
Useful properties of wine and its disadvantages. red wine treatment

Louis Pasteur also said that wine is one of the most hygienic and healing drinks. Chemical composition and physiological properties grape wines suitable for use in medical purposes - wine therapy. The Science of Healing wine and the use of grape wines for medicinal purposes is called enotherapy.

ancient people healing properties wines were known for a long time. Yes, in Ancient Greece wine was used as an antiseptic. Wine was given to the wounded, bandages soaked in wine were applied to the wounds. In Asia and Western Europe, wine healing began to spread in early medieval period . And the priests of the pharaohs then considered wine to be the “drink of the gods” and began to attribute to it magical properties.

By its nature of origin, chemical composition and dietary properties, wine surprisingly suits human physiology. Wine has a general positive bioenergetic and strengthening effect on human body, promotes recovery vitality in their decline (for example, in the elderly), increases tone and vigor.

No wonder they say that wine is the milk of old people. Wine also enriches the body. useful trace elements, vitamins and amino acids, prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis. The substance trioxystilbene contained in natural wine helps to slow down cell aging and prevents the occurrence of oncological diseases.

The wine has pronounced antibacterial properties. It is noted that during epidemics the number of cases in wine-growing regions and among people who regularly drink wine is somewhat lower. During the research it was noted that wine suppresses the bacteria of tuberculosis, cholera, malaria, etc. Moreover, almost the same effect is produced by wine diluted twice with water, which I constantly used Avicenna in the treatment of patients, especially wine half diluted golobom or shikanjubin.

Therefore, during epidemics, especially in regions prone to them, doctors recommend instead drinking water consume table wine, half diluted with water. In addition, dry white table wine perfectly quenches thirst.

Natural wine is also useful for colds and chronic diseases such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. With such diseases, mulled wine should be used - hot red table wine with spices and sugar, such as Cabernet or Merlot.

For disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, red wines with a high content of tannins are useful, for example, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet. Such wines, due to the presence of tannins, have a strengthening and healing effect on the stomach, especially with scars and stomach ulcers.

With obesity and metabolic disorders, wines also help. They remove slags and toxins from the human body, normalize metabolism. Especially valuable property wine is the ability to lower the content of cholesterol, which is confirmed by numerous experiments, for example, on rabbits. It has been established that in the same area, people who regularly drink wine have a low cholesterol content.

Wine also helps with radiation. So, in the former Soviet Union, people who, on duty, work in the nuclear and similar industries and in conditions associated with increased radioactive danger, were regularly prescribed the use of cahors (for example, submariners on nuclear-powered ships).

With diabetes, dry grape wines with a low content of sugar and glucose (less than 4 grams per 1 liter) are suitable.Light white and especially champagne wines contribute to the maintenance of weakened cardiac activity. So, white semi-dry wines have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots and myocardial infarction. And champagne also improves ventilation of the lungs, stimulating the respiratory centers.

Red table wines help with anemia. Red and white semi-dry wines remove excess salts from the human body, so they are recommended to prevent salt deposits in the joints.

Wines also help with beriberi, and with exhaustion, a few sips of port wine will do. Port wine and vermouth help with loss and lack of appetite, contributing to a better secretion of gastric juice. To stimulate appetite, 30 minutes before a meal, take 50 grams of vermouth or port wine up to 100-150 grams. But you should not drink vermouth in large quantities.

Wines rich minerals, help with fractures and diseases of the bone apparatus.

But, like any useful substance, wine in in large numbers can do harm. Especially harmful negative impact mixing of wine with other alcohol-containing drinks, such as beer, vodka and the like, affects the human body. In order for wine to be beneficial, you should know in what quantities it should be consumed. Exact numbers quantities vary depending on the characteristics of a person - gender, age, height, nature, weight and so on.

Modern scientists believe that the norm of wine consumption is one to three glasses drunk with meals. For an adult healthy man, the norm of drinking wine per day is 300-350 ml, for a woman - up to 150 ml.

But those who take care of their health should know that only absolutely natural, high-quality wine has healing properties. In the falsification of wines medicinal properties do not appear.

Avicenna says:

Rules for drinking wine
About old drinks and
about their usefulness

I, - says Avicenna, - by the word drink I mean wine. Although it looks simple, it is actually complicated, so we mention it separately. The amount of wine consumed by a person should be different depending on the age of the drinker, on the season, on habit, on the nature and strength of the wine.

