
Side effect of mate tea. The healing properties of mate

Tea is one of the most common drinks in the world. The variety of types and ways of drinking this drink is simply amazing. From traditional black tea to the most exotic plants. One of these drinks is tea from the leaves of the Paraguayan plant - holly. This drink combines the properties of green tea and coffee, which makes it unique in its kind. In addition, it is recommended to make it in a special dish - calabash, and use it through a special tube - bombilla.


“Mate tea benefits and harms” is the topic of a huge number of articles and various publications. It is the subject of numerous disputes by scientists around the world, since depending on the methods of preparation and use of this drink, its beneficial properties differ significantly.

At correct use mate tea is a wonderful energy drink, due to the presence of a caffeine analogue, called by scientists matenin.

But unlike caffeine, the invigorating effect of mate lasts more than eight hours and does not leave depressive effects behind.

The acids in holly leaves are excellent at breaking down fats, which is why many nutritionists recommend drinking this drink.

The impact of mate components on the human body:

  1. Acceleration of metabolism.
  2. Breakdown of fats of all types.
  3. The content of tocopherol acetate rejuvenates the body and prevents the development of cancer cells.
  4. Choline reduces the amount of cholesterol.
  5. Increases potency.
  6. Activates the production of the youth hormone melatonin.
  7. Theophylline promotes vasodilation.
  8. Theobromine fights depression and insomnia.

The presence of phosphorus not only improves brain activity, but also promotes better absorption of matenine, metals - iron and copper in combination with sulfur compounds maintain skin elasticity, improve the appearance of skin, nails, hair.


To answer the question of why mate tea is harmful, studies were carried out in areas where the use of tea was introduced into local traditions. They found that if you use mate hot and in unlimited quantities, then there is a risk of cancer. It is also strictly contraindicated to consume more than 1 liter of tea per day, since the concentration of substances contained in holly leaves negatively affects the body as a whole. Studies by Uruguayan scientists have shown that with the traditional use of mate tea - using calabash, the risk increases dramatically cancer larynx, lungs, food system.


The leaves of Paraguayan mate tea contain about two hundred chemical compounds, among which there are vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, minerals and polyphenols. Despite such an impressive list of components, the drink is extremely useful in nutrition, as it contains a very low content of fats and carbohydrates. Its calorie content is only 152 calories per hundred grams of dry leaves.

The table shows the calorie content of mate per measure of volume.


Generally harmful properties drink can be described as follows:

  1. Mate is not recommended for people with irregular heart rhythms, as matenin stimulates the work of the heart muscle.
  2. Mate, like other tea drinks, increases blood pressure and body temperature.
  3. At frequent use reduces perspiration, dries the skin.
  4. Harmful in broncho-pulmonary diseases.
  5. It is a diuretic, contraindicated in urolithiasis.
  6. Frequent consumption of very hot mate leads to oncological diseases.
  7. It is strictly forbidden for use by girls in position and nursing mothers.
  8. It is strictly prohibited for use by children and adolescents.

All the negative effects of the Paraguayan drink appear only if you use it in a very large quantities. The younger generation is contraindicated in any form, since the analogue of caffeine in the composition of the drink has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system. At an early stage of development, such stimulation can lead to various diseases of the respiratory, musculoskeletal and vascular systems.

The nutritional value

Leaves paraguayan holly contain many tannins, pantothenic acid, B-group vitamins, as well as a certain amount of vitamins C, P, and E. Mineral composition very similar to black tea. A large amount of chlorophyll has a positive effect on the immune system, restores the mucosa, and stabilizes digestion.

Nutritional value of mate at the rate of 100 gr. dry leaves.

The nutritional value of the drink from the leaves is especially appreciated by athletes, as it is enough high content proteins and carbohydrates, with the practical absence of fats, it is ideal for people associated with physical activity. It has a tonic effect on muscle fatigue, promotes faster recovery. vitality organism.

Vitamins and minerals

Paraguayan tea is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Few drinks can boast the presence of such an amount of organic acids that are found in the leaves of this plant.

Vitamin B1 regulates the process of processing glucose, B2 - regulates metabolism, pantothenic acid controls the state of the nervous system, vitamin A improves eyesight, improves skin and hair, Vitamin C promotes cell regeneration.

Concentration minerals in mate tea.

Sodium is necessary for the normalization of the volume of extracellular fluid and the regulation of heat transfer. Potassium - prevents the occurrence of paralytic reactions, magnesium - lowers cholesterol in the blood, prevents heart attacks.

The properties of a drink based on the leaves of the Paraguayan holly - mate tea, are used in many divisions of most countries of the world.

Numerous studies have shown that people who regularly consume mate tea get better sleep, fall asleep faster and recuperate during sleep. Mate improves the accumulation of phosphorus in cells, which improves memory, stimulates the oppressed nervous system. Tea from the leaves of the Paraguayan holly is a means of preventing heart disease, prevents atherosclerosis. Also, one of the best properties of mate is the ability to break down lactic acid and prevent its accumulation in the muscles.

