
Japanese quince: autumn care and processing of the crop. Japonica

14.07.2017 1

Unlike other fruits, quince is rarely eaten fresh due to its tart taste and hardness. Therefore, it is often used in blanks. Quince with honey is especially good. Recipes for the winter, according to which you can cook this healthy fruit with honey, you will see below, but first we will talk about its beneficial properties.

Useful qualities

Japanese quince, or chaenomeles, grows in the Caucasus, southern Ukraine, and Central Asia. Nature endowed the tart and sour fruit with a unique composition. It contains vitamins and minerals:

  1. Group B
  2. A large amount of ascorbic acid.
  3. Nicotinic acid (PP).
  4. Iron.
  5. Potassium.
  6. Calcium.
  7. Copper etc.

In addition to vitamin C, it is rich in organic acids such as malic and citric acids, pectins, and essential oils.

The presence of fiber and pectins helps to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Quince is indispensable in the fight against anemia due to the presence of iron and copper. It exhibits antioxidant properties, helping to cleanse blood vessels, liver and kidneys.

It helps to quickly cope with a cold, strengthens the immune system. Its sour taste relieves nausea, vomiting, and increases appetite.

Quince and honey

Quince, which is also called a false apple, is rarely eaten fresh. How to cook fruit in order to maximize its beneficial properties? It can be jam, juice, candied fruits or dried slices for compote.

One of the best ways to maximize the benefits and get a delicious dish is baked quince with honey. Everyone knows the beneficial properties of bee products, including honey. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antioxidant effect on the body, helps to strengthen the immune system. In the process of cooking, quince and honey complement each other, mutually reinforcing the beneficial properties.

Quince baked with honey and nuts is an exquisite delicacy and an excellent substitute for confectionery. It can be eaten by young children, debilitated patients and pregnant women. Dessert from chaenomeles will speed up recovery from a cold, improve the functioning of the digestive tract. The beneficial effect of baked fruit on the liver and kidneys.

Cooking methods

Here are some simple recipes for quince with honey.

In the oven

The fruit must be washed, wiped thoroughly to remove the villi from the peel. Cut into two halves, remove the seeds. A small amount of honey should be put into the recess. By the way, you can use crystallized honey. You can sprinkle some sugar on top.

Ready fruits are placed on a baking sheet, put in a preheated oven for about half an hour. The oven temperature is 180 degrees. The degree of readiness is determined by the softness of the fruit.

In the microwave oven

Modern technology makes cooking easier, so to reduce the baking time of the “false apple”, housewives cook it in the microwave. The process of preparing fruit is similar to the previous recipe. Bake the fruit in the microwave oven for 5-8 minutes.

You can bake chaenomeles not only as a whole, cutting off the top, or cutting it into two halves. The fruit, cut into slices, is placed in a refractory dish or dish for a microwave oven, covered with a small amount of honey (a couple of tablespoons) on top.

You can add a little sugar to form more syrup. When serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar or pour over the resulting syrup.

Chaenomeles with honey and nuts

In the East, a dessert made from quince with honey and nuts is popular. Here is the recipe for this delicacy. For five pieces of "false apple" you will need 150 grams of honey, 120 grams of peeled walnuts, 50 grams of butter. Nuts are preliminarily lightly roasted, crushed, but not to the smallest crumb.

We mix the specified amount of honey and nuts until a paste-like mass is formed. We wipe the washed fruits, removing hairs, cut in half. After removing the seeds, we fill the recesses with a small amount of butter and walnut-honey paste.

We place the prepared fruits on a baking sheet, pour a small amount of water on the bottom and put in a heated oven. After 30-40 minutes, the dish is ready, the fruit can be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

As an option for baking, we present a popular oriental recipe. In it, the quince is not cut into two halves, but the top is cut off, leaving it as a lid. Carefully remove the seeds, being careful not to damage the peel.

The recess is filled with a mixture of honey with crushed nut mass. You can add some washed and dried raisins. Top with a cut lid, wrap each fruit in foil. Put the baking sheet with fruit in the oven for half an hour.

Quince with honey and pumpkin, apples

Japanese quince goes well with apples, pumpkin when baked in the oven.

Here are a couple of recipes.

Recipe #1

For this recipe, small pumpkins, weighing no more than one and a half kilograms, are suitable. We choose pumpkin fruits of such a shape that they stand steadily on a baking sheet. In a washed pumpkin, cut off the top, take out the seeds. Next, you need to take a quince and an apple, cut into small slices.