Drinking wine should not be to quench thirst or hunger; it should also not be drunk with meals, as is generally accepted by many and most people do, that is, wine is drunk with meals.

Food should be taken a little earlier, then wait about two hours, then drink, for drinking wine immediately after eating or eating after drinking wine is the most harmful thing. This gives rise to bad diseases, the mildest of which is jarab ( skin rashes, eczema).

As for intoxication, it is harmful under all circumstances, especially if it occurs constantly, for it has a dissolving effect on the nerves; therefore, if it is constant, it weakens the nerves and relaxes them.

Intoxication is also the cause of acute illnesses and even the cause of sudden of death. It is best if a person consumes wine in moderation.

after wine need a drink cold water or pomegranate juice, this is when a young man drinks; water and pomegranate juice suppress the power of wine and destroy its malignity, especially in summer time. As for old people, they should not drink, for it harms their nerves and senses, except when the wine tastes good.

Anyone who has internal organs sick and weak. To a person with healthy body better to drink it in a small amount diluted with water or gulob.

Young wine helps with difficult digestion, drives urine, but causes bad dreams. The average between young and old wine occupies a middle position between those two. Therefore, you need to choose wine for drinking in a healthy state or in a diseased state.

As for white liquid wine, the eye is easily digested, quickly penetrates the body and is good for the stomach. Black wine is thick and difficult to digest; in general, the average between these species is average in its property.

Sweet wine is more difficult to digest. In addition, white wine is of different nature: sweet puffs up the stomach and locks the stomach and intestines like matbukh(Israeli spicy sauce).

Fragrant wine digests food, helps the bladder and kidneys, drives urine and menstruation, soothes, binds the stomach and removes moisture. Weak wine is less harmful to the nerves, drives urine and moderately softens the stomach.

As for wine, to which gypsum is added, it harms the nerves and the bladder, causes headache and any damage. It has a bad effect on people suffering from hemoptysis. As for wine, which contains zift (ozocerite) and pine resin, it warms, digests food, but is not suitable for patients suffering from hemoptysis.

Wine that has ear- moss, immediately has a strongly calming effect; if you soak earwax in wine, it will cause intoxication because of this.

As for the wine with which it is mixed maybih- condensed quince juice, then it is less harmful.

Any wine, when it is pure, not mixed with anything and somewhat astringent, warms, quickly penetrates the body, strengthens the stomach, increases appetite, increases juices, strengthens the body and improves the complexion. If you drink it in enough, then it helps drunk furbion.

It also helps with drinking cold deadly substances, such as hemlock spotted, opium, poisonous mushrooms and etc.

Balanced wine helps against the bite of insects that kill with their cold poison; it also helps from burning under the ribs, from relaxation and weakness of the stomach, from moisture flowing into the intestines and into the stomach. It is also useful for those who sweat slowly, especially if it is old and fragrant.

Old sweet wine is useful for diseases of the bladder and kidneys; it also helps against boils and swellings, if a piece of unwashed wool is dipped in it and applied to them.

Wine made from wild black grapes with astringent properties is good for those whose stomach and intestines drain excess and who are subject to other diseases that require binding, accumulation and tearing of fluid matter.

Honey wine with honey water helps with chronic fever, softens the stomach, drives urine, is also useful for the stomach and for those who suffer from pain in the joints and in the kidneys, as well as for those who have a weak head. It also helps with dropsy that occurs in women. It nourishes, stimulates the appetite and is very useful for the elderly and in adolescence.

Description of honey wine. Take a binder grape juice in the amount of five bodies (one body 1530 g), one jug of honey is added to it - 3 kg and salt in the amount of one kiaf (horst). All this is poured into a spacious vessel, in which there would be room for excitement and fermentation. Salt is added little by little when fermentation stops, wine is poured into hababits (special three-liter jugs for wine) or into earthenware jugs of this kind and stored in a dry and dark place.

Another recipe for honey wine. The very best of honey wines that which is prepared from old, strong and astringent wine, and good honey; it swells less than other types, and descends faster from the stomach. As it ages, it becomes more nutritious; when it is of this kind, it softens the nature and drives out the urine. It is harmful to drink it immediately after meals, as well as on an empty stomach. When drunk, it first dulls the appetite and later excites it.