The inhabitants of Paraguay have always worked hard and had little rest. Once, listening to their complaints and lamentations, the gods took pity and sent them mate tea. Since then, this nectar of the gods has become the national drink of Latin Americans. They drink it throughout the day. A bitter infusion in the morning tones and gives vigor, a cool drink quenches thirst in the afternoon, and sweet tea in the evening provides deep sleep. If you want to be less tired and get more done while still feeling great, mate tea is your choice.

Mate Features

In fact, mate is not a tea, but a herbal drink that is made from the young shoots of the Paraguayan Holly. Holly is considered an evergreen shrub by plant classification, although it grows to a height of up to 15 m. It grows wild and is grown on plantations in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Holly leaves go through several stages of drying, which give them a slight bitterness and a hint of smoke in the aroma.

Three countries supply high-quality raw materials: Brazil (53%), Argentina (37%) and Paraguay (10%).

Mate is a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances that have a positive effect on the body. It quickly restores strength, improves mood, relieves nervousness. A fragrant drink invigorates even with severe fatigue and energizes the body. In this case, there will be no headaches and insomnia.

The word "mati" or in Russian "mate" (with emphasis on the first syllable) has Indian roots and means a vessel of pumpkin.

For a drink such as mate tea, the benefits depend on the shelf life - after 2 years, the raw material loses all its properties. Special attention is given to the observance of the brewing technology. It has a number of subtleties that must be accurately performed. Even perfectly brewed tea can be harmful if not drunk properly.

Chemical composition

The benefits and harms of any product depend on its composition. The leaves and stems of Paraguayan Holly are simply champions among evergreen counterparts and contain up to 200 components, including:

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • xanthine alkaloids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • choline;
  • tannins;
  • polyphenols;
  • saponins;
  • trace elements.

Vitamins A, C, E, P, B and trace elements strengthen the body and improve metabolism. Together with bioflavonoids, they are strong antioxidants and reduce cell oxidation. Tannins cause an astringent and bactericidal effect, saponins have an anti-inflammatory effect. Choline helps reduce bad cholesterol. No less useful are other components of Paraguayan tea.

The mat contains the alkaloid "matein", which tones and relieves tension. Matein and caffeine belong to the same group of substances and have a similar effect on the body. But matein's action is delicate and at the same time long-lasting. He does not provide negative impact on the heart and blood vessels, does not excite the nervous system and does not cause sleep disturbance.

Unlike caffeine, the tonic effect of mateine ​​is 3 times longer and lasts up to 9 hours.


According to the ideas of the Indians, bestowed by the gods healing drink restores strength, banishes diseases, relieves sorrow and prolongs life. To this day, mate tea, the benefits of which have been proven numerous studies and scientific reports, has a miraculous effect on the body. It is indispensable during periods of strong physical and emotional stress. There is also an opinion that the temperament of Latin American machos is fueled by this magical infusion.

Mate is forbidden to drink to children under 7 years old, lactating and pregnant women.

The healing properties of mate

The positive effect of the drink in question is as follows:

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
  2. Uplifts mood and helps fight depression.
  3. Normalizes sleep and relieves insomnia.
  4. It relieves muscle tension and quickly restores strength.
  5. Perfectly invigorates and increases stamina.
  6. Activates mental activity and increases mindfulness.
  7. Stimulates metabolism.
  8. Increases potency and sexuality.
  9. Strengthens immunity.
  10. Removes toxins from the body.

Nervous system

The amazing properties of tea are manifested in its effect on the nervous system. On the one hand, it invigorates and uplifts the mood, and on the other hand, it relieves tension and normalizes sleep. With high fatigue, mate tones up a tired body, increases attentiveness and endurance. It calms with excessive excitement and helps with insomnia. The use of healing tea helps to harmonize the work of the nervous system and resist stress.

Digestive system

Mate tea has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect. Its regular use stimulates the work gastrointestinal tract improves digestion and helps relieve constipation.

The use of tea is contraindicated in high temperature and blood pressure.

The cardiovascular system

Mate expands blood vessels and improves the nutrition of the heart muscle. Drinking tea helps to stabilize blood pressure, improve cerebral circulation.

Mate for weight loss

The rich chemical composition of tea helps fight against overweight. It speeds up the metabolism, burns calories and body fat, inhibits the parts of the brain responsible for appetite. With increased appetite, mate will become real magic wand- One cup of tea will help get rid of hunger.

Interesting to know: Paraguayan holly extract is part of dietary supplements for weight loss.


An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to mate tea, which is expressed in allergic reaction organism. It can manifest itself as a skin rash, sneezing, tearing, coughing. If these symptoms appear after drinking a cup of tea, its use is strictly prohibited. In addition, doctors have identified some categories of people and body conditions in which drinking a drink is highly undesirable.