Stuff the inside of the pumpkin with fruits, honey, nuts and raisins, put a small amount of butter on top. Cover the pumpkin with a cut lid, place in the oven for 30 minutes. An exquisite dessert is ready without much hassle, and there are more benefits from it than from cakes and pastries.

Recipe #2

To prepare this dish, you will need two apples and quinces and half a kilogram of pumpkin pulp.

All ingredients are cut into pieces or small slices. We make baskets from foil, which we fill with chopped fruit. You can use ready-made molds. Place the filled baskets in the oven. We grind the finished softened components with a mixer, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and honey.

Puree can be used for breakfast, to satisfy hunger or the desire to eat sweets. It will add strength, improve mood.

For weight loss

"False apple" with honey, the recipes for which are given above, perfectly reduces the need for sweets, which are often experienced by losing weight. Even a small amount of baked fruit will make up for the loss of minerals and other nutrients that are inevitable in diets.

It should be noted that one hundred grams of quince contains only 40 kcal, so you can eat one fruit baked with honey per day. This will not harm the figure.

Ways to prepare for the winter

There are various ways of harvesting quince for the winter.

You can make jams, jams, candied fruits, preserve juice.

quince juice recipe

For its preparation it is necessary:

  • squeeze juice from quince, strain;
  • add boiled water to the cake at the rate of 120 ml per kilogram, heat to a boil;
  • squeeze out the liquid and mix with juice;
  • pour into jars, sterilize for fifteen minutes;
  • close with lids.

Syrup for the winter

One and a half kilograms of sugar is added to the squeezed juice (per liter of juice).

Boil for five minutes, strain, pour into jars, roll up.


Fragrant jam is obtained from quince prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Ripe fruits are peeled, seeds, cut into slices.
  2. Pieces of quince are placed in a syrup prepared in advance from 1.5 kilograms of sugar and three glasses of water, brought to a boil.
  3. Repeat bringing to a boil in a day, cook for the third time until tender, distribute into jars.

Candied fruit

If the boiled slices are removed from the syrup, dried in a warm oven, sprinkled with sugar, then the candied fruits are ready for the winter.

They are laid out in jars, closing tightly with lids.


What could be more pleasant on cold winter days, when dank dampness creeps into the heart like a snake, than an unopened jar of fragrant fragrant quince jam. Or a glass of sweet quince liqueur. Or, even more useful, a cup of tart hot tea infused with dried transparent candied fruits.

Japanese quince recipes are easy to follow. Dozens of types of preparations can be prepared from golden and lemon fruits that will warm the soul, preserve health, give a cheerful mood, because they contain a great mass of useful substances: natural vitamins, minerals, hormones, antioxidants, activating, toning body cells.

Useful properties of Japanese quince are preserved in cooking recipes practically without changes, if you limit the time and temperature low mode of its heat treatment: make quick jams, compotes, jams - five minutes. Air dry under a canopy. Preserve without chemical breakers.

How to make Japanese quince jam and other healthy preparations?

Slices with walnut kernels

  1. Products: quince fruits 2 kg, sugar 3 kg, water 750 ml, nuts 200 gr.
  2. Cut the fruit into slices, removing the boxes with seeds, scald with boiling water.
  3. Dip in sugar syrup, boil for 10 minutes, removing the foam.
  4. Leave covered on the table for soaking for 3 hours.
  5. Add grated, boil several times for 5 minutes with breaks of half an hour.
  6. Close in jars, turn upside down until completely cooled.

Japanese quince, jam cubes with lemon

Products: 2 kg of quince, lemon 150 gr., 2 gr. vanillin (grains), sugar 3.5 kg, water 800 ml.

  1. Quince crumble into small cubes, place in boiling sugar syrup for 5 minutes.
  2. Lemon zest along with the pulp through a meat grinder, put in a bowl with jam.
  3. Keep without fire for 4 hours.
  4. Boil the mass for 5 minutes, leave to rest for 20 minutes.
  5. Repeat the operation 2 more times.
  6. Vanillin is dissolved during the last operation.
  7. Place hot jam in jars under the lid. Store in a cellar (or refrigerator).

Quince Honey Jam Japanese Candied Recipe

Products: without seed boxes 1 kg, honey 400 gr., sugar 1 kg.