Description. They take wine in the amount of two jarr (1 jarr is a three-liter jug) and mix with one jarr of honey. Some people brew wine with honey so that it ripens faster, then they clean it. Others boil six cysts (one cyst 850 g) of grape juice, mix honey cysts with it, then leave to cool; it's sweet.
Karamyn water, that is honey water. Her strength is equal to the strength of honey. Honey water may well replace honey wine for medicinal purposes. If it is not boiled, then it is used to treat someone who wants to induce a loosening of the stomach and vomiting. With the help of water with rose oil, one who has drunk any deadly substance is healed, since it causes vomiting.

As for the boiled honey water, then it is given to drink against the dissolution of strength - immunodeficiency, weakness of the body - after illness, cough and lung tumors.

Honey water, boiled and set aside for long time, some people call idrumali, that is, honey wine. When she is of middle age, neither old nor young, her power to strengthen the body is equal to the power of weak wine. It also helps with tumors and those who have pain in the stomach; for persons suffering from the dissolution of forces, it brings obvious benefits.

Ingredients: Take honey - one part and old rainwater - two parts; they are mixed and exposed to the sun for forty days. Some people take spring water, mix with honey and boil down to two-thirds of the volume, then skim. Others make it from honeycomb and water and clean. Mix well with water.

Wine with zift. It warms, promotes digestion, cleanses and relieves pains that occur in the chest, abdomen, liver, spleen and uterus in the absence of fever. It also helps against chronic weakness and diarrhoea, ulcers occurring in the viscera, coughs, slow digestion, bloating and asthma.

Cooking: They take fresh zift and freshly squeezed grape juice - sulafat al-asir. In this case, the zift must first be washed with sea or salt water several times until the water poured from the vessel becomes clear. After that, the zift is poured fresh water. For every eight kavasus (one kavasus and a half uqiyi) of grape juice, two uqiyi ziftas are added. When the wine has matured and fermentation has stopped, it is poured into another vessel for storage.

Wine with common dubrovnik: It has a warming and dissolving property, it helps with spasms, jaundice, bloating in the uterus, slow digestion and dropsy. The more you stand it, the better it gets.

Wine with thyme: Helps with indigestion, lack of appetite, it is also good for the nerves when their movement is disturbed, helps with pains that occur under the ribs, from "goose skin", which happens in winter. Benefits also from insect poisons, from which the body cools and freezes.
Cooking: Thyme is crushed and sifted, one hundred miskals are taken, tied in a rag and thrown into one jarra (12240 g) of grape juice.

Wine with spices: It helps with pain in the chest, in the sides and in the lungs, from hayer, i.e. chest tightness, from chills and from menstrual disorders. It is useful for those who travel in snow and cold, and who suffer from thick chyme. It refreshes the complexion, induces sleep, soothes pain, eliminates pain in bladder and in the kidneys.
Cooking: They take fragrant reed - six mithqals, Ceylon cinnamon- eight miskals, hoof - four miskals, according to another recipe: sumbula - six miskals, scarlet tree - seven miskals. All this is crushed, tied in a linen cloth and thrown into a mikyal of grape juice. When the smell medicines turns into juice and fermentation stops, then the syrup is filtered into another vessel.

Wine with high elecampane: Useful for chest and lungs, drives urine.
Preparation: They take a dry root of high elecampane - fifty miskals, tie it in a rag and throw it into six mikyals (one kail 892 g) of grape juice. Strain after three months and consume.

Wine with hoof: It drives urine, and is very helpful for dropsy, jaundice, liver disease, pain in the thigh, lungs, and stomach.
Cooking: They take two bowls of hoof and throw it into twelve kutuli (one kutuli 208.25 g) of grape juice, then do with it as they did in the first case.

Wine with wild - Asian sumbul: It helps with liver diseases, difficult urination, stomach diseases and bloating.
Cooking: take fresh root sumbula, grind and sift. From it, eight mithqals are thrown into one cup (1530 g) of grape juice and left for two months. Then filter, clean in a vessel and use.

Wine with wild carrots- duku: It helps with pain in the chest, in the sides and in the uterus, drives menstruation and urine, relieves belching, cures cough and constriction of the intestines.
Preparation: Take sixty mithqals of the root - we have seeds wild carrots, roughly crushed, thrown into one jarra of grape juice and left for the same time as the previous wine was left. Then they taste it, pour it into another vessel and consume it.

