
How to make blackberry wine. According to Cahors technology

Many supporters of self-preparation of alcoholic beverages bypass the chokeberry side, completely unreasonably considering it a weed berry.

Those who have tried blackberry wine at least once are looking forward to the end of September - the time when the berries ripen and are best suited for winemaking.

In this article, we will talk about how to reduce the astringency that chokeberry is famous for, give a simple recipe for cooking, and also discuss what snacks are best used with mountain ash.

As we mentioned just above, the best time to harvest is end of September. Ripe berries can remain on the trees for another month or two, but there is a high risk that birds will thoroughly pluck the branches before you.

The berries are perfectly stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of up to 6 degrees, which allows, having thoroughly prepared for winemaking in September, to start production much later. When picking berries, whole umbrellas should be cut off, and the berries can be separated from the stalks immediately before the process.

Cooking at home

Aronia wine at home can be obtained using one of three methods, while any of the recipes given on the Internet will be variations of one of them. Here are the methods:

  • classic juice extraction;
  • separation of juice by fermenting the pulp;
  • cahors technology.

At the same time, black rowan wine made according to recipes from the first group will devoid of some useful features, since the highest concentration of useful substances is in the pulp of berries, which does not go into production during classical pressing.

Recipe with pulp

Now, having learned everything you need about picking berries and possible technologies for making a drink, it's time to bring a recipe for making wine from chokeberry at home.

Here is a step-by-step recipe for making a drink using pulp. So, to make healthy black ashberry wine, we need the following:

  • 10 kg of ripe berries;
  • 5 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 100 grams of unwashed raisins;
  • 2 liters of pure water.

The very procedure for making wine from chokeberry practically does not differ from what you have probably already read in the article about making wine from berries:

  1. We crush berries. You can use a wooden pusher, knead the berries with your hands, or resort to kitchen appliances - a meat grinder, blender or food processor. It is better not to wash the berries, because their skin contains wild yeast, which will start the fermentation process.
  2. Pour (or shift, depending on the consistency) raw materials in a bowl, add one and a half kilograms of sugar.
  3. We pour raisin, mix.
  4. Cover the pot with cheesecloth and put in a warm place for a week(temperature about 20-25 degrees).
  5. every day carefully mix the pulp knocking off the foam cap.
  6. After completion, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the pulp. You can use gauze or even a colander.
  7. Pour the resulting juice into, in which the main fermentation will take place. At the same time, we leave half the container free.
  8. We install a water seal (read:).
  9. Pour 2.5 kilograms of sugar into the squeezed pulp, pour 2 liters of water heated to 30 degrees. Mix and send for a week in a warm place.
  10. Re-squeezing the juice, pour it into a container in which the first batch of juice ferments. The optimum fermentation temperature is 18-25 degrees.
  11. A week later add sugar to bottle with juice. It is best to take half a liter of juice from the container, carefully stir a kilogram of sugar in it, after which you can pour it back.
  12. Fermentation completed in 1-2 months. At the same time, the wine will become noticeably lighter, and carbon dioxide will no longer escape through the water seal. This is the right time to pour homemade chokeberry wine from sediment. We have already described how best to perform this procedure. Recall that for draining from the sediment it is worth using thin pvc tube without touching the sediment, which is necessarily formed at the bottom of the container.
  13. Pour the wine into a clean, dry container, taste, if necessary - add more sugar. We put a water seal and send the bottle to a cool (8 - 15 degrees) place.
  14. The fermentation process will take about six months., while every month (and sometimes more often) it is necessary to remove the wine from the sediment and pour it into a clean, dried container.

Wine prepared according to this recipe from chokeberry will have fortress about 10-12 turns, and you can store it for up to five years (but always in a cool place).

  1. Note that although we have indicated that you can use a blender and other kitchen tools to squeeze the juice, the taste will be better if you do not resort to them.
  2. It is very important that homemade chokeberry wine recipes involve the use of only ripe berries. And the point is not so much in taste (immature berries will make the drink tart to unbearable), but in the fact that it is ripe raw materials that provide high-quality fermentation.
  3. If even with ripe berries the wine wanders reluctantly, you can add more unwashed raisins. In the same way, you can increase the content of ethyl alcohol in the finished product.
  4. The hostesses probably know how difficult it is to remove the stains left by the chokeberry on clothes. We strongly recommend using old clothes, and even better, wear an apron.
  5. You can eat wine from chokeberry in the same way as any of the berry wines. Meat cuts or fruits are perfect.
  6. Remember to mix the wort thoroughly during fermentation. This will prevent the formation of mold on the foam.