  1. Wipe the fruits, pour sugar in a saucepan, leave under the lid for 2 hours.
  2. Mix, distribute in jars 0.5 l, 3/4 without reaching the hangers.
  3. Put them in a water bath in a larger saucepan to sterilize for 15 minutes.
  4. Cool to 40 degrees, pour fresh honey, leaving an empty space of 2 cm to the top.
  5. Close with thick waxed paper and an elastic band, put inside the refrigerator.

Japanese quince compote with lemon zest for the winter

  1. Quince slices without cores 2 kg put in hot sugar syrup from 750 ml of water and 500 gr. Sahara.
  2. Add the zest of 1 lemon, leave to infuse for 30 minutes.
  3. Boil again for 10 minutes, pour into storage dishes, seal tightly with lids.

Airy pink marshmallow

Products 4 quinces, 1 egg white, 600g of granulated sugar, 3/4 cup of water, 20g. agar (gelatin). Powdered sugar for sprinkling.

  • boil down,
  • pass through a sieve
  • add sugar, soaked gelatin or agar, whisking,
  • boil a little more
  • again beat the mass with egg white, form lush balls,
  • dry for 15 minutes in the oven or on the table.

Delicate delicious jelly

Products: 700 ml of water, 1.5 kg of peeled fruits, 600 gr. Sahara.

  • boil fruits in sweet water until soft,
  • gently mix and beat with swollen warm gelatin,
  • lay out in molds, cool.

Strong liqueur made from alcohol and Japanese quince

Products: 2 l. alcohol, seedless fruit slices 2 kg, sugar 2 kg.

  1. Mix fruits with sugar, wait until completely dissolved, shake occasionally.
  2. Drain the syrup into another bowl, store inside the refrigerator.
  3. Pour the slices with alcohol, soak the drink for a week.
  4. Add clean inside a cold cabinet until a clear liquor is obtained.
  5. If the remains of quince are again poured with alcohol, after 3 weeks you can get a strong alcoholic drink that tastes like apple Calvados.

Canned Japanese quince, recipes for the winter

Products: 1.2 kg of fruit, 700 ml of water.

  1. Wash fruits, remove seeds, pour cool water for 10 minutes.
  2. Cut into slices, blanch for 10 minutes, do not bring to a boil.
  3. Drain the water into another saucepan, boil.
  4. Pour the slices laid in half-liter jars up to the shoulders.
  5. Sterilize them in a water bath for 12 minutes.
  6. Seal with lids for hot products, wrap bottoms up until cool.
  7. It turns out a piquant aromatic addition to meat, poultry, fish dishes.

Another canning method is obtained by adding a small amount of salt, sugar (to taste) and your favorite spices for seasoning: cloves or turmeric.

The recipes for preparing Japanese quince for the winter are quite simple, any novice cook can easily master them.

Only a small part of the useful secrets for the prevention of colds, heart disease, and the improvement of the vessels of the circulatory system with the help of ordinary autumn harvesting of fruits are presented here.

Greetings, dear readers! From this article you will learn how to make delicious quince blanks for the winter, recipes for blanks. Quince useful properties and contraindications, the healing properties of quince are due to the high content of biologically active substances in all parts of the plant.

Quince fruits have diuretic, astringent, antiseptic, hemostatic properties. Seeds are used as an emollient, enveloping, anti-inflammatory agent.

Quince ordinary description

Cydonia oblonga Mill.

Common quince is a tree or large shrub of the rose family, dicotyledonous class, 1.5 - 8 meters high. Quince leaves are elliptical, entire along the edge, green, smooth above, whitish felt-pubescent below, 5-10 cm long, up to 7 cm wide.

The flowers are white or pink, solitary large with a diameter of 2-4 cm. The fruit is an apple of various shapes, round or pear-shaped with numerous seeds, the weight of the fruit reaches 1 kg.

The fruits are yellow, at first strongly pubescent, then, as they ripen, naked, very fragrant. Fruit pulp is astringent, with stony cells. Quince blooms in May-June, fruits ripen in September-October, but remain firm and tough.

For therapeutic purposes, fruits, seeds and leaves of quince are used. Common quince fruits contain 5÷15% sugars (fructose, glucose), up to 5% organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric, coffee and others), as well as amino acids, tannins, pectin substances, vitamins C, groups B, P, PP , a complex of trace elements (potassium, iron, cobalt, boron, nickel, copper and others), essential oil.