Studies conducted and statistics collected over several decades have proven the existence of a link between regular consumption of excessively hot mate and the development of cancer.

The use of tea, the temperature of which is above 80 ° C, can provoke the development of oncological neoplasms of the esophagus, larynx, and bladder.


  • children under 7 years old;
  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • heat;
  • hypertension;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • peptic ulcer and hyperacidity stomach;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • allergic diseases.

About 20 aromatic compounds (PAGs) were found in mate, which are also found in tobacco, alcoholic beverages and fried meat. Their combination creates favorable conditions for oncological neoplasms.

The combination of mate with spirits, tobacco and fried meat dangerous for health.

How to cook and drink mate

By appearance freshly brewed mate resembles green tea. The infusion has a golden-green color, bitter-sour taste and bright aroma. In the homeland of mate, raw materials poured into a vessel are brewed up to 8 times. Its taste changes with each filling and reaches optimal saturation by the third time. Classic tea they are prepared only from herbal raw materials, but stevia leaves are sometimes added to add sweetness.

Dried and crushed holly leaves are called "yerba" and serve as a raw material for making tea. Yerba is poured into a vessel and filled with water, the temperature of which is 70-80 ° C. Tea insist 2-3 minutes and drink immediately. Mate should not be brewed with boiling water - such an infusion not only begins to taste bitter, but also becomes harmful to health. They drink mate through a special bombilla tube, the lower edge of which looks like a strainer. This design allows, when drinking a drink, to filter it from particles of tea raw materials.

The temperature of mate during drinking should not exceed 80 °C.

Traditionally, tea is brewed in a special vessel made from the fruit of lagenaria creeper, which looks like small pumpkins. This dish is called "calabash". Modern calabashes are also made of wood, metal, and ceramics. Bombillas are made from silver, cupronickel, stainless steel, wood, or hollow plant stems. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase special utensils, tea can be prepared in an ordinary teapot.

Today, there are many ways to brew mate. Manufacturers add fruits and flavors to yerba. Bitter mate is preferred by men, and sweet by women and children. In Latin America, "summer" mate is very popular. For its preparation, yerba is poured cold water, add lemon, sugar, mint leaves, orange or grapefruit juice.

To get away from tea maximum benefit, you need to buy only fresh yerba without additives.

Mate brewing technology:

  1. Yerba is poured into calabash by 2/3, covered with a hand and shaken.
  2. Calabash is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. On the side where the void has formed, a bombilla is inserted. Then the vessel is set vertically, and the bombilla is pushed to the bottom.
  3. Hot water is poured over the bombilla.

As a result of the infusion, little is obtained, so the procedure is repeated until the taste disappears.

From the moment of the first brewing, tea should be drunk within an hour.

Mate cures diseases, gives strength to the body and calms the soul. But in order for this drink to bring only benefits, you must strictly follow the rules for its preparation and use.

The world-famous South American mate tea is a drink made from the leaves and shoots of a tree called Paraguayan holly, and also - paraguayan tea or mate. This is a drink with a long history, unique in its composition and tonic effect.

Paraguayan tea is spelled hierba mate in Spanish. In Russian, two spellings of the word are considered correct - “mate” and “mate”. They are pronounced the same - with a shock "e" at the end. Although the whole world pronounces the name of tea with an emphasis on the letter "a" (the first syllable).

The word "mate" also refers to a vessel for tea or other drinks, made from a hollowed and dried gourd. But in the Russian language, an analogue of the name of such a vessel has taken root - calabash (or calabash, calabash).

History of tea

The exact time of occurrence of mate has not been established, but this drink was valued by the Indian tribes of South America in the 16th century. The mention of the word "mate" as the name of the vessel is found in literary works of the early 17th century, "mate potion" - in the first half of the 18th century. But tea itself existed long before that.

The Gauranis of South America have a very beautiful legend. In it, the goddess of the Moon and the goddess of the Clouds descended to earth. Inadvertently, they were almost attacked by an angry jaguar, but were saved by an old man from the Gaurani tribe. As a reward, they gave the old man a Paraguayan holly seed and a recipe for amazing tea.

Since the end of the 16th century, the European colonization of South America has led to the popularization and distribution of this type of tea. Today it is considered Argentine, although its use is included in the national traditions of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

Properties and composition of tea

An infusion of holly leaves has unique tonic properties due to chemical composition the raw material from which it is made. In its composition there are:

  • more than 10 acids useful for the human body, including nicotinic (vitamin PP), pantothenic (vitamin B5), ursolic;
  • caffeine, tannin (tonic substances);
  • protein;
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2), rutin (vitamin P), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), choline.