We hope you enjoy the recipes and our tips. We are sure that if you do everything right, this wonderful drink will decorate your holiday table almost constantly, and your guests will surely appreciate the astringency and ease of drinking this alcoholic drink!

How many people consider such a plant as mountain ash, including chokeberry (chokeberry), a tree that is not completely useless, no, rather, decorative, suitable only for glorifying the beauty of native nature. But besides the fact that chokeberry has a peculiar spicy taste and has healing properties, it is no worse than any other berries and is suitable for home preparations, including for making various alcoholic drinks. Homemade blackberry wine turns out to be a very beautiful dark color, tart and extremely healthy? it lowers blood pressure, compensates for iodine deficiency and has a general beneficial effect on the body (of course, you need to know where, how and how much you can drink it).

The main difficulty for beginner winemakers? find a sensible and uncomplicated guide on how to make homemade wine. After all, thick volumes, replete with the terms "sulfitation", "pure yeast culture"? and others, rarely answer simple questions? how much you need, how to properly prepare the dishes - but basically give the impression that winemaking? it is the lot of a select few, that it is something like household magic. To some extent, of course, it is? watch berry or grape juice ferment? almost the same as seeing with your own eyes the biblical miracle of turning plain water into wine. But after all, the Lord was a man, or not at all?

Wouldn't it be nice to talk about this with an old friend over a glass of good wine? which, by the way, must be done first.

Making wine from chokeberry


  • Chokeberry - 5 kg;
  • Sugar? 1.5-2 kg;
  • Water? 1 liter;
  • Raisins (necessarily unwashed) ? 50 g.

Berry processing

The mountain ash must be ripe, otherwise you will have to increase the dose of sugar in order for the fermentation to go well. It is impossible to wash the mountain ash, so as not to wash off the yeast bacteria, "responsible" from it. for fermentation. By the way, for the same reason? the absence of yeast bacteria? homemade wine cannot be made from frozen berries and berries harvested after rain.

Prepare dishes? enameled without damage, stainless steel or glass. It is believed that it is better to crush the mountain ash thoroughly with your hands, although it is much easier to make chokeberry juice with a meat grinder.

Wort preparation

Add sugar to rowan pulp? about 0.5 cups per 1 kg of berries. ?How much to hang in grams? - it depends, firstly, on the sweetness of the berries, and secondly, on the desire of the winemaker. But we must remember that it still goes into rowan wine more than any other? chokeberry berry? low-sugar? and therefore the drink, as a rule, ferments slowly or can stop altogether, besides, dry rowan wine turns out to be so tart that you will not soon find an amateur for this. But it’s also not worth showing excessive generosity, is it? wine bacteria will process as much sugar as they can, its excess will simply precipitate, and oversweetened wine will no longer be able to make it really tasty. If the need arises, the wine can be sweetened later.

By the way, the raisins (unwashed!) in the list of ingredients are designed specifically to support the fermentation process, that is, to perform the function of yeast. Raisins will not affect the taste of the drink in any way.

If you really want to add yeast? Well, what to do, then you need to cook real wine yeast.

wine sourdough recipe

170 g of unwashed (!) raisins pour 1.25 cups of water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, stir and cover with a towel. The sourdough (until this mixture is ripe for full-fledged yeast) ferments for 3 days in a warm, dark place. How long can this yeast be stored? No more than 10 days, so make them in reserve
no need.

Thoroughly mix rowan slurry with sugar, again? not a plastic spoon and not a metal one, but a stainless steel or wooden spoon, even better? hands (rejoice, fans of hygiene? You can wash spoons and hands).


Cover the dishes with juice and pulp of chokeberry with a lid or cloth so that midges do not start, and put it in a warm place (maximum? 25 degrees). The mixture ferments for about a week. All this time, every day, the juice with the pulp must be gently mixed so that mold does not appear on the surface.

Installing a water seal and subsequent? quiet? fermentation

After about a week, the berries will swell, float up and, if you lower your hand into the container, foam will appear. It's time to squeeze the chokeberry juice. This can also be done with a juicer, but, as practice shows, the filter becomes tightly clogged after the first two handfuls of berries, and how long does it take to clean it? it's better to do it manually. Filter the juice through a colander and pour back into the jar, on which a water seal should be installed.