Wine with opopanax: Helps with hernia and rupture of the intestines, with bruised muscles and shortness of breath, drives urine, dissolves the thick chyme of the spleen; also helps with pain in the intestines, with pain in the joints and with indigestion; excites menstruation, removes the fetus, helps from dropsy - haban and from the bite of bad animals.
Cooking: They take ten miskals of opopanax root - we have white chayira root - a kind of sunbul, and throw into the mikjal of grape juice; left to stand like wine with wild sumbul. Then they try it, put it in another vessel and use it.

Wine with celery: It stimulates the appetite, helps the stomach and those suffering from difficult urination; it dissolves all excess of the body.
Cooking: They take seventy mithqals of freshly extracted and then crushed and sifted celery seeds, tie them in a linen cloth, throw them into one grape juice and leave to stand like the previous wine. Then they put it in a vessel and use it.

Wine with a wolf's bark: It benefits those who have dropsy and pain in the liver. It also helps those women who vomit during labor pains.
Cooking: They take this plant when it appears, andcut off the branches together with the leaves, dry, grind - twelve mithqals, throw into the mikial of grape juice and leave to stand for two months. Then filter, clean in a vessel and use.

Wine with bindweed: It heals stomach ache by side, removes bile as well as mucus.
Cooking: They take fifteen mithqals of the root of the arrow-leaved bindweed, - we collect milky juice uprooted in the days of the wheat harvest and late before winter, rubbed, tied in a linen rag and thrown into ninety bowls - kasa grape juice. All this is left to stand until the eighth day, then removed and consumed. It replaces scammonium even works better than him.

Treatment of diseases with wine - wine therapy, medicinal and beneficial features guilt

Louis Pasteur also said that wine is one of the most hygienic and healing drinks. The chemical composition and physiological properties of grape wines are suitable for their use for medical purposes - wine therapy. The Science of Wine Treatment and the Use of Grape Wines

for medicinal purposes is called enotherapy. Indeed, the beneficial and healing properties of wines have been known for a long time.

Medicinal properties of grape wine

So, in ancient Greece, wine was used as an antiseptic. Wine was given to the wounded, bandages soaked in wine were applied to the wounds. In the countries of Western Europe, wine therapy began to spread during the early Middle Ages.

Wine was then considered the "drink of the gods" and began to attribute magical properties to it. By its nature of origin, chemical composition and dietary properties, wine miraculously suits human physiology.

Wine has a general positive bioenergetic and strengthening effect on the human body, helps restore vitality when it declines (for example, in the elderly), increases tone and vigor. No wonder they say that wine is the milk of old people.

Wine also enriches the body with useful trace elements, vitamins and amino acids, prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis. The substance trioxystilbene contained in natural wine helps to slow down the aging of cells and prevents the occurrence of oncological diseases.

The wine has pronounced antibacterial properties. It is noted that during epidemics the number of cases in wine-growing regions and among people who regularly drink wine is somewhat lower.

During the research it was noted that wine suppresses the bacteria of tuberculosis, cholera, malaria, etc. Moreover, almost the same effect is produced by wine diluted twice with water. Therefore, during epidemics, especially in regions prone to them, doctors recommend drinking table wine, half diluted with water, instead of drinking water. In addition, dry white table wine perfectly quenches thirst.

Useful properties of red wine

Natural wine is also useful for colds and chronic diseases such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. With such diseases, mulled wine should be used - hot red table wine with spices and sugar, such as Cabernet or Merlot.

For disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, red wines with a high content of tannins are useful, for example, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet. Such wines, due to the presence of tannins, have a strengthening and healing effect on the stomach, especially with scars and stomach ulcers.

With obesity and metabolic disorders, wines also help. They remove slags and toxins from the human body, normalize metabolism.

A particularly valuable property of wines is the ability to lower the cholesterol content, which has been confirmed by numerous experiments, for example, with rabbits. It has been established that in the same area, people who regularly drink wine have a low cholesterol content.

Wine also helps with radiation. So, in the former Soviet Union, people who, on duty, work in the nuclear and similar industries and in conditions associated with increased radioactive danger, were regularly prescribed the use of cahors (for example, submariners on nuclear-powered ships).

With diabetes, dry grape wines with a low content of sugar and glucose (less than 4 grams per 1 liter) are suitable.

Vinotherapy - treatment with wine for various diseases

Light white and especially champagne wines contribute to the maintenance of weakened cardiac activity. So, white semi-dry wines have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots and myocardial infarction.

