a strong infusion of fabric, the color will last a long time;
  • lubricate the skin with infusion after sunburn, and use a weak solution as a facial tonic.

Benefits of rooibos

Rooibos or rooibos has a unique composition, therefore it carries many valuable beneficial properties:

  • serves to prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer, premature aging of the body;
  • perfectly tones, serves to strengthen the immune system, lowers cholesterol;
  • eliminates colic in babies, helps them fall asleep faster;
  • due to the presence of tetracycline, it has a bactericidal effect: compresses from the infusion help with acne, dermatitis, eczema;
  • improves digestion, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of caries due to the content of fluorine;
  • strengthens the body in case of allergic skin diseases;
  • used as an expectorant for colds;
  • successfully removes worms;
  • serves as a hangover cure;
  • treats constipation, heartburn, nausea;
  • does not contain oxalic acid, so it can be used by people with kidney stones or urolithiasis;
  • due to the presence of zinc in the composition, it has an astringent effect, relieves herpes, is used in surgical operations, rashes, diaper rash, hay fever;
  • accumulates products of lipid oxidation in the brain, which prevents the aging of nerve cells;
  • improves the condition of veins with varicose veins;
  • helps with dehydration.

For the nervous system

African tea has a calming effect, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves irritability and depression. Properly brewed drink normalizes sleep, helps adults and children fall asleep, improves the quality of sleep. Tea reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, eliminates the effects of stress, improves memory and concentration.


Green rooibos tea contains more antioxidants than the red variety. Warm ordinary infusion can be used as an expectorant for colds, they are gargled or simply taken orally to facilitate the release of sputum that is difficult to separate. The unique composition has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates cough and kills viruses. Can be used as a prophylactic.

In case of poisoning

The useful composition of tea is rich in components that can quickly cleanse the body of toxins, harmful substances, saturating it with valuable vitamins and microminerals. This property is used for poisoning. Due to flavonoids, rooibos eliminates gastric colic, relaxes muscle tension, eliminates disorders, constipation, nausea and vomiting.

With edema

A useful property of rooibos tea is called the ability to relieve swelling in the body. After a hard day's work, take a bath with a decoction of the leaves, this will eliminate the swelling of the legs.

For weight loss

Drinking rooibos tea is good for weight loss. If you follow a balanced diet and add a sports load to the diet, you will be able to lose those extra pounds. Tea can replace the usual drinks - a cup of rooibos contains only 2 kcal, it has a sweetish taste. The infusion has the following properties for weight loss:

  • normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • prolongs the feeling of fullness;
  • helps not to overeat;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • slightly tones without tannin and caffeine;
  • contains vitamins and minerals, which improves intestinal motility.

When breastfeeding

Due to the high content of iron, tea can be used by pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding to prevent the development of anemia. The drink has an antispasmodic effect, eliminates colic in babies. It can be drunk to nursing mothers so that the baby receives benefits through breast milk. The positive properties of the drink during lactation and pregnancy.

Many people think of a cup of hibiscus when they hear about red tea. And very few people know that rooibos also bears this name - herbal tea, which is obtained from the linear aspalatus plant, a shrub of the legume family that grows in southern Africa. Scientists have discovered useful properties and contraindications in rooibos.


The plant has long been known to African natives - it was they who first began to collect leaves that look like coniferous needles to brew a cup of fragrant tea. Later, the drink became known to the Dutch settlers and the British. For them, rooibos (this is a variation of the name) has become the same as coffee and tea for Europeans, not only as a thirst quencher, but also as a tonic. At the same time, there is no caffeine in the plant, so it is given even to small children, women during lactation and people with diseases in which coffee and traditional teas are contraindicated.

It is noticed that decoctions and infusions from the leaves of the red bush have a versatile effect on the body:

  • strengthen the protective forces;
  • stimulate metabolism;
  • relax smooth muscles;
  • rejuvenate tissues at the cellular level;
  • fight the consequences of helminthic invasions;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduce blood pressure.