A lot of novice winemakers use a rubber glove with a hole as a water seal, but it’s still better to install a real water seal on the jar, especially since it’s not difficult to make it yourself. Make a hole in the center of the nylon cover, thread a hose into it (you can use a tube from a dropper), coat the hole around the hose tightly with clay or children's plasticine? that's it, you don't need to do anything else.

The lid is put on the jar, the tip of the tube is lowered into another jar of water - the contact of the wort with oxygen will be minimal, and excess carbon dioxide will escape through the tube into the water. The jar of wort is set aside in a cool dark place and wanders on.

Add water and sugar to the squeezed pulp (how much, again, depends on the winemaker, an average of 0.5 kg of sand and 1 liter of water). It is advisable to take spring or well water, you can buy good bottled water in the store, but it is better to neglect chlorinated tap water.

Remove the pulp for re-fermentation for another week, not forgetting to stir every day. After the pulp has settled for a week, strain it through a colander. Remove the water seal from the jar with the wort, remove the foam from the surface and pour in the juice expressed from the pulp. Install the water seal in its original place.


During the subsequent fermentation, wine should be filtered 2-3 times a week. At first (the first 2 weeks), you can do this by carefully pouring the wort into another container, without shaking and remembering to remove the accumulated foam, leaving sediment at the bottom. Later, you will need to drain the drink into another container using a thin hose. At the same time, it is good that the jet is as thin and long as possible? so happens? airing? wine, which helps to avoid its spoilage. It should also be remembered that each time before transfusion, all dishes must be thoroughly washed with soda and dried.

It is not necessary, but highly desirable, after rapid fermentation, to stimulate the vital activity of wine bacteria. For this, in home winemaking, ammonia is usually used (not alcohol? an aqueous solution!) In the amount of 1 drop per liter of wine. Some try to add yeast to the drink at this stage? this should not be done.

Sweetening new wine

How long has it been since fermentation started? Two month? The contents of the jar should already be transparent? this means that although the must is still fermenting, it has already turned into young wine from chokeberry. A young drink differs from a mature one in the first place in taste? it is more sour. If the taste of sugar is clearly felt, you can try to correct this deficiency by airing it again. If the taste of wine remains sweet, does this mean that it is irreparably spoiled? just the wine will be a little less strong than we would like.

Sour young wine needs to be sweetened. For this, 1 tablespoon of sugar per liter is usually enough, although these proportions can be changed depending on your own taste preferences.

Just do not have to think about what to sweeten the wine? this means pouring sugar into it and stirring silently, according to etiquette. The process of sweetening wine looks very different. Sugar is poured into a cotton bag, which is tied with a cord and lowered into a jar of wine in such a way that it is in a "suspended state"? - completely immersed in wine, but as close to the surface as possible. The bag is fixed in this position, the jar of wine is closed with a water seal for at least a week? just enough to completely dissolve the sugar.

Wine maturation

The final stage. The wine is bottled and tightly, but not tightly corked. Young wine still ferments for some time and carbon dioxide, not finding a way out, can not only squeeze out the cork, but also crush the bottle itself. So for those few months that the wine needs to fully mature, you need to regularly inspect the sealed bottles.

Aronia and apple wine

As has long been known, everything in the world has its pluses and minuses, and sometimes it is the case that dignity is also a disadvantage at the same time. As already mentioned, chokeberry wine lowers blood pressure? for some, this is an undoubted advantage of the drink, however, there is an opposite point of view (how many people, so many opinions). How about with apples? and the pressure will be fine and the taste of the wine will remain

Apple-rowan wine can be made in two versions. For the first, apple and chokeberry juice from mountain ash are taken in a ratio of 9: 1. A tenth of water and 100 g of sugar per liter of must are added to the total volume of juice.

Option two. Peel 1 kg of apples, remove the middle, finely chop, combine with 2 kg of crushed chokeberry berries, add 3 kg of sugar. Put everything in a fermentation container and add as much warm water as needed to completely cover the pulp with it.

Further, for both options, everything happens according to the technology described above: for several days the must ferments under the fabric, then a water seal is installed. Also filtered, aerated and sweetened as needed.

Sometimes there are recipes for homemade rowan wine, in which it is recommended to mix chokeberry juice with sugar and vodka, and sometimes even add yeast. Perhaps such a drink is tasty, healthy and has its connoisseurs, but it cannot be called wine.