And champagne also improves ventilation of the lungs, stimulating the respiratory centers. Red table wines help with anemia. Red and white semi-dry wines remove excess salts from the human body, so they are recommended to prevent salt deposits in the joints.

Wines also help with beriberi, and with exhaustion, a few sips of port wine will do. Port wine and vermouth help with loss and lack of appetite, contributing to a better secretion of gastric juice.

To stimulate appetite, 30 minutes before meals, take 50 grams of vermouth or port wine up to 100-150 grams. But you should not drink vermouth in large quantities.

Wines rich in minerals help with fractures and diseases of the bone apparatus.

But, like any medicine, wine in large quantities can also be harmful. Mixing wine with other drinks, such as beer, vodka and the like, has a particularly harmful negative effect on the human body.

In order for wine to be beneficial, you should know in what quantities it should be consumed. Exact figures fluctuate depending on the characteristics of a particular person - gender, age, height, weight, and so on.

Modern scientists believe that the norm of wine consumption is one to three glasses drunk with meals. For an adult healthy man, the norm of drinking wine per day is 300-350 ml, for a woman - up to 150 ml.

But those who take care of their health should know that only absolutely natural, high-quality wine has healing properties. In falsifications of wines medicinal properties are not shown.

In addition to the above, I will add that there is also a treatment with grapes - ampelotherapy, which is one of the types diet food and phytotherapy (treatment with plants).

Louis Pasteur also said that red wine is one of the most hygienic and healing drinks.

The chemical composition and physiological properties of grape wines are suitable for their use for medical purposes - vinotherapy. The science of wine treatment and the use of grape wines for medicinal purposes is called enotherapy.

Indeed, the healing properties of wines have been known for a long time. According to Genesis, after the flood, Noah began by planting a vineyard. Wine is mentioned 450 times in the Bible. Saint Paul, for example, advised Timothy to treat a stomach ulcer with wine. The Babylonian Talmudid also considered this drink as one of the most effective medicinal products. The high virtues of wine have always been part of the common sense of mankind.

In ancient Greece, wine was used as an antiseptic. Wine was given to the wounded, bandages soaked in wine were applied to the wounds. In the countries of Western Europe, wine therapy began to spread during the early Middle Ages. Wine was then considered the "drink of the gods" and began to attribute magical properties to it.

But today therapeutic properties red wines are proven strictly scientifically. Daily intake 1 to 4 glasses of red wine reduces the chance of death due to coronary insufficiency by 15% to 60%. In the group of post-infarction patients, moderate consumption of red wine leads to a decrease in the recurrence of myocardial infarction by 76%. Daily intake of 2 glasses reduces the risk of stroke of the brain by 50%. The death of 10 million pathogenic bacteria in 0.5 liters of red wine occurs in half an hour.

By its nature of origin, chemical composition and dietary properties, wine miraculously suits human physiology. Wine has a general positive bioenergetic and strengthening effect on the human body, helps restore vitality when it declines (for example, in the elderly), increases tone and vigor. No wonder they say that red wine is the milk of old people.

Wine also enriches the body with useful trace elements, vitamins and amino acids, prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis. The substance trioxystilbene contained in natural wine helps to slow down the aging of cells and prevents the occurrence of oncological diseases.

The wine has pronounced antibacterial properties. It is noted that during epidemics the number of cases in wine-growing regions and among people who regularly drink wine is somewhat lower. In studies, it was noted that red grape polyphenols suppress the bacteria of tuberculosis, cholera, malaria, etc.

Moreover, almost the same effect is produced by wine diluted twice with water. Therefore, during epidemics, especially in regions prone to them, doctors recommend drinking table wine, half diluted with water, instead of drinking water. In addition, dry white table wine perfectly quenches thirst.

Natural red wine is also useful for colds and chronic diseases such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. With such diseases, mulled wine should be used - hot red table wine with spices and sugar, such as Cabernet or Merlot.

For disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, red wines with a high content of tannins are useful, for example, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet. Such wines, due to the presence of tannins, have a strengthening and healing effect on the stomach, especially with scars and stomach ulcers.

With obesity and metabolic disorders, wines also help. They remove slags and toxins from the human body, normalize metabolism. A particularly valuable property of wines is the ability to lower the cholesterol content, which has been confirmed by numerous experiments, for example, with rabbits. It has been established that in the same area, people who regularly drink wine have a low cholesterol content.