Since there is no tannin in the composition, iron is better absorbed. There is also no oxalic acid, which is found in green and black tea, so rooibos is allowed for people predisposed to kidney stones.

Rooibos contains natural tetracycline, a substance with antibacterial action. The plant contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system, eliminates colic in children. With regular use of herbal tea, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels increases, the symptoms of hypertension weaken. It is useful to include a drink in the menu with frequent stresses, as it produces a slight sedative effect, fights headaches and helps to cope with depression and fears.

Rooibos is also useful after heavy drinking, as it relieves a hangover. The flavonoids here have anti-mutagenic activity, especially against skin cancer.

Useful properties of rooibos allow you to include it in the diet:

  • athletes;
  • children;
  • old people;
  • those who lead an active lifestyle.

Decoctions and infusions are used not only inside, but also externally - in the form of washes, lotions, compresses, added to masks. The plant helps to cope with such skin pathologies as acne, dermatitis, eczema, itching, irritation. Its decoctions are added to baths with a tonic and anti-cellulite effect. Studies have also shown that extracts from the leaves of the red bush stimulate hair growth.

Tea is useful to drink for colds and coughs, as it helps to expel sputum. The minerals contained in the composition help keep teeth healthy and prevent caries. This is one of the few drinks that is allowed for pancreatitis.

To date, studies are underway on the properties of the plant and the possibility of its use in medicines against oncological ailments, hepatitis, and diabetes is being studied.


Rooibos is allowed to almost everyone, but some people have intolerance to this product. It is not recommended to use such a drink during exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis, viral infections.


Although the benefits of rooibos are great, it should not be abused. So, it was noticed the ability to retain moisture in the body, which leads to swelling. For this reason, in the diet of pregnant women, the use of the product is limited to 3 cups per day. Women who are carrying a child or during lactation should include the product in the diet gradually, especially if they have not consumed it before. Use herbal tea with caution if you are prone to low blood pressure due to the hypotensive effect. It is not recommended to use it on an empty stomach, drink medicines.

How to cook?

Herbal tea has a rich red color with an orange tint, so it is recommended to brew it in a transparent container. Clay teapots are not suitable for this - they spoil the taste.

The taste from the drink itself is gentle, delicate, simple. Light sourness is intertwined with fruity-floral notes.

Rooibos does just fine without honey - it's sweet on its own thanks to its glucose content. But sugar is not recommended at all, so as not to destroy the beneficial substances.

Rooibos is brewed in the same way as other teas - at the rate of 1 teaspoon of herb per 200 ml of hot water (about 95 ° C). Infuse for at least 10 minutes - then the plant gives off all the healing power. Some connoisseurs recommend placing the utensils with tea leaves in the oven, since rooibos, unlike other types of tea, is not afraid of boiling. If you insist the tea leaves for less than 10 minutes, then the amount of useful substances in it will decrease somewhat, although the taste and aroma will not become worse.

Rooibos is used sparingly, since one serving can be used 2-3 times without loss of taste. But the amount of nutrients in the infusion will decrease with each subsequent time.

To diversify the taste, rooibos is served with additional ingredients. Combine with it:

  • milk;
  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • strawberry.

On the counter there is tea with various flavors - pieces of white chocolate, orange, papaya, strawberries, other herbs and fruits, with black coffee beans. As an appetizer, they take chicken sandwiches, fruit and nut tartlets, tubes with jam.


The composition contains vitamins and minerals, which determine the benefits and harms of rooibos tea.

The most significant content in the drink is copper, which regulates hormonal levels, participates in hematopoiesis, controls blood pressure, prevents bacterial infections, improves the production of collagen, melanin, histamine, and produces other effects.

The composition contains a composition of aromatic oils (more than a hundred), phenocarboxylic acids.

How to choose?

Rooibos comes in red (fermented) and green (non-fermented) varieties, depending on the processing method.