Quince seeds are covered with a dull whitish film, which contains up to 20% of mucous substances. The leaves are dominated by tannins, vitamins.

The fruits are harvested and processed when mature, the seeds are dried at a temperature of 50 ° C. The leaves are harvested in June - July, dried in the shade under a canopy or in dryers at a temperature of 40 - 50 ° C. You can store dried leaves and seeds in a closed container for a year.

Currently, quince, as a crop, is grown in Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Moldova, and southern Russia. It is grown in Western Europe, Balkan countries, USA, Japan.

Quince is a photophilous and heat-resistant plant, not picky about the soil. Quince refers to pome trees, such as apple, pear, it is often used as a rootstock for cultivated pear. A valuable feature of quince is that in places of growth it bears fruit annually and abundantly, up to 100-150 kg of fruits are harvested from trees of the best varieties.

In the wild, it grows along forest edges, along mountain slopes at an altitude of up to 500 meters, along clearings with dry soils. In a wild form in Russia, it is found in the flat foothill regions of Dagestan, in the Transcaucasus.

The Latin name for quince Cydonia - "quince" comes from the name of the ancient Greek city of Sidon on the island of Crete, where the plant has long been cultivated, it was known to the Greeks from the 12th century BC. e. and was greatly respected. The specific name oblonga - translates as "oblong", due to the shape of the fruit.

The ancient Greek politician Solon prescribed in his laws on the wedding day that the newlyweds eat the fruits of quince, then their life will be as pleasant as the aroma of quince is pleasant.

The ancient Greek physician Dioscorides claimed that "quince is good for the stomach, and boiled is better than raw."

In the folk medicine of Transcaucasia, local varieties of quince are used in decoctions for rinsing with sore throats, lotions for eye diseases, as a cosmetic product that softens the skin.

With quince seeds, mucus is obtained for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children - it acts favorably and contributes to the separation of sputum. A decoction of the seeds is also used as an emollient and laxative.

Quince contraindications and warnings:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Quince juice and fresh fruits should be consumed with caution in case of stomach ulcers and enterocolitis - it can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and spasms.
  • Fresh quince fruits and fruit seeds have a strong fixing effect - quince should not be consumed raw in large quantities; quince is also very useful in boiled, stewed form, in the form of jam, compotes, seasonings.

Why is quince useful? Traditional medicine recipes

Quince juice has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, astringent, tonic, choleretic, antibacterial action, very useful for the body. It is recommended to drink juice for tuberculosis and bronchial asthma, general malaise, diarrhea, diseases of the heart, liver and respiratory tract.

From fresh quince, an extract is prepared that contains iron, it is used for anemia and other diseases.

Boiled quince fruits in pureed form are used for liver diseases and as an antiemetic. Quince fruits are used as a decoction for diarrhea and bleeding due to their astringent properties.

Mucous decoctions are prepared from dried quince fruits, which are recommended for stomach diseases.

Quince fruit tea is used as a diuretic for edema of cardiovascular origin. Tea from quince seeds, rich in mucus, is drunk for coughs and acute respiratory diseases.

A decoction of seeds is used for diarrhea and bleeding from internal organs, for gargling with sore throats. Outwardly - in the form of lotions for eye diseases.

To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver

decoction of common quince fruit:

100 g of quince fruit pour 4 cups of water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, cool. Drink 1 glass 3-4 times a day before meals to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. A decoction is used to rinse the mouth with inflammation of the mucosa.

With bronchial asthma, diseases of the heart, liver, bleeding in internal organs, hemoptysis:

Drink 0.5 - 1 glass of quince juice before meals.

With anemia, diabetes mellitus:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. peeled, finely chopped quince, put in a thermos, pour 2 cups boiling water, insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day between meals.
  2. 1 st. l. chopped dry fruits of quince, pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for another 30 minutes, strain. Decoction to take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

For indigestion, diarrhea:

Pour 200 g of fresh chopped quince with seeds with 1 liter of water, cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Drink 0.5 cups every hour until the condition improves.