Beneficial features

List useful properties tea is very impressive. It is noted that as a result of its use:

  1. Normalizes blood pressure.
  2. The heart is better oxygenated.
  3. Stabilizes blood circulation throughout the body (including the brain).
  4. There is a decrease in high cholesterol levels.
  5. The immune system becomes more resilient.
  6. The mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are restored.
  7. The nervous system is strengthened, stress resistance increases.
  8. Increased potency in men.
  9. Reduced cravings for alcohol and smoking.

The main quality of tea is high tonic properties. Benefits of mate tea effective method relieve fatigue, refresh the head, give vigor and strength.

Is it possible to use infusion for weight loss

It is believed that mate infusion can be used for weight loss, it can help in the fight against extra pounds. It has a stimulating effect on digestion, improves metabolic processes in the body. Thus mate tea acts on weight loss.

Of course, it's ridiculous to expect a drink to magically "burn fat." Weight loss is a long process associated with food restriction and increased physical activity. A exotic tea can be a good help in this.

Harm from use, contraindications

The benefits and harms of drinking tea are determined individual features person, health status. Like any highly active agent of natural origin, tea has a number of contraindications for use:

  1. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood.
  2. The presence of an inflammatory process, accompanied by fever, high blood pressure.
  3. Kidney disease, stones in the urinary or gallbladder.
  4. Allergic reaction to tea components.

With serious health problems about the possibility regular use tea is better to consult a doctor.

Reviews of doctors

In discussion possible harm From the use of mate, a lot of controversy is caused by a large amount of carcinogens in the infusion. Carcinogens are poisonous and can trigger cancer. According to doctors, this effect is associated with the use of infusion of very high temperature.

Tea should be brewed at a temperature not exceeding 80 degrees Celsius, and drinking should be moderately hot (not boiling water).

The properties of yerba mate were tested by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is part of the World Health Organization. According to research results, very hot tea was officially included in the list of carcinogens.

Calabash with bombilla

A real calabash (or calabash, calabash) is made from a certain variety of gourd. It was from them that the Indians made calabash, generously decorating the walls of vessels with scorched or carved patterns. Subsequently, the Spaniards, who adopted the mate recipe and dishes for it, began to make calabash from certain types of trees (rosewood, oak), as well as porcelain, ceramics and even silver.

In memory of the round pumpkin, the calabaza for brewing tea has the shape of a small pot-bellied pot. In order to drink calabash mate, he is supplied with either a cane or bamboo stick, or a special tube - bombilla.

Bombilla is made of silver or cupronickel. It is all permeated with small holes, which filter the tea when climbing it, clearing the infusion from small particles of tea leaves. Calabash and bombilla are essential attributes of a proper yerba mate tea brewing ceremony.

tea recipe

It is necessary to properly brew mate tea, armed with special utensils and brewing raw materials. To prepare a traditional mate, a “tea master” will need:

  • calabash;
  • bombilla;
  • a flat lid that fits snugly over the top of the calabash.


  • mate powder;
  • boiling water.

Although exotic, the brewing ritual is not that complicated and consists of the following steps:

Step 1. Pour mate into calabash. The vessel must be filled with tea raw materials by 65-70%.

Step 2 The throat of the calabash is tightly closed, and the vessel itself is vigorously shaken several times. This is necessary so that large parts of the tea leaves are at the bottom, and the “dust” is on top.

Step 3 The water temperature for brewing tea should not exceed 80 degrees. Since water boils at a temperature of 90 degrees, after boiling it is allowed to cool slightly.

Step 4 Boiling water must be poured so that the distribution of raw materials in the vessel is preserved. To do this, the vessel is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees, and boiling water is slowly poured along the wall. Gradually, the calabash takes up a vertical position, filling completely.

Step 5 To prevent the bombilla from clogging with tea leaves, its upper part is tightly clogged with a finger, the other end is inserted into the vessel, carefully leading it along the wall to the very bottom.

Step 6 The drink brews quickly. The recommended time is from 30 seconds to 2 minutes (no more than 5 minutes). Tea is prepared immediately before drinking, and the longer it is infused, the more bitterness will prevail in taste.

How to drink mate tea

Traditionally, all those gathered for a tea party drink mate directly from the calabash through one bombilla. Takes the first sips tea master”, and then the calabash is passed around. It is slowly sipped, capturing the thick at the bottom.

It was considered indecent and even offensive to come to tea with your bombilla. Such a tea party was beautiful ceremony, and the ritual of rallying friends, uniting people into a strong union.

How to make a drink without calabash

If there is no calabash and bombilla, it does not matter. Mate tea can be brewed in an ordinary porcelain teapot, and then poured into cups through a strainer. Of course, the tea ceremony will lose its South American charm, but the taste properties of tea will not suffer from this.