It is believed that the green variety, which, when brewed, gives a lighter shade and is characterized by a grassy aftertaste, is more powerful, while the red one has a more pronounced taste.

Natural loose tea, which can be purchased in specialized stores, brings the greatest benefit. You should not buy products packaged in disposable bags: in order to reduce the cost of the product, other types of tea can be mixed with rooibos or poor quality raw materials can be used.


For storage, the mixture is transferred to a glass or ceramic dish, which is hermetically sealed, and placed in a dry, dark place. Herbal tea properties are preserved for 30 months.

You should hurry to get acquainted with the drink of African natives. The fact is that the producers sounded the alarm: due to climate change, the “red bush” is endangered. The plant was tried to grow in other parts of the world, but these attempts ended in failure. To date, the plant is successfully cultivated only in its homeland - in southern Africa.

Rooibos tea Also known as rooibos. It belongs to herbal teas. It can have a rich red color and transparent green, depending on the method of processing. To obtain red tea, the raw materials are subjected to fermentation, for green this procedure is not carried out.

Red and green rooibos differ not only in color, but also in composition and properties, despite the fact that they are produced from the same raw material. To obtain it, the leaves and branches of the linear aspalatus shrub plant are used.

Rooibos tea has a sweetish taste, it also contains sourness. The aroma of the drink is associated with the smell of hay.

Rooibos is unique and multifaceted. He is able to cheer up or calm down depending on the time of day. During the day, it acts encouragingly, increasing efficiency, and in the evening it has a relaxing effect.

Two mugs of rooibos tea contain the daily requirement of ascorbic acid, as well as 2/3 of the daily requirement of iron. Therefore, rooibos is indicated for anemia associated with iron deficiency.


Rooibos tea. Contraindications

Scientists have already studied the composition and effect on the body of rooibos tea. Contraindications have been identified in a small number. They are mainly associated with individual intolerance to the components in the composition of tea. Rooibos can cause an allergic reaction, but this is extremely rare.

Other reasons for the contraindications of rooibos tea may be:

  • Presence of kidney disease
  • Oncological diseases
  • Low blood pressure

Doctors warn not to abuse the drink in the presence of gastritis or a gastrointestinal ulcer. Rooibos is endowed with essential oils that can irritate the stomach lining.


What are the benefits of rooibos tea?

Useful properties of rooibos tea significantly exceed the number of its contraindications. Due to the complete absence of caffeine in the composition, rooibos can be taken by any age category of people: from babies to the elderly.

Roubush contains a large amount of antioxidants. Therefore, tea is indicated for osteoporosis and irradiation. It is recommended for poisoning, to improve the functioning of the stomach.

Rooibos tea is also used externally. It helps to reduce itching, relieves the symptoms of various skin diseases, including eczema and dermatitis.

Rooibos has a good expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended for colds and SARS. The drink helps to reduce the recovery period after illness and strengthens the immune system.

The presence of calcium and fluorine in the composition of tea strengthens teeth and bones. Copper improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Rooibos tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the absence of caffeine in the composition, pregnant and lactating women can include rooibos tea in their diet. No contraindications have been identified with the addition of rooibos to infant nutrition. The drink helps to improve the work of the stomach and get rid of colic.

The list of useful properties of rooibos tea during pregnancy and guards:

  • Relaxing and soothing
  • Helps with swelling, removes excess fluid from the body
  • Relieves morning sickness, facilitates well-being during toxicosis
  • Helps with insomnia
  • It has a positive effect on the work of the digestive tract, eliminates constipation
  • Helps prevent anemia due to its high iron content
  • Saturates the body with folic acid, necessary for the normal development of the fetus
  • It has a lactagon effect, saturates milk with minerals and vitamins

Doctors warn to observe the measure of drinking rooibos tea. Contraindications will not be caused if you drink no more than 2-3 cups of the drink per day.

How to brew rooibos tea?