Wine also helps with radiation. So, in the former Soviet Union, people who, on duty, work in the nuclear and similar industries and in conditions associated with increased radioactive danger, were regularly prescribed the use of cahors (for example, submariners on nuclear-powered ships).

With diabetes, dry grape wines with a low content of sugar and glucose (less than 4 grams per 1 liter) are suitable. Light white and especially champagne wines contribute to the maintenance of weakened cardiac activity. So, semi-dry red wines have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots and myocardial infarction. And champagne also improves ventilation of the lungs, stimulating the respiratory centers.

Red table wines help with anemia. Red semi-dry wines remove excess salts from the human body, so they are recommended to prevent salt deposits in the joints.

Wines also help with beriberi, and with exhaustion, a few sips of port wine will do. Port wine and vermouth help with loss and lack of appetite, contributing to a better secretion of gastric juice. To stimulate appetite, 30 minutes before a meal, take 50 grams of vermouth or port wine up to 100-150 grams. But you should not drink vermouth in large quantities.

Wines rich in minerals help with fractures and diseases of the bone apparatus.

But, like any medicine, wine in large quantities can also be harmful. Mixing wine with other drinks, such as beer, vodka and the like, has a particularly harmful negative effect on the human body. In order for wine to be beneficial, you should know in what quantities it should be consumed. Exact figures fluctuate depending on the characteristics of a particular person - gender, age, height, weight, and so on. Modern scientists believe that the norm of wine consumption is one - three glasses, drunk during meals. For an adult healthy man, the norm of drinking wine per day is 300-350 ml, for a woman - up to 150 ml.

But those who take care of their health should know that only absolutely natural, high-quality wine has healing properties. In falsifications of wines medicinal properties are not shown. In addition to the above, we add that there is also a treatment with grapes - "ampelotherapy", which is one of the types of dietary nutrition and herbal medicine (treatment with plants).

The list of points of application of the therapeutic effect of wine is quite diverse. Organic acids contained in wine stimulate the salivary and gastric glands and promote digestion. And thanks to bactericidal and antitoxic properties, wine prevents the development of gastrointestinal infections and such a widespread disease in our age as antibiotics as dysbacteriosis. White wine is even more effective than red wine in this sense. Cause it disinfectant properties scientists explain the presence of a specific type of phenol only in white wine.

Due to its vasodilating effect, red wine prevents vasospasm and reduces the risk of coronary diseases, hypertension and strokes. Special substances and vitamins help strengthen the vascular wall, increase the elasticity of capillaries and participate in metabolic processes in the heart muscle. In addition, wine has an anti-atherogenic effect. The substances contained in red wine are involved in lipid metabolism, promote the excretion of cholesterol from the body, and thus reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, the main cause of many cardiac diseases.

Unique balanced composition of trace elements and vitamins grape wine necessary for metabolic processes in our body and affects the functioning of the endocrine glands, mineral metabolism, blood formation and immunity. For anemia and as a general tonic for asthenic conditions, red wines are recommended. Champagne and others sparkling wine saturated with carbon dioxide, therefore, in small doses, excite the respiratory center and stimulate blood circulation

Light white wines and especially champagne are good for maintaining weakened cardiac activity. For indigestion, red ones are useful, with a large amount of tannins - Saperavi, Cabernet. Some varieties of white wines, on the contrary, stimulate the bowels and have a slight laxative effect. With flu and colds, hot sweet wine helps. At the first sign of a cold, when you come home or in a warm room, it is good to take half a glass of hot sweet red wine, such as Cahors.

In some cases, wine can replace strong drugs that cause side effects and addiction. For example, drinking a quarter or half a glass of grape wine for insomnia in the elderly provides healthy sleep and often allows you to do without sleeping pills. Wine also has an antitoxic effect, thanks to its special substances that bind and remove foreign compounds from the body, including radioactive ones. No wonder Hippocrates said that "wine is surprisingly adapted to the human body ...".

Why are there so many negative associations with drinking wine? Why so many anti-alcohol companies and organizations? Yes, because only correct use wine has wonderful healing properties. At overuse all his fault positive traits turn into opposites. In general, this applies to almost any product or substance. Imagine what will happen if instead of several slices of lemon a day, there are four pieces, or instead of a pinch of pepper, add a tablespoon to the soup. Do not forget the warning of the wise Paracelsus: "Only the measure determines whether a substance be harmful or beneficial."