Types of mate tea

According to the territory of origin of raw materials, mate tea is divided into Argentinean, Brazilian and Paraguayan. To create raw materials, both a dry holly leaf and its stems are used:

  • tea without stalks is stronger, richer and more fragrant (mate sin palo);
  • the stalks in the tea leaves give the infusion a soft taste (con palo variety).

Other main varieties of mate:

  • organic - tea leaf assembled by hand and “aged” for at least two years;
  • traditional - the exposure period is equal to a year;
  • "soft" - not as bitter as other varieties;
  • “with smoke” (barbagua variety) - this feature is given by a special processing of the sheet.

For lovers, tea is produced with all kinds of fruit and berry additives. For example, popular varieties: with orange flavor - mate aguante tea, with cherry or raspberry, apple, lime, lemon. Another option is mate herbal tea. Mint leaves and lemon balm are added to the main raw material. For people with diseases of cardio-vascular system ginkgo biloba mate tea will be especially useful.

Additional Information! Mate raw materials are also used to prepare another drink called "terere". To do this, calabash with tea powder is poured with cold clean water or juice, spices and spices are added.

Packed mate

Popular Argentine tea mate in bags for tea leaves in a regular cup. Today in Russia, all popular varieties of yerba mate can be purchased in packaged packaging.

Tea bags are popular in European countries, where complex tea rituals are not respected, and people are used to brewing and drinking tea as simply as possible.

About step-by-step instructions for brewing mate, about the devices that will be needed to prepare the drink, and about its taste characteristics in this video:

Mate tea is easy to prepare on your own, armed with special utensils and raw materials for brewing. It is popular due to its tonic, healing and taste properties. However, there are contraindications to the use of this drink.

Hot mate tea is interesting for its ancient history, and its brewing and drinking according to all the rules is a beautiful exotic ritual.

All of South America is madly in love with this tart and flavored drink. Many aborigines do not part with their chic calabash even in offices, and in their pockets or bags you can almost always find a thermos with hot water. It is with hot, since mate is not brewed with boiling water.

Today the site invites you to get to know the national pride of Mexicans, Brazilians, Bolivians and Argentines, and at the same time find out how useful this drink is for the body of a European.

And by the way, we did not just say that the natives are in love with their mate "without memory." But more on that later.

What is mate and how to use it

Mate - that's right: through "e" and with an emphasis on the first syllable - it is customary in South America to call this drink. Although, strictly speaking, “mate” is not a self-name, but one of the varieties of pumpkins from which calabash is made. However, the name has taken root both in the homeland of mate and in our country, so it makes no sense to delve further into etymology.

Raw materials for mate

Mate appeared in Russia not so long ago, so not everyone is personally familiar with this drink, and you often hear that it is called “tea”. However, in reality to tea tree he has nothing to do with it. It is made from the leaves and young shoots of Paraguayan holly - an evergreen shrub (in the wild - a tree up to 15 meters high), growing in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.

During the production of mate, the raw materials are not subjected to any special processing and fermentation, but simply dried, crushed and poured into storage containers. The difference with tea also lies in the fact that the “brewing” of holly is especially economical - one serving can be filled with water 4-5 times. It is believed that mate "opens" only after the second filling, and then it becomes even tastier and richer.

True, many Europeans find this drink excessively bitter, and in classic version adding sugar and other sweeteners to it is not accepted.

How to make mate

Mate is brewed like this: pour 1/3 of the “brewing” into calabash (a vessel made of gourd) and lightly moisten it with water, the temperature of which should not exceed 80 degrees. Then they carefully insert a bombilla (a tube with a strainer at one end and a straw at the other) into the slightly swollen holly mass so that it “buries” into the bottom. Then they carefully turn the vessel over, firmly pressing the palm to the neck, hit the bottom with their fingers, return the calabash to its normal position and add water almost to the top.

Do not leave the “leaf” of mate in the calabash for more than 2 hours, otherwise they begin to stand out harmful substances. Therefore, if you do not plan to drink this drink all this time, then after you complete the “mate-drinking”, throw out the leaves and thoroughly rinse the vessel with water. The plaque that forms on the walls of the calabash must also be removed regularly.

The culture of eating mate

Mate: the benefits and harms of this wonderful drink

If a local resident of one of the countries in which mate is common offers you his calabash, know that this is a sign of the highest respect, and not just a manifestation of hospitality. The natives of South America even have a custom - those who treat each other with due respect gather and drink mate from one calabash in a circle, accompanying this with peculiar rituals.

By the way, Che Guevara himself was a big fan of mate!

Mate: the benefits and harms of this wonderful drink

To Europeans, the use of mate really seems like a beautiful rite, and few people think about what is actually hidden in calabash with this exotic drink. Let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of mate.

The benefits of mate

The mate contains great amount vitamins and microelements - according to some sources, there are about 200 of them. Let's list those that are called in various sources more often than others: theobromine, theophylline, tannin, rutin, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, P; trace elements: copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium, manganese; acids: nicotinic, pantothenic, etc.