The method of making rooibos tea is not significantly different from making regular tea. Unless, for brewing, they use a special paper filter. It is necessary to rid the drink of unwanted tea particles. Rooibos consists of very small tea leaves that a normal strainer cannot handle.

Step by step instructions for brewing rooibos tea:

  1. Pour boiling water over the teapot and pour 1 teaspoon of rooibos into it.
  2. Pour boiling water over and close with a tight lid.
  3. Infuse tea for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the desired strength of the drink. The Japanese prefer to infuse rooibos for 10 minutes.
  4. Rooibos tea is ready - the ratio of brewing and boiling water per mug of tea depends on individual taste needs.

The time of infusion of rooibos tea affects not only the strength of the drink, but also the saturation of the drink with beneficial properties. South Africans not only know the benefits of rooibos tea. They realized how long it takes for a drink to become as useful as possible - the more rooibos tea is prepared, the more it will be saturated with useful components, so it is insisted in the Motherland for half an hour.

So that rooibos tea does not lose its beneficial properties and does not cause contraindications, you should not buy tea with the presence of synthetic flavors.

Flavored tea lovers can saturate rooibos with various additives at home. For this, pieces of various dried fruits, cinnamon, essential oils of bergamot or lemon, cornflower flowers, almonds, caramel and many others are suitable. Rooibos tea can be consumed hot or cold.

This tea, which has a slightly sweet taste, is made from the leaves of a South African plant, namely from a shrub of the same name Rooibos. It turns out a very pleasant taste, with a wonderful aroma, a drink. By its tonic, invigorating properties, it will successfully replace traditional black tea or coffee. Moreover, rooibos acts much softer on blood vessels, as it does not contain caffeine.

He appeared on sale not so long ago, but already has a large army of fans. Someone loves this tea for its inherent taste, pleasant aroma. Others drink it as a medicine, knowing about its powerful healing effect on the body. What are the properties of rooibos tea, the benefits and harms of it, what? Let's find out right now:

Who Should Drink Rooibos? The benefits of the drink

Most importantly, it contains a lot of substances - antioxidants, the main property of which is to slow down aging. In addition, they can also reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

It should be noted that rooibos is very rich in vitamin C. There is more of it than lemons contain! There is also such an important element as iron. Therefore, the drink is very useful for iron deficiency anemia. Just 2-3 cups of fresh tea provide the body with the daily requirement of this mineral.

In addition to iron, rooibos is no less rich in fluorine, copper, as well as potassium, manganese, zinc and sodium. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it to children, the elderly and athletes. In general, these elements are necessary for all people who lead an active lifestyle, as well as those who are engaged in physical labor.

Potassium, sodium, which are part of it, contribute to the restoration of physical health. Zinc, combined with vitamin C, will strengthen the immune system. Copper improves the functioning of the nervous system, activates the metabolism. Manganese, magnesium, which is part of the tea, has a positive effect on the cells of the body, and calcium, together with fluorine, strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel.

Medicinal properties

The use of tea will calm the stomach, eliminate heartburn, nausea, and stop vomiting. In its homeland - South Africa, tea has been used since time immemorial in the treatment of intestinal disorders, used for stomach colic in children and adults. Therefore, regular use of tea will improve digestion and eliminate constipation.

Tea is used for allergies. With it, reduce itching, relieve the symptoms of dermatitis, eczema. The drink is considered an effective antibacterial agent.

Tea has anthelmintic properties, so it is recommended to drink it during the treatment of helminthiasis. And you can drink it for both adults and children.

Rooibos will benefit in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and tonsillitis, as it is an effective anti-inflammatory, expectorant.

It is recommended to drink with nervous experiences, stress, depression and neuroses. It will eliminate problems with falling asleep. And drinking a cup before going to bed will calm you down, help you fall asleep well and sleep peacefully. If you drink a cup of tea during the day, it, on the contrary, will give vivacity, increase efficiency.

It should be noted that rooibos tea, the benefits of which are now known to us, does not contain oxalic acid. Therefore, it can be drunk without any fear for people suffering from urolithiasis. In addition, because of its low calorie content, it can be drunk by anyone who is on a diet.