In vain, many consider chokeberry a useless berry. It contains a fairly large number of useful properties, substances and vitamins. The use of mountain ash helps to increase immunity, fight depression and high blood pressure, and has a positive effect on the endocrine system. You can make many healthy drinks from the berry, for example: juice, compote, wine, liquor, it will turn out very tasty and healthy.

The main thing is to follow a number of basic rules. Only then the wine from chokeberry will not be inferior to other alcoholic beverages.

To make wine, you need to know about some features of the berry. Firstly, it cannot be washed before use, as wild yeast is present on the skin, due to which the drink will ferment. Secondly, the berry should not overripe, otherwise the drink will be of dubious quality. Thirdly, they crush the chokeberry with their own hands. Fourth, you can not collect and use chokeberry in winemaking after rain. And finally, fifthly, metal utensils cannot be used to make wine. Wooden or glass containers are best suited for these manipulations.

Technology Features

It is quite possible to make wine from chokeberry at home if you know the basic technologies. So, let's look at them using the example of a classic recipe. To make wine, you need 5 kilograms of unwashed chokeberry, 2 kilograms of sugar, 100 grams of unwashed raisins and 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature. If you do not like raisins, you can exclude them from the recipe.

First you need to prepare the berry puree. After you get a homogeneous mass that looks like gruel, you need to transfer it to another container, which should be at least 10 liters in capacity. Sugar (half, that is, 1 kilogram) and raisins are poured into the bottle, everything is thoroughly mixed with gruel. The mass is covered with a lid and cleaned in a warm place for storage for a period of one week. However, the drink should be stirred daily.

After 7 days, they start winemaking, during which time the juice is separated from the cake and sediment. First you need to take the pulp and squeeze out the remaining juice from it. It is convenient to do this with a sieve or gauze. The juice must be filtered and transferred to a container where the wine will ferment. On top of the bottle, you will need to install a water seal or put a rubber glove on the neck.

Cake should be poured with boiled water and add the remaining sugar to the mass, mix everything thoroughly. The gruel should be transferred to a jar or any other container and closed, put in a dark, warm place for another week. We must not forget about mixing the mass. After a week, the cake is filtered. The liquid must be poured into the bottle where the fermentation process takes place. To do this, remove the glove and then close the bottle tightly again.

The last step in making wine is that the drink will need to be filtered every two days using a rubber hose. With it, the liquid is poured into a clean container, the neck is closed and removed again. The process is repeated as many times as necessary. Homemade blackberry wine will be ready when it stops fermenting and there is no sediment left in the bottle. The drink is bottled, closed and cleaned in a dark and warm place. The wine must mature within 3-4 months, after which it is completely ready for consumption.

Recipe with cinnamon

The technology for making wine from chokeberry with cinnamon is similar to the classic recipe. The only thing is that the ingredients change. In order to get a drink similar to liquor, you must:

  • vodka 1 bottle
  • chokeberry 5 kilograms
  • granulated sugar 4 kilograms
  • cinnamon 5 grams

Wine must be made according to the classic recipe, and when it is ready, mix it with vodka. It may take six months to mature. Such a wine will be quite strong, and differ in taste from those that are prepared without the addition of alcohol. Be sure to try this recipe, the wine is very tasty and not like those sold in the store.

Frozen berry recipe

You can also get a light, fragrant and pleasant-tasting wine from frozen berries. This will require:

  • chokeberry juice 4 l. (it is convenient to use a juicer or a meat grinder)
  • boiled water 4 l.
  • sugar 3 kg
  • raisins 150 gr

Before making wine from chokeberries, you need to prepare juice for it and let it stand at room temperature so that it warms up a little. Then you should mix the juice with sugar and water, mix. Add unwashed raisins, pour the drink into a container and close with a glove or water seal. It is necessary to wait until the wine ferments, free it from the sediment. Then the wine should be poured into clean bottles and close them with lids. The wine matures for 3-4 months in a cool dark place.

Recipe with grapes


  • chokeberry 10 kilograms
  • sugar 4 kilograms
  • grapes 350 grams (wash, put in a colander)
  • boiled water 4 liters

In order to make wine with the addition of grapes, you will need to use the classic recipe. The technology is the same, but instead of raisins, crushed berries are mixed with grapes.