Some believe that mate protects against colds, helps to cope with insomnia, relieves depressive states and stabilizes the nervous system. They attribute to him such useful qualities as a decrease in pain in various diseases, a decrease in appetite and the treatment of beriberi.

However, the only property that a drink made from holly leaves really and indisputably has is a strong tonic effect. This is due to the fact that its main active substance- caffeine, and in mate it is much more than in our usual coffee. By the way, that is why mate, by definition, cannot be a sedative (hypnotic) remedy.

Mate: the benefits and harms of this wonderful drink

Harm and contraindications of mate

Mate is not at all as harmless as it might seem at first glance, or rather, as they are trying to convince us. In fact, this is one of the most insidious drinks, and it has a huge number of contraindications. Especially if you did not absorb mate with mother's milk, that is, if you do not have a genetic adaptation to it.

Despite the fact that mate is often positioned as a memory-improving drink in our country, this is not so. His overuse leads to short-term failures and to a blackout of consciousness, after which it is almost impossible to restore in memory the events that took place at that moment. By the way, the Indians of Mesoamerica valued mate also for some hallucinogenic effect.

Mate has a negative effect on people with cardiovascular diseases. If you have high blood pressure, angina pectoris, arrhythmia and similar diseases, then it is better not to even try this drink, otherwise you will simply provoke a hypertensive crisis or a heart attack.

Mate is also contraindicated for those who have any mental problems. Even a few sips of this drink make the heart beat somewhere in the throat, the hands go cold, and panic sets in. It's all about the combination of special stimulants contained in the leaves of the holly. So don't drink mate even after a hangover - the result can be unpredictable.

, butyric acid, neochlorogenic acid, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), 4-oxododecanoic acid (4-hydroxylauric acid), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), protein, riboflavin (vitamin B2), rutin, resin , resin acid, stearic acid, tannin, theobromine, theophylline, trigonelline, ursolic acid, chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic acid), chlorophyll, choline, cellulose.

Drink properties

Strong mate has a bitter taste (less bitter than green tea brewed in the same amount) with a slight sweetish aftertaste and contains alkaloids from the xanthine group (this group includes caffeine, theobromine and theophylline), vitamin A, B vitamins (B 1, B 2), vitamins,,, trace elements, including sulfur, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, iron, copper, chlorine. According to the composition of vitamins and microelements, mate is comparable to tea.

Mate is recommended as a remedy that reduces the destructive effect of neurosis and depression, which affects the general psycho-emotional state - mood improves, activity increases, but at the same time acts gently, while relieving symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, fussiness, emotional imbalance and nervousness. This is largely due to the suppression of the release of the hormone adrenaline. Does not disrupt sleep cycle. Many people report that they need less time to sleep after drinking mate. The body plunges into a stage of deep sleep, which allows you to relieve tension and fatigue that occurs due to restless sleep and insomnia.

History of mate

Etymology of the word mate

Correct stress in a word

In the Russian word "mate" the stress is placed on the last syllable, which is recorded in the dictionaries of the Russian language. However, in the Spanish word "mate", the stress is on the first syllable; Spanish-Russian dictionaries and for Russian indicate the stress on the first syllable.

The Russian stress on the last syllable may be due to the borrowing of the word not directly from Spanish, but through French, in which the stress is always on the last syllable; in French, this word is written " maté" - this is due to the fact that the final e it is not readable without diacritics (i.e., when writing “mate”, this word would be read “mat”, and not “mate”).

The Yerba Mate Association of the Americas states that stress on the second syllable is unacceptable due to the fact that in this case the word can be confused with the Spanish word for "I killed" (Spanish mate ).

References to obscenities among historians and chroniclers

Mate (both the drink and the plant from which it is made) has not been mentioned for more than 70 years since the beginning of the Peruvian conquest in 1533 and attracted the attention of chroniclers, historians and naturalists quite late, only after the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire and the beginning of the Spanish development of Paraguay.