How to make rooibos tea?

Everything is very simple and you do not need to invent anything extra. Rooibos is brewed in the same way as regular tea. Pour it into a teapot, then pour boiling water over it. Stick to the proportion: 1 tsp. for 200 ml of boiling water.

Insist it longer - more than five minutes. For example, in Japan it takes 10 minutes to cook it. And in his homeland - South Africa, they can generally withstand the infusion for half an hour or more. There is an opinion that the longer the infusion is prepared, the higher the beneficial qualities of tea.

You can drink it hot. And when it's hot, cold rooibos is very good. Connoisseurs prepare delicious non-alcoholic punches and fruit cocktails based on the infusion.

Many drink lovers prefer to drink it with all sorts of fillings. For example, a little cinnamon is added to the tea leaves. It is very good with bergamot, lemon. Lovers of fruit flavors buy rooibos with pieces of apple, pineapple, strawberry, banana. You can buy tea with cornflower flowers or with the addition of almonds, caramel, etc.

Who shouldn't drink rooibos tea? Drink harm

I must say that rooibos is not harmful. It is unnecessary to drink it only for people with individual intolerance. However, it is not recommended to drink it on an empty stomach in order to drown out the feeling of hunger. Just an excess of fluid will definitely accumulate in the tissues of the body, which will cause swelling. Therefore, 2-3 small cups of tea is enough.

And yet, you should not buy tea bags of the same name. They are usually "stuffed" with flavors, all kinds of flavor enhancers. There is very little left of natural rooibos. Therefore, there will be very, very little benefit from a packaged drink. Therefore, it is better to purchase natural rooibos in specialized tea stores. Be healthy!

Rooibos tea gets its name from a shrub found in South Africa. Since ancient times, local natives have used its stems and leaves to make a fragrant drink, which is credited with a lot of useful properties. Europeans learned about the existence of rooibos only in the last century and immediately drew attention to its pleasant taste and smell.

Rooibos or rooibos is what the Africans call linear aspalathus (Aspalathus linearis), a bushy plant of the legume family. It got its name for its color and literally translates as "red bush".

Rooibos reaches 2-3 meters in height, and has yellow flowers and pine-like needles. It begins to branch almost at the very ground. For the preparation of tea, as a rule, tender shoots and leaves of the shrub are used.

A decoction of the rooibos plant in Africa was used not only to quench thirst, but also to treat various diseases, and also as a dye. African rooibos tea came to the European continent at the beginning of the 20th century, when the merchant Ginsberg decided to sell it in England. The local population liked herbal tea so much that they quickly learned about it throughout Europe.

This shrub is very thermophilic, so it is not found anywhere except South Africa. About 100 years ago, when rooibos tea became incredibly popular in Europe, whole plantations began to be planted in its homeland. And in the middle of the twentieth century, the South African government created a special agency that began to control the cultivation and export of raw materials.

Rooibos shrub (aspalathus linearis)

The plant reproduces similarly to other legumes - with the help of seeds that ripen in separate boxes. It is very difficult to collect them, because immediately after maturation they quickly fly out. And from unripe pods it is almost impossible to get germinating seeds. Therefore, it is often necessary to sift all the sand around the bush in search of beans.

Seeds are planted in the ground in special nurseries in February, and by the beginning of summer, seedlings are transferred to open ground. Shoots and leaves of a plant that has already reached 2 years are suitable for making tea.

Production features

African rooibos tea is red and green, depending on how the raw material is processed. Green rooibos is not fermented. To stop the fermentation process in the shoots of the shrub, they are treated with hot steam immediately after cutting. Such a drink will have a light shade, delicate taste and aroma with a herbal tint.

The red appearance of the drink is obtained due to the additional fermentation of the raw material, that is, its drying in the open sun. Such tea comes out more saturated, cloying, with woody notes.