Recipe with apples

Apples can be used fresh or dried, this will not affect the taste. For cooking you will need:

  • chokeberry 5 kilograms
  • sugar - 2 kilograms
  • apples 500 grams
  • vodka 1 bottle of 0.5 liters (you can use diluted alcohol).

The wine is prepared again, according to the classic recipe, but after the end of fermentation, and after pressing the pulp, alcohol is added to the wine. If alcohol is used, then it is diluted in equal proportions 1: 1. After that, the drink is bottled and removed to mature in a dark place for several months.

Recipe with orange flavor

This wine is prepared in two ways. In the first, freshly squeezed orange juice is used, and in the second, the fruit with zest is turned through a meat grinder. In the first case, 300 grams of juice will be required, it is added immediately to the crushed berries. In the second, they take 3 medium oranges, wash them, cut them into slices and pass them through a meat grinder along with the skin. The resulting slurry is mixed with crushed aronia berries, they need 1.5 kilograms. Pour 1 liter of water into the mixture and add 1 kilogram of sugar, mix everything thoroughly and put the mass in a fermentation container. Then everything is done according to the classic recipe.

Wine is insisted on it, which then gives a very pleasant citrus aroma and taste. Homemade wine can be prepared with honey, raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, currants and other berries. In any case, if you follow the technology, it will turn out very tasty.

Fortified drink recipe

Regular wine has a strength of 10-12 degrees, but you can make fortified wine, which will be appreciated by real gourmets. The cooking method is simple, but often winemakers recommend adding spices in small quantities to the recipe, so you can drown out the smell of vodka. Yeast is not used in this method.

You will need:

  • chokeberry 1 kilogram
  • vodka 0.5 liters
  • water 1 liter
  • citric acid - a pinch
  • cloves 3-4 pieces

Pour rowan into an enameled container, pour water and cook for half an hour over low heat. Do not wash off wild yeast from the surface of the berry. After the broth is left to stand for 12 hours, filtered using a sieve. After the time has elapsed, put the liquid back on fire, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. After 5 minutes, you can turn off the gas. When the wine has cooled, it can be poured into glass containers. Such a drink is prepared quickly, it can be consumed immediately, it lowers blood pressure and normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

Homemade blackberry wine is not harmful if consumed in moderation. It is recommended to drink a tablespoon of the drink before eating. Excessive consumption is too dangerous and can detoxify the body. It can be dessert, fortified wine or tincture. The main thing is that it be prepared correctly and from ripe fruits.

You can choose to cook any step-by-step recipe. The wine will delight you with its exquisite taste, pleasant aroma and beautiful maroon hue.

Attention, only TODAY!

Summer is coming to an end, the season of berries suitable for processing is coming to an end. It's time to prepare for the production of a classic drink, where the main component is grapes. There is only one moment left, the chokeberry has ripened. It is worth trying once a drink made from black rowan berries to never forget this taste, which is distinguished by a good aroma, taste and density. Our winemakers mark rowan wines as a drink of "high quality".

Photinia melanocarpa or chokeberry, as people say, grows in North America, where there are about fifteen of its species. We, in the middle lane, are growing three:

  1. Arbutus-leaved;
  2. Plum-leaved;
  3. Chernoplodnaya.

Aronia berries are in demand for the manufacture of medicines. Saturated with vitamins and minerals, chokeberry is used for the production of medicinal syrup and multivitamin complexes. Aronia fruits, taken orally, effectively counteract high blood pressure, so homeopaths often recommend taking it for patients with hypertension.

Attention: if you have increased blood clotting, arterial hypotension, hypotension, gastritis or ulcers on the body, it is not recommended to take chokeberry fruits, this applies to any product made on the basis of these berries.

In the circle of winemakers, chokeberry is highly valued. The finished product is thick, extractive, rich ruby ​​color. Fruits harvested in mid-September are valued above all. This is the time of the most juicy berries, besides, they lend themselves well to clarification.

Aronia is suitable for the preparation of alcoholic beverages of any kind, only for the manufacture of table wine it is rarely allowed. The reason is that the wine is very rich and tart, because of this it is difficult. The best black rowan wine is dessert and fortified. Often, blackberry juice is mixed with the juices of other fruit trees, thus reducing the astringency of the wine. These wines are perfect for ladies' table.

Figuratively speaking, this is a simple fruit and berry wine, the recipe for which is no different from the recipe for ordinary apple wine. Just for this reason, we give as an example a recipe for making wine from apples. The technology is described in great detail.