Large doses of wine are dangerous and can lead to diseases of many organs. Doctors consider about 150 - 300 ml of wine to be the optimal daily dose. Of course, one should take into account the different weight, constitutional features, the nature of nutrition and the state of health of each individual. And also remember that for some diseases, for example, with severe damage to the kidneys, liver or duodenal ulcer, wine is contraindicated.

From vodka and others alcoholic beverages grape wine favorably distinguishes a wonderful set of substances that largely neutralize the effect of alcohol.

Wine cannot be equated with fruit and berry drinks similar in strength. Only natural grape wines, made according to the technology in the same region where the grapes were harvested, are beneficial for the body, and therefore it is very important to choose the right wine. Now Russian market filled with numerous cheap fakes and their quality is far from the drink that the famous Louis Pasteur called "the most healthy and hygienic". Wine is a fragile organism. When transporting wine materials over long distances and subsequent bottling, almost all the useful properties of wine are lost. Unfortunately, today it is difficult to get a guarantee of the authenticity of wine, which only a few producers can give.

Today it is becoming more and more popular Home wine division. Wine made by hand is a great drink. It will delight with its rich taste and provide good mood. After all, homemade wine drink does not contain harmful chemical impurities and preservatives. On the contrary, vitamins, trace elements and acids are present in the composition. Wine contains vitamins C, PP, and group B. There are antioxidants, essential oils, tannins.

Medicinal properties of homemade wine

The benefits of homemade wine have been proven for a long time. Since time immemorial, not only Italians and Spaniards have used medicinal properties. The Tsarist Russian State used wine methods for the treatment of various ailments.

The French nation at all times consumed wine drinks at dinner. And statistics show that France has a low threshold for cardiovascular disease.

  1. wine use for colds and colds. The wine is heated, but it should not be brought to a boil. There are many recipes for the preparation of such a medicine. IN hot drink add lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, cloves and other spices to your taste. Drink warm.
  2. Red dry wine prevents the development of tumors. Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. It is very useful to use homemade wines for the elderly. With a decline in strength and weakness.
  4. Homemade wine is not only capable of relieve pressure And cholesterol level, but it is the same lowers sugar content in blood. So drinking some dry wine is also good for diabetics.
  5. beneficial therapeutic effect renders to the whole circulatory system, including anemia, heart disease. Prevents the development of strokes and heart attacks.
  6. moderate use quality wine strengthens the body, improves the quality of sleep.
  7. Reduces the formation of urolithiasis.
  8. It improves appetite, assimilation of food, normalizes the acidity of the stomach and has a beneficial effect on metabolism.
  9. Removes toxins from the body.
  10. Dry wine prevents the development of diseases of the oral cavity.
  11. Wine prevents the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

For each disease, you need to use wine from a specific ingredient.

Red or white

White wine Ideal for people who want to lose weight. This type of wine stimulates weight loss. Helps in the fight against cellulite. Reduces appetite.

Red wine more nutritious than white. But the ruby ​​elixir contains more vitamins. Red wine is an excellent antioxidant. Beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Has an antitoxic effect.

Variety of house wines

Today you can find great amount various recipes making wine at home.

The ingredients are also very varied. Many people think that wine can only be made from grapes. But this is far from true.

Wine is made from grapes, apples, pears, plums, chokeberries, various currants, raspberries, strawberries. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Someone has their own preferences, someone likes to experiment. But many are engaged in making homemade wine from a certain ingredient, for the treatment and prevention of any disease.

Apple wine is good for digestion, supports the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Normalizes body weight. Removes from the body extra salt. Contains pectin, iodine and fiber.

Blackcurrant and black ashberry wine has a beneficial effect on blood formation. Contained in berry wine necessary elements, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, make them less fragile and more elastic.

Plum wine is suitable for people with intestinal problems. The drink will restore the intestines and adjust its work.

Raspberry, as well as strawberry, strawberry, blueberry wine extraordinary in taste. They have an unsurpassed saturated color. Such drinks will enrich the body with iron and acids.

And of course grape wine. You can make both red and white wine. Many varieties of grapes can be used to make wines.

The benefits and harms of home winemaking

It is worth considering that homemade wine benefits and harms, which depends on the amount of elixir consumed. wine gives healing effect with small quantities. With a large amount of wine consumed, not only will the medicinal properties not appear, but the body will receive enormous harm to health.