With gastroenteritis, spastic colitis and flatulence, bronchitis and tracheitis:

Pour 10 g of quince seeds with 1 cup of warm boiled water, shake several times, stir well, strain. Seeds do not grind, inside the seeds contains a poisonous glycoside amygdalin. Take orally 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals. At the same time, irritation from the action of other drugs is removed, their absorption slows down. The whitish mucous film around the seeds has an emollient and enveloping effect.

With anemia, tincture of quince fruits:

50 g of fresh chopped pitted quince, pour 400 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol, insist in a dark place at room temperature for 6-8 hours. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals.

The use of quince in cosmetology

Astringent, enveloping, emollient action of juice, pulp, decoctions and infusions of quince fruits and leaves is used in cosmetology for the care of chapped lips, skin rashes, burns and frostbite, conjunctivitis, eczema of the hands.

For hair loss:

4 tbsp. l. fresh finely chopped quince leaves pour 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Rinse hair after washing.

Quince mask for normal and dry skin:

2 tsp quince pulp on a fine grater mixed with 2 tsp. cream and 1 yolk. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, rinse your face with water. It has a refreshing, cleansing, slightly whitening and toning effect.

Mask for aging skin:

1 tsp quince juice mixed with 1 tsp. honey, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. Softens the skin, smoothes wrinkles. Course: 2 - 3 times a week for 1 - 1.5 months.

For oily skin:

Wipe the skin of the face with fresh, squeezed through gauze with quince juice. Helps cleanse the skin of the face, heal wounds with a rash on the face, whitens the skin, tones.

Quince blanks for the winter recipes

Quince is well preserved, mature fruits of some varieties after 4 months of storage become soft and are consumed fresh.

In Transcaucasia and Central Asia, common quince fruits are used in national cuisine as a seasoning for meat dishes, in cooking pilaf, as a side dish for meat and game in baked and boiled form, as well as in salads.

The peel of quince fruits contains essential oil, which gives the fruits a specific aroma. Quince fruits have excellent taste qualities in boiled and stewed form, they give dishes a delicate aroma and a sour taste.

Mostly from the fruits they make wonderful in their qualities blanks from quince for the winter. What can be prepared from quince for the winter?

From the fruits of common quince, fragrant, very tasty jam, jam, jelly, compotes, mashed potatoes, candied fruit, marmalade are obtained. They make wonderful tasty fragrant juices, add quince fruits to compotes and drinks from other fruits and berries, which ennobles drinks, gives them a unique aroma.

The almond-scented essential oil found in quince seeds is used to make liqueurs and lemonade. The seeds contain about 0.5% amygdalin, which gives them a slight smell of bitter almonds.

Quince jam recipe:

Wash the fruits well, cut, cut the core, cut into slices, boil in water for 10 minutes, then cool in cold water.

  1. Add 800 g of sugar to the broth, boil for 3 minutes, put quince slices into the syrup, let it brew and soak for 8-12 hours.
  2. Put on fire, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat, stand again for 8 - 12 hours.
  3. Add the remaining sugar and cook for 30-35 minutes until the jam is clear. At the end of cooking, you can add lemon juice or citric acid, this will give the jam sourness. After cooling, pour the jam into clean, dry jars and close the lids.

The type of jam will depend on the size of the cut quince slices: you can cut it larger, or you can cut it into thin small slices. You will get a beautiful golden-red jam.

For 1 kg of quince - 1 kg of sugar; 2 cups of broth where quince was boiled.

If desired, you can add walnuts or almonds to quince jam, boil, let the jam stand for 10-12 hours before the last cooking.

Quince compote:

Wash ripe yellow quince fruits well, cut into 4-8 parts, cut out the core. Dip in boiling water, cook for 5 - 10 minutes. Put in jars up to the shoulders, pour boiling syrup prepared on the broth, cover with tin lids.

For 1 liter of broth add 300 - 400 g of sugar, 4 g of citric acid.

Pasteurize jars at 85°C:

  • 0.5 liter jars - 15 min.
  • 1 liter - 20 min.
  • 3 liter - 30 min.

Roll up the lids, cover the jars, cool slowly.

Candied quince:

  1. Peel yellow ripe quince fruits, cut into pieces, put in sugar syrup, boil for 10 minutes, keep in syrup for two days, remove from syrup.
  2. Boil the syrup, boil the quince slices in it again, leave for another day.
  3. Boil the syrup again, dip the pieces of quince into it, boil, then take it out into a colander, let it dry.
  4. Dry the pieces of quince in the oven - the candied fruits are ready.