  • Monk Reginaldo de Lizarraga. "Colonial Description" (), Chapter CXII: " They have no more than one cup of wine gives them, or mate[that is, a vessel] of chichi, and when we reproached them “why do you pretend to swear?”, justifying themselves, they answered: “tell me, friend, or my neighbor, or my kurak (which is a common thing) to do this, without special regret; after all, to regain your reputation without giving up your words is not a question».
  • Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. "Genuine Commentaries" (), using an earlier source - the manuscripts of Blas Valer: " Gourds, from which vessels are made, are in abundance, and they are very good, they are called mother; the same that can be eaten like the Spanish appeared only after the Spaniards».
  • Guaman Poma de Ayala, Felipe. “First New Chronicle and Good Government” (), p. 164: when Rumiñavi killed Illescas, then “ from his skin he made a drum, and from his head - mate[vessel] for drinking chicha, and from bones - antara [Pan's flute], from teeth - kiro tracing paper».
  • Pablo José de Arriaga () cites it in the list of untranslatable words, explaining that " Mate- a dish made from such an object as pumpkins, and it seems that the Lord created them for this» . And he also describes it (p. 39) as a vessel used by sorcerers: “ This, while drinking in this way, is thrown into the palm, or into mate[that is, a vessel], and bring it to full mixing, they say that the devil multiplies that blood ...". And on another occasion, referring to the missionary Francisco de Ávila, he writes (p. 43): “ When they [the animal "guinea pig"] were to be sacrificed, they were cut open several times with a fingernail thumb, others, as I saw, do two Sorcerers, as Dr. Avila learned, they are drowned in mate[vessel] of water, holding the head inside until they die, and in the meantime they have a conversation with Waka, and then it is opened from top to bottom, accompanied by other ridiculous ceremonies».
  • Antonio de la Calancha. "The Moral Chronicle of the Order of St. Augustine in Peru" (): " This is what they drank like this, throwing something into the palm of their hand or into mate, and brought it to confusion; they say that the Devil multiplies that blood, or turns it into flesh (I mean they combine it with other meat) and boil it in that mixture and eat it».
  • Diego de Eguilus. "History of the Mojos Mission in the Republic of Bolivia" (): " It was said that that god received them at night, near a watering hole, giving them mate, standing behind, no one sees fast».
  • Bartolome Arsance de Orsua y Vela. “Peace from Potosi” (): “Tokuyo and other manufactories were also brought from Cochabamba; from Tarihi - goats, rams and pigs; from Tucumán and Cordoba, cattle and mules; from Chuquisac and Vallegrande, tobacco; from Sinti and Arequipa - birds from the poultry yard; from Lower Peru - sugar; from Chile - horses; from Paraguay - mate potion» .
  • José Cardiel. "Missions in Paraguay" (), Chapter VI: " and ships were driven back [to Buenos Aires] loaded valuable products from tobacco and wood (in which Paraguay abounds and forms a strong trade with Buenos Aires) and mate potion, having the advantage of being the only [plant] in that soil and providing all of South America". . And also (Chapter VIII): " Some provinces, such as Rio de la Plata, have small populations, and smaller cities, such as Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Santa Fe, and Cordoba, are all underpopulated, and one is poorer than the other, and all active trade - only in pigs, tobacco and mate potion ».
  • Pedro Lozano (-), who described the history of the conquest of Paraguay, gives in his essay curious observations about the mat and how the locals learned to use it. He disputes the opinion of Don Gaspar de Escalón Agüero, oidor of the Audience in Chile, who stated in his book Gazophilacio Regio Peruano (libro 2. p. 2, cap. 31) that Saint Bartholomew showed and revealed mate to the natives, while pointing out that there is not the slightest mention of it. He also gives a number of other historical reviews of the first mention of the plant by Spanish scientists, in particular about Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, who even banned the use of the potion, and that 14,000-15,000 arrob were burned every year, starting from 1620. Pedro Lozano also describes various medical properties plants and their impact on human health.
  • Carlos R. Centurion. "History of Paraguayan Sciences", Volume 1: " Viceroy of the Governor and Supreme Court of Asuncion, Hernando Arias de Saavedra, the first Creole to be elected to such a high political office. This happened on July 13, 1592. His reign lasted almost two years. The deeds that characterize him are as follows: a significant victory won by his forces over an Indian rebellion in which Hernandarias is said to have killed, in an unusual duel with the cacique who led the rebels. He also ordered the founding of the villages of Caaguasu, Tarei and Bomboy in the area inhabited by the Ititan[es] tribes, and encouraged the beginning of the cultivation mate potions in the province of Paraguay».

Mate in literature

Health impact

Young seedling of Paraguayan holly

Mate itself does not fall under the classification of substances that are carcinogenic to humans (Group 3). Use very hot Mate is classified as "probably carcinogenic to humans" and is on the IARC list of Group 2A carcinogens.

A study conducted at the Institute of Oncology of Montevideo confirmed the link between mate consumption and esophageal cancer, previously discovered by scientists in Uruguay. Judging by the results, this relationship is equally strongly influenced by two different mechanisms: on the one hand, it is the carcinogenic effect of the substances that make up mate; and on the other hand, chronic thermal damage to the esophagus as a result of the use of very hot mate.

This study examines for the first time the association between mate consumption and lung cancer. The results are disappointing: regardless of smoking, daily use mother makes herself known. Moreover, the effect of mate is more noticeable in squamous and small cell cancer (group 1 according to L. Kreiberg / in the classification of L. Kreiberg).

Cooking methods

Calabash with Bombilla mate herb infusion

Usually calabash is made from gourd gourd, and the drink is drunk with the help of bombilla (in Spanish "bombilla", in the Argentinean dialect of bombija). Bombilla has a flattened mouthpiece at the top and ends with a flask-shaped sieve that serves as a filter to keep grass particles out of the mouth.