The most difficult process in making wine is extraction of fruit juice. There are three ways to extract juice and prepare wort from the product:

  1. Classical;
  2. Fermentation of the pulp;
  3. Kagorny.

Classic technology

This technology is far from popular.. The taste of wine prepared using this technology, due to its peculiarity, is liked only by lovers. It turns out a little extractive wine, with a minimum amount of useful trace elements. Only black ashberry juice is allowed to make wine, the pulp increases waste or goes to the production of jams, jelly and marmalades.

There is no point in delving into the description of a technology that no one will use.

We extract juice by fermenting the pulp

Most producers use this technology to produce wine from chokeberry. Juice is squeezed out of ripe berries, poured into a glass container under the very neck and stored in the refrigerator. Juice will be needed in two days, when the fermented pulp is ready.

The pulp is called the cake remaining from the fruits.. This cake is placed in an enamel pan, if there is a lot of it. For a small amount, a glass bottle of the appropriate volume will do. The container with the pulp is filled with warm water, sugar and yeast starter are added. For glass containers, prepare a cotton plug.

Two or three times a day, it is necessary to mix the resulting mixture; under other conditions, it will become moldy. Preparing the composition in this way takes up to four days. It is considered ready when the floating fruit particles have begun to sink to the bottom of the container.

Now you need squeeze out the liquid of the resulting mixture and combine with the juice from the refrigerator. It remains to add, according to the proportion, the required amount of sugar and put the finished must for fermentation in a secluded place.

This method of making homemade wine is used by winemakers with extensive experience working with chokeberry. Regular stirring is a very important factor in making chokeberry wine. The thing is that the pulp of black mountain ash tends to quickly become moldy, therefore it needs regular and timely mixing.

Putting the wort on a water seal transfers the preparation of wine to the next stage, the preparation of fruit and berry wine according to standard technology. Let's talk about the recipe for making ordinary wine a little later.

We get juice using Cahors technology

You can safely count this method is the most popular and suitable in order to make wine from chokeberry at home. To do this, first separate the juice from the pulp. Then pour the cake with hot water twice, the indicated volume of water in the recipe is divided into two parts.

Thus, we leave in the wine a huge composition of trace elements of chokeberry. After each steaming, we filter and drain the liquid. Mix with the juice obtained earlier and get the wort.

Next stage- adding sugar in the indicated proportions and seasoning with yeast sourdough. Now the whole composition is ready for fermentation. This homemade chokeberry wine recipe is great for beginner winemakers.

The most suitable container in winemaking is a ten liter glass bottle. All recipes are designed to use this container.

The proportions of the composition when making homemade blackberry wine:

  • 40% is chokeberry juice;
  • Up to 20% - juices of other fruits;
  • 40-60% - liquid after steaming the cake;
  • Sugar.

The last element deserves special attention. For good fermentation and sufficient strength, it is recommended to add sugar in small portions. The entire volume of sugar is divided into 3-4 equal parts and added to the wort once a week. A sign of the need to add the next part of the sugar is the weakening of fermentation.

A simple recipe for chokeberry wine

The most interesting in winemaking, the wine sample is not taken into account, this is the recipe itself. Let's move on to the next table:

This is the amount of ingredients for the preparation of the must and in the future to obtain eight liters of wine. Homemade blackberry wine will turn out to be of medium quality, with an acidity of 1% and sugar of 5%.

As an example, consider the preparation of dessert wine.

It is worth noting that in real life non-standard situations will definitely occur. Thus, there is an accumulation of invaluable own experience in winemaking. You will have to make personal decisions, relying on intuition and inner feeling. Only in theory everything is beautiful and smooth.

Features of extraction of juice, preparation of wort

Based on the table, we will prepare:

  • 9 kg of chokeberry fruits;
  • 2.80 liters of water;
  • 3,700 kg of sugar.

We grind the sorted and washed berries with a meat grinder or blender. We squeeze the juice in a way that is accessible to you. It is necessary to get five liters of juice, if necessary, add a lot of fruits.

You can add the juice of other fruit, apples or pears. Grape juice goes very well with chokeberry. If 50 g of hibiscus leaves are added to the must, they will reduce the effect of chokeberry, and the wine will turn out without the effect of lowering the pressure.

We leave the resulting liquid in the refrigerator, let it cool. We heat half of the volume of all the water from the recipe to 80 ± 4 ° C and fill in all the available cake. While the water with cake is cooling, we heat the second portion.