For 1 kg of quince 600 - 700 g of sugar; 2.5 cups of water.

Quince juice:

Quince fruits should ripen - keep quince fruits in room conditions for about 2 months for ripening.

Squeeze out the juice, heat it to 80 ° C, filter through several layers of gauze.

Then heat up to 85°C, pour into sterilized dishes and pasteurize at 85°C:

  • 0.5 liter jars - 15 min.
  • 1 liter jars - 20 min.
  • 3 liter - 30 min.

Roll up with tin lids.

Quince with sugar in own juice:

Wash the ripe quince, cut it, cut the core, cut into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar in layers.

Arrange to the top in sterilized jars, close with lids. Store in a cool place, in the refrigerator.

For 1 kg of quince - 1 kg of sugar.

And here is a wonderful video on how to make quince marmalade:

Quince marmalade video

These are the quince blanks for the winter recipes you can cook, and you can also diversify them with other wonderful recipes, at your discretion and imagination. Try, fantasize, experiment, do! And your winter diet will be replenished with vitamins, wonderful tastes and aromas of summer!

In this short article Quince useful properties and contraindications I tried to give a short overview of the beneficial healing properties of common quince, its use for medicinal purposes to improve health, as well as delicious recipes for quince blanks for the winter.

If you were interested in the article and you learned something useful for yourself, share your opinion and experience in the comments, as well as with your friends by clicking on the social network buttons under the article.

Thank you for your attention, dear readers!

Be always beautiful and healthy!


As an ornamental plant, the Japanese quince gives a good harvest, and preparations made from its fruits are tasty, despite the tart astringent taste. Let's look at some of the most interesting recipes.

Homemade recipes - making jam

If you pick a ripe one and bite through the velvety, but tough and rough peel, you will almost certainly set your teeth on edge, because this fruit has a lot of pictin and tannins. And a large percentage of iron with copper does not contribute to a pleasant taste. But if the Crimean or Japanese quince is boiled with sugar, you will get an exquisite delicacy, regardless of the cooking method. For the simplest cooking method, you only need 2 kilos of fruits and sugar, as well as 3 liters of water.

We take 2 containers, fill one with an arbitrary amount of water, into which, after cleaning and cutting into quarters (separating the cores), we immerse the quince and cook until softened. The second container will be needed for the syrup, pour the amount of water indicated in the recipe into it, add sugar and cook until thickened. Then we take out the quince in a colander, let the moisture drain and, having cooled slightly, cut it into small slices, which we send to the sweet mass of syrup. Boil for about 10 minutes so that the fruit slices become transparent, and then pour into jars and twist.

The second recipe is interesting in that in the cooking process there is a use for the peel. When washing the fruits, carefully clean the fluff from the shell with a sponge. Then, after cleaning the quince, pour the peel with 1.5 cups of water and cook for 30 minutes, filter. The resulting slightly cloudy broth is used to make jam by adding sugar and boiling until a syrup is obtained. Next, cut the quince into small slices and dip in a sweet solution for 10 minutes. After we remove the pan from the gas and, having covered it with a lid, put it aside for a third of the day. Boiling and infusion are repeated 3 times, then another boiling follows until the slices become transparent, and twisting over the banks.

Also, many will like the jam recipe with a lot of ingredients. To prepare it, you need at least 400 grams of sugar and 100 grams of nuts per kilo of quince, as well as a quarter liter of water and 1 lemon. We crush the nuts and select the nucleoli, trying to ensure that all partitions are removed and pieces of the shell are not caught. Three lemons on a grater, after cutting into slices and selecting seeds. We take the previous jam recipe as a basis, and after the third settling, when the final cooking begins, we add crushed walnut kernels with lemon 5 minutes before removing from the gas. It remains only to decompose into jars.

Sweet quince compotes for the festive table

If the fruits of this oriental fruit are inedible by themselves, then after processing the taste becomes very delicate. This can be seen in the example - the simplest fruit drinks. And the first recipe that we offer you is particularly easy to prepare. You will need 4 quinces for a 3-liter jar (Japanese is very good, but another variety is also possible) and a quarter kilo of sugar, as well as 2 cinnamon sticks or half a teaspoon of vanillin. We immediately wash the fruits under running water, clean and cut into slices, cutting out the cores.