The custom of mother drinking in a circle

When mate is drunk in company, one person takes on the responsibility of making sure that mate is always full. In Spanish, it is called "cebador" - that is, brewing and serving mate. Only, it does not mean something like a brewer. The same word means a stoker, for example. If one makes sure that there is always wood in the stove, the other makes sure that there is always water in the mat. For the sake of this custom, the mouthpieces of the nipples are silvered, since the disinfecting properties of silver have long been known. The pourer drinks the first pour himself, since the taste of the first pour is very bitter. Next, the pourer fills the mate again and passes it to the next person, who slowly drinks the mate to the bottom and returns it to the pourer. And so it goes on in circles.

see also

  • Mate (vessel)
  • Cold mate, or mate in Paraguayan terre


  1. Emphasis "mate" - according to the edition: Ageenko F. L., Zarva M. V. Stress Dictionary for Radio and Television Workers: Ok. 75000 vocabulary units / Ed. D. E. Rosenthal. - 6th ed., stereotype. - M .: Russian language, 1985. - S. 235. - 810 p. - 50,000 copies. The stress offered by the dictionary is the result of delusion; as a source, the author of the dictionary entry took not Spanish, but English, where the sign akut denotes not an accent, but a pronounced final e(without this sign, the word "mate" means "friend, friend"). About stress The American Mate Association specifically stipulates that "it must be on the first syllable, despite the accent on the second, especially since "maté" in Spanish does not mean mate, but "I killed"".
  2. Archived from the original on August 25, 2011. Pronunciation and spelling Mate is a Spanish word, pronounced mah"-tay, with the accent on the first syllable. The proper English pronunciation is also mah"-tay, the same as the Spanish. Portuguese pronunciation of the word is closer to mah"-tchay. It is always improper to accent the second syllable, since doing so would confuse the word with an unrelated Spanish word for killing. The word is correctly spelled mate in all three languages, though some English sources spell it maté, a hypercorrection intended to signal that the word is foreign, or does not have a silent "e, " or is otherwise distinct from the common English word "mate, " meaning a partner.
  3. Spanish-Russian Dictionary Latin America. - M., "Russian Language Media", - 2004, ISBN 5-9576-0074-1, p.425
  4. Duke, James Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. (English) . CRC Press (1992). Archived from the original on August 25, 2011. Retrieved April 11, 2008.
  5. HOSS DE LE COMTE, Monica Gloria. El Mate. Buenos Aires: Maizal, 2001. ISBN 987-97899-3-8
  6. Database Entry: YERBA MATE - Ilex paraguariensis, Ilex paraguayiensis, YERBA MATE - Ilex paraguarensis, YERBA MATE - Ilex paraguensis, paraguensis, yerba-mate, mate
  7. For example, "Spanish-Russian Dictionary" ed. B. P. Narumova, M .: "Russian language", 1988.
  8. French Reading Rules; Graphics and phonetics of the French language.
  9. FAQs: Pronunciation and Spelling. Yerba Mate Association of the Americas. Archived from the original on August 25, 2011. Retrieved November 27, 2008.
  10. mate in Wiktionary
  11. Reginaldo de Lizarraga. "Colonial description"
  12. Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. "History of the Inca State". Book Eight. Chapter X
  13. Guaman Poma de Ayala, Felippe. "First New Chronicle and Good Government"
  14. Pablo Jose de Arriaga. La extirpación de la idolatría en el Perú. - p.280
  15. Calancha, Antonio de la | Antonio de la Calancha. "The Moral Chronicle of the Order of St. Augustine in Peru", p. 147.
  16. Diego de Egilus. "History of the Mojos Mission in the Republic of Bolivia", p. 8
  17. Bartolome Arsans de Orsua y Vela. "Peace from Potosi", p. 28
  18. José Cardiel. "Missions in Paraguay", Chapter VI.
  20. Carlos R. Centurion. "History of Paraguayan Sciences", Volume 1
  21. Jose Hernandez. "The Return of Martin Fierro" (line 837)
  22. Ernesto Che Guevara. "Bolivian Diary"
  23. Roberto Jorge Piro. "Lime Inca"
  24. Roberto Arlt. Collected works.
  25. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. Facundo, pp. 201-202
  26. Mate (English) . IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans - Volume 51, p.273. International Agency for Research on Cancer (1991). Archived from the original on August 25, 2011. Retrieved April 2, 2008.
  27. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Mate Research
  28. Sewram, Vikash; De Stefani, Eduardo; Brennan, Paul; Boffetta, Paolo Mate' Consumption and the Risk of Squamous Cell Esophageal Cancer in Uruguay . Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention - Volume 12, p.508-513. American Association for Cancer Research (2003).