Flavored rooibos is produced separately - vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. There is even an espresso from this plant. Only certain varieties of shrubs are suitable for its preparation. Outwardly, it practically does not differ from a coffee drink, but some believe that its taste is even stronger and richer.

Composition and useful properties

The composition of tea includes a complex of vitamins and minerals, flavonoids, phytoncides, essential oils, acids and antioxidants. Due to the fact that it does not contain caffeine at all, rooibos can be drunk even by small children, nursing mothers during breastfeeding, and anyone who is contraindicated in drinks with this invigorating substance.

In this type of drink, there are practically no tannins, which give bitterness and astringent taste.

Rooibos, the benefits of which have been proven by numerous studies, has the following medicinal properties:

  1. The antioxidants included in its composition slow down the aging process of cells and help get rid of free radicals that provoke the development of cancerous tumors.
  2. The compounds that make up tea have antispasmodic properties. The drink is prepared for babies who suffer from colic. Rooibos during pregnancy is advised to drink to prevent constipation and flatulence, which expectant mothers often suffer from.
  3. Eliminates the symptoms of asthma and alleviates the condition of patients with allergic reactions.
  4. An infusion of the plant is used to treat problem skin and eliminate acne.
  5. Rooibos has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  6. It is used for the prevention and treatment of helminthic invasions.
  7. It has a calming effect on the state of the nervous system, reduces headaches and relieves insomnia. Therefore, it is often recommended to drink it for nervous disorders, depression and overwork.
  8. The substances included in its composition contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, so rooibos tea is often recommended for weight loss.
  9. The drink has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure and cleanses the vascular walls of cholesterol plaques.
  10. It has an expectorant effect and is prescribed for bronchitis and other pathologies of the respiratory system.
  11. Provides prevention of caries and osteoporosis.
  12. Improves the functioning of the liver and digestive tract.
  13. Helps to increase the body's defenses.
  14. The drink quenches thirst well and has a tonic effect on the body.

Considering the unique properties of rooibos tea, it is safe to say that regular consumption of this drink helps to cope with a lot of problems, normalize digestion, pressure, relieve stress, and replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. And due to the absence of oxalic acid in it, patients with urolithiasis can drink rooibos. However, before drinking, one should consider not only the potential benefits of rooibos tea, but also the possible harm.

Harm and contraindications

There are practically no contraindications for rooibos. With caution, it should be drunk by those who have individual intolerance to individual components. Also, the use of rooibos drink should be abandoned if:

  1. Diabetes. This is due to the fact that glucose is present in the tea, so you should first consult with your doctor.
  2. Reduced blood pressure. It has been proven that the drink helps to reduce it, therefore, in hypotensive patients, its regular use can provoke disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. anemia. The composition of the drink contains substances that slow down the absorption of iron. Therefore, you can drink it only after consulting a doctor and some time after eating.

Types of rooibos tea

In addition to pure red and green rooibos, you can find other varieties of it obtained by mixing raw materials with other ingredients and flavors:

  • vanilla;
  • kalahari (with flowers of cornflower and lemongrass);
  • marrakesh with orange;
  • ginger;
  • with almonds and marzipan;
  • strawberry and others.

Also, as mentioned above, espresso is prepared from an African plant. Then, according to recipes similar to coffee, such interesting drinks are prepared, rooibos latte and rooibos cappuccino.

How to brew rooibos

To enjoy the incredible taste and aroma of the drink, as well as get the most out of it, you need to learn how to properly brew rooibos. To some, its taste may seem too spicy. Therefore, the first acquaintance with the drink is recommended to start with flavored species, which are lighter.

Brewing rooibos is not difficult - there are no special secrets and cooking recipes. It is enough to pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and wait 5 minutes. This time will be enough for the drink to brew and acquire its characteristic taste and aroma. One and the same portion of tea leaves can be used several times. The taste and benefits of the drink remain virtually unchanged.

Rooibos can be drunk either hot or chilled. It will not lose its unique properties even a day after brewing.