The first portion of water should cool down to body temperature. Drain and fill with a second portion of hot water. It is necessary to wait until this water also cools down, decant, mix all the water with juice from the refrigerator. It turns out, so it should be, ten liters of wort, ready for yeast infection.

Attention: This technology has one significant drawback - the lack of oxygen. When heated, almost all oxygen is lost; without a sufficient amount of oxygen, there can be no normal fermentation.

It is necessary to correct this, it is necessary to artificially enrich the wort with oxygen. For this:

  • you can pour the entire mixture through a colander several times;
  • divide into two parts and shake apart, then mix.

Filling the wort with sugar and yeast sourdough

Sugar is added to the wort before the yeast starter. You need 10-15% of the total volume according to the recipe, this is one or one and a half kilograms of sugar. Take 1.5 kg for a good start and mix the whole composition well.

For the preparation of yeast sourdough, the best is wine (or alcohol) yeast, but you can do without them. Yeast sourdough is made from unwashed grapes or raisins, although this is difficult to do using raisins alone. The most suitable berries for sourdough are strawberries or raspberries. These berries quickly begin to ferment and do it quite intensively.

In autumn, of course, it is difficult to buy strawberries, but late raspberries are sold on the market, and frozen in the supermarket.

Prepare the sourdough ahead of time, as a rule, this is 3-4 before the start of wine preparation. Take two glasses of berries, crush them with a spoon or mortar. The resulting slurry is poured into a two-liter bottle, 250 grams of water and 150 grams of sugar are added there. For air circulation, close the bottle with a cotton stopper. Put in a dark and warm (18-20 ° C) place. The sourdough will be ready in three or four days and must be strained and used within seven days.

The resulting sourdough is suitable for infection of the finished wort, which must be done. We add the starter to the wort, put everything in the bottle and install a water seal. The container with the wort is placed in a warm room, the temperature required for the normal course of fermentation is 20-22 ° C. The bottle must be covered with a thick cloth, the room must be dark so that sunlight does not enter.

Introduction of sugar residues and rapid fermentation

The second portion of sugar is added after seven days. Considering that rapid fermentation lasts a whole month, the remaining sugar is 2.2 kg, divided into three parts and will be added once every seven days, 750 grams each.

It will be very good if you add sugar in a diluted form. To do this, you can pour a liter of wort from the bottle, stir a portion of sugar in it, and pour it back. We wait seven days and repeat the procedure. The third portion also in seven days.

Final procedure- waiting for the cessation of fermentation and the loss of yeast sediment. Next, you should be very careful not to shake the sediment, using a flexible tube, drain the young wine into a separate container. Don't overdose: the yeast sediment will add a bitter taste to the wine if not drained.

Pour the drink and quiet fermentation

The further lot of young wine is quiet fermentation in a secluded and cool corner. Can be bottled, poured to the very neck, should not be sealed tightly, rare bubbles of carbon dioxide should have a free exit. For a guarantee, it is easier to install a water seal on three-liter cans with a drink.

To play out and defend the wine good to put in the cellar or refrigerator. Where the temperature is constant, and it is not higher than 10 ° C. Be sure to drain the wine from the yeast sediment so that the taste of the drink does not deteriorate. It is recommended to do this once a week, the maximum interval is once every two weeks.

The wine is already ready, you can drink it even during the pouring period, but the finished wine has an excellent taste. Winemakers say that the good quality of chokeberry wine comes after about a year of storage. The taste of young wine is quite specific and many do not like it.

If you finish making dessert wine, you can add sugar to taste. But the technology described above is intended for the preparation of a fortified drink. Although this opinion is subjective.

In the case when the wine has accumulated bitterness, you can resort to a proven method: freeze it in the freezer. Blackberry wine will not suffer any losses from this procedure, it will only change the taste, it will become sweetish.

There are times when, for some reason, the drink failed or began to turn sour, it does not matter. Boldly you can fix this state with vodka and let stand, resulting in a decent fortified wine.

As a result of diligence and long-term patience, the winemaker gets a strong wine from chokeberry, with a strong aroma and unforgettable taste, with a bright ruby ​​​​hue. This wine is something to be proud of.

Now, having knowledge of the Cahors technology for making homemade wine, you can start your own business or prepare drinks for your own needs.

Good luck with your winemaking experiments!

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