Next, we put the quince slices in jars, filling them up to about half, pour sugar, throw cinnamon or vanilla. Then pour boiling water to the top (it is better to sterilize the jars beforehand, even before laying the fruit, over steam). We put the jars in a large pot with hot water and a towel at the bottom, one at a time or several, if possible, and put on gas. Pasteurize the broth after boiling water for 20 minutes. Then we close the quince compote for the winter and, turning it over, put it under a warm blanket.

The second quince compote for the winter provides for longer and more thorough cooking, but the result will surely please you, such a product will be stored for a very long time. We take 1 kilogram of sugar and 1.8 liters of water for 3 kilos of quince, cook the syrup from the last two components until the sand is completely dissolved. We thoroughly wash and clean the fruits, cut them into slices and remove the cores, and then chop them into smaller pieces.

Immerse the slices in boiling syrup and cook for 10 minutes over very low heat. Then remove the container from the stove, cover with a lid and leave for a day. Boiling and settling is repeated 3 times. We take out the quince from the syrup with a slotted spoon and put it in jars, and dilute the sweet solution with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3, boil and pour the slices of fruit in a container. Close the lids, cool and remove.

Unusual treats for the sweet tooth

At home, you can cook not only traditional quince blanks, but also something special. As an example, let's look at a recipe for marshmallows, from which you can make something like sweets. After washing 2 kilograms of fruits and cleaning off the fluff with a sponge, we cut them into thin slices, without removing the peel, but removing the middle with seeds (we put them in a clean gauze bag). Then we put the fruit slices together with the cores in a pot of water and, bringing to a boil, cook until the quince is completely soft.

Then everything is simple: we discard it in a colander and grind the slices through a sieve, we get a thick slurry at the exit. We take out a bag with cores from the water and pour sugar into the broth, at least 1 kilogram, but you can also add a little more to taste. We boil the syrup, after which we put the gruel from the grated slices into it and boil until the movement of the spoon with stirring begins to raise a whole layer of thick. We take clean glass (preferably a glass tray), moisten it and spread the mass on it with a layer of up to 2 centimeters. Let it dry for a few days. Then cut into pieces, sprinkle with powder and put in containers.

If the marshmallow is too liquid, it can be dried in an open oven.

If you have a ripe Japanese quince, your preparations can be replenished with the most delicate jelly from this fruit.

Moreover, you will not need quince slices, they can be used to make pies, for example, and only a decoction will become the basis of the gelled blank. So, wash the fruits, peeling them from the fluff, and cut them into thin slices together with the peel. Then we put them in a saucepan and fill them with water so that the slices are sunk by 2 fingers. Bring to a boil and cook until the quince softens. We filter the broth along with the fruit slices and squeeze through cheesecloth, after which we continue to boil the liquid for another 30 minutes until it thickens. Add sugar and cook until it dissolves, stirring, for another half an hour. Then pour into jars and twist.

Quince blanks without sugar

Often the fruits of this culture are used in cooking for the preparation of first or second courses, especially meat. Quince slices give the usual hot or exotic Uzbek pilaf a very pleasant aroma and taste.. Next, we will look at how to prepare semi-finished products from these fruits, which can later be used for cooking. The first will be a recipe for canned quince. For 600 grams of fruit, you only need 400 milliliters of water, nothing more is required. We wash and peel the fruits, then cut into quarters, removing the core.

Quince (Japanese or Azerbaijani) is immersed in boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes until softened. This process is more likely to be called blanching. Then we throw the slices into a colander and cool them in cold water, then put them in jars and pour fresh boiling water over them. We put the containers with the workpiece in a large saucepan, immersed in hot water, which we bring to a boil. We sterilize the quince for 20 minutes, if you make a spin in liter jars. Increasing or decreasing the volume by half a liter, respectively, add or subtract 10 minutes. Next, roll into the banks.

No less interesting is the variant of pickled quince. To begin with, we make a marinade by pouring 1 kilo of sugar into one and a half liters of water, and after dissolving it, adding a glass of vinegar (maybe apple) and half a teaspoon of vanilla. While all this is boiling, clean the washed quince, cut into thin slices and dip in the marinade for 10 minutes. Then we extract and lay out in sterilized jars, filling them by 3 quarters. Boil the liquid in half and pour the slices in a glass container, then twist.

How to cook quince?