Benefits of homemade wine

The benefits are pretty obvious. homemade natural wine without any additives or fragrances. Ingredients are chosen according to your taste. Saturation, strength and sweetness can be adjusted.

Harm of home wine

People prone to allergic reactions, as well as those suffering from asthmatic diseases, should be wary of drinking red wine.

During the preparation of wine, various reactions occur. Many substances are produced. If you do not follow the recipes and manufacturing rules wine drink, you can get instead of tasty and healthy wine, quite the opposite.

And of course, the main thing is to know the measure. You can drink a glass of wine before lunch or dinner.

Basics of making homemade wine

Making wine is a rather lengthy process. So you need to be patient. From the correct preparation, will depend not only taste qualities, but also the benefits of the drink, and most importantly the harm.

Mankind has long discovered the unique healing properties of wines. Grape dry wines were used as antiseptics. In ancient Greece, the wounded were given wine to drink and bandages soaked in the miracle drink were applied to the wounds. In Western Europe during the Middle Ages, wine was called the "drink of the Gods", and healing with dry wine was considered magic.

  • Strengthening the body.

Dry wine with dietary properties most suitable for the human body. His chemical composition and natural origin has a beneficial effect on human bioenergetics. Grape wine strengthens the human body, gives vigor. Dry wine has a particularly positive effect on the restoration of vitality in the elderly, and also prevents the development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels. “Wine is the milk of old people” - so they say, implying the beneficial properties of wine.

  • Tones the skin.

Natural grape wine has a beneficial effect on human skin. Dry wine contains a lot useful substances: vitamins, amino acids, trace elements. Wine helps to improve skin tone and cleanse the body.

  • Prevention of oncological diseases.

Trioxystilbene is a substance found in natural dry wine. This unique component of grape wine has a beneficial effect on the prevention of cancer and slows down cell aging.

  • Antibacterial properties.

Grape dry wine has antibacterial properties. During epidemic outbreaks in wine-growing areas, the number of victims is usually much less. In such cases, it is recommended by doctors to use table wine instead of drinking water, but it must be diluted 1: 1 with water, since even wine diluted with water has a positive antibacterial effect. People who drink dry wine regularly are less susceptible to bacteria. In addition, dry white table wine perfectly quenches thirst. Special studies were carried out that confirmed that grape wine suppresses the pathogenic bacteria of malaria, tuberculosis and cholera.

1) With beriberi, natural grape wines are very useful. They contain a lot of different vitamins and have the most positive impact. With severe exhaustion of the body, the patient is advised to drink a couple of sips of port wine. With a pronounced decrease in appetite or its complete loss, it is useful to drink about 50 grams of vermouth or port wine half an hour before meals, but not more than 100-150 grams. Vermouth in large quantities is not recommended. It contains herbal bittering additives that increase the production of gastric juice and stimulate the appetite.

2) In case of metabolic disorders and obesity, dry wine is also used. Its healing properties contribute to the removal of toxins and toxins, normalize metabolic processes. It has been experimentally proven that dry grape wine has the ability to lower cholesterol levels. With radiation exposure, red dry grape wine has a positive effect.

3) With colds and chronic diseases, such as influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, natural dry wine will help. The most suitable is red table wine or mulled wine.

4) When sick diabetes you should carefully monitor the sugar content in wine, you should use varieties of dry grape wines, which contain no more than 4 g of sugar per liter.

5) In case of fractures and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, again natural dry grape wines, so rich in minerals, have a beneficial effect.

6) In case of intestinal disorders and diseases gastrointestinal tract use red dry wine with a high concentration of tannins. These varieties of wines with ulcers and scars have a strengthening and healing effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

7) To strengthen the heart muscle, champagne or light white wine is recommended, which favorably affects the maintenance of weakened cardiac activity. To improve elasticity blood vessels and to prevent the formation of blood clots in them, semi-dry white wines are advised. Grape wine also has the property of preventing myocardial infarction. Champagne wines improve lung ventilation by stimulating the respiratory center.

8) Red table wines are useful for anemia. For the prevention of salt deposits in the human body and the removal of their excess amount, white and red semi-dry wines are recommended.


To benefit from taking grape wine, you should take it in strictly limited doses, which depend on the age, weight, height of a particular person. It is believed that allowable rate about three glasses of wine per day, drunk during a meal, and for women this rate is two times less than for men. Also, the negative effect of grape wine can also occur when mixed with any other drinks, especially vodka or beer.