Quince fruits are firm with a sour taste. Boiled quince pleases with soft pulp, it is pinkish, sweet, with a granular texture, similar in taste to a pear.

Before cooking, quince fruits should be thoroughly cleaned of fluffy plaque, washed well, and in some cases it may even be necessary to remove the skin. The fruits must be cut in half, the core removed (partitions and seeds should be dried and used to prepare decoctions and infusions, and the cut peel is boiled in a small amount of sugar syrup, it becomes fragrant and can be added to any quince dishes).

In order for the fruit to become soft, the pieces are blanched in water for 25 minutes, the broth is drained, filtered, sugar is added (800 g per 3 cups of broth), brought to a boil, stirring occasionally. The saucepan with syrup is removed from the heat, ready-made pieces of quince are added and left to infuse for several hours. After a while, the syrup is boiled again, citric acid is added. Slices with this method of preparation become transparent, dense and very tasty.

How is quince eaten?

Quince is eaten with pleasure, it is perhaps the only fruit that has a specific, very tart taste when raw. Due to the hard skin and high density of the pulp, quince is not eaten like, for example, apples. Delicious quince dishes are appreciated in the Apennines and Sardinia. Quince slices boiled in honey are tastier than any candied fruits and marmalade.

To replenish the body with vitamins, quince juice is taken; it is easy to prepare it with a juicer. It must be remembered that quince contains tannins in large quantities, so its use should be moderate.

quince seeds

Quince seeds, namely their white shell containing mucous components, as well as fruits, is a valuable medicinal raw material. Seed decoctions relieve the condition of women with heavy menstruation, stop uterine bleeding.

Recipe #1: 8 pieces of seeds need to pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Drink a decoction should be 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

When using a decoction of the seeds, hemoptysis and uterine bleeding are eliminated.

Recipe number 2: 5-10 grams of seeds must be boiled in 100 ml of water until slime is formed. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Mucous decoctions from the seeds are useful for the treatment of inflammation of the eyes, with tonsillitis, skin irritations, burns, as a laxative. Quince seeds are brewed as a tea and drunk with a dry, debilitating cough. Healing infusions are also used, effectively curing various ailments.

Infusion of seeds: 1 tablespoon of seeds should be poured with one glass of water at room temperature and shaken vigorously for a couple of minutes. It should be taken orally 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

Quince varieties

Many varieties of quince are registered in Russia, the best and most common of them are:

  • Angers;
  • oil early;
  • Mamarkand large-fruited;
  • Khorezm apple-shaped;
  • Ahmed-Zhum,
  • Portuguese.

In addition, a large number of different varieties stand out with good yields. For example, the Aurora variety is resistant to adverse climatic and environmental conditions and is not susceptible to fungal diseases. Fruits abundantly.

The French variety "Anzherska" has lemon-yellow fruits, which are used for processing and consumed fresh.

Quince "Golden" has large fruits with creamy, sweet-sour pulp. One tree gives from 40 to 60 kg of fruit.

The striking ability of the Ilmennaya variety to produce a large harvest is noted, a huge amount of sweet-sour, bright yellow fruits of more than average size is obtained. The pulp contains stony particles.

Variety "Kaunchi-10" is distinguished by large pear-shaped fruits with creamy pulp, they are juicy, sweet, they can be consumed raw.

The fruits of quince "Collective" are apple-shaped, bright yellow, with light yellow pulp of medium density with a high content of stony particles. High yielding tree, resistant to frost and drought.

Quince "Krasnoslobodskaya" has ribbed, bright yellow, apple-like fruits. Their flesh is light yellow, medium density, juicy, with an incredible aroma.

The painstaking work of breeders makes it possible to enjoy different varieties, use them fresh and as an ingredient in culinary dishes.

quince fruit

Quince is a fragrant yellow-skinned fruit that is round and pear-shaped, with firm and sour flesh. The high content of pectin substances is useful for people whose activities are associated with hazardous production, living in areas of increased environmental hazard. Jam, jam and jams from quince are distinguished by their healing properties in inflammatory bowel diseases. Quince fruits ripen in October. It is recommended to collect them before the onset of autumn frosts. With proper storage, quince fruits can be consumed until early April.

quince calories

One hundred grams of quince contains 8.9 g of carbohydrates, there are 40 kcal. Quince is best suited for dietary nutrition, since it does not contain fats, sodium, and cholesterol is excluded.
